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S21.E25: Power of Veto #8

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I despise all of these idiots, but I'm addicted after 21 seasons and just can't give it up.

An awful episode of dumb people babbling stupid shit.

Whether Christie or Anallice goes, it won't matter.  Tommy the King of Ass Kissers is going to win.


eta:  Nick is the most disgusting of them all.

Edited by PaperTree
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Analyse has perhaps the strangest hairline I've ever seen on a female. 

38 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "What?"

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "Huh?"

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "Yxcrs hey eeryf xpwbl"

And each time Tommy was prepping his clip he'd submit to the Academy.

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Love watching the mighty fall (even if it’s at the hands of someone I hate). Christy was easy breezy when she thought the Universe was on her side and had no trouble wa I guess bye- bye to the people not in the “ cool crowd”. Now she’s the biggest crybaby of all and bitter towards everyone. Hope she gets voted out Thursday.

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God the entitlement with these people is too much. Seriously Christine is acting like it’s completely ridiculous that anyone would ever put her on the block. And then anal-lice truly believes she’s gonna be America’s Sweetheart.  They are the product of people who have been treated like speacial snowflakes all of their lives. 

Holly’s had so much work done to her face it doesn’t even move when she fake cries 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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Looks like the Universe isn't into rewarding but rather kicking ass and taking names and the name is Christie.

It's pretty telling how godawful this season is when you find yourself happy that Jackson of all people got his way. His stone-cold mug when Christie was pitching to stay was priceless.

I in no way would ever be sympathetic to Christie but that really was telling how suspiciously shallow Tommy's feelings for his alleged ride or die are that he'd be clowning around with basically the "enemy". That really was bad form. Plus he's more Notch Johnson than The Hoff anyway.

The game is about to peak or already has. Once Christie is gone and Jackson falls things always get less interesting the fewer people in the house...the rest of the season after those two are out is likely to be a very dull cakewalk to the end for Tommy-who I do not want to see win but it became clear to me about three weeks ago he will be crowned the winner...sadly.

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Can't say I'll be sad to see Christy leave ( hopefuly !) She sure didn't shed any tears for anyone else when she was gleefully voting them out, but now that it's her at risk, it's all so sad and unfair !  Did she stay in bed under the covers for the whole damn week ?? Because other than comps, that's about all we saw her do. Having said that, though, I realized tonight that I'm not rooting for anyone that's left in the house. I just don't really care who wins at this point. I usually have at least a couple of people I still want to do well at end, at this point in the game, but not this year. Kind of  a sad ending. ( I guess I'll go to bed and pout until the Finale !!)

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A couple of things:

I've noticed this group is much neater and cleaner than previous hamsters.  I can see the floor.  Anybody else pick up on this?  Haven't even seen the ants make an appearance yet.

Also, do these people say "I love you" CONSTANTLY, much more than, again, previous hamsters?  Is this true or am I making stuff up.

Finally, has anybody seen any good-bye messages on Thursday's episodes?  I don't think I've seen a single one, but that could just be the glaze over my eyes affecting my vision.

And in closing, remember that when you look at me, you'll always see home .....

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Has there every been a more self-involved yet completely un-self aware HG than Christie?  How does she even believe the shit that comes out of her mouth?

Nick is shady because he doesn't want her to win.  Tommy is shady because he isn't in mourning for her.  She gladly accepts Anallice's offer to stay on the block (as if A could win a veto) because it's ALL ABOUT CHRISTIE.  Only her emotions/wants/needs are real.  She creates havoc between the other HGS and just sits back and watches it all explode.  (Which would be excellent game play, but it seems like it's more just random deflection away from her.) Tommy really had her number when he said that she was just looking for a target for her  anger.  Is it any wonder it's finally coming back to bite her?  Where was this need to get out the "strong men" when she was glued to Jack's side?  I know it's said every year, but I would pay to see her have to watch clips of every time she makes a statement and then denies it later on.  Go home so we can get rid of Jackson next.

Speaking of...he may have stopped being a 24/7 asshole, but this blank faced man on a mission is downright scary.  I loved his line about not wanting to vote Christie out for the pleasure of it...it reminded me of this quote from Cordelia Chase: 


It’s like when I go shopping, I had to have the most expensive thing. Not because it’s expensive but because it costs more

I truly hope he goes next week.  I didn't think it would be possible, but Tommy's level-headedness in dealing with the shitstorm this week may be winning me over.  

  • Love 4


Also from Christie:  she crosses herself, then says, "I'm not worried. The Universe looks after their people." Hmm, huh? 

It cracked me up when Holly and Christie were blubbering on, to see Jackson sitting there totally stone-faced, almost bored . At least he wasn't giggling, which I would have been. 

The only thing I could have asked was footage of Christie frolicking and celebrating after other people were put on the block. We know she did it. Other people going on the block leaves her very merry. 

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10 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Also from Christie:  she crosses herself, then says, "I'm not worried. The Universe looks after their people." Hmm, huh? 

I believe it was even worse that this, she said something about looking after the good people... which is so laughable I sprained a cornea rolling my eyes so hard. Remember Jack also didn't deserve to go home. She lives in an entirely Christie-centric universe where she is the bright shining beacon.

