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Does anyone have the full SG list yet?  While everyone is discussing Jayln's cut and VK's addition, I'm over here wondering if either Ashlee or Briana made it to SG seeing how they are the only 2 African American vets on the team.

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Did Kristi Scales take down one of the videos that she had posted? There were three but I don't see the one now with them doing the kick line that had VK in it? Am I missing it or is it still there? 

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1 minute ago, Txmomof2 said:

Did Kristi Scales take down one of the videos that she had posted? There were three but I don't see the one now with them doing the kick line that had VK in it? Am I missing it or is it still there? 

I don't know, but everyone has been told not to share anything that might subject Victoria to further public scrutiny.

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Just now, Txmomof2 said:

Did Kristi Scales take down one of the videos that she had posted? There were three but I don't see the one now with them doing the kick line that had VK in it? Am I missing it or is it still there? 

I only saw the two when I went to look just now 

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Perhaps since Kelli’s daughter does not appear interested in trying out for DCC that having VK on the team is her only choice for a daughter to be on the team. I know last year Tina unfollowed Kelli on SM. Has that changed?

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14 hours ago, Donna S said:

Just wondering ... what negative PR has Daphne caused?

Fans blew up about Daphne's weight during the calendar shoot. Courtney had to swap the picture online because of the amount of fans questioning if she had an eating disorder or not. 

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1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

the issue isn’t that we on the board don’t know why she was cut from show group, it’s that she doesn’t know why she was cut from show group. 

Or maybe she did things like turn down appearances and expected to make it back anyway.  I don’t know her, maybe she’s someone with a sense of entitlement (like I thought Angela came across).  Or maybe there really is no good reason for her cut.  I don’t know if we’ll ever know the truth.  Even if we get insider information, it would probably be biased depending on who the source is, meaning friend of Jalyn or TPTB.

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40 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

I don't know, but everyone has been told not to share anything that might subject Victoria to further public scrutiny.

I don't understand why Kelli is willing to risk not just the DCC brand, but the entire team, for 1 girl---1 mediocre, at best, girl. 

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Looks like Kristi Scales took down the kick line video. Arguably one of the best Vikkie videos---though still not great---we've had, but also showcased how awful Daphne was too. 

Oh Auntie Kellie, I know you think the viewing public is stupid, but I promise we're not---no matter how much you try to hide the truth, it always has a way of coming out. 

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4 minutes ago, DCCFan1980 said:

Where can I find a complete list of who made Showgroup this year?

It hasn’t been posted anywhere only people we know who made it back was everyone that was on it last year minus jayln oh and vk made it as well 

Edited by Holly85
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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

 anything that might subject Victoria to further public scrutiny.

You mean like . . . being on the sidelines of a national football franchise with national media coverage and being on a dance team that is billed as "world class" and that does appearances all over the place? Whether its now or when the season begins, she's going to be facing public scrutiny. If you don't want her facing public scrutiny, maybe don't put her on the team. . . if she's still not in shape and isn't at the caliber of the rest of the team, then the things she's going to have yelled at her by a bunch of drunk lecherous male Cowboy fans who love to ogle the girls are going to be much worse than anything said here. 

Delaying the inevitable changes nothing. . . 

Edited by SailorGirl
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2 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

You mean like . . . being on the sidelines of a national football franchise with national media coverage and being on a dance team that is billed as "world class" and that does appearances all over the place? Whether its now or when the season begins, she's going to be facing public scrutiny. If you don't want her facing public scrutiny, maybe don't put her on the team. . . 

Delaying the inevitable changes nothing. . . 

Agree 100%.  To say this team has jumped the shark is an understatement.  

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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

I don't know, but everyone has been told not to share anything that might subject Victoria to further public scrutiny.

And then your toxic insider friend violated that by telling you. That bitch needs to be fired. She may well be the worst employee in Cowboys history.

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4 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

And then your toxic insider friend violated that by telling you. That bitch needs to be fired. She may well be the worst employee in Cowboys history.

Actually several people have told me this.

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5 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

 . . . if she's still not in shape and isn't at the caliber of the rest of the team, then the things she's going to have yelled at her by a bunch of drunk lecherous male Cowboy fans who love to ogle the girls are going to be much worse than anything said here.

