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S09.E10: This Can Go One of Two Ways


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9 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Hey Sausage Fingers, he doesn't want to commit because he is that type of guy and someone that you slept with while still married and your spouse was deployed. I know people cheat but come on Kail, he never wanted to commit and you had the unvaccinated one to trap him. Grow up mf, you made this situation yourself by fucking with a young pothead cheater unemployed user. Duh dumbass. What a fucking twit she is. 

And wasn't Chris kind of with another long-term girlfriend (on and off) at the time he was bedding Kailyn?

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Apropos of nothing, but- does anything else really not like Lauren? I find her to be a total yes-woman and extremely grating. It's like she wants to pretend to the world that she and Javi are a beautiful married couple in a rock-solid, stable relationship when really he was hoing around as badly as Briana or Kailyn ever did, and she happened to be the one it stuck with...

  • Love 19

Oh my fucking God, Kail. First she's bitching about Chris blowing off the party, then when she gets the text he's coming, she's bitching about him starting drama. He shows up with gift in hand, she bitches about him not talking to her. Uh, I thought everyone was there to celebrate Lincoln? 

Jeremy looked so bored with Addie. 

Lol, Chelsea you ain't slick. Aubree's gonna bring up adoption on her own? Yeah, right. More like you're gonna mention it a hundred thousand times until she finally caves. I don't think everything is as perrrrrrfeccttt behind the scenes as Chelsea and Cole want us to believe. They get way too excited over Adam and his antics. Makes me thing they've got nothing going on aside from their middle school gossip fests. Mary needs to stay the hell out of it. It's not her business and she's just confusing Aubree.

21 minutes ago, druzy said:

I wonder if that was really Andrew's mother on the phone.

Me too. For a woman whose husband was allegedly on his death bed, she didn't sound upset or affected at all. That whole scene was bizarre.

Ugh, why did Briana have to bring up the name change? All it did was make Nova uncomfortable and ruin her vibe.

Edited by BitterApple
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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Oh my fucking God, Kail. First she's bitching about Chris blowing off the party, then when she gets the text he's coming, she's bitching about him starting drama. He shows up with gift in hand, she bitches about him not talking to her. Uh, I thought everyone was there to celebrate Lincoln? 

Jeremy looked so bored with Addie. 

That doll is creeptacular.  I don’t blame Jeremy.  I love Leah trying act like Addie is only ever a handful after she sees Jeremy.

Fricking Kail.  So every woman in Chris’ life panders to him.  Good to know.

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I hope Barb  was able to enjoy her trip to NYC.

Spending time at a guy's place doesn't  equal a relationship. It's  called Netflix and chill.  Also, that text was intentional   like in how Tristan Thompson kissed Jordyn Woods to try to get rid of KHLOE Kardashian once and for all intentional.  And don't  get me started on how inviting Chris Lopez and his family to a Lincoln's is doing the absolute most; his aunt had this "what the fuck am I doing here" look on her face.

I know this sounds horrible but given Adam's drug addiction, it's  only a matter of time before Cole  can adopt Aubree , free and clear. They need to stop forcing the issue.

Where has Andrew's family been for the past 9 years?  

Good for the Brujas  for pointing out that Latinos can be black. 

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Jeremy's not my favorite, but I laughed so hard when he took the doll away from Addie! It IS annoying, and nobody in her life has ever expected her to think about others. She was supposed to be spending time with her dad, not driving him crazy, and it's high time she starts thinking about how her actions affect others. It would be one thing if she was playing privately in her room. Maybe Jeremy can teach her some social norms!

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I saw the last ten minutes or so and came here to see if it was worth watching the late showing. With only seventeen comments, that's a hot no. 

