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S21.E11: Live Eviction #3; Battle Back #1

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This is the first season of BB I am barely able to watch. Even following the feeds is hard. These are genuinely disgusting people. I have been watching since season 2 and I am not looking forward to seeing the rest of the season. I FF most of the episodes to the parts I find interesting, usually the results of competitions. I'm sad because I always loved this show.

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Well damn!  Never saw Cliff winning the CC, still humina-humina-humina-ing.

Loved the look on Nick's face once Cliff was evicted; maybe Nicole wasn't lying after all, huh moron?!

I wish Day had been in the house instead of Kemi when Jackass did his condescending rant about her cup….she would have handed him his head with all his hair shoved up his ass!

I red-hot hate this prick and can’t wait for him to come out and see just how hated he is….I also hope his ex-girlfriend either marries or doesn’t give him the time of day.

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Any bets on how long before Nick and Bella talk to those who voted to keep Nicole and, by thinking rationally about it, are convinced that it was all just a misunderstanding orchestrated by Nicole's lies?

That's what I'm wondering. Clearly Nick and Bella aren't that bright. How easy will it be for the "six-shooters" to snow them all over again? They are already predisposed to believing whatever they're told. 

It would be funny if it turned out that Cliff was some kind of stealth challenge beast, but if that were the case why did he fail to win Veto both times he was on the block? I guess at the very least we now know his skill set. 

First Christie blabs to Nick and Bella about her power and then she decides she wants to blindside them in the vote. WTF. She is all over the map.

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14 hours ago, hhawks said:

The Moonvees Chenbot sure is susceptible to fake flattery.  When Jack went to cast his vote, he first had to pour on the charm with a "how beautiful you look."  Julie ate it up and replied "Thank you.  Thank you."  She usually takes the time to acknowledge all the compliments, but I've never heard a double thank you response.  I guess Mr Moonvees is too busy trying to stay out of jail these days, so Julie's not getting many compliments at home.

Or maybe it's just Jack's charisma.  As we all know, "he's so hot."

  • LOL 1

That whole "shaker-gate" lecture from Jack to Kemi was just awful and I thought it was really scary.  His tone was condescending, his body language was threatening, he was so anchored in his absolute authority and superiority, and then with his extremely insincere "Thank you.  I respect you, I love you, good talk..." conclusion punctuated by violent slams of his hand against the counter after every statement...it was just about the worst thing I've seen on BB, ever.  And that includes when Evel Dick burned Jen with a cigarette and threw his drink in her face, and when Justin held a knife to Krista's throat and talked about killing her when they were drunkenly making out. 

Jack's hatred of Kemi, his sense of superiority, and his barely restrained anger at her being in the house just rolled right off of him in waves.  I'd read about the incident on the live feed thread, but seeing it in person just showed that the outraged descriptions I read were not exaggerated in any way.  I was appalled.  What a Jackhole.

  • Love 17

It’s really too bad the fridge is only large enough for one shaker and NOTHING ELSE.

I was hoping Kemi would say her main reason for wanting to come back was to put all the shakers in the fridge...except Jack’s.

Gotdamn he’s a supreme cockhole.

So the three minorities go out one-two-three and the old white guy is the one to make it back.  This show is gross and I judge myself for watching it.

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5 hours ago, mertensia said:

It's glaringly obvious. The three dark skinned people were out one two three. Pretending it didn't happen looks even worse.  And we should be calling out racism. And pointing out bad casting.

Exactly, I've been hounding Big Brother's Facebook page since the second episode about the glaring racism and I know other people have been too. There's NO WAY CBS doesn't know that America is upset. 

The most we can hope for now is for some actual change to happen. I also messaged David, Ovi and Kemi personally on Instagram just letting them know that America had their back the whole time and we all saw the discrimination that was going on. They deserve all the love from us.

