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S10.E06: Flagstaff Flirtation

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Was it Gwen who was talking about how she was in student council and sports and other activities and had scads of friends, then said "I know, I know, after high school friends don't matter..." What?? Friends always matter, for one. And the friends you have in high school can be friends for life! (I'm still friends with lots of the people I went to high school with, over 40 years ago). What are these kids being taught? 

  • Love 23
Just now, SunnyBeBe said:

I got so ticked off with the parents ignoring their minor children's needs last night that I forgot to comment on Aspyn.  So, are the producers trying to paint this lovely young lady as some kind of a clone of Christine or just a naive, clueless girl?  They describe her as being in love with this dynamo man, since she was a child. Then, they show us how she can't dance, but, her fiance is so good at it. She knows knowing about music, but, her fiance of course, knows the songs played on the bagpipe, She doesn't know how to answer a lot of questions, so she looks up at her fiance.  ???? What is going on here?  Didn't she used to be a lot more outspoken and opinionated that this?  It makes me uncomfortable.  

She is a classic first wife in training.

  • Love 12
12 hours ago, 65mickey said:

At the family meeting when Robyn announced that Dayton had been accepted to the University of Northern Arizona I wanted so badly for Gabe or anyone  to say oh that's why we are moving to Arizona. None of them saw a connection? 

Wasn't that SUCH a coincidence,  how it just happened to work out for Dayton? Major props to whomever posited that theory first!

 Not that I have anything against Dayton, or Robyn for wanting be near him and help him adjust. That is completely understandable, but why fool the viewers with this made-up story? Do we think Kody tried to fool them too, or just us?

I do like that Gwen realizes that her high school friendships probably wont be sustained after graduation. But I am living for her saying the place is ugly next episode!

Gabe would be more convincing if he wasn't smirking most of the time. And I was not a fan of the way he dismissed what Janelle said about Savannah, basically saying "who gives a crap about her". Nice big brother. All this "my social status" stuff was a bit big-headed as well. I still feel for the kid, but he's starting to sound a bit full of himself.

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1 hour ago, gunderda said:

But why does Maddie need to have that pressure of being responsible for her brother? 

I keep seeing this thrown around as the cure for this problem. She had a newborn, taking on the responsibilities of a teen is a lot of pressure. I don't agree with this move at all, but I am glad Maddie didn't take on this job. Caleb taking a job in NC has nothing to do with this. He may have just had a great opportunity and jumped on it. Home Depot is a great place to work, they have lots of opportunity for growth.  

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Gabe would be more convincing if he wasn't smirking most of the time. And I was not a fan of the way he dismissed what Janelle said about Savannah, basically saying "who gives a crap about her". Nice big brother. All this "my social status" stuff was a bit big-headed as well. I still feel for the kid, but he's starting to sound a bit full of himself.

Yes, his comments basically dismissing Savannah rubbed me the wrong way as well.  He had valid points if he kept it to the hard work he has put in as far as a wrestling scholarship and being ranked 10th out of 850 students in his LV high school.  His lack of concern for his sister lost me a little.  In the previous episode there was a little back and forth teasing between Garrison and Gabe in a bonus scene and you can tell those kids were raised to be competitive. It's sad that you have to compete with members of your own family.

  • Love 5

Aspyn:  “I wanted to marry someone with red hair because I want kids with red hair.”

Growing up as a redhead, I wouldn’t wish that on my children.  Also, neither of my 3 children have red hair.  Aspyn is pretty clueless as to how that whole recessive gene thing works.  Neither of my parents nor their siblings (7 offspring total) had red hair, even though both of my grandfathers did.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Was it Gwen who was talking about how she was in student council and sports and other activities and had scads of friends, then said "I know, I know, after high school friends don't matter..." What?? Friends always matter, for one. And the friends you have in high school can be friends for life! (I'm still friends with lots of the people I went to high school with, over 40 years ago). What are these kids being taught? 

Everyone's experience is different of course, but statistically most people do not remain friends for very long after high school. 

