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S11.E16: More than a Feelin'

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Poor Tinsley, she had it all. I think she really loved her husband at one time.  Too bad she didn't salvage that relationship because it had everything she wanted.  I think she is gorgeous and the other women are a tiny bit jealous because she is young and fresh but at the same time she is an emotional wreck.  

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It seems to me that the other ladies want Lu to fall off the wagon.  It's no fun to get all sloppy, climbing on the bar, falling off the table drunk with a sober person, don't you know? If they don't then they're sure putting a LOT of pressure on her right now and also drinking heavily in front of her.  They know how hard that is for someone who was in the shape Luann was in to not break and have the drinks they really want! 

Maybe they don't like her success with the Cabaret? And now the new song? (and I thought it was cheesy but all the comments under it on youtube were glowing and they couldn't wait to see one of her shows, so I think she's doing well there) I didn't blame her one bit for wanting to have her picture taken in front of the Jackie Gleason Studios in front of her own poster!!  I think they're all extremely jealous of her.  

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14 hours ago, Irritable said:

It frustrates me that the point was continually lost in the hurricanes of yelling and LuAnn flouncing away.  No one is ripping you a new asshole for going swimming.  It is not self absorbed asshole behavior to go swimming.  Coming home after swimming and admiring yourself on a poster you have no doubt already looked at a thousand times before, and then complaining about being last to get a massage IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  Complaining that you didn’t get a blow out because the hair dresser didn’t have time to get to her because she was late IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  So is:

Demanding the best room at Dorinda’s and throwing a fit when you find out Bethenny asked for it first.

Complaining that Bethenny had to leave before her Halloween performance because she went on late, and then saying she wished Bethenny had been there to see her succeed, when Bethenny WAS THERE. 

Acting like the other women being there didn’t even count because Bethenny left.

Saying Bethenny shouldn’t have gone home to relieve the babysitter, because all Bryn was doing was sleeping.

saying, well I’m going to go swim/to a meeting/need some sugar for my coffee while a friend is breaking down in front of her, but she demands constant “what have you done for me lately?” support from them.

Treats AA meetings as another performance and thinks she is there to entertain the group, which makes them happy.  The other stories of pain and enormous REAL loss just roll off of her because she’s not listening when it’s not her turn. She’s the kind of person who is just waiting for other people to stop talking so she can hear the sound of her own voice again.

Defends ignoring what other friends were going through in their lives because she was in a bad place, but can’t be bothered to ask about them when she’s in a better place because she’s a stah, dahling.

LuAnn is completely tone deaf when it comes to her “music” and feeling out a room. Bethenny’s realization that she did so much to help LuAnn when she was legit off the rails and a danger to herself, and then to have Lu act like she deserves a spa day every day because being sober is hard, when the person she relied on so much emotionally needed the same help but didn’t get it, and died? Yeah, I can see that setting of a bit of hysteria.

If LuAnn had not behaved in such an entitled way and complained that the luxuries being handed to her  weren’t luxurious enough, or big enough, or she wasn’t always first in line and getting first pick of everything, Bethenny would not have snapped.

If she still says at the reunion that they were mean to her and attacking her for being self absorbed just because she went swimming, I’m going to pop a blood vessel.

When have we ever seen LuAnn be charitable, truly charitable, or go out of her way to help s friend in need?  I can’t think of a time in ten years.  All the other women can set themselves aside when they are needed, but LuAnn is just a taker, and it’s hard to be friends with someone who operates that way every single day. Even Ramona can manage to show up and comfort her friends when they are struggling.  

There are many narcissists throughout all the RH franchises, but LuAnn is a malignant, toxic narcissist. That’s the difference, and why she IS worse than the others.  She hasn’t even tried to learn how to pretend to feign interest and empathy.  The only times she’s engaged in a conversation about someone else is when it’s ugly gossip.

Standing ovation!!

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4 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

I've noted before that Ramona is at her best when shit is hitting the fan in epic ways, but in normal conversations she's wildly inappropriate. If I went to her house and asked for a Diet Coke and she gave me a regular coke and I set her curtains on fire in response, she'd probably calmly put out the fire and get me a Diet Coke. If I just said "I asked for a Diet Coke. This is regular coke" she'd start screaming and kick me out of her house and then sell tabloid stories about me as revenge. Homegirl is ONLY comfortable in chaos. It's one of the reasons I believe her stories about her abusive childhood. Not all the details (because Ramona is a liar), but I believe something bad happened to her as a kid. No one should feel that comforted by hostility and that threatened by calm.

Yes!! I totally see this. One other surprising Ramona thing - the way she so supports Tinsley having a boyfriend. Usually Ramona FREAKS when someone doesn't show up at her things or "support" her. Yet with Tinsley, when the other girls told Ramona Tinsley wasn't going to attend her Henri Bendel shopping night party because Scott had showed up to surprise Tinsely and they were going to Chicago, Ramona was genuinely excited for her! She was like best excuse ever! And then when Tinsley wasn't going to the exercise thing because of being upset about Bambi, Ramona was like oh she isn't coming because she's so sad. Like zero annoyed about it. She even showed some compassion talking about it and how Tinsley's life wasn't going the way she wanted or working out with Scott, and how the dog meant a lot to her. I mean coming from Ramona?? That's amazing! Most of the others would be rolling their eyes and writhing in jealousy and venting over the stupid boyfriend's surprise visit or a dead dog and how this was soooo disrespectful and not good enough reasons to not support their night!

Dorinda quickly turned it all nasty about Tinsley not showing signs of "downgrading" her lifestyle and that was just mean. Ramona seemed to get and accept the well, Tinsley and Scott are still texting, maybe it will work out, maybe it won't, but getting that Tinsley wasn't ready to give up on this completely. (And who cares what her reasons are - it's nobody's business.)

And Ramona had jumped in to defend Tinsley with Sonja as well earlier this season, saying that Tinsley wanted these things when Sonja was ranting about why Tinsley needed a man or a baby. And even to Bethenny as well at that one lunch - saying that Tinsley didn't want to have a baby on her own. She had a nice way of kind of just validating her feelings and showing some compassion for life not going the way you wished, and not arguing or pitying or shaming it. And their night out in Miami talk was nice too.

And yet she can come out of nowhere with the meanest, most tactless barbs ever - the Singer Stinger as they say. But I kind of get why her friends never quite give up on her completely. She's got a heart in there, somewhere!

I feel bad for the Mario situation. It just kind of sucks. I think she really did love him and wished he didn't do this. I give her credit for doing the best she could to move on and not get "stuck" in her grief about it and stay upbeat and do her thing, and I can understand why she still gets emotional about it or even goes back to him at times. But also that she was strong enough to divorce him and NOT take him back completely. I think she has self-respect and also has human and emotional needs, and handles it about as best as she can? I think. With the option to change my mind at any time. 😉

Edited by divsc
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I think Ramona loved Mario too and despite her flaws she was treated horribly.  Maybe she is in some way responsible for not seeing the signs or tending the fire but no matter how you slice it Mario acted badly and shamefully.  He was wrong.

