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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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1 hour ago, PBSLover said:

Does anyone now if Alanna’s friend, who didn’t make it last year, came back?

No, she didn't audition this year.  I was hoping she would have.

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7 hours ago, Tootie said:

Aren't these two parts of the same song?  Maybe they've got some slower, sexier parts and then they kick it up a bit??

I wanted this text to be at the top of the post and it wouldn't go there.  Also I couldn't get rid of the 2nd video in the quoted post.  Who's the blonde TCC in the front row of the top video?

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So now that TC is under way, of the girls who didn't make it that far (or didn't audition), who do we think will try for Stars, Legends, AAIA, Sidekicks, etc??? Very curious to see how that plays out since DMD is no more

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1 hour ago, DallasDanceL0ver said:

I agree, but also keep in consideration that EVERY time a choreographer tries to push the DCC boundaries, they get ripped apart on this very board. There have been a few who did slightly different styles and people got pissed because it wasn't the same moves in different orders. If the DCC are the "best of the best" then they should be able to, and be expected to do different styles. Choreographers get nervous to go outside of the box because people slander them for not doing the same boring crap and say that "this isn't DCC style"

The moves are fine with me. It’s the pacing of the moves.

Even the slowest TCC would be able to complete these moves and not be behind the beat.

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4 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

She's not smiling? It looked like she was to me. 

She was selective smiling. I'm pulling for her though because I think she is talented from the videos I've seen of her. I just hope she steps it up so they don't have reason to cut her.

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1 hour ago, Txmomof2 said:

Any idea which group that is in the clip? Just curious. 

If Gina isn't point she will be in the triangle. I totally see her as a 5 yr girl. If she isn't point this year, she will be next year. 

My best guess is that it's Maddie's group.  Alanna commented on one of Maddie's IG posts something about her "cute Leader."  (Alanna was in Amy's group last year.)  Buttttt... Erin commented in the same post "can't wait for this year with you! #group2letsgo"  and she's not visible in the video, so, Idunno?!

My second guess would be Tess' group...

Edited by Tootie
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8 hours ago, Tootie said:
13 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I wanted this text to be at the top of the post and it wouldn't go there.  Also I couldn't get rid of the 2nd video in the quoted post.  Who's the blonde TCC in the front row of the top video?

The blonde rookie candidate in the front is Amanda Dilkes (who looks good in this routine, I think).  I'm not sure who the one in the back is.  I'm just glad Victoria ISN'T visible.

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10 hours ago, Tootie said:

I don't feel like Chandi exaggerated her backside like the vets do.  Otherwise the rest of it she does well.  My eyes keep going to Alanna and Jalyn though out of the whole group.

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10 hours ago, Kayce said:

Just saw this...Chandi and Amanda look good!! They are quickly becoming some of my top picks 🙂 The blonde in the back row...I'm thinking maybe that is the other legacy, Madeline Salter...she looks weak. If it's not her...she still looks weak.

I think Amanda is so cute!! Definitely one of my faves.

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16 hours ago, ByTor said:

Is the other blonde Victoria?

I think that's Madeline Salter, the other legacy.  It's definitely not Victoria. 

11 hours ago, RockYou said:

Again say I, here’s looking at your new point. She’s all they love to post. It’s her or Maddie. 



Maddie..yes...Gina...God I hope not...looks wise she just just does not need to be front and center.  I can't stand watching her or her squinty eyed facials.  I cringe at the thought of her even being in the triangle.  But right now, they are the two teaching the DCC clinic...so that's why we are seeing a lot of them at this very moment. 

Edited by Kayce
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image.png.58078c7df939178f7764a93293e205c6.pngI don't think either Maddie or Gina are the prettiest ladies on the squad, but putting the two side by side, like in this poster, I don't even see a contest about who's got more of the glamour-point vibe they go for. This is an OK picture of Gina and one of Maddie's better photos, and still Maddie looks like a little girl. Yes, Gina gets a bit "Joker-y" when she smiles and her eyes scrunch up, but at least that shows the smiles are genuine. Maddie has that round face and huge teeth when she smiles, and I think Gina looks prettier than Mads when she smiles. I think the Gina predictions are pretty on point, but I'm also pulling for Heather or a dark horse like Lexie. I wish Maddie would retire already. I don't dislike her (of course, I don't know her!) but I feel about her being in the triangle like I did about Cassie--as in, I don't see why you're there over some other girls.

