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S04.E14: Nip/Stuck

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NeuRay took Con to the Ice Age? Harsh man. 

Evil looks good on Gary. He went all Twilight Zone on the Time Bureau. Though I totally cracked up at “gaze into the nipple”. That was hilariously unexpected. 

I like how Sara sensed something was wrong in the pass and hesitated to fire. Mick was only concerned about his pal and wanting revenge against the demon who took him so he gave the order which made things worse. It was a nice reminder why Sara is the captain. They should install an update with Gideon where another Legend can’t just give orders unless Sara is absent or physically incapable. 

I really shouldn’t be this happy to see Sara and Mick fighting but it did. They’re family so that will happen. Plus there wasn’t a wait before Mick giving the order was dealt with. They just got to it. And it led to Sara/Mick bonding time! 

OF COURSE Ray has his own survival guide and OF COURSE it includes avalanche tips. 

Werewolf hand works much better than werewolf face. They should limit Mona’s transformations going forward. 

Celtic Con was a smart move by NeuRay to work on getting Con to do what he wants. 

Ugh Nate hooking up with his girlfriend on missions really shouldn’t be his personality and yet it is. ZARI DESERVES BETTER!

Con bonding with the creature (missed the name) was sweet. 

I love that Ray inspired everyone to play Cards Against Humanity. And work together to get out of the Ice Age. Even when he’s not around he’s still Ray. And Con was so happy to see them! Then threw himself into hell to save Ray! This show is so sweet. 

Tabitha is the fairy godmother?? HAHAHAHA! I adore. 

  • Love 8

The thing with staring into Gary's nipple and getting possessed crossed the line from "wacky Legends shenanigans" to pseudo-sexual harassment and it wasn't funny to me. Neither was wolf-Mona (already very grating on the nerves) repeatedly saying nipple like we were supposed to find it funny? It just made the episode a "no" for me, which sucks, because the Constantine/Ray stuff was good, and seeing the Legends play their card game was awesome, and the team being a family was great.

But the Time Bureau agents were cured just by getting hit on the head? Dumb. 

Okay, I'm going to think happy thoughts: Brandon Routh's incredible acting. Constantine sacrificing himself to go save Ray. Sara being a great captain. Charlie getting more lines. And the conversation between Mick and Sara about being two of the last three Legends from the original crew. 

  • Love 5

Damn, an Astra reference? First season Legends, complete with the picture of the first old west episode references, even with Rips theme in the background? Sara and Mick talking about being the last ones of the original team? Its an avalanche of continuity!

Seriously though, when Sara and Mick were thinking about their first night on the roof and the original team...and how its just them now...I got some serious feels...

  • Love 19

Well. now the title makes sense. That's quite clever. Kudos.

I forgot how much fun Brandon Routh has being evil. I'm gonna have to do a Chuck rewatch, I think. Constantine going to save Ray was beautiful. I've never liked him more. 

I like Nora joining the Time Bureau. She, Ava and Mona make an amusing trio. Mona makes more sense with the Time Bureau than with Legends anyway.

Sad reminder about all the originals who are gone. I want Jax back! I wanted someone to be mad at Gideon for listening to Mick. 

I want Cards to Save the Timeline so bad. 

  • Love 7

This episode is the best they've had since they returned from break. 

NeRay kidnaps Constantine and takes him to the Ice Age in order to trap the Legends. Neron knows who his real enemy is, it seems. 

Mick gets a plot for the second episode in a row! That's the most he's gotten to speak all season! I absolutely LOVE that Mick and Sara got to talk about how they're the last of their original team (besides Ray and Gideon). It was so fantastic to see them at odds but also bonding. I miss their friendship.

So, Mona is marginally less annoying. Am I still annoyed that they're pushing her so much on us? Yeah, I'll admit it. Of course Mona gets to save the day. But this time, at least they had it make sense and Mona wasn't really that annoying.Though I see Mona and Wolfie are this version's Caitlin/Killer Frost.

Zari/Ray still suck. Of course they find a way to have sex during the most inopportune moment. Hey, we can't say that Nate isn't consistent that way!

Constantine bonding with the creature of the week was great, and I'm not surprised he decided to sacrifice himself, and risk Neron's plan continuing to work, so he could go save Ray.

The Gary stuff wasn't a great look but Adam Tsekhman got to show off his acting chops before reverting bad to dumbass comic relief. 

