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S07.E14: Tom vs. Tom

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The Toms plan a Puerto Vallarta vacation for their friends, but Katie explodes on Sandoval when she learns they've also invited James Kennedy; Kristen and Carter share an awkward dinner on their anniversary; Lisa Vanderpump doles out wisdom.

Airs March 11, 2019.

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I know when James body shames anyone it’s wrong.  It’s surprising that Katie takes it to heart considering she's been know to say how self confident she is.  The boys never should have asked James on the trip but even if they didn’t he would feel left out.  At TomTom, James looked like he would cry.  He lost his regular job over the comment and that breaks his main tie with the show, ala Kirsten.  I’m sorry, after seeing his mom and his family burden, I just feel bad for him.

Edited by Emmeline
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1 minute ago, Emmeline said:

 I’m sorry, after seeing his mom and his family burden, I just feel bad for him.

I feel sorry for him too, but James really does need to actually learn how to cope, not just lash out when he's disappointed or thwarted (as everyone needs to do).  This group of people seem to forgive ALL transgressions - but the average person would give James a few chances and then they would just walk away, IMO.

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I'm sitting at my table-for-one on this one: I think James and Katie are equally icky. All of the little snippets editing showed for both of those losers showed it. I don't feel sorry for either of them.

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11 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I agree with @ghoulina that everyone shares some blame here, except maybe for Katie in this narrow instance.  

James clearly has a deep-seeded issue with people who are fat, or more accurately, not rail thin like he and Racquel.  Not to get too Freudian, but I think he gets it from his mom.  Until he can get that really, deeply, thoroughly worked out, I wouldn't want to be around him either.  Half this cast is potential (and actual) fodder for his sharp tongue.  It's just not pleasant.

I'm not commenting here about whether James should have lost his job, but I think it's pretty common sense that if you call or imply someone's wife is fat, she's not going to want to go on vacation with you...

FI and Schwartz were both wrong for not having a conversation about Puerto Vallerta in advance and who was invited.  Then they should have had a conversation about James and where it goes from here.

FI was completely wrong for going off on Katie, although it doesn't seem like there's a lot of love lost there.  As Schwartz's business partner, FI should learn to be cordial with Katie and treat her with respect (he doesn't have to actually respect her; you can't force that).  The yelling and the repeating of insults was indicative of a deep, simmering anger toward Katie, a Cold War in which James is merely collateral damage.

Schwartz was wrong for not taking it upon himself for disinviting James, as he had a hand in inviting him.  It really shouldn't have been a tough conversation:  "dude, I'm really sorry, but when I invited you to PV, I was intoxicated, and I forgot how much you had disrespected Katie.  She doesn't feel comfortable with you coming, and by extension, neither do I.  I am really sorry."

Ariana was wrong for stirring this whole thing up in such a salacious way.  She was all cool at the cat cafe, and then she goes off on Schwartz?  What the hell?  

James was wrong for his entire reaction.  When he said, "fuck your wife," Tom Schwartz should have been done with him for life, and Lisa should have immediately rescinded the Billie invitation, as James had just come into her business and screamed "fuck your wife!" To her business partner. Kristen was fired for less.

My opinion?  If James were truly working on getting sober, he wouldn't want to go away on a booze-filled romp with a bunch of boozy (alleged) drug users.  Did I think he was high (maybe not drunk, but high as fuck) when he was DJ'ing at that venue this episode?  Is the sky blue?

I have held out for Katie for a long time, but she has officially turned into a bitch again. I also think that she is very stoned for most, if not all of filming.  When they were at the cat cafe, she had a hard time telling Tom who she was with.  "I'm here with Stassi...and...Ariana...". But at least in this one particular instance, I think she gets to exercise the spousal veto.

James and FI have to work on their tempers and entitlement.  Schwartz needs to grow a pair ASAP.  

