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S09.E12: The Ultimate Ultimatum

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11 hours ago, dosodog said:

I can't deny....I was tempted to find a gif of the crazy lady from GoT, breastfeeding her 10 year old.


I found that first and didn't want to post it! I was looking for the MickeyMouth old pic where it's the mock cover of Parenting Magazine (only it's called Attachment Parenting) and Albie is on Caroline Manzo's boob

The scene did make me laugh because just last week, Kyle, Portia and the Vanderhall went shopping and she said she wanted Portia to be more independent, learn how to do things herself and make her own decisions.

Since her other daughters seem to be pretty well adjusted (a little spoiled but okay) I would like to hope Portia grows out of this soon

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2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

That whole scene was so weird to me, like she was auditioning the zany, madcap misadventures of the Umansky family for a future spinoff, and/or to show us she now has a gate at the end of her driveway.

The whole scene with Kyle and her family reminded me of scenes when Heather Dubrow would have scenes with her family on RHOC. They both had a very hyper-aware/very produced quality to them.

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I know women who either talked or texted their daughters several times a day, when daughters were in college at least.  Cell phones make it so much easier.  I just thought it was a "daughter thing," since I only have sons! 

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17 minutes ago, Jel said:

How outright shady of Kyle to make insinuations about Lisa and Ken and PK and potential "London secrets", based on nothing at all except for what goes on in Kyle's head.  That was an actual snipe from the side move, right there on tv.

That was a really shitty thing for Kyle to say. She is really auditioning hard to take the #1 queen bitch in charge spot (along with her family). It ain't gonna happen, Kyle. 

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I wished I'd been a fly on the wall when the producers were mulling over the theme for this season.  "I know, one of them rents a puppy from LVP's dog place but instead of returning as instructed they hand off to someone else and the pup ends up at a kill shelter".

"Good grief, you can't run with that for the entire season.  It'll get boring fast"

"Not with this bunch of over the top hyper housewives .  Wait and see. Puppygate will have them at each other's throats episode after episode."

They all talk in riddles. No one points a finger at dog dumping Dorit.  LVP and Ken don't ask the obvious 'what proof do you have?

Puppygate could have been dealt with in one episode.  It's a  flimsy storyline and this season is  boring.  Hope the RV holiday livens things up.  I can't wait to see what ridiculous outfits they wear.

*So annoying that us Canadians can never see the videos. 😡

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11 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I needed that gif over on the Mexican Dynasties forum.  One poster compared the bro & sis duo to Cersei and Jamie; then I said even Robin Arryn thinks the 26 year old son Adan should get off the tit.

Now I want to rewatch the BH episodes and use GoT references for the scenes.  Red Wedding.  Battle of the Bastards, etc., etc.

The ladies are going camping shortly. Dark secluded forest...I hope someone takes out Needle on Coke Walker Dorit


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11 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Kyle is unbelievably needy in ALL her relationships.  I would find her suffocating.  She must have been emotionally neglected.

Well, sounds like the famous Allison Dubois  "He will never emotionally fulfil you....know that" line was correct all along.

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7 minutes ago, cheewhiz said:

Well, sounds like the famous Allison Dubois  "He will never emotionally fulfil you....know that" line was correct all along.

Lol !! Yes it was, I forgot about that lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My thoughts from last night....

Kyle......On one hand I give her props for not handing parenting responsibilities over to nannies, on the other, it is a bit much (ok a lot!) to have your 10 year old still sleeping with you and still dressing her.  I also kind of thinks she needs to get over the PK comment just because IMO you have to tread very lightly when criticizing somebody's spouse and Dorit at least took Kyle's side when it happened.  

Dorit.......I am kinda surprised she kept her stance with Ken and Lisa.  PK clearly wants this to go away and I thought she would give in.

