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S04.E06: Knot Today, Anchors

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Anastasia fills in as the temporary chef and Travis helps out as sous chef; the exhausted crew continues to work with a person down in each department; Ashley films her music video; João acts quickly in a dangerous situation involving the anchors.

Airs July 8, 2019.

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I'm actually enjoying this season.  The crew seems to be having a lot more fun this season when compared to the past.  I could do without Jack.  He's just freakin lazy and doesn't care if the rest of the deck crew has to help carry his weight.

I didn't realize the rap singer was only seventeen. 

The rap thing by the crew was silly but I'll admit I enjoyed it.  Team building....

Anna did do a great job in the kitchen.  Looks like next week she'll be facing some problems with a special request.

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Biggest tip ever!  Well done.

Call me stupid, but I don't see how the anchor chain thing was Collie's fault.  He doesn't understand fluffer?  I find it hard to believe this kid from Long Island is that naive.

Moving 4 meters (really?) to make the pop star happy may increase your tip, Jwow.  Same reason she moved last night when the swells got annoying.  I'm not a Sandy fan but those were the right calls.

Lazy Jack is still lazy and Travis is being seriously overworked.  Their bromance is really cute.

"And the word is shit."  ROFL.  Thanks Travis!  I generally hate these dance routines and this was particularly lame, but the guests seemed to love it and that's all that really matters. 

'Nas wows the guests with her food again!  I'm in love (but she's waaay too young for me).  Good on Sandy offering her the job and good for her taking it.  I would much rather cook than do laundry and clean toilets..

Well Jwow, I understand your problem with Travis being less available, but you need to communicate with Sandy about the workload, fire Jack and get a better deckhand.  Man up. 

Then he drinks and reverts to his inner asshole jumping on Ana yapping about her credentials.  Then "I'm being honest", as if that covers for being an asshole.  STFU dude.

I've come to like Hannah this season until she goes all bittercakes about Anastasia.  You got the biggest tip ever, plus a bonus because Mila didn't get a cut.  STFU too.

Why can't they attach a rope to the bottom of that stupid slide and winch it on deck instead of this brute strength silliness?

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I think it was easier for Sandy to find a 3rd stew than a chef. Anastasia did a great job this charter so she promoted her to full time chef and hired another stew.  However, because Anastasia is a new/untrained chef, Travis is needed in the galley to cook for the crew.  This leaves the deck crew short staffed.  Poor Travis did not sign up for that.  What Sandy should have done was either hire an assistant chef or arrange for most of the  crew meals to be brought in from shore.  Is there not Pizza or other fast food in the Med?  I am not being snarky I am really curious about the fast food available in the French Mediteranean.  :)

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So far, Hannah is doing a great job as chief stew. Greatly aided and abetting by a great team. Joao and Colin are great contributors as well.

Jack, can't wait to see him leave.

The chef position. I understand Hannahs concern. Anastasia has not yet had to deal with guests who have sent food back, get up in the middle of the night, have odd preferences. So far, she has been very fortunate the first tow charters were easy to please. And, she did a great great job. I suspect she will be running into some trouble soon. Where woudl the drama be without it?

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Anastasia is not yet ready to be a charter yacht chef. Yes the guests these last two charters enjoyed their food, but eventually she’ll get those snotty, demanding guests and become flustered.  Both Captain Sandy and Anastasia didn’t logically think this through. Joao May have been a little harsh, but he was right. Speaking of Joao, his frustration is boiling over and any and everyone is fair game. It seems that he kept suppressing his anger towards Jack’s laziness and being a man down, until Jack pushed him over the edge. Now he’s just angry and drinking definitely didn’t help. Poor sweet Colin, getting blamed for the anchor problems. Note to Captain Sandy both Colin and Joao are the only two working the deck, Jack’s only purpose is to stress his Bosun out and have fun. I hope Mila saved Jack a seat on the plane, because I don’t see him lasting long.

Edited by spunky
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2 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

The next charter's primary guest,  Jackie Siegel, is a heinous human being.  She was a subject of the documentary Queen of Versailles.   She and her husband were on Celebrity Wife Swap and Flipping Out.  She is the epitome of vain and shallow.  Her 18 year old daughter died a few years ago.  She hired a photographer and posed for photographs at the FUNERAL.  

