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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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4 minutes ago, notvictoria said:

There isn't anything wronbg with moving people to tears during dancing, lots of people feel the emotion of the dance but other people don't always get it.  and I think that most dancers change studios once they learn all their is to learn from one place.  It happens all the time and it is not an unusual thing at all.  I did it too and it makes you a stronger performer

Studio hopping as much as Vikkie did is not normal. 

Also, if Vikkie learned everything she could at every single studio she started, she may actually be a great dancer---but she's not, hence why she left because she didn't like criticism. 

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think Dance Moms style. 

wHUUT?! "Dance Mom" dancers have no technique. They do tricks. That is it.

Maddie Zeigler can barely hold her releve in first.

And a studio hopper? Damn.

That is a dancer who sucks and a mom who can't bear to hear her dancer sucks.

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3 minutes ago, chabelisaywow said:

wHUUT?! "Dance Mom" dancers have no technique. They do tricks. That is it.

Maddie Zeigler can barely hold her releve in first.

And a studio hopper? Damn.

That is a dancer who sucks and a mom who can't bear to hear her dancer sucks.

Well, Vikkie also has little technique and falls out of turns. But I was more referring to, trains in a studio, goes to competitions and that is it. 

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1 hour ago, MavisL said:

There is when the performer is as exciting as an unsalted baked potato and the people crying are supposedly "expert" judges of a national dance audition who have a vested interest in furthering said potato's standing in life while rejecting more qualified dancers. 

Look, they can do this, it's their organization. They can stock the corral with swayback lame palominos all day. But we don't have to pretend we like it. And we're gonna mention it all.   

Or as my boyfriend said watching her dance last year "I thought cowboys were supposed to rope heifers not let them graze on the sideline".  Ouch!   It is their team and they get to do what they want.  There are bad choices and life and sometimes you get to walk through their debris. 

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25 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

Or as my boyfriend said watching her dance last year "I thought cowboys were supposed to rope heifers not let them graze on the sideline".  Ouch!   It is their team and they get to do what they want.  There are bad choices and life and sometimes you get to walk through their debris. 

I would be super turned off if my fiancé talked about women like that 🤢 I’m sorry you’re dealing with that! 

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2 minutes ago, PhillyFan said:

I would be super turned off if my fiancé talked about women like that 🤢 I’m sorry you’re dealing with that! 

Men come and go.  My beagle is forever...

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3 hours ago, MavisL said:

This is so on point. Watching Kelli and Brenda bawl their eyes out at Vicki's audition last year was just BARF.

You do realize that we are probably going to see a different edit of VK this upcoming season.  Bad things won't be shown, we won't hear bad things come out of her mouth, and I know, I know…..we could even, it hurts me to say it........Scott, the Weather Guy...….we may even see him cry during her solo:(   

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What if they don't focus on VK at all this season?  Several girls are under the radar each season but they make the team.  To save face, Kelli might focus the show on other rookies.  As much as people hate VK, they'd probably be disappointed to not get any VK scenes/edits to criticize.

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2 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

What if they don't focus on VK at all this season?  Several girls are under the radar each season but they make the team.  To save face, Kelli might focus the show on other rookies.  As much as people hate VK, they'd probably be disappointed to not get any VK scenes/edits to criticize.

If they wouldn't focus on her, I would love it. I could actually watch the show again and enjoy it. I don't hate Victoria, but I dislike her televised behavior last year and the obvious favoritism directed her way. I don't plan on subjecting myself to that this year. My plan is to DVR the show as usual, but not actually watch until I've come here to ensure we're not being given the VK MTT show again.

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On 7/8/2019 at 7:49 PM, UnicornKicksBack said:

Gotcha. I agree with that.

Also is Jenna’s big appendix scar wouldn’t matter for point then who cares about an outie belly button. 

Remind me, was Jenna ever point ? 

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3 hours ago, notvictoria said:

There isn't anything wronbg with moving people to tears during dancing, lots of people feel the emotion of the dance but other people don't always get it.  and I think that most dancers change studios once they learn all their is to learn from one place.  It happens all the time and it is not an unusual thing at all.  I did it too and it makes you a stronger performer

I just want to say the I’m loving your posts NOTVICTORIA.  Keep them coming!

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10 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Yes that’s what I remember , okay just making sure.. thanks guys ! 

I saw a video with her as point the year Jenn k was point. I dont know what it was for but she was definitely on a field as point for thunderstruck. Does anyone else remember this? I swear I’m not going crazy. She was great too from what I remember. 

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1 hour ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Heather made a mistake in her personal life.

When I read this I think Pride and Prejudice, fallen-women kind of thing. Is it something like this? Or did she robbed a bank somewhere?

What is a mistake in ones personal life? Perhaps people from Texas can respond?

