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S14.E01: New Friend, New Flames

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3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Did Shane decide to cram for the bar exam the week before he was set to take it?  Because if he's more than two months out, he shouldn't have to be studying from sun up to late nights.  First, it isn't effective to study that long daily.  Second, he should know a good amount if he's sat for the exam before. Third, he works in a law office and even if he's not practicing in CA, he should have a good working knowledge of most things and should only be focusing on new developments and the sections he flunked before.  Emily should know the score and realize he's just avoiding her and the kids.  Personally, I'd avoid those kids too, but they aren't mine.

As someone who passed (NY) on the first try, I'd ordinarily agree, but he's a three-time flunker and needs to try something different maybe.  (Anyway, we did cram a lot on the last week after going to bar review for two months.). 

He should be doing a lot of practice tests. It's a horrible experience, and even his continuing to work in the field may not help him. You have to memorize a lot, answer a lot of tricky multiple choice and write essays under time pressure. It's not like an actual work experience, any many people think it's a stupid way to measure fitness to practice law. 

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I watched last year's reunion before watching the new episode last night.  It was pretty rich watching obnoxious Gina in part 3 of the reunion to yesterday when SHE was the one with a DUI.  Gina almost looked unrecognizable in her THs and not in a good way.

I agree with the posters who want to keep politics off of the show but Ryan said Spencer called him a racist which sounds like a bratty/silver spoon comment.  Perhaps that will be the sub-plot; not so much about the politics but the differences in raising children in two sets of circumstances (poor vs rich).

I very much appreciated the absence of Vicki last night.  Don't you know she is doing the rage/scream she has shown the world.

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4 hours ago, Irritable said:

I agree, I do not want to see politics on these shows.  I think the bigger issue with Ryan's views is that when he and his brother disagreed, he apparently threatened to hit him because he doesn't think he should be spoken to "that way".  Didn't Ryan go to jail for domestic assault against the mother of his child? He and his volatile temper can please go away now, thanks.

After being called racist.

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Last night's episode proved to me that we 100% DO NOT NEED VICKI GUNVALSON ON THIS SHOW! 

Shannon looks great, Gina looks terrible, the new girl looks amazing for having seven (!!!) kids.  Is Kelly really that raw and unfiltered in real life, or is this all for show?  And, how could that cameraperson watch that kid kick the dog repeatedly and not do something to stop him?!?!

Sign my name to the NO POLITICS ON MY HOUSEWIVES SHOWS petition!  Better yet, keep Ryan off totally.  He's creepy. 

How many times is Tamra going move?  Love the new house though! 

A city near where I live is encouraging residents to erect owl houses to attract owls to control the rat population.  Not sure if that would work in the OC.

Edited by suzeecat
an additional thought
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8 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I’m not sure any rescue place is going to be real excited about Kelly as a potential adopter if she refuses to touch cats and practically screeches when one comes near her.

And she also doesn't want them in the house. I volunteer at the humane society and we live in a pretty rural area. We actually will, once in awhile, advertise certain cats as "mousers"/"barn cats". (They're all fixed.) But the cats shown last night did not look like those kind of cats. Her behaviour at the rescue would have been a huge red flag. 

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Brauwyn sound like a character in a VC Andrews book.  The 7 kids factor creeps me out because I've just started watching Handmaid's Tale.

The kid kicks the dog today could be a serial killer tomorrow.  They need to straighten him up now.

Kelly's boyfriend sounded he was talking to a patient.

That's all I got out of the 10 minutes watching.  I think I'm weaned off now.

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13 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Tamra reminds me of white trash.

Despite all of her pretensions otherwise, Tamra IS white trash.  

12 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Oh Fuck! Bravo is bringing politics. NO NO NO! I'd rather watch them all get stupid wasted as old as that is!  

Saw it coming and fast-forwarded.  Bravo, if I want politics - left OR right - I'll watch the CSPAN.

And note to Kelly - CATS are useful if you have a MOUSE problem.  Rats are far to large on the whole for a cat to be effective in dealing with them.  Get a terrier - Cairn, West Highland or Jack Russell, or a Dachsund if you want to deal with rats.  And make sure they're vaccinated, girl.   

