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S09.E11: Peace Gathering

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Lincoln gets a new brother while Kail offers Jenelle a peace offering; but her good deed backfires.

Chelsea is forced to confront Adam's parents about continuing their visits with Aubree.

Leah receives an update on Ali’s vision.

Airs March 25, 2019

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Does Briana realize child support isn't a weapon to be brandished at her convenience? It's money that Stella is entitled to. If Luis moves to Florida, shares custody and it has to be adjusted that's one thing, but to take him off altogether? She really is the Queen of the Idiot People.

Poor Ali, she just can't catch a break. I felt bad for her at her eye appointment when she struggled to read the letters. She looked so discouraged. I think both Cory and Leah are in major denial as to how the MD affects Ali emotionally.

Does anyone else wish the entire swamp (minus the kids and dogs) had gone up in flames when Jenelle burnt Kail's "peace gathering"? 

I wonder if Briana feels some kind of way that both of her kids prefer Devoin?

Maybe by the time Chelsea's 30 she'll have enough emotional maturity to stop using her 9 year-old child as a go-between and confront the Linds face-to-face. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Poor Aubree getting interrogated as soon as she gets in the car. Chelsea makes her feel like she's done something wrong. And it drives me nuts when Chelsea tells Aubree to leave the room so she can talk with Cole or whoever. She just repeats everything she already said to Aubree.

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WTF IS a peace gathering, Jenelle? Also, ask Barb what a peanut nayer is. 

This show is so boring, because I already know all their business. That happened months ago. Knew about the hair products on fire. Jenelle and David are nuts. What else is new?

The saddest moment of the show was Maryssa and Jace jumping in to calm Kaiser, while his mom does nothing. 

And big surprise that Andrew's "mom" never texted Barb back.

Other girls were even more boring, and that's saying a lot. 

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37 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Does Briana realize child support isn't a weapon to be brandished at her convenience? It's money that Stella is entitled to. If Luis moves to Florida, shares custody and it has to be adjusted that's one thing, but to take him off altogether? She really is the Queen of the Idiot People.

I just have to ask:  Is "take him off" child support your usual parlance, or did you pick it up from Briana?  Because the term makes no sense to me; if anybody is "on" child support, it's the kid receiving it, not the person paying it.

And I can't decide if she's using it as a weapon or as a bribe.  Either way, it's wrong.


37 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder if Briana feels some kind of way that both of her kids prefer Devoin?

I've always had a soft spot for Devoin and his underbite, and really hope he's coming around.

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Briana thinks child support is like a pair of shoes!

Take ‘em off.....Put ‘em on!!!!!  Take ‘em off....Put ‘em on!!!!!!

I guess they did nothing in PR except eat at the buffet.

MTV didn’t bother with any more footage.

Las Aburridas are the most boring people Ever! 

I have never seen a person on reality Tv go on vacation and the show only features a 5 minute clip! 😂🇵🇷🌴

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Chelsea needs to get it through her dim-witted head that Adam is never going to give up rights to Aubree. Whether he's motivated by selfishness or a desire to piss Chelsea off or not wanting his family to lose that connection, it doesn't matter. It's. Not. Happening. I hate to break it to her, but a judge isn't going to make it happen either. I have a drug-addicted cousin with five kids whose arrest record puts Adam's to shame, and she never had rights terminated with any of them. 

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27 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I’m really starting to dislike Chelsea. STOP DRILLING YOUR FUCKING KID!!!!! She has no business putting all of this on Aubree. They’re legally allowed to come to lunch, try to get it changed if you want but stop trying to make Aubree feel some kind of way about it. Chelsea is an idiot for telling Aubree or Donna about possibly stopping the visits until she even found out if that’s what was going to happen! This is clearly NOT just about protecting Aubree and doing what’s best for her - if it was Chelsea would be glad that they are doing the lunch visits, especially since that is apparently the only way they know they’ll be able to see her. It also shows Donna really cares about having a relationship with Aubree, which obviously bothers Chelsea. There’s no way in hell they’ve going to agree to Cole adopting Aubree..I feel like it would be stupid to even ask at this point.

