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Jeopardy! Season 36 (2019-2020)


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saber5055, my grandparents and aunt and uncle lived in Mt. Morris, so we drove past the Black Hawk statue every time we drove up from Joliet to see them. I knew that answer immediately!

This thread is old home week for me—not just memories of the BH statue, but I wrote my 8th grade US history paper on Leopold and Loeb, and one of my history profs in college was an expert on Sacco and Vanzetti. (When a Criminal Minds episode started out as a direct Zodiac copycat killer, but quickly morphed into something else, and I realized they were now riffing on Leopold and Loeb, I just though it was pretty neat that they went so old school in their crime references.)

Edited by Sharpie66
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I was watching football during Friday's game, so I just looked it up on the archive.

Ugh - "Women Scientists."

Speaking of things for which the writers should be ashamed of themselves - "Seattle" as a clue in any "name the state" category.

Boy, did the 2019 Movies category drive home how few movies I see these days (long gone is the time when I would go to the cinema every Friday).  I was pretty bad in the Book Nook category, too; I read mostly non-fiction, but tend to do better than I did this time with titles, authors, and basic premises of popular fiction just from hearing about them. 

I was happy to run the Trial of the Century category, on the other hand, because I don't always do well remembering when things happened. 

I was surprised e-book was a TS.  (I didn't specifically know that about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but between the year and the category, I figured that had to be it.)  Mercurochrome, too, because the periodic table is something I assume every contestant studies, so they must have all had mercury in their heads, and I'd have thought that would trigger mercurochrome for at least one.

Canvas and Iran both surprised me a little, too - not that none of the three knew the specific facts at hand, but that none even took a guess based on the wording of the clues (I knew canvas, and took a guess I was pretty sure about with Iran).

I didn't know what kind of birds they shot in the 1900 Olympics, either, but was expecting at least one contestant to.  Madagascar, governor general, and Massachusetts, though, I correctly predicted would be TS (I knew MA, but the other two stumped me as well).

I was a bit surprised FJ was a TS, and even more that they all had the same wrong guess.  (I didn't know it, either, but the history of the faces on American currency is one of the things I'd study if I was going to compete on the show since it comes up often enough [I know who's on what now, but not enough about who used to be].)

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On 9/18/2019 at 9:37 PM, Cotypubby said:

Today’s FJ was basically just a 50/50 choice. I don’t know how you were supposed to know it was one over the other. I got it, but it was just picking one of the two. “Fat Man, Little Boy, Fat Man, Little Boy... I’ll say... Fat Man?”

The mister took "Little Boy" and I took "Fat Man" (at least we didn't say Little Man and Fat Boy)

On 9/19/2019 at 5:39 PM, Sharpie66 said:

I got Centennial and crossventilation, but completely blanked on FJ and ended up guessing Etch-a-Sketch. I was close on another but said “Caxon” instead of “Caxton,” and I even used early printers for my webpage design class in library school, so I know better. Feh.

Centennial may have been the last Michener I read. He always loved researching way back, and including every single nugget he could find. But going back to the geologic eras was just too far for me. Couldn't get that interested in rocks - even if eventually it developed into a plot.

On 9/19/2019 at 7:33 PM, peeayebee said:

Like others, I got FJ but really thought that the Rubik's Cube came out later. I'm thinking it was invented in 1974 but not introduced as a toy until the 80's.

I didn't know dropsy was edema.

I got it right away due to the 3-D part of the clue, though I thought the date was a bit early, but I knew it had been developed in Hungary first, so I figured it took some time to come to the US. The mister, however, who COLLECTS them, and who is an aficionado, thought it was wrong.

As a young school librarian in 1981, I bought one for my library for the kids to use. It was lifted before the end of the week. Learned a lesson there...

On 9/20/2019 at 5:12 PM, annzeepark914 said:

Merchurochrome I was trying to say but couldn't remember the proper pronunciation although I could see that little bottle with its stopper so clearly. Panel once again too young ;>)

Hurt like heck, as I recall. Between Mercurochrome and running through DDT clouds, I didn't have the healthiest childhood.

