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S11.E17: Jesus, the Countess and Joseph

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20 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Andy and others can speculate all they want. They aren't Lu. And Lu herself has indicated she knows she's not a great singer. If someone can point me to a quote where Lu herself talks about how she thinks she's so talented at singing, then okay. (And even then, I can't blame Barbara for pointing out the obvious).

If Lu thought that her singing was the point of the show, then I doubt she would have other performers there. Of course, she's not going to say publicly, "I'm tone deaf." That would look like she thinks she can scam the audience.  But I maintain that she understands the interest in the cabaret act is in her life as spectacle, not that she's deluded to think she's some great singing. 

Those managers who are promoting, kissing and hugging her crack me up.  When Lu is finished and can’t sell anymore seats, let’s see how much they will love her and hug her and kiss her ass.  Phony baloneys.  They’ll drop her like a hot potato and won’t want to know her anymore.  It’s all about money.

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4 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Those managers who are promoting, kissing and hugging her crack me up.  When Lu is finished and can’t sell anymore seats, let’s see how much they will love her and hug her and kiss her ass.  Phony baloneys.  They’ll drop her like a hot potato and won’t want to know her anymore.  It’s all about money.

Sadly that’s true. I wonder what Lu will do for dosh when her cabaret and RHONY dry up. Somehow I don’t see her chances of landing a rich man as very viable. I highly doubt that her children will want to support her and have probably safeguarded their money from her fingers. 

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4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Question why is no one talking about how odd the interaction between Dorinda and John has been this entire season? Each time they filmed together it really came across has they hadn’t seen each other in a series of weeks/months with the odd conversations and weird hugging pulling away. Dorinda why aren’t you being forthcoming with that to Tinsley? Let all the girls make a huge deal over that. 

That’s exactly what I said upthread.  Dorinda is a real cutie.  She comments on everyone’s business and thinks she knows everything, but she won’t reveal anything personal about herself and how damn miserable she is. Plus, shame on her for using John in more ways tha one.  She gives him a little sex, then he’s not good enough to stay over.  She throw him out the door with a bag full of dirty clothes to clean.  Nice!

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5 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sadly that’s true. I wonder what Lu will do for dosh when her cabaret and RHONY dry up. Somehow I don’t see her chances of landing a rich man as very viable. I highly doubt that her children will want to support her and have probably safeguarded their money from her fingers. 

Selling Countess Luann Votive Candle Statement necklaces?

Hang it on your neck, hang it on a tree.

Great to have on hand during NYC blackouts, great for camping

Have a romantic Candlelight dinner and you get to light up the place

They're Fabulous, Dahling!


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8 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sadly that’s true. I wonder what Lu will do for dosh when her cabaret and RHONY dry up. Somehow I don’t see her chances of landing a rich man as very viable. I highly doubt that her children will want to support her and have probably safeguarded their money from her fingers. 

They all are out there for years trying to get men, but the only one to get a man quickly is Bethenny, one after another.  There’s hardly a time when she doesn’t have a boyfriend.  She just has charisma and men just take to her.  Sonja can stand there naked and they will walk away.  Bethenny has confidence, a smart mouth, looks and that certain something that men like.  I don’t think Ramona can carry on a decent conversation.  Tinsley is too eager, Luann just wants a roll in the hay.

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The pinata was a nut cracker, just like the one Dorinda gave or found for Bethenny last Christmas, Dorinda didn't put two and two together that Bethenny and all were taking whacks at it. 

At what point do these women stop trying to prove how young and sexual they are, the strippers, sex toys, Sonja with her ass hanging out of her dress, etc...I am no prude, (trust me) but it just comes off as pathetic and cringe worthy.

Male strippers are so meh, none of the women looked that in to it, it's nothing that interests me (went to one revue years ago). Dorinda saying she had never seen a male stripper does not seem believable.

Where did those bedazzeled knit hats come from?  I kinda liked it.

I never cared for male strippers.  Underneath, they are probably thinking “these pathetic women” and laughing their asses off while making bucks.  And Romona rubbing her hands up and down that strippers chest.  Go rub Mario’s chest.  She’s probably doing it as we speak.