I also feel that by her reaction she doesn’t really give a shit what Aubree thinks or feels about not seeing them. She’s clearly, to me, trying to set it up like it’s an “us” (Cole, Chelsea AND Aubree) vs “them” (the Linds). The subtext seemed to be, sorry those icky people are bothering you at school, Aubree. We’re going to try make it so that they can’t bother you anymore! I don’t think there’s any justification for how Chelsea treated Aubree this episode. I can I understand her wanting to punish Adam, and even his parents, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. Her attitude about the school visits really gave me insight into her motivation, it’s not just to protect Aubree, it’s also to punish the Linds and remove them from Aubree’s life entirely. Otherwise why not be happy that they see her on a limited time basis in a totally safe space?! Aubree is safe with them there and doesn’t have to feel as abandoned by her father and his family if they see her there. Isn’t that the best thing for her?

I never, ever thought I’d even come close to “sticking up for Adam” and I’m still not, FUCK him...I’m actually sticking up for Aubree and her right to have a relationship with her relatives she’s known her whole life in a safe space like school and to not be interrogated by her mother about said visits. Chelsea literally asked Aubree NINE questions about the Linds in rapid succession right when Aubree got into the car. Not to mention all the comments that were not questions. And Aubree isn’t going to tell Chelsea that it’ll upset her to not see them, she already more than knows how Chelsea feels about it. Chelsea came off so badly this episode.

When Aubree got in the car I got the feeling that she was very happy and upbeat. She usually comes off shy.

Maybe Aubree’s mood was upbeat because she saw her Dad. 

I noticed that when she was taking to Chelsey she was loud and answered all the questions in such a mature way.  She is usually soft spoken and reluctant to answer Chelsea’s because she doesn’t want to say the wrong thing.

Then when Chelsea told her the visitation might stop, Aubree’s mood changed and she became annoyed.  Like she made a face.

Kinda like.....can everyone just stop fighting....please!

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It actually felt like Aubree was low-key defending her Grandma Donna during the interrogation. 

Aubree: what did u tell her?

Chelsea: I told her visitation was gonna hv to stop because they hv violated the court order and she never texted me back.

Aubree: what do you expect her to say.

Aubree clearly seemed bothered and uncomfortable during the conversation, but of course Chelsea denied any discomfort when the producer asked her about it.

Marroquin is pronounced ma-do-keen, Javi.

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I guess I’m the only one who understands stopping visitation.   I have a psycho mother in law.  Very clearly psycho.  Without telling the whole 12 yr backstory let’s just say even though she is no longer in our life and has been trespasses from our property for assaulting me, they still send messages through distant family and show up at my daughters school.  She is now home school. They are beyond unhinged.  Chelsea’s issue from a few seasons ago was that Donna keeps putting these things in Aubree’s head.  Either getting her hopes up or making her feel sad.  She’s beginning to say “you may not see me again if you’re mom allows it” in a round about way.  (Like my mother in law whispering to my 4 yr old to never listen to anything her momma says about her!). Aubree is getting conflicting stories and that is too much for a little girl.  

The last birthday card from my psycho mother in law was telling my daughter “I’ll see you when you start driving! This is why we are moving.   

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Havent watched, got some bad news last pm. The ONLY reason I dont like the Linds is that they do not follow the rules set up by the court. If they are allowed to see Aubree,  but Adam cannot be there they have to follow through with that. I get that he is their son and they love him unconditionally but if they want to see their granddaughter they have to follow the rules or get the rules changed. Aubree's such a smart kid at some point she is going to resent Cole and Chelsea not letting her pursue her relationship with her dad. Chelsea and Cole need to put aside their feelings and do what's best for their daughter.

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Did Chelsea give the Linds one weekend a month in exchange for Adam giving in on something, like the hyphenated name or child support or something? I just can't figure out why she would have given the grandparents legal visitation instead of just having an informal arrangement like most grandparents get. 

Boy did Kristin-the-producer look so much different in the office than she does in the field. 

Why did Kail need to get away to a Days Inn? If the kids are gone, that means you have the whole house to yourself! Unless it was to meet Becky halfway or something?

Edited by Vandy10
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Mo' baby daddies, mo' problems! Huh, Kail.  Will being on speaking terms with your all of your baby daddies at the same time will rip a whole in the fabric of reality or something? 

" I am not speaking to Jo or Chris this week, but I am speaking to Javi. Oh, Chris called me for a booty call, so I am speaking to him now and not Javi becasue  Lauren was in the car when he dropped Lincoln off...and I am still not speaking to Jo!"

Adam's parents need to learn the hard way that being in Aubree's life is a privilege and  not a right.