On 9/21/2019 at 8:41 AM, saber5055 said:

What, no one else here was yelling "OUTLANDER!" at Jason's missed DD? No wonder he missed it with only me telling him what to say.

I bet no one else was yelling "DRAGONFLY IN AMBER!" and complaining they got it wrong - that the series was Outlander and DiA was the book. Sigh...got them a touch mixed up in my mind.

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7 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

As a young school librarian in 1981, I bought one for my library for the kids to use. It was lifted before the end of the week.

No good deed goes unpunished.

3 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Between Mercurochrome and running through DDT clouds, I didn't have the healthiest childhood.

We kids used to sit on the front steps and watch the city spray the trees along our street for Dutch Elm Disease. No harm in breathing that stuff in. To say nothing of no seat belts. Of course, parents were also smoking in the closed car, while cig ads on tv told us how "cool" they were.

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

No good deed goes unpunished.

We kids used to sit on the front steps and watch the city spray the trees along our street for Dutch Elm Disease. No harm in breathing that stuff in. To say nothing of no seat belts. Of course, parents were also smoking in the closed car, while cig ads on tv told us how "cool" they were.

We actually had seat belts (in 1964), but yeah, the smoking was bad. I had respiratory infections all through childhood, until one parent kicked the habit and made the other smoke outside. I got back at them though - the smoke made me nauseous when combined with my motion sickness, so the cars often needed to be cleaned - if you get my drift.

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3 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

saber5055, my grandparents and aunt and uncle lived in Mt. Morris, so we drove past the Black Hawk statue every time we drove up from Joliet to see them. I knew that answer immediately!

@Sharpie66, you mean the gigantic 48-ft.-tall Black Hawk statue outside Oregon, Ill.! I take that highway when I'm bored with the Interstate. There's a big hubbub about the concrete disintegrating so it was wrapped for a couple years while fighting went on as to who was going to pay for the restoration. After that was settled, the wrap came off. Now I understand the fight is back on and so is the wrap.

The statue outside the museum at the 200-acre Black Hawk Historic Site in Rock Island, Illinois, below right, is more life-sized and pretty detailed as to how Black Hawk looked. BTW, he was never a chief. Future Jeopardy trivia there!


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I have memories of Rubik's cube in 1973. We had one at home and I finally peeled all the colored decals off the squares and put 'em back on so it looked like I solved it. Impressed the hell out of my brother. But I left Miami for Atlanta in April of 73, so it had to be earlier than that.  I know I didn't dream that episode.  Joe actually got pissed at me for fooling him. I think he's stil pissed. He's 75. Get over it.

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Ugh - "Women Scientists."

Oh, but I squee'ed in delight at an Ellen Richards clue. My friends and I founded the Ellen Richard Memorial Society in high school (America's First Woman Chemist--at least that's what the book in the school library said) We had an enormous crush on our chemistry teacher  🙂

We were the sworn enemies of the Bird Feeders Society (it was a quirky high school)

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I could name all the artists, but most of the album titles were a mystery to me.  At least I wasn't alone in that -- no one else seemed to do well, either.  In fact, that whole first bit pre-interview was kind of sad.

And speaking of sad, I missed FJ, too!  Fiddler never occurred to me, although I love that show.  Boo, hiss.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

So-so night for me.  I didn't get any of the albums.  I do NOT know album names.  I did kick myself over Jagged Little Pill.  I should have known that.

I was surprised that "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" was a $1000 clue and a TS. Predictably, I didn't know the more recent albums. But I did know FJ.

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Like Zoey1996, I can thank Colonial Williamsburg for peruke.  I got a few of the TSs but the only other one I can remember is Guernica  - I got to see Picasso's painting many times on visits to NYC in my youth and it sticks with me.  

FJ was an instaget.  Chagall and the year clued me in.  My folks saw the original production on its pre-Broadway run in Detroit and took me to see it in NYC several years later (Bette Midler played one of the younger daughters and I have the Playbill to prove I saw her).  Also got to see it again in Detroit in 1977 when Zero Mostel recreated his role of Tevye en route to Broadway soon before he died.  Lots of good Fiddler memories but I now have Matchmaker stuck in my head.