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52 minutes ago, Leia1021 said:

May we respect her privacy on this? If she was allowed to stay on because no negative PR happened, can't we as fellow human beings who have made errors also, let the subject stay closed and private?

Yes, you are right. I just thought the phrasing was strange, that's all.

If I was holding information on someone, I would not even mention it, even if it was to support a claim on a message board!

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11 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

Remember rookie Madeline M getting called into the office for switching lockers and "supposedly" giving advice or corrections or the other rookies? I wonder if VK was behind that.

"ArE We SuRe MaDeLiNe Doesn'T ThiNk ShE'S GoT ThIs IN the BAG" 😂🤣😂🤣

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On 7/8/2019 at 12:00 AM, Law Mom said:

Kelli has conclusively determined that her successor will be a teenager with no work experience. She has to move quickly because word is they are getting ready to fire her.

It cannot be randomly stated enough—Sam Finglass is too smart and not pretty enough to be a DCC.


😂😂😂😂😂 Your posts crack me up!

i love Sam!  She’s so cute.

Also, would anyone be surprised if VK replaced Melissa the Mentor in a few years?  Ugh!  From bad to worse.  

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9 hours ago, MavisL said:

I know. "If we do it then they'll buy it". I bought it at the time and I paid cash.

I rewatched tonight and, like I said, knowing what I now know, with my brand new glasses on, BARF.

Dear Kelli, I have a return I'd like to make on a past purchase. I have the receipts. 

I watched it last night, too!  I was disgusted the first time and just laughed at how ridiculous it was this time.  Now Charlotte - that just gets me angry.  When Weatherman Scott gave his honest opinion and she just flashed those eyes and gave the sarcastic "really?, I had the exact opposite" response.  When someone has the power, they shouldn't abuse the power.  A more gentle response would have been appropriate and gotten her point across.  It is just ungracious and inappropriate to behave like that.  Hey Char, just go ahead and laugh and say "Dude, your opinion doesn't matter, I am a Jones and you are just here to look pretty so shut up".

Oh, and I truly believe Weatherman Scott would not have been asked back if not for the outcry from this esteemed group of fans.  I know no one and have no facts, I am just saying......

Edited by Opine
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Someone needs to tell Victoria that she can not run to Mommy every time when something is done that she does not like. Example, one of her professors gives her an assignment that does not want to do. Her boss says or gives her job that she deems unnecessary. Mommy can not do anything. Victoria needs to keep her mouth shut and do what is assigned. Victoria GROW-UP. 

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I'm rewatching season 13 and I have to say I'm finding VK even more annoying this time around. I'm on episode 3 and she's had far more air-time than anyone else. Dayton was the only legacy the season before and didn't get anywhere near as much time. 

As a trained dancer, I find her very messy. When dancing as part of a team, you have to stay in your space. She's just not a clean, precise dancer. It's so obvious that they have rose-tinted glasses on when discussing VK coming out her turn on the field. They're all 'Awww' which they're not for anyone else. 

She's a bubbly, over-the-top personality which is great for some, not for others and maybe she is someone who people warm up to over time. I agree with what someone said earlier. She should go away to college and join a college dance team. She'll learn all the fundamentals about dancing on a field/court and as part of a team and it'll help with maturity too.

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2 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I’m gonna go with she was photographed wearing ‘jorts’ in public. The horror!

All jokes aside, it’s encouraging to see that she had the self-awareness to know she messed up, the maturity to admit it, and foresight to try to get ahead of it lest it embarrass her employer. Not everyone has that ability. Glad she was able to come out of it unscathed, she seems very sweet.  

Agree 110%  and there's no reason for any of us to have to know what her personal mistake was.  So I appreciate what Guilty John has shared with us.  

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How many vets retired this year ? I think it was around 8? 

I'm guessing that that number will probably be around 15 at the end of this season.  

People can only deal with a TOXIC barely paid work environment for so long before they have had enough!  

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7 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Heather made a mistake in her personal life. She went to K&J about it. They were shocked. If the mistake came out and attracted negative PR she would have been cut. If she was a leader it would have become a more difficult situation to cut her. The error was never released, no story came out and K&J feel comfortable putting her back in a leadership role.

I like Heather too much to out her mistake now after it became a non issue so this is as much as I will say. 

Thank you for the information...it's nice to see the maturity she had in addressing it with her employers...it's even nicer to see her beautiful self still on the team and in a leadership role that she truly deserves!! 🙂

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1 hour ago, Opine said:

I watched it last night, too!  I was disgusted the first time and just laughed at how ridiculous it was this time.  Now Charlotte - that just gets me angry.  When Weatherman Scott gave his honest opinion and she just flashed those eyes and gave the sarcastic "really?, I had the exact opposite" response.  When someone has the power, they shouldn't abuse the power.  A more gentle response would have been appropriate and gotten her point across.  It is just ungracious and inappropriate to behave like that.  Hey Char, just go ahead and laugh and say "Dude, your opinion doesn't matter, I am a Jones and you are just here to look pretty so shut up".

