Lady Calypso August 11, 2019 Share August 11, 2019 Quote Field Trip Competition and Nominations Link to comment
Growsonwalls August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 This episode brought the funny. christie crying at the realization America hates her ... christie doing so shitty im the chicken coop comp that Sis couldn’t throw it to her .. sis: I refuse to believe America hates me. I barely talk. Tommy: this isn’t because America hated you guys. Snackson: oh it is. 11 8 Link to comment
Popular Post helpmerhonda August 12, 2019 Popular Post Share August 12, 2019 AKA "The One When Christie Finds out America Hates Her" And it was amazing. 8 18 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Christie!!! Seeing that crying blubbering face was great! Here Kat is trying her best not to cry in front of others while Christie breaks down like a toddler wanting attention from mommy. 10 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Hey Christie, I manifested you going on the block. Enjoy! 10 8 Link to comment
PaperTree August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 (edited) Chickenshit nominations. Ugh! Tommy and Christy are on my last nerve. I despise them. Kat has become my favorite. Well done with the voting, America! The idiots finally figure out that America hates them. Hahahaha Anallice is so incredibly dumb. "Winning" after Jackson just gets her a punishment, instead of going on the block where she believes she is safe, yet Christy was just so bad at that. Smart of Lego Head to shake up the eggs so they rolled better. At least he's self-aware enough about why they got the Field Trip. Cue the Christy waterworks (again). Yes honey, America hates you and is thrilled you are on the block. Now, to keep her there. Nick has gone to the Dark Side. He's such a weasel. There's a petition out to get his State license pulled. Edited August 12, 2019 by PaperTree 1 2 Link to comment
Callaphera August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 After the Field Trip and players are announced: Jackson: "Well, America doesn't like me but I'm not gonna let it bother me." Christie: "Boo hoo! America haaates me! WAH!" Analyse: *crickets because Big Brother is probably still trying to convince her that she's not going on a field trip to Chuck E Cheese even though she's already wearing the chicken costume. She just wants to play in the ball pit, guys!* 7 1 Link to comment
Stats Queen August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 2 minutes ago, PaperTree said: Nick has gone to the Dark Side. He's such a weasel. There's a petition out to get his State license pulled I’m not a huge fan of petitions, but I am for this one. 2 Link to comment
Melina22 August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Jackson, whether you like him or not, came across as smart and self aware in this episode. First, for immediately understanding why America voted for them. Second, for thinking of shaking the eggs. Third, for managing to convey this info to Analyse without Christie realizing. This isn't the first time a houseguest has had to bail on throwing a comp because the other player was just that bad. It's never not funny. Finally, despite all the things about Christie that annoy me, I understand why she was so upset. Imagine having concrete evidence that thousands of people hate you enough to hope you lose. In fact, years ago, in at least one case a BB contestant in another country committed suicide because his country (Holland?) voted him out first. It's probably one of those things you have to experience to really appreciate. It would be especially hard for someone like Christie who considers herself an empathetic people person. Now I'm anxious for the Veto comp. 11 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 (edited) That was hilarious how people kept trying to cheer up Christie, saying that America doesn’t hate them, and Jackson just kept shutting that shit down immediately. He just cannot read a room but it was so funny to watch! That being said, I hate that Jackson got his way. I dislike him waaaay more than Christie! Edited August 12, 2019 by Rachel RSL 7 Link to comment
HighMaintenance August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Lawt, Christie cries more than BB8's Waaaamber. She essentially psyches herself into the most catastrophic situation imaginable. Let's see if she can MANIFEST it! BTW, did anyone else drink when Kat said "manifest" in the Diary Room? LegoMitchy seems comfortable that America hates him - and I'm not surprised by that. Hey "Sis", I am also confused. Why is AnalEze one of the 3? She's pretty innocuous. She basically has laid around all summer under Jack. Maybe Tommy & Jack got more votes but since Jack is out and Tommy is HOH, she was the next highest vote getter? I would have enjoyed seeing Holly as 1 of the 3. 1 Link to comment