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I don't want to blame Cliff for winning in any way, because he absolutely killed that competition and I like that the toekn old guy has made it back twice when his role is typically one of the first to go in this show. If he were up against 3 other people I would have been over the moon. But it's like I can't be happy about it because it's such poor form to have three of the four people of color out of the house now. I didn't dislike anyone in this cast right away like I did in season 15 where I hated almost all of them on sight, but this season is proving to be full of just as many racist bullies as that one. Last night was uncomfortable to watch. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

That whole "shaker-gate" lecture from Jack to Kemi was just awful and I thought it was really scary.  His tone was condescending, his body language was threatening, he was so anchored in his absolute authority and superiority, and then with his extremely insincere "Thank you.  I respect you, I love you, good talk..." conclusion punctuated by violent slams of his hand against the counter after every statement...it was just about the worst thing I've seen on BB, ever.  And that includes when Evel Dick burned Jen with a cigarette and threw his drink in her face, and when Justin held a knife to Krista's throat and talked about killing her when they were drunkenly making out. 

I don’t know that I’d go as far as saying it was as bad as the evel dick or Justin incidents, because those were actually violent on another level

But I agree that he was horrible, disgusting, condescending, threatening, superior and insincere!  Omg I was sitting on my couch and I felt menaced.  If this is how he behaves on national TV I cannot imagine what he is like in real life.  Or is he acting this way because he feels invulnerable as part of his alliance?   Either way, he is an ugly brute and I’m not even enjoying him in a fun hate-to-watch way.  I really hate watching him and I’m not enjoying this season.  

Also I’ve been rooting for David since the first episode when he was so unfairly tossed out without even getting one minute to play.  Imagine the disappointment of applying and waiting and hoping, and then getting picked, putting your life on pause for three months, and then getting sent out on day one. And then he didn’t get to come back in.  I almost cried myself hearing that he cried, and I don’t get that emotional about people I don’t actually know!  And the whole minority thing....ugh. At first I thought it might be random, even when it was David and Ovi, there were legit reasons to have them out of the house.  But once Kemi joined them, it just couldn’t be ignored.  And it’s really sad.  And Julie is a minority as well, but when she baited them I think they didn’t know if they should bring it up or not. She should have just come out with it.  I remember when an Asian woman named Jun won years ago, she said something about not expecting a face like hers to be there, and she was emotional, and Julie said me too, Jun, me too...something like that, and I was surprised.  Especially back in those days, when Julie was more robotic, it was surprising to hear some off script real feelings from her.  I think it would have been appropriate to address the elephant in the room, to make them feel heard and seen and also to respond to the home audience.  Julie knows what is being discussed all around the country  

I don’t know who to root for with David out for good.  I’m gonna go with Sam, or maybe Kat.  I don’t know but do know I’m not having fun  

Edited by Rbonnie
Clumsy fingers lead to misspelled words
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I felt bad for Ovi, Kemi and David. Glad for Cliff, though. 'Old guy shows 'em how to do it.'

Jack continues to show what an asshole he is. And he looks even more ugly without the facial hair. He needs to cover that mug.

Someone a while ago here talked about if Janelle was there, she would have stocked the fridge with water bottles. 

I would've had a hard time NOT just cutting the cord to it, but that would hurt other house guests, too.

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There are a lot of non-PC things that you can be accused of and this show casts a diverse enough group that from time to time the HG's who are worst at making the right connections to stick around long may fall into a category. In this case that happened to be "minorities", and I'm hearing that we'll just ignore this other minority that's been wielding more power than some of the white HG's and call "racism". Is there something going on on the feeds that I'm not aware of?

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

There are a lot of non-PC things that you can be accused of and this show casts a diverse enough group that from time to time the HG's who are worst at making the right connections to stick around long may fall into a category. In this case that happened to be "minorities", and I'm hearing that we'll just ignore this other minority that's been wielding more power than some of the white HG's and call "racism". Is there something going on on the feeds that I'm not aware of?

That would be one of the safer assumptions of the century.

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5 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

That whole "shaker-gate" lecture from Jack to Kemi was just awful and I thought it was really scary.  His tone was condescending, his body language was threatening, he was so anchored in his absolute authority and superiority, and then with his extremely insincere "Thank you.  I respect you, I love you, good talk..." conclusion punctuated by violent slams of his hand against the counter after every statement...it was just about the worst thing I've seen on BB, ever.  And that includes when Evel Dick burned Jen with a cigarette and threw his drink in her face, and when Justin held a knife to Krista's throat and talked about killing her when they were drunkenly making out. 

