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S10.E03: Kody Wants Out

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So much to snark on, so little time.

That first interview with Aspyn (why do they have alternate spellings for so many names?) and Mitch reminded me of Prince Charles and Diana when their engagement was announced.  They were asked if they were in love and while she said "yes," he said something about "whatever love means."  It didn't bode well for their marriage.

On the subject of Diana and Charles, that last scene on the porch reminded me of some of the last pictures of Diana and Charles as their marriage publicly fell apart.   Now maybe TLC had them rehearse it until it came out like they really were over each other.  At least Kody seems really over it, but who knows......

I am so confused about the marital status of her ancestors.  I thought she originally said there were extra doors because they were polygamous.  Then I thought she said they were not polygamous.  But there is a picture of a man with 3 or 4 women.   So were the couple who built the house polygs, and the next generation not polyg?  I guess that would make sense because I guess that was about the time Utah outlawed it.  

Shut up, Mariah.  It is possible (maybe not likely) that Meri will make a success of this B&B,  and you will inherit a thriving business when Meri dies.   Or the  Lulu-whatever  will be a success.  Or she will win the lottery.  So where was her partner (whose name escapes me) on this trip?

I love cinnamon rolls, but not enough to go to the "Cinnamon Roll" capital of the universe.

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On 2/9/2019 at 6:50 AM, aphroditewitch said:

Whoops obviously didn’t hit reply days ago 

2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

We didn't have a cash bar at my wedding (EONS ago!) but when I watch the show "Four Weddings" I have seen it fairly frequently I think.  

Do I understand cash bars correctly? My son and daughter in law ( late 30’s) paid for their wedding ( we paid rehearsal dinner and bought/ did flowers) they had cash bar and champagne toast but eventually when the bar hits $300 then drinks are free. So my ex made it known during reception he went up paid the $300 at the bar so drinks were then free. I told my table to belly up to the bar and bring me one. They were on tight budget had 80 people at beautiful location outdoor ceremony and ordinary small banquet room.  I’d be pissed to have separate food for attendees. Those 400 people will not be part of your life 10 years down the line.  

Edited by athousandclowns
Wrong quote got included
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8 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Kody really tell Ysabel that doing the exercises only 80% of the time is getting a D?  Is 80% really a D in Utah? Because it sure as heck ain't in Ontario. Here it's an A-.

A-!  wow, American kids would love that.  Here's it's a B-.  Here is a copy and past from my local school district:     A93-100,  A-90-92,   B+87-89,   B 83-86,  B-80-82, C+77-79,  C73-76,  C-70-72,  D+67-69,  D63-66,  D-60-62,  F59 and below. 

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11 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Kody really tell Ysabel that doing the exercises only 80% of the time is getting a D?  Is 80% really a D in Utah? Because it sure as heck ain't in Ontario. Here it's an A-.

Gee, that seems like grade inflation in Ontario to me.   Our scale back in the dark ages was 91-100 was an A; 82- 90 was a B.  So back in the day, 80 was a C or maybe C+

I am glad you mentioned that, because I meant to put that in my original post.  I should take notes about what I want to comment on, but if I do that it will mean I am more invested in this than I want to admit to myself.  

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41 minutes ago, laurakaye said:
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Previously on Sister Wives.....

Meri cries and repeats the phrase "on my own" 14 times and then calls everyone else "stupid."  

Nothing new here - moving on to Episode 3: "Kody Wants Out (of his four balloon McMansion Mortgages)"

Meri closed on the Parowan B&B!  Does this mean we won't have to hear the word "Parowan" every fifteen seconds while Meri does her patented eye roll/shrug whilst shedding copious orange-tinted tears?  One can only hope!  Kody tells us that the B&B is beautiful, but acquiring it caused lots of dramz and that Meri has been aloof for the past couple of years while she worked the fam'ly into giving her half a mil to pay for it.  Kody segues this B&B discussion into how he hasn't been happy since he uprooted his kids from Lehi, gave them 72 hours to pack and say goodbye to their friends, and rushed them all to Vegas under the threat of persecution and amidst the (fake) wail of police sirens and now wants to do it all over again and move back to Utah.  To him, Vegas was never "home," it was "exile."  Or more likely - "ratings."

Meanwhile, another Brownie has a boyfriend - this time it's she of the Pantene hair and freakishly perfect skin, Aspyn.  She's crushed on Mitch since she was 14, and he finally noticed her at the march for plyg rights in Utah.  Mitch decides to move to Vegas to be close to Aspyn.  He's got a trailer full of guy crap - the stuff he doesn't need, like a broken unicycle, will be stored at Christine's house, while he moves his other stuff into Maddie and Caleb's house.  Aspyn giggles that Mitch is moving to be closer to her, and Christine says that this is a very big dill.  Christine also apparently asked Mitch if he ever rides his unicycle while going commando under his kilt...which is a sentence I didn't think I would ever type in my entire life, but there you go.  Also, gross.  Christine tells us that Mitch already asked Kody for Aspyn's hand in marriage, so there will be yet another weddingk in the future.  The Brown adults couch together and discuss how polygamy worked in their families...both Meri and Kody state that their respective mothers were the ones who decided that they wanted to adopt the faith and plural marriage, and sent their husbands to go out and bring home another wife.  Kind of like when I send my husband to the grocery store for a gallon of milk, but different.  Robyn, expert on all things polygamy, yammers about how it's not really the husband's prerogative to say to his wife, "hey, I'm going out girl hunting, be back in time for dinner."  Rather it's the wife who - knowing full well that her husband wants another wife - gives "permission" to let him go out and do what he was going to do anyway.  Kody calls this a "paradox of contradictions."  I call it misery and bullshit.  Aspyn and Mitch then take to the couch.  Mitch word scrambles on how he's not opposed to having more than one wife,  although he wouldn't do it if Aspyn wasn't on board, but he's not NOT going to purposefully look for another wife.  Meanwhile, Aspyn's face tells another story entirely, as she tries on a tentative smile or two, casts her eyes from her beloved to the camera and back again several times, and at times appears stunned and uncertain with a bit of "WTF" thrown in.  Congrats, Aspyn!  You landed a guy just like your dad!