leocadia August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I'm a horrible person because I knew the outcome and Christie being "so excited" when the field trip was announced was delicious. She may consider herself to be an empathetic person, but I have yet to see her display any empathy or even real sympathy for anyone other than herself -- and that includes her alliance mates. Of course I would hate for her (or anyone) to kill themselves over a silly tv show, but one would hope that she might think about the reasons WHY people don't like her and maybe make some changes for the better. When Analyse was "chosen" and she reacted with "What?", I expected her to follow up with "But I'm not even playing this game." Tommy is a terrible actor. When he was talking in the DR about how "outrageous" it was that Christie was on the block, he couldn't even hide the smile. Not that I think he wants Christie gone, but he was just so excited about the drama of it all he couldn't contain himself. Clearly, Nick thinks he's going to slide right into Jack's spot in the game. He can go anytime now. 1 12 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Sis was part of the Six Shooters and Jack’s showmance so she definitely got votes simply because of who she was aligned/sleeping with. I have no doubt that both Jack and Tommy got more votes than her. 8 Link to comment
watch2much August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I never tire of seeing how bullies act when the tables are turned. And Christie kept saying she thought she relax this week with Tommy as HOH? When has she ever had to worry about being nominated, unlike the peasants who the six constantly dumped on. 12 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 (edited) 12 minutes ago, leocadia said: When Analyse was "chosen" and she reacted with "What?", I expected her to follow up with "But I'm not even playing this game." She basically did... she said "But I don't even talk!" when chosen. But yeah, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have been involved if not for Jack going home and Tommy winning HoH. Edited August 12, 2019 by Wandering Snark 3 Link to comment
North of Eden August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Christy: I'm starting to think America hates me! North of Eden: Ding! Ding! Ding! Best part of the episode besides Christy actually going on the block was the Field Trippers realizing that America despises them. So help me if Nick plays in the veto and takes Christy down foiling America then he will have to go next! Honestly, this feels like a Dr. Strange scenario where he says he only sees one outcome out of millions where America wins...everything has to go perfectly right to keep Christy in one of the three chairs come Thursday including Jackson and Holly not having a last-minute change of heart. I'm not optimistic but am hoping.. And who knew there was more than mush between Sis's head when she didn't actually put herself on the block deliberately. She must have realized why take a chance and head to jury with no guarantee of coming back with Lawan type "superpowers". 2 2 Link to comment
mertensia August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Oh man, Christie's crying when she realized America hates her was so satisfying. I would be so grateful not to have to do that comp. It always looks so brutal on the fingers. by the way Christie, Analyze and Jackson: we hate you. 3 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 6 hours ago, PaperTree said: Chickenshit nominations. *wonders if that was intentional given the chicken-ness of tonight* Anyhow, I wanted to also make mention of how great it was that Christie was SO bad that Analeze was thinking 'C'mon I'm trying to throw this over here!!' but eventually realized they'd be there all night if she didn't just go ahead and take 2nd instead. Classic. 7 Link to comment
HeShallBMySquishy August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Oh man, that episode brought the funny! I loved that, no matter what or who was speaking, Jackson was sure to shoot down whoever and continually stated that, yes, America does hate them. I go back and forth and Jackson, but I was laughing alongside him at the fact that Christie would be going on the block. I also love it every time someone promises to throw the competition to someone else, but said person is so shockingly unbelievably inept that the someone has no choice but to power on through. Always too funny! 5 hours ago, leocadia said: Tommy is a terrible actor. When he was talking in the DR about how "outrageous" it was that Christie was on the block, he couldn't even hide the smile. Not that I think he wants Christie gone, but he was just so excited about the drama of it all he couldn't contain himself. I noticed that too. I honestly can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to fall for Christie's act: her fake cry-face somehow never produces any actual "tears." That would drive me crazy, just like her throwing around the word "deserve" this early in the game. IMO, in a game like this (or Survivor), when you get to F3, THEN you can start talking about deserve! GAHH drives me crazy!! 6 hours ago, PaperTree said: Cue the Christy waterworks (again). Yes honey, America hates you and is thrilled you are on the block. Now, to keep her there. Nick has gone to the Dark Side. He's such a weasel. There's a petition out to get his State license pulled. Be assured, Canada hates her too, at least this household does. When Christie first appeared this episode, my mother had a few choice words regarding her. Well, more than a few: filth streamed out of her mouth. If that weasel Nick gets picked for Veto, wins and puts the kibosh on this Let's Evict Christie plan, I would support this petition wholeheartedly. Because I'm petty like that. Damn, I wish I hadn't deleted this episode! 3 6 Link to comment
