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S06.E04: Barking Up the Wrong Tree House

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Would it be so hard for Kathryn to just send a quick group text to the girls saying she was out of town and would touch base with them with details of the trip as soon as she was back home? Grow the eff' up, girl!

She seemed so put out that Danni called and the women wanted to know more details about the trip.  And did she straight-up lie to Danni and say that no one had called or texted?  No, just no.

Another no: planning a winery trip when you can't drink.  Why would she do that?  Did she really not know that wineries involved drinking wine?  Obviously Bravo planned the trip for drah-mah purposes.

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10 hours ago, Quita said:

I don't get why Danni is on the show. I may be in the minority, but she annoys me for some reason. It's probably her permanent stank face.

Her perma-bitch face is awful, why is she on this show??  

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13 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I’m still not buying the Whitney/Kathryn hookup.  I think I might be over this show.  But, I like the dogs.  Although I wonder what happened to Craig’s. 

These people are way too involved in each other’s lives.

I'm not sure why people don't believe it....? They hooked up in season 1 and she supposedly even lived at his house for a couple weeks.  It's easy to go back to a previous hookup. 

13 hours ago, rideashire said:

Kathryn isn't the best when it comes to having consideration for others, but everyone jumping on her about being late and not returning texts just seems pointless. She is who she is, they should know that by now. Either accept it or move on. You know what you're getting into with her, it's no secret.

It's a sad reality sometimes. However she's still very young so they probably think she can maybe change a little. 

11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Why are the girls so worried about Katherine when she doesn’t answer the phone.  She has a Mother and Father.

Because they are her good friends and want the best for her.  When your good friend goes MIA you don't just say "oh well I guess her mother and father can deal with it".  I had a good friend go MIA for me for either 1-2 weeks. She lives about 45 min away so one time I got another mutual friend and we headed to where she worked (which was another 15-20 min away from her house) - she wasn't there so we went to her house and her car was there and we knocked on her door. Thankfully she answered.  She was shocked to see us, apologized and said she was sorry that sometimes she just doesn't feel like talking to people.  But she's never done it again!  I don't need my friends to answer me instantly and all the time but if I'm trying to discuss something with you it's polite to give a response every couple days or so. It's so rude to ignore a friend completely. 

On instagram people are giving Dani hell for 'getting in Kathryn's business' and how dare they gang up on her like that and they need to stay out of her business.  Because Dani is a good friend and if you can't tell your good friend that their attitude is driving you up the wall, then they're no friend at all.  

I've been there and done that and yes it really REALLY sucks to lose a good friend so I give many kudos to Dani for sticking with it because she has decided it's worth it. 

16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, you could sense that the comments on that wine the place served were just polite lies. lol And, Naomi with that turned up nose.  lol  I've learned my lesson.  I always take my own beverage, regardless of who says they will handle it, because, I don't trust other people's taste.  lol 

Muscadine wine is rather common in the southeastern US.  (My area.)  It's unfortunate that those who are fans of it, don't realize that it's not very good.   I'm a big wine fan, native southerner and do NOT like it at all.  

And if this group of people think it's terrible... then it must be REALLY bad....

It must be Dani's choice to not be full on cast member.  But this episode she got a talking-head so maybe the money is sounding better and better to her.  She looked kinda weird in her talking head though. Must have been the lighting. 

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I wonder how it makes Whitney feel that Kathryn's account of having sex with him is a joke. The women listen to the description as if Kathryn were describing a bad case of constipation. They cover their ears and shake their heads in disgust.  I mean, that's got to hurt.  lol  I wonder if Kathryn got anything out of it.  lol She tells it like it was a bad dream. 

I don't fault the men or women for not working a traditional job.  That's really something that is subjective now days. Plus, they have income.  Some in investments, others with Bravo money, but, what I don't understand is why they don't have some other interests like a charity.  I suppose that they don't mind living like a college frat boy through their 40's and 50's.  

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27 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't fault the men or women for not working a traditional job.  That's really something that is subjective now days. Plus, they have income.  Some in investments, others with Bravo money, but, what I don't understand is why they don't have some other interests like a charity.  I suppose that they don't mind living like a college frat boy through their 40's and 50's.  

That may be part of the reason why Cam says raising her baby is such a drag.