Cole is not going to be able to just adopt Aubree. Adam is going to have to surrender his rights, which he will never voluntarily do, because that will make Chelsea happy. All of his parenting decisions are what will hurt Chelsea the most. He did it for Paislee because the court was up in his business over the custody action filed by her mom, and he wanted to stay out of jail and not pay child support any longer. If she wasn't married to a man willing to adopt Paislee, he would not have be able to surrender his rights, because the law requires both parents to support their child. He could voluntarily waive his legal rights to make decisions for Paislee, but would still be ordered to pay child support right up until someone else was willing to step in and accept that obligation, which is what happened.

Mary is right that if something happens to Chelsea, Aubree will go live with Adam, and it's entirely possible that Cole won't even get visitation with her, because Adam won't allow it. People really don't realize how fucked up these situations become because they don't make logical sense to people who care about their children. Parents in prison for abusing their kids don't lose parental rights until many failures. Adam would check himself into rehab, give temporary guardianship to his mother while he's there, and Cole will be shit out of luck.

I have no doubt that Chelsea spoke to her attorney about it already and was told that pursuing it right now would likely backfire, and to not give his family any type of heads up on the show. Adam is going to die from his addiction or reach the legal elements of abandonment that would allow Cole to pursue custody if Chelsea were to pass. Just like when wanted to change Aubree's last name to Cole's and her attorney told her to wait until she had children and she would have a better chance to get her name hyphenated, since she would be the only one in the home with a different last name. 

This show has never shown how the legal actions actually work. People still think that Chelsea had a chance to terminate his rights way back in the beginning, when the only thing that was actually going to happen was a Petition to change Aubree's last name to Chelsea's. They also think the document Jenelle signed was terminating her rights and would allow Barb to place Jace for adoption. But it's MTV so what do I expect?

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There was all kind of fucked up parenting on this episode.

Lincoln- yep!  Your mom used your birthday party to lure in Chris!

Did Kaylin say 3 years with Chris...??? Does Javi know???

Kail said.......I want to be with someone to raise  my kids with.........you got 3 baby daddies and 3 kids!

Da fuk!

Good luck to the lucky man that is gonna take in 7 new people at once! 

 Barbara- she is TV gold! She won’t drop that ADHD!  She wants to know get to good stuff.....You have ADHD?........BIPOLAR??!!  Hahahahahahahah! (their producer is messy!)

The Coven- geeesh!  Can we kidnap Nova? That poor girl! Doesn’t know her Daddy’s last name and she is 7! Doesn’t know her identity. She is not Afro-Latina. That is for people with two Latin parents, since it is a cultural identity.

She is Puerto Rican & African-American. 

Love her shirt that said, Yo Soy Boricua.  

Nova has no idea about all this ‘adult talk.’ Doesn’t care.  She is in Puerto Rico! Let her have fun.

  Then she is so cute and makes a kids fart joke......and, gets in trouble in front of everyone.  Yea, let’s embarrass the poor girl.

They should just laugh.  She was kinda trying to bond her dad with the fart joke.

If Nova was a boy....they would have laughed.  Because, that is all boys want to talk about....farts! Because farts are funny at that age.

Nova and Aubrey are so over their parents bullshit!

Chelsea and her husband get off on the Adam drama.

I swear Watson stayed crying the entire time on that sofa.  He is over it, too!

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Briana, her sister, and her mother are allowed to wear no bra or their weird paper thin white sports bras with their nipples showing at all times (in the mother's case, under a paper thin white t-shirt that still shows the bar AND the nipples), they can wander around unwashed and smelly-looking constantly, Briana can have surgery on her ass broadcasted live for free for anyone who wants, they can start fights and climb on restaurant furniture in fits of rage...... but a six year old makes a fart joke and she is SOOOOOO inappropriate! THE SHAME! These people are nuts.

I felt bad for Chris's aunt. From watching that whole awkward interaction, I wondered she's just a family-oriented person who was desperately trying to stay in the life of a blood relative who she thinks she's at risk of losing contact with. She really wanted to appease Kail with changing from "he likes you" to "he loves you." Also, did anyone else notice that Kail dressed alike with Lux for the party? They had the same color socks, pants (ill-fitting leggings in Kail's case) and shirt. If you had to pick a kid to dress up as, wouldn't you chose the birthday kid? Maybe Kail thinks that dressing like Lux might make Chris mistake her for Lux and accidentally hug her instead of him?

