JustAlison June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Yay! Big Brother is my favourite show to love to hate-watch! The long winter has effectively bleached the ugly from last season out of my head, leaving me open and ready for this social experiment. I am pleasantly surprised that I don't hate anyone...yet. Oh, Pow Pow. Is that how she would spell it? Pau Pau? I am all about girl power, but there are four more women coming, and perhaps it would behoove them to invite a few to join their 'elcuatro' alliance, only when they tell them the special secret name, won't that kind of be a hint that, well, there's 'cuatro' of them? Doesn't that mean 'the four' ? Who would want to join up, knowing they are outside 'the four'? Just seemed ill thought out, as far as names go. The whole alliance naming thing is annoying to me, but I guess it's become a trope of the show, so I do appreciate when they have some fun with it. Double Ds did make me giggle. I don't like the idea of calling Donny anything to do with that duck show, as they appear to be a bunch of racist hillbillies. Having a beard and being southern shouldn't equate with being akin to those fools. Then again, it's not like Donny couldn't have known a comparison would be drawn. Looking at his face, I suspect he is quite handsome under all that. He's a janitor, but I suspect he may be the kind who is reading Proust between tasks. That would be all kinds of awesome. My fave part of the night was poor Pau Pau and her fumbling flirtations. Cody seemed into her, until the whole 'You had to count that out, did you?'. Bwahahahahah! That cracked me up! He's clever, and one I have my eye on. I am on the fence with Frankie 'my sister's famous' Grande. I agree that he is playing to a stereotype, but it's not as though these shows ever cast outside that box. It would be nice if just once, there was more than one gay guy. Why can't they ever have a chance at a showmance? That bugs. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156349
Skittl1321 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 My favorite thing about the "el cuatro" alliance, is she said "I even came up with a name for the final four!" Not a name for the alliance, necessarily. But I think if they bring in more girls, it will be a new name- because these four will have a secret sub-alliance. Of course, I think the "we were the first in the house!" is going to fall apart a bit. I'm sure there will be us vs. them, but some of these people will get dropped for new ones, IMO. (I also think the show will split them someway, but I don't know how.) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156361
Overwhelming No June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 she's the biggest star to come out of the Disney Channel in the past few years ASIDE from Demi Lovato, Selina Gomez and Miley Cyrus, but just to put her into the right box... could surpass Demi and Selina in fame eventually (assuming Selina stops banging Bieber and falls out of the news), but even best case will always be a way distant second to Miley in terms of recognition. She's not a Disney star, she's a Nickelodeon star, and on-track to become their biggest star ever. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156378
ShadowDenizen June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Let the hate-watching begin! I think it was as smart move to begin with 8 instead of 16 people; let us get to know some of the cast right away. However, I don't think the "Intro Videos" served as a particuarly good into to any of the characters... For instance, Cody's video annoyed me the most, but inside the house, he seemed at least mostly low-maintenance. How the hell did Nicole graduate from ANYWHERE? I think a "Girl-Power" alliance could work; I"m just sad that it's streamlined by Paolo. (And "El Quatro" definitely ranks up there with some of the worst Alliance names in BB history.) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156388
ally862 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 So I know it's been said that the past few seasons they've been trying to pull in younger viewers by casting mostly young, attractive people. That being said, they cast Frankie because of his sister. She's going to tweet about her brother and all the her passionate fans are going to get into Big Brother. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156398
Mischievious June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I really hope Pow Pow is one of the first people evicted. I'm over her. She is annoying me. Also, this is quite shallow of me, but her teeth/mouth are annoying me. I hope the other 8 are bonding in a hotel room or something. Maybe a vacant soundstage on the lot? I couldn't stop laughing and actually rewound to watch again, the death glare Amber gave Devin and Joey as they were laughing (starting to flirt?) after Devin's TH about Joey being his type of girl. I found it hilarious. Nice job editors. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156496