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11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I like the new girl too.  I just hope the 7 kids aren’t like  Emilies kids that are wild and kick animals.  Emily has zero control.

I had to laugh when she mentioned Dad was going to Miami and all of a sudden you hear a chorus of "Oh DAAAAAAAD......"  Which totally would happen in my house.

And maybe it's just me but I thought Shannon's kids were playing to the camera way too much in that gym scene. 

Looking forward to the moment Kelly tells Vicki "you're a scammer and a con man."  Looks like one of Vicki's gossip lies has done real damage to not only Kelly, but her daughter.  Of course, $10 says Vicki says she is just "repeating what she heard."  Then you better come up with the source, bitch.  And fast.  

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4 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I like the new wife so far.  I don't even mind her kids, they were funny.  I still really like Kelly's and Shannon's kids.

Yeah, I actually liked her kids. Which is highly unusual for me on a show like this!* They seemed decently behaved and like “normal” kids. 

On a different note: Kelly shouldn’t get a cat if she doesn’t really want one... but I got a big chuckle out of the idea of naming a cat “Will Feral.” 

Edited by ivygirl
* and I also liked a Youtuber’s video with her toddler nephew... what’s happening to me?
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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I clearly stated that I do not condone violence. 

Great. But Ryan does. And maybe his “difference of opinion” is based in racism.  But he sure does have his victim act down.

3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

To be honest, I'm surprised Tamra isn't a Trump supporter.   I would assume that of Vicki and her son-in-law Ryan, too.  I agree, though, I hope that's the last politics will be mentioned.

She never said she wasn’t. She just doesn’t want to talk about it on camera. Andy has indicated that OC and NJ are Trump supporters in the past. But Tamara may be trying to mind her money. If talking about it on tv is bad for business, then she’ll play neutral (but will throw her son under the bus in the process).

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8 hours ago, sheetmoss said:

Judge added, “She didn’t want us to film there. She was causing problems with HOA [home owners association].”

Dear Tamra - Not everyone is an attention whore.  And no, I imagine that MOST of the neighborhood didn't like the filming.   And they probably didn't much care for you, either.  

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13 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Not the exercising part - but the way that cart was set up - why the heck is there a freaking pike in the center? Someone slips they are going to be staked like a vampire

That's so you can add weight "plates" to the sled. The plates which are the same used in bench pressing, etc. have holes in the middle so you can add them to whatever machines you are working on. At my gym they put a tennis ball on top of the pole after the plates are added so there are no accidents like you are describing. 

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10 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I quit RHOBH this year, but I swear I just can't quit the original.  I don't know why, but I have always enjoyed OC.  Not as much as NY, but I do find some of the stuff on this show a bit more relatable than most.  

Same. BH has devolved into a she said she said talking behind backs and no story line except Erica and her gays yelling YAASSS, BITCH. Done with it for good. 

I only watch NY and OC now. I'm really hoping that OC doesn't let me down. Emily annoys me and I have no desire to se anyone's children, so I am pinning my hopes on little man Shane to provide snark worthy scenes. 

Gina is just a big old mess and I personally don't think it's good for her to deal with her divorce on camera. 

Kelly sounds drunk 24/7. I'm not sure if she's actually drunk or just sounds that way. 

Tamra can get off my TV anytime now. I don't want to watch her family. Period. 

New girl I am witholding judgment for now, but seven kids? Yikes. And I frcking can't stand when women says stuff like I don't understand what my husband does.  It sounds like you are calling yourself stupid. Having a gaggle of children doesn't make you an interesting person. And please put them away somewhere so I don;t have to watch them. 

I'm wondering if Vicks is going to pull a LuAnn, who got demoted to "friend of", then broke out and won her apple back. I can't believe Vicks will take this lying down. I'm guessing she has some crazy shit planned. I think Andy just got tired of her calling herself the OG and acting like she owned the franchise. I think this demotion is to teach her lesson and see if she can redeem herself.  

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12 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I can't believe Vicks will take this lying down. I'm guessing she has some crazy shit planned. I think Andy just got tired of her calling herself the OG and acting like she owned the franchise. I think this demotion is to teach her lesson and see if she can redeem herself.  