For the first time in her life, she has a lot of money and she has to be at home taking care of baby rather than go out to bars with friends?

In the first season, she was working retail and I don't think she was driving such a nice car.

Then she marries a doctor and she's on the show for a few seasons and she has real money.

BTW, she said the thing that let her know Jason was the one was that he never put her down.

Kind of a low bar isn't it?

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35 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:
14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I’m still not buying the Whitney/Kathryn hookup.  I think I might be over this show.  But, I like the dogs.  Although I wonder what happened to Craig’s. 

These people are way too involved in each other’s lives.

I'm not sure why people don't believe it....? They hooked up in season 1 and she supposedly even lived at his house for a couple weeks.  It's easy to go back to a previous hookup. 

A couple of reasons......me personally as I have stated in another episode post, the fact that Whitney (and Patricia) have said horrible things about/to Kathryn makes it hard to believe she would just jump into bed with him.  Also, several people think Whitney is gay.  Now that I am rereading my first statement......she did procreate again with Thomas under basically the same circumstances. She needs help.  I still am in the camp of the hookup being BS.                 

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That wasn't such a good advertisement for the vineyard, was it?

I wonder if they had a provision in their contract that says something like, they need to approve what would end up being shown on TV before final the cut. Probably not, considering all the bad faces the girls were making while drinking. Even the "best" drink they had, the grape juice, didn't have a glowing seal of approval. 

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4 hours ago, Mountainair said:

The treehouses were cute but why plan a vineyard tour if you can’t drink? Plan a hike or something.

When Katherine first approached the girls about the trip she did mention hiking and yoga. Then because she detoured to Florida, she didn’t make any arrangements other than where they were staying. I think that the treehouse owners made their “date” to the winery. Especially because they served that wine at dinner. Perhaps some kind of business arrangement. Had Katherine followed through properly then they should have had a car take them to a good nearby restaurant rather than eat reheated food. They would have had a yoga instructor come in the am for a hour session. Rather than rest for that hour and a half before dinner they could have explored the area. Even if only for a half hour because it was getting dark. Katherine has gone from high maintenance drama queen to a medicated stupor of not caring. I hope that doesn’t trickle down to her children. 

What’s up with this Eliza character? Yikes on the plane crash story, but rarely have I seen a cast member be left out of a group planned filming activity. (Yes there are some exceptions, but usually production wants it for the drama) I sense there is more to the story than just Katherine not liking her. Maybe all the girls don’t. 

Other than being sad to hear about Whitney’s dog and Shep not having an ounce of empathy, the boys are just.not.bringing.it. Looks like next week is the boys version of the boring girls trip. Let’s see surfing. 

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25 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

A couple of reasons......me personally as I have stated in another episode post, the fact that Whitney (and Patricia) have said horrible things about/to Kathryn makes it hard to believe she would just jump into bed with him.  Also, several people think Whitney is gay.  Now that I am rereading my first statement......she did procreate again with Thomas under basically the same circumstances. She needs help.  I still am in the camp of the hookup being BS.                 

Yeah even if it happened, she doesn't have to talk about it on the show, tell the producers, tell the other cast.

I think they needed several stories for Katherine to talk about.  So far they've touched on it on every show this season, so it's certainly filled some airtime.

For one thing, with Thomas gone, there's a big vaccum in the show as far as stories and sources of drama.  So they have to come up with some new content for Katherine as well as the show overall.

Notice they don't show the kids?  Did Thomas decline to allow them on the show?

Again they could fill scenes with her with the kids but even those may not be available this season.

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22 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

That wasn't such a good advertisement for the vineyard, was it?

I wonder if they had a provision in their contract that says something like, they need to approve what would end up being shown on TV before final the cut. Probably not, considering all the bad faces the girls were making while drinking. Even the "best" drink they had, the grape juice, didn't have a glowing seal of approval. 

Yeah I wonder how they select these venues.

I guess they're not the usual B&Bs or resorts that you could find anywhere, so they have to come up with places that seem like a Southern thing.

Because honestly, these cast members would rather hang out at some upscale downtown restaurant or bar and stay close to home.

Or I'm sure there are some nice resorts near the ocean.  They went to the Florida Keys one season for instance.

Or maybe they paid Bravo.  Certainly probably comped the cast and maybe crew for their food and stay -- if they even really spent the night.