Of course Lurch's first instinct is to shoot Kail's "peace gathering". As much as I can't  stand Kail, I have to give her props for turning Jenelle's little fiery tirade into a promotional opportunity for Pothead which btw is no different than the 50-11 million other haircare products on the market. The first ingredient for two of the products is silicone; that's what gives you the silky feel and takes the frizz. Also, CBD oil is no different than argan, borage or any other oil that is high in EFA.

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This dull-ass episode came close to accomplishing the impossible: getting me to like Kail for five minutes. Her ability to laugh at Jenelle's ridiculous fire antics was great, and I also liked that while discussing Jenelle's problems and labeling them self-made, Kail acknowledged that the same could be said of her. This reasonable side of Kail is almost someone I can get behind, until I remember how she's ignoring Jo over the child support issue and running hot and cold with Javi. If Kail can maintain her composure when dealing with Jenelle and see the childishness of her behavior, then she ought to be able to recognize the same in her interactions with her exes. As Leah astutely put it, a petty tug-of-war between parents benefits no one; Kail could stand to take notes. These glimpses of her where she's normal and rational make it all the more frustrating that 95% of the time, she's a selfish cow.

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4 hours ago, Mkay said:

I guess I’m the only one who understands stopping visitation.   I have a psycho mother in law.  Very clearly psycho.  

I don't blame Chelsea for stopping the visitation. If the Linds choose not to follow the court order, that's on them, not her. I do blame her for pushing the adoption talk when it's unlikely to happen and the constant interrogations which clearly make Aubree uncomfortable. If Chelsea has a bone to pick with Donna, she needs to take it up with her, not get pissy with a nine year-old and demand details about her lunchtime conversations. None of the adults are coming off well in this situation.

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Both sides need to get together and draw up a plan now that Aubree is older and understands what is going on.

They need to go to mediation. Of, course Chelsea has the right to make the final decision on what is best for her daughter. But, she needs to do this mediation first.

Yes! Chelsea....stop acting like she doesn’t understand! Your daughter is showing signs of hiding her true feelings from you, because she clearly wants the BS to stop. Aubree feels like a kid with divorcing parents.

Oh, who do you like more?  Who do you want to spend more time with?

What does she expect the Grandma to do?

You are threatening them with cutting off parental rights and want your new husband to adopt Aubree.

This is why Grandma makes sure she doesn’t miss those lunches.  This is why she is dragging Adam  to them.  This is why she told Aubree she wants to see her. 

FORGET ABOUT THE ADOPTION! Grandma Donna not giving up Aubree!

Grandma Donna is not going to stop working on her son to be a father to his daughter.

(Just go to mediation)

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Does anyone know if the Aubree’s grandparents have court ordered visitation or is it an informal arrangement?

I read that in South Dakota, grandparents can get court-ordered visitation as long as the visits do not significantly interfere with the child-parent relationship. Also, judges have leeway in determining whether a contentious relationship between the parent and grandparents would result in grandparents not having visitation. 

The grandparents would be required in any case to keep Adam away from Aubree unless he is supervised in a court-approved setting. They also likely would be prohibited from bad- mouthing Chelsea in Aubree’s presence. Courts and judges do not generally take kindly to people disregarding court orders. 

Chelsea does need to stop talking about adoption in front of Aubree, though. 

Edited by Adiba
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How long til Briana fucks Looooooisssss when he’s back in town AND the new boyfriend AND Devoin and doesn’t know who the next baby daddy is? 

Also, I am glad that Stella likes Devoin and he seems to be a sweet enough guy to pay attention to her, but that Coven is always doing the most! Yes, he likes her and she likes him but they made it such a big deal that he barely even spent any time with Nova because they kept putting that baby (who’s not his) on him... those brujas make me sick!! 

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22 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Both sides need to get together and draw up a plan now that Aubree is older and understands what is going on.

They need to go to mediation. Of, course Chelsea has the right to make the final decision on what is best for her daughter. But, she needs to do this mediation first.

Yes! Chelsea....stop acting like she doesn’t understand! Your daughter is showing signs of hiding her true feelings from you, because she clearly wants the BS to stop. Aubree feels like a kid with divorcing parents.

Oh, who do you like more?  Who do you want to spend more time with?

What does she expect the Grandma to do?

You are threatening them with cutting off parental rights and want your new husband to adopt Aubree.

This is why Grandma makes sure she doesn’t miss those lunches.  This is why she is dragging Adam  to them.  This is why she told Aubree she wants to see her. 

FORGET ABOUT THE ADOPTION! Grandma Donna not giving up Aubree!

Grandma Donna is not going to stop working on her son to be a father to his daughter.