1 hour ago, Janc said:

Oh, Mona the real estate agent.  Telling Christine the house would sell in a month.  Ah to dream....  At least Christine owned it last night: 


Yeah Mona really pumped up their expectations. That sure didn't help her street cred!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Robyn said on twitter that Dayton was planning on going to UNLV but in the "nick of time" applied and got accepted to Flagstaff after the family had already decided that was the place. 

Timeline doesn't add up at all.

Producers put in the cake lying as a hint to us viewers. She's lying!

Yup, a total last minute decision... Sure, Jan. 

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10 minutes ago, lma said:

@kicotan I understand your personal point of view, but I have to say that I have always found natural red hair to be very beautiful and special. I know plenty of people who have it and they all seem to hate it, but I never understood it. I do not care for “unnatural” shades of red in hair, but for those who were born with the real thing, I just love it. 😍

Maybe because I’m black and it’s a rare occurrence for us, but then again I don’t give a lick about blonde hair which seems to be preferable by nearly everyone to most other shades. I guess different strokes for different folks. 

As sweet as Aspyn is, she definitely is not someone who seems bright. She probably has no idea how recessive and dominant genes work.

I love red hair! I've colored my hair red for about 20 years. I always joke that I'm a brunette by birth but a redhead at heart. 

  • Love 9

I love red hair too.  My great grandmother and great grandfather BOTH had red hair, but, none for my grandmother, mother, my siblings, me or the grandkids.  Oh well, we did ALL get the light blue eyes though.  I just think that for Aspyn to throw out there that she wanted red haired babies for years, was designed to show just how naive and starry eyed she is.  She likely wanted red haired babies, since she was pining or this red haired, older guy since childhood.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, lma said:

I know plenty of people who have it and they all seem to hate it, but I never understood it


thank you for the compliment.

 I can’t speak for the redheads you’ve met, but for me, reasons to hate being a redhead include the discomfort of unwanted attention and stares, having to combat negative stereotypes, the pain and loneliness of childhood bullying, the emotional trauma of that bullying resulting in clinical anxiety, antisocial behavior and/or depression, the struggle with anesthesia, the 5 minute direct sun limit for not burning, freckled translucent skin... just to name a few.

Just once I’d love to blend into the woodwork and NOT stand out in a social environment.

 I’ve  met several people who didn’t want anything to do with me because of my red hair-they had already made up their mind about me because of the color of my hair.

So, for some of us natural redheads, it’s more of a painful curse than a blessing of beauty.

  • Love 2

This may have been mentioned already, but did anyone notice Kody referring to Flagstaff at ‘yummy’, not once, but TWICE?!?!?  Um...WTF was THAT????? Ew. Please Kody, never ever say that word again you weirdo. 

14 hours ago, MollyBrown said:

Kody needs to stop using the word yummy to describe things.   Every time he says it, I throw upon my mouth a bit.  Him saying yummy, then giggling is too much to ask us innocent viewers to partake in. Too much. 

See? I knew I should have read further! Lol

  • LOL 4
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42 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Aspyn:  “I wanted to marry someone with red hair because I want kids with red hair.”

Growing up as a redhead, I wouldn’t wish that on my children.  Also, neither of my 3 children have red hair.  Aspyn is pretty clueless as to how that whole recessive gene thing works.  Neither of my parents nor their siblings (7 offspring total) had red hair, even though both of my grandfathers did.

My mum had RED red (beautiful) hair - and I already posted my wedding picture so people might have noticed.  None of her children had red hair, not one of her grandchildren had red hair, none of her great grandchildren and even her great great grandson doesn't have red hair.  Not ONE.

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, kicotan said:


thank you for the compliment.

 I can’t speak for the redheads you’ve met, but for me, reasons to hate being a redhead include the discomfort of unwanted attention and stares, having to combat negative stereotypes, the pain and loneliness of childhood bullying, the emotional trauma of that bullying resulting in clinical anxiety, antisocial behavior and/or depression, the struggle with anesthesia, the 5 minute direct sun limit for not burning, freckled translucent skin... just to name a few.

Just once I’d love to blend into the woodwork and NOT stand out in a social environment.

 I’ve  met several people who didn’t want anything to do with me because of my red hair-they had already made up their mind about me because of the color of my hair.

So, for some of us natural redheads, it’s more of a painful curse than a blessing of beauty.

