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11 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I do too.  It looks so unnatural. I am always surprise to read the comments on this board as if Tins is some gorgeous specimen in the prime of her youth with impeccable taste.  I don't like a majority of the clothes she wears.  I always think she dresses like Forever 21.  People.talk about how Barb looks RHONY.  I think Tinsley looks more RHOC with the yellow hair, pounds of makeup she wears and false eyelashes, and clothing that looks more appropriate for a 21 year old.   She seems likeable enough on screen but I think she probably is much more exhausting in person. I am already so sick of her and Scott.  How serious could you possibly think the relationship is if neither one of you will move?

I asked the Mr. “who is the prettiest on the show and he said Luann.  He doesn’t think Tinsley is pretty at all.  Just one guys point of view.  I think her hair throws you off for a minute, which I think is pretty.

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Omg that speech scene was awful. That poor girl. Ramona/Sonja/Dorinda should be ashamed of themselves but of course they wont be.

Only Ramona would demand they throw her a party after not inviting them to her other party. 

Did Luann need to take 3 hours getting ready for that performance. I dont blame Bethenny for leaving. It was a Tuesday night.

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3 hours ago, kicksave said:

And Victoria looked awful...she always looks like she just rolled out of a crackhouse or a had a binder the night before. Her hair never looks combed or shampooed for that matter. I know she's an "artist" but still...

I've always said that Victoria looks like how everyone says Jax Taylor smells.

It seemed pretty obvious that Luann was supposed to be hosting the party AND performing. She was so caught up in the performance part of it that she dropped the hosting part, which was kind of stupid because her performance was terrible as usual. Additionally, her costume kind of sucked. Had she shown up before the performance, she could have worked a couple of costume changes into the night so that the cumulative effective was greater than the sum of its parts. She could have done an Elle Driver nurse and a Joker as a nurse costume.

44 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

I wonder if Hanna didn't feel that her mother was in charge when they  moved back to that apartment after Richard died...so they were "little" together?  A hard time for Dorinda, a hard time for her daughter.

That's the sense I got. Dorinda turns into an unstable mess now at the mention of Richard. She was probably a freaking disaster back then and Hannah was forced to step up and have to be the one in charge. This is not completely out of the realm of possibility as Dorinda's unstable marriage to Ralph, Hannah's father, was allegedly the model for a Sex and the City episode.

2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Who ARE his parents?  I am pretty sure I remember hearing that they are loaded, but is there any info on them?  

The Dubins are real estate developers. This was his father: 


This is his brother:


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6 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Beth and Lu are in a race to circle a drain. I couldn't possibly "side" with either of them, I find them both so detestable.

You wanna talk digs, Beth? Lu flipping about what room you were assigned at Blue Stone Manor was a dig at Dorinda, and her house, not you. But you going on camera and insinuating that Lu probably should have an issue being in a performance venue around booze? Also a dig. B's going tit for tat here and pretending to be a pacifist. I'm not buying it.

Whatever stupid shit Lu said about B leaving at 11, whatever. Lu was being an ass, hiding out in her rehearsal tower like she had to memorize Shakespeare. But Beth has a history of not keeping to a production schedule, and leaving when she wants, and making flimsy excuses.

Let me not get started about Beth showing up as a Victoria's Secret angel and feigning shock that anyone would think of her costume as such. I am honestly curious how little she eats at that age to have that figure. I'm a good 20 years younger, I work out 5 days a week, I eat no more than 1200 calories per day, and I have NEVER been anywhere thin enough to consider donning that costume. It's impressive, and also baffling. 

Hannah's hair and makeup were much improved, and I can see a beautiful young woman there. I love her look - it's high fashion and uncommon. She's the polar opposite of a conventional beauty like Tinsley, and I can appreciate both.

Poor Tins. I can see myself having the same conversation with my mother in 10 years. Tinsley hasn't had the chance to self-actualize and break free of that mold that's suffocating her. I think she'd have tons of confidence if she'd been raised anywhere but the stifling UES Gossip Girl crowd. She has so much more to offer than what she's been told.