As others have pointed out, James is a serial jugular insulter.  He's not without endearing qualities, but he should try to learn something about his effect on people and modifying his behavior, rather than lashing out.  That would have shown growth, and maybe, just maybe, he would have gotten reinvited, as he has been uninvited and then reinvited other places.  

Who says "fuck your wife" in public and means it?  Sandoval can't abide by that and be Schwartz's best friend.  Both can't be true at once IMO.

I mostly agree.  I don't know about anyone being high.  This is also the first season I've watched.  I broke down because there was nothing else was on and I was too lazy to go to netflix.  Of course, I've heard and seen a lot about the show.

Tom still hasn't figured out you always take your wife into consideration.  

I can't stand James.  He also insulted Brittney. 

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Super tiny table of one, but I have a soft spot for *Katie.* Probably because of her accident, and the thought that maybe, just maybe, the accident really did leave her with some sort of injury that busted up her mental wiring. (A reason, not an excuse.)

None of these people have any kind of moral high ground, but Sandoval (and of course, James) bear the primary responsibility here. Sandoval flies off the handle and gets way too defensive of people who really don’t have that much defense. 

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5 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Super tiny table of one, but I have a soft spot for *Katie.* Probably because of her accident, and the thought that maybe, just maybe, the accident really did leave her with some sort of injury that busted up her mental wiring. (A reason, not an excuse.)

None of these people have any kind of moral high ground, but Sandoval (and of course, James) bear the primary responsibility here. Sandoval flies off the handle and gets way too defensive of people who really don’t have that much defense. 

Scoot over ivygirl!  I will happily join you in the Katie section.

More goat cheese balls for the two of us.

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On WWHL, Sandoval got more votes than Katie (66% to 33%) on whose side are you on in the fight?  I believe this needed to come to a head; the guys generally don't have a problem with James and the women do.  

I also think FI is correct in calling Katie a bully; I'm still scratching my head with Katie's call to Carter on the girls' trip regarding Kristin's behavior and last week confronting Carter in his home.  Both are symptoms of an inflated self-worth, perhaps?  

I need to address Katie's weight gain.  Yes, she has gained weight and I believe she owns it so I'm still unclear why she had a problem with James calling her fat.  Clearly, she isn't.  This is WeHo--aren't most people rail thin model/actor wannabes?  Okay, she doesn't work and can work out all day, every day if she wants to.  She doesn't want to. She started the the confrontation with James where he called her fat and I don't really have a problem with that.  Bullies deserve a black eye every once in a while.

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Just now, hoodooznoodooz said:

I am not a cat person, but I appreciated Ariana noticing that dogs get all the love on this show. 

LOL Grumpy Cat WOULD notice 😉

Edited by ivygirl
PS I call Ariana “Grumpy Cat” here; hence my comment
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22 minutes ago, albarino said:

Katie (66% to 33%) on whose side are you on in the fight?  I believe this needed to come to a head; the guys generally don't have a problem with James and the women do.  

That’s because James tends to kiss their asses and not say shit about them.

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2 minutes ago, Marley said:

Carter is actually creepy. I guess he was never shown much before so I didn’t mind him but the more I see him the more I’m not a fan.

I think they are all creepy.  Quite seriously, they are all completely creepy.  Would you want any of these people in your life for any reason?  No.  

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2 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

FI Tom is such a little bitch - after the altercation behind SUR with Schwartz, Ariana and Katie - he RUNS to Lisa Vanderpump to tattle on Katie and lie about how wonderfully well James is doing.  What a creep.  And yes, Katie can be and has been awful at times, but James actively works to get at people and is never actually remorseful for any of his horrible behaviour.

I'm with James and Sandavol on this one. Katie is a hate-filled bitch. Everything that Tom said is true. She says horrendous things to everyone and sticks her nose in everywhere as if her opinions are the end all and be all of everything but if anyone does it to her she can't take it.