njbarmaid June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Pau reminds me of Dorothy Wang from the E show Rich Kids with her "running her crew' vibe. The other gals of el quarto should let her be the leader (for now) so she does the early alliance work and then gets the target on her back. Devin was smart (I think) to choose Donny for the 2 person alliance (ugh these people with their alliance names), Donny could go far if he can make that "aww shucks" thing work, otherwise he is going to be cannon fodder. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156507
Kromm June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 (edited) She's not a Disney star, she's a Nickelodeon star, and on-track to become their biggest star ever. Heh. You are correct. I forgot what network that crappy show of hers was on. That said, horrible show or not (I've seen it with kids of an age to have loved it), she came out of it a star, even BEFORE getting a #1 Billboard album. So I know it's been said that the past few seasons they've been trying to pull in younger viewers by casting mostly young, attractive people. That being said, they cast Frankie because of his sister. She's going to tweet about her brother and all the her passionate fans are going to get into Big Brother. I went to look at his Twitter, and there's a whole series of tweets that initially appeared to be him after he went into the house, but then one that says "since Frankie's clearly "away".... it's been ari trying to tweet like Frankie... wasn't convincing at all idk how to tweet like Frankie lol". And then she's continued tweeting, using his account but as herself, four or five times a day since then. As well as plugging his appearance on the show and cheering him on her own account. So you basically have her double tweeting about him constantly. CBS must be salivating. They don't usually have actual stars paying attention to their little show, and now thanks to allowing Frankie his platform, they've got 16 million people who typically might not give a crap about their show at least marginally paying attention to it. Edited June 26, 2014 by Kromm Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156535
Boots June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I can't relate, I'm not getting a "real" vibe from any of them. I miss seeing "real people being real people" Now get off my lawn. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156618
Tara Ariano June 26, 2014 Author Share June 26, 2014 Here's Jeff's post on the episode! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156640
sugarbaker design June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I am not sure if Donny is completely aware of what is going on just yet. I am. He's a superfan who's playing up his Southern charm so contestants (and posters) underestimate him. So far he's doing a great job. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156644
PinkSprinkles June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Donny- please become HOH next week, nominate Frankie, and have him evicted. <3 <3 <3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156659
marie June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Paulo is obsessed with Cody after 5 minutes together and is uncomfortable about her age. Yeah, she's going to turn on the girls' alliance the minute a cute guy tries to align with her or a cute guy starts paying more attention to the other girls. I really don't think she'll do well with younger, prettier girls in the house. I'm not bothered by Frankie yet, but this Team America twist has the potential to become annoying fast. It's sounding like America's Player with two extra people to back them up and do the audience's bidding. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156666
Writing Wrongs June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I'm glad Amber was so subtle about throwing the challenge. Sheesh. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156718
sunsheyen June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I already hate Frankie. No, sir, you are not just the cutest and sassiest and funnest thing EVAR! Please go to hell and take PaoPao with you. I hate his overexaggerating and lies. My sister is the mostest! I'm 28! I'm aBroadway performer (oops I mean I teach dance to kids)! Devin is doomed to get the competition curse. He will be viewed as a threat because of his size and probably voted out on that, but in reality he's one of those guys who aren't athletic, just stupidly big. Ehh I don't dislike him, but he'll get the black person boot. His will probably come after the churchy Black lady coming on tonight-she seems really annoying with that goddamn bow tie. Amber looks like Nicole Richie to me. And will she get jealous or have a triangle with devin/Joey? She seems a little slow on the uptake though. Hell, a LOT slow. Will she be a puppet or an inadvertent bean spiller? I think she will do pretty well on comps but she needs to learn what throwing really looks like. Letting go and dismounting like a gymnast ain't it. Farm girl and soccer boy don't really stick out to me, Joey is cute but bland, and I hope Donny doesn't make me despise him. And what the fuck was Julie wearing? My daughter said she got tangled in a shower curtain. I thought she came straight from a bordello toga party. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156749