LVP/Ken........I get Ken defending Lisa and it is admirable how he has her back no matter what but his harshness and at times aggressiveness has always bothered me.  I do think Lisa should have heard Dorit out as to why she thought she sold the story (or someone in her camp did)....when you start talking over someone and giving ultimatums and not hearing the other persons side of the story, it just looks fishy.  If someone swore on their children's lives though, it would probably make me more likely to hear them out.  There has been zero real communication.

Erika/Lisa R.......not much with them this episode although the workout video was amusing and Lisa R getting offended by the bluntness of the trainer.

Teddi..........not much to say based on last night.

Camille.......She does make for some good TV.  

Denise........Loved her last night......not too much sex talk and she was quite amusing.  

Kyle's house is SO pretty and I love her dogs!  

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12 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Wait a minute - LVP is still upset with Dorit over the comments Dorit made LAST YEAR about LVP's childhood and upbringing?

No, you fucking idiot, Dorit - LVP is mad because you lied to her about getting rid of a rescue dog (to avoid paying $5,000.00) - she's mad because at you because you convinced the other ladies that she leaked a story to ROL without any real evidence - she's mad because you caused the ruination of friendships - and she's mad because you're a cheap ass, lying, snake in the grass con artist bitch who used LVP to further your own agenda.  

And, could everyone see the desperation dripping off of PK along with his sweat?  He is a wanker, but he knows that to lose a friendship with the Vanderpump-Todds is not a good thing in the world of Real Housewives (and subsequent paychecks).

I'm really, really, really not enjoying this season - it's not fun at all!   😞  

Dorit is such an ass.  

Too many kids again.  I FF’d through 3/4 of the show.

Kyle’s family photo— why wasn’t her shirt white?  She cuts Mauricio’s toenails....🤢🤢🤢🤢

12 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Wait a minute - LVP is still upset with Dorit over the comments Dorit made LAST YEAR about LVP's childhood and upbringing?

No, you fucking idiot, Dorit - LVP is mad because you lied to her about getting rid of a rescue dog (to avoid paying $5,000.00) - she's mad because at you because you convinced the other ladies that she leaked a story to ROL without any real evidence - she's mad because you caused the ruination of friendships - and she's mad because you're a cheap ass, lying, snake in the grass con artist bitch who used LVP to further your own agenda.  

And, could everyone see the desperation dripping off of PK along with his sweat?  He is a wanker, but he knows that to lose a friendship with the Vanderpump-Todds is not a good thing in the world of Real Housewives (and subsequent paychecks).

I'm really, really, really not enjoying this season - it's not fun at all!   😞  

I agree.

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In what alternate universe is Teddi a “millennial”? I’m sick of “entitled millennial” being used as a put down of an entire generation, anyway. It’s agist.

Speaking of entitled, I can’t get over Dorit. She must think she’s something really special to be able to call someone a bald-faced liar, and that person would still want to be her friend. What planet is she living on?!? Why would you want to be friends with a person who plants stories about you and lies about it?! And how stupid do you have to be to not understand that of course Lisa doesn’t want to be friends with someone who would accuse her of such things.

These women might literally kill one another if forced to take an RV trip together. So, something to look forward to!

P.S. It has been pointed out to me that Teddi is a millennial. News to  me! I thought she was about 45.

Edited by Blindfox
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5 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Since when did it become a thing to suggest that loyalty in friendship is believing the worst of your friends and still wanting to be friends with them anyway? lol. I cannot wrap my head around Kyle and Dorit wanting to sort things out with LVP if they truly believe that she would do these kinds of things. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be friends with anyone who I, in my heart, felt would manipulate me and our friendship for their own benefit and worse, be willing to throw me under the bus for any reason.

I think Kyle is very genuine with her children and family but I also think that a very hands-on approach is a subconscious way to soothe her own anxiety over what her importance is in her family and in her relationships in general. I think she values feeling needed and so while she is nurturing her family, I wonder if she realizes that she probably gains more from it than they do.

Ken saying Lisa never lies...oh come on. Not a single woman on this show can claim they never lie because they've all been caught on camera doing it at one point or another. What a stupid thing to say. Also, Lisa was eating sashimi with a knife and fork, LOL. I don't know the timeline of Ken, Lisa and PK's friendship but it was very obvious that PK felt the most invested in sorting things out.