I don't think the group wants to see Lu Anne drink again,I don't think they even have the self awareness to know they make it look this way but they sure don't support sobriety.  I wonder during every episode why they don't just leave alcohol out of the equation when she is present.   Dorinda tried this with the mermaid costume episode. It was entertaining.  Sure, no one fell down and hit their head but it was interesting. 

I've dealt with people who came out of rehab and they told me one thing they were instructed to do was to stay away from users and avoid old friends and places where the temptation would be present.  Lu Anne does not do this and she is torturing herself.  I would have no problem drinking a soda if my friend could not have a glass of wine and we could still have fun.  Why can't these women do this?  Bravo...that's why.

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On 6/20/2019 at 6:47 PM, SweetieDarling said:

Do you think the hotel charged them for the spray tan shit all over Barbara's room? That was bad. I don't think Ramona would even do something like that.

I hope they did!

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4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Since Tinsley bought Bambi, there have been many scenes of Dale bringing Bambi to Tinsley from Florida to NY. This was way before they ever knew Bambi had cancer.

I think the reason is because Tinsley lives in Palm Beach with her mother full time, rents the janky hotel room at a significantly reduced rate for the 4 months of filming. Bambi was only bought up for camera time, Tinsley needs to be free to travel with Scott and the ladies during filming so it's easier to leave the dog in Florida where her mother can watch him full time.

She's not with Scott anymore...irregardless, Bambi was well cared for and loved.

2 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Poor Tinsley, she had it all. I think she really loved her husband at one time.  Too bad she didn't salvage that relationship because it had everything she wanted.  I think she is gorgeous and the other women are a tiny bit jealous because she is young and fresh but at the same time she is an emotional wreck.  

She married her high school sweetheart at a really young age...not surprised it fell apart. 

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9 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Oh, something else I noticed in this episode--I'm not going to call Bethenny an "alcoholic" (I've watched enough episodes of Mom to learn that it's a "self-diagnosing disease")--but the way Beth treated alcohol at Barton G made me uncomfortable. She was gulping down the hard drinks right and left, all while professing to be so freaked out by her diatribe against Luann that she couldn't remember what she said ("Did I call her a name?") Bethenny was so upset at Luann that she had to leave the table, but not before grabbing that precious drink. As soon as she returned to the table, there was a different, purple drink in front of her that was practically gone by the next scene. 

I'm from New York, so I know from expensive drinks, but I've also lived in Miami, and the price of their drinks is obscene. A cocktail in NY that would cost $12 might cost $18 in Miami. It's partially because their drinks are super strong. How much does Bethenny weigh? I think she said 111 lbs once. One strong martini should be enough to make her feel herself. I had one strong martini when I first moved to Miami, and my mom had to drive me home!

Again, not saying Bethenny has a drinking problem, but on a scale of Jill (teetotaler) to Luann (threatening to kill cops), the woman is approaching a solid Tinsley. 

I’m 125 and i can drink (and do) 5-6 nyc martinis and still be “good”. Everyone is different. 

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14 minutes ago, kicksave said:

She's not with Scott anymore...irregardless, Bambi was well cared for and loved.

She married her high school sweetheart at a really young age...not surprised it fell apart. 

Actually the first marriage was annulled but they remarried when she was 26 in case anyone is interested.

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9 hours ago, bosawks said:

I definitely get a waterbed, beanbag chair vibe from her....

In fairness, most of the carpenters I know live in houses under renovation. Y’know, like how the shoemaker’s children go barefoot?

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
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7 hours ago, divsc said:

What is crazy to me is how well RAMONA handled the cray cray dinner breakdown scene - somehow managing to both validate and stay calm with BOTH Bethenny and Luann. She was empathizing and feeling compassion for Bethenny's pain. And then when Bethenny is flipping out hyperventilating, she's calmly telling Luann just to not say anything and that that this is all built up with Bethenny, and just let her get it out, and keeping Luann calm too! It always amazes me - she somehow finds these social graces and human moments at the most insane times. She has these times where you can tell she actually "hears" someone. And then three seconds later she's taunting and literally doing a "I look great for my age and you look old for your age" DANCE to Tinsley. The Ramonacoaster at work. I've never seen anything like it!

Luann... you keep waiting for that moment where she's going to hear what the other person is saying or how they were hurt.... or at least hear it from their perspective, even if she doesn't agree with it. And... it just doesn't register. She always has an immediate response that's all about her or how she was hurt too. She goes RIGHT to that instead of saying, "I hear you, I see you, I hear that you were hurt..." She doesn't even go through the motions of pretending to hear what they are saying. It just doesn't even sink it. I've never seen anything quite like that either! I can see why she drives the others crazy. I think that attitude and pattern makes them more crazy than whatever she did that irritated them. And she... just doesn't see it. 

Dang, you just described my ex- to a T. 

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11 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Silly Putty Play Doh Face is allegedly in construction - she's never heard of a liner or disposable tarp she can take along on her trips? She could have asked for a large trash bag and opened it up outside on the grass and go ham with the spraying there.

There’s a business opportunity! Who’d do it better? The Tinsley Tarpie? SkinnyTarp? Sonja’s SprayAway?

10 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Do you think she deliberately didn't use an NYC housewives on the video because she was mad at them?

And that’s PUNISHMENT? 🤣

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13 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Oh, good gawd, I had almost forgotten about this gem!

When that episode you're referring to was about to be aired, one of the Bravo/fan pages posted the preview of those ashes blowing away, and I posted a snarky comment on it about Sonja.  I don't even remember what my comment was, but it wasn't a positive one.

SONJA REPLIED!!!  I was shocked.  Her reply was something like, "I know, wasn't that hilarious?"

I didn't acknowledge her reply to my post but, no, actually I didn't think it was hilarious.  I thought it made Sonja look like a moron and I felt badly for the poor dog and his death being made into such a spectacle for her story line.

I haven't watched this episode yet but I'm sure I'll be snuggling my little 13-year-old chihuahua who looks a lot like Bambi while it's on.  

This actually makes me feel sick about Sonja. She was thrilled just to have someone refer to her, even if it was a negative comment. That is why I think it is her calling Page Six and ROL all the time. 

Good press, bad press she gets off of any mention of her at all.

Remember when Lu and her were dancing around the kitchen after seeing their names in the press?

The fact that she referred to the funeral of her poor little pup as hilarious makes me dislike her even more than ever. 

There is something very very wrong with Sonja. Her drunken, delusional, dirty, pantyless life is just not entertaining and I hope she is gone from this show real soon.