threebluestars June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I loved being able to get to know houseguests in a smaller batch like this. I already know their names! It is so much nicer than trying to figure out who is who for 2 weeks. So far Joey, Devin and Amber don't annoy me. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156814
car54 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I think the introducing only 1/2 of the players on one show was very successful. Usually with 16 going in together it is total chaos and loud and too many people talking at one time, and at the end of the first show I am pretty confused about who is who. This way I do feel like I got some sense of who each one is and for the most part they annoyed me less than usual. Now how it will go with the second group being added? We'll see--but so far I give this change a thumbs up. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156956
legaleagle53 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 (edited) Frankie is insufferable. If you're 31 years old (even though you tell everyone you're 28) and wearing tattered jeans and pink hair, you're a mess. I don't care if your sister is the "most famous famous person to ever fame" (which, no, she's not... "Problem" is only the No. 2 song in the country), grow up. Actually, he'd be kind of cute if he let his hair grow out a little at the sides and kept the color to a shade that remotely resembled something human. That said, he does need to dial the flame-thrower back a few notches -- it's no wonder that gay men are still fighting for respect with walking stereotypes like that around! Edited June 26, 2014 by legaleagle53 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156986
LGGirl June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Pow Pow needs to go. Frankie needs to tone it down. Donny is my Fav so far. Why does everything have to come down to showmances? I'm probably the minority, but they ruin the show for me. Especially that train wreck of a showmance last year. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-156992
ShadowDenizen June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 That said, he does need to dial the flame-thrower back a few notches -- it's no wonder that gay men are still fighting for respect with walking stereotypes like that around! Agreed. But that is the "type" Big-Brother actively seeks to cast, sadly. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157025
Gregg247 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 In regards to having more than one gay guy in a season, they did that with Season 8. That year, several HGs had a family member/friend/frenemy show up on the first night as the surprising twist (Evel Dick being one of these surprises). There was a stereotypical gay guy in the house whose ex-boyfriend was the surprise addition. This guy was the opposite of the stereotype; just a regular guy who didn't see the need of acting over the top. I think he outlasted the flamboyant guy on the show, too. Personally, I prefer seasons where there's a good mixture of people, as in ages, family types, kids/no kids, religions, looks (hot/not), etc. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157086
lilabennet June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I am. He's a superfan who's playing up his Southern charm so contestants (and posters) underestimate him. So far he's doing a great job. I hope you're right. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157199
TresGatos June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Hi all, former TWOPer who is so grateful for this site! I am not sure if Donny is completely aware of what is going on just yet. I am. He's a superfan who's playing up his Southern charm so contestants (and posters) underestimate him. So far he's doing a great job. I so hope you are correct. When the one Hamster said they suspected that "There's a lot of wisdom underneath that beard" I didn't think so but with the superfan angle maybe he is doing a great job. I suspect he is quite handsome under all that. I suspect this as well. I kind of wrote him off as a "Duck Donnysty" but my favorite line of the whole show was, "I feel like I just won the best beard contest at the County Fair!" while stroking his beard which kind of made me fall in love with him. To wit, when he was describing his type to Paola, I kept expecting him to mention "has a penis" along with "is fit" and "has a good personality" I said the exact same thing to Mr. TresGatos while we were watching. There was something I found visually repulsive about Cody and couldn't quite figure out what it was but with all the Travolta comments I think that's it, he looks like a squashed & puffy John Travolta. I can't quite put my finger on who she reminds me of, any ideas? Tila Tequila? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157207
