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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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1 hour ago, go4luca said:

Re: Kitty's "give her the the respect" comment, that comment wouldn't have nearly the impact if given towards any other TCC than Vic.  I may be wrong but I will forever see it as being specifically designed for Vic.

I'm not saying it was not about VK.  But that sure doesn't seem "Kitty-ish" to wait until 2 weeks before TC ends to say it.   I don't think Kitty takes any prisoners--even VK.  

Edited to add:  This isn't a disrespective argument between posters so I hope no one thinks we are mad at each other.  I hope I can say that.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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2 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Amy and Maddie are not "fun tow watch".  My eyes are still drawn to the third row and Gina.

TPTB need to revisit the idea that triangle means seniority versus power because that is one lackluster performance.

Mine to 

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5 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

I'm not saying it was not about VK.  But that sure doesn't seem "Kitty-ish" to wait until 2 weeks before TC ends to say it.   I don't think Kitty takes any prisoners--even VK.  

Edited to add:  This isn't a disrespective argument between posters so I hope no one thinks we are mad at each other.  I hope I can say that.

No prob and at least for me, not taken as any kind of disrespect for varying opinions.  It's all good!

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8 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Amy and Maddie are not "fun tow watch".  My eyes are still drawn to the third row and Gina.

Maddie looks stiff and Amy is a count behind.

TPTB need to revisit the idea that triangle means seniority versus power because that is one lackluster performance.

This is really bad. Really trying to understand why they would do this formation!  

Edited by KatieC
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This triangle 🤮, and Lexie the plastic Barbie doll is in front of Gina🤬🤬

Id honestly rather watch the second triangle with Gina/Tess/Rachel W then Lexie/Amy/Maddie

Edited by Monique
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Year hard to not watch Gina, even after the buried her. Caroline Bridget is the only other one I was watching. Hannah a little, but she wasn’t in my screen most of the time.  I don’t get it. 

Edited by heckkitty
I thought Bridget was Caroline for unknown reasons
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Are there any insiders who can explain why Gina is so far back? How in the world does Lexie (let alone Amy) get to be in front of her? I feel so bad for Gina, she deserves better. I am sorry but Amy is just not a good point. 

But I am very glad to see Caroline and Bridget in such close spots.  

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The same fan who shared the video I posted above, also had parts of this hip hop routine on his IG story.  I cobbled them together and have it temporarily stored for those not on IG.

Edited by go4luca
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I'm not sure hip hop and Queen should ever be in the same sentence again. So great to see some other people at the front in that routine though! Amber looks great in that front spot! 

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4 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

I'm not sure hip hop and Queen should ever be in the same sentence again. So great to see some other people at the front in that routine though! Amber looks great in that front spot! 

I wondered if they would use Queen songs since that is Kelli’s new obsession. She reacts to them like she’s watching a VK solo🤮

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13 minutes ago, go4luca said:

...and now Kristi has a version posted.  In this one I can see more of Bridget.  Lots of personality coming through.

Amber looks great too!

Edited by libralove
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13 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Tess love her she’s gorgeous but the whole diamond is dead boring. WTH is happening?

Don't hate me but I've never been a fan of Tess.  Don't find her that pretty and her dancing bores me.  She's another who should retire end of this season.

But DO 150% agree about the triangle being boring AF.  I can't recall a year ever being as boring and that's going back to S1.

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2 hours ago, cgloss said:

How can they look at this and think this is a power triangle?

Okay...at first, I laughed when y’all were up in arms about point & the triangle...NOW I see it!!! I adore Amy, but...maybe if I see more of their performances, it’ll sink it...but...this just seems off...

*sorry Amy*

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4 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Don't hate me but I've never been a fan of Tess.  Don't find her that pretty and her dancing bores me.  She's another who should retire end of this season.

But DO 150% agree about the triangle being boring AF.  I can't recall a year ever being as boring and that's going back to S1.

Ahh I thought i was the only one who felt this way. She had never done much for me in the looks or dance arena.

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You know it's funny...I didn't love Kashara being point over Jenna, even though Jenna was a total dipshit.  She really was a fabulous dancer and I thought she would be the best person for the spot.  I mean, prior points made way bigger errors in judgment and still retained point.  That said...

It's like Kelli and Judy doubled down.  Oh the people went nuts about Kashara being point?  Let's DOUBLE DOWN.

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Ok, I have a conspiracy theory Amy def is doing some kind of hex/witchcraft in this pic and that's why this is all happening. C_EtEupUAAE2IGO.thumb.jpg.51450e636b0edba1db6ec008406c4dad.jpg

Everyone agree 1 2 3 DCC! bahahah


Edited by Dal8las
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5 minutes ago, kalibean said:

 I mean, prior points made way bigger errors in judgment and still retained point. 

Pls remind me? I've kept up with the show for YEARS and incidents like this have escaped me.

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2 hours ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

Like, WTF. They are making me wonder did Gina get on someones bad side..smdh. She deserves better!!

I'm not a big fan of Gina but I was wondering the same thing ....who's cheerios did she piss in??  

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16 minutes ago, Dal8las said:

Nicole H, Crystal Trevino, Jenn K??, and Kashara I believe.

15 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Not Jenn K, but Elizabeth Davis

What year(s) seniority were these ladies when they made point?

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1 minute ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Pls remind me? I've kept up with the show for YEARS and incidents like this have escaped me.

Oh sure - Whitney doing blackface at a Halloween party.  The pic went viral and a statement had to be put out by the DCC.  It was seemingly done more out of ignorance than malice, but still more of a PR issue and true problem than Jenna's series of poor choices.  

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All jokes aside...I really want to know what Gina did. Even when Jenna screwed up, they just took point but still let her stay in the triangle. Gina must’ve really angered K&J or Charlotte to get banished to the back. 

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