How dreadful that you had to go through all of that. There is very little that I hate more than bullies. My husband and I were both bullied in school (his was worse than mine) and I will never understand that mindset. 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Please someone tell me how these people qualify for a mortgage. Especially for such large amounts. Do any of them have a job other than selling LuLa  Roe and the TLC gig?  So Mary has 2 mortgages one for her home and one for her B&B and now thinking about a 3rd. one.  TLC must be paying tons of money to these jokers. 

Their income or "job" is the show.  I guess Jinelle would not be able to stay behind because she would lose that income.  I still think there would have been alterntaives... she stay 4 days a week in a rental and he stay 3 days weekend w/ brother in Vegas and flagstaff w family every other week.  There are ways to work these things out.  When we had to move the first thing I looked at after "quality schools"  was 1 activity each that my kids had before in the new area.  Not everything they had in the former home, but at least 1 thing so they would have continuity and know we valued their interests and skills. 

  • Love 4

Aspyn saying that she wanted red hair babies did take me back to a little red haired (full of curls) girl that I babysat as a kid. I thought she was the most beautiful child in the world!  I guess people have different taste in this world, but, no one should be bullied.  My goodness, that's brutal. 

I wonder if the parents considered the distance to the schools, recreation parks, etc. where the kids would be using on a daily basis.  With all their activities and possibly different schools, I'd think that would matter more than which lot had more trees.  And, generally, kids and teens don't like secluded areas.  I always wanted to live near neighbors with kids to play with, the mall, grocery stores, etc.  The heck with solitude.  That's for retirment!  lol 

  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

My mum had RED red (beautiful) hair - and I already posted my wedding picture so people might have noticed.  None of her children had red hair, not one of her grandchildren had red hair, none of her great grandchildren and even her great great grandson doesn't have red hair.  Not ONE.

I love red hair,,, and my DH has a small strain of it in his family but it only shows up in patches in his beard.  My daughter when she was born got dark burgundy hair like the color of a thoroughbred, and it all fell out after 3 weeks :(.  I've always loved redheads and never understood the stereotypes.  So sorry to hear so many gingers had to put up with bullies.  I am very fair like the readheads and the burn thing is NO JOKE and such a pain if you live in warm climates.

  • Love 9
Just now, SunnyBeBe said:

Aspyn saying that she wanted red hair babies did take me back to a little red haired (full of curls) girl that I babysat as a kid. I thought she was the most beautiful child in the world!  I guess people have different taste in this world, but, no one should be bullied.  My goodness, that's brutal. 

I wonder if the parents considered the distance to the schools, recreation parks, etc. where the kids would be using on a daily basis.  With all their activities and possibly different schools, I'd think that would matter more than which lot had more trees.  And, generally, kids and teens don't like secluded areas.  I always wanted to live near neighbors with kids to play with, the mall, grocery stores, etc.  The heck with solitude.  That's for retirment!  lol 

THANK YOU for saying this!  I thought that last night as I watched the show but then didn't remember to bring it up when I was posting here.  A 30 minute drive from town means an hour drive round trip for any and all activities that involve something outside of "hanging out with the family".  Maybe that's great for four women who have nothing better to do than hock a ton of junk online, but it's a different story for their kids.  Do they EVER take the kid's thoughts and opinions and feelings into account?? I mean beyond that ridiculous fake talk Kody had with the kids about moving.  "Are you scared?  How do you feel?  Tell me!"  Like any of the kids are going to say exactly how they feel on camera when they've been coached by dad and moms their entire life on what is allowed to say on camera when TLC is there and what isn't.   But then again -  NO ONE'S feelings really matter except Robyn's.  It never mattered a moth's left ball whether the other wives wanted to move or not - they WERE moving.

  • Love 18
52 minutes ago, lma said:

As sweet as Aspyn is, she definitely is not someone who seems bright. She probably has no idea how recessive and dominant genes work.

My DH cousin got married and she had red hair and he had red hair.... but neither sets of parents had red hair so she was just hoping and fingers crossed to get a red head.  Which she did!  But even the redheads do not have a guarantee.  I agree, she does really get how genetics work.  You have to remember she is one of the older ones so she might have attended her private church school in Utah which did not sound academically rigorous.  I think we learned about dominant and recessive genes in 6th grade science?