Let’s be real, a bunch of drunk lecherous male Cowboys fans are not going to care about her falling out of turns, or being uncontrolled in her movements or spatial awareness.  Her big, bold, bubbly presence plays precisely into that fan base, and she’ll serve it well.  I would just appreciate them not trying to sell to us not in that crowd that VK is the best of the best dance or shape wise because, objectively, she is not.  

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35 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Or maybe she did things like turn down appearances and expected to make it back anyway.  I don’t know her, maybe she’s someone with a sense of entitlement (like I thought Angela came across).  Or maybe there really is no good reason for her cut.  I don’t know if we’ll ever know the truth.  Even if we get insider information, it would probably be biased depending on who the source is, meaning friend of Jalyn or TPTB.

If those are the reasons, she should know that, which is my point. It makes no difference to me one way or another why she was cut, but she certainly should not be in the dark about it. “We thought you turned down too many performances,” “We felt like other girls stepped up and outperformed you during auditions” “you didn’t make it back because we think you have an off-putting demeanor on appearances, and we want you to work on that this year.” All of these should be pretty standard convos to have.

Who knows - maybe they gave her a reason, and she just isn’t being truthful about that. However, I no reason to think that Jalyn is untruthful. I have multiple seasons of watching the show as evidence that Kelli is a poor communicator. 

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11 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

Let’s be real, a bunch of drunk lecherous male Cowboys fans are not going to care about her falling out of turns, or being uncontrolled in her movements or spatial awareness.  Her big, bold, bubbly presence plays precisely into that fan base, and she’ll serve it well.  I would just appreciate them not trying to sell to us not in that crowd that VK is the best of the best dance or shape wise because, objectively, she is not.  

I was talking mainly about her weight -- if she's got a muffin top spilling over the shorts and she looks chunky (compared to the other girls), they won't be kind. One of the last episodes of last season, she was doing the leg lift thing when they put their leg on the person next to them and bow (sorry, not a dancer, so don't know what its called) -- and you could see the weight jiggling on her leg -- it wasn't pretty. I don't see 90% of what you guys point out in terms of technique, but boy did I notice that -- I actually felt bad for her because her weight gain had become SO noticeable. That's the type of thing I'm talking about. Agree they won't be critical of her dance technique but if her body isn't rockin', they will be nasty. 

Edited by SailorGirl
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12 hours ago, MTTFan said:

I hear what you are saying, but it also kind of makes my point -- if you are going to cut girls (or not bring girls back) for breaking the rules, don't have shifting rules and don't shift the rules when someone breaks them so egregiously 

VK came into camp last year with a PP attitude and went out with a PP attitude.  I don't think a leopard changes its spots and especially not when stage mom is there egging her on because she is living through her daughter. 

I will bet you a milkshake that she will bitch and moan if she doesn't make calendar next year.

I don't think we will ever have the opp to see what happens when she doesn't make the calendar.

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1 minute ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Why am I confused ? 

Kelli allegedly told the candidates "Don't say or do anything that makes Victoria look bad." And then allegedly several of the candidates reported this to smplsimon, a person well known for posting on this forum, in direct violation of this alleged directive. This is termination worthy behavior. All of them should be immediately cut.

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6 hours ago, ByTor said:

I really don't understand the point anymore.  Back in the day it looked like they put on variety-type shows.  Now, the"best of the best" get on a stage and do...wait for it...Thunderstruck!  I don't know why they don't just rotate girls to do such appearances, especially since they don't do the USO tours like they used to.  Because SG has the best ambassadors?  I thought they were all supposed to be good ambassadors.

If that's the case, then Brennan should be leading that group 🙂 

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5 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Kelli allegedly told the candidates "Don't say or do anything that makes Victoria look bad." And then allegedly several of the candidates reported this to smplsimon, a person well known for posting on this forum, in direct violation of this alleged directive. This is termination worthy behavior. All of them should be immediately cut.

I can agree with this. People shouldn’t be spreading negative information about other tccs. That is toxic. 

However, I really hope that tptb aren’t thinking that information spread on the boards is the reason for any VK backlash (to the extent there is any). My sister doesn’t read the boards and only watches the show. Her impression of the VK fiasco last year was the same as most people’s on here. She didn’t need insider info to be able to see that VK was being held to a different standard than anyone else ever has been. The favoritism is the issue, not people talking about it. 

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29 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Then all the toxic bitches should be fired.

Wow. It's not necessarily the employees who share information. In fact, it rarely if ever - is. The inside DCC crowd is a tangled web with long tentacles. 