Just in case she reads here, "Oh Hi Sonja.☺️"

Edited by Happy Camper
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10 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Also, for the record: LIFE IS NOT A FUCKING CABARET. It's many things, some wonderful and some less so, but it's always interesting. So why would we want life to be a shitty, boring form of entertainment such as a cabaret?

Whew. I feel better getting that out. That's been eating at me for several episodes now. 

I agree! Cabaret is an escape from life, just like reality TV.

Why would we want life to be a shitty boring form of entertainment such as cabaret or reality TV?

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4 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I don't think the group wants to see Lu Anne drink again,I don't think they even have the self awareness to know they make it look this way but they sure don't support sobriety.  I wonder during every episode why they don't just leave alcohol out of the equation...

I cannot imagine having to share air space with someone’s as self centered and narcisisstic as Luann and being forced to listen to her verbal tripe about CABERET without an alcoholic beverage...or a monumental spliff. I can’t  blame them for needing alcohol to be around the alcoholic, and yeah, I know that’s ass backwards but it’s Lu we’re talking about.

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On 6/20/2019 at 11:46 PM, FairyDusted said:

Petty random thought.....Lu is shown using the alcohol detecting device in Miami. This was right before the Holidays no? Then she got smacked again this spring right? She sure is playing fast and loose with this probation unless I have the timeline wrong. A very real possibility.

Did anyone else note that?  

Lu was apparently required to use the device as part of her original sentence, but when she got hauled back into court recently for violating her probation (for the second time, I might add, as back in February she was in trouble for not complying with her AA meetings).  She wasn't using the device the way she was required to and it was listed in the new requirements again.

18 hours ago, snarts said:

Imagine if the situation were reversed with Luann planning a separate party for the ladies opposite one of Ramona's skin care launch parties, or god forbid, a skinnygirl event?  There seems to be a general consensus that the Housewives show up & support each others endeavors.  Not cool, Ramona.

They have already attended her show at least twice.  They did it last season (JOVANI!), and then again for the Halloween débâcle that Bethenny didn't stay long enough for.  From what Bethenny said, I'm guessing they have gone other times as well.  Lu wanted them to be there so it could be the season ending party, and she could promote herself/get paid.  If she wants to just own up to it and say that she wanted to have it on the show to promote it, then that's fine, I don't think the others would really begrudge that so much, but she's couching it in "You aren't supporting me in MY work!" Like she's out there saving lives with Doctors without Borders or something.  Plus, the others can decide that they have legit just tired of going to see her show and would like to do another thing. 

15 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Dorinda should not have made an issue out of Luann's gift to Bethenny (and Barbara), but my feeling is that Luann only sent them gifts because she felt guilted into doing that after the trip to Miami and the latest dinner from hell meltdown.

If Bethenny had never gone off the rails like she did, or perhaps had a more quiet one-on-one conversation with Luann about how Bethenny was feeling, I don't think Luann would have sent any gifts at all.

Dorinda missed the point, though.  I think Luann sent the gifts to Bethenny and Barbara as more of a "Thank you for being there for me", and not an apology for her behavior.  

I think Lu did the gifts as a manipulative thing.  She's actually done this once before with Bethenny.  Lu has zero self awareness and she won't own being wrong, but at the same time, she's calculating and after coming away from a situation if she thinks that there will be lasting damage between her and Bethenny, she tries to "repair" the relationship.  Remember that birthday party Ramona had for like 60 of her girlfriends in that restaurant? Lu showed up with with a gift for Bethenny that day, it was a purse.  Bethenny was puzzled by it, and it was weird because Lu kind of ostentatiously gave it to her at Ramona's birthday party.  It's the same sort of thing she did here.  Lu didn't get Dorinda anything because she doesn't think she needs Dorinda in the future, or she thinks Dorinda will come crawling back to her without Lu having to ensure that she is there.  Lu isn't sure Bethenny would be there for her, which is why she tries to hedge her bets with gifts. 

15 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

But thing is Lu wasn't late. She got back 2 hours later and it seems that the women took their sweet time to start getting their massages. The women deliberately coordinated that. I thought it was weird that the women, on the way out of the house were annoyed that Lu wasn't ready yet when they themselves deliberately delayed and restricted Lu's access to the glam squad provided to them. The other women were in no hurry to start the getting ready process for the deliberate purpose of hindering Lu's access to those services.  

Yes she was.  She was gone about 5 hours.  She said she was gone for 2 at the beach and then the others asked her what she was doing for the rest of the time she was gone.  She didn't answer.  And the others had no obligation to coordinate their timing around someone who wasn't even present.  If Lu wanted to be assured of having a massage/glam team at a specific time, she should have been present and making the arrangements.  You snooze, you lose.  The women who are there get to do what they want, when they want.  Plus, honestly how was Lu not going to have the massage last? Exactly how could she have gotten the first, second or third massage when she wasn't even physically IN the house?

14 hours ago, dosodog said:

The moment was when she said, "My ex boyfriend, my boyfriend, my fiance".  She corrected her relationship to Dennis 3 times in one sentence.

And I don't know what that says or if I read too much into it. 

Was it really about what Dennis meant to her?  That she traded his intervention for Lu's?   Did he even want an intervention? Would there have been an intervention for Lu if not for her arrest?

I just.  I'm just really confused by Bethenny. She was engaged, she wasn't engaged, they were friends, he's the love of her life, she's engaged and yet not engaged, she's dating a different guy even though she may or may not be engaged to Dennis.

I think a lot of what Bethenny struggles with, aside from the obvious "Dennis is gone" is the what ifs.  He was a lot of things to her, at one point a fiancé, a boyfriend, an ex boyfriend.  He was a friend.  When he died, things were unresolved.  He had issues going on and clearly they were such that they were back and forth a lot, but they weren't a permanent break up, the potential existed for him to sort stuff out and then for them to get back together.  Or maybe they would have drifted apart, she would have met someone new and they'd have been friends.  But none of that had time to happen, so Bethenny has to come to terms with all of that.

Grieving for anyone is a challenge to begin with.  When you add unresolved dynamics in, it's worse because one day you think you're doing ok with the way things were and then it hits you that this thing might have happened, or maybe if you'd said this you could have changed the way things were and . . . then you're right back into the mess again.  It's hard.  Letting go of every possibility and knowing that things will always just be unfinished is really, really difficult.  I think this is where she's at, she's able to move forward in some ways, like dating, because they weren't necessarily together, but, she's pulled back at the same time, because there are the what ifs, because the thing that kept them apart (when he was alive), was something that COULD have been changed (his addiction), and potentially, if he had been able to overcome it, then they could have gotten back together.  She's just working on living with the unfinished business. 

12 hours ago, mytmo said:

Funny story at my mother's viewing in the funeral home a family friend gave us daughters a lapel pin and one for my mother.  While I was pinning it on her lapel my hand slipped and hit her chest.  It made a hollow sound so of course I had to do it again like 3 times.  Luckily I was by myself.  My brother took a picture of her in her casket and once we were all back at our respective homes he sent all of us a pack of pictures.  I was terrified a picture of mom was included.  Luckily it was not.  I will never say anything on how one does their final services.