Scout Finch August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 (edited) I don't know if I'll watch the other episodes this week because I doubt they will be as satisfying as this one! Edited August 12, 2019 by Scout Finch 1 3 Link to comment
sunshine23 August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I was afraid to watch after Tommy won the veto since I am not a fan of his theoretical alliance, but this show was A-MA-ZING! It was so satisfying to watch Christie realize she is one of the most hated houseguests. I love how her hypocritical self "cried" about how unfair/sad it was that she was going up on the block. She didn't think it was sad or unfair when others were up there or voted out. This was the first time I liked Jackhole since the first show, before he opened his mouth. 1 4 Link to comment
jay741982 August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 11 hours ago, PaperTree said: Chickenshit nominations. Ugh! Tommy and Christy are on my last nerve. I despise them. Kat has become my favorite. Well done with the voting, America! The idiots finally figure out that America hates them. Hahahaha Anallice is so incredibly dumb. "Winning" after Jackson just gets her a punishment, instead of going on the block where she believes she is safe, yet Christy was just so bad at that. Smart of Lego Head to shake up the eggs so they rolled better. At least he's self-aware enough about why they got the Field Trip. Cue the Christy waterworks (again). Yes honey, America hates you and is thrilled you are on the block. Now, to keep her there. Nick has gone to the Dark Side. He's such a weasel. There's a petition out to get his State license pulled. America? This American HATES JACKSON. Wanted him OTB cause hes the actual worst. After seeing his POS Ass and Holly's Pathetic Ass celebrate like the Noms were set in Stone I CAN NOT WAIT to see Wednesdays episode. I bet if Christy was a man people wouldve started feeling sorry for her. Gross seeing some People seem to forget how disgusting Jackson is. Christie's not my fav but hes much worse. Him Holly Sis and Nick 2 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 If I remember anything from this season, it will be Christie sobbing uncontrollably while telling us all what a strong person she is. 7 Link to comment
DannyRugg August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I am so done with ANY of y'all who had any part in manifesting Christie on the block. Not just during Tommy's HOH but only a few weeks after Blockstar's daughter's birthday! Christie is a GOOD person and DESERVES to be in the game. DisGUSting! 24 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 (edited) 6 minutes ago, DannyRugg said: I am so done with ANY of y'all who had any part in manifesting Christie on the block. Not just during Tommy's HOH but only a few weeks after Blockstar's daughter's birthday! Christie is a GOOD person and DESERVES to be in the game. DisGUSting! A "GOOD person" wouldn't go on and on about Kat and Holly knowing each other being some big "betrayal" while she and Tommy have known each other and been actively in cahoots from Day One. Edited August 12, 2019 by Sir RaiderDuck OMS 4 Link to comment
PaperTree August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, jay741982 said: Gross seeing some People seem to forget how disgusting Jackson is. I don't think anybody has forgotten how disgusting he is. It's just that there's lots of disgusting to go around. Maybe I'll go smash a watermelon. eta: He got a pretty good edit last night. Edited August 12, 2019 by PaperTree 2 3 Link to comment
greyflannel August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 After the competition, in one of her talking heads, Christie said she was starting to feel like America hates her. I thought "Bless her heart, she still isn't sure." 7 4 Link to comment
Nashville August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 1 hour ago, greyflannel said: After the competition, in one of her talking heads, Christie said she was starting to feel like America hates her. I thought "Bless her heart, she still isn't sure." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 🤪💩🤪💩🤪💩🤪💩🤪💩 3 Link to comment