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If they fire or cut everyone who is turned off by Victoria’s personality and attitude, it will be a small squad this year.

maybe that’s what needs to happen. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I do always try to be objective about the girls, I truly do. I’ve never actually truly NOT wanted a girl to not make the team. I’ve had a few that I thought weren’t the best fit, but they’ve gone on and been just fine DCC’s (Christina is one who comes to mind-not my favorite, but she’s cute and seems to do okay).

My main issue with Victoria is not that her dancing isn’t the greatest, or her hair isn’t brushed. It’s that she reminds me of my ex who had NPD.(narcissistic personality disorder) He lied and gaslighted everyone. He destroyed anyone who got in the way of what he wanted. Now, I’m not a dr. And I am NOT saying that what Victoria has. I’m just saying I got creepy vibes of my ex when that office visit with Jinelle happened. When you are completely destroyed by a narcissist, you just don’t trust people who act that way. Again, I am NOT diagnosing her; I’m just noting similarities in her behavior to my ex. So, that’s my issue is that when people are continually pushed for success, it usually makes matters worse. What do I know though? I’m just a “dumbass watching on a couch”


16 minutes ago, Kayce said:

If that's the case, then Brennan should be leading that group 🙂 

I’m down. Brennan is a high quality person!

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31 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

I was talking mainly about her weight -- if she's got a muffin top spilling over the shorts and she looks chunky (compared to the other girls), they won't be kind. One of the last episodes of last season, she was doing the leg lift thing when they put their leg on the person next to them and bow (sorry, not a dancer, so don't know what its called) -- and you could see the weight jiggling on her leg -- it wasn't pretty. I don't see 90% of what you guys point out in terms of technique, but boy did I notice that -- I actually felt bad for her because her weight gain had become SO noticeable. That's the type of thing I'm talking about. Agree they won't be critical of her dance technique but if her body isn't rockin', they will be nasty. 

I think that will all depend on VK’s personality and fan interactions.  By all outward accounts (because I don’t otherwise know her or anyone in or around this organization personally) she seems to be the “life of the party” kinda girl.  That may be too much for a lot of people, and it sounds like she rubs a lot of contemporaries the wrong way, but in this role with the drunk lecherous male Cowboys fan, I think they’ll like her.  She’ll be outgoing, fun and likely completely over the top which I suspect they will eat up, and make them willing to ignore a little extra jiggle in her leg.  

Editted to add:  I have said it before and I’ll say it again:  this team aims to serve lots of different demographics, and I can see the demographic VK could serve.  I just don’t appreciate TPTB being seemingly dishonest about VK’s talent and contribution.  If they just said “we happen to know and love this beautiful storm personally, and we think there are plenty of drunk lecherous male Cowboys fans who will love her too, so we’re putting her on our team because we can do whatever we want” I would have very few negative feelings about whether or not VK was on the team.  It’s just how it’s all been handled that bothers me.  They did not do themselves or VK any favors by handling it the way they did.  

Edited by ClosetDCCFan
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2 hours ago, Synspice said:

Does anyone have the full SG list yet?  While everyone is discussing Jayln's cut and VK's addition, I'm over here wondering if either Ashlee or Briana made it to SG seeing how they are the only 2 African American vets on the team.

I think there are some people on here that know the answer but they are just not saying anything yet...

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1 minute ago, tteek74 said:

If they fire or cut everyone who is turned off by Victoria’s personality and attitude, it will be a small squad this year.

maybe that’s what needs to happen. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I do always try to be objective about the girls, I truly do. I’ve never actually truly NOT wanted a girl to not make the team. I’ve had a few that I thought weren’t the best fit, but they’ve gone on and been just fine DCC’s (Christina is one who comes to mind-not my favorite, but she’s cute and seems to do okay).

My main issue with Victoria is not that her dancing isn’t the greatest, or her hair isn’t brushed. It’s that she reminds me of my ex who had NPD.(narcissistic personality disorder) He lied and gaslighted everyone. He destroyed anyone who got in the way of what he wanted. Now, I’m not a dr. And I am NOT saying that what Victoria has. I’m just saying I got creepy vibes of my ex when that office visit with Jinelle happened. When you are completely destroyed by a narcissist, you just don’t trust people who act that way. Again, I am NOT diagnosing her; I’m just noting similarities in her behavior to my ex. So, that’s my issue is that when people are continually pushed for success, it usually makes matters worse. What do I know though? I’m just a “dumbass watching on a couch”


I am so sorry. I had one of those, too. No one who hasn't been there can possibly understand what we have gone though.