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Dear - I can’t copy the frightening screen caps of Bethenny smiling without any hint of happiness, but they sure came to mind when I just read that dogs have a facial muscle that softens their expressions (and makes human hearts melt — and wolves lack this muscle!

Mayhaps Beth isn’t prevaricating about her parentage after all!!! 

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
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59 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

They all are out there for years trying to get men, but the only one to get a man quickly is Bethenny, one after another.  There’s hardly a time when she doesn’t have a boyfriend.  She just has charisma and men just take to her.  Sonja can stand there naked and they will walk away.  Bethenny has confidence, a smart mouth, looks and that certain something that men like.  I don’t think Ramona can carry on a decent conversation.  Tinsley is too eager, Luann just wants a roll in the hay.

It is a bit ridiculous that the "Real Housewives" does not have anyone who is married or even someone who is in a serious committed relationship.

Except perhaps for Dorinda who has a committed relationship to laundry.

Edited by langford peel
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On 6/27/2019 at 8:44 PM, Rosiejuliemom said:

Not the exact ones, but you can get the whole set!


Hold up, now.  I didn't think you could make and sell stuff like this with other people's images unless those people licensed those images of themselves, or Bravo did.  So WTF is Sanctimona Singer playing at with her, "I use those to pray to God!!" faux-outrage?

On 6/27/2019 at 9:55 PM, bravofan27 said:

Bethanny has had WAY TOO MUCH facial work. She looks horrid when she makes expressions!



Gruesome.  As was Ramona's face that night, too.  I don't know if anyone has screenshots of her, but I've never seen Ramona look like that, all lumpy and puffed up.  Her mouth looked really weird, too. 

Both Bethy and Ramona looked like they had been hit with a Harry Potter stinging jinx that makes your face lumpy, bumpy and swollen.

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Question why is no one talking about how odd the interaction between Dorinda and John has been this entire season? Each time they filmed together it really came across has they hadn’t seen each other in a series of weeks/months with the odd conversations and weird hugging pulling away. Dorinda why aren’t you being forthcoming with that to Tinsley? Let all the girls make a huge deal over that. 

John  has finally wised up. He was used and abused in prior seasons and Dorinda never really defended him. She constantly belittles him and says stuff like she is only in it for the dry cleaning. He can do a lot better. In earlier seasons he seemed very thirsty and he was a notable jock sniffer of celebrities before he hooked up with her. Here is an article about him and PDiddy. (Remember PDiddy.......man that was a long time ago)

Someone must of told him how badly he was coming off so he limited his exposure to little hits here and there.. He still gets some juice but he doesn't  have to sit there and be humiliated by the drunken harridan while they are having breakfast.

That's Tinsley's job now.

Edited by langford peel
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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

They all are out there for years trying to get men, but the only one to get a man quickly is Bethenny, one after another.  There’s hardly a time when she doesn’t have a boyfriend.  She just has charisma and men just take to her.  Sonja can stand there naked and they will walk away.  Bethenny has confidence, a smart mouth, looks and that certain something that men like.  I don’t think Ramona can carry on a decent conversation.  Tinsley is too eager, Luann just wants a roll in the hay.

I think the real reason none of these women can find a man is they are fundamentally looking for the wrong man.  The want a man with a specific net worth and social standing, and that pool is very small.  They are not willing to consider a man with a lower net worth who are kind and decent.   They want to continue this flashy lifestyle and that might not be in the cards if they want to have a partner.

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I was having a nostalgic moment, remembering the early days when the ho wives wrote Bravo blogs after each episode and viewers could comment. I haven’t been there in ages, so I went for a quick visit. Maybe its me, but I’d rather read you guys.  We should write the ho wife’s blogs for them.

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Even if Scott is paying Tinsley's bills and buying her gifts, I still don't see what the big deal is. I mean damn, I will send him my wish list too! If she's got that kind of gig going and he lives in a different state and she hardly even sees him, all the power to her! I do think she seemed truly sad at her events when he wasn't there. I mean at the circus she was drunk and sobbing that she was absolutely miserable and that there were kids around and things she doesn't have in her life and that she wished Scott had been there on a day that she wanted to share with someone special besides her mother, and that didn't feel staged or fake to me. She must have some feelings for the guy. I feel like together or not together, if he wants to send her gifts, by all means, send away! And where do I find one of those? 😉

I kid, I kid. But it just seems like a stupid thing for anyone else to worry about. I don't see why it matters or how it is hurting anyone. And I do think they are just jealous and nosy. 