 I feel so sorry for the crew.  They have no idea of what they are in for.

Yikes!  So no matter what the crew does, or what 'Nas cooks, they won't be happy.  

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14 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

In terms of Joao barking at Anastasia at dinner, Anastasia was working up a very good whine about how she works harder than everyone else and is on her feet of the time and is 50% of the yachting experience and its not fair to her.   She should also consider her audience.  Joao is annoyed that she made a choice, can't handle the job on her own (and Travis in the galley says she can't), and is playing the victim while undercutting everyone else's effort. 

I agree. I get that she probably felt both flattered and pressured to take on the job of chef when asked. I also get that she could regret saying yes. But Joao is right to be frustrated that she’s now saying that she wanted to say no but didn’t. The chef’s output is one of the most tangible elements of the cruise for the guests. So he is concerned that Ana will not be able to hold her own when they actually have challenging guests and that could affect their tips in pretty major ways. 

On a separate note Jack has now joined Mila at the top of my list of most disliked BD cast members. He’s lazy, entitled and gross and I hate how he can just skate because he’s funny. Joao on WWHL just said that whenever he would get mad at Jack, Jack would do or say something funny and Joao would let it go. 

Hearing that conversation between Travis and Jack about Hannah made me get a little more why Colin felt like he didn’t fit in with the rest of the crew.

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3 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Sorry, no.

So what is your take on what she was saying to Colin then?

17 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

They did work their asses off, I was exhausted just watching them change clothes :-}

I think I asked the TV at one point why they had to wear so many different uniforms.  

I did laugh that Hannah lost her shirt and conned Sandy into everyone wearing something else instead.

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1 hour ago, Pop Tart said:

Joao on WWHL just said that whenever he would get mad at Jack, Jack would do or say something funny and Joao would let it go. 

That makes Joao a shitty leader and manager of a team. It’s  like Sandy who also ignores bad performance when people make her a good cup of tea.

Edited by biakbiak
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27 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

That makes Joao a shitty leader and manager of a team. It’s  like Sandy who also ignores bad performance when people make her a good cup of tea.

Yep. I was so irritated that Sandy gave Colin more grief about the anchor chain (arguably only partially his fault and something he felt very bad about) then she gave Mila about any of her screw ups.

Sandy didn’t know about the homophobic comments but she did know that Mila wanted to serve nachos, did serve tacos, did bake a cake with chunks of baking soda in it, served canned salmon, etc. Not once did she berate Mila in front of the others. And yes she did eventually replace her, but even then she did so while complimenting her “passion”. 

And of the two types of mistakes only Mila’s were ones that the guests were aware of. They never even knew the anchor chain had an issue.

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2 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

She should also consider her audience.  

Her audience was Colin who seemed to understand where she was coming from and Joao chose to interrupt their conversation which he wasn’t apart of and insult her and give her shit.

I completely understand that the final call on staffing should be Sandy but once again her management style leaves a lot to be desired in that she didn’t even attempt to get feedback from Hannah and Joao who have a better understanding of their teams workload and also what is happening in the details. I think she should have gotten their input so they knew it was a possibility and say their piece before being blindsided with a done deal. 

Edited by biakbiak
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I thought Anastasia did a great job in a pinch, but fuck me if you think Ben would have made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I think the food probably tastes good, but gnocchi AND risotto for dinner? In the Med? In what universe? 

Edited by sharongogo
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Sandy is such a shit leader. Had she been paying attention to all of her crew, she would have noticed that the rest of her crew, minus Jack, was run ragged with Anastasia as chef and Travis as sous. It took both of them to be present in the galley for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the crew and guests. An experienced yacht chef only needs a sous for dinner. Two employees to turn out 6 meals or 1.33 employees to turn out 6 meals? Joao was an asshole about it and the fact that neither he nor Hannah felt free to bring their concerns to Captain Sandy says everything we need to know about Sandy's open accessible communication style.

A fluffer. Oh Collie.

One of the more detestable things about Jackie Siegel is that she's not dumb and is rather well educated. She's got a degree in computer engineering from RIT and worked for IBM. She basically let her brain liquefy when she got married.