On we go to Ysabel and her struggle with scoliosis.  Ysabel, Kody and Christine are preparing for a 6-month check with Dr. Camp.  Kody states that this will be their last visit to Dr. Camp because this crazy quack keeps suggesting that Ysabel might need surgery if her curve continues to get worse.  Christine and Gwen attempt to explain to Kody that Ysabel is struggling with her self-confidence, which Kody dismisses because her curve is not (currently) life-threatening, and that surgery is simply not needed.  Kody lets us know that surgery would result in a scar and a titanium rod, and that these things mess with Kody, to which I roll my eyes so hard I can hear it.  Ysabel sits down with Kody and tells him that she's doing her exercises 80% of the time, and in response he silently stares back at her as if to suggest that the missing 20% is why she's not miraculously curing herself.  Ysabel tells us that she gets frequent headaches, which is why she can't complete her exercises every single day like her dad clearly wants her to do.  At the doctor's office, Dr. Camp tells the Browns that Ysabel's curve is still at 42%, and while surgery wouldn't be done until the curve reaches 50%, the fact that she hasn't gotten worse doesn't mean that she still might not need surgery in the future.  Not if Dr. Kody has anything to say about it.  Nice knowing you, Dr. Camp. 

Fam'ly gathering time!  Kody takes the floor and demands all eyes on him and Princess Arabelliola, who is actually quite the cutie.  Ysabel gets to tell everyone that her curve has remained the same.  Then Aspyn takes the floor and announces that she and Mitch are engaged.  Before I can blink, Aurora zooms in for a big from-behind hug with Mitch (shocker).  The calendar behind Aspyn's head reads "January" and she tells the gathering that she wants to be married in June.  I frown and ask myself, "June?  As in June of the same year?  Can she even get a venue in that short amount of time?"  But it's not my circus, so I listen as Aspyn tells the detailed story of how Mitch proposed in Seattle and got down on one knee, etc.  As much as I like Aspyn, she's not the first engaged Brownie (Maddie) and her betrothed is not the most repulsive (FT) so I kind of zoned out during this part and finished off my cheap merlot in preparation for Hour 2.

The Brown adults couch once again to discuss the venues that they will all collectively (of course) be visiting with Aspyn and Mitch.  While Christine is talking, Janelle openly yawns - which I found much more in line with the Janelle we've all come to know.  

First stop is The Villa.  A wise owl watches as a large convoy of SUVs pull into the parking lot and wonders why there needs to be 14 vehicles transporting nine adults.  As they all tumble out, we meet Mitch's mom Hannah.  Kody admires her purse (hee) and the two of them engage in a weird, unsettling flirtation based around how they both plan to dance like idiots at the reception and generally embarrass everyone in attendance.  Because this day isn't really about Aspyn and Mitch!  It's about Kody and his all-consuming need for attention, and now he has a brand-new captive audience in Hannah!  The Brown wives giggle and talk about how Kody likes to tease, but he doesn't tease one wife in front of the others because reasons.  The Villa is nice, and Mitch finds it suitable to seat all 400 of his first cousins.  Aspyn relates that she wouldn't mind having a wedding with just the two of them, but Mitch wants his entire ginormous family to be there - to which Aspyn replies, "it is what it is."  Oh, Aspyn.  I think you can do soooo much better than this guy.

Next venue stop is Silver Fork Lodge.  Janelle, apparently back on Christine's expired meds, blathers on about how wonderful this place is with the trees and the pines and the stars and the moon and the unicorns.  I get so jarred when she does this.  It's like watching a marshmallow grow a mouth and start spouting Shakespeare.  Robyn gives a hearty "nope!" to this place, and Meri simpers about how she rilly can't say anything because it's not her daughter getting married.  Kody and Hannah continue to make googly-eyes across the venue table, and we are treated to a montage of Kody and his spastic dance moves.  I guess the guy has a good time, but this venue also gets a no from Kody because he is concerned that he won't be able to properly execute the "Shimmy Caveman Hair Toss" in this elevation without passing out.  On we go!

Venue 3 looks like a castle and everyone falls in love with it at first site.  The price tag of $15,000 gives Kody pause.  Christine talks about how, in plyg culture, the details of the wedding such as food and decorations are usually handled by the vast assortment of fam'ly members.  I'm pretty sure that the Brown family did not assemble 4,000 street tacos, but I do recall the women having to sew eleven thousand pieces of cloth into Mykelti's wedding bouquets, so Christine isn't completely wrong.  Aspyn, maturely, says that she doesn't want the venue if it's going to mean a financial hardship to her parents (*coughMYKELTIcough*).  All four of Aspyn's moms assure her that if this is what she wants, this is what she will get as Kody stares off into the distance, wondering if he's going to have to hand over his hair plug allowance to cover this place.  I'm guessing that Meri has already closed on her B&B during the filming of this segment because she reaches across the table and assures Aspyn that money is no object - of course this is true, now that Meri has what she wants.  Kody figures that if he can charge the wedding guests $250 for a gin and tonic, he might actually be able to swing this place.