And now she's drinking out of a flask? Everyone of them has a couple drinks at work but Katie was noticeably drunk. Katie clearly hates her life and hates herself and she needs to vent that hatefire somewhere so right now it's on James. Sure James is a shit too, but they all are and Katie always only has a problem with one person at a time and that person gets all her rage. And on the previews we already see next week she is right back at it being belligerent now to Kristin again. I suppose since James is basically out of the way she needs someone else to start focusing that hate on. Queue up Carter and Kristin, because that's completely Katie's business to tell them both exactly what she thinks about them and how they are wrong.

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23 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Here is an unpopular opinion. Katie is a  fraud

She is supposed to be strong independent woman. A feminist. But she lets the alcholic raving of a pipsqueak take over her life. A ballsy woman would get right in his face and call him out for being a malnourished drunken wanker. She didn’t need to go to Mommy. Seriously if you want to be treated as an equal stand up and give as good as you get. 

Not unpopular to me!  I think she is a snotty little bitch.  I don’t think she is fit or beautiful. I think she is chunky and ugly.  Her fashion sucks.  She married a lazy lump who I still don’t understand how he is a male model because to me he is not even hot AT ALL.  Her husband can’t face life without breaking down and he is pushing 40.  She is a hag who proudly forced him to marry her in a $50k (?) ceremony.   

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Here’s the thing about the James situation most of these people are friends who hang out all the time, even when not filming, to a degree that many would think odd at their age. Trying to force James into their lives because they are filming when he always goes out of his way to piss off at least half the group is never going to work. 

I cant believe Schwartz’s brothers were able to travel to and from Florida all on their own! Speaking of the triplets what was up with one of them getting basically a lap dance for a woman who appeared to be another customer?

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Is it okay if I say that everyone involved in this whole thing sucks? I mean I’m honestly more on Katie’s side because I don’t think she should be forced to hang out with someone who makes her feel bad quite a lot and I agree with her that it isn’t just one time. He’s done it a lot and clearly doesn’t know what the word sorry means because he keeps doing it, but for other things I’m not really on Katie’s side here I am.

Scwartz sucks because he flips his mind when he realizes he didn’t stand up for his wife and never has and never will and he’s just awful. I used to think he was fun but at what point is Katie going to see these episodes and realize scwartz lies about sticking up for her and is a liar constantly.

FI Tom sucks because he really thinks he runs the group and he is kind of entitled. I mean yes they all are but he is a special kind of entitled that is so intolerable. I know lots like him here and I don’t get it.

And James is awful. Again I know people like him here but he name calls everyone because that’s his fall back. For all the work he claims to be doing t sure as hell isnt working. 

Did anything else happen tonight? 

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36 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Lemme tell you, if I'm at a bar and I order a mojito, I damned well better get a mojito - no matter what any up-jumped bartender feels like doing that night. Muddle that shit, bitch, or else I'll tell you where you can put that cosmo. 

I'd like to believe that this was intentionally included by the editors because Jax is launching his line of cocktail mixers exactly 12 hours after this scene aired.

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James has not changed - not one iota.  He is despicable.

Stassi's pause before pretending to agree with Brittany that Jax has changed spoke volumes.

Kudos to Ariana (I know!!!) for giving the cats some love.

"I'm not muddling tonight" is my new mantra.

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That explains why Lance Bass keeps showing up randomly on the show. Mojito girl scene was especially forced on a very forced season. And that poster is 8th grade level at best. With Joan Jett as rocker Mary Poppins flying in.

Edited by rustyspigot
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4 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I'd like to believe that this was intentionally included by the editors because Jax is launching his line of cocktail mixers exactly 12 hours after this scene aired.

That mason jar container will look real purdy next to Meemaw's beer cheese spread. Also LOL forever. 

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I love how the editors included footage of James digs about Katie being pregnant, but edited out Lala's comments about Katie being a fatty boombalatty that bookended James. Lala started that shit, but Lala now has access to a private jet so Katie has amnesia about the shitty stuff Lala has said about her. Katie also seems to have forgotten when Jax hated her so much that he was actively hoping that Schwartz would get wasted and fuck a random in front of Katie and break the two of them up. And if James finds himself with millions or a yacht from the George Michael estate, I bet Katie will suddenly become more forgiving.