Edited by HunterHunted
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50 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

But he doesn't have to be such an ass about it. 

He could have kept it to himself.

Anastasia has been very low on drama.  Certainly didn't bother her co-workers.

She seems to be a genuinely sweet, nice person.  Same for Aesha, even if she's a little too unfiltered at times.

Why is it any skin off his nose if Anastasia jumped the queue?  Shouldn't affect his job other than Travis having to help Anastasia.  But then he should be telling Sandy that Jack can't pull his weight so he needs another deck hand.

Doubtful that all those yachts have Michelin star level chefs on board.  Don't those guys own their own restaurants which are very lucrative?

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Of course we shouldn't put it past Bravo to deliberately leave the crew understaffed, to stir up drama.

First an unqualified chef to add stress to the crew and now, have a lazy deckhand (he's not there just to soak up the sun and have a laugh with the boys, he's there to be on a TV show, playing the role of the don't give a shit crew member) and then remove a crew member from both the deck and stews units.

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I have a feeling Sandy is the only one production lets in on the storyline. 

Behind the scenes, they're telling her to hold off on a chef and ignore the staffing issues so that when they bring on a new chef (Ben?), he'll enter like a conquering hero.

Is it even the captain's job to hire a chef?  Wouldn't the charter management company handle that with the captain having final say?

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5 hours ago, sharongogo said:

I thought Anastasia did a great job in a pinch, but fuck me if you think Ben would have made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I think the food probably tastes good, but gnocchi AND risotto for dinner? In the Med? In what universe? 

This. Plus who wants a huge hamburger for lunch and filet mignon for dinner just hours later?  It pains me that they're in the Med and we've not seen fresh local fish or other seafood.  

Sandy is terrible leader. Anastasia will likely get her ass handed to her by the next charter guests, Sandy will be out looking for a chef again and the entire team will be bitter & angry.  

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9 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I think it was easier for Sandy to find a 3rd stew than a chef. Anastasia did a great job this charter so she promoted her to full time chef and hired another stew.  However, because Anastasia is a new/untrained chef, Travis is needed in the galley to cook for the crew.  This leaves the deck crew short staffed.  Poor Travis did not sign up for that.  What Sandy should have done was either hire an assistant chef or arrange for most of the  crew meals to be brought in from shore.  Is there not Pizza or other fast food in the Med?  I am not being snarky I am really curious about the fast food available in the French Mediteranean.  🙂

I think the crew could have other options for food as well. IIRC, the camera/production crew are fed by a chef on another boat during filming. Not sure why the same can’t be done for the yacht crew as well in a low staffing situation.

Anastasia is not ready to be a chef for a luxury yacht. It seems she’s a good cook, which is great, but is not experienced enough for this kind of work. I could see her getting very flustered. I find it hard to believe that there isn’t a list of standby chefs for this very situation that the yacht  operators can contact in a pinch. I suppose the issue is complicated by the fact that this is a reality show and drama is more appealing. What better way to bring drama than move Anastasia to the galley so soon after Hannah said she felt she had the best crew ever or when Joao has a deck crew member who seems to get by with a smile and jokes without doing actual work.

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"Do you have iced tea?" and she didn't ask "Sweet or Unsweet?" ???????

In Europe, or on yachts, is there an assumption one way or the other? (I'm a northerner who spends a fair bit of time in the south with family and this is IMPORTANT to me LOL.)

What exactly happened with the anchor and chain?

Edited by dleighg
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30 minutes ago, snarts said:

This. Plus who wants a huge hamburger for lunch and filet mignon for dinner just hours later?  It pains me that they're in the Med and we've not seen fresh local fish or other seafood.  

and cauliflower bisque? I love it -- IN THE WINTER. Not summer in the med. Pretty heavy food she's serving. Those guests are very easy to please.

And was it supposed to be a "rap" party or "wrap" party? (Closed captioning said "rap" but I'm skeptical)

Edited by dleighg
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11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Well Jwow, I understand your problem with Travis being less available, but you need to communicate with Sandy about the workload, fire Jack and get a better deckhand.  Man up. 