I can relate directly to accomplishing big things and wishing the person you loved cared enough to show up for you. Lucky for me, these things all happened in my 20s. Entering a new decade, I'm equipped to handle the disappointment, put it in perspective, and move on. I can appreciate my own triumphs and successes alone or share them with friends. If a certain guy isn't there, it's his loss. And I move on. I had her Big Apple Circus breakdown following my college graduation, and after handling a couple of funerals alone, nothing like that can really shake me anymore. I'm not sure Tinsley has been allowed to process her own feelings so she can move past them. Dale seems to operate on the currency of suppression, which only makes things worse as time goes on.

Barbara's costume was great, but I think those were painted-on abs. No disrespect to Barbara - she's got a fine figure and doesn't need Ramona to dress her.

That charity thing was over the line, for me. I am not cool with taking such a painful issue and exploiting it on screen as a way to show how clueless the ladies are. Bridge too far and all that - treat survivors like Bridie with the utmost respect or keep it off my screen. It was a layered insult for Ramona and Sonja to  behave that way and then again to put it on TV.

I am starting to miss Carole, but I know her absence is for the best, as another election circus will soon dawn.

Love all of this~

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9 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

You mean Bridie? Ramona was so busy patting herself on the back she couldn't even get the poor girl's name right. She's such an asshole!

Ramona is Asshole Emeritus of this franchise.  There are others nipping at her heels.

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16 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Luann's inability to get the humor in the mugshot coasters tells me she doesn't really understand camp or the camp appeal of her cabaret show. Camp was the theme of this year's Met Gala. People aren't going to the Countess and Friends because Luann is a great or even decent singer and dancer; they are going because this is a well produced debacle. She can't sing. She can't dance. She's not even really capable of being fun and funny on her own. She's selfish and awful. She's got 3 songs. She makes her little Amy Winehouse "they tried to make me go to rehab" joke. She talks shit about Ramona, Heather, and Carole in the show. She's a scorpion in a top hat doing a kick line to "I Gotta Be Me."

Luann is an unbelievably shit mother. There is not only previous footage of Luann not giving a single fuck about her children, but also at the time she made her snatchy dig about Bethenny watching Bryn sleep Luann's children were still suing her for something she had legally obligated herself to doing and was in the process of reneging on for a third time (when she sold the first home, bought the second home, and was trying to sell the second home).

I cannot even fathom the catastrophe that was the sexually abused children charity speech. Those 3 drunken fuckwits. Ugh. No fucking words. 

She's no Michigan J. Frog that's for sure!

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5 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I feel sorry for Tinsley.  Her mom is 1000% right when it comes to Scott. She deserves a good man. I dislike when Sonja & co say that Tinsley is a "user" & looking for a sugar daddy in essence. They're *all* looking for a man worthy of their status.  I doubt a car mechanic is going to do the trick here. Bethenny won't be with anyone less than a millionaire either. Look how fast she outgrew Jason. No wonder he is bitter. The minute she "made it," the marriage was polluted and ended. The only one who doesn't look is Dorinda.  I loved her commentary today about marriage after a certain age as I share that perspective. She realizes another Richard won't happen for her. John is a companion and nothing more.

Very, very wise.

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I've always said that Victoria looks like how everyone says Jax Taylor smells.

It seemed pretty obvious that Luann was supposed to be hosting the party AND performing. She was so caught up in the performance part of it that she dropped the hosting part, which was kind of stupid because her performance was terrible as usual. Additionally, her costume kind of sucked. Had she shown up before the performance, she could have worked a couple of costume changes into the night so that the cumulative effective was greater than the sum of its parts. She could have done an Elle Driver nurse and a Joker as a nurse costume.

That's the sense I got. Dorinda turns into an unstable mess now at the mention of Richard. She was probably a freaking disaster back then and Hannah was forced to step up and have to be the one in charge. This is not completely out of the realm of possibility as Dorinda's unstable marriage to Ralph, Hannah's father, was allegedly the model for a Sex and the City episode.