(Just go to mediation)

THIS times one hundred. 

EVERYONE who interrogates Aubree and/or trash talks about the other side in front of Aubree is wrong.    I have some personal experience with that type of behavior and I wasn't much older than Aubree before I learned to hide the truth/not share things.    So this whole situation has me seeing red. 

I'm team Aubree all the way! 

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

You're not the only one. I get it. My in-laws aren't nearly as bad as you describe; and I'm certainly not in a situation like with the Linds. But I don't trust mine at all. I wouldn't even let them babysit, because I know the second we'd leave, they'd be filling our kids' heads with garbage. My husband agrees. 

I don't like that Aubree has to feel in the middle. But I also understand why Chelsea would want to know what Donna says to her. IMO, Donna basically said, "We TRIED to get you this weekend, but your mom's a hater and wouldn't let that happen." She's passive aggressive as fuck. She can't respond to Chelsea's text? And maturely address the issue? No, she handles it with the child. 

I think Chelsea needs to work on HOW she talks to Aubree about these things; but I don't have an issue with her wanting to know what goes down OR stopping visitation. Adumb hadn't been to a lunch in forever. Chelsea stops visitation because of repeated violations of the court order.....and here they both come! Showing up at the school. I see you, Donna. I see you. 

Yes!! You get it. Sadly we deal with sort of similar situations.  Sigh

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I cannot decide. 

I totally love this episode without Cole. He is like the ‘nice version’ of David.

But, this episode was incredible boring.  Is it missing Janelle’s antics? 

Maybe we need David back. Someone needs to riled up Janelle.

I am not digging Barb and Delusional Janelle.....who all of the sudden thinks she is a Parenting 101 expert. 

I am kinda missing the old  ‘Give Me my son back!’ Janelle.

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16 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Yes!! You get it. Sadly we deal with sort of similar situations.  Sigh

I understand why sometimes parents need to limit or even stop grandparents from visiting grandkids.

Never had to do it myself with my children, but I did have a very passive aggressive, controlling MIL who would drive me nuts sometimes! She lived an hour away, and when we would visit, she’d always try to extend the time we spent there. We’d be ready to leave, and she’d say, “Oh, but I promised the kids I’d take them to Toys R Us today!” If we said no,—she’d say, “Mommy and Daddy won’t let me” to my kids.

Thank goodness she never put my children’s safety or wellbeing at risk— she was a pretty good grandma. 

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It always amazes me, that after 9 seasons of this shit that Chelsea can't quite wrap her head around the fact that a court isn't going to sever the relationship between her daughter and Adam and his family unless shit gets *dire* and I mean *dire*, like prosecutable neglect or to get out of a massive amount of child support.  They won't do it just because your husband wants to adopt your kid.  She's better off waiting for Adam to OD or roll another vehicle and not come out the other side.  It'd probably be faster.  

Speaking of courts, Brianna remains clueless.  I've never heard the idiom "put someone on child support".  Is that like being put on report?  KP duty?  God, she'd dumb.  

Edited by Lemur
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I'm pretty sure the Linds have a court-ordered agreement for visitation. They probably should pay some small, short-term consequence for violating it since they know damn well that Adam is not supposed to be at the house when Aubree is there, but Chelsea and Cole are really starting to be assholes. They have it in their head that Aubree needs to be adopted in case something happens to Chelsea, but seems to forget that Aubree cares very much about her grandparents and being a part of that family. She knows Adam is a shit father, but she still cares about him. And didn't she already tell Cole and Chelsea that she does not want to be adopted? They need to stop.

I have tentative high hopes for Devon and hope he doesn't let Nova down. It's nice that Stella likes him so much, but Luis needs to get his life in order. Maybe once he sees his child interact with Devon and then sees her not recognize her own father he'll get it. Probably not, though.

Someone above mentioned Javi and Lauren and eye contact. I noticed that he would not look at her when speaking to her during their segment and thought it was weird. He's just a big old flaming show-ho.

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Jenelle is such an ignorant asshat. Setting fire to the "peace gathering" (WTF is peace gathering anyway...more Jenelle stupidity) was dangerous and immature. Their entire swamp land could have gone up in flames. 

Why would Kail go to some small dumpy looking hotel for the weekend when she could have her house to herself? Just so she could drink and do whatever with her lesbian friend? 

