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S04.E07: Into The Lion's Den

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On 6/3/2019 at 12:46 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Debbie is probably going to concoct a medical issue or exaggerate it to get more Coltee love and devotion.  We can’t leave her now, she has xyz. I’m hoping it involves removal of that growth on her face because I feel nauseated when I have to look at it.

I was waiting for Debbie to clutch her chest and pretend to faint. Guaranteed she will come up with a "heart condition" within the next two weeks.

On 6/7/2019 at 11:40 PM, RealReality said:

Second, I wouldn't put it past Nicole to go the ex-con route next time.  But then again, for those who have seen love after lockup, you know there are no guarantees that even the least attractive, least articulate guy doesn't have a side piece sending him ramen money.  

Third, if she goes the ex con route I guarantee she ends up with the first guy with abs no matter what he is in for.

Does Nicole know about the rich vein of hunky inmates to be mined? Couldn't someone send her a link? And dangle the prospect of a season or two on Love After Lockup in front of her stupid, bovine face? The TLC cash cow isn't going to give milk forever.

On 6/8/2019 at 7:43 PM, iwasish said:

Hold hands? Nicole has much bigger plans than that. I can see her coming home pregnant if things go the way she imagines them going (sex morning, noon and 2x at night). If she doesn’t come home pregnant, blame that pesky Ramadan. 100%effective BC. 

Azan has no intention of ever meeting Nicole somewhere they can do the deed. For one thing, she repels him. For another, he knows damn well that she wants to get knocked up and tied to him forever. She will fail utterly in her quest for a little Azan. She'd be better off with an inmate. She could have a jail house wedding and maybe get conjugal visits. Has anyone even tried sending her a link to Hunkyconsdotcom?

11 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Pedro the hometown hero 🙄 half these "friends" just want to be on TV. I can't understand why so many of them are questioning why his wife wants to come where he is. Maybe I'm missing something?

They saw the show? So they know what a mean, insufferable hag Chantel is, and how miserable she is making their friend? If I had a friend whose spouse was as shitty to him as Chantel is to Pedro, I'd be questioning too.

  • Love 7

Jay and Ashley are so pathetic.  Of no interest to me.  Both insufferable. Him, more so. than her. 

Andrei and Libby are both horrible.  I've never known what she saw in him, but, now that she has him, I'd just let her deal with it with no help or input from anyone.  Don't even mention his name.   I agree with her sisters.  Libby doesn't have enough brain cells for logical thinking. 

Larissa annoys me.  She is a total fake and user.  And much more annoying than Coltie, though, he's delusional too.  Debbie doesn't bother me at all.  She's got both of their numbers.  It's sad to see what people will do for a paycheck.

To me, Nicole and her family are desperate for money and her love and devotion is for a paycheck, not Azan.  It's all fake and the family can barely keep a straight face. 

Pedro is one of my least favorite characters, but, I am now wondering if he has the intellectual ability to even be married.  Loser from the start and Chantel is probably the biggest waste of time.  I like her family, but, pity them.  Pedro's are delusional.  Warning: this is spoiler below and terrible news. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

I wish Nicole would stop petting her hair. She's worse than the Kartrashians! Just the way I feel based on others who I know who have colored their hair drastic colors, they are looking for attention. Mother Nicole just angers me.  Asking where the money is coming from to fund Nicole's current Morocco whim, Nicole says she has part from a refund on the previous whim.   Where is the rest coming from?  

I didn't realize how rare I was... I'm Rh- and so is my sister. 

Ashley was pissing me off when she kept saying how Jay has been so down lately & not himself,  she doesn't know why.  

Pedro's friends all act as if he's a major celebrity... maybe in their circles,  he is.   Even mentioning Chantal's name brought eye rolls from Friends Pedro. Especially Sister Pedro's friend who has a major crush on the local celebrity.   She would never disrespect her husband or his family! 

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, linthia said:

Is it REALLY possible that Nicole is this dumb and delusional? Or is it all fake??? 

Nicole's delusion is probably the realest thing on any of these shows...


20 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

plastic titted slag like Chantel

Second realest thing on the show is Chantel's rack.  They're not nearly well-behaved enough to be fake.  I consider myself somewhat of an expert in the field, don't @ me.