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37 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

That wasn't such a good advertisement for the vineyard, was it?

I wonder if they had a provision in their contract that says something like, they need to approve what would end up being shown on TV before final the cut. Probably not, considering all the bad faces the girls were making while drinking. Even the "best" drink they had, the grape juice, didn't have a glowing seal of approval. 

I agree.  I've noticed that those who serve Muscadine grape wine are usually the only ones who seem to like it.  Those who are consuming it, not so much.  

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5 hours ago, Mountainair said:

The treehouses were cute but why plan a vineyard tour if you can’t drink?

In the beginning of the episode, the girls used a weird excuse for not being able to connect with Kathryn. Chelsea, I think,  made a comment we need to know to pack stilettos or go hunting. I interpreted that as a day before they were leaving,they had no idea where they were going on the "girls trip".

Who doesn't know where they are going a day before a trip??????

 . . . and maybe if I type it, it will get out of my head. Austen needs to go back to his parents and live in the basement until he grows up.

Edited by itsadryheat
austen detox
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5 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

I interpreted that as a day before they were leaving,they had no idea where they were going on the "girls trip".

The only thing Kathryn mentioned to them was the treehouses so they knew where they were going, if she got the name right when she was rambling, but not what they were doing.

I also like that she just apparently decided that Cam was going to drive without giving her a heads up since she didn’t even arrange for a limo/bus!

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Again with the Austen threesome video?!?!  This had better be the last time they show it. It's just complete confirmation that there is absolutely nothing interesting happening this season.

Just my opinion but I don't believe that any of these women are friends IRL with the probable exception of Cam and Chelsea. I don't think any of them truly cared why Kathryn wasn't returning calls or texts except for how it affected them (not sure of what to pack, needing to know transportation and timing options.) If Danni truly cared, I'd think she would have told Kathryn that she was truly worried because the last time she went MIA (AWOL might be the better expression 🙄 ) she was in a bad place mentally and that was why they were all concerned, that perhaps she had gone off her meds again. Instead, we got all these producer-driven reasons: The new boyfriend, the expensive Rolls Royce, the SoB apartment, things they wanted to advance whatever flimsy story they're trying to tell this season. Naomie, especially, came off as couldn't care less. Let's face it, the interesting story is whatever's happening behind the scenes between Kathryn and Thomas as she tries to gain sole custody of their children and the viewing audience is never going to see that.

The scene at the vineyard was laughable and certainly not the kind of publicity the owners expected. And then, to get the same awful reaction when the wine was once again presented at dinner! It actually had a negative effect on the whole dinner scene because the producers are hoping for some drama but lips don't get any looser if the ladies aren't drinking!

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4 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

Again with the Austen threesome video?!?!  This had better be the last time they show it. It's just complete confirmation that there is absolutely nothing interesting happening this season.

I think Austen should be sending some royalty checks to the girl who shot the video, because without the video? Austen would just be a wallflower third wheel getting drunk with Shep and Craig this season. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

What’s up with this Eliza character? Yikes on the plane crash story, but rarely have I seen a cast member be left out of a group planned filming activity. (Yes there are some exceptions, but usually production wants it for the drama) I sense there is more to the story than just Katherine not liking her. Maybe all the girls don’t. 

I was thinking the same... why bring on a new cast member if they aren't actually going to be filming with the cast?? Supposedly her and Cam are really close so not sure why they can't do scene with Cam, Chelsea and Eliza if they really want her on the show.

Another question.... did those tree houses only have 1 bed??? I doubt Kathyrn shared that round bed with anyone so where did Dani and Naomi sleep??

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I am finally starting to see what a dud this season may be.

Austen is just very immature.  He broke up with Madison, is feeling sad feelings, and he thinks there must necessarily be a problem that requires a remedy.  Um, yes, Austen, the remedy is time.  And that you will feel sad and sorry, and hopefully learn something.  Just the idea of taking Madison back to alleviate his feelings?  Dude, are you 16?!I was about to type 17, but that's even immature for someone applying to college)  Austen was talking shit about Chelsea to Madison?  What the fuck is wrong with him?  I don't recall her being "an ex" either.  Didn't they just have a few bar hangouts, and the infamous morning after scene where she woke up in full makeup?  Whatever...