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@kicotan, what you had to go through is sad.  Problems with anesthesia is something I didn't know about redheads.  My dark blonde hair has a lot of red tones, and I love it (although I've had it colored for years now, to hide all the grey!)

Aspyn is all starry-eyed over Mitch, and I don't get it.  I think she could have done much better.  It still seems to me she wanted to please her parents by choosing this guy with polygamist roots.  The way she looks at him is so much like Christine looking at Kootie.  

  • Love 15
9 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

THANK YOU for saying this!  I thought that last night as I watched the show but then didn't remember to bring it up when I was posting here.  A 30 minute drive from town means an hour drive round trip for any and all activities that involve something outside of "hanging out with the family".  Maybe that's great for four women who have nothing better to do than hock a ton of junk online, but it's a different story for their kids.  Do they EVER take the kid's thoughts and opinions and feelings into account?? I mean beyond that ridiculous fake talk Kody had with the kids about moving.  "Are you scared?  How do you feel?  Tell me!"  Like any of the kids are going to say exactly how they feel on camera when they've been coached by dad and moms their entire life on what is allowed to say on camera when TLC is there and what isn't.   But then again -  NO ONE'S feelings really matter except Robyn's.  It never mattered a moth's left ball whether the other wives wanted to move or not - they WERE moving.

hehe, I didn't know moths had balls!  

Robyn and Kootie cooking this move up just reeks.

  • Love 9
57 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

I love red hair! I've colored my hair red for about 20 years. I always joke that I'm a brunette by birth but a redhead at heart. 

Sister! I gave myself red hair for my 21st birthday (over forty years ago now). It was the 70's, henna was all the rage, I went to a fancy salon on Newbury St. in Boston to see how it was done. I've been hauling out the henna (Avigal Auburn) every 8 weeks ever since. My joke is that I "corrected nature's mistake!"

  • Love 13

I did not understand the rationale for the visits. The first two trips with first two wives saw a couple of possibilities,then he takes the third wife and visits an entirely new site, which she declares is the best. Then they go back home and have a meeting with all 4 wives,supposedly to make a decision. But how can they make a decision?? They all had different sets of facts. Sort of like the old story of the three blind men describing an elephant! 

At the end they did take the whole family but with the wonky timeline impossible to tell what decision had been made by then. 

And Christine jumping the gun and getting so excited to immediately put her house on the market. She really wants to put on a wedding AND sell a house in two months?  Crazy!

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

@kicotan, what you had to go through is sad.  Problems with anesthesia is something I didn't know about redheads.  My dark blonde hair has a lot of red tones, and I love it (although I've had it colored for years now, to hide all the grey!)

Aspyn is all starry-eyed over Mitch, and I don't get it.  I think she could have done much better.  It still seems to me she wanted to please her parents by choosing this guy with polygamist roots.  The way she looks at him is so much like Christine looking at Kootie.  

Regarding red hair - my best friend in high school had red hair and I was always jealous of the colors she could wear that I couldn't - deep purples, greens, and ivory looked great on her.  When I wore green, people asked if I was feeling tired, LOL.

And Aspyn - I don't know why I thought she had a better head on her shoulders, but I guess lots of Browns have fooled me - I thought Maddie was going to get an education before she got married and started popping out babies, I thought Mykelti and her wild ways would amount to something creative and great, and I'm still really ticked that I once thought Janelle was the smart one.

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I have tried to follow Kody's convoluted logic but I can't.  My heart bleeds for Gabe and for the other teens who will be leaving what they have known for most of their lives.  "You will make new friends"?  My younger sister was moved across country as an incoming junior and it wasn't pretty.  By the way, have any of the cul de sac house sold?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, kicotan said:

..the struggle with anesthesia...

OB nurses were always on high alert when a redhead came in to deliver.   They always seemed to have problems with bleeding post-delivery.  No scientific reason that we know of.

59 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder if the parents considered the distance to the schools, recreation parks, etc. where the kids would be using on a daily basis. 

HAHAHAHA.....oh, you're serious.  When have they EVER considered anything logical.  Their only collective thought is how to milk TLC for another season.