  • Love 7

Finally an episode with the Legends being a team. Still could've dropped the TB stoyrline. Especially since evil Gary was taken care of so soon. 

I loved Sara and Mick talking about season and them being the originals. I do like that Sara is a team player when it comes to her team but she really should set up Gideon to not just follow anyone's orders. Even the TB can give Gideon orders. Seeing the Old West photo was fun too. Although who took that picture? I kind of wish they talked about Leonard, since they looked like they wearing coats similar to his. 

I like that Mick and Charlie being the rebels call Sara boss instead of Captain. And I do like that Sara does get people to follow her. She's a good leader when she's there. Mick bringing up Sara spending all her time with Ava was nice to hear and a complaint I still have because they are doing a terrible job balancing it. This is the first episode in awhile where Sara was actually with her team and it took her being actually stuck with them for it to happen. I hope they find a better balance next season. 

John's going to hell to save Ray and we are actually seeing Hell. They really need to tell me where Sara was when she died. Because that is never mentioned. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 8
26 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Though I totally cracked up at “gaze into the nipple”. That was hilariously unexpected. 

Right??  I was NOT expecting that and LOLd..  The actor who plays Gary was doing a good job as "Gary is all we need" Gary.   I didn't like Mona biting the nipple off, that was gross.  Mona was better used here and the team up with Nora was fun but I still don't like the wolf persona.  And evil Gary story was over too quickly.  I hope going forward that Gary isn't treated as such a joke.

Everything on the Waverider was good (especially the card game), as was Ray/Constantine.  Plus the return of evil Fairy Godmother! 

Aw, Ray, still helping even when you're not there.  I loved the Mick/Sara little talk about being the last of the originals and how far they've come. 

I did wonder why they didn't think to overheat the ship to try to melt through some of the ice.  I get they were conserving power, but this is the Legends, they do things differently. 

Charlie and Mick got lines and Charlie got to transform into Mick!  That was fun.  Let's make more use of them, show, OK? 

  • Love 9

Gary, Gary, can't you see? Sometimes your words just nipnotize me . . .

Neron makes moves and things are careening towards chaos . . . but since is Legends, it's still fun. Sara and Mick remind some viewers that they're the last of the original team. Constnatine spends quality time with his bastard of an ancestor, and winds up in hell. And Gary succeeds in enthralling the entire Time Bureau, only to be thwarted by Wolfie!Mona. Oh, and Mona now has an Armothy (Rick and Morty reference) of her own to talk to. Yaaaay?

How do the Legends get out of their predicament? Inadvertently melting the ice by using up power in order to make their final hours enjoyable . . . including playing Ray's card game. I mean, it's so typical, yet I'm not rolling my eyes.

Gary needs to be punished. He got the power-up from the reattached nipple, but he made that choice. The guy is weak. With that logic, Nora makes a better Time Agent. Same with Mona, and she can barely generate a second dimension most of the time. He's weak. I know, Mick has made questionable choices, but he can break past being a common thug with a souped-up gun (that he barely uses anymore). Gary is Gary, and Gary is the worst.

BTW . . . "Federal Time Bureau"? Let me get this right . . . Rip wound up replacing the Time Agents . . . with an American agency? That just seems weird to me.

Two more episodes. Enough time for Routh to lean into the evil, and for the dragon egg to hatch. Then the team can rock/paper/scissors to see who rides it into battle.

  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I kind of wish they talked about Leonard, since they looked like they wearing coats similar to his.

They did mention in passing that they got the coats from Leonard apparently having a stash on the ship that they still had.

Apparently Constantine didn't have the IQ points to seal the hell portal as he was going through it, or Neron would've not gotten his precious Tabitha (the Fairy Godmother being her was PERFECT) back. Just first impressions here but to Constantine's benefit at least Hell doesn't seem to look any worse than New Jersey. Also apparently a demon can't just give the soul of a body they've taken over back or I'd have expected Neron to at least offer an exchange.

Gary the haunted nipple hypnotist could only happen on at show like this and actually work. About damn time Mona actually did something useful, she wouldn't be half as annoying as she is if she'd actually do something worthwhile on a consistent basis.

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 4

Such a good episode, probably my favorite of the episodes since they came back from break. I flipping love possessed Ray, Brandon is clearly having a blast playing evil, and he is just killing it...no pun intended. Its really interesting how he switches from almost sounding like Ray, then sounding cool and detached, then giggly evil, then just super creepy evil, its great. Even if thinking about poor Ray being tortured in Hell is just one too depressing to deal with. Better save him soon, John! 