The Eliza scene was slightly interesting.  I would have been much more interested if she had just filmed the polo scene with Thomas a few seasons back, but now that she came on the show saying that she's "young, hot and just graduated from college," I am very skeptical.  If my dad had done that to my family, and he actually had the largesse that this dad appears to have, I would need him to set up a trust in my name in the seven-figures before I would begin any dialogue with him.  Not only did the dad cheat, but a baby came out of it, which messes with Eliza's inheritance, so...trust fund, begin to repair relationship.  In that order.  And if he won't do that?  I'll walk away with no regrets.  That's a hell of a lot to put on your offspring, I don't care if they're technically an adult.

I don't know if this would work, but couldn't Cameran hire Dawn?  She's clearly not working for Thomas anymore and she seeemed like a stand-up nanny...

I would have not been comfortable staying at that tree house.  Way too rugged.

I said last week that I was slowly backing away from the Kathryn train, and I continue to do that this week.  The home South of Broad doesn't appear nearly as nice as I originally thought.  The rent seems astronomical.  Cameran's home is much nicer, to me.  And if Kathryn is going to spend six figures on a car, I would hope that her kids were fully insured and that their educations (including college) were paid for first.  I do want to say that Kathryn does look better than I originally gave her credit for earlier this season.  She looked good in the (p)leather pants.

I totally got Danni's and Naomie's points.  I don't really know if this is their business, and I am a chicken when it comes to having these conversations.  I would sooner ghost someone, but I think they approached it maturely and good-naturedly.  If I may read between the lines a little, Danni was saying, essentially, that you can only hop a flight to Miami when you missed a fright to Charleston if there's no one relying on you.  I think she was alluding to the kids, without outright saying it.  Naomie was just saying, "show up at five if you say five, and not six.  I am drawing a boundary right here--I won't tolerate an hour's lateness." They're just giving Kathryn advanced warning of what is going on with them as far as she goes.  I think that's very fair.

For Kathryn to make every excuse up under the sun, and that her friends needed to explain scheduling to her, as she literally never learned it, and she is currently "googling" it on Pintrest...didn't pass the smell test with me.  Wasn't she in the Young Republicans in college?  Didn't they have meetings?  Are we supposed to believe she didn't understand the concept of being on time when she was a YR?  Plus, once you realize you're pregnant for the first time, you have a good eight months to adjust and learn to grow up and realize that people need to adhere to schedules to get their kids places so that they can be socialized.

 And, I mean, Kathryn, girl, you're 27, not 17.  Isn't Naomie right around that age?  Twenty-seven is not truly young anymore.  When I was 27, I was practicing law and tasked with making 9:30 appearances at different courtrooms and even courthouses, running around like a mad woman.  I didn't have to google "time" on Pinterest, because I assume it would have said--"bitch, you're not on time?  The judge is going to mark your cases off the calendar and your bosses are going to have your ass.  If you adhere to a 'schedule' you will get yelled at, but it will only be by court personnel, and it will be half as often. That's what the fuck 'time' is."  So I don't have ample sympathy on this front.

I still like Kathryn--I 'like' (not love) all the women, but if I see bad behavior, I have to call it out.

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I was watching A Chef’s Life On PBS and it was sponsored by the Muscadine grape association bringing the number to two of times I heard it mentioned in my life.

Edited by biakbiak
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14 hours ago, Sterling said:

Kathryn's house is $6600/month, but there's not even a garage, so she has to park her car outside?  That's fun when it rains, or scary late at night.

Plus, I don't even like it.  I don't get it.

And and ....who buys a four story house with small toddlers! She has NO common sense.  Not sure if she’s going to AA meetings or not but part of the philosophy is to be accountable which means showing up on time! Being late is a total lack of respect to everyone that’s waiting on you, your time is not worth more than theirs!  She still acts like she’s using in that regard.

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15 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Maybe the Rolls and the expensive rental home is all a ruse for a plot line on the show.   Kathryn was in that crummy apartment in Mount Pleasant the last few years.  Who has a kitchen counter with only picture frames on it?  I recently read that Jemma King from season one never really lived in that showy rental.  They only filmed there.

Stupid !!!  Why did she buys house with four floors to climb?  With two kids, it doesn’t make sense.  I can just see them climbing up every minute.  The girl just doesn’t make sense in every aspect.  Now, she has this new guy that sounds like trouble.  She’s just very immature.