Then he drinks and reverts to his inner asshole jumping on Ana yapping about her credentials.  Then "I'm being honest", as if that covers for being an asshole.  STFU dude.

Jack isn't just lazy, he's planned lazy.  He decided specifically to do as little as possible, as opposed to being just bad at his job or ignorant of the rules and culture of the boat.  You are exactly right about Jwow.  He's freaking timid on the boat and thinks leadership/supervision is only working with people who want to do their jobs well.   I think he's suppressing his usual self to maintain this "high status" position on the boat, but doesn't know what supervision is really about.  The real Jwow is the as#$hole we see in the bar when his barriers are down.  He's just an entitled d$%k.

Sandy should NOT have to come down off the bridge so much and the reason she's doing so is that Jwow isn't managing his staff properly.  Whether she puts two and two together and realizes her golden boy is part of the problem is another question entirely.

Edited by terrymct
Edited because I wrote Travis but meant Jack
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6 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

But he doesn't have to be such an ass about it. 

Neither did she.  She had the conversation with Colin, at a dinner table with her co-workers sitting right there.

As she proceeded to pronounce how hard it is and how she was responsible for 50 percent of the tip.

In front of co-workers, except for Jack, who had worked their asses off, some doing double duty.  She has Travis for a sous chef and I don't remember seeing her chipping in on laundry, dishes or cleaning rooms.  Is she cooking and prepping for 16 hours?

She can vent, but in that moment, she forgot that she was surrounded by people who worked just as hard, except Jack, if not harder and longer than she did.

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7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

But he doesn't have to be such an ass about it. 

I don’t think he meant to be. I saw it as he’s already frustrated with Jack, then Sandy announces over the radio that his strongest worker is staying in the galley and now Anastasia is low key taking all the glory for their tip. Add alcohol to the situation and now we have category 3 Hurricane Joao. I saw someone whom like myself, kept suppressing their frustration until they were triggered, and now everything and everyone is annoying.

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29 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Neither did she.  She had the conversation with Colin, at a dinner table with her co-workers sitting right there.

As she proceeded to pronounce how hard it is and how she was responsible for 50 percent of the tip.

In front of co-workers, except for Jack, who had worked their asses off, some doing double duty.  She has Travis for a sous chef and I don't remember seeing her chipping in on laundry, dishes or cleaning rooms.  Is she cooking and prepping for 16 hours?

She can vent, but in that moment, she forgot that she was surrounded by people who worked just as hard, except Jack, if not harder and longer than she did.

Exactly! Colin and Joao were doing their jobs, pulling Jack’s dead weight and helping the interior, yet she’s praising herself. Girl bye.

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

And was it supposed to be a "rap" party or "wrap" party? (Closed captioning said "rap" but I'm skeptical)

Yeah, the CC said "rap" but last week I paused to read the preference sheet and it said "wrap" party for the video shoot.  Given the errors in CC, I'm going with the preference sheet spelling.

Amongst the chefs that have been on Below Deck, I don't think Anastasia is any worse than all of them, except Ben.  He's kind of the gold standard.  Leo could only cook beef cheeks, Matt made 3 million chicken salads, thought spaghetti (or some other easy pasta dish) paired well with tequila & couldn't plan a menu for shit, and Adam either made mediocre to bad food (his first season) or did good food while forgetting to feed the crew (his second season).  Mila was an unmitigated disaster on all fronts.  In the real world, I wouldn't have any of them (except, again, Ben) on my hypothetical million dollar yacht.  But, judging on the Below Deck curve, so far I'd put Anastasia behind only Ben and tied with 2nd season Adam.  Of course, that ranking is subject to change as we get through the season.  The other pluses she has in her favor are that she's not a relentless drunkard, super awkward flirt, old box saver, and/or love triangle participant.

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Sandy should've got a sous chef instead of delegating Travis to the galley.  Anastasia definitely has problems with menu planning.  All good chefs know you have to balance your menu otherwise you have Homestyle Buffet.