B does seem to always find a new man quickly. When she's not being terrible or nasty, she has a pretty cool personality - extremely smart, witty, clever, funny. I like the side of her that's active and fun - her surfing, roller blading, dancing cool self. But man she is intense and self-serving and goes into hysterics a lot. It's weird - for someone so bad ass and independent in so many ways, she is always in a relationship. She's an interesting person - so many different sides of her that come out at different times. 

Edited by divsc
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On 6/28/2019 at 12:52 PM, ChitChat said:

  Barbara says "Well, you're no Adele!"  The reunion is going to get ugly!  

I find it very weird that she's even AT the reunion though.  She doesn't have a tagline with each episode's opening credits, does she?  It makes no sense.

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On 6/28/2019 at 12:56 PM, 65mickey said:

Carole represents a company that sells sex toys on Evine Live Shopping channel. They have a show called Evine after dark where they sell these items. She appeared with a group of women several months ago where they showed these toys and talked rather graphically about their sex practices. How the mighty have fallen. 

Geeze.  Of all things to sell.  But then again she’s so young, fabulous, hot and sexy.

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9 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I find it very weird that she's even AT the reunion though.  She doesn't have a tagline with each episode's opening credits, does she?  It makes no sense.

She was in almost all of the episodes, filmed talking heads, and even hosted an event for filming.   Why she was not given an apple is beyond me.  She has done more than some other fulltime housewives have like Lisa Vanderpump on BH this year.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I find it very weird that she's even AT the reunion though.  She doesn't have a tagline with each episode's opening credits, does she?  It makes no sense.

It's common for friends of to be at the reunion at least for awhile, though.

Sonja, Eva, Marlo, Brandi Glanville, Camille all appeared at reunions when they weren't full-time.

Lu was at the season 6 reunion the entire time and had more screen time than Aviva without holding an apple.

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49 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

It's common for friends of to be at the reunion at least for awhile, though.

Sonja, Eva, Marlo, Brandi Glanville, Camille all appeared at reunions when they weren't full-time.

Lu was at the season 6 reunion the entire time and had more screen time than Aviva without holding an apple.

yeah, I never knew that.

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It is absolutely crazy they are going to spend three episodes talking about the last 9 episodes. OMG. Three hours of Bethanny telling everyone what happened and why and how and what people feel and how they should have acted, for three hours. Three hours of Bethanny interrupting everyone trying to talk to speak for them since they can't explain or know as good as her.

My personal feeling is the show would be better without Bethanny. No one has had a chance to step up, but I bet if the producers sat with the ladies they could come up with some really great story lines that don't revolve around what Bethanny thinks.

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2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

It is absolutely crazy they are going to spend three episodes talking about the last 9 episodes. OMG. Three hours of Bethanny telling everyone what happened and why and how and what people feel and how they should have acted, for three hours. Three hours of Bethanny interrupting everyone trying to talk to speak for them since they can't explain or know as good as her.

My personal feeling is the show would be better without Bethanny. No one has had a chance to step up, but I bet if the producers sat with the ladies they could come up with some really great story lines that don't revolve around what Bethanny thinks.

They're paying Bethenny a million, she barely improved the ratings, and seasons 5 and 6 were pretty darn enjoyable. Season 4 wasn't enjoyable, but it was memorable and the ratings were still pretty good.

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12 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

think the real reason none of these women can find a man is they are fundamentally looking for the wrong man.  The want a man with a specific net worth and social standing, and that pool is very small.  They are not willing to consider a man with a lower net worth who are kind and decent.   They want to continue this flashy lifestyle and that might not be in the cards if they want to have a partner.

There you have it.  Example:  Dorinda has John.  Not famous or rich enough, but someone to talk to, have dinner, go to events, have sex her and there, etc., UNTIL she finds someone else like Richard.  She keeps him at arms length and still has someone when she’s lonely.  Nice set up, and he goes along with it.