The Dubins are real estate developers. This was his father: 


This is his brother:


Ecchhhh...New York real estate developers are lowlifes...neither Harry or his  brother are exactly hot guys...👎

Edited by kicksave
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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I know! Ramona wants to be the first in line for the next thirsty guy that is available, she runs off to what ever bar that is next in her rotation.  The fact that she ditches the women the second she can to await the next hot 40 something to accidently bump in to her in a crowded bar, (in her head he wanted to bang her).


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Question: How did LuAnn finance her new place in upstate New York? I thought she had no money for it and was asking Bethenny if Dennis could loan her a butt load of $$$$. That’s what brought about the intervention...now she not only got the money she bought it and moved in. Any thoughts on this or info? 

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2 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Question: How did LuAnn finance her new place in upstate New York? I thought she had no money for it and was asking Bethenny if Dennis could loan her a butt load of $$$$. That’s what brought about the intervention...now she not only got the money she bought it and moved in. Any thoughts on this or info? 

They were different houses. This one was 1 million versus 8.

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15 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Question: How did LuAnn finance her new place in upstate New York? I thought she had no money for it and was asking Bethenny if Dennis could loan her a butt load of $$$$. That’s what brought about the intervention...now she not only got the money she bought it and moved in. Any thoughts on this or info? 

This house was only one million.  I’m not quite sure, but I think she wanted another one that was much more and needed more money from someone, but didn’t get it.  Maybe Dennis?  Not sure tho.  She must of had enough for a down payment for this one.  She bought a better apartment in the city since she has been singing .. I mean talking thru a song on stage.  Maybe someone knows more?

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6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I can't be the only one that doesn't think Tinsley is a beauty? She's got a long face, bad botoxed eyebrows, nose whittled down to nothing due to plastic surgery.  She always has a ton of makeup on.  I think she is just a thin blonde who is reasonably attractive.  I don't see beauty in this face.  I did, however, love that she embraced the mugshot and has them on coasters.  



Have to say you nailed her look in your description. Not a beauty.

5 hours ago, kicksave said:

Bethenny: She couldn't stay to watch LuAnn even for 10 more minutes? Really? It was a  passive aggressive move on her part...I'm no fan of LuAnn but why go if you didn't want to be there to see even 10 minutes of the show? The time and money that she put into that costume and the make up/hair team seems like money wasted if you didn't let LuAnn see you in all your Victoria's Secret glory. 

I wholeheartedly agree with this entire post, and as far as this snip:

 Bethenny went to that party to be seen looking hot in the angel wings costume--to get that shit on TV, and to be noticed.  Luann factored in precisely zero IMO.  I have two schools of thought on this.  On the one hand, I can understand it.  Bethenny (I refuse to call her B for some reason.  Makes me feel like I'm buying into her hype) has never been a beauty, and she finally got enough money to turn herself into a very impressive package, that Father Time is going to take away sometime in the near future (not calling her old; just saying she ain't aging well like Ro, Son, Lu and Dor).  She already looks like she's losing her hair, and I am convinced from careful observation that, in any given scene, more than 50% of it is weave/extensions.  So...get it girl.  I guess? (The latex dress that she wore to VS with the unsupported breasts hanging out was beyond the pale).

At the same time, the huuuge, aggressively large angel wings that rendered Bethenny a literal force to be reckoned with were such a stark contrast from Kelly B's Halloween party season two when Bethenny skated off into the night as roller girl.  Both scenarios involved someone being late for their own Halloween event, but Bethenny's look and reaction was so much cooler and lower maintenance the first time around.  Kind of a metaphor for Ms. Frankel's arc on the show...

Whle I am commenting on looks, can I just be the one to say that I wasn't overly impressed by Barbara as Slash? That guitar was positioned mighty strategically, ma friends.  She never showed her lower or even her middle belly once.  I'm not convinced there are washboard abs under that guitar.  