I read somewhere that LVP net worth is around 75 million ( how would they know ) so of course  PK wants to sort things out. Lol !!! I feel her net worth is much more , but everything is not revealed naturally . LVP is the highest paid in the entire housewife series, she has 2 shows so that counts for a higher salary . Sorry guys but I just marvel at her English whit and how she manipulates without even trying , yet appears bothered and somehow unbothered at the same time without even breaking a sweat .......... 

14 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Dorit is such an ass.  

Too many kids again.  I FF’d through 3/4 of the show.

Kyle’s family photo— why wasn’t her shirt white?  She cuts Mauricio’s toenails....🤢🤢🤢🤢

I agree.

Okay Dorit,  you tried it .. lol !!!!!!!!!

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10 minutes ago, Blindfox said:

In what alternate universe is Teddi a “millennial”? I’m sick of “entitled millennial” being used as a put down of an entire generation, anyway. It’s agist.

She does qualify as a millenial. She's 37, I thought she was older. 

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16 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Since when did it become a thing to suggest that loyalty in friendship is believing the worst of your friends and still wanting to be friends with them anyway? lol. I cannot wrap my head around Kyle and Dorit wanting to sort things out with LVP if they truly believe that she would do these kinds of things. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be friends with anyone who I, in my heart, felt would manipulate me and our friendship for their own benefit and worse, be willing to throw me under the bus for any reason.

I think Kyle is very genuine with her children and family but I also think that a very hands-on approach is a subconscious way to soothe her own anxiety over what her importance is in her family and in her relationships in general. I think she values feeling needed and so while she is nurturing her family, I wonder if she realizes that she probably gains more from it than they do.

Ken saying Lisa never lies...oh come on. Not a single woman on this show can claim they never lie because they've all been caught on camera doing it at one point or another. What a stupid thing to say. Also, Lisa was eating sashimi with a knife and fork, LOL. I don't know the timeline of Ken, Lisa and PK's friendship but it was very obvious that PK felt the most invested in sorting things out.

To be fair, it was Nigiri which should be eaten by hand or with chopsticks. Her restaurant probably doesn't have chopsticks and eating with her hands may make her uncomfortable, oh well.

Ken comes on strong, for sure,  but I think my husband would have my back in this sort of situation, too.  I think a true friend gives another friend the benefit of the doubt in the absence of any legitimate proof.  Just "thinking" that it must have been Lisa who gave the story, or someone in her camp, isn't proof.  I'm not saying they need the sort of proof that holds up in court, but something more than a group consensus is necessary, in my opinion, to accuse a friend of something like this. If Kyle and Dorit are truly the friends they claim to be, they could have asked her if she leaked the story, or knew anything about it, and when she said "no" then that needed to be the end of it.  

Again- why is everyone letting Dorit, the domino that started this whole chain of events, off the hook?  I don't blame anyone for realizing that pet ownership isn't for them, or wanting to remove an animal they feel is a threat to their children, but she knew the best option was to return Lucy to VDP Dogs and she chose not to do so, this is all on her.

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11 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

What if Portia never wants to sleep in her own bed?  I mean sooner or later Kyle is not going to be able to carry her around, but, how long does the sleeping together, sock dressing go on?

On another note, if I was one of those workers with Lisa and Ken, I wouldn't have appreciated the dog peeing on something I was going to have to pick up later.

As Kyle said she's into Attachment Parenting. It will be up to Portia to decide when she wants to sleep in her own bed by herself.

For the unforeseeable future (this is for you WalnutQueen) Kyle will take on the role of Hodor


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8 minutes ago, Blindfox said:

In what alternate universe is Teddi a “millennial”? I’m sick of “entitled millennial” being used as a put down of an entire generation, anyway. It’s agist.