When I was a kid, I was flipping through a family photo album at my grandparent's house and in between pictures of a day at an amusement park with my grandparents and my grandparents trip to Hawaii I suddenly came across 2 pages of pictures that horrified me.  One side of the page was photos of my grandfather in the hospital, in traction.  The other side was a bunch of people posed around a coffin, open with a body in it.  I was like "WHAT IS THIS?!" And threw the album across the room.  It turns out that my grandfather was in a car accident when his father died and couldn't make it to the funeral.  So evidently the way they felt best to include him was to take a bunch of pictures so he could experience it.  This was in the late 70s, so someone had to take these pics, (posing the people, mind you), take them somewhere to be developed, and then for some reason, they put them in a photo album! I never did understand that.  

7 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

They think it will be closure holding a frozen Bambi? O.k., then they should be prepared to be traumatized the rest of their lives.  Better to put a picture of vibrant Bambi on your nightstand.  Are these people daft or what?

Was I the only one who wondered if they offered taxidermy to Tinsley? I think it was Alan Alda whose parents had his childhood dog stuffed.  

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6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

It would be fun to watch Lu invite Erika/RHoBH to see her cabaret show a second time, and Erika respond, “I’m good.”

GREAT idea.  They should do a duet.  The canary can  sing, and the other could be held up by her guys and do her split.  The trouble is,who will have first billing, lol.  One will be dressed to the hilt, and the other as a space cadet, hahahaha.  Now, that would be a hit.  I’ll bet Erica would give her eye teeth to be a N.Y. Housewife in a show in N.Y.City.  I think she’s had it with that other bunch.

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I’ve watched and re-watched the apology scene with B and Luann at the restaurant.  

Did B say ‘I care about you ... I love you ... I don’t want you to be happy’???

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21 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

Yet another reason why Lu is a joke at this whole sobriety thing and why I do not believe she's going to AA meetings, or if she's going to them, its for the performance aspect, not the actual "help manage your problem" aspect:

At least two or three times (that I noticed -- there are probably more), she made a comment about how the way the other HOs were treating her wanted to make her drink. When she went to her room because no one was paying attention to her because they were dealing with a potential HEAD INJURY, and then after the dinner when she was supposedly getting an Uber, she made a comment of "I was going to go drink." and "What do you want me to do Dorinda?" and "Nobody came to check on me to make sure I wasn't drinking." 

Basically saying, if I drink, its not my fault, you pushed me to it, and its on you to make sure I don't, or to stop me. 

Isn't taking responsibility for one's own actions a tenet of AA? (not to mention life in general. . . ) 

There's a lot of shit that happens to everybody, and let me tell ya' I've had FAMILY do some unbelievable shit to me that far exceeds my friends not paying enough attention to me or "celebrating" me enough -- did I stress eat to help deal with it? Hell yeah, I did! Did I blame the people treating me crappy because I went out and bought the damn frozen pepperidge farm german chocolate cake and ate the whole thing? Nope. That was 100% me -- I knew what I was doing while I was doing it, knew I shouldn't have been doing it, but did it anyway because I wanted that freakin' cake and in that moment it made me feel better. And it was 100% on me. I blamed them for the shitty way they treated me, rightfully so, but I didn't blame them for my eating the cake (and it was good and I'd do it again damnit!) 

Good for you !!  Try the Pepperidge Farm lemon cake with frosting.  It’s to die for, if you like lemon.  

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6 hours ago, smores said:

Lu was apparently required to use the device as part of her original sentence, but when she got hauled back into court recently for violating her probation (for the second time, I might add, as back in February she was in trouble for not complying with her AA meetings).  She wasn't using the device the way she was required to and it was listed in the new requirements again.

They have already attended her show at least twice.  They did it last season (JOVANI!), and then again for the Halloween débâcle that Bethenny didn't stay long enough for.  From what Bethenny said, I'm guessing they have gone other times as well.  Lu wanted them to be there so it could be the season ending party, and she could promote herself/get paid.  If she wants to just own up to it and say that she wanted to have it on the show to promote it, then that's fine, I don't think the others would really begrudge that so much, but she's couching it in "You aren't supporting me in MY work!" Like she's out there saving lives with Doctors without Borders or something.  Plus, the others can decide that they have legit just tired of going to see her show and would like to do another thing. 

I think Lu did the gifts as a manipulative thing.  She's actually done this once before with Bethenny.  Lu has zero self awareness and she won't own being wrong, but at the same time, she's calculating and after coming away from a situation if she thinks that there will be lasting damage between her and Bethenny, she tries to "repair" the relationship.  Remember that birthday party Ramona had for like 60 of her girlfriends in that restaurant? Lu showed up with with a gift for Bethenny that day, it was a purse.  Bethenny was puzzled by it, and it was weird because Lu kind of ostentatiously gave it to her at Ramona's birthday party.  It's the same sort of thing she did here.  Lu didn't get Dorinda anything because she doesn't think she needs Dorinda in the future, or she thinks Dorinda will come crawling back to her without Lu having to ensure that she is there.  Lu isn't sure Bethenny would be there for her, which is why she tries to hedge her bets with gifts. 

Yes she was.  She was gone about 5 hours.  She said she was gone for 2 at the beach and then the others asked her what she was doing for the rest of the time she was gone.  She didn't answer.  And the others had no obligation to coordinate their timing around someone who wasn't even present.  If Lu wanted to be assured of having a massage/glam team at a specific time, she should have been present and making the arrangements.  You snooze, you lose.  The women who are there get to do what they want, when they want.  Plus, honestly how was Lu not going to have the massage last? Exactly how could she have gotten the first, second or third massage when she wasn't even physically IN the house?

I think a lot of what Bethenny struggles with, aside from the obvious "Dennis is gone" is the what ifs.  He was a lot of things to her, at one point a fiancé, a boyfriend, an ex boyfriend.  He was a friend.  When he died, things were unresolved.  He had issues going on and clearly they were such that they were back and forth a lot, but they weren't a permanent break up, the potential existed for him to sort stuff out and then for them to get back together.  Or maybe they would have drifted apart, she would have met someone new and they'd have been friends.  But none of that had time to happen, so Bethenny has to come to terms with all of that.

Grieving for anyone is a challenge to begin with.  When you add unresolved dynamics in, it's worse because one day you think you're doing ok with the way things were and then it hits you that this thing might have happened, or maybe if you'd said this you could have changed the way things were and . . . then you're right back into the mess again.  It's hard.  Letting go of every possibility and knowing that things will always just be unfinished is really, really difficult.  I think this is where she's at, she's able to move forward in some ways, like dating, because they weren't necessarily together, but, she's pulled back at the same time, because there are the what ifs, because the thing that kept them apart (when he was alive), was something that COULD have been changed (his addiction), and potentially, if he had been able to overcome it, then they could have gotten back together.  She's just working on living with the unfinished business. 