I knew this 14-hour episode was too good to be true, with nary a mention of Parowan, but ha!  Time to go to Parowan, y'all!  It's Grand Opening Day!  In a couch segment that made me laugh out loud, Meri has suddenly vanished under the pretense that she's already in Parowan getting ready for the B&B opening, and yet the rest of the Brown Clowns are dressed in the exact same clothes as when Meri was sitting there.  Clever editing, that.  As the adults plus Kody's mom get ready for the drive to Parowan, Kody stares forlornly into a dresser drawer, stunned into immobility because he cannot locate his favorite belt and shoes.  This, of course, segues into a discussion of the wackadoodle life of a plyg husband.  For reasons that I don't want to examine too closely, all of Kody's underwear is at Christine's house, his socks are at Janelle's, his balls are at Robyn's and his dignity is at Meri's.  Kody continues to will the drawer to produce his belt through osmosis, but finally Christine tells him to get a move on.  Kody practically picks up his mother and shoves her into the van and off they go to Parowan!  We get to re-re-re-re-re-re-re-live the B&B drama through the use of flashbacks...and you can tell it's a flashback because Meri's fake bake is much more subdued than in present-day footage.  I start to doze as we go back in time to when Meri wasn't particularly interested in anything that didn't have to do with her desire to own that B&B at any and all costs.  Kody says that the stress of the B&B caused a lot of drama and tension between Kody and Meri.  Yeah, that's all because of the B&B, Doofus.  

Sadly, readers, it is at this point that I decide to get ready for bed and my DVR fails to do what I asked it to do.  Having read through this thread, I see that what I missed is Meri's jubilant Grand Opening, followed by Meri and Kody sitting together on the porch, wordlessly watching their relationship literally fade into the sunset.  If this isn't the hard thump on the head that Meri needs to leave, then I'm convinced she's going to be there for the long haul. One never knows - the saying "everything old is new again" could someday apply to ol' Mere...once Kody grows tired of his skinny know-it-all wife, maybe he'll cycle back to the original?  After all, isn't that what plural marriage is all about?   

Brilliant!  You have a way with words.  Thanks for the laughs!!

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

If will explode if I hear one more time about the grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother and great great great grandmother! I still think that B&B is creepy and ugly with that green carpet and pink wallpaper with the border from the 70's. 

Me too.  That wallpaper is *so* inappropriate!  There are lots of wallpapers that look like the turn-of-the-century, but that *fake* old-timey wallpaper from the 70s just grates.

I did kind of like seeing the faces in those old photos.  Bonnie looks like about half of them; didn't see any who resembled Meri. 

Meri's family is grateful that she's brought "the home" back into the family, but what about Meri's *other* family--her husband and child, not to mention her sister-wives.  I found it odd that her birth family felt so proprietary about the property--wonder if any of them chipped in?

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25 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Kody does not "have" to pay for the weddings of his daughters.  It's 2019, not 1919.  The bride's family is not required to pay for the wedding.  The couple can pay for it themselves, ask both sets of parents to chip in, get married at city hall if they want - but it is not the bride's father's job to pay for the wedding.  What the heck is he going to do when one of his sons gets married and the bride's family refuses to pay for the whole shebang? (And with 11 daughters, Kody should have realized this back before wedding number 1.)

And while I do know of a few people who got married at city hall with just immediate family present, none of them at the age of 50 miss the big wedding they could have had.  However, I do know some people who had the big wedding who now think it was a waste of money.

Not a big fan of Mitch, to be honest.  I don't think he and Aspyn will be happy in the long term.  I really wonder what extenuating circumstances he was think of when he said he might possibly one day consider polygamy.

Did Kody really tell Ysabel that doing the exercises only 80% of the time is getting a D?  Is 80% really a D in Utah? Because it sure as heck ain't in Ontario. Here it's an A-.

I do not understand Kody and Meri's reluctance to "officially" split up, whatever that may look at. I understand they believe in a whole "planet-in-the-afterlife" thing, but if you don't enjoy spending time together in this world, why would you want to be stuck together for infinity in the afterlife? Wouldn't Meri still get to be on her father's planet?

I always thought Kody loved Las Vegas.  But I'm not going to watch old episodes to see if I'm right.  I've been punished enough by watching it all once.

No I think if they split Meri has to go wherever Scientologist land up.  

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17 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

I want a cinnamon roll now.

Me too but I had to side-eye that frosting a bit.... I'm sure it was good but not sure I've ever had a cinnamon roll with grey cupcake like frosting. 

17 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Could it possibly be any more awkward that Kody did not put his arm around Meri on the porch?

That was awful - all he had to do was give her a peck!  But then I thought.. we he do the same with another wife? They do make it a point to say that there is usually on PDA when other wives are around. 

15 hours ago, Kyanight said:

And speaking of stocky guys - what happened to Tony and bologna?  It's like they disappeared off of the face of the earth - at least on the show.  I know people here post pics now and then.

They live 2 (or more?) hours away.  Maddy and Caleb live around the block and he barely see them lol 

18 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

Do I understand cash bars correctly? My son and daughter in law ( late 30’s) paid for their wedding ( we paid rehearsal dinner and bought/ did flowers) they had cash bar and champagne toast but eventually when the bar hits $300 then drinks are free. So my ex made it known during reception he went up paid the $300 at the bar so drinks were then free. I told my table to belly up to the bar and bring me one. They were on tight budget had 80 people at beautiful location outdoor ceremony and ordinary small banquet room.  I’d be pissed to have separate food for attendees. Those 400 people will not be part of your life 10 years down the line.  

No, cash bar is basically what it says... everyone has to pay and there's no free anything.  I'm not sure I've ever seen it where drink were free after a certain amount was spent.  Cause $300 seems like a pretty low bar to set!

Free drinks are great but i'm not opposed to going to someone's event and having to pay for a drink.  I think it's more tacky to allow your guests to get drunk for free. 

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34 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Kody does not "have" to pay for the weddings of his daughters.  It's 2019, not 1919.  The bride's family is not required to pay for the wedding.  The couple can pay for it themselves, ask both sets of parents to chip in, get married at city hall if they want - but it is not the bride's father's job to pay for the wedding.  What the heck is he going to do when one of his sons gets married and the bride's family refuses to pay for the whole shebang? (And with 11 daughters, Kody should have realized this back before wedding number 1.)

I agree!  I'm struggling enough to figure out how to pay for my daughters' college expenses there's no way I'm going to have $20,000 for a wedding on top of that.  Either the wedding couple, the groom's family, and me all work together or someone is eloping.  