Speaking of entitled, I can’t get over Dorit. She must think she’s something really special to be able to call someone a bald-faced liar, and that person would still want to be her friend. What planet is she living on?!? Why would you want to be friends with a person who plants stories about you and lies about it?! And how stupid do you have to be to not understand that of course Lisa doesn’t want to be friends with someone who would accuse her of such things.

These women might literally kill one another if forced to take an RV trip together. So, something to look forward to!

In this universe. The range for millennials starts in the early 80s, most researchers pinpoint it to 1981 or 1982. Teddi was born in 1981 so by many studies done to date, her birth year would be included. Generalizing an entire generation of people isn't anything new. It seems like every generation has to take their lumps. The same way Gen X complain about Millennials, Millennials complain about Gen Z....and Baby Boomers complained about Gen X. If you're in at least your mid-twenties, there's a good chance you or someone you know has had the words 'kids today' slip out of their mouth, lol. 

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6 minutes ago, 918lux said:

To be fair, it was Nigiri which should be eaten by hand or with chopsticks. Her restaurant probably doesn't have chopsticks and eating with her hands may make her uncomfortable, oh well.

Ken comes on strong, for sure,  but I think my husband would have my back in this sort of situation, too.  I think a true friend gives another friend the benefit of the doubt in the absence of any legitimate proof.  Just "thinking" that it must have been Lisa who gave the story, or someone in her camp, isn't proof.  I'm not saying they need the sort of proof that holds up in court, but something more than a group consensus is necessary, in my opinion, to accuse a friend of something like this. If Kyle and Dorit are truly the friends they claim to be, they could have asked her if she leaked the story, or knew anything about it, and when she said "no" then that needed to be the end of it.  

Again- why is everyone letting Dorit, the domino that started this whole chain of events, off the hook?  I don't blame anyone for realizing that pet ownership isn't for them, or wanting to remove an animal they feel is a threat to their children, but she knew the best option was to return Lucy to VDP Dogs and she chose not to do so, this is all on her.


PK was eating with chopsticks so they definitely had chopsticks available. I'm not judging her for it, I just thought it was hilarious that she was using a knife and fork and the camera panned an up close shot of her cutting into it, lol.

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11 minutes ago, outofbounds said:

For anyone who has ever lost someone they love tragically it is SO VERY HARD to see past someone’s bullshit and forgive them for being an asshole when you are dealing with the tragedy.

She filmed a completely different show and reunion and this problem didn't seem to effect her in the least on it or in a negative way ...funny how its only a issue on this show when she was caught in a lie. the woman is using any excuse she can to deflect.. All she has to do is say yes I was messy I wanted this story out and BOOM everyone would move on..... She isnt doing that.. I 1000% believe she was involved due to the shit she talks about them now that they "arnt Friends" she has a mean streak she is trying to cover up.

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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8 minutes ago, outofbounds said:

My take on why people have sided with Lisa is this...

Maybe she’s sold stories in the past. Who really knows for sure? That’s not at all what I’m worried about since I find tabloids and stories written in them to be ridiculous.

The problem here is these women piling onto LVP when she’s had a SUPREMELY difficult year in regards to her brother. 

IMO this is where LVP is stuck. She cannot understand nor forgive any of these women for doing this when she’s dealing with what happened with her brother. Especially when it’s something so petty and stupid and not important.

I believe that is why it seems like she and Ken are being very demanding about it and why it looks like there’s no breathing room for anyone else. Because there isn’t. 

For anyone who has ever lost someone they love tragically it is SO VERY HARD to see past someone’s bullshit and forgive them for being an asshole when you are dealing with the tragedy. I cut a few people out when I was dealing with it because, to me, it showed true character. Was I a saint? No. But I was struggling with something the likes of which I had never encountered before. It bulldozed me in ways I could never fully put into words and sent me for a loop. And if someone could fuck with me at a time like that? We’re done. Period. No footnotes. D.O.N.E

That is what Dorit and Kyle don’t understand. They think LVP will get over it. She’ll calm down and discuss it and everything will be fine. And I hate to tell them but it’s not gonna happen. LVP will cordially speak to them if in the same area but she will never again go near any of them.