ghoulina June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I'm so glad Big Brother is back. Let's hope this year's cast is not as awful as the one we were subjected to last year. So far I only really care for Donny. I thought he was funny, down to earth, and loved that he doesn't take himself too seriously. I thought Devin was smart to seek him out - they do seem an unlikely pair. Nicole seems nice enough, but kind of weird with her ghost phobia. And that accent just bugs. Everyone else seems like they're performing and it grates. I hate all the screaming and bouncing around and mugging for the cameras. Take a couch, BB house. I hate all the new twists they're always foisting on us, especially ones where "America!" participates. Right now they have me curious, but I'm anticipating I'll just be annoyed. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157236
legaleagle53 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 (edited) Yeah, "Team America" really just sounds to me like "America's Player" redux -- and I loathed that twist for the most part. Why can't our show just fuck with the houseguests' minds on a regular basis the way the Australian Big Brother does so well? Edited June 26, 2014 by legaleagle53 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157247
ghoulina June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Paulo is obsessed with Cody after 5 minutes together and is uncomfortable about her age. Yeah, she's going to turn on the girls' alliance the minute a cute guy tries to align with her or a cute guy starts paying more attention to the other girls. I really don't think she'll do well with younger, prettier girls in the house. That's exactly what I think will happen. Girl power sounds great, but the way some of these girls are already ogling the guys, I can see this alliance falling apart real quickly over some dude. I would like to HOPE they'd prove me wrong, but I'm a cynic like that. As another poster also noticed, Amber really launched some "evil eye" in Nicole's direction when Devin was getting chatty with her. Sadly, I bet a few of these girls would rather serve as lackey to a strong male than stand with each other. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157342
PinkSprinkles June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 (edited) Never mind. Edited June 27, 2014 by PinkSprinkles Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157364
kassa June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 So... what does Devin DO? I mean, you don't retire from minor league baseball with enough money to retire, so ... what's he hiding? Or maybe his money comes from something else? Or he has some other career he's not allowed to disclose on tv? Hmmm....I like him and he seems smart and God knows I could look at him all day... but he's working too hard, too fast. I don't think Cody's that good looking. All his features are fine, especially in profile, but head on it's like his face isn't long enough for them to all fit in proportion. But he seems super nice, and he's good looking, just not worthy of the instantaneous adoration he's getting. Maybe he smells nice. I never heard of one the most famous people on the planet, either. I accept that she's legitimately famous. However, I wonder how famous she is with people over 25. We constitute quite a large percentage of people on the planet, after all. A great Big Brother season would be to cast all relatives of famous people. And record them disclosing who their famous brother/cousin/father/best friend is. And then watch them all gleefully expose their massive secret to a person in the house whose celeb connection is 10x greater. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157407
Donny Ketchum June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 (edited) Paola shocked me with what seems to be a legit girlpower stance, and I unexpectedly dig her, even with the super-confidence. I would love to see her play that himbo like a violin. This. I like Paola if only for her astute observation that men typically run the house in BB seasons. She even mentioned the Brigade (ugh)! Meanwhile, women are constantly run down because they are too busy being catty with one another. BB12 being the biggest example, as their cattiness resulted in only ONE of them reaching the F7. Also, that is a big reason that there have been so many all-male F2s and so few all-female ones. Men have been able to beat other men and women in the F2 because of this, but women have only been able to beat other women. So yeah, I hope Paola can pull this off and do something for the women this season. But yeah, she's going to have to not be so obvious about it. It's amazing the men haven't cottoned to her yet. So far, as well as Paola, I like Donny, Devin, Joey, Nicole, and Amber. Need more time with Frankie. But I agree with the Jeremy comparisons made to Cody. Don't think I'm gonna like him. Edited June 27, 2014 by Donny Ketchum 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157455
ghoulina June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 So... what does Devin DO? I mean, you don't retire from minor league baseball with enough money to retire, so ... what's he hiding? Or maybe his money comes from something else? Or he has some other career he's not allowed to disclose on tv? Hmmm....I like him and he seems smart and God knows I could look at him all day... but he's working too hard, too fast. I thought they said he was in motorcycle sales. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157458
