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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers


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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:25 PM, Pau84 said:

So where do we stand with in the Julia vs Lisa War? 

  • Julia is saying universally stupid things during Media Training day, especially for a journalist; you do not say about a job you are applying for that the job is to build your resume (to be clear: Amanda was not agreeing with her short burst of nodding, it was a confirmation and a sign of support for Julia herself)
  • Lisa did not receive a single sticker from the 4 leaders, which is a clear vote against her character because she dances real strong
  • Julia pulled a 'Malena' in the office; understandable, considering she was suffering from a concussion, proving that the mental step is a lot bigger than sometimes the physical step
  • Lisa got called into the office and it turned into a pep talk
  • Julia lost her cool during camp and said the F-word

I was doubting to add the Great Alliance between Victoria and Lisa, but since there isn't any other source confirming this actually happened, I decided not to add this as a fact.

Perhaps it was the editing, but Julia Fife is not turning out to be the universally loved super team player, as others might have argued, and is showing quiet a shaky decision making ability (including the picture she posted with a leather very revealing, outfit).


I agree.  I was a huge fan of her dancing and look, but after her media training and méléna breakdown that one week I was starting to turn against her, and that office visit scene this week combined w/ her outburst has made her a “definitely needs to be cut” for me now.   She’s an ambassador, teammate and just a general bad judgement risk.  

Edited by MyFavShows
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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:25 PM, Pau84 said:

So where do we stand with in the Julia vs Lisa War? 

  • Julia is saying universally stupid things during Media Training day, especially for a journalist; you do not say about a job you are applying for that the job is to build your resume (to be clear: Amanda was not agreeing with her short burst of nodding, it was a confirmation and a sign of support for Julia herself)
  • Lisa did not receive a single sticker from the 4 leaders, which is a clear vote against her character because she dances real strong
  • Julia pulled a 'Malena' in the office; understandable, considering she was suffering from a concussion, proving that the mental step is a lot bigger than sometimes the physical step
  • Lisa got called into the office and it turned into a pep talk
  • Julia lost her cool during camp and said the F-word

I was doubting to add the Great Alliance between Victoria and Lisa, but since there isn't any other source confirming this actually happened, I decided not to add this as a fact.

Perhaps it was the editing, but Julia Fife is not turning out to be the universally loved super team player, as others might have argued, and is showing quiet a shaky decision making ability (including the picture she posted with a leather very revealing, outfit).


I know they don’t like each other but I don’t think there was a war between them two 

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  On 10/11/2019 at 11:27 PM, Girl in a Cardigan said:

I've always wondered why they didn't just ask Lucchese to make some custom boots that were a little shorter in the shaft for girls with short legs. Or make a height requirement for the DCC like flight attendants. But taking a short girl into camp and then "discovering" six weeks later that she's got short legs that don't look good in the boots is dumb.


If Lucchese made the boots shorter for certain girls, their boots would not line up in the kickline and would be a visual distraction.

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I haven’t been on here in a while because I was trying to avoid spoilers. 😊. Just surprised there is still so much backlash against Victoria.  Assuming most of y’all don’t know her personally, she is a beautiful dancer and seems much more mature and poised this year.  I might be in the minority, but I think she deserves her spot on the team and on SG. 

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  On 10/13/2019 at 6:57 PM, BluegrassDCCFan said:

I'm seeing varying versions of who might've ratted out Julia to K & J...could it possibly have been Victoria AND Cianna/Caroline (and neither knew the other did it)?  Another "plot twist" to think about......


Do we definitively know that someone did actually rat out Julia?  Just curious if that’s been confirmed as fact. 

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  On 10/11/2019 at 11:27 PM, Girl in a Cardigan said:

I've always wondered why they didn't just ask Lucchese to make some custom boots that were a little shorter in the shaft for girls with short legs. Or make a height requirement for the DCC like flight attendants. But taking a short girl into camp and then "discovering" six weeks later that she's got short legs that don't look good in the boots is dumb.