The betrayal, I suspect (because it was the same for me), is so deep for LVP there will be no reconciliation.

I don’t blame her. Dorit and Kyle’s constant insistence that they be able to speak honestly just furthers my belief that this is who they really are. Which is two women who don’t care what anyone else is going through as long as everyone knows they were right.

I do think LVP will walk away from the show.........for awhile. She can take an hiatus, like bethenny frankel did. Run her other show VR, facebook show, open lounges, etc and let the other girls eat each other up until they beg her to come back, and they will. She doesn't need to be the center of the pile up. She has been there , done that. I actually kind of applaud her from talking a stand that she will not shoot with people who think she is a liar. Done ! Deal with that. As they all vie for position, she will have a season off and come back in a season or two.

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17 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

It was also a show and reunion where people weren’t screeching at her and accusing her of being a liar that planted a story for her own gain.

She planted the story or had someone else do it...its just to much of a "coincidence" that she has a fall guy ready to take the blame for her or its always someone in her "circle" that was found to have "leaked" things EVERY TIME ... No one does anything around Lisa without her knowing I'm sorry .. So yes she should be called out....Loosing a relative does not give anyone a free pass to act like a asshole sorry

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She planted the story or had someone else do it...its just to much of a "coincidence" that she has a fall guy ready to take the blame for her or its always someone in her "circle" that was found to have "leaked" things... No one does anything around Lisa without her knowing I'm sorry .. So yes she should be called out ....

I guess that may be true but there is no evidence... Meanwhile there IS evidence of Dorit or someone in HER circle dumping off the dog and violating her contract. I don’t blame Lisa for wanting to get away from all this, but being OK with VPR. 

By the way. The guy at Pump polishing silverware... did he say “BS” to Dorit when she came back into the restaurant?

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11 hours ago, izabella said:

I rarely comments on kids, but I was definitely asking myself wtf was wrong with her.  And Kyle.

I was already skipping past the photo shoot and accidentally stopped on Mauricio's gross toenails and wondered wtf was wrong with Kyle for thinking anyone wanted to see that and for doing it.  Ugh. 

Clipping your husband's toenails onscreen is the replacement scene for waxing the cooch.

Next up will be LVP in her faux sexy voice ...you like that baby? Ken responding with grunts...and then cut to the scene and LVP is rubbing Ken down with Extra Strength Ben-Gay

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1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Clipping your husband's toenails onscreen is the replacement scene for waxing the cooch.

Next up will be LVP in her faux sexy voice ...you like that baby? Ken responding with grunts...and then cut to the scene and LVP is rubbing Ken down with Extra Strength Ben-Gay

Or more “sexy time with the dogs” 🤢

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6 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I guess that may be true but there is no evidence... Meanwhile there IS evidence of Dorit or someone in HER circle dumping off the dog and violating her contract. I don’t blame Lisa for wanting to get away from all this, but being OK with VPR. 

By the way. The guy at Pump polishing silverware... did he say “BS” to Dorit when she came back into the restaurant?

I've never met jon I don't know him he doesn't know me ...cut to her KNOWING everything about the dude at her meeting with him at her house and her conveniently not firing him for speaking on her behalf.. I'm sorry if it was my employee that i didn't "know" from Adam lying and saying I said these things to someone they would be FIRED not oh ok well that's ok Esp after all the employees that she says have backstabed her and leaked things without her knowing come on now ...she is lying through her teeth about this got caught and is now trying to play the sympathy card to wiggle her way out of it.... she tried to do this again with Vile and the Erika condolence card thing "we talked about this" then vile saying NO you said something to me about it and now are trying to drag me into something that has nothing to do with me.... She always tries to get someone else to take the blame

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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4 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I really don't know why it's so very implausible that someone without LVP's knowledge revealed the story; Lisa and "her" people are far from the only ones who knew what Dorit did. 