Nothing to be said about Chelsea, Jenelle or Leah that hasn't already been said.

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1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I hope Barb  was able to enjoy her trip to NYC.

Spending time at a guy's place doesn't  equal a relationship. It's  called Netflix and chill.  Also, that text was intentional   like in how Tristan Thompson kissed Jordyn Woods to try to get rid of KHLOE Kardashian once and for all intentional.  And don't  get me started on how inviting Chris Lopez and his family to a Lincoln's is doing the absolute most; his aunt had this "what the fuck am I doing here" look on her face.

I know this sounds horrible but given Adam's drug addiction, it's  only a matter of time before Cole  can adopt Aubree , free and clear. They need to stop forcing the issue.

Where has Andrew's family been for the past 9 years?  

Good for the Brujas  for pointing out that Latinos can be black. 

 Is that really what Tristan was up to?  Never thought about it that way...makes sense now! 😂

Nova is black because her dad is African-American.  You see how Austin is acting? No clue about PR culture.........even though we are practically cousins.

Did he really ask Bri if her dad was PR and if she was 100%???

I didn’t watch her 16 & Pregnant.  Was this a one-night stand?

People on the island would just say,  Tiene Papa Americano. (Nova has an American Dad).  

That is just to let people know this is why Nova doesn’t speak in Spanish.

Nobody would even say anything about Nova’s  looks.

Britney would not even be considered Afro-Latina in Puerto Rico.

They can take Nova to Loiza.  This is where our  West African roots thrive. To bomba dance class. Music, dance, art, food ......So, many cool  things to do. That would be an amazing daughter and father experience  ....since it is his WA culture, too.

(But, they go jet skiing...because,  they live in Florida and never get to do things like that!)

These Boricuas are boring! 

Maybe they will visit family next week and we get to see some PR culture. 

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7 minutes ago, MadLove said:

Why did Kail's third baby daddy need to be at Kail's second baby daddy's kid's birthday party? And his relatives too? She's totally delusional if she thinks she's going to ever have a real "relationship" with this loser. He sounds like a real asshole and so is Kail so maybe they're perfect for one another.

Leah's boyfriend really creeps me out.

Poor Jace...so sad


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I replied to myself...??? 😂

2 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

MTV was acting goofy.

They blurred Chris face at his request.........but, their super close-ups! Hahahah!

I was waiting for a slip!  Lol!

Well, Lux!  You have the potential to be tall and slim. Bravo!

Kail is only stuck on him because she cannot have him.  She is more black widow’ish in her ways. She is the one that likes to lure them in and then dump the guy.

Dude lives with his grandma, has no job and she got him on child support!  

But, it is Joe making a money grab.....???

Kail would take your last dollar and not feel bad! 

(Yes, he should be on child support.  Just mean that she has no problem getting her money....but, the law works both ways) 

Edited by Dance4Life
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23 minutes ago, Mkay said:


Is that Lux’s dad??

kail said.....why wouldn’t he be???


bc, we don’t know him and the dude is walking around with a blurred face! 

This is why it is weird for the fans!

And, It is Lincoln’s birthday....and, you won’t allow Javi to come! 

Kail  is bitchy! She is trying to kill Javi’s camera time.

Javi  wants to promote his gym on the show..........and, here is Chris walking around at his son’s birthday party with a blurred face.

wasted $$$$$ opportunity!!!

I bet Javi was pissed off when he watched this episode. Javi lives for TM airtime! 🤣

Edited by Dance4Life
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5 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Is that Lux’s dad??

kail said.....why wouldn’t he be???


bc, we don’t know him and the dude is walking around with a blurred face! 

This is why it is weird for the fans!