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13 hours ago, langford peel said:

John  has finally wised up. He was used and abused in prior seasons and Dorinda never really defended him. She constantly belittles him and says stuff like she is only in it for the dry cleaning. He can do a lot better. In earlier seasons he seemed very thirsty and he was a notable jock sniffer of celebrities before he hooked up with her. Here is an article about him and PDiddy. (Remember PDiddy.......man that was a long time ago)

Someone must of told him how badly he was coming off so he limited his exposure to little hits here and there.. He still gets some juice but he doesn't  have to sit there and be humiliated by the drunken harridan while they are having breakfast.

That's Tinsley's job now.

Oh, I didn’t know this info about John, so my earlier post is for naught.  I was reading backwards, lol.

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15 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Selling Countess Luann Votive Candle Statement necklaces?

Hang it on your neck, hang it on a tree.

Great to have on hand during NYC blackouts, great for camping

Have a romantic Candlelight dinner and you get to light up the place

They're Fabulous, Dahling!


These are really pretty.  Were they bought or did someone make them?  Pier 1 perhaps?

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15 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sadly that’s true. I wonder what Lu will do for dosh when her cabaret and RHONY dry up. Somehow I don’t see her chances of landing a rich man as very viable. I highly doubt that her children will want to support her and have probably safeguarded their money from her fingers. 


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16 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I never cared for male strippers.  Underneath, they are probably thinking “these pathetic women” and laughing their asses off while making bucks.  And Romona rubbing her hands up and down that strippers chest.  Go rub Mario’s chest.  She’s probably doing it as we speak.

I’m with you. I don’t get particularly moralistic about male or female strippers, but I don’t get it. I have never understood the sex appeal of someone who have to pay to touch you. Also I’m not a big fan of...oily? Most strippers seem sort of sticky to me.

Edited by FozzyBear
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17 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I think the real reason none of these women can find a man is they are fundamentally looking for the wrong man.  The want a man with a specific net worth and social standing, and that pool is very small.  They are not willing to consider a man with a lower net worth who are kind and decent.   They want to continue this flashy lifestyle and that might not be in the cards if they want to have a partner.

The other thing is that they won't date outside their race and they'll only date foreigners if it's the right kind of foreign (white guys from western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.). I don't think they'd ever give someone like Mohamed Hadid or Guraish Aldjufrie (Kyle Richards' first husband) the time of day in their heyday. I'm not sure they'd give Mohamed or Guraish the time of day now even knowing how much money those guys have.

I've always wondered if part of the reason behind Ramona's visceral revulsion of John is because he's Armenian-American and he reminds her too much of her childhood. Her dad is Ukrainian and her mom is Hungarian.

I always forget that Mario was married before Ramona.

Edited by HunterHunted
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On 6/27/2019 at 9:24 PM, yogi2014L said:

I like Bethenny too and really felt for her this season. I totally understand how scared she must have been with the severe reaction, I think most of the fear was ' if I die what happens to Bryn' not really afraid for her self. 

Bryan has a loving father.  B does not need to worry what happens to her.

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8 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I always forget that Mario was married before Ramona.

He was? I had no idea. 

Ramona’s stunted emotional growth is so strange to watch. The oyster scene was cringeworthy. It’s like watching a spastic 12 year old try to be sexy. But endless fascinating. Keep doing you, Trash Panda.

Edited by FozzyBear
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45 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

Bryan has a loving father.  B does not need to worry what happens to her.

Yes, Bryn has a loving father. 

The part that B might not like is that if something were to happen to her her estate would be Bryn’s and under someone else’s control until she reaches a certain age.  Now whether that would be Jason or someone else Jason would possibly be ‘benefiting’ from her money.  

Her hate/vitriol will be her undoing.  She follows the rule ‘You are first AFTER ME.’  As I’m not in the loop that may even include Bryn.  

ETA:  For those that know these things ... if B has total custody of Bryn and something happens to her, can she appoint Bryn’s official guardian (meaning other than Jason as father)?  

I know people that want to try to control their children’s lives from the grave. 