Because she specifically had that random "john" at her house to take the fall ... the whole meeting was set up so he could take the blame it was staged to high heaven and she was leading him... the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior ... all signs point to her being in the middle of this and trying desperately to keep her hands clean. why was he not FIRED on the spot? because he was the scapegoat... If he lied once why wouldn't he do it again? esp with her history with people around her "leaking things" because he didn't do it SHE DID

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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34 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She filmed a completely different show and reunion and this problem didn't seem to effect her in the least on it or in a negative way ...funny how its only a issue on this show when she was caught in a lie. the woman is using any excuse she can to deflect.. All she has to do is say yes I was messy I wanted this story out and BOOM everyone would move on..... She isnt doing that.. I 1000% believe she was involved due to the shit she talks about them now that they "arnt Friends" she has a mean streak she is trying to cover up.

Maybe it didn't affect her because she wasn't around those assholes..

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4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Because she specifically had that random "john" at her house to take the fall ... the whole meeting was set up so he could take the blame it was staged to high heaven and she was leading him... the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior ... all signs point to her being in the middle of this and trying desperately to keep her hands clean

LVP doesn't seem desperate at all. but they sure as hell do.  Now "Teddi" , that's desperate lol !!!!

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1 minute ago, byrd said:

Maybe it didn't affect her because she wasn't around those assholes..

Im sorry being passive aggressive and condescending but saying its British humor does that not make Lisa an asshole?

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13 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I've never met jon I don't know him he doesn't know me ...cut to her KNOWING everything about the dude at her meeting with him at her house and her conveniently not firing him for speaking on her behalf.. I'm sorry if it was my employee that i didn't "know" from Adam lying and saying I said these things to someone they would be FIRED not oh ok well that's ok Esp after all the employees that she says have backstabed her and leaked things without her knowing come on now ...she is lying through her teeth about this got caught and is now trying to play the sympathy card to wiggle her way out of it.... she tried to do this again with Vile and the Erika condolence card thing "we talked about this" then vile saying NO you said something to me about it and now are trying to drag me into something that has nothing to do with me.... She always tries to get someone else to take the blame

"smart cookie "

4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Im sorry being passive aggressive and condescending but saying its British humor does that not make Lisa an asshole?

Maybe it does, but she plays it well.

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That After Show video is really interesting - especially how LVP ended up with her “poor-me I’ve been through so much” bullshit because she knew her story did not explain the manipulation involving Teddi or the leaking of the story. 

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I think Erika may be done after this season. She doesn’t seem invested with anything and kind of seems like she’s over it. She gets the show though and what viewers want to see. 

And I take issue with what they showed during that scene with Kyle and her dogs. They made it look like something tragic happens or a dog gets run over rather than just another happenstance that got in the way of a family photo shoot. Don’t toy with my emotions about dogs people!

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59 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She filmed a completely different show and reunion and this problem didn't seem to effect her in the least on it or in a negative way ...funny how its only a issue on this show when she was caught in a lie. the woman is using any excuse she can to deflect.. All she has to do is say yes I was messy I wanted this story out and BOOM everyone would move on..... She isnt doing that.. I 1000% believe she was involved due to the shit she talks about them now that they "arnt Friends" she has a mean streak she is trying to cover up.

I disagree.  On VPR, Lisa mentioned being away due to her brother’s death.

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If Dorit had said, Nah, Lisa is my friend, she wouldn't have done that, would the season have gone any differently? Would we have seen a season of them trying to convince Dorit that Lisa gave the story? Would Dorit be enjoying the acceptance she currently has?

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6 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

I am so with you on this. In fact, I would love for Alison DuBois to host the reunion, where she will be able to KNOW when the women are lying and tell all of us who (1) sold the story to ROL and (2) Dumped Lucy at the shelter.