I thought Dorinda looked better than she ever did in her costume, and she looked like a crack whore!  And that is the one nice thing I'll say about Dorinda this episode.  I'm not even going to get into the charity, because...I can't.  With any of them.  But the new apartment?  Horrible.  HORrible.  Her furniture is ugly as sin, cords everywhere, white walls, small rooms, clutter, chaos, bad lighting...I mean, if you don't have a lot of space, have fewer rooms.  This place made me want to send her a feng shut expert gratis, and I don't even believe in that shit.

Dorinda is acting poorly again.  She was gossiping about Lu at that dinner with the seafood platter in order to get on Bethenny's good side.  There was no reason for Dorinda to tell Bethenny that Luann made the remark that Bethenny was just going home to watch Bryn sleep.  It was a catty little Luann dig, and it didn't need to be repeated.  It's not like Luann was going around saying Bethenny gives blowjobs for cash.  Dorinda is purposely fanning the flames, which I want her to keep doing as a viewer, but I am calling her out on her S.

I have not been a Sonja fan, pretty much ever, so I want to point out that I thought it was very kind of her to remark in her TH that Dorinda had her body back and Dorinda could wear anything that is in her closet. Sonja seemed to be genuinely happy for Dorinda, as she said it with a big smile, and I was like, "well that was warm and sweet!"  Then...the charity happened.

Ramona...that charity event with Table 61 is the gift that keeps on giving.  What a fucking liar.  I think it's cool that she wears minimal makeup out to events though.  Sometimes I think she could actually use more makeup.

Now that we know Luann failed an alcohol test for imbibing "two mimosas after an event," I am completely convinced that she was taking so long to get ready in order to have a party of her own in her hotel suite.  And it seemed like she wanted privacy--even kind of shooing away Sonja (and the cameras) for once in her life. As someone pointed out upthread, she definitely gave the mirror that coke look that is one part, "are my nostrils clear?" And one part "baby, you are so money!"

As I predicted, Luann is very, very slowly moving back into my good graces.  She's still in my bad graces, but she's moving in the right direction, if only for lack of other people to root for. I can already tell I am going to hate her upstate NY house with an avid passion.  So ugly and outdated.

That hotel was so nice.  I've never heard of it.  Much more modern than I'm used to seeing on this franchise.  

I don't know how I feel about the mugshot coasters.  I think Tinsley's are kinda cool and kitsch and stuff, probably because, from what I understand, she didn't commit a violent crime.  And she didn't really hurt anyone.  She was really just a nuisance.  Luann is a horse of a different color.  Her crime involved violence, and I think it is a better look for her not to celebrate it publicly, in any way (what she does in private is a different matter, and I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm an angel who wouldn't laugh about it behind closed doors, bad as it is, but I can find humor in literally anything).  Keep it and your stupid tag line off TV though.

I loved this episode.  I like Tinsley, but I was glad to see her role scaled back a little.  I like when the foolishness and terrible behavior is spread out more evenly.

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46 minutes ago, Giselle said:

One of these days they shouldn't invite Ramona & use the excuse they assumed she double booked and would leave after 10-15 minute so why bother.

I still love Ramona but this made my evil Bunny thoughts come forth.....

The "event" they don't invite Ramona to is celebrate her birthday


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7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I mean the point of going was to catch the show so why would you be aiming to leave at 11:30 for a show that is "scheduled" to start at 11.

Especially if you're going to use your child as your excuse to leave. She likely gave up time to be with her daughter to be there by 8pm.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:


Have to say you nailed her look in your description. Not a beauty.

I wholeheartedly agree with this entire post, and as far as this snip:

 Bethenny went to that party to be seen looking hot in the angel wings costume--to get that shit on TV, and to be noticed.  Luann factored in precisely zero IMO.  I have two schools of thought on this.  On the one hand, I can understand it.  Bethenny (I refuse to call her B for some reason.  Makes me feel like I'm buying into her hype) has never been a beauty, and she finally got enough money to turn herself into a very impressive package, that Father Time is going to take away sometime in the near future (not calling her old; just saying she ain't aging well like Ro, Son, Lu and Dor).  She already looks like she's losing her hair, and I am convinced from careful observation that, in any given scene, more than 50% of it is weave/extensions.  So...get it girl.  I guess? (The latex dress that she wore to VS with the unsupported breasts hanging out was beyond the pale).