I've wondered about the possibility of Lucchese making the boots a little shorter as well given how the boots are already made special for the DCC by making them lighter and more flexible. My guess as to why they don't shorten them would be that maybe the organization prefers that the height of the boots all look the same for symmetry. I agree that it is dumb to take a candidate into camp if its clear that her legs are too short. I don't see why they don't have the girls try on the boots at auditions or even have them practicing in the boots at the start of camp. That way they can see if the girls can dance & look good in the boots right away and if they don't, then they are gone.

I can't recall if they have ever said why they don't do an official height requirement for the DCC. Maybe they think it would limit how many candidates they'd get. The one dance organization with a height requirement that comes to mind for me is the Rockettes. I had a friend who tried out and she said that for the Rockettes you have to be between 5' 6" and 5' 10 1/2 and they tend to pick people with a similar body type. You also have to be able to kick your legs for extended periods of time. I read online that they can kick up to as many as 1,200 times each day.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 11:37 PM, Bellisima08 said:

My God what is the deal with that pose? She looks like she's auditioning to be a waitress at a DCC themed restaurant!


I think Kelli asked her to do a few magician/magician's assistant poses or something like that. Lol

Cause she did do something related to that in the past. 

Edited by pinkandsparkly13
Added something
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  On 10/13/2019 at 6:57 PM, BluegrassDCCFan said:

I'm seeing varying versions of who might've ratted out Julia to K & J...could it possibly have been Victoria AND Cianna/Caroline (and neither knew the other did it)?  Another "plot twist" to think about...…


Or maybe K & J saw the daily rushes and picked up on it.  We all saw it, they would too.  

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  On 10/13/2019 at 11:56 PM, PhillyFan said:

You’re joking, right? They’re all above average looks even without makeup. 


I don’t really agree.   Yes being thin and in ones early 20’s definitely makes you much more attractive than most people, but when you compare them to each other, and their age group in general, there are definitely some that stand out as really pretty and some that don’t.      In a high school or college environment, where most people are young and thin, plain-faced and boringly dressed Maddie, Lily, Amy and Brennan probably wouldn’t be turning any heads.   Now Kat, Racheal W and Savannah are another story.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 8:14 PM, The Bee Charmer said:

Maybe they just watched the video.


It's unlikely that K & J watch every second of footage taken by the CMT team, thus seeing f*#k-gate right after it occurred. Unless there are an extra three hours in Kelli's day that the rest of us don't have, then the countless hours of footage are cut way down before she ever sees any of it as Executive Producer. There are lower level producers whose job it is to sort through footage to find interesting clips that may warrant placement in the show.

So, either 1) Kelli was told about f*#k-gate, or 2) Kelli was completely unaware of f*#k-gate, but cut Julia anyway, and then later saw the f*#k-gate footage. Hmm... I may have to devise a new conspiracy theory on this one. 

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Well, I have to say his episode has a lot going on. Not necessarily stuff that was enjoyable, but a lot was happening. I wish I could say the cameos were fun because I usually enjoy them, but this time around they were just so-so. The bright spots of cameos were Chandi, Shania (that uniform looked amazing on her and made her eyes pop) and Amanda were the standouts among the Rookies.VK looked better since Marshall actually tamed her hair. Meredith was just painfully awkward during the photos. I don't think Kelli has ever had to coach someone in their cameos so much and the uniform was not flattering even before they fixed the vest for her. And I'm sorry, but when did on-the-spot altering of the standard length of the vest become a thing that they do for cameos? Kelli even said that's something they never do so how does Meredith rate that preference? The only other cameo that stuck out to me was Christina's because her boobs were almost up to her chin.