When I was a kid, I was flipping through a family photo album at my grandparent's house and in between pictures of a day at an amusement park with my grandparents and my grandparents trip to Hawaii I suddenly came across 2 pages of pictures that horrified me.  One side of the page was photos of my grandfather in the hospital, in traction.  The other side was a bunch of people posed around a coffin, open with a body in it.  I was like "WHAT IS THIS?!" And threw the album across the room.  It turns out that my grandfather was in a car accident when his father died and couldn't make it to the funeral.  So evidently the way they felt best to include him was to take a bunch of pictures so he could experience it.  This was in the late 70s, so someone had to take these pics, (posing the people, mind you), take them somewhere to be developed, and then for some reason, they put them in a photo album! I never did understand that.  

Was I the only one who wondered if they offered taxidermy to Tinsley? I think it was Alan Alda whose parents had his childhood dog stuffed.  

One more sadistic story I promise.  When I was little, the relatives upstate had wakes in the house in their living rooms.  Us kids had to sleep upstairs.  Can you imagine the terror we felt?  I used to shake.  I swear, the elders just loved funerals, my Mother included.  I don’t know how I’m alive after all the shit when I think about it.

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18 hours ago, kicksave said:

And I lived in NYC for decades myself and had several friends who were bonafide singer/songwriters that toiled in the clubs of the Village and on the road playing at colleges  coffeehouses etc. and were never signed to a recording deal. They were told they weren't "ready" yet or should try to sound more like someone else who was popular at the time. The record business is brutal and getting heard and signed is very rigorous and exhausting...even if you have a great voice and write great songs. Neither of which apply to LuAnn. She's fooling herself if she thinks she's selling tickets to her cabaret act because of her scary talent. 

Lu is many not-great things, but she isn't delusional. She knows that no one is coming to her show because of her "scary talent." She knows that she's a spectacle and that people are coming to the show for the spectacle.  To some extent, that probably works well for her because it feeds her ego - people are coming to the show for her, not for the fact that they're going to get some amazing musical and singing show. 

17 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:

Lu seems to only live in the moment and I'm sure she thanked Dorinda, but Dorinda demands repeated thanks. Just like her cocktails, one is never enough. It's annoying. Remember the stupid nutcracker? Bethenny thanked her repeatedly for connecting her with that guy, but when he delivered it Bethenny didn't thank Dorinda again and she flipped out at the reunion show. Dorinda's got a weird thing.

Not only that, but the way that Dorinda made her displeasure known is by drunkenly heckling Lu during her show.  Even if she at one point occupied the high ground, she lost it entirely by her actual actions.  Dorinda wants to be able to hurt anyone for any reason, and not expect to be held accountable for it. 

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22 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Here is the thing though.  Kids should see you care for them and their siblings.  Kids should see you care for an aging parent.  LuAnn shouldn't be surprised if the kids have more affection for the nanny than her.  She also shouldn't be surprised if they park her in an institution when she ages.  Parents going to work to put the food on the table and a roof over your head is one thing.  Going out so often that you have never shared taco night is quite another.  There is a disconnect with her kids as we saw during the whole house debacle.

How about with her Mother and siblings?  Her Mother was shown once at thr Cabaret.  When  You’re in trouble, don’t you often turn to your Mother?  I don’t know if she does. 

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6 hours ago, smores said:

I think Lu did the gifts as a manipulative thing.  She's actually done this once before with Bethenny.  Lu has zero self awareness and she won't own being wrong, but at the same time, she's calculating and after coming away from a situation if she thinks that there will be lasting damage between her and Bethenny, she tries to "repair" the relationship.  Remember that birthday party Ramona had for like 60 of her girlfriends in that restaurant? Lu showed up with with a gift for Bethenny that day, it was a purse.  Bethenny was puzzled by it, and it was weird because Lu kind of ostentatiously gave it to her at Ramona's birthday party.  It's the same sort of thing she did here.  Lu didn't get Dorinda anything because she doesn't think she needs Dorinda in the future, or she thinks Dorinda will come crawling back to her without Lu having to ensure that she is there.  Lu isn't sure Bethenny would be there for her, which is why she tries to hedge her bets with gifts. 

That may be all true re Lu's gifts to Beth, but seriously, Lu does not OWE Dorinda a gift or an apology.  She didn't get Dorinda a gift because Dorinda was the one who actually acted badly, not the other way around. Dorinda viciously and verbally attacked Lu in Cartagena (in large part because she doesn't want to face her own very troubled relationship with alcohol) and then doubled down by acting like a drunken fool at the cabaret act. Why ever should Lu have sent Dorinda a gift? 

That Dorinda has somehow convinced herself and others that she's the one who has been wronged by Lu says something about the level she just pushes her own grievance narrative. But she isn't owed anything by Lu except maybe cordial acceptance. 

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You all know how the Real Housewives’ world is riddled with rumors. 

Is it true that Jovani is in the process of changing their name to protect the innocent?

Am I cool or losing my mind?

Did I just make that up?

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12 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I think Ramona loved Mario too and despite her flaws she was treated horribly.  Maybe she is in some way responsible for not seeing the signs or tending the fire but no matter how you slice it Mario acted badly and shamefully.  He was wrong.

I don't think the group wants to see Lu Anne drink again,I don't think they even have the self awareness to know they make it look this way but they sure don't support sobriety.  I wonder during every episode why they don't just leave alcohol out of the equation when she is present.   Dorinda tried this with the mermaid costume episode. It was entertaining.  Sure, no one fell down and hit their head but it was interesting. 

I've dealt with people who came out of rehab and they told me one thing they were instructed to do was to stay away from users and avoid old friends and places where the temptation would be present.  Lu Anne does not do this and she is torturing herself.  I would have no problem drinking a soda if my friend could not have a glass of wine and we could still have fun.  Why can't these women do this?  Bravo...that's why.

She can’t do that because then she couldn’t be a “Housewife” .... where booze is just a given....She’d rather risk her sobriety than give up being a “celebrity” on TV.

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On 6/20/2019 at 9:46 PM, Dance4Life said:

You need exercise group class certification to teach aerobics. 

Dorinda mentioned she was an aerobics teacher years ago, so she may actually be certified! :-) 

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7 hours ago, smores said:

Yes she was.  She was gone about 5 hours.  She said she was gone for 2 at the beach and then the others asked her what she was doing for the rest of the time she was gone.  She didn't answer.  And the others had no obligation to coordinate their timing around someone who wasn't even present.  If Lu wanted to be assured of having a massage/glam team at a specific time, she should have been present and making the arrangements.  You snooze, you lose.  The women who are there get to do what they want, when they want.  Plus, honestly how was Lu not going to have the massage last? Exactly how could she have gotten the first, second or third massage when she wasn't even physically IN the house?