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Re: the triangle for this next season:

I hope they show Judy setting the triangle again.  I really enjoyed watching it and  as long as it's someone who can carry that position, I also hope it's a complete surprise as to who they pick.  For me, that was fun to watch unfold.

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41 minutes ago, M1977G said:

I think the Gina predictions are pretty on point, but I'm also pulling for Heather or a dark horse like Lexie Brennan.

Fixed that for you 🙂

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41 minutes ago, M1977G said:

image.png.58078c7df939178f7764a93293e205c6.pngI don't think either Maddie or Gina are the prettiest ladies on the squad, but putting the two side by side, like in this poster, I don't even see a contest about who's got more of the glamour-point vibe they go for. This is an OK picture of Gina and one of Maddie's better photos, and still Maddie looks like a little girl. Yes, Gina gets a bit "Joker-y" when she smiles and her eyes scrunch up, but at least that shows the smiles are genuine. Maddie has that round face and huge teeth when she smiles, and I think Gina looks prettier than Mads when she smiles. I think the Gina predictions are pretty on point, but I'm also pulling for Heather or a dark horse like Lexie. I wish Maddie would retire already. I don't dislike her (of course, I don't know her!) but I feel about her being in the triangle like I did about Cassie--as in, I don't see why you're there over some other girls.

That may sound harsh, but I hope Maddie doesn’t stay for a 5th year. I don’t need Maddie in the triangle for 3 years straight and we finally have a lot of contenders for the most visible positions. 

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18 hours ago, hypeman said:

I'm with you. Amanda was weak IMO too.

I agree and it makes me so sad because I really like her! But I think it’s really obvious in this video because Chandi, Alanna, and Jalyn look great.

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28 minutes ago, go4luca said:

My eye is drawn straight to Jalyn in this one.  With Alanna and Cianna close behind.

Chandi and Alanna for me 🙂 Amanda is a close third.

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3 minutes ago, Kayce said:

Chandi and Alanna for me 🙂 Amanda is a close third.

In the brief snippets we've thus far seen of the rookies, I've yet to see anyone I'm excited about.  We haven't seen much yet, so I'm hoping this will change as more footage is shared.

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18 minutes ago, go4luca said:

In the brief snippets we've thus far seen of the rookies, I've yet to see anyone I'm excited about.  We haven't seen much yet, so I'm hoping this will change as more footage is shared.

I've seen Amanda dancing in some other videos that she's had posted on her IG page.  She is actually a really good dancer in several styles.  I liked her before Finals were even done.  Taylor P. is another one...from the videos that she has on her IG page, she's amazing.  

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1 hour ago, go4luca said:

Re: the triangle for this next season:

I hope they show Judy setting the triangle again.  I really enjoyed watching it and  as long as it's someone who can carry that position, I also hope it's a complete surprise as to who they pick.  For me, that was fun to watch unfold.

DITTO! I hope we get to see more inner workings like this, also when they called the GLs into the room, and showed the dots on the photos, etc

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6 minutes ago, go4luca said:

To be honest, over all the only one thus far this season who has truly drawn me in dance-wise, has been Travis Wall.

I'm all about Travis for Point 🙂 He is awesome!

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Okay I haven’t been on here since page 73. Can someone give me a quick re cap of the past 2 weeks? Did any drama happen? I see there have been 2 tcc cut so far, any word on what happened with them? Any Victoria drama? 

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3 hours ago, Pebbles116 said:

DITTO! I hope we get to see more inner workings like this, also when they called the GLs into the room, and showed the dots on the photos, etc

I want to know what all the dot stickers mean. They shared the photo of show group photos a couple of years ago with stickers all over them, no idea what most of them meant!