At the same time, the huuuge, aggressively large angel wings that rendered Bethenny a literal force to be reckoned with were such a stark contrast from Kelly B's Halloween party season two when Bethenny skated off into the night as roller girl.  Both scenarios involved someone being late for their own Halloween event, but Bethenny's look and reaction was so much cooler and lower maintenance the first time around.  Kind of a metaphor for Ms. Frankel's arc on the show...

Whle I am commenting on looks, can I just be the one to say that I wasn't overly impressed by Barbara as Slash? That guitar was positioned mighty strategically, ma friends.  She never showed her lower or even her middle belly once.  I'm not convinced there are washboard abs under that guitar.  

I thought Dorinda looked better than she ever did in her costume, and she looked like a crack whore!  And that is the one nice thing I'll say about Dorinda this episode.  I'm not even going to get into the charity, because...I can't.  With any of them.  But the new apartment?  Horrible.  HORrible.  Her furniture is ugly as sin, cords everywhere, white walls, small rooms, clutter, chaos, bad lighting...I mean, if you don't have a lot of space, have fewer rooms.  This place made me want to send her a feng shut expert gratis, and I don't even believe in that shit.

Dorinda is acting poorly again.  She was gossiping about Lu at that dinner with the seafood platter in order to get on Bethenny's good side.  There was no reason for Dorinda to tell Bethenny that Luann made the remark that Bethenny was just going home to watch Bryn sleep.  It was a catty little Luann dig, and it didn't need to be repeated.  It's not like Luann was going around saying Bethenny gives blowjobs for cash.  Dorinda is purposely fanning the flames, which I want her to keep doing as a viewer, but I am calling her out on her S.

I have not been a Sonja fan, pretty much ever, so I want to point out that I thought it was very kind of her to remark in her TH that Dorinda had her body back and Dorinda could wear anything that is in her closet. Sonja seemed to be genuinely happy for Dorinda, as she said it with a big smile, and I was like, "well that was warm and sweet!"  Then...the charity happened.

Ramona...that charity event with Table 61 is the gift that keeps on giving.  What a fucking liar.  I think it's cool that she wears minimal makeup out to events though.  Sometimes I think she could actually use more makeup.

Now that we know Luann failed an alcohol test for imbibing "two mimosas after an event," I am completely convinced that she was taking so long to get ready in order to have a party of her own in her hotel suite.  And it seemed like she wanted privacy--even kind of shooing away Sonja (and the cameras) for once in her life. As someone pointed out upthread, she definitely gave the mirror that coke look that is one part, "are my nostrils clear?" And one part "baby, you are so money!"

As I predicted, Luann is very, very slowly moving back into my good graces.  She's still in my bad graces, but she's moving in the right direction, if only for lack of other people to root for. I can already tell I am going to hate her upstate NY house with an avid passion.  So ugly and outdated.

That hotel was so nice.  I've never heard of it.  Much more modern than I'm used to seeing on this franchise.  

I don't know how I feel about the mugshot coasters.  I think Tinsley's are kinda cool and kitsch and stuff, probably because, from what I understand, she didn't commit a violent crime.  And she didn't really hurt anyone.  She was really just a nuisance.  Luann is a horse of a different color.  Her crime involved violence, and I think it is a better look for her not to celebrate it publicly, in any way (what she does in private is a different matter, and I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm an angel who wouldn't laugh about it behind closed doors, bad as it is, but I can find humor in literally anything).  Keep it and your stupid tag line off TV though.

I loved this episode.  I like Tinsley, but I was glad to see her role scaled back a little.  I like when the foolishness and terrible behavior is spread out more evenly.