And yes how DARE they do Baywatch together!! The humanity!!

As I said last episode Tommy is becoming aware that choosing allies before you really know a person can come back to bite you in the end. Being tied to Christie is at best being tied to an anchor... and he can only walk on eggshells and apologize profusely for any perceived slights. I almost feel sorry for him beside that he's going to win.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "What?"

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "Huh?"

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "Yxcrs hey eeryf xpwbl"

I laughed until I cried. And rewound it 5 times. 

2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I'm old and have heard this same bullshit since the late 70's.  It wasn't true then and it is still bullshit today.

IMO every generation says this about the next youngest generation. 

26 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Speaking of...he may have stopped being a 24/7 asshole, but this blank faced man on a mission is downright scary.  

IMO Jackson didn’t stop; he’s on pause. All because he realized he was on camera and also that America doesn’t like him. 

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I believe it was even worse that this, she said something about looking after the good people... which is so laughable I sprained a cornea rolling my eyes so hard. 

Hmm. I'm trying to think of the best treatment for a sprained cornea. For starters, stop watching Christie. That's a given. 😁

  • Useful 2
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4 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "What?"

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "Huh?"

Tommy: "You can always look at me and see home." 

(Cue dramatic music)

Christy: "Yxcrs hey eeryf xpwbl"

This may very well have been the very best 30 seconds of the entire season.

Edited by Nashville
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Nick has one of the whiniest voices I've ever heard. Get some bass in your voice man.

The thought of him being a therapist to anyone is laughable to me.

I get tired of people talking about how two faced everyone is. Everyone who says shit like that is two faced too. I wish people could just recognize game and stop acting victimized when they are a target.

Anyone wanting to drag Tommy anywhere near the end is a fucking idiot. Just give him the money if that's the case.

Bring the most toxic people or the floatiest of floaters to the end.

That shower exchange was freaking hilarious. Stop messing up Tommy's performance!

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6 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh.  My.  God.  How dare Tommy and Holly play-act Baywatch on the two week anniversary of Christie's good friend Rockstar's child's birthday!  Have they no shame?!?

Those two reached a new low with their behavior. What do they have , hearts of stone ? As if it isn't bad enough that Christie's on the block , but she just lost the veto.

The universe will get even.

  • LOL 4
9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Looks like the Universe isn't into rewarding but rather kicking ass and taking names and the name is Christie.

It's pretty telling how godawful this season is when you find yourself happy that Jackson of all people got his way. His stone-cold mug when Christie was pitching to stay was priceless.

I in no way would ever be sympathetic to Christie but that really was telling how suspiciously shallow Tommy's feelings for his alleged ride or die are that he'd be clowning around with basically the "enemy". That really was bad form. Plus he's more Notch Johnson than The Hoff anyway.

The game is about to peak or already has. Once Christie is gone and Jackson falls things always get less interesting the fewer people in the house...the rest of the season after those two are out is likely to be a very dull cakewalk to the end for Tommy-who I do not want to see win but it became clear to me about three weeks ago he will be crowned the winner...sadly.

8 hours ago, Melina22 said:


Also from Christie:  she crosses herself, then says, "I'm not worried. The Universe looks after their people." Hmm, huh? 

It cracked me up when Holly and Christie were blubbering on, to see Jackson sitting there totally stone-faced, almost bored . At least he wasn't giggling, which I would have been. 

The only thing I could have asked was footage of Christie frolicking and celebrating after other people were put on the block. We know she did it. Other people going on the block leaves her very merry. 

EXACTLY! I saw nothing wrong with Holly and Tommy "Baywatching". It was just harmless silliness that filled airtime, not an attack towards any other houseguest or their situation. When she was on the winning side, Christie was all about celebrations. 

8 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

 IMO every generation says this about the next youngest generation.  

True, but as a teacher I see the proof of the statement more and more every year. In the 40's, 50's, 60's, and at least some 70's kids would NEVER get away with what they get away with now because parents wouldn't call the school at the drop of a hat.

7 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh.  My.  God.  How dare Tommy and Holly play-act Baywatch on the two week anniversary of Christie's good friend Rockstar's child's birthday!  Have they no shame?!?

Not to sound all "Analice" but do Christie and Rockstar really know each other?

14 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

I wonder if Christie could throw Tommy under the bus if she's getting evicted and reveal they knew each other.

I wouldn't doubt it, especially since he had the nerve to frolick with Holly.

9 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh.  My.  God.  How dare Tommy and Holly play-act Baywatch on the two week anniversary of Christie's good friend Rockstar's child's birthday!  Have they no shame?!?

2 hours ago, Orillia said:

Those two reached a new low with their behavior. What do they have , hearts of stone ? As if it isn't bad enough that Christie's on the block , but she just lost the veto.

The universe will get even.

I. Can. NOT! (Then don't).

It was predictable that Christie was pissed that Tommy and the ENEMY! were having a brief moment of frolicking during her pity party.  How dare they upstage MY drama week with a moment of levity!  All cameras should be on ME! 