So what your saying is that we didn't see the others monopolize the massage therapists on purpose?

When Lu got back the first 3 were getting their massages and Dorinda points out to Lu that yeah, there were and that the next 3 would be going afterwards. So even if Lu got back an hour earlier the timing would have been the same because the woman already made it clear they planned on making Lu go last. 

If Lu had gotten back earlier then maybe everyone wouldn't have been so eager to play with time and everyone would have coordinated the activities to coincide with their massages, glam squad and evening plans better but since they wanted to be petty about it, in all reality,  the other women were the one's who actually created the delay. If Lu was able to get back in time to maybe squeeze herself into on of the 2 rounds of massages that still would have left one wife running late. 

I mean, they WANTED to create a conflict with the amenities and timing and they succeeded. Blaming Lu for what was plainly planned out by them is pretty ridiculous. 

I also don't believe she was gone for 5 hours and if she was why did it take everyone so long to get started on their massages since the first round of massages were happening when Lu got back and started talking to Dorinda and Sonja. So either way the time crunch didn't have to happen. And then for them to blame Lu for being annoyed by it like it isn't annoying to find grown women resorting to mean girl antics.

Let's call a spade spade in that instance. The other women created that situation. Not Lu. For them to not just giggle wickedly with each other when being presented with the info that Lu was upstairs grumbling (hello, wasn't that the point of your pettiness?) is what I found pathetic.  You deliberately pulled one over on her and are now pretending to be be confused about why she's unhappy? I mean shit, in that moment I felt like they were trying to gaslight the viewers. So stupid. 

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9 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

This actually makes me feel sick about Sonja. She was thrilled just to have someone refer to her, even if it was a negative comment. That is why I think it is her calling Page Six and ROL all the time. 

Good press, bad press she gets off of any mention of her at all.

Remember when Lu and her were dancing around the kitchen after seeing their names in the press?

The fact that she referred to the funeral of her poor little pup as hilarious makes me dislike her even more than ever. 

There is something very very wrong with Sonja. Her drunken, delusional, dirty, pantyless life is just not entertaining and I hope she is gone from this show real soon.

Just in case she reads here, "Oh Hi Sonja.☺️"

It was late at night, too (and I'm on PST so it was 3 hours later for her), so I figured she was probably drunk when she replied.  

You can imagine the look of confusion on my face when I got a FB notification that Sonja Morgan had replied to my comment.   😂

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16 hours ago, gingerella said:


There are a million things to say about Luann but today I realized, her comeuppance, if you will, is more than likely that her own children are embarrassed and mortified by the behavior she's proudly displayed in TV. To me, that's the worst/best karma we can hope for, because Lu will never change. As others have said before, once this show is over, and her parole/probation is over, I have a strong feeling we'll see drunken and disorderly Luann reappear. And the next judge she goes before needs to do what should have been done before, throw her ass in jail for a good period of time to scare her ass straight and maaaaybe give her some humble pie. Because I'm pretty sure prison bitches have zero fucks to give about Caberet.

As for Bethanny, she is one of, if not THE most hideous person on BravHo TV. She is a pathetic, disgusting excuse of a human being.

How often did we see drunken disorderly Lu appear before? Jail? I find that comical considering her biggest offense has all stemmed from being drunk. Not that people haven't committed heinous acts while drunk but well we know that's not the case here. LOL! Hell, it wasn't even a DUI which is where an unforgivable vibe would seem a bit more warranted in my opinion. And no I don't count Lu's "threatening a police officer" to be any more menacing than what it was no matter how many people clutch their pearls at the idea of "OMG!" saying such things to a police officer. Oh me, oh my! 

Even if she goes back to drinking why do we all of a sudden believe she's gonna be some unhinged drunk from now on? I do believe there is a slippery slope in front of her but mainly because this is unfolding in the public eye (even during off filming) and too many outside influences labeling her and telling her how dire her outlook seems to be. I think she'll be okay if people will stop overstating her reality. If she starts drinking the kool aid and lets haters win then yeah it's very possible she'll fall apart but I'm rooting for her.

I think she's trying to hang on for as long as these legal issue persist and hopefully she outlasts them and is able to go back to whatever her days consisted of with a whole lotta healing thrown the mix. I really hope she's able to shake a lot of the extra doom and gloom being forced on to her, regroup in the way that has usually served her well in the past, get back to that and ultimately find her peace.

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16 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

I can almost feel bad for LuAnn.  I think we've seen most of the HW's on all the franchises being drunk, and even disorderly at times.  I don't think it warrants jail time, except when public safety is at risk.  Don't let 'em drive, don't let 'em do anything potentially harmful, to themselves or others.  If law enforcement gets involved, they need to follow instructions, and definitely not get physical with a cop.  

But if Lu wants to drink after her probation is finished, why not?  Maybe she's learned her lesson and can control herself.

And I say this as definitely not a fan of LuAnn.  She's pretentious and boring. 

You see this is how I feel. It's this need to create this HUGE imaginary addiction based on ONE legal incident with alcohol. An incident that I dare say isn't all that uncommonly a possibility for a good amount of people. 

I've had my share of brushes with the law, when alcohol was involved and some bad decision making but I was lucky that the moon and stars were aligned just right and nothing came out of it. (Not drinking and driving). Lu just happened to not be so lucky and made some wrong moves while drunk and in the presences of law enforcement. 

The rest of her issues regarding her probation and terms of her arrest is her just being irresponsible with her decisions and not for the sake of alcohol but for the sake of being Lu. I will admit. Lu does struggle with not being able to do what Lu wants to do. Hence, her inability to stick to the regiment she's supposed to. I'm actually more worried that this whole extreme approach to Lu's problems, forcing her to take on this alcoholic persona will do more damage in the longrun. She's going to go on the wrong recovery road and lose sight of what her real problem is. It'll get buried in the alcoholics bottomless pit of chasing recovery.

Lu's claiming the title cause A)She has to for people to get off her back and B)It does garner her attention and "supportive" audience. I wish she wouldn't though cause that's only going to confuse her more and keep her from whatever her focus really needs to be aimed at to get back to the Lu that can breeze through whatever gets thrown her way. That's the Lu I want to see her get 100% back to. 

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12 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

You see this is how I feel. It's this need to create this HUGE imaginary addiction based on ONE legal incident with alcohol. An incident that I dare say isn't all that uncommonly a possibility for a good amount of people. 

We are all getting to see what happens if your defense to telling a cop you want to kill him is that you’re a drunk.  If she says oops my bad just a one night thing.  Well good  then you can go to jail.  She went for the alcohol defense and this is what she has to do.  She has to attend AA, etc.  Of course she didn’t see it that way originally which is why they ramped up the conditions.