ilovebeaarthur August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I can't get a screencap of it, but after Analice placed second, the camera zoomed in on her and her name placard only showed ANALY. I giggled to myself and thought of everyone here. I'd like to think the camera guys did that on purpose. 6 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 14 hours ago, Melina22 said: Jackson, whether you like him or not, came across as smart and self aware in this episode. First, for immediately understanding why America voted for them. Second, for thinking of shaking the eggs. Third, for managing to convey this info to Analyse without Christie realizing. Self aware, but not necessarily that smart. All he had to do was remember the shaking trick from when this comp was used in BB18 (not that long ago). I don't think Analyse needed the hint. Either she saw BB18, or had already seen Jackson doing it; he wasn't as subtle in shaking his eggs as he should have been. Link to comment
iMonrey August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I'm torn about Nick. On the one hand I absolutely hate this whole "6-shooter" thing but on the other hand he is entirely correct in his assessment that they are a better bet to side with than the other losers. And yeah, credit where credit is due, I would not have expected Jackson to be self-aware enough to realize why "America" voted for those three in particular. But this whole gimmick underscores my objection to it: surely nobody who voted for Jackson wanted to see him win safety for a week. I also expected the winner to actually . . . go somewhere. I get they've got this whole "camping" theme going on but still, "Field Trip" does imply a trip. 1 3 Link to comment
IndyMischa August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 3 hours ago, greyflannel said: After the competition, in one of her talking heads, Christie said she was starting to feel like America hates her. I thought "Bless her heart, she still isn't sure." I might have said, out loud, gleefully: "We do!" 3 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: I also expected the winner to actually . . . go somewhere. I get they've got this whole "camping" theme going on but still, "Field Trip" does imply a trip. In a lot of ways that part was a major letdown, but the results were so awesome I kinda let it slide. Their "trip" to the farm was a real half-assing by production of a "field trip" challenge. 1 Link to comment
Pass the Tequila August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 I really enjoyed this episode... and actually the forums moreso. ❤️ Does anyone know what the actual voting numbers were exactly? Or how/where to find that out? I would love to know Tommy and Jack's numbers especially. And then of course have the HGs informed of them as well. Pretty mean of me I know, but can't help myself with some of these people lol. 3 Link to comment
amazingracefan August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 39 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said: I really enjoyed this episode... and actually the forums moreso. ❤️ Does anyone know what the actual voting numbers were exactly? Or how/where to find that out? I would love to know Tommy and Jack's numbers especially. And then of course have the HGs informed of them as well. Pretty mean of me I know, but can't help myself with some of these people lol. Public votes are the standard feature of the most popular style of Big Brother, and as much a part of the psychological experiment as the contestants voting among themselves. Having both elements does create more drama and more audience involvement. 1 Link to comment
woodscommaelle August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 Was America voting for their least favorite houseguests? Is that how it was worded? Link to comment
greyflannel August 12, 2019 Share August 12, 2019 28 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said: Was America voting for their least favorite houseguests? Is that how it was worded? No. It was worded that the top 3 people voted for would have a competition, with first place winning safety for the week, second place receiving a punishment and third place getting put on the block. Since most people would not want to chance their favorite player going on the block, and would love to put one of their least favorite people up there, I would think the majority voted for their least favorite players. One of them getting safety was just an unfortunate side effect. 1 1 7 Link to comment
Brian Cronin August 13, 2019 Share August 13, 2019 It's funny how monotone Jackson has been in his DRs since the Six blew up. Link to comment
leocadia August 14, 2019 Share August 14, 2019 8 hours ago, Brian Cronin said: It's funny how monotone Jackson has been in his DRs since the Six blew up. Funny yet also a little frightening, lol. Link to comment
sphoebus31 August 14, 2019 Share August 14, 2019 20 hours ago, Brian Cronin said: It's funny how monotone Jackson has been in his DRs since the Six blew up. I just assumed he was finally back on his meds. Link to comment
Shatex August 27, 2019 Share August 27, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:32 PM, watch2much said: I never tire of seeing how bullies act when the tables are turned. And Christie kept saying she thought she relax this week with Tommy as HOH? When has she ever had to worry about being nominated, unlike the peasants who the six constantly dumped on. I am just glad that reality hit her in the face! Yes Christie it's true America does hate you. Link to comment
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