Jack's hatred of Kemi, his sense of superiority, and his barely restrained anger at her being in the house just rolled right off of him in waves.  I'd read about the incident on the live feed thread, but seeing it in person just showed that the outraged descriptions I read were not exaggerated in any way.  I was appalled.  What a Jackhole.

It all gave the impression that this was something he was truly upset about. Like when inside you're shaking from anger, but outside you're trying to speak calmly. The slamming his hands down like that while smiling...so awful.

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2 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

There are a lot of non-PC things that you can be accused of and this show casts a diverse enough group that from time to time the HG's who are worst at making the right connections to stick around long may fall into a category. In this case that happened to be "minorities", and I'm hearing that we'll just ignore this other minority that's been wielding more power than some of the white HG's and call "racism". Is there something going on on the feeds that I'm not aware of?

Oh, come on.  Nobody ignored Bella's behavior.  She's been heavily criticized everywhere.  It's just that her behavior towards Nicole doesn't appear to be racially motivated, so people aren't accusing her of racism.

People have good reasons for calling out racism here this season.   And even in your own statement, you acknowledge that you don't have the entire story because you don't watch the feeds.   

You don't watch the feeds.  You seem to be completely unaware of the commentary on Bella's behavior on this board and elsewhere.  You are lacking a lot of information here, yet you are giving us a lecture on race relations in the BB house.

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2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

there's a thread on this site about the live feeds, you can find out a lot by reading there. 

Or another option.  You could just go to the "BB in the Media: Outside the Fishbowl" thread right here if you don't want to be spoiled directly about in game stuff.  A discreet by telling tweet from Julie Chen herself was just re-posted there by Wandering Snark.  (Thanks, Mr Snark). 

But again if you don't want to be spoiled period be careful what you read in that thread.

Edited by green
  • Useful 1
21 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't watch the feeds, only the CBS episodes, this is the episodes thread.  I would hope feed watchers would cut the non-feed watchers some slack.  I am not about to call someone racist unless I see racism first hand. 

Why should we cut you slack?  You didn't cut any slack to the people who think there is racism going on.  Nobody's asking you to call anything racist.  But maybe you should consider that the people who are seeing racism might have a whole world of data and experiences that you don't know anything about.

21 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

After viewing the televised episodes, IMO Bella has a dominant (controlling) personality, and she gets off on treating those that she perceives are weak, like crap.   I think Nicole gives off that vibe of weakness.  What gives Bella even more confidence, is that she is part of  a clique of nine people.

IMO, Bella gives off that vibe that she maybe the type of person that in high school who would get off on making other classmates lives miserable.

This has nothing to do with your previous quote.  You stated that people were ignoring someone's behavior who is a minority.  If you were referring to Bella, she's not getting a pass anywhere.  She's been criticized all over the place.  On this board, in the house, on the internet.  If you were talking about Bella, then you made a false statement in order to defend your viewpoint on whether there is racism in the house.

ETA:  I mistakenly confused 2 posters together.  Please ignore this.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
2 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I have no clue what you are talking about.  You have me confused with another poster.  I never said that.

Yes, my bad. I had you confused with another poster.  I'll put a note in that post.

9 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Why should we cut you slack?  You didn't cut any slack to the people who think there is racism going on.  Nobody's asking you to call anything racist.  But maybe you should consider that the people who are seeing racism might have a whole world of data and experiences that you don't know anything about.

This has nothing to do with your previous quote.  You stated that people were ignoring someone's behavior who is a minority.  If you were referring to Bella, she's not getting a pass anywhere.  She's been criticized all over the place.  On this board, in the house, on the internet.  If you were talking about Bella, then you made a false statement in order to defend your viewpoint on whether there is racism in the house.