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23 hours ago, gunderda said:

Me too but I had to side-eye that frosting a bit.... I'm sure it was good but not sure I've ever had a cinnamon roll with grey cupcake like frosting. 

That was awful - all he had to do was give her a peck!  But then I thought.. we he do the same with another wife? They do make it a point to say that there is usually on PDA when other wives are around. 

They live 2 (or more?) hours away.  Maddy and Caleb live around the block and he barely see them lol 

No, cash bar is basically what it says... everyone has to pay and there's no free anything.  I'm not sure I've ever seen it where drink were free after a certain amount was spent.  Cause $300 seems like a pretty low bar to set!

Free drinks are great but i'm not opposed to going to someone's event and having to pay for a drink.  I think it's more tacky to allow your guests to get drunk for free. 

Maybe my ex asshole I mean ex- usband bought $300 worth of drinks. I had to stand in July heat while daughterlaws family pictures were being taken ( she’s one of 8 siblings) and had no breakfast  so the glass of wine my best friend handed me went straight to my head. 

Ok the marshmellow spouting a mouth and reciting Shakespeare is one of the funniest things I’ve read. 

Edited by athousandclowns
EX husband
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5 minutes ago, smarty2020 said:

I agree!  I'm struggling enough to figure out how to pay for my daughters' college expenses there's no way I'm going to have $20,000 for a wedding on top of that.  Either the wedding couple, the groom's family, and me all work together or someone is eloping.  

Oh my gosh - just take out a second mortgage on your house!  That's what Tony said Kody needed to do to finance he and Mykelti's taco fiesta frisbee wedding!


Edited by Kyanight
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41 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Meri's family is grateful that she's brought "the home" back into the family, but what about Meri's *other* family--her husband and child, not to mention her sister-wives.  I found it odd that her birth family felt so proprietary about the property--wonder if any of them chipped in?

From all reports here, it would seem that neither her husband nor her child want all that much to do with her.  Kodster has checked out and Mariah detests her mother, not necessarily all stemming from the catfish episode, and has, since the show began, not wanted all that much to do with her mother. 

Meri is in self-preservation mode with the Parowan house.  To the poster above who suggested Meri would bail out of the family entirely once the show is over, I heartily agree.

Do not mistake this impression for me saying that Meri made no mistakes.  She's recognized she's lost the skirmish, the battle and the war with this bunch and she's making appropriate arrangements to extricate herself from a situation that causes her a great deal of pain.  Kody and Mariah, for their own personal reasons, do not value Meri, don't show any willingness to tolerate her much less like her., and they do not hesitate to remind her of that every single day.

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19 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

What is it with the Brown girls and their ability to find and marry the ugliest men on the planet?

Fat, ugly, dumpy, gross facial hair etc etc etc... Blah!!!

Its like they GRAB onto the first male who gives then any attention.


They probably do. 

Tell me, if you were a dude, and you met one of the Brown Girls in school, knowing they were from *THAT* family? WOULD YOU DATE THEM? HELL NO you wouldn't. No matter how pretty they are, how smart they are, how NICE they are, they are still Kody Brown's kids and they are still from that polygamy show. Your momma would kill you if you had the nerve to bring her home talkin' 'bout this my wife...

Sad, yes, MEAN? Yes. But still true. So they glom on to the first man to ever show them really real, individual, male attention. And why they put up with so much from these dudes. They probably don't get much positive male attention...

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4 hours ago, beeziebee said:

I can't help but think that he's anti-surgery for financial reasons.  

Then maybe not run off and buy $800,000 in land and $350,000 in a house?


I think that Production is picking up some of the budget for the wedding. Or at least they are going to cover part of it.

I am sure too. In one of the couch sessions, Christine said something along the line of, in the end they were out-of-pocket only a certain amount for Mykelti's wedding. I took that as meaning TLC picked up a portion of the wedding and the Brown's were responsible for the rest.


Probably because they didn't go on TV and flaunt it.  He was breaking the law and by going on Reality TV he was throwing it in Utah's proverbial face.  They can look the other way if no one is making waves, but why have laws if you aren't going to enforce them?  He was practically forcing them to take action.

Utah and Arizona do ignore the written statute and prosecute according to a joint agreement. The only way they (Utah) would take action is if the Browns admitted to welfare fraud or domestic violence on air. The fraud part kinda happened (Christine's Pantry) and I think led to the investigation that did happen. And while Kody is a raging prick who manipulates his family, it is hard to prove that in a court as domestic violence. The investigation that did happen was closed three weeks before the Flee the Persecution event, with a finding of nada. With all the other plyg families on air now, and with no one persecuting them, Kody's insistence on flogging that dead horse is beyond irritating. I did love his little temper tantrum about how he would go back to Utah and run for office, I'll show them! In the plyg town I lived in, ALL of the town jobs were held by plygs over the years. Hell, the leader was the Mayor back in the 70s. 

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1 hour ago, Pingaponga said:

And while I do know of a few people who got married at city hall with just immediate family present, none of them at the age of 50 miss the big wedding they could have had.  However, I do know some people who had the big wedding who now think it was a waste of money.

People going into huge debt to pay for showy weddings they can't afford is just ridiculous. Hello you can make a down payment on a home for the amount that is usually spent .My first wedding was traditional 1969 (yes i'm old and got married young), God bless my parents who took a loan to pay for it - that's the way is was back then. I really don't remember much of it other than it stressed me out. When I married my longtime partner 20 years ago, it was in our home and was just lovely - immediate family only. we're still together.

My daughter got engaged 8 years ago. The house was full of Bride magazines. One day she just decided that it was stupid and she could buy a really cute ski outfit and get married on top of a mountain. And she did. That was a memorable wedding. And they're still happily together.