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1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

Why did she buys house with four floors to climb?  With two kids, it doesn’t make sense.  I

She didn’t buy it she is renting.Also, we saw more of it this episode and it’s quite ugly and looks like a mishmash of styles.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:


And if Kathryn is going to spend six figures on a car, I would hope that her kids were fully insured and that their educations (including college) were paid for first.  


I totally got Danni's and Naomie's points.  I don't really know if this is their business, and I am a chicken when it comes to having these conversations.  I would sooner ghost someone, but I think they approached it maturely and good-naturedly. 

There is no way in hell Thomas Ravenel's children don't already have their educations through college in a trust fund and full health insurance. I think that's why Kathryn feels so free to overspend. She's a rather young woman making a fairly large income who doesn't feel like she has to save since her children's wants and needs are covered.

I agree about Danni's and Naomie's approach. They were trying to do right and it came across sincerely rather than scripted, which kind of surprised me. Stil...doing it at dinner in front of other people rather than in private made it seem like an intervention, so I'm not surprised Kathryn felt attacked.

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I sincerely hope (no snark) that Thomas has as much money as many people think he does. Legal fees alone are often enough to send some of these big ballers into bankruptcy.  I don't know as much about bankruptcy law with regard to invading a trust as I probably should, but I hope Kathryn is educated on it, if she's not setting ample money aside for those kids...

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Austen,  the beer connoiseur, has Bud Light? Ok. 

I feel ya,  Craig.  I watch Frozen when I'm down, too.  He is such a loser,  then he says things like that, and it reminds me why I can't quit him.  

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The way Austin and Craig were laying around in Austins apartment, spread out all over the furniture, looking slovenly and whining about what ever in the fuck. Neither one of them could even muster up the strength to sit up, they must have been hung over. These guys are pathetic. This is going to be a long boring season.  For what it's worth, the Treehouse trip looked boring AF too. Let's see, go to a winery where one of the group is an alcoholic and the others make faces at the bad tasting wine. Then go to dinner and pick on Kathryn because she's a thoughtless self centered tool and watch Kathryn make her own annoying faces at the food. The fact that the weather sucked and it was raining made it more boring. 

They all need to Step. It. Up. They are being paid alot of money to do this show. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

They all need to Step. It. Up. They are being paid alot of money to do this show. 

Well said. You can’t hear me, but I am clapping at your suggestion. 

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4 hours ago, scrb said:

That may be part of the reason why Cam says raising her baby is such a drag.

For the first time in her life, she has a lot of money and she has to be at home taking care of baby rather than go out to bars with friends?

In the first season, she was working retail and I don't think she was driving such a nice car.

Then she marries a doctor and she's on the show for a few seasons and she has real money.

BTW, she said the thing that let her know Jason was the one was that he never put her down.

Kind of a low bar isn't it?

I believe Cameran came into this show with some money because she was on The Real World and The Challenge on MTV and I thought she was a realtor when the show started, but really can't remember. I saw a recent interview with her where she said she's still selling real estate since having Palmer.

As far as her bar being low about Jason and him not putting her down, I think she just means that a good man doesn't talk down to a woman he loves and respects. Women put up with that and a whole lot more just to have a man (see Kathryn and Elizabeth, JD's wife). She seems like a woman who would have high standards for a man but what do I know.

Edited by Quita
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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I sincerely hope (no snark) that Thomas has as much money as many people think he does. Legal fees alone are often enough to send some of these big ballers into bankruptcy.  I don't know as much about bankruptcy law with regard to invading a trust as I probably should, but I hope Kathryn is educated on it, if she's not setting ample money aside for those kids...

But Thomas's money is old money and the Ravenal's haven't spent/lost it all like Kathryn's family.

Austen and Craig need to get their lives in order. Does Craig really think there's a future in making fucking pillows?

Austen should have kept his job so that he could use his Bravo money to fund his beer. What a loser.

They do not have old Ravenal/Rose/Whitney money. Got to hand it to Chelsea. She works and used her Bravo money to buy a house.

I think that Shep expressed as much sympathy as is expected from a dude and someone who's not a pet owner and the dog is old.