Chelsea needs to leave Aubree alone. The minute that kid gets into the car she's grilling her about Adam and her grandmother. It's really becoming obvious that Aubree is uncomfortable talking to Chelsea about these things...maybe it would be more appropriate to not grill her the minute she gets into the car! It might be better to slip it in casually during dessert at dinner or later in the week when it's not so fresh. Chelsea seems eager to hear anything new that implicates Adam in another drug or DUI scandal.

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1 hour ago, JuliesMommy said:

How long til Briana fucks Looooooisssss when he’s back in town AND the new boyfriend AND Devoin and doesn’t know who the next baby daddy is? 

Also, I am glad that Stella likes Devoin and he seems to be a sweet enough guy to pay attention to her, but that Coven is always doing the most! Yes, he likes her and she likes him but they made it such a big deal that he barely even spent any time with Nova because they kept putting that baby (who’s not his) on him... those brujas make me sick!! 

This seems to be exactly what Roxanne did.  They can all pretend Devoin is Stella's daddy and not tell her until she shows up on a spin off reality show.  SMH stop the damn cycle women.

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59 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

My favorite part of the episode is when the producer was talking to Janelle and Janelle said that people shouldn't buy Kail's products because it's flammable.......................producer says, "Well you did pour gasoline on it"...................................ROFLMAO

All that fire starting--will no one think of the SOD? Considering the time and energy deployed in all matters pertaining to sod--obtaining it, laying it, the care and feeding of it--one would think they wouldn't treat it so cavalierly.

Once again, poor little Kaiser is upset and crying, and the best his repellent hose beast of a mother can manage is "Kaiser? Seriously?" with an exasperated eyeroll.

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12 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Why would Kail go to some small dumpy looking hotel for the weekend when she could have her house to herself? Just so she could drink and do whatever with her lesbian friend? 

Well Karl is a celebrity and sometimes you just have to get away from the paparazzi, book offers, TV offers and baby daddies. 

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25 minutes ago, politichick said:

Someone above mentioned Javi and Lauren and eye contact. I noticed that he would not look at her when speaking to her during their segment and thought it was weird. He's just a big old flaming show-ho.

Another relationship that's going to end badly. There's no chemistry between them at all. I can't believe Lauren uprooted her entire life for a guy who seems lukewarm towards her at best.

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I think the Linds do have court-ordered visitation. Because I kind of remember Chelsea saying something about how she would be in violation by not taking Aubree there; BUT that they're violating the order by allowing Adumb over. She, honestly, needs to go back to lawyer and present all the times the Linds have gone against the order. Let the legal system officially deal with it. 

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30 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Well Karl is a celebrity and sometimes you just have to get away from the paparazzi, book offers, TV offers and baby daddies. 

And your products in a gasoline fire across the new lawn................

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Just now, ghoulina said:

I think the Linds do have court-ordered visitation. Because I kind of remember Chelsea saying something about how she would be in violation by not taking Aubree there; BUT that they're violating the order by allowing Adumb over. She, honestly, needs to go back to lawyer and present all the times the Linds have gone against the order. Let the legal system officially deal with it. 

If it is the case that the court has allowed visitation with the “no-Adam” stipulation, then Chelsea can and should bring it to her lawyer if the Linds are repeatedly disregarding it.  Then it would be up to a judge to decide if it is in Aubree’s best interest to continue visits. Perhaps the judge will require the Linds to only have supervised visits if they don’t comply.

I think it is a good thing for a child to have positive relationships with grandparents and extended family— as long as they respect court orders and boundaries. I do agree that Adam will never sign his rights away for whatever reason, so the adoption point is moot at least now.

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I thought  Pyromaniac Janelle was the best part of the episode. 

Kail is staying at the Red Roof Inn because Jo is going after her due to the millions of dollars she makes each year.  Either she is saving money for that big check is she going to write Jo or not flaunting her wealth and hope he believes she is not that rich.

Which reminds me.  Can someone make this STOP! No Mas!




Jo’s daughter 

Javi’s new baby

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12 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

I thought  Pyromaniac Janelle was the best part of the episode. 

Kail is staying at the Red Roof Inn because Jo is going after her due to the millions of dollars she makes each year.  Either she is saving money for that big check is she going to write Jo or not flaunting her wealth and hope he believes she is not that rich.

Which reminds me.  Can someone make this STOP! No Mas!




Jo’s daughter 

Javi’s new baby

If you think Chris was Kail's final baby daddy, you're wrong. I imagine there will at least be 1 to 2 more since shes still in her 20's and let's face it, doesn't care how having 545 baby daddies looks or how it affects her kids.