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How has no one mentioned MommaPedro wearing an entirely inappropriate Forever 21 lime green body con dress with laced up heels for a "serious sit down" to talk about respect? I mean, were we all so focused on seeing Chantel's belly button due to how low-cut her top was? Seriously, Lydia was at least 2 decades past being able to wear that dress,  and that would be to a dimly lit club!

  • LOL 8
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We haven't even mentioned Pao and her almost mind boggling ignorance regarding childbirth. She is 8 months along and has not "decided" where she's giving birth? Doesn't she have a doctor? Its been a couple of decades since I was pregnant, but don't you go where your doctor has privileges? If she wants a birth center, wouldn't she be under a midwife's care? Or wouldn't her doctor be affiliated with the center, or, at the very least, aware of it as an option? How do she and that plate of cold spaghetti that masquerades as a living human she's married to know so little about pregnancy and birth? Has either of them read a book? At 8 months they haven't done childbirth classes? DOESN'T SHE HAVE A DOCTOR?

And Russ's attitude toward the midwife and the birthing center was ignorant AF. Midwives are highly trained and experienced. His horror at the bathtub was just silly. He acted like Pao was going to be put in a mud hut and have people burning incense and chanting over her, not that she was going to be treated with respect, made as comfortable as possible and allowed to move around freely during her labor.

Don't even get me started on how worried he is about how Pao's labor pain is going to affect him.

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8 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

How has no one mentioned MommaPedro wearing an entirely inappropriate Forever 21 lime green body con dress with laced up heels for a "serious sit down" to talk about respect? I mean, were we all so focused on seeing Chantel's belly button due to how low-cut her top was? Seriously, Lydia was at least 2 decades past being able to wear that dress,  and that would be to a dimly lit club!

I saw that.  She should have forbidden any and all profile shots.

  • LOL 4

I don't know why I watch this at all, because I honestly get so infuriated when Nicole sits there are won't answer a question and purses her lips. If I were her mom, I would light into her. I wouldn't put up with her crap for two seconds, not with May involved. I wouldn't care about her threats to take May away. They are so hollow. She wouldn't survive two minutes without her family enabling her/supporting her. Arghhh. I don't know why I watch, care or allow myself to get mad. It's so ridiculous. 

All these people are soooooooo stupid. I can't even. 

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Ashley is so joyless.  I would bet money that her kids strongly encouraged her to decorate the tree without them because who the hell wants to be forced to decorate a tree with someone who admits to wanting to be a pathological perfectionist about it. 

Yuck.  Jay sucks, but I would have been annoyed too.  His first time doing Christmas up big in the states and he is getting nagged at over light placement.  Ashley should have brought up her fake Christmas tree and done it up how she likes it and let jay have his own tree to decorate with happiness instead of.perfection in mind.

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In fairness to Debbie, I think that the house belongs to her also. Back when we were introduced to Coltee, I swear she said something about them living in the Northwest and pooling their money after Coltee graduated from college and got the job in Vegas so that they could buy the house together. If that's true, then he can't exactly just tell her to leave. He needs to buy her out. I also don't think Debbie is sitting on a big pension or 401k. I'm guessing that she gets SS and maybe a bit more from whatever she did when she was working. Def not enough to buy another home. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 6
13 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Colt Tea must work for Sunoco with his unlimited supply of gas to light. I believe everything Larissa says to be true.

I tend to watch this and assume Larissa is right about a lot of things,  

I also can imagine there could be harmony with two semi-reasonable people.  But, then they wouldn't be on 90DF/Hea!

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Drogo said:

You're obviously not watching Love After Lockup, thus your life is incomplete. 

They're harvesting far more American dollars than our 90DF'ers.  Also, crack. 

Stay my side.

That woman with the huge boobs that claimed 800Ks!  (Or, whatever it was!) (Lizzy?)

A trick is a trick and Nicole is Azan’s trick!!!

Azan has been off the show this season because it is messing with his online honey trap scam.

He was really making a go for Nicole and come to USA like Mohammed.

But, after that failed along with SoKo........he knows he cannot for sure get a Visa.