And maybe VK is, maybe she isn't. In my view, this is not about her. I come from an era in which you don't badmouth your organization online or to loose-lipped buddies. If they ask you not to discuss something you don't discuss it, unless they are breaking the law or something. If I knew an employee was doing this repeatedly, they would be on the street. If it's a non-employee with access, I don't care if it's the guy who makes my coffee or the head of CMT, that person would be banned from the premises. This has absolutely nothing to do with Victoria. It has to do with people in your organization who are actively working against your organization's interests. It needs to be stopped.

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Just catching up! 

I'm loving all the photos of Caroline and Jalyn at calendar this year!  Im not a big fan of Savannah's as to me, something seems off...even with the one of her smiling.  

I'm so sad to hear that Jalyn was cut from SG...especially over DAPHNE???? 🤬 WOW!!  Jalyn is one of my favorite rookies from last year's team and even one of top favorite veterans this year! 

I'm not a VK fan, but based on the twitter videos we saw, she appears to have done a much better job than DAPHNE! 

I have found it odd that Jalyn wasn't shown much during auditions this year, even during the calendar shoot they didn't post much of her photos on social media like they did others.  I hope this is not a bad sign that TPTB are not happy with her in general.  I also hope her cut doesn't affect the rest of the time in TC for her.  I hope she can just shake it off and keep moving forward.

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Just now, Donna S said:

So telling the truth is now “toxic” ?

Yes, telling the truth can be toxic. For example, as a lawyer, I have clients who tell me things in confidence. If I turned around and posted what they said online, I would lose my job and probably my license. Even if it is true.

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1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

Looks like Kristi Scales took down the kick line video. Arguably one of the best Vikkie videos---though still not great---we've had, but also showcased how awful Daphne was too. 

Oh Auntie Kellie, I know you think the viewing public is stupid, but I promise we're not---no matter how much you try to hide the truth, it always has a way of coming out. 

Not that the viewing audience at large is as engaged as we are.   So, the truth comes out and most people will never hear it.

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14 hours ago, Jessa0984 said:

Did I miss a picture of Jalyn’s new look? I thought she was still red. Deep red, but red. 

I hope Jalyn isn’t getting the Amy R. treatment from a few years ago and gets cut from TC. It’s so odd how they don’t seem to post about her at all.

The pic is on Kashara’s Instagram.  Not tech knowledgeable enough to pull a copy.  Love Jalyn, don’t love the brown hair.

If her hair is deep red, you cannot tell it from the picture.  It’s maybe too dark.

There have been times in the past when ladies would change their hair on their own.   I would think that this would be something Kelli does not like, since their DCC look is her territory.  If she did it on her own...  but this is just speculation on my part.

Edited by aimeelou625
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2 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Yes, telling the truth can be toxic. For example, as a lawyer, I have clients who tell me things in confidence. If I turned around and posted what they said online, I would lose my job and probably my license. Even if it is true.

Same thing in the medical field, we have HIPAA. If we say anything about a patient's medical record without their permission we can get fired and into legal trouble. We can't even say last names in front of other patients.

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5 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

That's because lawyers have a professional code of ethics that include confidentiality.  I'm not sure this is the same thing.

There's also a number of jobs--most in fact--where lying to your employer would mean instant termination.  Yet that's exactly what VK did last season and not only is she back in training camp, she's been given a Barbie and now a spot on show group!  

It's just an example. Another example would be employees and contractors with NDAs which are contractual, not ethical. Even standard employee handbooks probably cover this situation. If you as a friend got some info and posted it, you are under no obligation to keep it secret, but your friend is in the wrong. 

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Thoroughly disgusted at TPTB for adding VK to Show Group.  After witnessing her childish behavior last year and lies, I'm surprised that Kellie gifted her with a position in show group, and that Jaylin is not longer a member of show group.  

Was Jaylin subjected to the same nasty rumors that VK started last year regarding Madeline M and Brennan, to name a few?  I can't even enjoy watching Season 13 and have already deleted the upcoming Season 14 from my DVR schedule.  I got rid of CMT last year because of the blatant favoritism towards VK and there is NO WAY I'm going to watch her make show group in Season 14.

May I add that not only was VK and TK upset that VK didn't make the team last year, NEITHER ONE OF THEM SHOWED UP FOR THE MEET THE TEAM EVENT!!