And, thank you Andy!  My guess is Vicki's story line will revolve around her engagement/wedding.

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11 hours ago, breezy424 said:

No Vicks this episode.  Yay.  However, can anyone actually verify that she's been demoted to 'friend' status?

Why are Emily and Gina still on the show.  They're boring as hell.  What was with Gina's hair at lunch with Emily.

We'll see with the new housewife.

I really like Tam's new house.  Ryan can go away.

Please.  Please.  Don't let Kelly adopt a cat.

Shannon looks great.  She seems to be coming into her own.  I barely recognized her daughters.  They've grown up so much.  Yay.  Archie sighting.

I can't 100% confirm that Icki has been demoted but here's the pic they kept flashing before commercial breaks


No Vicki holding an Orange. Not even a shot sized glass of OJ like they give you at IHOP

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Why so many scenes with Kids? It felt like the kids had more talking heads than the housewives did. If I wanted to watch kids I would watch Nickelodeon not Bravo.

We watch Bravo to see Vicki pee on the bed or Tamra drunkenly jump in a hot tub and break her leg not watch breakfast at the “Eight is Enough” house.

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8 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Let's see....Lauri's criminal son, Shane (Jeana's son), Steve Lodge, Simon, Lou (Tammy's dead ex)...LOL, I think it'd be easier to name the non-douchebags.

After Kelly's "pharoh" cat gaffe, I totally get why she and Ramona hit it off (aside from their obvious mutual love of booze).  Imagine the two of them conversing and trying to figure out what the hell they actual mean.  Could be fun, could be terrifying!

Kelly's plastic surgeon doc reminded me a lot of that creepy plastic surgeon husband on RHoMiami (tKelly's creepy he one whose wife had fertility issues).  Kelly's dude didn't necessarily make me think of Dirty John, but that "Babe" dude Shannon was sucking face with sure did. 

Did Shane decide to cram for the bar exam the week before he was set to take it?  Because if he's more than two months out, he shouldn't have to be studying from sun up to late nights.  First, it isn't effective to study that long daily.  Second, he should know a good amount if he's sat for the exam before. Third, he works in a law office and even if he's not practicing in CA, he should have a good working knowledge of most things and should only be focusing on new developments and the sections he flunked before.  Emily should know the score and realize he's just avoiding her and the kids.  Personally, I'd avoid those kids too, but they aren't mine.

It is true that opinions can change on a dime with Bravo shows.  I was so fed up with Luann's haughty cavalier attitude post-arrest, but I'd take that every day, all day, over Gina's constant neediness for assurance her parents and friends still like her.  This shit is just depressing.

The Doc on the Miami HW was like world reknowned.  I think his name was Lenny and his resume was pretty outstanding.  He also completed medical school very young.  He never creeped me out because he wasn't a huge factor on the show.  Most of the men on that show were kind of background.  Kelly's guy is no where near Lenn's calibre or Dr. Dubrows or Dr. Nassif.  I do think that Shannon looks great and that the work looks pretty natural.  

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18 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I had to laugh when she mentioned Dad was going to Miami and all of a sudden you hear a chorus of "Oh DAAAAAAAD......"  Which totally would happen in my house.

And maybe it's just me but I thought Shannon's kids were playing to the camera way too much in that gym scene. 

Looking forward to the moment Kelly tells Vicki "you're a scammer and a con man."  Looks like one of Vicki's gossip lies has done real damage to not only Kelly, but her daughter.  Of course, $10 says Vicki says she is just "repeating what she heard."  Then you better come up with the source, bitch.  And fast.  

I actually hate Vikie for that remark to Kelly.  That’s the worst thing to say, considering she has a daughter.  She is vile, and Steve better wake up and smell the roses.

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8 hours ago, ivygirl said:

I don’t see any responses to this yet (sorry if I missed it)—but that’s a “sled” and they usually put weights on the pike. All CrossFit stuff seems crazy to me 🤣 but apparently a lot of people love it. 

Thanks for the explanation.