So, online gigolo it is!  His ladies must meet him in Morocco, too.

The Other Way show would have been everything.....with Nicole.....instead of Pole.

do not care about them!  They are not even popular. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

If my son brought home a vapid, shallow, irritating, plastic titted slag like Chantel I would throw myself in front of a train.

And yet, she has no problems with her equally vapid, malicious, greedy, small tittied (until Pedro buys her big ones) “slag” ingrate like Nicole? She raised that, so what’s her excuse?

I’m thinking Chantel’s breasts are the least of Lydia’s problems. She’s got to find an easy mark to fob her hellspawn daughter off on. That’s gonna take some work.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

His self-control and poker face were a sight to behold.  Not once did he show being remotely fazed by the giant baby's primitive rage state and knee-jerk defiance. He is an intelligent man and said all the right things in the right way.

My wife was watching some this week, and was commenting that the Dad was saying all the right things, and she normally doesn't watch this drek.

  • Love 2

Her hair looked good after the professional guy did it

It really was lovely for that brief moment - healthy and shiny and a gorgeous color.


She is 8 months along and has not "decided" where she's giving birth? Doesn't she have a doctor?

We've seen her doctor - the one who gave her the Rhogam shot.


In fairness to Debbie, I think that the house belongs to her also. 

They rent. Coltee said something in an earlier episode about when the lease was up...

  • Love 1
On 6/3/2019 at 10:54 AM, Rebky said:

Lordy. Nicole is spinning out of control in her delusion.  Thinking that new look is awesome?  You look like a huge grape Nicole!  You cannot seriously think a Muslim man is going to find that attractive!! You actually looked better before! 

I felt so badly for that nice, nice hair artist she'd been to the episode before.  He did such wonders with her hair.  And then she did that.  Don't worry hair guy, I see you.  

On 6/3/2019 at 6:10 PM, Kid said:

I predict that if Andddrrrre has not yet slapped his wife around, he soon will.

Sadly, that was the conclusion in our house too.  How long until he backhands her across the mouth?

On 6/5/2019 at 2:24 PM, RealReality said:

Other than a magical attitude adjustment I don't know what the path is for Andrei.  Maybe selling stuff on eBay, but you know he'd lose his mind if someone left a negative review.

I wonder if he's caught an episode of Storage Wars yet.  This might well be in the cards.

14 hours ago, charmed1 said:

You just made me visualize Nicole chasing Azan through Morocco on mopeds, apartments and rooftops a la the Bourne Identity, and I cannot stop laughing.

Except that the chase would last for live six seconds before Nicole had to stop to catch her breath.

13 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I don't get Andreii.   So he's just going to be a deadbeat?   Exactly when did these guys decide it would be a good idea to have a baby?   He thought it would be awesome to have a kid and have no income?   And she thought it would be quaint to beg her dad for everything?   

Please, I guarantee there's a heavy current of "God will provide" running out of Libby's mouth *all the time*.  

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And Russ's attitude toward the midwife and the birthing center was ignorant AF. Midwives are highly trained and experienced. His horror at the bathtub was just silly. He acted like Pao was going to be put in a mud hut and have people burning incense and chanting over her, not that she was going to be treated with respect, made as comfortable as possible and allowed to move around freely during her labor.

I don't think he was so much horrified at the thought of giving birth in bath tub as he was to giving birth in *that* bath tub with the weird stain.  (Was it a weird stain?  Was there water in it?  A weird shadow?  I dunno.)

  • Love 6

...and of course Libby gets into the car and starts whining to Andrei to make herself the victim and then is shocked... shocked! when he gets mad and overreacts.  I would bet good money that Libby got on that phone and texted her sister about how Andrei ripped the phone out of her hands for no reason and she was just talking to him a definately wasn't shittalking.

I cannot bring myself to feel even one iota of sympathy for Chantal.  Pedro asked, begged and pleaded with her not to come.  The reason she is suspicious about Pedro is because her marriage is on shaky ground.. .which is her fault.  

She has had plenty of time to fix her marriage in the states.  She has refused to take any actions that could have strengthened her marriage.  She let's her family treat Pedro horribly and she always forced him to be around them.