It was really sweet how much everyone was clearly off their game with Ray being missing, and that his goofy card games and manuals ended up saving the day, even when he isnt there. He will be so happy to find out they played his game! And while I dont like seeing Mick and Sara fight, it did make sense, and it seemed in character for both of them. They both tend to lash out and get defensive when they're upset, and they did make some decent points. Mick shouldn't have made that call, as thats Sara's job, and Mick is right that they are all entitled to a life outside of the Waverider. Of course, they made up quickly and it was really lovely, and we got that great moment where they reminisced about the night Rip brought them together, and bonded over being the last two members of the original team still around. Oh you guys! Even Charlie got some good stuff this week! Team feels for everyone! 

The baby dragon hatching made me think of The Magicians, which just made me sad a a little bit pissed off. Seriously, I am basically indifferent to Nate/Zari, but Nate needs to stop boning people during missions! Especially when his best friend is literally in HELL!

Gary and his evil Eye of Sauron nipple! Even for Legends, thats pretty batshit. I even liked Mona more than usual, maybe because she was with Nora a lot, and Nora makes everything better. I also liked that Nora's response to doing a staff evaluation with Gary was just like "ok, weird timing, but sure" while everything else was "ewwww not Gary! Cooties!" considering they seemed to get along pretty well when they were solving mysteries together. I mean, Gary joining team evil is bad, yes, but people really do treat him like garbage for no real reason. 

The trip to the ancient Celtic world with Constantine's evil ancestor was cool, and the little Pooka was super adorable. Poor John, everyone in his family really is a bastard. Thats actually taken from the comics I belive, as it turns out that he does come from a long line of magic users, many of whom operated from morally ambiguous to full on supervillain, with a few normies in between. If I remember the story right, Konstantine in the comics actually murdered his half fairy children to gain power, so...yeah. The family where John is the nice one. Yeeash. 

I am super pumped for next week, and John and Ray in hell, while Neron causes trouble as Ray. I do wonder if the gang in Star City or Team Flash will notice, but they kind of have their own stuff going on, so probably not.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Until shown otherwise I'm choosing to believe that Ray is at Maximum Ray and making the best of being in Hell. I want Con to find him providing comfort and joy to some of the other souls stuck there.

Hey, me too. Like he'd be organizing a bake sale or something. "Guys, remember . . . just because you're in Hell doesn't mean your life HAS to be miserable!" Cut to Constantine: "What the bloody 'ell?!?"

Realization: Constantine has probably tried to weasel his way out of damnation for most of his life . . . but Hell might be the one place he can smoke without somebody foiling him.

  • LOL 5
  • Love 11

My favorite part was Sara and Mick’s dynamic. It feels rare when any of these shows manage to give characters legitimate reasons to fight or makeup- so to get both was pretty cool. And kudos to Dom and Caity for acting the hell (ha ha) out of those scenes. I loved them talking about being the last two* OG Legends- man, this crew has had a ton of churn over the years...

  • Love 10

As soon as I saw Jane Carr's name in the credits, I suspected that the Fairy Godmother would end up being Tabitha the entire time, but that was still a fun reveal.  I wonder if they'll have time for more Disney-like musicals before Neuron finds her another host!

As I figured, Brandon Routh was awesome as Evil Ray/Neuron.  I like that he's not too over-the-top or different with the way he plays it, in that he still has his sunny disposition in some ways, but now there is the sense that he would totally kill you without a second thought.  He'd just do it with a smile on his face!  Still, I certainly hope this all ends with poor Ray coming back, but I'll enjoy the ride for now.

Glad to finally get some Sara/Mick material, since that has been lacking this season.  Mick was definitely in the wrong for going over Sara's head with the kill order (and pretty much playing into Neuron's hands), but Sara was also being unfair when she complained about him and Charlie doing that Rom Con last week, since he (and the rest of the Legends) shouldn't have to always be working 24/7, especially if she's allowed to have an outside life.  I do chalk up a lot of that to her being frustrated, but I'm glad it was addressed, and both of them are back on solid terms.  And them bringing up that they're the last of the original members was a great moment, even though; again; I suspect Ray will be back (plus, you shouldn't forget about Gideon!)

Sadly, Nate and Zari are still boring, and have basically rendered Zari insignificant.  How dare you put Tala Ashe in the corner, show!