James hasn't changed. He isn't trying to change. He's an obnoxious shit. However, there is absolutely nothing redeemable about Katie or Jax. Jax has a full decade on James, but only decreased his awfulness by 3% two seconds ago. Katie has always been judgmental and imperious.

Penny Davidi is still LVP's chef consultant. That's pretty much the exact reason the food is aggressively mediocre.

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3 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Can we talk about Brittany taking a Jell-O shot when she’s probably on Tylenol+Codeine? Nothing like mixing booze with a Class III narcotic! Yikes. 

To be fair they were premade commercial sold jello  shots which is usually around 13% alcohol content so basically a few sips of wine. 

Edited by biakbiak
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20 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Penny Davidi is still LVP's chef consultant. That's pretty much the exact reason the food is aggressively mediocre.

But Penny is amazing! She’s told us so herself 🤣

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WTF is Lance Bass doing with this Jax mixer business?  Unless Jax is just the face and this is really LVP's thing.

I wanna go to a cat cafe!  And I'm more of a dog person, but those lil kittens were so cute! Let's face it, a puppy cafe would be pee and poop everywhere.

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It's not just Katie, James has insulted half of the women in the group, has absolutely no remorse about it, and continues to insult them to this day. He's had ongoing issues with Jax.  Supposedly working on his sobriety & anger management, why would anyone think this would be a good trip for him?  

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7 minutes ago, snarts said:

It's not just Katie, James has insulted half of the women in the group, has absolutely no remorse about it, and continues to insult them to this day. He's had ongoing issues with Jax.  Supposedly working on his sobriety & anger management, why would anyone think this would be a good trip for him?  

And I get that the real reason he is pissed is because if he doesn’t go on the trip than he gets less screen time but it’s three days in a tourist trap and he acts like his life is destroyed and that Schwartz should choose him an acquaintance over his wife and Sandoval should choose James over the love of life/bff/business partner Schwartz. It’s ludicrous and he didn’t seem to be acting about his crazy reaction.

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Any notice that this program is basically a handbook on how to be an alcoholic? These people would be boring as a box of rocks without them being drunk. Seems that Vanderpump might want to enforce a no drinking policy on her employees. But then the ratings would plummet I guess.

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I really wish one of these chucklefucks would remind High and Mighty Katie that she started the Pride fight by first commenting on James' appearance in his attire.  Funny how she forgets that when she cries about being a victim.

I agree with Flat Iron that she's a bully.  Ever since she got married, she's acting as though she has some moral high ground above everyone else.  Girl, you married an alcoholic who was cheating on you before you got married and you had to give him an ultimatum before he would marry you.  Not exactly an ideal relationship so take a seat.  Yes, James called you fat and he shouldn't have.  But everyone in your group has talked shit about the others.  Heck, Kristen slept with Jax while he was Stassi's boyfriend and everyone accepted her back in.  Jax had lied, cheated and stole from people within the group and he's consistently allowed back in (if he was ever kicked out in the first place.)   

FWIW, Katie can claim to "pull rank" and play the wife card all she wants but since it was Flat Iron's idea for the trip and Flat Iron was inviting folks, it's not Katie's decision on who can come and who can't.  If she doesn't like who Flat Iron invites, then don't go.  Problem solved. 

Loved the cat café.  When I was living in SoCal, I always wanted to go there and never made it.  I hope the Witches of WeHo being there didn't traumatize the cats too much.

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10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Jax openly refusing to muddle drinks for paying customers. How does this dude still have a job?

I'd be complaining to the effing manager at that point.   I'd love to know how many of Jax's "crafted" cocktails get sent back in a shift because they're poorly made.  If I'm paying over $10 for a drink it better damn well be made correctly (and I imagine if it's a "call" cocktail the price is even higher).  

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