The cooking contest could have been fun if it wasn't for the rigged win for VK's team. I mean what was Kevin Curry smoking that the sloppiness of that team with VK's inability to open a can-opener and their difficulty with shrimp means a win? I've watched a lot of cooking competition shows and the main things that I've seen judges look at is efficiency of preparation, quality/taste and presentation of the dish/meal and Maddie's team clearly excelled at all of that. Now I don't know which girl on Maddie's team said that the competition was rigged, but whoever it was, I totally agree with them!

For the field rehearsals, the biggest things I took away was Meredith's continued sloppiness and Bridget fainting. For the life of me I cannot understand why Meredith is still there. She gets flustered so easily and she clearly cannot adapt quickly to choreography changes. To me, it's not a question of if she'll have a massive screw-up that's featured on the jumbo-tron, but when. In so many other seasons we've seen people who constantly mess up and not look good in the uniform/cameos get sent home, but Meredith is being led by the hand through this training camp and it's just mind-boggling. As for poor Bridget, she's so lucky she didn't get badly hurt or hurt someone else. The way she just keeled over...thank goodness her head practically landed in the lap of the cheerleader next to hurt because she could have injured her head or neck. I just hope that Bridget simply forgot to eat because she was busy and that it wasn't a deliberate meal-skipping situation.

In getting to the locker room conversations, I felt so bad for Shania. The poor thing just looked so exhausted and sad. I did believe her when she said that during a real game situation she would be on and doing wonderfully. I truly think that she was more affected by the loss of her friends then what has been shown and that's manifested as her losing a bit of her shine & energy. I believe that if she'd made the team, it would have been a big boost to her spirit, but clearly K&J would rather have Meredith with her mistakes, bad interview skills & poor cameos then Shania with a uniform figure to die for, a great attitude and good dancing ability. At least Judy said that she hoped Shania would try out again. I hope she does as well.

Now for Julia's office visit....yikes! I think in Julia's case there's just a lack of awareness in what she says (it didn't even register with her that the resume comment & naming her TV station was not good) and what is appropriate interview behavior. I could see how she was trying to highlight how the DCC is about the team as a whole and if she'd left it at that, she probably would have been fine, but calling out L.A. dancers made the comment look snarky. And the whole bit about her saying "F*** that" was shocking. At first I thought she might have said "I F***ed up", but when I re-watched it & studied her expression, I could see that she was more ticked off with the office visit & what K&J said than with herself. Also couldn't help but notice that VK was just behind her & within earshot so I would not be surprised if VK went running to Auntie Kelli & said that Julia was cussing up a storm & trashing them. I guess we'll see the fallout next week.

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  On 10/14/2019 at 12:43 AM, SanDiegoGal said:

It's unlikely that K & J watch every second of footage taken by the CMT team, thus seeing f*#k-gate right after it occurred. Unless there are an extra three hours in Kelli's day that the rest of us don't have, then the countless hours of footage are cut way down before she ever sees any of it as Executive Producer. There are lower level producers whose job it is to sort through footage to find interesting clips that may warrant placement in the show.

So, either 1) Kelli was told about f*#k-gate, or 2) Kelli was completely unaware of f*#k-gate, but cut Julia anyway, and then later saw the f*#k-gate footage. Hmm... I may have to devise a new conspiracy theory on this one. 


I prefer to think the camera man said "Whoa, Kelli needs to see this" rather than a girl ratting her out.  It is also quite possible that a TL heard it as well, and I certainly would have told K & J.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 10:09 PM, MyFavShows said:

I agree.  I was a huge fan of her dancing and look, but after her media training and méléna breakdown that one week I was starting to turn against her, and that office visit scene this week combined w/ her outburst has made her a “definitely needs to be cut” for me now.   She’s an ambassador, teammate and just a general bad judgement risk.  


I just watched finals again and Charlotte is NOT a Julia fan, just sayin'. If Charlotte got wind of the field spewing, she would have been gone so fast it would make her head spin.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 8:13 PM, hathorlive said:

I can't even tell most of the second year girls apart because I never got to "know" them during Season 13. 