ETA:  I mistakenly confused 2 posters together.  please ignore this.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't watch the feeds, only the CBS episodes, this is the episodes thread.  I would hope feed watchers would cut the non-feed watchers some slack.  I am not about to call someone racist unless I see racism or hear something racist first hand.   I do believe that the eviction order is troubling.   But then again, house guests don't have the option not to vote.

I would like to respond to this, now that I'm not in such a hurry.  And again, my apologies for the earlier confusion.

For a show like the Real World, we all mostly have the same info to go on, because the behind the scenes info is limited.  Even if we get some behind-the-scenes info, we can't really be sure how much of it is accurate (I'm not sure I trust Starcasm to be a fount of accuracy).

But, with BB, we have a whole intermediate set of info between the show and Starcasm - which are the live feeds.  And these feeds are publicly available (well, they're behind a subscription wall, but still).  Which means that there is a lot of publicly available information that is accurate and that doesn't make the live show.  

Of course, there is hidden information that could provide additional context to what we see on the feeds (because they switch cameras or cut to fish when they don't want us to hear something).  So, the info that comes from the live feeds isn't the end-all-be-all of the discussion.  But it is a significant part of the discussion of what is happening in the house.

Some people choose not to look at the live feed info.  So be it.  But people who do this are simply operating from a smaller pool of information than people who look at live feed info. 

For some things, who cares?  There's probably viewpoints in this thread about gameplay that are obsolete already because of what's happened on the live feeds so far.   All that will be corrected in the next episode (probably).

No biggie.  But, for something like racial issues, the non-feed watchers should step back and acknowledge that they are operating from incomplete information.  And that lack of information is probably not going to be corrected in the live show, because of the way BB tackles racial issues on the show.  And particularly since BB has a history of hiding racial issues from the broadcast show, it's quite likely that show-only watchers will have a very inaccurate picture of the racial issues in the house.

For example, in BB15, there were multiple people being racist jerks, but we really only got a picture of Aaryn's behavior.  There have been other seasons where people have said explicitly racist things (like calling a Latino a "beaner" or making disparaging comments about Jews) and those things didn't make the broadcast show.

Given that history, I just think non-feed watchers have an extremely skewed and sanitized version of events when it comes to racial issues in the house.  

Edited by MrHufflepuff
  • Love 5

A couple of days late, due to backlog, and no "notes as I go" this time.  Just a few things:

• Hey, Announcer Clayton!  David was never "voted out".  He lost the Camp Director election and Jackson "stuffed him in a sack" and that was the end of it.  Five HGs (Ovi, Kemi, Jessica, Cliff, Nicole) have had votes cast against them, but David wasn't one of them.

• Nice to see 6 Sh66ters make air (if only so I can now refer to them as "6 Shitters" in all the threads), but seriously, what is up with all these numerically-based alliance names?  Gr8ful, unde9able, even Kat's "Party of 1" (the only all-female alliance guaranteed to not turn on itself). 

Do these buffoons not trust themselves to be able to keep track of who's in the alliance unless there's a number to help them count heads?  I just thought I'd 10der my opinion here.

• Hey, Feedsters!  How come when I did my catch-up reading on the Feeds thread, I saw plenty of discussion of ShakerGate, but nobody mentioned Jack banging on the countertop, repeatedly, like…well, like some sort of enraged gorilla?  That is IMO much worse than his picking the fight with Kemi, his denying her fridge space, or his being a condescending jackhole. 

That's physical intimidation, pure and simple.  Like what he was pulling with Ovi in that SR conversation last time:  "I'm not going to hit you.  But if I did, I would beat you bloody."  That's his subtext.  That's his being utterly vile. 

I'm glad the episode gave him almost no credit for saving Nicole, but still, I'm as angry as somebody who found an unwanted shaker bottle in their fridge.

• Jackson kind of twitched when Julie called him "Michie".  I don't think having to surrender his name to his pal, Jonathan, really sits all that well with him.

• I still hate the pas-des-deux with a passion, but Jackson just lifting Tommy out of his way was simple and amusing, I'll admit.

• So, given that Loss Hogg crushed the Camp Crapback competition so easily, should we describe the comp as a Whitesnake competition?  Because, honestly, here we go again:

And yes, David Coverdale did name the group after his penis.  As you might have guessed.