Evil Gary was fun.  Didn't not expect that the nipple would be hypnotizing everyone!  I actually was mainly tolerating Mona this time, but her single-handily defeating him was a bit much.  I wish Nora factored in more, since she's really been a delight and Courtney Ford is just as charming as her husband.

Constantine facing off against his ancestor was fun, and I'm really looking forward to his journey into Hell to save Ray.  Even if, so far, Hell kind of just looks like a street in Canada with a red filter!

Definitely think it was the best episode since the break.  Cautiously optimistic that they might be bring it all home come finale time. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Ugh Nate hooking up with his girlfriend on missions really shouldn’t be his personality and yet it is. ZARI DESERVES BETTER!

Zari was at least as eager as he was to make wild love. And yet he is the only one who should be blamed?

Considering how on this show the characters never know if they will survive the next five minutes, I see it as quite plausible that they would seize any opportunity for a little interlude of sex, as long as it does not interfere with the mission (the egg was unscathed and is still on its way to hatching).

Zari needs to brush up on her classical music. What Nate was listening to had absolutely nothing in common with "The Rite of Spring", except being sounds produced by musical instruments. It was some serenade-like piece I cannot quite place (Tchaikovsky perhaps). Unless we were supposed to take it as a non-specific reference.

So Mona did not quite succeed in biting off Gary's possessed nipple and he is still evil? I hope that does not mean he is slated for death; Constantine would be crushed to lose his spare boy toy. The eye in the nipple reminded me of the Keeper creature on Babylon 5.

Bad Fairy Godmother is still a hoot. I am glad they brought her back. Now we need some more evil Disney songs!

3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Hell kind of just looks like a street in Canada with a red filter!

Not most of the Canadian streets I know, except Vancouver's Lower East Side perhaps.

  • Love 2

The show still feels uneven.  The good parts of this episode were good, and the not good parts were not so good.

Sara and Mick having their moments was really awesome and it called back to the earlier seasons and mentioning that they were the last from the original crew was pretty awesome.  Dominic and Caity really killed that scene.  And Charlie got something to do as well!

Ray/Neron was interesting as we get a little insight into him, and Brandon is really having fun playing evil.  Although only Ray would come up with a card game for every circumstance.  And for the trivia buffs, Ray is named after Raymond A. Palmer, the founder and editor of Fate magazine which is all about the paranormal.

Constantine and his ancestor were one of the best parts, and I find it ironic that his ancestor didn't have a Welsh accent (even though it might be more appropriate then).  I really liked the Pooka and I hope she shows up again.

Neron mentioned finding Tabitha a host, but Constantine said she didn't need one.  Not sure what's up, and as much as I would miss Jane Carr, I have to admit Ava or Nora (most likely suspects) calling everyone dearie and singing evil Disney-esque songs would be fun.

Mona was not as irritating as she had been in past episodes.  But it was still kind of annoying that she got to save the day.  Nora is a powerful sorceress in her own right, so I'm curious how Gary was able to nipnotize her.  Ava he clearly caught by surprise, but if I were her I would be looking over my shoulder with regard to the job (kidnapped by a demon and no one noticed, nipnotized by your subordinate).  Also When Ava comes out talking all stilted and weird and praising Gary and no one thinks there might be some goings-on? And I can't believe how many times I said nipnotize.

Nate and Zari, I gave up and FF through pretty much al their scenes.  Although Zari talking about skin-to-skin contact (granted about the dragon egg) is nearly word for word from Nate and Amaya's first hookup.  I almost think the Nate/Zari hookup is an elaborate punking on the writers part.  Quit wasting Tala Ashe!

17 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

"Dont be sad everyone! Tonight is gonna be Hells first annual...TALENT SHOW!!"

And that's how you know it truly is Hell.

Edited by Lugal
  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Damn, an Astra reference? First season Legends, complete with the picture of the first old west episode references, even with Rips theme in the background? Sara and Mick talking about being the last ones of the original team? Its an avalanche of continuity!

Seriously though, when Sara and Mick were thinking about their first night on the roof and the original team...and how its just them now...I got some serious feels...

Its them, Ray and Gideon actually .

Edited by jay741982

Nipnosis for the win!  So over the top, it's almost too much, but it's Legends of Tomorrow, so not.

And if I'm being honest, there were probably a few experiences in my youth where I found myself completely nipnotized, so I guess it can happen!


So Mona did not quite succeed in biting off Gary's possessed nipple and he is still evil?