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41 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

Amongst the chefs that have been on Below Deck, I don't think Anastasia is any worse than all of them, except Ben.  He's kind of the gold standard.  Leo could only cook beef cheeks, Matt made 3 million chicken salads, thought spaghetti (or some other easy pasta dish) paired well with tequila & couldn't plan a menu for shit, and Adam either made mediocre to bad food (his first season) or did good food while forgetting to feed the crew (his second season).  Mila was an unmitigated disaster on all fronts.  In the real world, I wouldn't have any of them (except, again, Ben) on my hypothetical million dollar yacht.  But, judging on the Below Deck curve, so far I'd put Anastasia behind only Ben and tied with 2nd season Adam.  Of course, that ranking is subject to change as we get through the season.  The other pluses she has in her favor are that she's not a relentless drunkard, super awkward flirt, old box saver, and/or love triangle participant.

This. I loved everything she has made so far and would have no complaints. She seems pretty versatile as she made the best cake I have seen in all of the franchises. In fact we got more shots of the cake than we did of the guests this episode.

Yes she does need help in planning and balancing her Menus  but she had a choice. Should she attempt to stretch with new dishes or simply prepare things she is confident she could knock out of the park? I think she made the right choices so far.

Plus she adds little touches that really enhance the meal. Those smoothie bowls were inspired and her breakfast always looks impeccable.

With that said Sandy was very unfair and put her in a position that is untenable in the long run. They should have quit while they were ahead. Call me Captain Sandy is a moron.

Edited by langford peel
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9 hours ago, dosodog said:

Aesha just cracks me up.  I like how she embraces any and all aspects to life.  Even if she can be kind of crass.

I think I would hate her in real life, but she's good tv.  Seeing Anastasia prepping fries - WOW!  Finding out she's going to learn dance moves - AWESOME!

I thought Sandy would really rip Colin a new one over the anchor mess, I'm glad she didn't.  Anyone have any idea what went wrong to cause that and if it was really his fault?

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Captain Sandy participating (lamely, I might add, like a wannabe wallflower) in the crew dance was everything I needed to know about her as a leader. 

How can her instincts be so off?

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8 hours ago, sharongogo said:

I thought Anastasia did a great job in a pinch, but fuck me if you think Ben would have made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I think the food probably tastes good, but gnocchi AND risotto for dinner? In the Med? In what universe? 

YES - and how many times has she served hamburgers?

I gave her choices the benefit of the doubt because she had to work with Mila's provisions (and then only what she could find in that mess).  Now with new provisioning, it is all on Anastasia.

I do like that she calls her mum though. You got a resource - use it.  I hope they have good internet service for the rest of the charters.

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2 hours ago, dleighg said:

IN THE WINTER. Not summer in the med. Pretty heavy food she's serving. Those guests are very easy to please.

This was filmed in October. 

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12 minutes ago, rehoboth said:

YES - and how many times has she served hamburgers?

I gave her choices the benefit of the doubt because she had to work with Mila's provisions (and then only what she could find in that mess).  Now with new provisioning, it is all on Anastasia.

I do like that she calls her mum though. You got a resource - use it.  I hope they have good internet service for the rest of the charters.

What you may be overlooking is the fact that the guests loved the food because it was what they enjoyed and were familiar with so there were no surprises. Many chefs want to introduce exotic and strange dishes to stroke their ego instead of food that the guests would enjoy. Remember the guy who had to put a sea monster on the table and decided to serve veal to spite the principal? Or the other chef who insisted on putting onions in the food even though the principal specifically and vehemently said no onions? They were all ego and forcing the guests to eat what they wanted them to eat. Anastasia seems to be focusing on good food well prepared on time and tasty. That’s sounds pretty cool to me.

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48 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

I thought Sandy would really rip Colin a new one over the anchor mess, I'm glad she didn't.  Anyone have any idea what went wrong to cause that and if it was really his fault?

I'm not sure what went wrong but from what she said last night about moving the fender so he could see, it seems that she wanted him watching both to see when the anchor was in the pocket and to make sure it was coiling properly and not sitting on the deck in a heap. When it happened he was solely watching the anchor come into the pocket. 

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I seem to remember that there are usually two people involved in raising the anchor. The Captain is just incompetent. She is overworking the crew and forcing them to work short handed. That leads to mistakes and we have seen how quickly that can be life threatening as with Ashton and the lines. This is an untenable position and Joao has to speak up.

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