Kyle does seem to really care for her children and they seem to be a close-knit family. They seem to all love each other dearly and that is admirable. But her helicopter-parenting overwhelms me and I think much of her parenting style is borne out of her anxiety. I struggle with GAD, so I understand a little bit what could be going on in Kyle’s mind, but she needs to STOP projecting her anxieties and fears onto every experience. 

When she started out at the trail with Teddi, she comments on how they could be killed! And, the stupid fight from last week started with more of Kyle’s projected anxiety- harassing Boy George about whether he’s afraid random people want to hurt him when he’s on stage. When PK said Kyle was just worried because she can’t even get along with her best friend, I was screaming: “No, PK. It’s about her anxiety.” In many ways I think the emotion and state of being that most fully guide her actions and behaviors on this show and, I assume, IRL, are anxiety and panic. I know Kyle loves her kids and they love her, but I do wish anxiety weren’t the seeming undergird of her parenting philosophy.

Agreed. And Alison would let us know who really planted the story. Just joking because I don't believe in psychics.

Kyle's a worrier and I believe she's always has been. We've seen the way she reacted to Kim, planes, bees, horses. I have to wonder if the break-in was the first time she's been vulnerable in that way. I believe it has affected her more than she realizes.

The only things I found odd about Kyle's parenting was allowing a ten year old to sleep in her parents bed and also breakfast in bed if that is an everyday thing for them.  I hope what we saw was just a rushed morning & also maybe for the cameras. Kids need chores and to learn responsibility. I don't see any of that with Portia (her market shopping was laughable (not in a good way) & for the cameras. She seems to be a good kid but she is quite spoiled.

With Kyle being on the real housewives so long, and now coming into more wealth these past few years, you can see how it has affected her 2 younger children more so than the older two.  Portia comes off as more entitled than any of the daughters. It's the one thing I did like that LVP and Ken did with Max working at the restaurant. He started at the bottom. Sure they rewarded him but he had to show effort first.

Nothing gets pass Eloise, I see her breaking that 4th wall 😉. She sees that cameraman & is wondering what in the hell he's doing in her home. I don't mind seeing her because so far she hasn't been made into a storyline by her mother like the boy was in almost every episode on RHoNJ. 

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46 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

all signs point to her being in the middle of this and trying desperately to keep her hands clean. why was he not FIRED on the spot?

Um, you watch VDP Rules, I think you've answered your own question. Since when does Lisa fire anyone on the spot? You say guilty, I say consistent. 

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Lord help me, I want to come to Kyle's defense on something. I was an only child and my mom made me the center of her world when I was kid. When I got older, it was smothering and I sought my own independence. I'm sure Portia will do the same.

I see absolutely nothing cheer-worthy about having 10-year-olds do their own laundry and cook their own breakfast. Being a parent means taking care of your kids WHEN THEY ARE KIDS. If Portia is 20, not working, and still getting breakfast in bed, we can indict Kyle's parenting. 

Sometimes helicopter parenting has its advantages for the parents. My mom  called me three to four times a day once I moved to college. It was annoying, yes. But as I got older, I appreciated how much she cared. My parents are getting old and need help - and I'm only too happy to do all I can for them. Why? They did all they could for me when I was young.

Just thought a different perspective might be helpful. Kyle might be a crappy friend with boundary issues, but a bad or misguided mother, she is not.

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13 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

And why did he need his toenails trimmed for the photo? Oh I know, just another way to prove she is indispensable.

Toenail trimming was not necessary for posing for a holiday photo. 

Why would Mauricio agree to have that filmed ? It’s weird.

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5 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Um, you watch VDP Rules, I think you've answered your own question. Since when does Lisa fire anyone on the spot? You say guilty, I say consistent. 

I get what you are saying but does she claim to not know her employees that work for her on VDR tho? Her employees are like family to her if you follow what she does on VDR...... she specifically said she didn't know john or anything about him no clue who he really was but was totally ok with this "stranger" lying and using her name to do it and not in the least worried that he might do it again esp with track records of CLOSE friends and employees doing it to her in the past? Something smells and its not the day old fish from her restaurant

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