WiCkedWitCh June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I know there is nothing "fair" about Big Brother, but it is just so obviously unfair to have one houseguest with somewhat of a following outside of the house (due to his "famous" sister or to his own youtubing), when America's Vote so largely impacts the game. I don't understand how they get away with this. Last season it happened with Elyssa (who was actually my favorite, even though I think it was incredibly unfair that OF COURSE she won MVP because she was the only one with millions of people behind her before they even knew her.) I think they should all either be related to someone famous or none of them should. The game is already skewed as it is. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157465
iMonrey June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Is Frankie's sister the dark haired one on Sam and Kat with that weird, annoying voice? Is that her real voice? Does she always sound like that? Her voice actually gives me convulsions. I did like how they only introduced the first eight houseguests and let us get to know them better. But the other twists? Somebody name me one twist they've come up with in the last five years that ended up working or being interesting. But yeah, so far, I'm not feeling any intense hatred, even for the annoying ones like Frankie and Paola. And that's an improvement over typical season premiers. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157497
Stinger97 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Is Frankie's sister the dark haired one on Sam and Kat with that weird, annoying voice? Is that her real voice? Does she always sound like that? Her voice actually gives me convulsions. That's the one. Although, her real speaking voice is a little more subdued. That said, her singing voice has been compared to that of a young Mariah Carey, which I wouldn't say I necessarily agree with, but it's fairly obvious she's taken cues from the older singer. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157513
Xazeal June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 This wasn't a bad premiere, actually. I sort of enjoyed some these HGs. One thing really stuck out to me, though: Paola is a friend of GinaMarie from last season. Paola spent 99% of her confessional time obsessing over Cody, like GM with Nick. Cody gives me some serious gay vibes (and Rachel Reilly implied that she got them too in their interview) just like Nick did to a lot of people. Cody is seemingly getting close to the only openly gay guy in the house, just like Nick seemed to be weirdly into Andy. I mean, did I travel through time? Are we in season 15? I'm waiting for people to start rubbing hats on their asses and flipping beds. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157521
legaleagle53 June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 The racist, misogynist, and homophobic comments haven't started yet. Those are what will convince me that we're stuck in a time warp. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157528
WiCkedWitCh June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Wait till the next 8 show up legaleagle. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157633
Kromm June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Tila Tequila? Ew. (but true) That's the one. Although, her real speaking voice is a little more subdued. That said, her singing voice has been compared to that of a young Mariah Carey, which I wouldn't say I necessarily agree with, but it's fairly obvious she's taken cues from the older singer. To me it's that Ariana Grande has a similar range and tone to Mariah, but (unlike Mariah) horrible diction when she sings. It all gets run together into mumbly incomprehensibility. Which is a shame, because having that range and tone SHOULD make her great. But it's not enough without clear diction. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157743
Big Mother June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 I loved it! Excellent cast. Donny is the sweetest thing - I read somewhere that he actually has an amazing IQ and was quietly part of a NASA project. Joey, for some reason, at first I thought she was gay - with a name like Joey and blue hair - but apparently she's not (although it wouldn't have matterd, it would only have made it more interesting.) She reminds me a lot of Keeva from BBUK season 12, if anyone has watched that. Frankie is *already* grating on my nerves, big time. Why is his complexion so yellow and pasty?Devin is a sweetheart, but boy is he gonna miss his baby girl very soon. I'm looking forward to seeing the new crew tonight. There's a Jewish girl in the mix, which I'm curious to watch out for, as an Orthodox Jewish girl myself. I hope she won't turn out to be another Andrew, who rubbed everyone the wrong way. There's also a mother of 3 in there; how do mothers of young kids survive not being in touch with their kids for 3 months? I would totally lose it. Very curious how the 2 HOH's thing will all work out.... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157795