Edited by Grundoon59
Posted before I finished my thought.
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8 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Like Zoey1996, I can thank Colonial Williamsburg for peruke.  I got a few of the TSs but the only other one I can remember is Guernica  - I got to see Picasso's painting many times on visits to NYC in my youth and it sticks with me.  

FJ was an instaget.  Chagall and the year clued me in.  My folks saw the original production on its pre-Broadway run in Detroit and took me to see it in NYC several years later (Bette Midler played one of the younger daughters and I have the Playbill to prove I saw her).  Also got to see it again in Detroit in 1977 when Zero Mostel recreated his role of Tevye en route to Broadway soon before he died.  Lots of good Fiddler memories but I now have Matchmaker stuck in my head.

I've read the word "peruke" in books, but though I might have known it was a wig - I never thought it was a specific kind of wig. When they answered "peruke" I went "Ah" and nodded, like I knew it all along. 😉

My Fiddler memories started with the movie - so I had no clue about the original Broadway date, and though I've seen Chagall paintings, and knew he was Jewish, I didn't know he painted a lot of fiddlers. Nevertheless, I got FJ. Fiddler is my all time favorite musical - and it survives even the worst actors and singers (in community theater performances). There was a production recently that I was going to go to, but found out Golde was being played by my daughters' hateful homophobic theater teacher. And it might survive her performance, but my enjoyment would not. So I abstained.

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10 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

For some unknown reason, FJ was an instaget. Seriously, it came out of some random connections in the back of my mind.

When the correct answer was revealed, only then could I picture a Chagall fiddler painting. Even if I'd been sober, I'm not sure I could have recalled it in time.

9 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Like Zoey1996, I can thank Colonial Williamsburg for peruke.  I got a few of the TSs but the only other one I can remember is Guernica  - I got to see Picasso's painting many times on visits to NYC in my youth and it sticks with me.  

I've heard of peruke, so I might have gotten that on another night. Guernica also. And Hilary Duff. No wine for me tonight, not just because of Jeopardy, but because my head hurts.


Lots of good Fiddler memories but I now have Matchmaker stuck in my head.

Thanks a lot.

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I didn't see the game, just read the clues on the archive, but I got a chuckle out of one of them obviously forgetting the category and saying "sweet spot" instead of "wheelhouse".

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was the only one in the albums category I didn't get (I'm not a Beatles fan), but I was surprised it was a TS.

If you'd told me there were three TS in a category about recent events, I'd have bugged my eyes out a bit, but I wasn't being particularly surprised by any of them.

I can't see the photo clues on the archive, so I couldn't get Hilary Duff based on the text only, but I might have recognized her from a picture.  The picture wouldn't have helped with peruke, though.

24 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I can't see the photo clues on the archive, so I couldn't get Hilary Duff based on the text only, but I might have recognized her from a picture.  The picture wouldn't have helped with peruke, though.

I did not recognize Hilary Duff, but then I have a peculiar version of face blindness - it's blond girl blindness. (well, I have a less polite version, but I won't use it for Hilary, who I remember, even if I didn't recognize her adult version).

19 hours ago, Driad said:

No idea on FJ, but:  ...Big Ben is a bell, not the clock. Now I feel better.

From Wikipedia:  “Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and is usually extended to refer to both the clock and the clock tower.”  So replying Big Ben isn’t incorrect as the clue referred to the chimes on the BBC.

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2 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I did not recognize Hilary Duff, but then I have a peculiar version of face blindness - it's blond girl blindness. (well, I have a less polite version, but I won't use it for Hilary, who I remember, even if I didn't recognize her adult version).

It's weird and I don't know why, but I have a tendency to mix up Hilary Duff and Melissa Joan Hart.

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46 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

From Wikipedia:  “Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and is usually extended to refer to both the clock and the clock tower.”  So replying Big Ben isn’t incorrect as the clue referred to the chimes on the BBC.

I interpreted the OP as objecting not to the clue itself, but to it being in the Clocks category. 