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7 minutes ago, luvmylabs said:

I have tried to follow Kody's convoluted logic but I can't.  My heart bleeds for Gabe and for the other teens who will be leaving what they have known for most of their lives.  "You will make new friends"?  My younger sister was moved across country as an incoming junior and it wasn't pretty.  By the way, have any of the cul de sac house sold?

On another board someone said that Robyn's house has sold for $619,000.  Not sure of the validity.

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I saw the last half hour of the show last night with Gabe.  Yeah, they've done him a huge disservice and he knows no one cares about his losses.

I fully expect them to come back to him in a year and tell him they can't afford college for him because of the move.

Then I expect him to leave home and find his way back to ANY family member in LV and try to figure this out for himself, because his parents are worthless.

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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

THANK YOU for saying this!  I thought that last night as I watched the show but then didn't remember to bring it up when I was posting here.  A 30 minute drive from town means an hour drive round trip for any and all activities that involve something outside of "hanging out with the family".  Maybe that's great for four women who have nothing better to do than hock a ton of junk online, but it's a different story for their kids.  Do they EVER take the kid's thoughts and opinions and feelings into account?? I mean beyond that ridiculous fake talk Kody had with the kids about moving.  "Are you scared?  How do you feel?  Tell me!"  Like any of the kids are going to say exactly how they feel on camera when they've been coached by dad and moms their entire life on what is allowed to say on camera when TLC is there and what isn't.   But then again -  NO ONE'S feelings really matter except Robyn's.  It never mattered a moth's left ball whether the other wives wanted to move or not - they WERE moving.

Apparently Meri's favorite spot (Cottonwood?) is only about 5-10 minutes outside of town - much better than the place with the "fishing hole" that Robyn and Christine like. I'm not a fan of either area. This time I did see some of the quaintness of the downtown area as Kody and Meri were driving through. Also interesting that Cottonwood only has three lots - maybe Meri got an apartment downtown and the others are building? 

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, b2H said:

I saw the last half hour of the show last night with Gabe.  Yeah, they've done him a huge disservice and he knows no one cares about his losses.

I fully expect them to come back to him in a year and tell him they can't afford college for him because of the move.

Then I expect him to leave home and find his way back to ANY family member in LV and try to figure this out for himself, because his parents are worthless.

I don't know, I mean, I believe he was upset about the move, but I can't help feeling that this is all being laid on a bit thick. The scenes when they show Gabe standing in his room, staring pensively at the floor - the camera lingered a bit too long, for dramatic effect perhaps? I feel like that was staged.

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Aspyn will be a sister wife in five years. 

I need someone to explain why Gabe’s sister is sitting in the house all summer because of the heat. If she can’t take heat, there is no reason someone can’t drive her in an air conditioned car to an air conditioned building. I have spent many summers in Las Vegas, everything has air conditioning to the point where you sometimes have to put on a sweater inside. This is not a reason Gabe should want to move. The fact he may lose his chance at scholarships makes me furious, particularly because of his parents who are always using paying college as an excuse for everything.

I think Robin decided where she wanted to move a long time ago and had Dayton apply for schools in those areas. That way he would have a school no matter where she decided they would move. I checked the school’s website and freshman have to make their enrollment deposit by May 1st, so Dayton would likely have known for months he was accepted. 

I actually agree with Meri that the angels did not sing at those properties. I am still waiting to see why Christine and Robyn were so blown away by the coyote one. If I had to choose, I would have taken to cottonwood one. I don’t see why they can’t just buy one large property that is zoned for multiple homes. I guess the problem would become, whose name would be on the deed and the mortgage. They likely financially have to get the properties separately. Honestly, I think those homes may never be built. The LV homes are not likely bring in much money to build in AZ. How are they paying eight mortgages (9 if the B&B) is included, four rentals and paying living expenses? They don’t make Kardashian reality TV money. 