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9 minutes ago, WendyW said:

Okay I haven’t been on here since page 73. Can someone give me a quick re cap of the past 2 weeks? Did any drama happen? I see there have been 2 tcc cut so far, any word on what happened with them? Any Victoria drama? 

Heather got the cover of the Star swimsuit issue.  Group leaders are Amy and Miranda, Maddie and Lexie, Heather and Alexis, Tess and Gina.  We don't for sure what happened with the TCC's - possibly low kicks/flexibility issues is what we've heard.  They worked with Travis Wall one night.  No VK drama other than us here on the forum:)

Edited by scorpio1031
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So I’m a little surprised that Miranda and Alexis were chosen as second leaders. Those 2 weren’t even on show group last year. And I remember last year a poster commented that Alexis was the worst performer at the football game (I think they said she kept messing up or something like that). Plus Miranda did look pretty heavy in those pics from finals. And these girls will be front runners for next year’s first leaders?? Um yeah okay.... But then I guess they didn’t have many girls to choose from. Who are the other 3rd year vets? Molly, Rachel A. and Christina?

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3 hours ago, HowdeeDo said:

For people who need a visual. 


4 minutes ago, UT2004gal said:

So I’m a little surprised that Miranda and Alexis were chosen as second leaders. Those 2 weren’t even on show group last year. And I remember last year a poster commented that Alexis was the worst performer at the football game (I think they said she kept messing up or something like that). Plus Miranda did look pretty heavy in those pics from finals. And these girls will be front runners for next year’s first leaders?? Um yeah okay.... But then I guess they didn’t have many girls to choose from. Who are the other 3rd year vets? Molly, Rachel A. and Christina?

Yes I would have thought Rachel A over Miranda but here we are....

also, why don’t people want Maddie as point again? Just sex appeal? 

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4 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

I had a hard time pulling my eyes from the creeper in the corner. 😏

The "creeper" in the corner is a professional videographer getting reverse angle shots for the show. Seeing how little he and the lens moved, he's clearly focusing on one girl--or one section of girls. His instructions come from a producer. 

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6 hours ago, go4luca said:

To be honest, over all the only one thus far this season who has truly drawn me in dance-wise, has been Travis Wall.

I have watched that video with him more times than I care to admit and he always catches my eye the most. What can I say, it was a really cute video.

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47 minutes ago, UT2004gal said:

So I’m a little surprised that Miranda and Alexis were chosen as second leaders. Those 2 weren’t even on show group last year. And I remember last year a poster commented that Alexis was the worst performer at the football game (I think they said she kept messing up or something like that). Plus Miranda did look pretty heavy in those pics from finals. And these girls will be front runners for next year’s first leaders?? Um yeah okay.... But then I guess they didn’t have many girls to choose from. Who are the other 3rd year vets? Molly, Rachel A. and Christina?

They probably got chosen bc they are mature and bring a lot to the team and k and j probably see something good in them 

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46 minutes ago, Reveala said:

The "creeper" in the corner is a professional videographer getting reverse angle shots for the show. Seeing how little he and the lens moved, he's clearly focusing on one girl--or one section of girls. His instructions come from a producer. 

I know what he is and why he is there...it's just looks creepy. 

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53 minutes ago, MelissaB326 said:

I have watched that video with him more times than I care to admit and he always catches my eye the most. What can I say, it was a really cute video.

Same.  Honestly don't know how many times I've seen it now.  #ridiculous

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16 minutes ago, KatieC said:

This makes me so excited for the new season!  I can’t wait!!

17 minutes ago, KatieC said:

This makes me so excited for the new season!  I can’t wait!!

Nicely put together!  

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3 hours ago, DALLAS8 said:

Also, lastly Maddie should have not made it to training camp...her solo was laughable like a little kid trying to show their aunties their new dance...ehh Kashara is finally gone and now Shirley Temple is here "screams"

I am so glad you said that out loud.  

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CMT if you're reading this, please outlaw playing that country girl shake it for me dub over their dancing ever again. 

Edited by go4luca
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