Too bad we can't flash back to DC's time in Deep Purple and watch the house "Burn!"  Oh, well.

• I respectfully disagree with those posters who said they were "Gr8ful" that the Camp Segregation evictees didn't call out the racism.  It needs to be said loud and clear, again and again.  I don't care if this means that CBS gets some hate-watching; the BB15 backlash was strong enough that we went five seasons without overt racism, I'll take that again, please.

• I also think that Julie was unnecessarily weak in trying to get a reaction from the CCers on the "gameplay…or something else?" topic.  "Why do you think the others ostracized you and others in Camp Comeback?" still requires Ovi to take the first shot.    Something like "It hasn't escaped notice that you three are the darkest-complected Houseguests this season.  Do you think you were treated the same as any other Houseguest by those remaining in the game…or do you think racial issues may have factored into it?" would have been a perfectly legitimate question to ask the evictees.  Give David a chance to make a simple "yes or no" choice about calling out racism, rather than requiring him to seemingly bring it up out of the blue.  That would be more fair, IMO.

• Likewise "It hasn't escaped notice" (by me) that Julie only asked the "let me leave the door open to…other issues" questions of David and Ovi; Kemi (IMO the one most likely to call the racism out) only got a "were you surprised to see Nicole stay?" gameplay question.  I can't help wonder if that was a deliberate choice, too.

Probably an endurance comp coming now.  AnalFleas, this is your moment! Yay?

Worst-case scenario:  Christie going 2-for-2 at endurance.  I would be completely 4lorn if that happened.  (Even if she is on my fantasy team.)

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 4

I just watched this tonight and I only half watched since I spoiled myself and read cliff got voted out and won camp comeback. But 2 things really stuck out to me.

1. Jack'slecture to Kemi was awful. He ended the conversation by saying something like, I love you and respect you and I didn't want this to sound derogatory, so thank you. Like that just says it all right there imo. 

2. The montage of Ovi being ostracized by the other house guests was disgusting. I've never had such negative feelings for a group of people as I did watching that segment.  

I'm really hoping tptb are getting the message that the gr8ful alliance is full of terrible people and some shenanigans happen to try and get some of them out. If one of those 8 wins I might have to stop watching. 

ETA: if it bugs you *that* much, why can't you just say: can you stop putting your water bottle in the fridge? It takes up too much room. If you like cold water, there's ice cubes!

Edited by Samwise979
  • Love 3

This really was made for Cliff, wasn't it?  He'd have been dead meat at endurance or the ball-pit.  Even the table maze might have proven more competitive.  Instead the old guy gets the "slow and steady, no exertion needed" comp.  "Lucky" Cliff, I suppose.

I mean, yeah, level playing field, sure.  But it turning out to be practically the only non-questions comp that Cliff stood a chance at, I…wonder.  Did TPTB want this result?

17 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

This really was made for Cliff, wasn't it?  He'd have been dead meat at endurance or the ball-pit.  Even the table maze might have proven more competitive.  Instead the old guy gets the "slow and steady, no exertion needed" comp.  "Lucky" Cliff, I suppose.

I mean, yeah, level playing field, sure.  But it turning out to be practically the only non-questions comp that Cliff stood a chance at, I…wonder.  Did TPTB want this result?

Actually, I’d have guessed the opposite; that the comp designers would figure “old man, shaky hands - no worries, he probably won’t sink a single ball.”  But just like the banishment comp - which was designed specifically to give small, nimble and flexible competitors the advantage - the TOG* surprised them once again.

* Token Old Guy

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I'm pretty sure you can make it to 54 without observably trembling hands, though.  Whereas hanging onto stuff is clearly outside Cliff's body-type's capabilities (even Jack is too "jacked" for his shoulders and hips to hold up his body weight for long; remember Jack was down almost instantly in the initial HoH), and the fact that almost all professional athletes are retired by 40 indicates that Cliff's long past his speed-merchant days. If such ever existed in the first place.