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13 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

If you think Chris was Kail's final baby daddy, you're wrong. I imagine there will at least be 1 to 2 more since shes still in her 20's and let's face it, doesn't care how having 545 baby daddies looks or how it affects her kids.

For surrrre!  There are gonna be more people added to this list.

I don’t think Kail is done, either.  Lux’s daddy will have more kids. I can see  Javi having kids with another woman.

If they get with people that already have kids.......that number will get up there.

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Kail’s hotel room was bleak, wish they would’ve explained that better/ shown more of her weekend “getaway”.. Glad she could laugh at Jenelle’s pettiness though. 

Aubree is way too smart for Chelsea- “what could she say to that though?” That Mandi producer is Chelsea’s #1 superfan, it’s painfully unprofessional and cringe worthy to watch. 

Briana could do well to drop NY John and settle down with Devoin now. I wonder if they’re secretly hooking up, it must be attractive to her to see him interacting so positively with her girls. 

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1 hour ago, BARISTA said:

Kail’s hotel room was bleak, wish they would’ve explained that better/ shown more of her weekend “getaway”.. Glad she could laugh at Jenelle’s pettiness though. 

Aubree is way too smart for Chelsea- “what could she say to that though?” That Mandi producer is Chelsea’s #1 superfan, it’s painfully unprofessional and cringe worthy to watch. 

Briana could do well to drop NY John and settle down with Devoin now. I wonder if they’re secretly hooking up, it must be attractive to her to see him interacting so positively with her girls. 

I was wondering that about Briana. She really really likes that Stella likes Devoin. And it is very sweet how he is with her.  I wonder if it makes Bri want another baby with him.  I bet it does!! 

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1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said:

I was wondering that about Briana. She really really likes that Stella likes Devoin. And it is very sweet how he is with her.  I wonder if it makes Bri want another baby with him.  I bet it does!! 

$100 she’ll be pregnant by the new guy by the end of 2019. 

I almost want to wager more . 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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1 hour ago, ChocolateAddict said:


3. Last year Chelsea was successful in getting an order that Adam can only see Aubree at a visitation centre because his parents cannot be trusted to supervise appropriately. She successfully argued that Aubree's visits should be reduced to once a month on the basis that the every other weekend arrangement was because Adam (her legal parent) was supposed to be there. Her grandparents are not entitled to every other weekend given Adam can no longer be there with Aubree. They confront Chelsea at court after the order was made. 

The bolded is what confuses me though. If the grandparents are no longer suitable supervisors for parental visitation, why do they get any legal visitation? Why doesn't it just revert back to informal, whenever visitation that's at the discretion of Chelsea? Maybe SD is one of the few states with grandparents' rights. That's the only way that makes legal sense to me--though I'm not a lawyer, so my legal sense is quite small to begin with. 🙂

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@ChocolateAddict Amen! I wish I could like your post 100 times. Chelsea's not especially bright and she's not handling things perfectly, but she has Aubree's best interests at heart. In her shoes I'd be a wreck every time Aubree went to the Linds'.  She just had a baby. She has an infant and a toddler, and drama all day every day with Adam and his family. I'd be hiding in a closet, weeping. But she gets up and puts on her beanie and does what needs to be done. We all screw up sometimes with our kids. Its coming from a place of love and concern so I can't be too hard on her. 

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5 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

The bolded is what confuses me though. If the grandparents are no longer suitable supervisors for parental visitation, why do they get any legal visitation? Why doesn't it just revert back to informal, whenever visitation that's at the discretion of Chelsea? Maybe SD is one of the few states with grandparents' rights. That's the only way that makes legal sense to me--though I'm not a lawyer, so my legal sense is quite small to begin with. 🙂

They have visitation because the court and Chelsea agreed that their relationship with Aubree should be preserved. Aubree had been staying with them for years at this point and the court agreed that this should continue but for one weekend a month. 

But because they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy there are strict conditions on this visitation. Chelsea would have demonstrated to the court that the order was necessary because without it she had reason to believe that they would try and get around the visitation centre order by letting Adam visit Aubree at their place. It's double protection for Aubree - Adam can only see her at the visitation centre and her grandparents cannot let him be around her. Basically the court agreed that they can't be trusted with informal visitation so it has to be formalised with clearly outlined rules. 

It sucks for Aubree that it's got to the point where there are rules about how she can be with her paternal family. It's really sad that her own grandparents can't be trusted to keep her safe to the point where a court had to intervene. But that's on them, not Chelsea. 

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