Edited by Ellee
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44 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

I’m with you. I don’t get particularly moralistic about male or female strippers, but I don’t get it. I have never understood the sex appeal of someone who have to pay to touch you. Also I’m not a big fan of...oily? Most strippers seem sort of sticky to me.

I’ll give my husband 50 bucks to do a strip, then take the money and put it in my wallet.  Win, win, all around.

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1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

He was? I had no idea. 

Ramona’s stunted emotional growth is so strange to watch. The oyster scene was cringeworthy. It’s like watching a spastic 12 year old try to be sexy. But endless fascinating. Keep doing you, Trash Panda.

Yep. I ran across their wedding announcement a couple of years ago looking for something else. There was something about Mario and Ramona that made me think that their families might be Crypto-Jews. Their surnames for sure, but I feel like there were more specifics that I'm blanking on.


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5 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I’ll give my husband 50 bucks to do a strip, then take the money and put it in my wallet.  Win, win, all around.

Or ask him if he has $50 to give you (IMO should be $100), then pay him, then take the money. 😁

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18 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sadly that’s true. I wonder what Lu will do for dosh when her cabaret and RHONY dry up. Somehow I don’t see her chances of landing a rich man as very viable. I highly doubt that her children will want to support her and have probably safeguarded their money from her fingers. 

This might be true about the kids.  

For some reason I think the housekeepers/nannies raised them to have a heart and if Lu does need help they will assist her on a livable budget.  Don’t know why. 

They've been in on the secret of letting the public think they know her life.  Who knows what it is privately.  Again I don’t know

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42 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Yep. I ran across their wedding announcement a couple of years ago looking for something else. There was something about Mario and Ramona that made think that their families might be Crypto-Jews. Their surnames for sure, but I feel like there were more specifics that I'm blanking on.


Interesting that they wrote ‘The bridegroom’s previous marriage ended in divorce.’  

Makes me wonder if Mario cheated on his then wife with Ramona.

And, yes, that would alter my thinking a bit on what Ramona was going through.  Old fashioned I guess. 

Still think the two will get back together for some reason with Sonja as their third. ☺️

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9 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

It is absolutely crazy they are going to spend three episodes talking about the last 9 episodes. OMG. Three hours of Bethanny telling everyone what happened and why and how and what people feel and how they should have acted, for three hours. Three hours of Bethanny interrupting everyone trying to talk to speak for them since they can't explain or know as good as her.

My personal feeling is the show would be better without Bethanny. No one has had a chance to step up, but I bet if the producers sat with the ladies they could come up with some really great story lines that don't revolve around what Bethanny thinks.

I wouldn't mind so much if Andy was an entirely different person or treated Bethenny entirely differently.  I very strongly remember (was it the last reunion) where I (personal opinion) felt that Andy was so biased towards Bethenny.  For example, he'd let her scream at people, and then whenever they'd want to reply, Andy would say "Time for a break."  And then Bethenny and Andy would cackle together. It made me sick.

It might not have been the last reunion, but the one before.  She was wearing all white and was very arrogant!!!!

I WAS feeling sorry for John earlier this season.  But then I watched an older episode (season 10?) and the way John acted so was so disgusting.  I forget what he was doing, screaming at Bethenny and Ramona and just in general being very crude?  But all of my sympathy kind of washed away.  He's an adult man, he's not being held captive.  If Dorinda treats him badly he needs to walk away.

This is the reunion I mean


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16 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I think the real reason none of these women can find a man is they are fundamentally looking for the wrong man.  The want a man with a specific net worth and social standing, and that pool is very small.  They are not willing to consider a man with a lower net worth who are kind and decent.   They want to continue this flashy lifestyle and that might not be in the cards if they want to have a partner.

Exactly!  And those men, unless they are thirsty for the sort of fame that comes with dating a RHO, they are going to want the younger version of these ladies.  

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On 6/28/2019 at 5:43 AM, HunterHunted said:

She's had booze, deli meat, snacks, nutrition and protein bars, non-alcoholic beverages, weight loss supplements, face masques, yoga mats, workout videos, athleisure, shapewear, the blender, a stairstepper, anti-aging products, hair care products, underwear, clothing, outerwear, and jeans. I wouldn't be surprised if she got into the sex toy business. 