RedheadZombie June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Is Paola supposed to be Ginamarie 2.0? That's the first thing I wondered. New York accent, loud obnoxious personality, obsessing over a guy she's known for five minutes, and already worried she'll be voted out before making a love connection with him. Oh for the love of Christ, can we please not make "Duck Donnysty" a thing? Let the guy develop his own persona. I agree with you, but it's probably no accident that he looks just like them. Amber calls herself a model, yet the show labels her an esthetician. She reminds me of Nic who made it to the top two on America's Next Top Model. The talking heads are too try hard already. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157804
OFDgal June 26, 2014 Share June 26, 2014 Donny- please become HOH next week, nominate Frankie, and have him evicted. <3 <3 <3 After reading how his sister is tweeting and her fans will be watching, I think Frankie might be around for awhile. If he gets voted off, his fans will be vocal hating on the show and I don't think the producers would allow that too soon. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157819
Kromm June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Surprisingly, Ariana as Frankie hasn't tweeted at ALL today. Then again, maybe she's waiting for the show to air. She DID tweet four times yesterday as Frankie, and five times yesterday (about BB and/or Frankie) under her own account. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-157895
karewho June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 I just watched the premiere and I found it a bit lacklustre and boring. It didn't feel like a full premiere because we didn't meet the rest of the cast. Once all 16 come together I'm sure things will start to get a bit more interesting. At least sixty percent of the show was spent talking about "types", shomances and attraction. I was over it about half way in. Sigh. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-158290
Turtle June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Paola - I, like, hate you, like, already, and like, your voice, like, makes my ears, like, bleed. Thank you. I don't like the idea of calling Donny anything to do with that duck show, as they appear to be a bunch of racist hillbillies. Agreed. Donny seems like a smart, hardworking guy, just a little country. He does not seem like a raging racist/ homophobe, and it's not fair to lump him in with Duck Dynasty bigots just because he's southern and has a beard. Maybe instead we should tag Caleb with a Duck Dynasty moniker? This new format is confusing, and, more importantly, I think it's going to make the really fun strategizing basically impossible. Maybe I'm wrong - I hope I am. But with this many variables, it's going to be next to impossible for people to pull off any big moves. I think all these unknowns is just going to lead to people following the majority and not taking any risks. And it's the risks that I think make the game fun! Willing to be wrong, though. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-158365
Dewey Decimate June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 This new format is confusing, and, more importantly, I think it's going to make the really fun strategizing basically impossible. Maybe I'm wrong - I hope I am. But with this many variables, it's going to be next to impossible for people to pull off any big moves. I think all these unknowns is just going to lead to people following the majority and not taking any risks. And it's the risks that I think make the game fun! I admit to still not fully understanding the details. So are there "teams" aside from TAFY? It's ridiculous. However, in the context of the game and strategery, I don't mind at all. It would be a classic, thrilling moment if someone figures out a way to game the system. Six-fingered plan, baby! (That was one of the best moments of this show.) 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-158606
Kromm June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 Thank you. Agreed. Donny seems like a smart, hardworking guy, just a little country. He does not seem like a raging racist/ homophobe, and it's not fair to lump him in with Duck Dynasty bigots just because he's southern and has a beard. Maybe instead we should tag Caleb with a Duck Dynasty moniker? I suppose the main sarcastic alternative is "Pickler's Janitor". Or maybe PickleJanitor. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-158614
LexiconDevilOne June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 So do the houseguests get to pick the pictures that will be in their hoh room because I'm not sure how Frankie thinks he'll hide his sister unless he thinks no one will know her. I think some of the girls are going enough to recognize her though. I have no idea who she is.... However, when I asked my 16 year old son if he ever heard of her, he said, "Yes, I know who she is", like I'm an idiot. I Googled her, and still have no clue. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-158657