Oh, and I truly believe Weatherman Scott would not have been asked back if not for the outcry from this esteemed group of fans.  I know no one and have no facts, I am just saying......

So true. Like, why are they asking for judges and their "expertise" if they're just going to shut down honest critiques of their favorites? Stupid. Bet Charlotte's the woman who asks her husband which outfit to wear and picks the opposite one just because LOL (although I've absolutely done that).

1 hour ago, notvictoria said:

That's fine, be as mean as y'all want.  At the end of TC well see who is a DCC and who is making posts about them!

We'll post it and they'll read it and despite the nobel-prize status level that being an NFL cheerleader apparently is, they'll still get pissy and incensed that not everyone approves-which never fails to show me just how fragile these people's obese egos really are. And  I agree, she will indeed be a DCC, because that's the plan, not because she's qualified.

7 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Heather made a mistake in her personal life. She went to K&J about it. They were shocked. If the mistake came out and attracted negative PR she would have been cut. If she was a leader it would have become a more difficult situation to cut her. The error was never released, no story came out and K&J feel comfortable putting her back in a leadership role.

I like Heather too much to out her mistake now after it became a non issue so this is as much as I will say. 

Heather, girl, we all make mistakes. I don't even care what it is. Welcome to being a stoopid human 🙂

8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

You do realize that we are probably going to see a different edit of VK this upcoming season.  Bad things won't be shown, we won't hear bad things come out of her mouth, and I know, I know…..we could even, it hurts me to say it........Scott, the Weather Guy...….we may even see him cry during her solo:(   

Oh of COURSE! This is going to be a carefully curated collection of favorable, seemingly quirky behaviors of a folksy, blossoming young lady, but I, for one, know better Kelli, I know better.

9 hours ago, hathorlive said:

Or as my boyfriend said watching her dance last year "I thought cowboys were supposed to rope heifers not let them graze on the sideline".  Ouch!   It is their team and they get to do what they want.  There are bad choices and life and sometimes you get to walk through their debris. 

LOL your BF is no dummy.

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Random change of subject.... does anyone else think it’s weird that Charlotte and her family just went on vacation to this exotic place and her husband Shy isn’t in any of the photos??? Where is he? Are they still together? Last I heard he still worked for Jerry, so it’s not like he couldn’t get time off.  I guess my Instagram is mostly my kids and dog so what do I know? 🤪

Edited by PrincessLeia
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2 hours ago, Opine said:

I watched it last night, too!  I was disgusted the first time and just laughed at how ridiculous it was this time.  Now Charlotte - that just gets me angry.  When Weatherman Scott gave his honest opinion and she just flashed those eyes and gave the sarcastic "really?, I had the exact opposite" response.  When someone has the power, they shouldn't abuse the power.  A more gentle response would have been appropriate and gotten her point across.  It is just ungracious and inappropriate to behave like that.  Hey Char, just go ahead and laugh and say "Dude, your opinion doesn't matter, I am a Jones and you are just here to look pretty so shut up".

Oh, and I truly believe Weatherman Scott would not have been asked back if not for the outcry from this esteemed group of fans.  I know no one and have no facts, I am just saying......

I honestly think that the judging panel is there strictly for show. They want to come across as a diverse, eclectic group of experts (sports' commentators, hair stylists, media reps, etc.) When, as we know, it all comes down to the ultimate trifecta's last word (KJC). Strike that, they don't care about Judy's opinion anymore. It's just the dynamic duo of Kelli and Charlotte.

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43 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Random change of subject.... does anyone else think it’s weird that Charlotte and her family just went on vacation to this exotic place and her husband Shy isn’t in any of the photos??? Where is he? Are they still together? Last I heard he still worked for Jerry, so it’s not like he couldn’t get time off.  I guess my Instagram is mostly my kids and dog so what do I know? 🤪

i dunno, but that was one expensive vacation.  It appeared to be on a HUGE yacht with stops in Greece and Montenegro.  I didn't see any "adults" except Charlotte.

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On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 9:18 AM, DCC-UK said:

 I just wish we got MTT on UK TV so I didn't have to watch it on a dodgy online feed.

I feel bad about this!  After we unleashed Meghan Markle on you it seems like the least we could do is allow you to watch MTT on a proper station.

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2 hours ago, njcate said:

How many vets retired this year ? I think it was around 8? 

I'm guessing that that number will probably be around 15 at the end of this season.  

People can only deal with a TOXIC barely paid work environment for so long before they have had enough!  

Supposedly the same thing happened around Cassie joining the team right?

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