Bethenny has had a TON of work done on her face and on her boobs. If you see photos or film of her from seven years ago you can see how much she's had done. Her jawline is totally different, her face has been smoothed and lifted a smidge...she either got new breast augmentation or she had a breast lift...they look very different this season. Only a plastic surgeon could give a professional rundown of how much she's had done...I'm just an amateur.

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On 5/8/2019 at 10:32 PM, breezy424 said:

Is it me or did Barb look better in that Slash makeup than she regularly does. 

SO MUCH BETTER.  (What is it with these housewives? When Shannon Beador dressed up like Brett Michaels, never did I find her more interesting - all swagger and attitude - swellegance is learned, my friends.) Fuck Luann; I'd go to a cabaret of Barb and Shannon in a dude-off. SLASH AND BRETT 4-EVER!!


No nude lipstick or bronzer (or she didn't spray tan for a few weeks).

Yes. Also: darker + curly hair. 

The volume and colour completely changed her face.  She had features all of a sudden -  eyes, mouth, definition to the shape of her face  - not two raisins and a pie hole in a sea of orange.  

On 5/9/2019 at 1:57 PM, Real Housewife LI said:

If you also notice she very rarely will use her daughter’s name Brynn. 

Bethenny uses Bryn's name all the time on social media (and often in ways that are inappropriate, imo) :


Frankel also talks about Bryn in the media/RHoNY (most recently, how much Bryn loved Dennis last summer, and how much Bryn loves Paul this spring). She seems willing to discuss Bryn anywhere, any time, imo.

Edited by film noire
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1 hour ago, film noire said:

Frankel also talks about Bryn in the media/RHoNY (most recently, how much Bryn loved Dennis last summer, and how much Bryn loves Paul this spring). She seems willing to discuss Bryn anywhere, any time, imo.

Bryn loves all her "uncles".  Mommy loves them too, at least for awhile.

Back to the show, it was interesting to watch the charity event scene with the 3 stooges with the volume muted and observing the other ladies' faces during that "speech".

Edited by Happy Camper
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10 hours ago, kicksave said:

And Victoria looked awful...she always looks like she just rolled out of a crackhouse or a had a binder the night before. Her hair never looks combed or shampooed for that matter. I know she's an "artist" but still...

She also unfortunately looks like her father.

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7 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Looks like Luann lied - performances start at 12:00 AM

So she went on stage on time but lied to Bethenny about being on at 11:00 PM

There were other performers too and I doubt they would have given Luann an earlier start time.

It says hosted by Sonja Morgan - what exactly did she do other than the photo shoot?

Interesting as when Lu took the stage, they showed the time to be 11:39. So did she start early, or was there an editing monkey making stuff up, and she really did start at 12? 

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Weird that link says the event was hosted by Sonja. Was that mentioned on the show? 

It is also possible that Lu did a set before the real performances so Bravo didn’t have to get releases from the other performers.

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7 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Weird that link says the event was hosted by Sonja. Was that mentioned on the show? 

It is also possible that Lu did a set before the real performances so Bravo didn’t have to get releases from the other performers.

I think that’s why Sonja joined her in the naughty nurses photo shoot last (?) week.

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1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

I think that’s why Sonja joined her in the naughty nurses photo shoot last (?) week.

Oh right. I meant on the night of it was all Lu, Lu, Lu.

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10 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

As someone pointed out upthread, she definitely gave the mirror that coke look that is one part, "are my nostrils clear?" And one part "baby, you are so money!"

To be fair, it can be pretty embarrassing walking around at an event with your nostril looking like a margarita glass.

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Bethenny got there at 8 for an 11 pm performance but only planned on staying 2 hours. She had no intention of seeing Lu perform. I don’t blame her one bit. 

If Bethenny truly helped Lu pick up the pieces of her broken life, then Luann’s reaction to Bethenny leaving “early” was really crappy. 

Luann is setting herself up for a big fall and she deserves it. 