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I found the idea of spending a large sum on a wedding rather absurd too. By today's standards, $15,000. isn't all that pricey though.  Still, if you are in their predicament, then it's just rather ridiculous.  Aspyn wasn't even  big on the idea.  And, why did they all seem to say that the venue suited her so well....Really?  I didn't get that at all.  She and and her finance seem more down to earth to me.  I more scaled down venue and theme would seem more in line with that couple's  taste.  I took it that it's all about filming for TLC.  They need the content.  If no weddings or birthing babies is possible, then we have to resort to watching the wives make cardboard contraptions in the garage and man that's not fun.  lol  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I found the idea of spending a large sum on a wedding rather absurd too. By today's standards, $15,000. isn't all that pricey though.  Still, if you are in their predicament, then it's just rather ridiculous.  Aspyn wasn't even  big on the idea.  And, why did they all seem to say that the venue suited her so well....Really?  I didn't get that at all.  She and and her finance seem more down to earth to me.  I more scaled down venue and theme would seem more in line with that couple's  taste.  I took it that it's all about filming for TLC.  They need the content.  If no weddings or birthing babies is possible, then we have to resort to watching the wives make cardboard contraptions in the garage and man that's not fun.  lol  

Sunny, that is simply not true.  We could watch them toss mats on the floor of the garage and wrestle around.  We could watch them make things out of canned corn and pompoms.  We could watch Kody model Lularoe items from the racks.  We could watch Meri cry.  - oh scratch that - we've already seen a lot of that.

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1 hour ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Kody really tell Ysabel that doing the exercises only 80% of the time is getting a D?  Is 80% really a D in Utah? Because it sure as heck ain't in Ontario. Here it's an A-.

I paid close attention while this conversation was going on, and I think that Ysabel was saying "80" but Kodoofus was saying "8".

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7 hours ago, Sandy W said:

She may make Parowan her home base, but I somehow don't see her settling into a spinster type existence with her mom in small town Parowan.  After LLR and the show implodes, she will probably latch onto another MLM scheme that requires another traveling pants show.

Believe it or not, I'd watch that. "Meri on her own" I'd watch the hell out of that.

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Meri hasn't seen her resident ghost, yet.  😞

Odd.  One would think deceased relatives of these religious wizards would be happy to leave their hard-earned planet to go haunt some ramshackle house they resided in once upon a time, when they were living and breathing on planet earth.    

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On 2/10/2019 at 12:53 AM, Barbara Please said:

Guaranteed that after Aspyn pops out a few kids, ole Mitchie will be sitting her down for a chat to rethink plural marriage. 

I saw these photos on the People magazine website . Mykeleti is plotting revenge against the “fair Aspyn.” I can see it in her eyes. 😄😂. Where’s Taco Tony?  

What is up with Mitch’s half beard? All he needs is a straw hat, and he’s ready for Amish country. Grody forgot to condition, or comb his rat’s nest. It would have looked better tied back. Aspyn looks lovely. A natural beauty. 



Christine is naturally beautiful, but this is not a flattering look for her...her hair, makeup, dress, and hat make her look at least 20 years older than she is and in a frumpy way.

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So every time I look at the Sister Wives board to see if there are any posts to read - the title of this thread cracks me up.  "Kody wants out".   I keep picturing Robyn (or one of the other wives) locking Kody in the basement.  Or in a trunk or something.

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This episode showed Mitch's mother, and the coming episode preview shows the wives with her in Seattle.  Has any mention been made of Mitch's dad?  I can't help thinkingk that maybe mom didn't want dad to take other wives, and he did so, and they split?  Just speculation on my part.

Mitch should be thankful that Aspyn pursued him.  I think that she could have done much better.  Kootie no doubt would love it if Mitch does go for polygamy, if only to make it seem like he (Kootie) isn't the only horndog in the bunch.  

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6 hours ago, beeziebee said:

But Christine said that Ysabel did want the surgery because she hates how her back looks and it's affecting her self-esteem.  Even her siblings realize how the scoliosis affects Ysabel's self-esteem.  I think Ysabel just told Kodouche that she wanted the surgery because that's what he wanted to hear.  I can't help but think that he's anti-surgery for financial reasons.  

 plus, the poor kid mentioned in an episode last season that she has constant back pain and has migraines.  Those are symptoms associated with scoliosis.

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So Aspyn's new husband "Mitch" - who is actually David whose middle name is Mitchell - is awfully quiet about his background.   Did his father even come to the wedding?  Kody and Mitch both wore kilts and Hannah made everyone hats - the pictures are cute.  From what I read, it's possible that Mitch's father (or grandfather) is Lynn A. Thompson, the prophet of Kody Brown's church.  There were allegations of sexual abuse against him made by his daughter.  After the Duggar sexual abuse fiasco and Honey Boo Boo, I can see why TLC didn't want him anywhere around if there are cameras - and that COULD be why they are so "hush hush" about his back ground.  But IF this is true - then they lied about his parents not being polygamists.  However it's also possible that Lynn Thompson is his grandfather and his parents WERE monogamous.... but TLC still didn't want Lynn's past accusations tainting the show.  So if Lynn is the grandfather... WHERE is the father?  And why didn't he come to his son's wedding?  And his sister Vanessa Alldredge is actually Alaysha?   And why be so secretive about his parentage?  They mention siblings, but nowhere can you find his parents.   http://sisterwives.wikia.com/wiki/Mitch_Thompson

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And throw in peer and family pressure if he's the only one not practicing polygamy. 

I think the fact that Mitch's parents aren't polygamists will make it easier for him to resist any pressure.  

Mariah has certainly matured and has become a lovely young woman.  If she and her girlfriend decide to get married, I wonder if they'll get the full wedding like the other girls.  But then, I have a feeling she might not want it.

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3 hours ago, hnygrl said:

What is it with the Brown girls and their ability to find and marry the ugliest men on the planet?

Fat, ugly, dumpy, gross facial hair etc etc etc... Blah!!!

Its like they GRAB onto the first male who gives then any attention.

Totally agree!

Do they think so little of themselves that all they want is a Humpty Dumpty for a mate?