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19 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

It's probably killing these women that they can't say what they really think about Lu's cabaret act, and her singing.  Bravo would not be pleased.  Ramona saying "We just don't want to see you work" was brilliant.  Too bad Sonja screwed it up. 

Now they not only have to go, they have to pretend they like what they see.  I hope the previews are accurate, that Deb is the only one of the HW's to attend.

I'd watch Dorinda in a cabaret show though -- she could make it fun (as well as nice)  The gal can radiate good humor and energy when she's on. 

Do we know why Dorinda thinks Tinsley is getting money from Scott?  Isn't Tinsley a trust fund kid?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you meant Barb, but this cracked me up; How sad and pathetic your show must be, Luann, that Deb was the only HW that showed up.

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15 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Poor Tinsley, she had it all. I think she really loved her husband at one time.  Too bad she didn't salvage that relationship because it had everything she wanted.  I think she is gorgeous and the other women are a tiny bit jealous because she is young and fresh but at the same time she is an emotional wreck.  

I guess I'm one of the few here that doesn't see gorgeous at all and I certainly don't see fresh.  At 43, she may be slightly younger than the cast but with fillers, the bad eyebrow lift, the Micheal Jackson nose, she looks as plastic as all of them and not young and fresh.  She does have a great ass though!tinsley-mortimer-e1555462429862.jpg?qual

Edited by sasha206
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2 hours ago, Gini67 said:

She can’t do that because then she couldn’t be a “Housewife” .... where booze is just a given....She’d rather risk her sobriety than give up being a “celebrity” on TV.

Not to mention, it sounds like she needs the money from the show and her fame to live well.  I think as soon as she's not in legal jeopardy she'll go back to her drinking.  Unless she's just been really good at hiding it for years, we haven't seen Sonja Morgan drunken levels or messiness making me wonder if Lu just had a really off night that was triggered by the embarrassment that was Tom?  Not to minimize that night though.

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14 hours ago, stcroix said:

It seems to me that the other ladies want Lu to fall off the wagon.  It's no fun to get all sloppy, climbing on the bar, falling off the table drunk with a sober person, don't you know? If they don't then they're sure putting a LOT of pressure on her right now and also drinking heavily in front of her.  They know how hard that is for someone who was in the shape Luann was in to not break and have the drinks they really want! 

Maybe they don't like her success with the Cabaret? And now the new song? (and I thought it was cheesy but all the comments under it on youtube were glowing and they couldn't wait to see one of her shows, so I think she's doing well there) I didn't blame her one bit for wanting to have her picture taken in front of the Jackie Gleason Studios in front of her own poster!!  I think they're all extremely jealous of her.  


I don't get it. Lu's excited about her stuff. And? Oh and yeah she's trying to promote it on the show. I think Lu gets all eye rolly and dismissive cause she's annoyed that they are pretending not to understand the real picture and since she can't break the fourth wall and say "Hey dumb fucks, you know damn well we were gonna film at the beach then walk and take a look at the poster WITH THE CAMERAS....Sonja derailed that" Hey assholes, you know that when I mention caberet and prompt you to come to shows is cause I'm trying to sell tickets and if people see you guys being supportive and it vibes to the TV audience like you guys willingly pop in to my shows on a regular basis then that may sell more during the off season....." Hey stank bitches, the season finale would help visibility and show versatility in my shows in order to present something new and fresh which is why I was hoping to get it on the show..."

Look, I'm not saying that they shouldn't be annoyed with all the attempted publicity Lu's trying to get out the season. Go ahead, get snide, or shut it down however you want but when they spin her hustle into this whole Lu's delusional, she's insufferable, she's this she's that, oh she's the worst, she's insensitive, she's only thinking of herself storyline when they all know what she's up too... It's a matter of using the platform, so yeah it is self promotion which in turn is self serving but a girls gotta make a living ya know? 

I think that's what get's Lu to reacting the way she does. That's where some of the dismissive condescension is coming from. That they are trying to gas light her and the audience, using her struggles with the law and alcohol to throw her under the bus on camera. They know she can't break the fourth wall and defend herself and say. "OMG, shut the fuck up, it boils down to me trying to market my fucking show and other endeavors. You don't want to come don't fucking come but when you see me pushing a bit it ain't cause I need ya'll to adore me idiots, I'm trying my best to sell what I got going on at the moment and make it last as long as I can! Help a sister out." (or in Lu's word, can't you just be supportive...? Get it?)

Because contrary to popular opinion I personally DO think Lu understands that her current success is based on the novelty of it and that the clock is ticking. That's all Lu has ever used, from day one. First it was the Countess angle, Class with the Countess, Countess statement necklaces and clothing. The term Countess alone does sound good when paired with fashion. Then it was her songs that Get This, came about through catch phrases from her throughout appearing on the Housewives show. That shit is novelty and she fucking ran with it. Now it's cabaret and in true Lu fashion she's fucking gonna milk that shit for as long as possible. She is a master at riding whatever wave comes her way and I think the women are losing their shit because I think they are truly stunned and against the possibility that Lu just might be able to work her recent brush with the law into another yet another sideshow.

I don't doubt they are sick of Lu's ability to making silk purses out of sow's ears.... I think they want to appear extra appalled at Lu's display of breeziness and paint it as so disturbing in the face of  such serious matters but they are just annoyed that she's stills able to get attention and fans despite all the chaos going on in her life.  Their pearl clutching is just so extra and animated it's so damn obvious. Now wonder Lu scoffs so much at them. I would too.

The fact that Lu can even make an arrest and forced AA slip off her like she slipped out of those handcuffs pisses them off. LOL.    Which is why they are doing their damnest to bring all the negative to the forefront, to be extra offended by this or that, highlight ad nauseum every misstep, bad decision, Lu's ever made cause they can't stand that aside from new court dates popping up and some AA meetings Lu's still living her life as usual and paying them dust. Which they deserve. 

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15 hours ago, stcroix said:

It seems to me that the other ladies want Lu to fall off the wagon.  It's no fun to get all sloppy, climbing on the bar, falling off the table drunk with a sober person, don't you know? If they don't then they're sure putting a LOT of pressure on her right now and also drinking heavily in front of her.  They know how hard that is for someone who was in the shape Luann was in to not break and have the drinks they really want! 

Maybe they don't like her success with the Cabaret? And now the new song? (and I thought it was cheesy but all the comments under it on youtube were glowing and they couldn't wait to see one of her shows, so I think she's doing well there) I didn't blame her one bit for wanting to have her picture taken in front of the Jackie Gleason Studios in front of her own poster!!  I think they're all extremely jealous of her.  