Since it was Kathryn's trip, there is no way Liza, whom she does not like, would be included.

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So two women slept in one treehouse bed and three women slept in the other treehouse bed? I’m thinking that didn’t happen, and they slept at home or at a nearby hotel in their own rooms.

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24 minutes ago, Quita said:
5 hours ago, scrb said:

I believe Cameran came into this show with some money because she was on The Real World and The Challenge on MTV and I thought she was a realtor when the show sta

Cameron was on TRW when she was 18 and was in her 30s when this show started. They don’t pay for the casts of TRW they get a small stipend. The payment structure for The Challenge is also not a lot especially when she did one season in 2004. MTV is cheap as fuck.

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Cameron was on TRW when she was 18 and was in her 30s when this show started. They don’t pay for the casts of TRW they get a small stipend. The payment structure for The Challenge is also not a lot especially when she did one season in 2004. MTV is cheap as fuck.

Thanks for the info. I didn't know when she was on these shows, just knew she'd done them.

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4 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

I'm probably one of the few people that actually like Whitney, and I feel bad that they were all laughing and making fun of his sexual prowess,  I know he is kind of dorky, but I can imagine that it hurts when a herd of women are laughing at you and how lousy you are in bed.  Tacky bitches.

You are not sitting at a table for one. I also like him and enjoy when I get to see him on screen. 

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I find Whitney highly entertaining especially when he’s with his mom. I did dog on him when he had the fakety fake English girlfriend but I don’t like it when people make fun of others for being “different” or “ugly” or “having a small penis” or wearing glasses while having sex (although, really?!). I think he’s a good egg who hasn’t hurt anybody on this show as far as I know.

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^ Whitney's former girlfriend Larissa was German. But I enjoy him too. I always have liked him. He even snarked MAJORLY on Thomas in his talking heads season 1 & 2. I've always found him funny. I would probably date him if the stars aligned once upon a time even though it would be a 15 year age diff. He doesn't look bad for his age.

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18 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

You are not sitting at a table for one. I also like him and enjoy when I get to see him on screen. 

8 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I find Whitney highly entertaining especially when he’s with his mom. I did dog on him when he had the fakety fake English girlfriend but I don’t like it when people make fun of others for being “different” or “ugly” or “having a small penis” or wearing glasses while having sex (although, really?!). I think he’s a good egg who hasn’t hurt anybody on this show as far as I know.

Table for four. I have always thought his enmity towards Kathryn was just jealousy that he tried to "throw her out" and she landed on his BF's penis. I otherwise kind of like the awkward introverted Mama's Boy.

**small voice: I've had sex in my glasses before. I'm really THAT blind.**

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I was watching A Chef’s Life On PBS and it was sponsored by the Muscadine grape association bringing the number to two of times I heard it mentioned in my life.

When I think of wine-growing regions, I don't think of SC in the US let alone the world.

I bet the cast regularly drink imported or CA wines.

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I don't know anything about wine or alcohol, but as an NC resident who goes to different southern states(SC, Va, TN), I've noticed wineries and breweries have increased in the area over the years. I think it's funny because some Baptists don't approve of drinking, but they seem to be getting overruled. 

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I think Cameron’s angst about her baby is a fake storyline. I think Kathryn’s disregard for her children is real life. She’s not acting right, not like a mother who puts her children first. One day, soon, the money will be gone.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I find Whitney highly entertaining especially when he’s with his mom. I did dog on him when he had the fakety fake English girlfriend but I don’t like it when people make fun of others for being “different” or “ugly” or “having a small penis” or wearing glasses while having sex (although, really?!). I think he’s a good egg who hasn’t hurt anybody on this show as far as I know.

You don't remember Renob?

Anyways that convo with the girls was fake because there was no hookup.

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I liked Eliza better this episode. Thought it was kind of funny when she ragged on her dad's clothing and he retorted with some comment about her dressed like Ke$ha.  I think it was something like he didn't get the Ke$ha memo.

On Kathyrn, I would think most people would be happy their friends worried about them.  But maybe that's just the reminder of her addictions b/c they likely wouldn't be that worried about her not responding if it wasn't for her past.  