Kelli, you lost a long time viewer in me and don't EVER call the DCC world class now.  You just proved that by putting VK on the team.  No way shape or form does she "deserve" to be on that team after last year's display of immaturity.  And don't tell me she has matured since then, I call bullshit.

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2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

I don't know, but everyone has been told not to share anything that might subject Victoria to further public scrutiny.

Now I KNOW for sure that they can't deny nepotism!  This takes it to a whole new level.  This is making Cassie's reign look bland and that says a whole lot!

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22 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

I mean, that's what happened to Tara so...Jalyn's head could be cut. 

Was this confirmed? About Tara I mean. Her cut felt out of the blue to me considering that they told her she’s improved and it was quite obvious that she needed help... i’m not saying that employers are required to care about their employees (let’s be real), but if you want to call yourself “world class”, you kinda have to...

22 hours ago, Jess14 said:

While I think quitting solely because she didn’t make show group again would be childish, I don’t necessarily see it as unprofessional if she is upset about the lack of transparency or thinks that there may be some underlying issue. I know that it’s not completely apples to apples, but It’s kind of similar to a person getting demoted in a regular job, and most people would expect some sort of explanation. Did she just get outdanced or is there something else going on? If it’s the latter, then I think she would be smart to get out now. Kelli doesn’t let stuff go. 

Im also curious about the contract. Given that they’re in training camp and can be cut for simply being outdanced, I wouldn’t think that she would be breaking her contract to leave at this point, but I don’t know how it’s written. 

I think they’re signing a contract for the full tc, so they can be dismissed but they would have to ‘resign’/break the contract to leave. In any case, normally I would say that as long as you don’t burn any bridges then you’re welcome to leave if you’re not happy for whatever reason. But in the dance world? In dcc world? Quitting would definitely be held against her, at least in certain circles.

22 hours ago, chrishunt said:

I seriously hope a ton of vets leave after this year. DCC is no longer world class and TPTB need to see talented dancers aren’t going to play bs politics anymore. The best dancers should make SG and there is no way that’s Victoria is a better over all ambassador than Jalyn. Needless to say, I will not be watching this year. 

Hopefully VK managed to find her words this year. 

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Regarding the Jalyn situation being compared to Tara, I doubt it’s the same thing at all. First, I don’t believe the rumor that Tara was cut for complaining about VK. It was plain to see that she had lost her spark and was not performing at her previous level. Also, they showed a clip where the girls were called in and shown the calendar footage. In that clip, everyone is camera ready, except Tara, who looked like she just rolled out of bed, she didn’t even bother with her contact lenses. That stuff matters to TPTB. 

As for Jalyn, my guess is she displeased tptb in some way during the season. Not enough to be cut entirely, but enough that Kelli feels the need to punish her by removing her from sg. 

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So disappointing. I have watched this show since the very first season, and from now on I refuse to watch another episode. (My friends say they will be skipping it too). Last year was a complete disaster with VK and her obvious favoritism. The only reason I watched last season was because I knew she was eventually getting cut, but it was still extremely hard to watch. Hearing that she got a Barbie and now show group just blows my mind! So that’s it for me...bye DCC: MTT 👋 it was fun while it lasted! I will just keep up with to date with the info from all of you guys!

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If Kelli has to make the blanket ruling of protecting VK from criticism, she shouldn’t have auditioned in the first place. 

The most recognized cheerleading team in the nfl, arguably the most noticed uniform in history, and a freaking tv show. Give me a break. VK wants the attention, just not the criticism that comes with it. 

No other girl would get this treatment. Bummed that I can’t watch this season. I just can’t handle that girl. 

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I've been talking to others, once I told them VK made show group they too will not watch this season.  Amazing how some MTT viewers do not know the intricate details but everyone I have spoken to did mention the obvious nepotism going on last year which left a sour taste and now with news that VK is not only on the team, but a member of show group, and they are not interested in watching the same shit show as in last season.

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2 hours ago, Jess14 said:

If those are the reasons, she should know that, which is my point.

Yes I know.  My point is that she may have thought she belonged there anyway & was devastated she was cut.  Then, for all we know, Kelli may have had the "you turned down appearances" discussion.  Obviously these are all only hypotheticals that could be way inaccurate, but it's just an alternate to a theory that Jalyn was robbed.

2 hours ago, Kayce said:

If that's the case, then Brennan should be leading that group 🙂 


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