I didn't consider this and just assumed that Mona succeeded.  They didn't really have a follow up with Gary after she attacked him, did they?  So, the suspense as to what happens to Gary's left nipple by the end of the seasons remains.  SPOILER TAGS, please!  And the term "possessed nipple" never really stops being funny.

This show is by far the most fun of all the Arrowverse entries.  I hope CW is inserting some sort of subliminal nipnotic suggestion into their ads to raise viewership.  I do not want to see this show cancelled anytime soon.

And I can't for the life of me figure out how to fit the word nipnotist naturally into this post, so I guess I'm out.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3


  • Brandon Routh's turn as Neron. Remind me why he's not the de facto male lead instead of Nate? His entire dynamic with Constantine is so well played, it's been great to watch. Not that I want poor marshmallow Ray to continue suffering Neron's torments, but BR has really gotten to shine lately.
  • Two Constantines for the price of one. At the beginning of the season, I never would have thought that double Constantines would be one of my favorite parts of an episode.
  • Mick, Sara, and Charlie. Legends getting to be Legends!! I really, really wish we could get more excellent, character-driven team moments like these three had in this ep. THIS is why I watch you, Show.
  • The Legends playing Ray's card game. All that was missing was the chore wheel and a pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
  • Nora getting her picture taken. It's a rule that all government photos have to be terrible.


  • Mona saving the day, again. Especially since it came at Nora and Ava's expense. Nora is a super-powerful sorceress and former demon vessel, and Ava is a badass clone from the future, yet it takes Mona and Wolfie to defeat Gary? Ugh.
  • All nipple-related plot lines. I'll sit by myself at the UO table, but for me this goes beyond wacky and zany into WTF is this shit territory. No thanks.
  • Nate and Zari. Thanks for completely ruining Zari, one of the best characters you've ever had, Show.
  • Not enough Gideon! Moar Gideon!
8 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

Zari was at least as eager as he was to make wild love. And yet he is the only one who should be blamed?

I won't speak for anyone else, but my problem with it is that A) Nate has had sex during missions more than a few times over the years, so it's a pattern rather than a one-off incident, B) at least once he's left his other teams members in imminent danger by doing so, C) Zari in fact called him out on it during the Hedgehog Day incident and told him it wasn't cool. Until she given the dubious "honor" of becoming his chick. The character assassination, it burns.

18 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Realization: Constantine has probably tried to weasel his way out of damnation for most of his life . . . but Hell might be the one place he can smoke without somebody foiling him.

If it's really hell, his lighter will run out of fluid, his matches will be damp, and he'll lose the box and never get that smoke. Like a Twilight Zone episode.

21 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Damn, an Astra reference? First season Legends, complete with the picture of the first old west episode references, even with Rips theme in the background? Sara and Mick talking about being the last ones of the original team? Its an avalanche of continuity!

Seriously though, when Sara and Mick were thinking about their first night on the roof and the original team...and how its just them now...I got some serious feels...

Me too. I loved the references, but it also made me sad thinking about how many characters I loved have come and gone, how much the show has changed over the years, and how frustrating it's become to watch recently. :(

Edited by Maelstrom
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Maelstrom said:


  • Mona saving the day, again. Especially since it came at Nora and Ava's expense. Nora is a super-powerful sorceress and former demon vessel, and Ava is a badass clone from the future, yet it takes Nora and Wolfie to defeat Gary? Ugh.
  • All nipple-related plot lines. I'll sit by myself at the UO table, but for me this goes beyond wacky and zany into WTF is this shit territory. No thanks.

Nope, I'm right there at that table with you. Legends usually knows when to run with a good joke, and when to let the joke end while it's still funny. This was like Family Guy level stupid "humor" and I thought it brought the episode down.

Edited by shantown
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Maelstrom said:


  • Brandon Routh's turn as Neron. Remind me why he's not the de facto male lead instead of Nate? His entire dynamic with Constantine is so well played, it's been great to watch. Not that I want poor marshmallow Ray to continue suffering Neron's torments, but BR has really gotten to shine lately.

Well, Routh does have top billing. I think it's more about actor status, given how he inherited that from Victor Garber. In my head, it belongs to Caity Lotz. Sara is the captain, she gets the best stories, she kicks the most ass, and she looks awesome doing it. I don't think of Nate as the male lead. I also don't think the writers pairing her with Zari has ruined her. I might be in the minority on that.