I don't think the ladies want Luann to fall off the wagon. They all know/suspect she was never even on the wagon. They all could deal with covering for her if she wasn't shoving it in all their faces and the cameras on how seriously she takes her sobriety when obviously she hasn't - there were too many articles about her not adhering to her probation - not going to AA or performing community service. Yet on camera she hams up going to AA and serving soup to herself. It was clear how Luann felt after taking Tinsley to Al-Anon, she was more interested in the cinnamon shaker and clueless about Tinsley.

As for her poster, Luann posed for them - there was one photo shoot probably the top 3 photos were picked. So when she performs at a new venue, they just enter the text of the venue, address, night and time and print.

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Dorinda's Favor-Abacus is exhausting and embarrassing. She's like the whiny kid on the playground.

I think Bethenny acted the hell out of her breakdown. And she's still attaching her relationship with Dennis to most interactions on the show. A perpetual victim who is determined to highlight her relationship with a married drug addict who overdosed. I'm pretty sure she helped Luann out and into rehab solely because she knew it would get her TV time down the road.

Smug Ramona's long-ago wackiness has disappeared. Now she's just a mean asshole. With money.

Anyone who watches Live PD knows there are non-stop drunken tirades all over the nation, every day, that involve clashes with the police. Luann's paying a steep price for being a celebrity, as did Tinsley after her drunken Palm Beach antics. Cautionary tale.

During Tinsley's grief, attention-whores Ramona and Sonja couldn't resist rolling their eyes and exchanging amused glances while the cameras were rolling.

Edited by pasdetrois
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3 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Lu is many not-great things, but she isn't delusional. She knows that no one is coming to her show because of her "scary talent." She knows that she's a spectacle and that people are coming to the show for the spectacle.  To some extent, that probably works well for her because it feeds her ego - people are coming to the show for her, not for the fact that they're going to get some amazing musical and singing show. 

Not only that, but the way that Dorinda made her displeasure known is by drunkenly heckling Lu during her show.  Even if she at one point occupied the high ground, she lost it entirely by her actual actions.  Dorinda wants to be able to hurt anyone for any reason, and not expect to be held accountable for it. 

Thank You! It amazes me that people actually think Lu woke up one day and honestly believed her smoker's cough rasp was some instant musical instrument. LOL!

The girl was approached to be the face of some gimmicky ideas and novelty promotions that arose because of her popularity on the show and her Countess title/persona from day one. 

She's been working that angle and will continue to work the angle for as long as people keep bringing her things she can work with and keep up the momentum. I think there's a good team that recognizes Lu as a product and Lu is more than happy to offer up her best asset to them. Herself. They do their job and she does hers. To me this isn't a hard business equation to understand.

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11 hours ago, ivygirl said:

There’s a business opportunity! Who’d do it better? The Tinsley Tarpie? SkinnyTarp? Sonja’s SprayAway?

And that’s PUNISHMENT? 🤣

Call it the BarbTarp - multi-use liners - use it to paint your house or your face. Thanks to walnutqueen - maybe Barbara can create a natural stain - good for wood and safe to be used on human skin

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1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

We are all getting to see what happens if your defense to telling a cop you want to kill him is that you’re a drunk.  If she says oops my bad just a one night thing.  Well good  then you can go to jail.  She went for the alcohol defense and this is what she has to do.  She has to attend AA, etc.  Of course she didn’t see it that way originally which is why they ramped up the conditions.

Oh no doubt. She's made a mess but the narrative that's been coming out of that ridiculous incident has taken a life of it's own. I'm just hoping it will be done with soon and that she doesn't step in it anymore regarding her sentence or else it'll continue to drag out until she's ultimately drained. That's when all the foreshadowing may actually become a reality and it won't be because she had a problem beforehand but because of the nonsense that came about AFTER the arrest. 

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Gah! I lost the quote I wanted to respond to. One of you wrote that Luann gets super sanctimonious about the others’ drinking. She did it with Dorinda—and, she did it with Tinsley (mocking her for slurring a bit). 

For this reason I wish that NONE of them would drink around Luann. Not because it triggers Luann but because it removes an excuse from her. Normally I’m extremely supportive of people vis a vis their own struggles with alcohol (and I won’t knowingly drink around people who have any kind of issue with it—be it an addiction or a religious issue), but Luann uses her issue as a club, yet doesn’t seem to want to take control of it herself.

Maybe that’s mean. I want Luann to take control of her problem but I also think she’s got a huge ego and is unbearable.

12 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Call it the BarbTarp - multi-use liners - use it to paint your house or your face. Thanks to walnutqueen - maybe Barbara can create a natural stain - good for wood and safe to be used on human skin

The monochrome look—match yourself to your house. It’s the new thing! Or the seventies thing.

Edited by ivygirl
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28 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Not to mention, it sounds like she needs the money from the show and her fame to live well.  I think as soon as she's not in legal jeopardy she'll go back to her drinking.  Unless she's just been really good at hiding it for years, we haven't seen Sonja Morgan drunken levels or messiness making me wonder if Lu just had a really off night that was triggered by the embarrassment that was Tom?  Not to minimize that night though.

That seems more likely than Lu all of a sudden being a raging alcoholic all this time and it not once being unveiled after how many years of this show being on air? As often as Lu's been a target? Nah, that would have definitely come out before now. 

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

So what your saying is that we didn't see the others monopolize the massage therapists on purpose?

When Lu got back the first 3 were getting their massages and Dorinda points out to Lu that yeah, there were and that the next 3 would be going afterwards. So even if Lu got back an hour earlier the timing would have been the same because the woman already made it clear they planned on making Lu go last. 

If Lu had gotten back earlier then maybe everyone wouldn't have been so eager to play with time and everyone would have coordinated the activities to coincide with their massages, glam squad and evening plans better but since they wanted to be petty about it, in all reality,  the other women were the one's who actually created the delay. If Lu was able to get back in time to maybe squeeze herself into on of the 2 rounds of massages that still would have left one wife running late. 

I mean, they WANTED to create a conflict with the amenities and timing and they succeeded. Blaming Lu for what was plainly planned out by them is pretty ridiculous. 

I also don't believe she was gone for 5 hours and if she was why did it take everyone so long to get started on their massages since the first round of massages were happening when Lu got back and started talking to Dorinda and Sonja. So either way the time crunch didn't have to happen. And then for them to blame Lu for being annoyed by it like it isn't annoying to find grown women resorting to mean girl antics.

Let's call a spade spade in that instance. The other women created that situation. Not Lu. For them to not just giggle wickedly with each other when being presented with the info that Lu was upstairs grumbling (hello, wasn't that the point of your pettiness?) is what I found pathetic.  You deliberately pulled one over on her and are now pretending to be be confused about why she's unhappy? I mean shit, in that moment I felt like they were trying to gaslight the viewers. So stupid. 

I don't see how the other women are too blame for Lu not being there when the massages started.  I know that production plans some of these wrinkles to create drama, but were the other women supposed to wait for Lu?  The masseuses were there and Lu was not.  

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