And, It is Lincoln’s birthday....and, you won’t allow Javi to come! 

Kail  is bitchy! She is trying to kill Javi’s camera time.

Javi  wants to promote his gym on the show..........and, here is Chris walking around at his son’s birthday party with a blurred face.

wasted $$$$$ opportunity!!!

I bet Javi was pissed off when he watched this episode. Javi lives for TM airtime! 🤣

No. It’s a gif.  This is Lux’s dad.  


Edited by Mkay
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I take back what I said about Netflix and Chill; it sounds like the situation is more like Kail taking Lux to see Chris and hanging around like a homeless puppy looking for shelter.  Furthermore, you would think she doesn't  watch her own show.  No amount of trap babies is going to make a fuccboi want to play house!  If Chris didn't  buckle down and commit when Typhoid Lux was born, not to mention Kail jumping through hoops to make herself sexually available to him,  he isn't going to now!

ETA: the only redeeming thing about this entire Andrew storyline is that Jace is not directly involved in it. Andrew had no intentions of ever meeting Jace and Barb had no intention of letting it happen.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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Man, what a hot mess these families are! Kail looked beyond pathetic pining over Chris who so clearly loathes her.

Chelsea’s cartoon-looking Mom was totally out of line, as usual. I would have liked to see the actual interaction between Cole and Lind’s because I don’t imagine he told them off like he says he did. He’s too much of an emotional mess. I’m wondering how Chelsea is going to implement a “break” with Aubrey’s visits to the Linds. Aren’t they court ordered? She would probably have to tell the court that they violated the order and have a judge agree to suspend the visits. Is she really going to go through all that? 

Barb wins, as she should. Loved her gawking at NYC. She’s not too good for that and I love it!!

Leah’s boyfriend is looking more like her dad every time we see him...and he’s weird as all get out. 

Poor, poor Nova. Don’t ask a freaking first grader if she wants to change her name. She doesn’t get it. Be a parent and decide what’s best for her. She’s probably only thinking about how to write her name on her homework. 

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25 minutes ago, Linny said:

Kail's pathetic crying over Chris was just delicious. Oh, so now she wants a commitment and someone to come home to? Where was that desire for fidelity when she was married to Javi? Javi, for all his faults, loved Kail and their family and would prioritize them over everything else, and Kail was willing to toss that aside to pursue players like Chris. You reap what you sow, Kail; don't blame Chris for being everything you always knew him to be.

This times 100. 

Oh she wants that shit now when she was all too happy to sleep around while her husband was deployed and sleep with a fucking bum. Instead of working on her marriage she was too busy sniffing after someone who had a girl. She is fucking pathetic. 

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I am usually very TeamChelsea/Cole because they are a breath of fresh air compared to the others, but enough already with this adoption shit. Aubree isn't into it. She knows she has a shit dad but she loves him and wants to still be a part of his family. Did they see the chat Randylicious had with her? That was great. Leave it alone. And why are they assuming Adam would automatically get custody when Randy is still on earth? He would never let that shit happen. I wanted to smack Lois Griffin in the face because she needs to STFU and MYOB. Watson is adorbs but I think it's time for him to go to a nursery a couple of times a week because he cries the second any one of the others leaves the house. Dude needs some friends.

Jeremy will likely be more engaged with Addie when she's a little older and they can do a few things together. He may also be a bit self-conscious on telly, but is probably just bored. I appreciated his being honest with her about the doll. He put in the batteries willingly but then it was enough is enough. She took it well and just started up with the batterized dog or whatever it was.

I hope Barb had fun in NYC, too. Glad they got her a room with a nice view. Andrew sucks and I think he's definitely on something.

Kail: I thought you had a bit more pride than that, boo. You try to be all bitchy and bad with everyone else and then let this motherfucker have you grovelling on TV? The dick must be magical.