ETA: Also, if you watched the third season and told Arrow viewers that Ray would be entertaining, you'd be called a witch and burned on a stake. Okay, you would just  be ridiculed.Point is, Ray has evolved, even if he's the biggest dork in the Arrowverse. Or at least competing with Brainiac 5 for that title.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Well, Routh does have top billing. I think it's more about actor status, given how he inherited that from Victor Garber. In my head, it belongs to Caity Lotz. Sara is the captain, she gets the best stories, she kicks the most ass, and she looks awesome doing it. I don't think of Nate as the male lead.

Totally agree that Sara is the lead of the show in my mind. Thank goodness the Arrow writers kept bringing her back from the dead, because I can't imagine anyone other than Caity heading this show with the same strength, heart, and humor.

I personally don't consider Nate the male lead either, but I've noticed over the years that a large amount of the publicity and promotional material (ads, interviews, previews, etc etc) places Nate front and center, even when it means taking things out of context or shunting aside other characters (frequently Sara) to do so. So I've always felt that someone among the higher ups of either the show or the network sees Nate as the male lead.

4 minutes ago, shantown said:

Nope, I'm right there at that table with you. Legends usually knows when to run with a good joke, and when to let the joke end while it's still funny. This was like Family Guy level stupid "humor" and I thought it brought the episode down.

Pull up a chair! We can play Ray's card game. :)

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Realization . . . for a lot of the damned, Ray's nature would actually make things worse for them. Inferno's Got Talent would push them over the edge.

Lol, in the South Park movie, Saddam Hussein thrived in Hell and the only way they could properly punish him was by sending him to Heaven to live among all the happy, peppy Mormons. I can only imagine the singalongs. 😄

4 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

The character assassination, it burns. 

I don't really see that, especially since we are talking about a fictional character after all, with no real existence beyond what the writers come up with. Zari was shown as a flesh and blood person who was horny and acted on those feelings, as much as Nate.  The wisdom of doing so while on a mission can certainly be questioned, although said task was only looking after the egg; it also was not really a formal "mission" and was not taking place in the field. So many of these LoT characters act based upon their very active hormones (except Ray, of course) that it did not seem out of place.

Imagining Ray in Hell, I can easily see him setting up motivational and team-building workshops, as well as inspirational talent shows, to the point where the demons in charge would beg Constantine to take his soul back into the real world because he is ruining the character and purpose of their domain.

The possessed nipple bit was so OTT and grotesque that I think it pre-empts a possible association with any form of sexual harassment and the possible discomfort associated with that plot element. It's a variation on the mind control trope so frequently used in genre shows and movies, but using a highly unusual (and comical) organ to do so.

Edited by Florinaldo
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Maelstrom said:


  • Nate and Zari. Thanks for completely ruining Zari, one of the best characters you've ever had, Show.

I don't think Zari is ruined. Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit, but I think this is their attempt at a lovestruck Zari. And since this relationship came out of nowhere they're working really hard to sell the speedy attraction and hook-up. If Zari is still acting like this next season, then I will really be worried.

3 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

So now zari is just gonna follow Nate around all the time... And was my former boss lady really lugging around an egg for steely Dan that he named as a child... Smh

Though to be fair when you lay it out like this it looks really bad (I cracked up at steely Dan - thanks for the laugh).

Last season it took the Legends what, days? A week? To realize Ray was missing. This year his loss is immediately felt. And when Mick spoke about taking out team members that turn on you, all I could think about was how Snart was supposed to kill Mick. And when Snart didn't Mick became a tool of the Time Masters.

I think the Legends have finally rubbed off on Ava. She came up with the word 'niptotized' really quickly and was using it very frequently. 

  • Love 2

And again... Zari and Amaya who's next Nate... Mona.. And yet in all the combined episodes Jax and Wally couldn't manage a kiss on the cheek from anyone.. Ray had the barista.. Until she remembered she was a hawk then Nora.. Constantine had Sara and Gary and Desmond... Hell even Mick had that alien or created woman.. I can't remember.. Sara couldnt even keep her pants on until she met ava... Smh

1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

And again... Zari and Amaya who's next Nate... Mona.. And yet in all the combined episodes Jax and Wally couldn't manage a kiss on the cheek from anyone.. Ray had the barista.. Until she remembered she was a hawk then Nora.. Constantine had Sara and Gary and Desmond... Hell even Mick had that alien or created woman.. I can't remember.. Sara couldnt even keep her pants on until she met ava... Smh

Yeah, Nate does have a thing for WOC. Don't get me started on white guys who like brown girls because I'll start rambling. And to be fair, Wally was only a Legend for a couple of months and during that time he was still stuck on Jessie. Back in season one Jax tried to hook up with a white girl in the 1950s and that went as well as you'd expect. 