She refused to move to Savannah, which would have solved a lot of their problems.

Pedro goes to the DR to get a break and be around people who aren't going to make him miserable and because he needs some time to sort it out.

He asked, demanded, begged Chantal not to come to the Dominican Republic and she showed up anyways.  There was no reason.  If she thought he was doing something shady, showing up there isn't going to stop it.  

Instead, she showed up and immediately put on her stink face and made Pedro miserable.  Then she starts in by saying she doesn't want to see Lidia.  But you can't go to the Dominican Republic when Pedro is already there staying with his mom and sister and refuse to see his mother.  And if you do that puts your husband in an awful situation and why would you want to do that?  

Then she starts screeching about respect.  Girl, why didn't you stay home?

And then her meeting with Lidia, like of course Lidia is going to take up for her children.  And she is right, you DID ruin the trip Chantal. 

And then Chantal saying that she was going to "spend her time" with Pedro was so petty and mean.  You are a miserable human being Chantal.  You make your husband miserable. 

You can make him miserable 95% of the time because he is with you in the states.  You both can spend all sorts of time together.  Why horn in on the 5% of the time he spends with friends and family?  Is he never allowed to be happy?

If you have a civil relationship with his family...fine, but you don't right now so he has to either be with you or with his family....on a trip he took to another country to specifically be with his family.

Chantal is really the human embodiment not a rock and chain.  He can never get away from her and she always ruins everything.

And then she compared her going to see Lidia to Pedro being around her parents.  It's not the same because Pedro did everything short of calling in a bomb threat to prevent you from showing up in the DR and having to deal with Lidia.  Whereas Pedro lives in the United States and Chantal does nothing to try to prevent her family from interacting with Pedro.

And then that smirk as she forced Pedro to leave and come to the hotel with her.....that was so petty and unnecessary.  I feel so sorry for him.

  • Love 24
4 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

While I think Andrei is an asshat; I don't think he's an asshat that should work for Libby's dad.  It is probably for the best.  Sometimes in-laws should not work together and this is one of those times.

I agree, but with even a bare minimum of respect and finesse Andrei could have potentially gotten Libby's dad to refer him to someone else who needed a handyman.  If he has been in the business for a long time he has to have a robust collection of friends and business contacts.

Instead Andrei copped an attitude and left with nothing.

  • Love 14

I just can't with Debbie.  I think we're seeing her true colors now more than ever.  She never wants Colt to have a grown up relationship with another woman.  She wants to be the only woman in colts life, and that's pretty pathetic on her part.

Debbie claims Colt has an ex-girlfriend and I kinda wish TLC could dig her up because I'd like to hear her thoughts on Debbie*

Debbie's threats to move out were never and will never be real.  She could be sitting on a scrooge McDuck sized pool of gold and she wouldn't move out.  And just LOL at Debbie's "you know how nice I am to her'

*-i, for one, question the existence of this alleged "ex girlfriend'

Edited by RealReality
  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

We've seen her doctor - the one who gave her the Rhogam shot.

Well it was largely rhetorical, but:

Why has Pao not spoken with her doctor about her options re: where to give birth? Her doctor has admitting privileges at a hospital, presumably the one where Pao will give birth. She should have been able to tour the Labor and Delivery department and ask any questions there. Unless her doctor is affiliated with the birth center I doubt that she can just waltz in and have her baby there. Is she getting her prenatal care there? If so, why is she waiting so long to tour the facility? Doesn't she realize that, at 8 months gestation she could go into labor at any time? (When I was receiving midwife care my prenatal visits were at the birth center.)

Why does Pao know nothing whatsoever about what to expect? Any expectant mother is at least curious about what's happening to her body. No one gave her a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting at the Oklahoma baby shower? Did she even glance at the pamphlets you can get at the doctor's office?