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24 minutes ago, politichick said:

. And why are they assuming Adam would automatically get custody when Randy is still on earth? He would never let that shit happen. I wanted to smack Lois Griffin in the face because she needs to STFU and MYOB. Watson is adorbs but I think it's time for him to go to a nursery a couple of times a week because he cries the second any one of the others leaves the house. Dude needs some friends

I don't get that either. The guy has no job, no means to support a child, an arrest record and a drug habit. Plus he couldn't even drag his ass to the visitation center. A judge would just hand Aubree over to him willy-nilly? I know the system sucks, but I doubt that. Not to mention Randy has all the money in the world to hire lawyers and drag out a custody case. Adam doesn't. 

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27 minutes ago, politichick said:

I am usually very TeamChelsea/Cole because they are a breath of fresh air compared to the others, but enough already with this adoption shit. Aubree isn't into it. She knows she has a shit dad but she loves him and wants to still be a part of his family. Did they see the chat Randylicious had with her? That was great. Leave it alone. And why are they assuming Adam would automatically get custody when Randy is still on earth? He would never let that shit happen. I wanted to smack Lois Griffin in the face because she needs to STFU and MYOB. Watson is adorbs but I think it's time for him to go to a nursery a couple of times a week because he cries the second any one of the others leaves the house. Dude needs some friends.

Jeremy will likely be more engaged with Addie when she's a little older and they can do a few things together. He may also be a bit self-conscious on telly, but is probably just bored. I appreciated his being honest with her about the doll. He put in the batteries willingly but then it was enough is enough. She took it well and just started up with the batterized dog or whatever it was.

I hope Barb had fun in NYC, too. Glad they got her a room with a nice view. Andrew sucks and I think he's definitely on something.

Kail: I thought you had a bit more pride than that, boo. You try to be all bitchy and bad with everyone else and then let this motherfucker have you grovelling on TV? The dick must be magical.

Great post! Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I was applauding Jeremy. Sure, the way she was acting with the doll was age appropriate, but that doesn't mean it's appropriate in a social setting. Teens texting all day with their feet on the furniture is age appropriate, but I would expect them to behave differently when their grandmother was visiting, for example. Leah has taught those girls very few social skills except for beginning lessons on how to catch a ding dang man, and no skills where being considerate it concerned. My friend, who is also a teacher, has been consistent with her child since he was probably six months old at telling him he has to be quiet at the dinner table. That realistically is too young for him to totally get it, but I'm all for her setting that standard as long as her expectations are developmentally appropriate. It's never too early to train kids to consider others' feelings, and kids have to learn that what's fun for them can be grating for others, a lesson I'm positive Leah has not taught them at all!

i definitely think Randy has handled the adoption thing best! I'm also sure that since Randy feels so laid back about it, he feels reasonably confident that Aubree would not go to adam. Think of the years of documentation they have of adam not showing up to his visits, and shirking child support! The truly sad thing is, I doubt adam would even want custody. Like others have said, adam has ruined his life to the point where he's probably not long for this earth, so just wait until something ultimately happens for Cole to adopt her. Also, I do agree that Mary needs to shut her mouth, but she did explain things to Aubree better than Chelsea did. I was glad she made the point that adam would always be her dad, since Chelsea told her he wouldn't, and she was so worried about it. 

2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I don't get that either. The guy has no job, no means to support a child, an arrest record and a drug habit. Plus he couldn't even drag his ass to the visitation center. A judge would just hand Aubree over to him willy-nilly? I know the system sucks, but I doubt that. Not to mention Randy has all the money in the world to hire lawyers and drag out a custody case. Adam doesn't. 

So true! Certainly the judge would let Randy have custody over adam, if not Cole. I could see, as a last resort, Randy building a huge sister wives style mansion so they could all live together if they had to, lol!

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On 3/18/2019 at 12:01 AM, toodywoody said:

Hey Sausage Fingers, he doesn't want to commit because he is that type of guy and someone that you slept with while still married and your spouse was deployed. I know people cheat but come on Kail, he never wanted to commit and you had the unvaccinated one to trap him. Grow up mf, you made this situation yourself by fucking with a young pothead cheater unemployed user. Duh dumbass. What a fucking twit she is. 