On 5/6/2019 at 8:00 PM, scarynikki12 said:

Ugh Nate hooking up with his girlfriend on missions really shouldn’t be his personality and yet it is. ZARI DESERVES BETTER!

I've always liked the character of Nate, and never minded his romance with Amaya, but this is, as you say, UGH! So not needed, especially since during Zari's Hedgehog Day episode she was making gagging face when she overheard Nate/Amaya, so this sudden school girl crush thing just doesn't fly. I am already dreading the next season because you know this will just carry over to it, which disappoints.

The only saving grace is that Zari smiles more, and it's a pretty smile.

Edited by Spaceman Spiff
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

Yeah, Nate does have a thing for WOC. Don't get me started on white guys who like brown girls because I'll start rambling. And to be fair, Wally was only a Legend for a couple of months and during that time he was still stuck on Jessie. Back in season one Jax tried to hook up with a white girl in the 1950s and that went as well as you'd expect. 

Hey now.. My dad is a white guy who gravitates towards WOC... I wouldn't be here if he didn't.. But I still know what you mean.. He's relayed some conversations he's had over the years with other white dudes on the topic and it can get... (For the sake of not turning this into something else)  " Weird"... 

But this show has had 3 major WOC and 2 minor ( Mona and Charlie)  and between them theyve had the hots for like 100 white dudes... Zari was making googly eyes at Jonah "half-face" Hex and now Nate... Amaya started on the show crying about Hourman and then almost broke time itself for Nate... The barista/hawk girl  ping -ponged between her "Egyptian" prince and Ray while being lusted after by Vandal Savage... Charlie mentioned having s thing for David Bowie tho as a shape shifter she's kinda hard to pin down... And Mona.. Well I guess the wolf guy was a Pacific islander... But I can't really be sure.. He appeared white under that wolf... And then look at good old Iris West-Allen only having eyes for Eddie and Barry... Damn near every WOC on riverdale has dated Archie except for Toni and she's kissed jughead and been following Cheryl like a lapdog.... Well damn looks like I ended up ranting anyway... My bad

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Now that was the Legends of Tomorrow I remember.  After a down episode last week, I thought it picked up to old form this week.  Definitely a lot of so batshit only Legends would do it stuff this week.

Definite highlight for me was Mick and Sara, who has always had a great dynamic.  The reminiscing scene was definitely the standout.  It's hard to believe that Mick, who felt like he was just a fifth wheel (or ninth I guess in this case) addition to the cast has been around so long and become such an important part of the cast.

I agree that Caity Loiz is definitely the star of this show.

I enjoyed the double Constantine and Routh is definitely having a blast playing evil.  I'm glad they are keeping Gary evil.  Glad to see the Fairy Godmother back, as the character was quite fun in her previous appearances. 

Mona was less annoying and better utilized this week although I hate the wolf persona too.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Hey now.. My dad is a white guy who gravitates towards WOC... I wouldn't be here if he didn't.. But I still know what you mean.. He's relayed some conversations he's had over the years with other white dudes on the topic and it can get... (For the sake of not turning this into something else)  " Weird"... 

That came out wrong. I love white guys that are into WOC (I can ramble about that). Interracial relationships are a CW staple but that usually means black women dating white guys (as you pointed out). I think Nate is the first white guy that has consistently dated WOC. Another reason I wish Nate/Zari was written better.

A Constantine heavy episode as we lead into the finale. Works for me.

Nice to see Matt Ryan getting to play two roles in this episode with his ancestor as well as a chance to give him a dodgy wig. Every scene with Constantine, his ancestor, Neron and the Pooka were the highlights of the episode.

Constantine going to hell felt inevitable but it could work out in his favour and bring about Neron's downfall.

Fairy Godmother being Tabitha was a bit of a surprise but it was nice enough twist though.

Liked the scenes with the gang working together with Ray's cards and the Time Bureau stuff with Mona, Nora, Ava and Evil Gary worked pretty well too.

Can't wait to see how the last two episodes wrap up the Neron story, 8/10

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I really hope this episode is pointing towards the writers focusing more on the Legends. The TB stuff should always be a minor side plot or not in the episode at all. I tuned in to watch a show called Legends of Tomorrow not the Time Bureau. All the callbacks were great, the misfits adventures through time is what this show is about.