Why have she and Russ not taken childbirth classes? They act like she woke up yesterday morning 8 months pregnant and had never even heard of the condition before. "Will it hurt?" Jesus Christ.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Well it was largely rhetorical, but:

Why has Pao not spoken with her doctor about her options re: where to give birth? Her doctor has admitting privileges at a hospital, presumably the one where Pao will give birth. She should have been able to tour the Labor and Delivery department and ask any questions there. Unless her doctor is affiliated with the birth center I doubt that she can just waltz in and have her baby there. Is she getting her prenatal care there? If so, why is she waiting so long to tour the facility? Doesn't she realize that, at 8 months gestation she could go into labor at any time? (When I was receiving midwife care my prenatal visits were at the birth center.)

Why does Pao know nothing whatsoever about what to expect? Any expectant mother is at least curious about what's happening to her body. No one gave her a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting at the Oklahoma baby shower? Did she even glance at the pamphlets you can get at the doctor's office?

Why have she and Russ not taken childbirth classes? They act like she woke up yesterday morning 8 months pregnant and had never even heard of the condition before. "Will it hurt?" Jesus Christ.

Because they  have no other storyline, period. It's all for the cameras. Gotta keep the 90DF cameras rolling.  

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

While Andrei was VERY heavy handed about the phone (and I'm NOT saying his actions were correct) he actually had a very good point about the sisters.  STOP ENGAGING!  He doesn't seem to like them and he doesn't think they like him either so stop trying to make "happy family" happen.  She's no different than Chantel in that respect.  Libby has made one of the (almost) fatal flaws in a marriage - bitching to her family about her husband.  

I agree - his decision to grab the phone maybe wasn't the bed one.. but I can totally see why and how he's so frustrated enough to do that.  He probably has to listen to her bitching 24/7 about her family. No wonder he wants nothing to do with any of them. 

If both sides calmed down and hung out I bet a million bucks both sides would probably realized that Libby is the debbie downer of the entire group and causing all the issues. 

However I'm sad to see that Andrei is turning into a butthead.  I hope in real life he's a little more motivated to have a job. I had such high expectations of him!

3 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

Actually I think this is their 4th.  The longer they're on the show the less we see of Azan.  

I wonder if maybe his family is finally putting their foot down and tell him to not film because it makes his family look bad??? But I think someone else is right... he'd go away if the TLC money would stop. He's for sure not being paid directly so he needs Nicole.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

While something seemed "off" about the e-mail it was only after the fact that I realized something.  How would some random Moroccan know who step-father Nicole was, much less what is e-mail address is?  I could be wrong but Joe doesn't exactly strike me as the type to have a large social media presence.

Nicole had planned her wedding in Morocco with her family attending and arriving at different times.  I wondered if maybe she emailed them all now and then?  Azan might know of their e-addys by way of Gilbert Grape.  Hope a friend ratted him out; not that it would sink into the purple head but I liked that someone actually put it out there. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

They rent. Coltee said something in an earlier episode about when the lease was up...

I don't know the entire backstory, I think it was something along the lines of he finished college and got a job offer in Vegas so they pooled their money to move, so I think he does have a bit of financial obligation to her. I'm not saying that Debbie is Colt's responsibility forever, but I wonder if they have looked at how much it would cost for Debbie to live on her own? Can she afford it? 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Lemur said:

I don't think he was so much horrified at the thought of giving birth in bath tub as he was to giving birth in *that* bath tub with the weird stain.  (Was it a weird stain?  Was there water in it?  A weird shadow?  I dunno.)

It looked like there was a non slip mat in the tub, which would be a sensible thing.

2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

We haven't even mentioned Pao and her almost mind boggling ignorance regarding childbirth. She is 8 months along and has not "decided" where she's giving birth? Doesn't she have a doctor? Its been a couple of decades since I was pregnant, but don't you go where your doctor has privileges? If she wants a birth center, wouldn't she be under a midwife's care? Or wouldn't her doctor be affiliated with the center, or, at the very least, aware of it as an option? How do she and that plate of cold spaghetti that masquerades as a living human she's married to know so little about pregnancy and birth? Has either of them read a book? At 8 months they haven't done childbirth classes? DOESN'T SHE HAVE A DOCTOR?

And Russ's attitude toward the midwife and the birthing center was ignorant AF. Midwives are highly trained and experienced. His horror at the bathtub was just silly. He acted like Pao was going to be put in a mud hut and have people burning incense and chanting over her, not that she was going to be treated with respect, made as comfortable as possible and allowed to move around freely during her labor.