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These episodes are wwaayy toooo llloonngg..

Mitch seemed like a jerk to me. Kody is right, Aspyn is beautiful and seems like a nice girl. Mitch should be worshipping the ground she walks on, not giving lukewarm replies and acting checked out. Jerk!

I still get the feeling Kody favors Robyn. He always sits next to her and drives with her. Agree with whoever said if Sol had scoliosis, surgery would be done right away. And talking about Ariella Mae's wedding...I bet Kody cant name the other 7 girls in order.

About 20 years ago, we went to a wedding that was hors d'oeuvres only. It was weird. We had to go to Burger King on the way home. 

The B&B looked cramped and dated. I dont know what Meri will do when the show is over and she struggles daily to get even one guest. Hopefully some sucker will come along and take the old barn off her hands. Oh and Meri, I think after great great great or so, it doesn't really matter,  does it ?

80% here is a C.

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6 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

The B&B looked cramped and dated. I dont know what Meri will do when the show is over and she struggles daily to get even one guest. Hopefully some sucker will come along and take the old barn off her hands.

Kody and the Kodettes kept saying Meri has been talking about getting the house back into the family since they first knew her. I think that is 27 years, right? But if I am remembering correctly, wasn't the house "out of the family" for only 20 years or so? Plus at the very beginning of this storyline, Meri said she was approached by the owner, asking if she wanted to buy. I think she is genuinely happy to hang out in the fambly home for a while but my opinion it was strictly a TLC-driven storyline and once the show is over, Meri will sell it in a hot minute.

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1 hour ago, albarino said:

I have ZERO use for Mariah.  What an extra special bitch.

Lawd, yes.  Princess Pudge certainly takes after her equally bitchy mother.  Entitled little twit.

4 hours ago, Kyanight said:

 I keep picturing Robyn (or one of the other wives) locking Kody in the basement.  Or in a trunk or something.

Hopefully a trunk without air holes.

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I didn't realize that Aspyn is the oldest daughter. That means both Janelle and Christine had kids before Meri. Must have been an even worse blow to Meri that she was the first married and couldn't get pregnant with her 8 babies and had to watch the 2nd and 3rd wives pop out planet babies before she could. 

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9 hours ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

As someone who had surgery for scoliosis, I bet it does hurt!  Mine did.    I was screaming at my TV.  Kody is pissed be can't control this.    Ugh!!!!!!   Be a PARENT.  It's their job to do what is best for Ysabel.  And don't get me started on making HER feel bad about not doing enough to correct it.  She needs her parents to support her and be the adults.  Sorry, I'm very annoyed,  if you can't tell. 

You deserve to be annoyed because Kody thinks it is merely "cosmetic" (curiously he did pay for the braces on her teeth). It also seemed to me that Ysabel's curvature is not just 2D, it appears to twist in 3D with her right shoulder farther forward than her left.  In addition to hurting at 42 degrees, I would imagine pregnancy, old age and any job that involved lifting would make it hurt a lot more.

Her lack of self esteem and no social life due to exercises may work in her favour if it prevents her from marrying and birthing babies of the first schlub who looks at her. Hopefully she chooses an education and career that will earn her a dependable income and health insurance. I know someone who got back surgery in grad school where we had mandatory insurance with a very reasonable premium.

Edited by deirdra
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2 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

I didn't realize that Aspyn is the oldest daughter. That means both Janelle and Christine had kids before Meri. Must have been an even worse blow to Meri that she was the first married and couldn't get pregnant with her 8 babies and had to watch the 2nd and 3rd wives pop out planet babies before she could. 

I think Janelle was pregnant with Maddie at the same time Meri was pregnant with Mariah.  Then Christine became pregnant with Mykelti.  So you know that upset her for sure.

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When Kody was lamenting about his “persecution” to Mariah, I almost held my breath waiting for him to make some sort of comment about how her “lifestyle” is legal and his “lifestyle” isn’t (complete with stomping his feet and whining about how it isn’t faaaaair like a 3 year old).

But no.

It must really chap his hide that Mariah can legally marry her girlfriend (Big Mormon No-No) yet he can’t legally marry as many women as he wants (Government denial of his Fundie Mormon proclivities).

When Aspyn said that she told Mitch “we can’t plan a future together unless we are engaged” I heard “we can’t shack up and have sex unless we are engaged”  while Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” softly played in the background...

Having an alcoholic beverage (or 10) surely makes watching the show at this point more enjoyable!

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On 2/10/2019 at 10:10 PM, CSunshine76 said:

Invite 100 people to have a sit down dinner, and then later an additional 300 get to have snacks?  Do those 300 not go to the ceremony?  No. This is not how it works!

I think this common in Mormon culture. An acquaintance of mine is Mormon and when his daughter was getting married he described it in a similar fashion. There is a private function for family and then a more casual open-ended “reception” for friends and distant family.  He was hosting the reception in his backyard so I asked him how he would fit everyone (a few hundred people).  He mentioned guests coming to the reception for a short while, just to say hello even. Guests are fluid, and not necessarily there all night. Mitch alluded to this a couple times when he said not everyone would be staying the whole time. 

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On 2/10/2019 at 7:01 PM, Suzy Rhapsody said:

“You needed the confidence of being able to do something without me.”  Damn, Kody, how are you standing upright after the spin you just laid on Meri?  Not that I think Meri is worth a damn either, but wow.  

On 2/10/2019 at 7:03 PM, emjohnson03 said:

if I didn't think Kody and Meri were more than over, they sure are now!

Kody could give two figs about her and she was like, whatever. The disdain was pretty much on both sides.

Why do I keep watching these people go in circles???!!!

On 2/10/2019 at 7:41 PM, TurtlePower said:

Kody is SO checked out of his relationship with Meri and isn't afraid to show it. He seemed to respect her accomplishment as a person, but there was zero tenderness there at all--something Kody doesn't even seem to think may be necessary in the relationship at this point. They were like two stiffs there at the end watching the sunset. 