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15 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Bethenny got there at 8 for an 11 pm performance but only planned on staying 2 hours. She had no intention of seeing Lu perform. I don’t blame her one bit. 

The time noted was 9:15.  So the fact that she keep saying she needed to leave by 11:15 follows.  So Lu was in hair and make up for 3 hours to sing 2 songs?  She's a joke.  But at least she's getting paid for it.  I really don't know how she can keep up this facade.

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11 hours ago, film noire said:

Yes. Also: darker + curly hair. 

The volume and colour completely changed her face.  She had features all of a sudden -  eyes, mouth, definition to the shape of her face  - not two raisins and a pie hole in a sea of orange.  

She looked so much better without hair the color of her skin.

Raisins...pie hole...bwahaha!

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18 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Dorinda's unstable marriage to Ralph, Hannah's father, was allegedly the model for a Sex and the City episode.

Wait, wat????? Which one? I'll bet it's the one about the guy in the Hamptons that Carrie saw naked

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13 hours ago, kicksave said:

Bethenny has had a TON of work done on her face and on her boobs. If you see photos or film of her from seven years ago you can see how much she's had done. Her jawline is totally different, her face has been smoothed and lifted a smidge...she either got new breast augmentation or she had a breast lift...they look very different this season. Only a plastic surgeon could give a professional rundown of how much she's had done...I'm just an amateur.

Is it horrible that I would pay good money (well, $5, anyway) to get a list of the surgeries and work she's had done and is continuing to get done on a regular basis?  I'm not hating; i think it's fascinating and empowering in a way that a woman with a slightly below average face and a slamming body could turn herself into someone beautiful at 48 years of age.  I think that's miraculous.  

Call me crazy, but I think a lot of the stress Bethenny is experiencing is due to keeping up the flawless appearance.  I think that was a large part of the "let the air out of the tires" breakdown that she had last episode.  It ties into what she said last season--that any woman who claims to look good, be thin, tanned, have a career, exercise, have great sex and get great sleep is lying.  

I think Tinsley struggles with something similar.  Even though neither she nor Bethenny is beautiful, every aspect of her appearance has been so cultivated, and I think it is literally a full-time job.  Like, I wouldn't be surprised if she put, on average, eight hours a day into her appearance, between shopping, getting her hair done, Botox, nails, teeth, makeup, clothes, accessories, etc.  She spends so much of her time trying to look perfect that I am not surprised that she is radically disappointed that her life didn't turn out the way it did.

I had my own experience with this.  I was dead set on being "perfect" when I was 19 and 20, and it was time-consuming as fuck.  That was just driving to all my appointments, getting in a workout, going tanning, going to the mall, buying all the shit I needed from various and sundry stores, getting my nails done, going food shopping for low calorie foods, cooking said food, and packaging it up so I could take it everywhere, and making sure my car was perfection. No Botox or surgery, and I was constantly tired, which resulted in a piss-poor attitude and zero patience with people (sound familiar, Bethenny?).  

When I went away to law school when I was 22, I had to give up on a lot of that shit, like getting my nails done, simply because there just was not enough time in the day, and I was up 10 (well-needed) pounds, but my brain was working better, and I was happier, and when I look back at pictures, I actually looked better in the aftermath.  I looked less...stricken.  

Now that I'm in my 30s, I wouldn't have half the energy I used to put into my looks.  If I can drag myself to the salon every three months to have my highlights done, I feel like a success.  I kid, but the standard is different for me now, because I just couldn't do it. I have no idea how women 10 and 15 years my senior are doing all this stuff. It's so much effort, with some returns for sure, but the drawback is that you are constantly exhausted.  And it makes you fucking crazy.  Add perimenoupause into that and...wow.  No wonder they're all at each other's throats!

