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Dear Diary: Question Of The Day(s)

Message added by JTMacc99

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Welcome to a place for answering random questions as honestly as possible.


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Jeez @Drogo, leading with the feels. 

I'm not particularly vulnerable to songs. Everything I listen to is sad, or angry. Movies, sports, people winning at life on the other hand...

Having said that, this jerk, with this song, fucked me up for like half a day one time. 

Pandora has a live version that I can't find on Spotify or YouTube where she talks about what this song means before she belts out the first I WILL REMEMBER YOU.  Ugh. 

  • Love 2

Galveston, by Glenn Campbell. (This and Moon River got used more than once in funerals when I was a kid, so Moon River too.)  In Dreams, by Roy Orbison.  Solo le pido a Dios, by Mercedes Sosa.

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (my mother's favorite secular Christmas song).  I'll See You In My DreamsI'll Be Home For Christmas. by anybody.

Geez, lots more too. 

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 4

Go Rest High On That Mountain. Someone sang it at my dad's funeral. It was my sole contribution to the funeral, suggesting the song. I knew when I heard it years before that it would be the perfect song. (I know it's weird to hang on to a song for your dad's funeral when he's not even sick, but what can I say? I knew it when I heard it. He loved country music.)

Also, Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning. I really like the live version from the first time he sang it at the CMA awards in 2001, with Vince Gill introducing him.

Edited by auntlada
Because I stupidly forgot to copy the second link and just repasted the first one.
  • Love 2

Oh, man, there's quite a few songs that can make me cry-I'm a sentimental, emotional sort :p.

But to try and pick just one, Gotye's "Bronte". Probably not a good idea to listen to this one if you've just lost a pet (or if your pets are still alive, it'll make you want to hold them close), that's all I'm gonna say. The video just adds to the emotion.

  • Love 1


The reason why Lieutenant Dan is so sad?  Easy.  Forrest brought him a Vanilla cone, and his favorite is obviously Mint Chocolate Chip in a paper cup with rainbow sprinkles and crushed Oreos.  Rookie mistake, Forrest.  No Medal of Honor today.

So, what's your favorite way to eat ice cream or your frozen treat of choice? 
(type, flavor, toppings, container/vehicle) 

Mint chocolate chip is my favorite.  One scoop, on a cake cone, or in a cup.  Or a bowl, if I'm at home.

But if I'm at a Coldstone Creamery, I'll get the Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip or Chocolate Devotion.  In a cup.

We have a local creamery that has one that's called Lemon Crunch, and it is delicious.  I will sometimes get half a scoop of that plus half a scoop of Mint chocolate chip.  In a cup.

If I'm feeling fancy, I'll put chocolate syrup on the mint chocolate chip.

Edited by Browncoat
  • Love 3

In the U.S., a Braum's double scoop brownie fudge sundae, but not with vanilla ice cream. I want one scoop of butter pecan and one scoop of something chocolate -- chocolate almond, chocolate pecan, chocolate toffee, whatever they have that day. Or a Dairy Queen M&M blizzard.

Outside the U.S., a cup of half chocolate and half hazelnut gelato while walking around Rome. I'm probably never going to get that again, though.

  • Love 2

Talente Gelato is so rich and delicious. I really enjoy the Southern Butter Pecan flavor. To mix it up I’ll have Cherry Garcia right out of the container. I live alone so there’s no danger of someone else getting my germs. I’ll buy new if I’m having company. I usually keep a small container of coffee flavored ice cream in the freezer for my granddaughter. 

I used to love the toasted almond ice cream pops by Good Humor, but I haven’t seen them in ages. Just the strawberry shortcake flavored ones. 

  • Love 2

It's here. Finally. 

The week when two of the biggest, most anticipated battles of the decade are about to happen...

And there's always That Guy.  You know him.  We all know him...

The one who chimes in "Ooooooo well, I've never seen GoT/any Marvel movies." 

lnuyy61l5oz6x2x3odrg.gif  giphy.gif

So what is the one major thing..
other than Game of Thrones or Marvel movies..
that you like to tell people you've never seen?


Today's QotD courtesy of the amazing @JTMacc99

9 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I have so many of these.