Just quoted to give you all snaps. Hit the nail on the head, my sentiments exactly. This relationship is over. They need to stop torturing each other. They just need to end it and go their separate ways. 

For there to be any hope of forgiveness or reconciliation in a relationship, the Offender must first 1. acknowledge what they did wrong to hurt the other person, 2. show remorse and 3. vow to never do it again. 

They can go through 10,000 hours of therapy but will never come to any of these conclusions. What they need is a real honest Iyanla FIX MY LIFE moment. 

Kody needs to say, “I’m sorry that  I married Janelle (your former sister-in-law and brothers ex-Wife) without considering your feelings, and so soon after marrying you. I’m sorry that through the years, I’ve never been supportive enough to you, esp when you were going through your fertility and empty nest issues.  I’m sorry that each time I get a new wife, I ignore you in favor of them. I’m sorry that I emotionally disconnected from you for YEARS (as long as we’ve been on this show). I’m sorry I agreed to your harebrained scheme (or manipulated you into agreeing) to give up your legal first wife status. I realize now how much that meant to who you are as a person. I’m sorry I have ignored your feelings for over a decade and found solace in the arms of another. Obviously POLYGAMY is the root of most the issues in our relationship. Also I’m extremely narcissistic and require lots of adoring attention—-I take ownership for that. Moving forward, I will put your needs ahead of my own and others. I will agree to let you leave my planet if that is what is going to make you happy because I love you enough to place your happiness over my selfish ego. Please forgive me. 

Meri needs to say, “I’m sorry I am a constant victim and have nailed myself in the martyrs cross. I understand now how that turned you off from our relationship.  I suffered extreme loneliness when MARIAH moved out and you didn’t feel the same. I’m sorry I am a sucking abyss of neediness and clinginess. This is because I don’t get enough attention from you due to POLYGAMY!  I’m sorry I went outside of our relationship looking for an emotional connection with some other male (the Catfisher) while you were so involved with your other wives and kids.  It was a cry for attention, and you didn’t even notice. The honest truth is that If I hadn’t been caught by a Catfisher, I would have ditched you for my billionaire vegan boyfriend. Moving forward, I will stop being so selfish, and focus on how I can find joy in our POLYGAMOUS life, because this is the life I choose OR I have decided to leave because I no longer want this life, it makes me miserable and unhappy. 

This is the conversation I’m waiting for them to have, but they will never have. They think they are selling us the polygamy story, but the more we watch, from the very first episode, we all see how miserable these women are. Like someone upthread said, they are all eating their feelings.  The only happy wife is the favorite wife of that moment in time. The other 3 are just miserable and existing, waiting for the sun (Kody) to shine on them again. 

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11 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Kody and the Kodettes kept saying Meri has been talking about getting the house back into the family since they first knew her. I think that is 27 years, right? But if I am remembering correctly, wasn't the house "out of the family" for only 20 years or so? Plus at the very beginning of this storyline, Meri said she was approached by the owner, asking if she wanted to buy. I think she is genuinely happy to hang out in the fambly home for a while but my opinion it was strictly a TLC-driven storyline and once the show is over, Meri will sell it in a hot minute.

Good luck to Meri when she tries to find a sucker, umm, I mean buyer for that place.

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2 hours ago, mamey2422 said:

I think this common in Mormon culture. An acquaintance of mine is Mormon and when his daughter was getting married he described it in a similar fashion. There is a private function for family and then a more casual open-ended “reception” for friends and distant family.  He was hosting the reception in his backyard so I asked him how he would fit everyone (a few hundred people).  He mentioned guests coming to the reception for a short while, just to say hello even. Guests are fluid, and not necessarily there all night. Mitch alluded to this a couple times when he said not everyone would be staying the whole time. 

I think that is common for mainline Mormons, because if they are married in the temple, no non-Mormon can attend, and I think Mormons can only attend if they have a temple recommend.   We don't know many Mormons, but the receptions we have been to are more like an open house where you drop in for very lights snacks and greet the bridal couple and their parents.  It was not like the wedding receptions I am used to after Catholic weddings.

So I guess the way this works is there is wedding, followed by a meal (is this like an 11am wedding?) and then there is a break to clear away the meals and set up for the reception which is set for a latter time like 3-6ish.  It does sound peculiar to me, but if it is common in their culture I guess none of the reception only guests are offended.

I was also shocked that Kody was talking about a bar for beer and wine.  I have no idea why he thinks not having hard liquor will prevent drunks.  We went to a destination wedding once, and the groom greeted us with a beery hug and kiss.  He was pretty drunk by the time he and his embarrassed bride left the reception.

I was confused earlier when they were talking about their church.  I thought they were like the Duggars and did church at home with only their own fambly.  Christine mentioned the church parking lot was filled with buses, because the families were so large.  I wondered why we hadn't seen them at church, but I can see that other church members might not want to be seen on tv.

2 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

They can go through 10,000 hours of therapy but will never come to any of these conclusions. What they need is a real honest Iyanla FIX MY LIFE moment. 

Kody needs to say, “I’m sorry that  I married Janelle (your former sister-in-law and brothers ex-Wife) without considering your feelings, and so soon after marrying you. I’m sorry that through the years, I’ve never been supportive enough to you, esp when you were going through your fertility and empty nest issues.  I’m sorry that each time I get a new wife, I ignore you in favor of them. I’m sorry that I emotionally disconnected from you for YEARS (as long as we’ve been on this show). I’m sorry I agreed to your harebrained scheme (or manipulated you into agreeing) to give up your legal first wife status. I realize now how much that meant to who you are as a person. I’m sorry I have ignored your feelings for over a decade and found solace in the arms of another. Obviously POLYGAMY is the root of most the issues in our relationship. Also I’m extremely narcissistic and require lots of adoring attention—-I take ownership for that. Moving forward, I will put your needs ahead of my own and others. I will agree to let you leave my planet if that is what is going to make you happy because I love you enough to place your happiness over my selfish ego. Please forgive me. 