Let the Time Bureau deal with the magic theme park so the Legends can go be Legends next season. 

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[. . . ]

All nipple-related plot lines. I'll sit by myself at the UO table, but for me this goes beyond wacky and zany into WTF is this shit territory. No thanks

Yeah, it's out there.  I've gotten lots of posting mileage the last couple of weeks off Gary's nipple, which is so outrageous that I do find it funny, but I only realized today what a truly zany call back it is.  His nipple was bitten off by a ferocious unicorn way back in the early episodes of this season and then dropped as a sort of one-off - a rational viewer might have thought that would be that.  For the literal nipple from hell to reappear several episodes later and play an integral part of the plot near the climax of the season is just LOT outdoing itself.  Did the writers actually have the nipple plot line sketched out all the way from start to end of this season?  I'm quite sure that no television series has ever had a season long arc about a disembodied, hell-powered, nipnotic areola.  And it will never happen again.

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On 5/7/2019 at 8:50 AM, Florinaldo said:

So Mona did not quite succeed in biting off Gary's possessed nipple and he is still evil? I hope that does not mean he is slated for death; Constantine would be crushed to lose his spare boy toy. The eye in the nipple reminded me of the Keeper creature on Babylon 5.

The nipple gave Gary the power to hypnotize people, but Gary was evil because... he kind of chose to be evil when he accepted the deal with Neron.  Presumably the host of the Fairy Godmother will be Gary - which is a little bit terrifying because you know he's going to be all about power fantasies and punishment for the many, many, many people who disrespected him.

Constantine going to Hell should be kind of scary - for Neron.  Constantine is extremely adept at manipulating magical systems and making deals with the various devils and angels. 

Also, getting Ray out of Hell isn't necessarily a done deal.  Remember that the core of Constantine's guilt and self-loathing stems from the girl Astra being dragged to Hell.  I could easily see him taking any opportunity to get her out - even at Ray's expense.

Edited by johntfs
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3 minutes ago, Lugal said:

I seem to recall from the comics that Constantine knew the way in and out of Hell and most of the afterlife, which made him all but impossible to kill, but I could be wrong about that.

Well, this isn't the comics John Constantine, but I do recall one bit.  I'm not going to look up the episode, but at one point in Arrow asked about John Constantine (I think when they were dealing with Damien Darkh) and Oliver said:

Oliver: He's in Hell.

Felicity: Oh, that poor man.  What happened?

Oliver: No, he's literally in Hell.

Edited by johntfs
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On 5/7/2019 at 7:42 PM, Florinaldo said:

I don't really see that, especially since we are talking about a fictional character after all, with no real existence beyond what the writers come up with. Zari was shown as a flesh and blood person who was horny and acted on those feelings, as much as Nate.  The wisdom of doing so while on a mission can certainly be questioned, although said task was only looking after the egg; it also was not really a formal "mission" and was not taking place in the field. So many of these LoT characters act based upon their very active hormones (except Ray, of course) that it did not seem out of place.

Imagining Ray in Hell, I can easily see him setting up motivational and team-building workshops, as well as inspirational talent shows, to the point where the demons in charge would beg Constantine to take his soul back into the real world because he is ruining the character and purpose of their domain.

The possessed nipple bit was so OTT and grotesque that I think it pre-empts a possible association with any form of sexual harassment and the possible discomfort associated with that plot element. It's a variation on the mind control trope so frequently used in genre shows and movies, but using a highly unusual (and comical) organ to do so.

Zari is almost all about overrated Klemmers Pet  Stud Boy Nate and its gross.

On 5/8/2019 at 12:25 AM, UNOSEZ said:

And again... Zari and Amaya who's next Nate... Mona.. And yet in all the combined episodes Jax and Wally couldn't manage a kiss on the cheek from anyone.. Ray had the barista.. Until she remembered she was a hawk then Nora.. Constantine had Sara and Gary and Desmond... Hell even Mick had that alien or created woman.. I can't remember.. Sara couldnt even keep her pants on until she met ava... Smh

Cause Nate is Phil Klemmer stud Character. Hes so awesome that Awesome Zari suddenly likes him after Gagging over Him/Amaya. Hes so Awesome he can get a woman to like him after pretending to be his GF. He reduces Awesome Women Charcaters into being all about Him SMH. 

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