I don't have a problem with it, since Big Ben is the clock's bell.  But it makes me twitch when I hear Big Ben used to refer to the whole tower, even though you could say, "Well, it's the tower's bell."  I'm firmly in the muddled middle - it is the bell of the clock at the top of the tower, so you can call the bell or clock Big Ben, but not the tower.

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I got Aaron Burr.  And that's about the best I can say for myself.

Geography is one of my weakest categories.  I did not get one single solitary Down Under clue.  I had no idea on FJ. I don't think that's something I've ever heard of, but it made total sense.  I also don't think I got any of the Sesame Street songs.  I figured T rhymed with she.  If I was smart (which I've definitely never claimed) C would have made more sense.  And, yes, I know Ernie has a rubber ducky, but seriously, when was the last time I watched Sesame Street?

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I got FJ, having graduated from a land grant university, even though I was familiar with the term way before that, having grown up in PA  It always amused me my chemistry building/office was across the street from a field of cows. Land grant schools have the best creameries/ice cream. Got to do something with all that milk.

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I like Jason. I like the low key way in which he plays. I wish he would be a little more daring in his DD and FJ wagers, but the man has won over half a million dollars and I think continuing his streak is more important to him than a big(ger) payday. He can continue for another several weeks as far as I'm concerned.

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39 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

Land grant schools have the best creameries/ice cream. Got to do something with all that milk.

We just call them ag colleges so no FJ for me. As for the ice cream, a vet friend who graduated from Iowa State said none of the vet students ever got sick because they ate so much ice cream from their cows that got all kinds of antibiotics.

I'm changing the name of this show to The Biggest Loser, starring me.

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I don't think I've ever been so happy for a runaway!  I am sorry to say that I was rooting against iAN from the minute he appeared on my TV.  I'm sure he's a nice person, but I just couldn't with him.

No TS for me, but I did get FJ!  I did not attend one, but I worked at one for about 22 years.  Oh, wait, I did attend one, but not for undergrad.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I also don't think I got any of the Sesame Street songs.  I figured T rhymed with she.  If I was smart (which I've definitely never claimed) C would have made more sense.  And, yes, I know Ernie has a rubber ducky, but seriously, when was the last time I watched Sesame Street?

I haven't seen it since childhood, either, so I was glad the clues all provided other ways of figuring it out -- I'd even forgotten Ernie had a rubber ducky, but I know patito means duckling.

None of them knowing Hungary was “down under” Slovakia didn’t surprise me, since even J! contestants seem to be bad with geography.  But the guesses, especially Italy, did.  And, in thinking on it now that the game is over, I am a bit surprised Hungary is the one in that category they didn’t know.

FJ was interesting for me; I deduced it very quickly based on the wording of the clue, but someone had instead asked me to explain what a land-grant college is, I couldn't have.

Between "iAN" and whatever the hell that was with his arms, I was happy to see Ian lose.

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Your (most likely) one chance to be on national television and that's the first impression you want to give people. Really, iAN? REALLY? I'm embarrassed on your behalf, since you don't seem to be.

Since I've never heard of land grant universities, chances of me getting FJ tonight were zip, zero, zilch.

Thank goodness for J!6. Multiple choice is my friend. lol

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got Aaron Burr.  And that's about the best I can say for myself.

Geography is one of my weakest categories.  I did not get one single solitary Down Under clue.

I am geographically impaired, except when I've traveled through the area (and if the country still has the same name). But for Slovakia , I mentioned every country in the neighborhood, EXCEPT the right one. Sigh...

FJ was a mystery - I've heard of Land Grant Universities (a dim memory) but had no clue what they were, and the mister obsessed about how odd it was for that to happen during the Civil War. So he didn't get it either.

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33 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I really wanted to yell "ROCK CHALK!" at you. Right state, wrong school.

It's all good. We have both Wildcats and Jayhawks in abundance in our family, including KU grads who went on to graduate from Vet school at KSU, and KSU  grads who graduated Law school from KU.

Me, I finished at Washburn in Topeka.

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