But that pike should be screwed out when people who are "not so fit" use it. People new to exercising are not so graceful - Shannon is clumsy. Someone could slip and hit the side of their face. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen

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4 hours ago, GussieK said:

As someone who passed (NY) on the first try, I'd ordinarily agree, but he's a three-time flunker and needs to try something different maybe.  (Anyway, we did cram a lot on the last week after going to bar review for two months.). 

He should be doing a lot of practice tests. It's a horrible experience, and even his continuing to work in the field may not help him. You have to memorize a lot, answer a lot of tricky multiple choice and write essays under time pressure. It's not like an actual work experience, any many people think it's a stupid way to measure fitness to practice law. 

 He flunked 3 times?! Omg

 I don't like his attitude toward his wife. He directs are like a lot of mormon men talk to women.

3 hours ago, albarino said:

I watched last year's reunion before watching the new episode last night.  It was pretty rich watching obnoxious Gina in part 3 of the reunion to yesterday when SHE was the one with a DUI.  Gina almost looked unrecognizable in her THs and not in a good way.

I agree with the posters who want to keep politics off of the show but Ryan said Spencer called him a racist which sounds like a bratty/silver spoon comment.  Perhaps that will be the sub-plot; not so much about the politics but the differences in raising children in two sets of circumstances (poor vs rich).

I very much appreciated the absence of Vicki last night.  Don't you know she is doing the rage/scream she has shown the world.

 We don't know what prompted ryan's little brother to call him a racist.

 Thank the good Lord Vicky is not on. Her screaming in a rather antics and lying.... She really was a match for Brooks.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

They can't quite get her off - she be clinging on


Love the vid... I would think it was Vicky, but the but isn't big enough!

21 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

The Doc on the Miami HW was like world reknowned.  I think his name was Lenny and his resume was pretty outstanding.  He also completed medical school very young.  He never creeped me out because he wasn't a huge factor on the show.  Most of the men on that show were kind of background.  Kelly's guy is no where near Lenn's calibre or Dr. Dubrows or Dr. Nassif.  I do think that Shannon looks great and that the work looks pretty natural.  

I agree.

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45 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Same. BH has devolved into a she said she said talking behind backs and no story line except Erica and her gays yelling YAASSS, BITCH. Done with it for good. 

I only watch NY and OC now. I'm really hoping that OC doesn't let me down. Emily annoys me and I have no desire to se anyone's children, so I am pinning my hopes on little man Shane to provide snark worthy scenes. 

Gina is just a big old mess and I personally don't think it's good for her to deal with her divorce on camera. 

Kelly sounds drunk 24/7. I'm not sure if she's actually drunk or just sounds that way. 

Tamra can get off my TV anytime now. I don't want to watch her family. Period. 

New girl I am witholding judgment for now, but seven kids? Yikes. And I frcking can't stand when women says stuff like I don't understand what my husband does.  It sounds like you are calling yourself stupid. Having a gaggle of children doesn't make you an interesting person. And please put them away somewhere so I don;t have to watch them. 

I'm wondering if Vicks is going to pull a LuAnn, who got demoted to "friend of", then broke out and won her apple back. I can't believe Vicks will take this lying down. I'm guessing she has some crazy shit planned. I think Andy just got tired of her calling herself the OG and acting like she owned the franchise. I think this demotion is to teach her lesson and see if she can redeem herself.  

 I never want to see Vicki again 

6 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Speaking of, why is Ryan always there now?  Does he live there?  Is he divorced?  Does he have a job?

 He never got married.

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30 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Looking forward to the moment Kelly tells Vicki "you're a scammer and a con man."  Looks like one of Vicki's gossip lies has done real damage to not only Kelly, but her daughter.

We'll likely never know but I believe this is why Bravo had to demote her.  Vicki took offense to Kelly falling her fat so Vicki "went there."  Hope she is completely gone next season.

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While I enjoyed Braunwyn (? WTF ?) and her family this first episode I fully expect to hate her half way thru the season.  They always disappoint.

Gina.  Wow.  I found her to be an attractive woman her first season except for her nails on a chalkboard voice.  I'm not sure what she's done to herself.  The hair color in her TH is especially bad/wrong color for her.

Didn't miss Vicki one bit.

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