Meri needs to say, “I’m sorry I am a constant victim and have nailed myself in the martyrs cross. I understand now how that turned you off from our relationship.  I suffered extreme loneliness when MARIAH moved out and you didn’t feel the same. I’m sorry I am a sucking abyss of neediness and clinginess. This is because I don’t get enough attention from you due to POLYGAMY!  I’m sorry I went outside of our relationship looking for an emotional connection with some other male (the Catfisher) while you were so involved with your other wives and kids.  It was a cry for attention, and you didn’t even notice. The honest truth is that If I hadn’t been caught by a Catfisher, I would have ditched you for my billionaire vegan boyfriend. Moving forward, I will stop being so selfish, and focus on how I can find joy in our POLYGAMOUS life, because this is the life I choose OR I have decided to leave because I no longer want this life, it makes me miserable and unhappy. 

I detest the Iyania show, but I agree with you that this is definitely the conversation they need to have.  I wish Kody could say he was wrong to marry Janelle, but that would really create more problems.    I dislike Meri, but not nearly as much as I dislike Janelle for marrying Kody after divorcing Meri's brother.

If Mitch wants polygamy, I can't see Aspyn holding out against him any better than Meri did,  but I hope she can.  Unfortunately, her mom Christine is still the one happiest as a plural wife so there's that. 

I hate how at the beginning of the show Kody makes the remark about love being multiplied or something like that.  Well, maybe from his standpoint love was multiplied by 4 for a few moments in time.  From the woman's standpoint love is divided, because she has to share him. 

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13 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

These episodes are wwaayy toooo llloonngg..

I come to PTV for this show for two reasons:

1 - I'm usually flying on Sunday night and I can't get to the hotel in time for the episode.

2 - Even if I can get there (or have a week when I'm not flying), I find your assessment of way too long to be completely accurate.

There isn't enough story in this show anymore for their needing to take two hours.  Mostly, it's repetitive like the secrets episode where they droned on for the better part of an hour and said pretty much nothing that we either didn't already know or simply didn't care about.

Besides, the nuggets here on PTV are enough for me and I can finish it all in about 15 minutes.

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

I thought they were like the Duggars and did church at home with only their own fambly.

There was at least one episode where Lord High Prophet Kootie conducted a service in the living room.  One of the girls refused to attend, can't remember which one.  Must have been in the first or second season, I haven't been able to stomach watching or listening to them since then without a barf bag nearby.

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Just now, Kohola3 said:

There was at least one episode where Lord High Prophet Kootie conducted a service in the living room.  One of the girls refused to attend, can't remember which one.  Must have been in the first or second season, I haven't been able to stomach watching or listening to them since then without a barf bag nearby.

I think it was Mykelti (Pudge Lite.)  hehe, Lord High Prophet!  

Yes, dear Kootie-Bug thinks very highly of himself.  Barf-worthy and then some.

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I think it's admirable for the family to appear positive and show great expectations for what the B&B can do.  If it was making a profit, then Meri would have been all over that fact and using it to support her request for money.  And, she wouldn't have been so insulted by the request for a business plan.  She was clear the deal was over sentiment and emotion, not money or profit.  So, if Meri is able to make it a success, then she should be proud.  If it can support her and her mom, maybe, that's all that matters to her. 

OH,.....something that I just remembered.  Did you hear the phone call that Kody had with his business partner?  At the end, it sounded like his partner said, Love you or something like that.  lol  What a nice friend.  lol  I was curious as to what product they invested in that they decided to fold on. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 2/11/2019 at 8:34 PM, Chris Knight said:

These episodes are wwaayy toooo llloonngg..

I find all of the shows I watch on TLC are all much too long so I almost always record them.  That's why I can't do the live chats.   First they show the "coming up" stuff followed by a bunch of commercials followed often by a recap of what we just watched. 

On 2/11/2019 at 8:34 PM, Chris Knight said:

I still get the feeling Kody favors Robyn. He always sits next to her and drives with her. Agree with whoever said if Sol had scoliosis, surgery would be done right away.

The B&B looked cramped and dated. I dont know what Meri will do when the show is over and she struggles daily to get even one guest. Hopefully some sucker will come along and take the old barn off her hands.

I am not sure he would be supportive of this type of surgery with any of the children.  Any spinal surgery has risks of devastating side effects to the spinal cord and nerves.  The doctor wasn't planning surgery until it reached 50 degrees; my understanding is once 50 degrees is reached the curvature will increase by about 2 more degrees every year thereafter.  I wish she would talk to her doctor about her migraines as they are associated with scoliosis. 

I have stayed at a few of the smaller B&Bs.  We either spend just one night in one on a road trip or if we stay several nights we don't stay there during the day.   I think since it was operated as a b&b before it will do ok.

Edited by Twopper
to remove a random remark from a Duggar post
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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

I was confused earlier when they were talking about their church.  I thought they were like the Duggars and did church at home with only their own fambly.  Christine mentioned the church parking lot was filled with buses, because the families were so large.  I wondered why we hadn't seen them at church, but I can see that other church members might not want to be seen on tv.

Mormonism and it’s fundie factions are a queer lot.  They kind of resemble the Protestant model in they all have that one common thread but then after that it is all over the place on what the rules are, depending on the sect.

The top 12, according to Wikipedia are:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)

Community of Christ (RLDS)

The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite)

Church of Jesus Christ with the Elijah Message

Apostolic United Brethren

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS)

Restoration Branches

Church of Christ (Hedrickites)

Fellowships of the remnants

Church of Christ (Fettingite)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite)

Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite)

Plus there are many more, very small, family centered sects similar to how the Westboro Baptist Church fits into being considered a Protestant or Baptist sect~pretty much just family members and only a hundred (or maybe 400) folks at most.

I could never be a Mormon of any stripe, but I find them and their history fascinating.

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