I was rather disappointed that last nights program wasn't sponsored by Kleenex.

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Time for my weekly rant on the stale formatting for this show. The Veto episode is especially tedious. I just wish they didn't waste so much time on the same damn thing every week. Do we really need the HoH to explain how picking players for the Veto works? Then cut to the HoH in the DR explaining who he hopes doesn't get picked? Do we really need to cut to the DR and listen to every Veto player explain why it's important for them to win Veto? Especially when the HoH and the nominees have already had literally three DRs saying the exact same thing in the same episode already??

I have to admit I feel sorry for the HGs being trapped inside for as long as it takes the crew to set up these elaborate comps in the backyard. There wasn't really any point to remodeling the entire soundstage to look like an Undersea Kingdom. I'm sure the show thought it would be visually interesting for TV viewers but it added nothing to the competition. Nor was this comp especially compelling to watch. I wish they would stick to more basic things you can follow that don't rely on elaborate scenery.

I have to admit I got a kick out of Jackson sitting there stone-faced, even gobsmacked, while Holly and Christie bawled their eyes out. That said, he's getting an awfully favorable edit from the show lately. There can be little doubt that he and Jack were Grodner's favorites and I'm sure she's thrilled the audience is warming up to him and willing to forget what an insufferable, arrogant asshole he was.

This was the first episode where I've seen Tommy act like a normal person instead of bouncing off the walls like a Springer Spaniel on cocaine. He actually seemed . . . dare I say . . . reasonable?

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Time for my weekly rant on the stale formatting for this show. The Veto episode is especially tedious. I just wish they didn't waste so much time on the same damn thing every week. Do we really need the HoH to explain how picking players for the Veto works? Then cut to the HoH in the DR explaining who he hopes doesn't get picked?

I agree.  And then, so often, after the competition for veto, the person who wins the veto doesn't change the nominations, so nothing really happened.  

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51 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Do we really need the HoH to explain how picking players for the Veto works? Then cut to the HoH in the DR explaining who he hopes doesn't get picked? Do we really need to cut to the DR and listen to every Veto player explain why it's important for them to win Veto? Especially when the HoH and the nominees have already had literally three DRs saying the exact same thing in the same episode already??

Ack, you're so right! Sometimes the boredom is unbearable. These clips add literally zero to the show. 

53 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

This was the first episode where I've seen Tommy act like a normal person instead of bouncing off the walls like a Springer Spaniel on cocaine. He actually seemed . . . dare I say . . . reasonable?

We've seen tiny snippets of serious Tommy before. He's almost unrecognizably different, isn't he? 

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24 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

So, Christie really believes that she manipulates, er, manifests events within the universe. 

I'm starting to think she literally believes this. It's not an act. If she avoids getting voted off tonight, she'll just nod and say, "See?" if she does get voted off, she'll decide that the universe has other, more important plans for her. 

It's actually sort of scary. I've known people like Christie, and reasoning with them is pretty much a waste of time. 

Edited by Melina22
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6 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Not to sound all "Analice" but do Christie and Rockstar really know each other?

Sorry, I was just trying to clumsily bring some humor by conflating two over-the-top dramatic overreactions to house happenings by insinuating a mock relationship between two of the biggest drama queens we've had on in recent seasons.

17 hours ago, JD5166 said:

I can’t wait to never have to look at Christie and her pouty, perma frown jowls ever again. She is absolutely the worst. 

It’s cute the other girl on the block thinks she’s so well liked in the house...no dummy, everyone knows you just sit around and do nothing, you are of zero threat. 

The worst is Nick the Disgusting Perv and Jackson the POS Horrible Douchebag.

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5 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Hypocrisy, thy name is Christie.

In the interests of full and complete exploration of this subject, I feel compelled to respond: no shit.  

In a nutshell:

Christie: How on earth can you people be sitting out there laughing and joking and carrying on like usual - as if the worst thing in the history of Big Brother hadn’t just happened!?!?

Everybody Else in the House: ...???  What are you talking about, Christie?  What ‘worst thing’ ?

Christie:  I’M STILL ON THE BLOCK!!!

If Christie were any more self-centered, her eyelashes would be tickling her own asshole every time she blinked.

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Just watched it. One thing I noticed was after the VETO noms, instead of the usual 'WOOO's!' and 'YEEAH's!', it sounded like your basic golf clap.

'Yeah, ok, so...cool. Whatever.' clap. clap. As if they forgot they're supposed to PERFORM all the damn time. 

I've also seen comments about Anal-lice's unusual hairline. WHAT? As a guy who's lost about 75% of his hair by now, I'd fucking KILL to have that hairline. Hell, I'd love it if it came down to my eyebrows. 😉

It's funny. Even though I just watched the ep, there was one more comment I wanted to make, but I already forgot it. Shows how invested I am in this season, I guess.

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5 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Sorry, I was just trying to clumsily bring some humor by conflating two over-the-top dramatic overreactions to house happenings by insinuating a mock relationship between two of the biggest drama queens we've had on in recent seasons.

Not a problem. I thought maybe I missed something because at this point nothing is out of the realm of possibility.

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