Don't even get me started on how worried he is about how Pao's labor pain is going to affect him.

I had either forgotten about them or blocked them from my mind.  They have an unfortunate situation.  I don't see it improving.  I was not impressed with the birthing center rep.  She was nice, but, did nothing to inspire confidence.  Since, they claim to be grieving, I'll leave it at that. 

  • Love 3

I was yelling at the TV when I saw May sitting in the backeat when Nicole was being driven to her mom's house without a car seat or booster! Nicole is a horrible mom who never puts her daughter first. Flordia law states children 5 and under need to be in a booster or car seat. She needs to be in school and a stable enviroment.

  • Love 10
51 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I don't know the entire backstory, I think it was something along the lines of he finished college and got a job offer in Vegas so they pooled their money to move, so I think he does have a bit of financial obligation to her. I'm not saying that Debbie is Colt's responsibility forever, but I wonder if they have looked at how much it would cost for Debbie to live on her own? Can she afford it? 

Can Colt afford the kind of place Larissa wants? She doesn’t want to live in that apt. She wants a big fancy place with a pool. 

Debbie might afford a senior citizen place or a studio on her income. Larissa has champagne taste on Colts beer pocketbook. 

  • LOL 1
2 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

While I think Andrei is an asshat; I don't think he's an asshat that should work for Libby's dad.  It is probably for the best.  Sometimes in-laws should not work together and this is one of those times.

Agreed. Libby’s dad shouldn’t put his business at risk by hiring volatile, lazy Andrei.

But I don’t believe there are any in-laws Andrei could work for because he’s not at all interested in working. Just sitting around barking orders and crossing over into physical abuse, oops, I mean, being “a manly, sexy stud.”

Edited by brillia79
  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Meowwww said:

So.   That email that stepfather Nicole got.  

Either it was from production, totally made up, or from a viewer. How convenient that he gets one simplistic email and the lightbulb turns on.  

We viewers have seen through this for years now.  Hardly likely that suddenly one anonymous email comes along and voila. 

My first thought on that scene was - how did someone get Joe's personal email address? Hell, I don't even know his full name.

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51 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

You guys pretty much have everything covered, but did anyone else LOL at Nicole's stepdad calling her "fiance" "Assen"?  The poor dude has to get in his kicks where he can. 

Our closed captioning showed Joe calling him "Ass____" the first time.  I think that was intentional on his part.

18 minutes ago, Hannah94 said:

My first thought on that scene was - how did someone get Joe's personal email address? Hell, I don't even know his full name.

IDK . . . but I've seen some of our sleuths on here do some digging and come up with a lot of information about people on this show.  For example, Chantal's REAL name, as well as the last names of the Family Chantal.  These weren't given on the show.

ETA:  I was putzing around on my computer while loading a new app.  Doing both things at the same time, I came up with Joe's last name within about 4 minutes.

Edited by AZChristian
  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

Agreed. Libby’s dad shouldn’t put his business at risk by hiring volatile, lazy Andrei.

But I don’t believe there are any in-laws Andrei could work for because he’s not at all interested in working. Just sitting around barking orders and crossing over into physical abuse, oops, I mean, being “a manly, sexy stud.”

Daddy Libby knew Andrei was going to actually ask for a job, because that would mean Andrei would actually have to ... you know ... work.  (Exactly right, your second sentence.)  Daddy Libby is on to him, he knows what the deal is and unlike the Toxic Sisters, he's just at this point waiting for this shitshow to reach it's apex so he can clean it all up in the denouement.  

  • Love 4

I love this show and cast of characters.  Well done to production and those assembling this crew of cast members.

My life is so much better after I watch all of them.  Life is good.  I'm sure they have all hit the gravy train and are pretty happy with that too.

The realists like Nicole's stepdad kind of get lost in the shuffle of reality tv but then the next check arrives in the mail and we all march on!

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2 hours ago, RealReality said:

...and of course Libby gets into the car and starts whining to Andrei to make herself the victim and then is shocked... shocked! when he gets mad and overreacts.  I would bet good money that Libby got on that phone and texted her sister about how Andrei ripped the phone out of her hands for no reason and she was just talking to him a definately wasn't shittalking.