Which is a shame because they are all great dancers and seem to be kind and down-to-earth people. Ya know, like "America's Sweethearts," or what the show is supposed to be focused on.

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  On 10/14/2019 at 3:31 AM, CrazyMoon said:

Thank you! It's on film....we have no idea how much film is left on the cutting room floor! If the cameras are there, they are everywhere


Yep, one behind her and one in front...…...and Charlotte's daughter attending practices, as well as, Samantha.  Even if there aren't cameras, there are plenty of eyes and ears.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 10:56 PM, smitty97 said:

I haven’t been on here in a while because I was trying to avoid spoilers. 😊. Just surprised there is still so much backlash against Victoria.  Assuming most of y’all don’t know her personally, she is a beautiful dancer and seems much more mature and poised this year.  I might be in the minority, but I think she deserves her spot on the team and on SG. 


I’d be more okay with Victoria if I didn’t have to see her and more often, Meredith, pushed front and center every freakin’ episode. I would like to see more of the other rookies than those two, thank you very much. 

I am guessing Meredith used some Jedi mind trick on Kelli because when I saw Kelli have Lisa make her a NEW VEST and give her a second chance at her photo shoot, my jaw dropped. Why is this trainwreck still around?

Julia needed to go for her interview blunder but a part of me cheered inwardly when I lip read what she said after she left. A real, non-scripted moment slipped through in a year of Yawn City Season 14.

Shaina, you’re a class act. Take the time to grieve the deaths of your friends and don’t look back. 

Edited by ATLGirl
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  On 10/13/2019 at 11:56 PM, PhillyFan said:

You’re joking, right? They’re all above average looks even without makeup. 


I was making the point that they look very different without makeup. Like, shockingly different.  I agree that some of them look better (VK without the spider eyelashes).  But it just underscores how many of these girls are not natural the way they appear in uniform.  I just wonder how they can dance in the Texas heat without the make up running off their faces.  Is that stage make up?

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  On 10/14/2019 at 4:11 AM, hathorlive said:

I was making the point that they look very different without makeup. Like, shockingly different.  I agree that some of them look better (VK without the spider eyelashes).  But it just underscores how many of these girls are not natural the way they appear in uniform.  I just wonder how they can dance in the Texas heat without the make up running off their faces.  Is that stage make up?


The stadium is air conditioned and when they do plaza outside they go back inside and retouch their makeup 

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Just catching up with all chatter. I taped but haven’t watched the latest episode but I gotta write, this season is a shit show.

Who would have thought all those years ago when the show started that this is where we are with this team? The whole shebang is a backstabbing mean girls club...the newest member? Victoria! And she fits right in!

Glad I have put my efforts elsewhere this season. Total disappointment, especially in Kelli Finglass, who I had admired since 2007.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:25 PM, Pau84 said:

Amanda was not agreeing with her short burst of nodding, it was a confirmation and a sign of support for Julia herself


Unless Amanda said something, we really don't know what was in her head, so it's up to interpretation.  Considering she tried to do TV & got nowhere, was a Flyers girl & got nowhere, didn't place in her Miss NJ attempt, my interpretation is that she's trying the next thing to build her resume and that it was an agreement nod.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:25 PM, Pau84 said:

Perhaps it was the editing, but Julia Fife is not turning out to be the universally loved super team player, as others might have argued, and is showing quiet a shaky decision making ability (including the picture she posted with a leather very revealing, outfit).


I totally forgot about the Julia/Lisa feud.  I agree, from what we've seen, it really makes you wonder who was at fault there.

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  On 10/14/2019 at 12:43 AM, SanDiegoGal said:

So, either 1) Kelli was told about f*#k-gate, or 2) Kelli was completely unaware of f*#k-gate, but cut Julia anyway, and then later saw the f*#k-gate footage. Hmm... I may have to devise a new conspiracy theory on this one. 


LOL at f*#k-gate 😄  There is a good chance they were completely unaware of it, she gave them plenty of reasons to cut her without it.

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