Also a line of coffee/tea pods.

I tried a vanilla tea latte.

Tasted like fucking swamp water.

I love Bethenny and that was the first one of her products I'd tried.

I won't be trying any more of them if that fucking tea pod was an example of the quality.  Blech.

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They all are out there for years trying to get men, but the only one to get a man quickly is Bethenny, one after another.  There’s hardly a time when she doesn’t have a boyfriend... Bethenny has confidence, a smart mouth, looks and that certain something that men like. 

Yes.  A full wallet.  

You'll note that none of her relationships have lasted for more than a year or two.  All of her latest boyfriends are legally married.  

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1 hour ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Yes.  A full wallet.  

You'll note that none of her relationships have lasted for more than a year or two.  All of her latest boyfriends are legally married.  

I think Beth likes her men legally married but separated.   That keeps a certain distance between her and her men.  I think she is afraid of commitment and never truly wants to get married again.  She wants a man in her life,  but wants the ability to bail whenever she chooses.

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20 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

They all are out there for years trying to get men, but the only one to get a man quickly is Bethenny, one after another.  There’s hardly a time when she doesn’t have a boyfriend.  She just has charisma and men just take to her.  Sonja can stand there naked and they will walk away.  Bethenny has confidence, a smart mouth, looks and that certain something that men like.  I don’t think Ramona can carry on a decent conversation.  Tinsley is too eager, Luann just wants a roll in the hay.

Bethenny might always have a boyfriend, but there hasn't been one guy she's dated who hasn't been problematic or wrestled with demons. A rage machine, an accused rapist, a man addicted to opiods, etc.  Water seeks it's own level. The men she gets are damaged goods in one way or another. Anybody who just wanted someone they could flaunt on social media can find a boyfriend. The good guys, the ones with a back bone and self-respect, are leery of dating women with a public persona like Bethenny's. She's got a documented history of publicly raking men - starting with her father - over the coals.  They don't want to become fodder for her next social media rant. She'll never date a quality man. She will only every get men who are as damaged as she is. That's not confidence she displays, that's bravado. She's also not charismatic. Charisma requires charm, and she has none. She's just domineering and abrasive. She either attracts weak men like Dennis and Jason or men looking to use her for exposure.

Say what you want about Luann, but you don't see her tripping over herself to find a man. That's another reason why the other women have issues with her. Dorinda, Ramona, Bethenny and Sonja don't know who they are without a man to validate them. All of these women are consumed with themselves, it just manifests differently with Luann.

Tinsley is eager because her mother makes her feel worthless because she's not married and doesn't have kids. That's a fate worse than death to her mom. If Tinsley could break free of that and find supportive girlfriends, she'd be perfectly content with her life as it is. She's surrounded by women who think being single is a disease.

Edited by sashayshante
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19 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

I was having a nostalgic moment, remembering the early days when the ho wives wrote Bravo blogs after each episode and viewers could comment. I haven’t been there in ages, so I went for a quick visit. Maybe its me, but I’d rather read you guys.  We should write the ho wife’s blogs for them.

Only if they pay us!

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6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

There you have it.  Example:  Dorinda has John.  Not famous or rich enough, but someone to talk to, have dinner, go to events, have sex her and there, etc., UNTIL she finds someone else like Richard.  She keeps him at arms length and still has someone when she’s lonely.  Nice set up, and he goes along with it.

Well Of course! Thank you!! I always wondered why she kept him & Hannah apart. No use getting her daughter - even as an older teen - used to somebody who’s basically a temp.  

Dor, you user. 

With all the ... connections ... John has, Do had best tone down the open contempt she shows about him. Just sayin’.  The fury of a man scorned can match a womsn’s, anyway. JMHO. 

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On 6/27/2019 at 9:51 PM, whydoievencare said:

I'm actually surprised how nasty Dorinda was about Tinsley telling her she doesn't want to fight about Scott as she isn't with him any longer.  Why is Dorinda being like that?  Actually I just realized it's probably  because Dorinda feels she is above Tinsley in the Housewife Hierarchy - so she can be a total bitch to her.

Dorinda’s only storyline is shitting on the other HW’s.  She has nothing going on....even her new apartment is sad.

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