I cannot bring myself to feel even one iota of sympathy for Chantal.  Pedro asked, begged and pleaded with her not to come.  The reason she is suspicious about Pedro is because her marriage is on shaky ground.. .which is her fault.  

She has had plenty of time to fix her marriage in the states.  She has refused to take any actions that could have strengthened her marriage.  She let's her family treat Pedro horribly and she always forced him to be around them.

She refused to move to Savannah, which would have solved a lot of their problems.

Pedro goes to the DR to get a break and be around people who aren't going to make him miserable and because he needs some time to sort it out.

He asked, demanded, begged Chantal not to come to the Dominican Republic and she showed up anyways.  There was no reason.  If she thought he was doing something shady, showing up there isn't going to stop it.  

Instead, she showed up and immediately put on her stink face and made Pedro miserable.  Then she starts in by saying she doesn't want to see Lidia.  But you can't go to the Dominican Republic when Pedro is already there staying with his mom and sister and refuse to see his mother.  And if you do that puts your husband in an awful situation and why would you want to do that?  

Then she starts screeching about respect.  Girl, why didn't you stay home?

And then her meeting with Lidia, like of course Lidia is going to take up for her children.  And she is right, you DID ruin the trip Chantal. 

And then Chantal saying that she was going to "spend her time" with Pedro was so petty and mean.  You are a miserable human being Chantal.  You make your husband miserable. 

You can make him miserable 95% of the time because he is with you in the states.  You both can spend all sorts of time together.  Why horn in on the 5% of the time he spends with friends and family?  Is he never allowed to be happy?

If you have a civil relationship with his family...fine, but you don't right now so he has to either be with you or with his family....on a trip he took to another country to specifically be with his family.

Chantal is really the human embodiment not a rock and chain.  He can never get away from her and she always ruins everything.

And then she compared her going to see Lidia to Pedro being around her parents.  It's not the same because Pedro did everything short of calling in a bomb threat to prevent you from showing up in the DR and having to deal with Lidia.  Whereas Pedro lives in the United States and Chantal does nothing to try to prevent her family from interacting with Pedro.

And then that smirk as she forced Pedro to leave and come to the hotel with her.....that was so petty and unnecessary.  I feel so sorry for him.

You are forgetting one thing!

I am gonna play devils advocate here.

Chantal pays all the bills in the DR.  She can show up to ‘her home’ whenever she pleases.

While these people are ALL insufferable.......I am understanding Chantal’s attitude here.

The root of the problem here and why Family Chantal became concern is because Family Pedro wasted no time in harvesting the American Dollar using their daughter.

Just like Debbie......Mom Pedro......needs to back off this marriage. 

In essence, it is like Chantal is the mom/sponsor to Pedro and his family.

Yet, they show her no respect.......just treat her like an ATM.

(yea, I know there are many, mucho problemas.......but, I am picking this one for now)

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38 minutes ago, Hannah94 said:

My first thought on that scene was - how did someone get Joe's personal email address? Hell, I don't even know his full name.


The ‘email’ was written like a comment, too.

Azan is playing Nicole.  Azan is not going to marry Nicole.  There is no store.

well,.....no Shit!!!!!   😂

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Pao seriously bugs me. This may sound insensitive to some, and if it does I apologize. But she only knew she was pregnant for 2 days before she had the miscarriage! I have had 5 miscarriages, and I had a couple that I lost right after I had a positive pregnancy test. Those were so much easier to recover from than the ones where I were further along. And it just bugs me how she goes on and on and on about this baby they lost. 

And I don’t blame Russ for being nervous about deivering with a midwife. First, for me anyway she didn’t seem very professional. I’m not sure I would trust her either. And I don’t trust birthing centers. If something goes wrong, then you have to wait for them to call 911, take you to the hospital and then take care of it. If something goes wrong in a hospital, they can have the baby delivered in minutes. They can get the baby immediate attention if needed. I have nothing against midwives, I think they’re great at what they do, but I would only ever go to one if I would be delivering jn a hospital. It’s too big a risk to me to deliver In a birthing center. 

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