Kromm June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 I have no idea who she is.... However, when I asked my 16 year old son if he ever heard of her, he said, "Yes, I know who she is", like I'm an idiot. I Googled her, and still have no clue. I have to ask this of the "I have no idea who she is" people. When you were in your teens, if an artist was on a hit TV program and then had the #1 album in the country and your parents didn't know who the heck they were, would that have shocked you? No judgement here though. All of us have gone through this on either the kid end or the adult end, or both, I'm sure. I spoke about Lorde before, for example, and it took a few "are you serious" looks from people before I first figured out who she was or why anyone cared. The thing about Ariana Grande is that she made the jump to being eponymous on regular radio and regular TV and not just the "Kids channels". It's the leap Miley made at one point too (and before it many people might vaguely have had some idea she worked on some annoying Disney show and every kid loved her but never would have heard or seen her otherwise). But that leap JUST happened for Grande this past year and change. The paint isn't even dry on it yet. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-158704
goodogcarl June 27, 2014 Share June 27, 2014 (edited) I've never heard of her. When I was a child there were far fewer "entertainers" to choose from and we all watched the same TV shows -- Ed Sullivan had Barbra Streisand and The Doors and Frank Sinatra and The Rolling Stones. I think back then everyone saw everyone. So yeah, i'd've been surprised if my parents hadn't known a popular artist. BTW I'm really oooooooooooooooooooooooooooold. Edited June 27, 2014 by goodogcarl 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-159578
BubblingKettle June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 (edited) I think Paola is playing a part....or maybe she's got drugs on board. She's way too hyper, aggressive, and "I want to lick it off you"?? She's what my mother would call "a horndog." The word "like" comes out of her loud mouth way too much. Her gravelly voice and "Whoo-Hoo Girl" persona grated on my nerves within the first few seconds of her intro video. Also, I bet she's older than she says. The fact that she said, "You can all call me Pow Pow" would make me NEVER call her Pow Pow. Frankie's sister Ariana doesn't get much attention from people in my age group (unless they have children who like her, I guess). At first, I thought that he was embellishing details about his sister's level of fame, but previous posters have helped me understand that she does have a following. Frankie has that same eyebrow thing as his sister does...it's not quite 'surprise,' and not quite 'coy'...I have no clue, but it's something. Joey -- too political, comes on way too strong, stop with that hair. Please calm down a bit. Glad that Devin has a job appearing under his name (motorcycle sales). That "I'm a single dad" song (with sad violin accompaniment) is very overplayed on reality tv...thanks, Bachelorette for starting that trend. And bless Devin's heart for giving Donny a fist-bump and "you lookin' good, man" when the houseguests were clad in bathing suits. Donny seems like a Good Ol' Boy, and I was thankful when he agreed to team up with Devin --- that showed me that he may look like Duck Dynasty, but he may not be bigoted like they are...I couldn't take another season of prejudice poison. Nicole seems like a sweet, simple person. Cody is just itching to be part of a Bro Pack, you can just tell. I don't understand exactly why Amber threw the competition...but it wouldn't be the first timeI have mild confusion about BB. So, maybe she'll be a good game-player (even though I didn't catch onto the reasoning). Edited June 28, 2014 by CoolWhipLite 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-162130
PreBabylonia June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 I have to ask this of the "I have no idea who she is" people.When you were in your teens, if an artist was on a hit TV program and then had the #1 album in the country and your parents didn't know who the heck they were, would that have shocked you? No judgement here though. All of us have gone through this on either the kid end or the adult end, or both, I'm sure. I spoke about Lorde before, for example, and it took a few "are you serious" looks from people before I first figured out who she was or why anyone cared. Hmmm well, if you're famous for being on a kids show (pre-teen presumably), would the target audience for BB be this young? I would think most rational parents would try to limit their young children's viewing of this show. Also, I'm surprised that you would mention Lorde in the same sentence as this Ariana. I'm also quite a bit older, but a few of my friends told me how amazing she is, before she hit the big time. I seriously doubt anyone would extoll this woman's value. It would be like getting excited over a Bieber performance. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/9666-s16e01-16-new-houseguests-are-introduced-hoh-comp-1/page/2/#findComment-162170
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