Small, slow, controlled movements, though?  Unless Cliff's developed Parkinson's overnight, it's reasonable to assume he might stand a chance at that.  But JMO.

And let's not forget, when TPTB wanted Col. Jerry (21 years older than Cliff) to win that F5 HoH in Season 10, what did they give him?  Skee-ball, a favorite of the older set.  No reason to believe Cliff couldn't exert similar control,  I wouldn't think.

Edited by Halting Hex
29 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I'm pretty sure you can make it to 54 without observably trembling hands, though.  Whereas hanging onto stuff is clearly outside Cliff's body-type's capabilities (even Jack is too "jacked" for his shoulders and hips to hold up his body weight for long; remember Jack was down almost instantly in the initial HoH), and the fact that almost all professional athletes are retired by 40 indicates that Cliff's long past his speed-merchant days. If such ever existed in the first place.

Small, slow, controlled movements, though?  Unless Cliff's developed Parkinson's overnight, it's reasonable to assume he might stand a chance at that.  But JMO.

And let's not forget, when TPTB wanted Col. Jerry (21 years older than Cliff) to win that F5 HoH in Season 10, what did they give him?  Skee-ball, a favorite of the older set.  No reason to believe Cliff couldn't exert similar control,  I wouldn't think.

No arguments whatsoever - but if Production has 20somethings and/or early-30somethings designing the comps, it’s been my experience they tend to exaggerate in their own minds the health effects of age upon people in their 50s-plus.

...said the 57-year-old - and yeah, my hands are steady as a rock.  😎

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Christina said:

Someone asked for this clip somewhere:

You know, the more I look at this, the more I wonder if it was deliberate.  There's a certain amount of thrust behind that backhand, and it's not as if Cliff lacked motivation here.

Which, much as I'm not on the Bella train, would be severely unacceptable.  Not only from the "don't hit women" perspective (I mean, Pigg is not only twice her age, he's twice her size), but obviously if you let that genie out of the BB bottle, all sorts of Dick-ish things could follow.  Hell, Jack's been threatening violence half the season, it feels.

I know Cliff may be Production's new hero, but they should really be looking into expelling him.  I do not like this…at all

Justin said words (ugly words, but it's not as if Krista was scared, much less scarred).  Scott threw a chair.  Chima wouldn't dance when Production whistled. (And dunked a mic, but that wasn't an immediate trigger.)  Only Willie Hantz has been expelled for actual violence.  The line needs to be drawn firmly.  JMO.

14 hours ago, Nashville said:

No arguments whatsoever - but if Production has 20somethings and/or early-30somethings designing the comps, it’s been my experience they tend to exaggerate in their own minds the health effects of age upon people in their 50s-plus.

...said the 57-year-old - and yeah, my hands are steady as a rock.  😎

Yeah, I don't doubt that they're wondering if they should get a shroud and coffin ready for Cliff.

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On 7/22/2019 at 5:56 AM, Halting Hex said:

You know, the more I look at this, the more I wonder if it was deliberate.

Eh... at that moment in time everyone is shifting around/standing up to hug the evictee and the survivor and each other for surviving and there's lots of "moving parts" to it. I certainly don't think it would be banishment (again) for this.

  • Love 3

Expelling or even punishing Cliff for that would be ridiculous.  It was very clearly an accident. He's not even looking in her direction as he's extending his arm to hug the next person.  And it's certainly not a punch or a backhand or even a slap.  It's just a light bump as he's moving his arm forward to hug Nick.  Not to mention, unless there's something major happening on the feeds, has Cliff ever shown any tendency to be violent or even joke about being violent with women? If I remember correctly, he was the one who said "Are you pretty ladies conspiring against me?" because he wouldn't call them bitches even as a joke.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

If I remember correctly, he was the one who said "Are you pretty ladies conspiring against me?" because he wouldn't call them bitches even as a joke.

I'm not sure that manners would preclude violence, and I still think it looks as if Cliff went out of his way to shove Bella aside there.  (And she was not happy about it, given the audible "ow!")

But even if your hypothesis were correct, it wouldn't apply in this case.  "Pretty ladies" was Sam, not Cliff.

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