I voice no objection to a nip, tuck, tweak, or rigorous exercise, but I think it is problematic when it becomes a religion.  I think Sonja, Dorinda, Luann and Ramona are keeping up their appearances, whereas I feel like Bethenny's and Tinsley's appearances are keeping them, if that makes any sense.  Like, I think if Sonja had an accident where she became disfigured and one of her eyes was permanently drooping (or something), she'd deal with it.  It wouldn't be her undoing.  I am not sure whether Bethenny/Tinsley could deal with that, and it's a little sad.  I would want more for them, but they're big girls and they can live their lives.  Far be it for me, whom they'd consider a rube, to weigh in.  

One final thought:  I would totally watch a reality show that documented the work that high-maintenance women put into their appearances.  I think people, men especiallly, might be shocked.  That natural look is very seldom natural!

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7 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 I have no idea how women 10 and 15 years my senior are doing all this stuff. It's so much effort, with some returns for sure, but the drawback is that you are constantly exhausted.  

7 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

e and is continuing to get done on a regular basis?  I'm not hating; i think it's fascinating and empowering in a way that a woman with a slightly below average face and a slamming body could turn herself into someone beautiful at 48 years of age.  I think that's miraculous.   


How does she do it.

Edited by sashayshante
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40 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

Wait, wat????? Which one? I'll bet it's the one about the guy in the Hamptons that Carrie saw naked

No people speculate it’s The Awful Truth season 2 episode 2 the character’s name is Susan-Sharon and she is married to a Richard which is a coincidence since it was before Dorinda met Richard. 

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3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

The time noted was 9:15.  So the fact that she keep saying she needed to leave by 11:15 follows.  So Lu was in hair and make up for 3 hours to sing 2 songs?  She's a joke.  But at least she's getting paid for it.  I really don't know how she can keep up this facade.

That's the thing. They were not working on her damn hair and makeup that entire time. Half the time she was just sitting there talking to the makeup artists. She was stalling. She wanted to seem important. A star of her power does NOT mingle with the guests prior to the performance. It would ruin her grand entrance. 

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13 hours ago, film noire said:

Side by sides  -- she's so much prettier with dark curly hair, pale skin and a red-toned lip -- crazy.


babs 3.jpg

This may sound odd, but she looks far more feminine in male drag than as herself.  And I don't think I'm phrasing that properly.  More like her natural look is a little more androgynous than her Slash look.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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21 hours ago, esco1822 said:

My assumption was that B showed up for the party itself and not just Lu's performance. That would also explain why Sonja was worried about being late. I assumed they all planned to meet to attend the party that Lu was performing at. B said she got there 15 minutes late so presumably they either agreed to meet at 8:30 or the party started at 8:30. B was told the performance was at 11 and planned to leave at 11:15 because how long does it take to "perform" 3 songs? There was also an assumption they would see Lu prior to the performance, either be invited to her dressing room or her come out before she was dressed. Of all the stuff B does on this show, leaving this lame-ass party at 11:30 is pretty benign so i'm giving her a full pass for it.

Not saying it's some big whoop but now it has drawn a reaction from Lu and THAT is going to be the next Huff and Puff session between the both of them. You're right it is benign but it'll be the cause of some snippy back and forth and that's what got me scratching my head. It's just silly.

I was zoning in and out so I didn't realize the party was it's own thing and Lu's performance was a different thing.  It just didn't seem like there was much going on with that particular event besides all the hub bub for Lu's performance which too me meant either come for the show or don't come. It didn't look like much was happening otherwise so to me there was nothing to pop in for if not to watch Lu perform.  

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21 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Luann was at Hospital 849 on Halloween. This was a Wednesday night. Bethenny had Brynn. Thursday was a school day, B went to the event to show support for Luann. There were already other people there when B arrived. She would have seen the performance if Luann was on time. I don't think she was there necessarily for the performance but to show support to the event which she did.

Makes sense to me,

I was zoning in and out of the episode that's why I was wondering what other reason was there to be at the event besides watching Lu perform. I guess the party/event was a separate thing?

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Rewatching the episode, I think Dorinda has the worst taste.  I know she just moved in and hasn't decorated her place but the apartment itself seems bland and the furnishings she has in it already are tacky.But I'm one of the few people on this board that doesn't care for Blue Stone Manor.

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