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David T. Cole
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Great game time! Some of those are hard. I admire you volunteer game time people. I work from home quite often and watch a lot of TV but I'm convinced if I was ever in an actual game time I would miss a super obvious question and flee the internet.

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I saw Stephen King speak last night, and at some point he made reference to Under the Dome, saying "not the TV show of the same name...." and of course I immediately thought of Tara. And also Sarah saying "...Domer." FYI!

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Great game time! Some of those are hard. I admire you volunteer game time people. I work from home quite often and watch a lot of TV but I'm convinced if I was ever in an actual game time I would miss a super obvious question and flee the internet.

Same. Except for the working from home part.

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I had so much fun playing and not just because I won. Although that is going on my LinkedIn profile as a skill. Thanks Carlos for braving the IMDB message boards to create the game!


Great game time! Some of those are hard. I admire you volunteer game time people. I work from home quite often and watch a lot of TV but I'm convinced if I was ever in an actual game time I would miss a super obvious question and flee the internet.



Same. Except for the working from home part.


I had the same worry. My advice is be very prompt in replying to the invite email because I would not have done as well in any other position. And keep listening to EHG. At least half the shows I've never seen but guessed the answer from hearing about them on previous podcasts.

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I love Tara's Under The Dome Recaps. I find her frustration with the show pretty amusing. I read the book and it was okay....not one of Stephen King's best. I was excited to see this TV show and I gave up after about 3 or 4 episodes. It really didn't have anything to do with the book except there was a dome and a dude named Big Jim.

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So what sadists among us want Tara's Under the Dome recaps to continue, with her having to repeat the series from start to finish again and again until she loses her ever lovin' mind in increasingly entertaining ways?


Just me?

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I have read every recap for Under The Dome this season, even though I would never, in a million years, watch the actual show. Tara's recaps are like the WTF of listening to a little kid tell an outlandish story that they are making up as they go along. You just kind of roll with the water-skiing unicorns and talking camels because sure, why not?

They must have moved Minority Report from Toronto after the pilot, because you can't go anywhere in Vancouver right now without stumbling across one of their sets. They've even filmed on weekends I think.

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I have read every recap for Under The Dome this season, even though I would never, in a million years, watch the actual show. Tara's recaps are like the WTF of listening to a little kid tell an outlandish story that they are making up as they go along. You just kind of roll with the water-skiing unicorns and talking camels because sure, why not?


For me, it's like that one guy at the party who is super coked up and he has all these *intense* feelings! and ideas! and he keeps talking faster and faster and more intensely. And whenever anyone tries to ask any questions about the word salad he's throwing out, he just waves them off because "HE'S JUST GOTTA GET ALL THIS OUT THERE AND TELL THE PEOPLE!" 


Only this is awesome, while coke guy is just a windbag dick.

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I'm still not seeing it in iTunes but it may take time? I don't know how fast iTunes updates.


Hearing Sarah mispronounce my name is one of my life's greatest achievements, simply because I once resisted spelling it like that for this exact reason but bowed to peer pressure and gone with it (my name's Elisabeth with an S and I used to spell Liz with a z... anyway on topic!)


I swear my husband and I have a "thing" for almost every show we watch, likely because we tend to do more binge watching than normal TV watching and by the third or fourth episode of anything we're a bit loopy and start a running gag. I used to have a specific choreographed dance for the theme to Vegas (god we watch some crap TV) and the NCIS dance is our mocking of a rave type dance, like with pretend glow sticks in our hands? Because the theme is super aggressively bad techno? I also purse my lips any time Sarah lover of "duck face" is on screen on Arrow. I also narrate Dexter's opening credits and criticize the way he cooks his breakfast every time. It's not annoying at all I'm sure! 

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Lis! Great mini topic! We do "Grr Arrrgh" on all Mutant Enemy shows. 


Thanks! We do "Grr Arrrgh" too and I get mad every time we watch S.H.I.E.L.D because they play promos over it so you can't hear it. 

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I have something of a sparkling/mineral water addiction, and when it comes to LaCroix (which we also call LaCroy--there's a river in MN spelled that way and pronounced St. Croy so it's hardwired), I second the rec for the Pamplemousse (the cartons do also say Grapefruit, but I think we can agree that's not nearly as fun to say) and the harder-to-find Apricot. Not a big fan of any of the other flavors. (Tara & Dave, I saw your NY Seltzer haul, so you're probably all set, but I also really like the Lemon-Lime Canada Dry, if you can find that near you. That one is more flavorful and less metallic than most lemon or lime options, I think. Tastes like an unsweetened Sprite, to me.)


Also a quick note of something I think on a weekly basis and then forget: I love the way you've incorporated ads. Really liked the EHG Micro on sisters this week. Rob, you seem like a good bro.

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I'm still not seeing it in iTunes but it may take time? I don't know how fast iTunes updates.

I use the Apple Podcasts app and wasn't able to see the episode until this morning (or I suppose, sometime during the night, while I was sleeping.) So it definitely took a while to arrive.

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  • I had a dance to the "Medium" theme.

At the close of the Amazing Race whenever Bertram van Munster's name pops up, we say in a monster-y voice, "Bertram von MONSTER" with some monster noises.

I always have to do the 90210 fist pump/fake hit thing from the opening credits 

Can you NOT do the Grrr, Argh? It's in our DNA now! Unpossible!

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Could we just drop Brandon down into South Park as Kenny? He'd bray about the cause du episode but his mouth would be covered by parka so we wouldn't actually have to listen to him and then he'd die, gruesomely, every episode. Good times...

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