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I don't think she has a boys body. She does have a nice body but she really isn't all that attractive. Shes average at best but she is pretty just not stunning. VS models in my eyes have a certain look and personality trait. Almost all of them that became well known started out unknown. I do agree that the only reason why she's being considered is because of who she is not what she is. And I understand why other people in the modeling world is so upset. They have to work their asses off and sacrifice everything while this Jenner chick is getting everything handed to her.

I'm surprised she didn't change her name like Pimp Kris did

Time will only tell.

I hate the Kartrashions. They're annoying self centered and famous for nothing. The only thing I will give credit for is that there obviously not that stupid, if they can make a fortune off a trashy wack sex tape

I do love the way they all just pretend the sex tape doesn't exist. Kris dismisses it as adolescent misjudgement that someone else exploited. Conveniently sidestepping the negotiations they conducted to insure Kim profited handsomely from it. Most people would want to keep it underground, but they allowed it to be edited and soundtracked for the viewers added pleasure. Creepy. Considering Kris's obsession with making photographic memories.

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No opinion on her landing the EL campaign, but an observation from Instagram (where I feed my secret make-up fetish alongside Pinterest): many comments along the lines of "I thought this brand was for old people - will have to check it out" from younger posters.

Who knows whether that will translate into actual sales. But it seemed to be pretty tangible, early evidence that one of their potential goals in hiring her is gaining some traction.

But then what do I know? I buy make-up for colors I love and other properties I value, not who's in the company ads.

Of course, I'm old...

ETA: From my RSS feed. Because she's, like, everywhere this morning. Bible.


Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Poor Kim. Who's the prize pig now? No wonder she was all T & A this week.

You took the words right out of my mouth haha! Kendall is walking Chanel runways and now the face of Estee Lauder while Kim has to get naked for a middle tier magazine to grab headlines.  Kylie is really going to end up with low self esteem as well.


Who knows whether that will translate into actual sales. But it seemed to be pretty tangible, early evidence that one of their potential goals in hiring her is gaining some traction.


I never saw EL as the kind of brand that hired huge names for the sake of sales. I think the biggest name theyve used as the face of Estee Lauder off the top of my head is Gwyneth Paltrow. Liz Hurley I think was with them the longest as their "face". I'm going with the notion Kendall will be used as a way of giving them a younger feel.  Their campaigns are usually really beautiful and elegant so hopefully this will really distance Kendall from the Kardashians. She looks really naturally pretty on the front page of their site.

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I'm happy for Kendall and I hope it leads to more success for her.  And I think it will drive Kim to do more of her "photo shoots" in order to stay  par with Kendall.  when you look at both Kim and Kendall they (for me) are at two ends of the spectrum.  Kendall and her photos I see a model and a brand.  Kim I see a person wanting to be talked about by any means necessary.  Kudos to Kendall!

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Kendall is not legit, I'm sure that Estee Lauder deal was handed to her.  The girl would be nothing if she were any other 19 year old aspiring model, crawling her way to the top.

Guess she decided to keep the name Jenner:


Kendall Jenner to front Karl Lagerfeld's 2015 Campaign:



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I've been asked a ton of times if my hair is it's natural color. It's apparently a very questionable shade of brown. Yeah, I don't get it either. But I was just asked again a couple of weeks ago by a sales rep for my company and she's 52, 15 years older than I am. I also get asked a lot if my nails are real when I bother to polish them. I have nicely shaped natural nails which are very thick and can grow fairly long. I've been getting that question since 6th grade. Personally I stick with the more polite "your hair/eyes" are beautiful, but I don't sweat it. Kudos on Kendall for complementing someone on a trait, even if she could have done it in a more polite fashion, but it's something most of her family would never think to do since they are so self absorbed. 

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Conventional beauty and runway model beauty are not necessarily the same thing. 


I don't know much about the modeling industry, but on the runway, I don't think they want knockout beauty.  I think they want a more uniform look that is adaptable to different styles.  Essentially, as a runway model, you are a human hanger.  You are showing off the clothes. 



As for Estee Lauder, I get why they chose her.  Her looks are pretty classic and will carry different makeup styles well.  She is younger, hugely popular on social media, well known, and if Estee Lauder wants to become a younger brand, then I can understand their strategy of going with somebody as Kendall as the face of Estee Lauder, as opposed to an older, more established model.  Kendall currently has upcoming "it girl" status.


And hey.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I think Kendall is beautiful.  I personally think that Cara Delvigne is not attractive at all, she looks too harsh and angry, IMO, but clearly plenty of people disagree with me there, including the modeling industry. 

  • Love 6

Well, Lauder chose her because people are still talking about it a week later. 


Cara Delvigne has great eyebrows. And Joan Collins is her godmother. So eyebrows and Joan Collins up on Kendall. ;) 


Kendall is very pretty- but not nearly as unique or interesting as the fashion people hyperventilating over the press they get by featuring her want us to believe. 

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Cara and Kendall next to each other does Kendall no favours IMO. Kendall is actually conventionally prettier I think, but Cara usually sells her stuff - she's got something special, that "it" factor. Not that I don't think she was equally helped by her family connections (though not as much as social media phenomenon Kendall), but she looks interesting while Kendall just looks pretty.

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Kendall makes a new friend



At the VS viewing party .Who is that at the back?




the next morning after sleeping over at ??'s apartment




Decorating Gigi's place




and later that night




So Kendall and Taylor Swift hanging out .It must be the end of times.

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