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So, why do you think that Kathryn slept with Whitney?  What's in it for her?  I mean, she can't say she got drunk and doesn't remember.....And from the way she describes it, it wasn't some hot scene where she just jumped on it.  If she thought that he was interested, why wouldn't she have been cohorting with him and not galavanting all over the country with this senator?

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1 hour ago, ExplainItAgain said:

I really like Chelsea. She has a very easy social ease about her, like you could just drop her in a room of opera fans or deer hunters and she could find friends. She's always very polite and thanks service people. And that comment about living large...it's like an inquisitive dig, but they way she plays it off is funny, not mean. Same with the rolls royce "I'm rich AF" - she said it in an endearing way.

She just really seems like a nice person, which is rare for reality tv.

Looks like she's going to confront Austen for talking shit about her to Madison.

You can't stay on Bravo too long if you don't generate some drama.

She's not a screeching type but I doubt they're just going to allow her to be the nice, drama-free girl.

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44 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

So, why do you think that Kathryn slept with Whitney?  What's in it for her?  I mean, she can't say she got drunk and doesn't remember.....And from the way she describes it, it wasn't some hot scene where she just jumped on it.  If she thought that he was interested, why wouldn't she have been cohorting with him and not galavanting all over the country with this senator?

Kathryn is needy for attention from anyone?  She slept with him before?  Whitney has money?  All of the above?  The Sinator is hotter than Whitney and willing to spend his money on her?

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1 hour ago, scrb said:

You don't remember Renob?

Re whether Whitney is alright: 

Renob--lol!  Yeah, that's hard to forgive.  

What's also hard to forgive is that he lied to Thomas about sleeping with Kathryn.  Just lied right to his good friend's face, and made Thomas feel like a fool and made Kathryn look like a psycho.

What's hardest to forgive--what I'll probably never forget--is that there was some big party somewhere around season 2--and they were discussing whom to invite, and Whitney's only and immediate contribution to the discussion was that they were to invite "no fatties."  Dude.  Fuck you.  It's one thing to have that shallow thought run through your brain, or even to murmur to a buddy that you hope they invite only hot girls, but to say that you don't want to be around fat people on national TV?  And clearly you're talking about women, cause I don't think you're talking about JD, the fattest person to ever be on this show.  Hey, how about this, mama's boy?  Most so-called "fatties," (whom he probably deems anyone over 120 lbs) wouldn't fuck you with their ex-boyfriend's dick.  So, to quote Kathryn, he can "go fall on a knife" for that one.

Oh, how about going to visit Craig's family in Delaware, and Whitney and Shep revealing Craig's personal business to Craig's parents behind his back, and Craig was humiliated?


That was a long time ago though, and bygones are bygones.  Less Whitney is more, he seems like a cool dude, sufficiently chilled out, he owns his behavior, and he actually brings wealth to the show, so he can stay.  Whenever I see him, even if he is talking about a dying dog, he is pleasant and entertaining.  He seems like the only guy on the show who isn't a mess on the outside (I have a feeling some pretty dark shit has been happening on the inside.  I definitely think he has an eating disorder.  But that's between him and his diary I guess).

Speaking of the Sudler-Smith/Altschuls, I when I saw Michael driving Patricia, I totally thought we were going to get the much-awaited McDonalds scene, but alas, we'll have to wait for at least another week.

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My favorite moment was Austen and Craig melting out of their chairs. You can tell it was edited out of order because of their shifting posture. But at points Craig’s entire body was hanging off the chair—barely hanging on with his head like a toddler having a meltdown. Someone put on Frozen for Craigy.

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4 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

I'm probably one of the few people that actually like Whitney, and I feel bad that they were all laughing and making fun of his sexual prowess,  I know he is kind of dorky, but I can imagine that it hurts when a herd of women are laughing at you and how lousy you are in bed.  Tacky bitches.

I like Whitney too - but so do those women, which makes me think the hookup is just a fake storyline they’re all laughing at.

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1 minute ago, Shannah Banana said:

You are very optimistic and I hope so.  Sometimes I just feel bad for Whitney and want people to be nice to him. 

Cam is close with him, and I really do think they all like him - but, even if they didn’t, he’s exec. producer so they probably wouldn’t make fun of him like that unless he was in on it.

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10 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

You are very optimistic and I hope so.  Sometimes I just feel bad for Whitney and want people to be nice to him. 

Just for you! (See what Cam wrote.)

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