  • Breaking Bad
  • The Walking Dead
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Star Wars
  • True Blood
  • The Wire

We have a lot of the same results. Never seen TWD, Lord of the Rings or any of that series, Star Wars, Breaking Bad or The Wire. Not to be a twin, but I guess I beat to my own drummer. I’m ok with that. 

Have you tried Bosch? 

  • Love 2

My long time favorite one is "I've never seen E.T." At this point, if I were snowed in for a long weekend and the only thing on TV was E.T. I wouldn't watch it out of principle. And it's ridiculous that I've never seen the second most viewed movie ever, given that I was probably 13 when it came out.  

More recently I've been "that guy" about Breaking Bad. I give a good Pftt! I have no interest in that, much to the chagrin of whichever friend is trying to convince me that it's awesome. 

There are other things that I haven't seen that seemingly everybody else has seen, but I'm willing to concede that I'd probably like them if I tried them including:

  • The Walking Dead
  • The Office
  • Parks and Recreation

Bosch the show is pretty good. The books, at least the first couple of books, are fantastic. (Oh dear God, I just slipped into The books were better Guy, while I'm at it. I'll show myself out.)

  • Love 3

I've never seen The Wire or The Walking Dead, but before now it was never a "tell people about my not having seen it" thing...unless they literally asked me "have you seen it?" and I said "nope". I tried to watch Breaking Bad but gave up after two episodes because I couldn't bear it. I think that's the closest one to meeting what I think @Drogo is really getting at. (To be honest I'm having trouble coming up with any, and instead am reading the examples already given and chiming in about those.)

  • Love 2
  • I've never seen Breaking Bad. Tried to watch one episode, but after 10 minutes, I knew I'd never like Walter White.  
  • I've never read or seen any Harry Potter -- I'm actually a little ashamed of that one since it's supposed to be a good series. I think I was just too old when the wave hit. 
  • I've never seen Love, Actually. And I love rom-coms! I don't know why this one never interested me. 
  • MCU movies: I've never seen any of the Avengers, Captain America movies, Guardians of the Galaxy,...   Maybe I'll just list what I have seen:  Iron Man (first one), Black Panther (Wakanda Forever), and Spider Man Homecoming (drug by husband and kids)
17 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Yes we love our Bosch dishwasher. 

Isn't it great? So quiet, I forget it's running. LOL

Edited by topanga
  • Love 2

I've never seen any of The Walking Dead or Harry Potter.  I watched the first episode of Breaking Bad, although I don't think I knew was it was at the time, and never went back for more.

4 minutes ago, topanga said:

I've never seen Love, Actually. And I love rom-coms! I don't know why this one never interested me.  

I saw it a couple of months ago.  Was over the GF's place, it was a lazy weekend afternoon, and it came on.  She had seen it before, and likes it, so we watched again.  It was OK, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it.

  • Love 1

Just  few agreements from me

55 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Downton Abbey. Never seen it, never felt the need to, never will.

53 minutes ago, auntlada said:

Pulp Fiction.

Not interested.

34 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Yes we love our Bosch dishwasher. 

I hated ours

30 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

There are other things that I haven't seen that seemingly everybody else has seen, but I'm willing to concede that I'd probably like them if I tried them including:

  • The Office
  • Parks and Recreation
18 minutes ago, topanga said:
  • I've never seen Breaking Bad. Tried to watch one episode, but after 10 minutes, I knew I'd never like Walter White.  
  • MCU movies: I've never seen any of the Avengers, Captain America movies, Guardians of the Galaxy,...  

I'll add Avatar, Big Little Lies, Orange is the New Black, Big Bang Theory, The Lion King

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, druzy said:


I like anything Titanic-related, so I've seen the movie a few times and own the DVD.  However, I never cared for Jack or Rose (or any of the fictional characters).  I watched the movie to see the costumes, the ship itself, and the special effects of the sinking.  I went to see the ship, not the romance!  

As for TV shows or movies I haven't seen, other than catching the first several seasons of 'Game of Thrones' on DVD from my local public library, I can say that I've never seen any show that airs on HBO, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu,  or any of the other premium cable or streaming channels, because I don't subscribe to any of them.

  • Love 3
Message added by JTMacc99

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