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As a redhead born to a redhead and with both grandmothers being redheads, there are differences with anesthetics, but they are the opposite of what most people assume.  Many redheads don't go completely numb in 5 minutes, so doctors & nurses & dentists think we have a low pain tolerance and give another dose or two of novocaine (my entire mouth & tongue would stay numb for 8-10 hrs).  My dentist, also a redhead, returned from a conference where someone gave a talk about redheads taking longer to absorb the anesthetic, so we tried it and it took me 10 minutes to go completely numb on a normal dose of novocaine and I never needed more.  Ever since I've waited the full 10 minutes rather than let anyone overdose me.

Redheads appear to bruise more easily, which is why it is assumed we bleed more easily, but it is mostly because our skin tends to be pale and thin that bruises are more visible.

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Kody is an ass.  He asked the kids for feedback on the Flagstaff move at the family meeting, and one of Robin's daughters talks about being unsure/uncertain, and he disses her with a that's-how-a-teenaged-girl-in-high-school-always-feels response.

Which may indeed be the case - but holy cow, you don't actually say that out loud to the kid!  Ever!!

What would have been the benefit to Dayton in attending the school in Flagstaff over the one in LV?  I know just about nothing about US colleges.

  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I checked the school’s website and freshman have to make their enrollment deposit by May 1st, so Dayton would likely have known for months he was accepted. 

When Kodoofus made his presentation, Christine mentioned that it was March, so yes he would have already applied by then.

And why didn't Day'un visit Flag with his sisters?  Probably because he had already had a tour of campus before applying and deciding it was the one.

Edited by deirdra
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4 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Way to be empathetic Janelle. What happened to fired up Janelle from the presentation?  ""I'm NOT moving Gabe"" and all of that??  Now she sits and does her side eye/eye roll mentioning about how "high school is nothing".  Well. I would think to a settled, academically successful with a wide group of friends and success in sports child it just might be a teensey weensey bit important.  ""OH...you play games with them on the weekends...""  So. No issues there darlin.

Sorry producers...we deserve that talking head with Janelle explaining herself.  Now SHE is the sulking teenager dark cloud in the corner "whatever, just pick a damn property and get it the hell over with" attitude. 

As usual, Janelle is a big spineless wimp that bends whichever way Kody's wind is blowing.  It angered me to see her trying to sell Gabe on the move when just last week she was so ardently defending him.  So now she retreats and just goes back to stuffing all her anger with food and blogging like she's some kind of health expert, yeah....no.

Kody is the one making all the decisions here and it's his way or the highway.  Of course that doesn't mean he's above being manipulated, it's just that the only wife able to do that with him anymore is Robyn.  I think she is now taking advantage of her "first wife" status with him and the others have absolutely no say (or sway) at all in the process.  Of course they don't want to admit that he's got them that subjugated and under his thumb.  That would't be popular with the audience.  So in addition to not having any say in the matter they are forced to act like they love the idea of moving, or at least have been convinced to love it.  Christine's rah-rah routine is so transparent.  She does this with everything but it's so obvious she's just doing this to keep her favor with Kody.  These women get nothing they want and to add insult to injury they allow themselves to be forced to act like it is what they want.  No wonder Janelle can't lose weight. 

  • Love 18
3 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Kody is an ass.  He asked the kids for feedback on the Flagstaff move at the family meeting, and one of Robin's daughters talks about being unsure/uncertain, and he disses her with a that's-how-a-teenaged-girl-in-high-school-always-feels response.

Which may indeed be the case - but holy cow, you don't actually say that out loud to the kid!  Ever!!

What would have been the benefit to Dayton in attending the school in Flagstaff over the one in LV?  I know just about nothing about US colleges.

Probably they offered him a good financial aid package and something in his field of study.  I thought maybe the student population might be smaller, but they are about the same.

16 hours ago, 65mickey said:

At the family meeting when Robyn announced that Dayton had been accepted to the University of Northern Arizona I wanted so badly for Gabe or anyone  to say oh that's why we are moving to Arizona. None of them saw a connection? 

All the viewers sure as shit did.

"and it all becomes clear..."

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Janc said:

Oh, Mona the real estate agent.  Telling Christine the house would sell in a month.  Ah to dream....  At least Christine owned it last night: 


I was trying to watch this today, through a cold and sick little children (so i didn’t get far or remember all of it) but I literally lol’d at that. A month 😂 Oh, that quick!? Nope 🤣 oh, Mona, don’t be funny. 

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