She didn't vaccinate Lux? Wow...

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So much to unpack here...

Kailyn: Just when you think the last episode was bad this was one was even worse. She wants a husband, even though she had one and cheated on him...she wants Lux's Dad to make her his wife even though he is emotionally unavailable and has no intention. of making her his wife, only his "F" buddy. She loves drama and creating drama..this guy sees this. She really needs counseling...big time.

Leah: All she and Jason do is sit in his AirBNB and talk about Jeremy and his reluctance to be a full time Dad. Jeremy looked bored and disinterested in Addie. 

Chelsea: Would it kill you to put the new baby in a crib or cradle for ten minutes so you could cuddle with Watson when he's wailing? The last few episodes poor little Watson seems to be so unhappy and crying out for some affection or a little attention. She and Cole just sit there and let him scream. If they didn't have the Adam situation (still) to dwell on they would have no story line. And again, Cole...using the F word in front of the babies...I don't even remember Adam doing that.

Brianna: Leave Nova alone bout the name change...looks like she's not too keen on it. Let it go. Is it me or does it look like Brianna had absolutely nothing done to that gross butt of hers?

Jenelle/Barbara: Gee...shocker...Andrew skips town, doesn't let Barbara know and then yells at her on the phone for her being upset about it. Can we now close the book on this loser? Nice try by the producers to try and bring a new plot twist to the Jenelle storyline now that psycho David isn't on the show but move along...nothing to see here. 

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3 hours ago, Mambo Gladys said:

 I would have liked to see the actual interaction between Cole and Lind’s because I don’t imagine he told them off like he says he did. He’s too much of an emotional mess. I’m wondering how Chelsea is going to implement a “break” with Aubrey’s visits to the Linds. Aren’t they court ordered? She would probably have to tell the court that they violated the order and have a judge agree to suspend the visits. Is she really going to go through all that? 

Poor, poor Nova. Don’t ask a freaking first grader if she wants to change her name. She doesn’t get it. Be a parent and decide what’s best for her. She’s probably only thinking about how to write her name on her homework. 

I too seriously doubt that Cole told off the Linds as he says he did. He is a timid feminine softie who wouldn’t say boo to a cat, despite the tough image he attempts to portray on tv now by inappropriately cursing in front of his young children. Cringe. He probably stood meekly at the Linds’ door and waited for Aubree to come out. 

I don’t even believe that a court would suspend the Linds visits based on this once off breach of the court order. By the sounds of it, it was a large family gathering and Adam was never left alone with Aubree. I think they would get a pass this once. 

In the same way Chelsea creates pressurized anxiety-inducing conversations with Aubree about adoption, Briana in this episode did the same with Nova and the name change “issue” which of course, like the adoption, is not actually an issue at all, has no urgency and is purely created by the mothers, who in turn put these life changing decisions on their young children who are simply too young to understand or make those decisions!!!! So hard to watch. 

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@BitterApple I haven’t seen the episode yet but I do understand why Chelsea would be concerned about custody upon her death. Yes I’m sure Randy would fight tooth and nail for Aubree but a legal biological parent has first “dibs” on a child if they want them- even if they are a fuck up like Adam.

IF Chelsea were to die unexpectedly, it is likely Adam would have Aubree and a judge would allow it, Adam’s parents would finance any fight. Granted I think Adam would do that JUST to please his parents and Grandma Donna would end up raising Aubree (with no concern over her bond with her siblings or Cole), and Randy would have to fight for her. But at the end of the day Adam is still her legal parent and that trumps what Randy would want. If Barb were to die unexpectedly tomorrow, and wanted her sister/brother to raise Jace, that wouldn’t fly, Jenelle would have him back in a heartbeat even though she hasn’t had custody since he was an infant. She’s still his legal parent. 

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