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S09.E12: Mudslinging In Mexico

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I'm sorry; I just don't get the whole fitness model thing. I thought both Tre and Frankie looked AWFUL. And can she not get someone other than her friend's ex-husband to rub oil on her ass?


Melissa's mom will cut a bitch. Watch out for that one. I hope there's not more to this "long, lost sister" storyline. I find it so hokey. 


Jennifer's daughter is the fucking worst. I try hard not to go in on the kids, but damn. She's so obnoxiois. And Bill can have a seat. He spoils them too. "Go home and I'll get it for you." Asshole.

But how about not bring your child to the office if you're just going to unleash her bratty ass and the giant suitcase of makeup on the "other workers". (Doctors, nurses???)


Jennifer's behavior in Cabo is already off to a horrible start. She knew about the necklace, but NOW she wants to raise some issue? Have a seat. And to call a gift ugly right in front of the recipient? Yet somehow she's the victim. I couldn't deal with her for 2 minutes. 

Not to mention his immature, condescending behavior and her barely contained rage during their phone call.

I love everything about this post!!  I, too, try to not go after the kids on these shows, but sometimes, you just have to comment!!  I know everyone used to go on and on about Milania's antics, but this spawn of Satan Jennifer makes younger Milania's antics seem mild in comparison.

Did anyone else notice that when Bill told Jennifer's bratty daughter that Jennifer was going away, the daughter went in to smack her Mom?  At least it looked that way to me.  

Can I just qualify something here - these children are totally NOT representative of 99.999% of the children raised in New Jersey!  (Okay - well, maybe they're not repesentative of 95.555% of the children in New Jersey, LOL!!)

Also, Jennifer is really trying to secure her spot for next season by bringing the bitchiness....can't blame all of that lowbrow behavior on alcohol.  Yes, Margaret went low with that lip liner comment, but shrieking expletives in the middle of a restaurant like that - wow!!!  I loved Melissa's reaction-she had me cracking up!!  Le Blanc is not some cheapy place - it's a gorgeous 5-star all-inclusive resort - very upscale - not a college springbreak place where that kind of behavior would be expected.  She totally showed her ass there.

(ETA - I don't know how Teresa could have stayed at LeBlanc with her daughters over NYE, as she mentioned.  Le Blanc is an adults-only resort - no kids under 18 are allowed.)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:
1 hour ago, Wicked said:

How old is Olivia? Was that a pacifier????

Holy mother of crap, I found this to be one of the most shocking things I've seen her weirdo brats do.  I bet she wears diapers too lol.

C'mon!  These people give more than enough legitimate reasons to snark.  That, however, was most definitely a Ring Pop.

31 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But how about not bring your child to the office if you're just going to unleash her bratty ass and the giant suitcase of makeup on the "other workers". (Doctors, nurses???)

Agreed!  I've been one of those office workers forced to pretend a boss's child is both charming and welcome at my desk when all I wanted to do is tell them to bugger off and let me do my work.

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, queenjen said:

I'm with the posters who have said this whole 'Melissa has another sister' sub SL has to be because Melissa already knows she does. So I'm expecting that she's going to 'learn' that her Dad had a side piece and left her Mom for a bit but they pretended for the kids' sake, or some such this episode. 


37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Melissa's mom will cut a bitch. Watch out for that one. I hope there's not more to this "long, lost sister" storyline. I find it so hokey. 


I think there is another "sister" {half-sister, actually} out there, and they all know about her already.  One of Melissa's sisters commented about their father "stepping out" on their Mom.  Their Mom seemed accepting of the fact that there may be someone, and she has no issue with the child ("it's no fault of hers") - she just has an issue with the woman who the Dad "stepped out" with.  A pretty mature opinion, if you ask me.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 9

Jennifer is ratchet. Damn. Also: rude, obnoxious and dumb. I seriously hope she’s a “one and done” housewife. Mostly to get her awful kids off the tv screen. 

Theresa looked terrible in Cabo. That blonde hair and orange skin are hideous. 

Marge getting choked up about the kids with cancer speaks to her character. She may be a little rough around the edges at times, but she’s got a good heart. 

1 hour ago, Wicked said:

How old is Olivia? Was that a pacifier????

Ya know, on a normal kid I’d assume it was a ring pop. But with that over indulged child, I’d say it could be either. 

3 hours ago, queenjen said:

I'm with the posters who have said this whole 'Melissa has another sister' sub SL has to be because Melissa already knows she does. So I'm expecting that she's going to 'learn' that her Dad had a side piece and left her Mom for a bit but they pretended for the kids' sake, or some such this episode. 

I thought it was already divulged that Melissa’s dad has multiple side pieces. 

  • Love 17

If you listen to the ladies in this clip from Bravotv.com, Margaret explains the lipliner remark (and will make you laugh):


Not only that, but it is revealed that Jennifer never did chip in for Teresa's gift!  She gives some really stupid, lame-ass excuse as to why she was so upset that they didn't use her brother's jewelry place, which is actually somewhere in Long Island - as opposed to Margaret's jeweler, who was very close to home. 

It's also pretty interesting in how the interviews are set up - could be a hint into how the ladies will be seated for the reunion.

10 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I confess, I didn't think the lipliner looked so bad, but I laughed at the lipliner remark. 

I've never been a fan of the darkish lipliner/nude lip color look .  As you said, it didn't look so bad, but it's just a weird look to me.  Fill those lips in with a matching color to the lipliner - a much more finished look, imo! 

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 16

J versus M: Jennifer is a one dimensional oaf.... yes, Margaret can be extremely rude with her comments when she’s upset but at least she has redeeming qualities to balance it out. Jennifer loves her family but it seems to be more about her than her family members. I can’t recall anything else that is a positive asset to her character. I too sense a bubbling rage not too far under the surface with her. 

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 17
22 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

She gives some really stupid, lame-ass excuse as to why she was so upset that they didn't use her brother's jewelry place, which is actually somewhere in Long Island - as opposed to Margaret's jeweler, who was very close to home. 

As soon as I saw that Margaret & Co. weren't in Jennifer's family's store I knew exactly what was coming. I have had people in my group of friends in the past whose families owned businesses.  They all expected everyone within that group would use or hire their services without question.  If some strayed, believe me, even if they didn't didn't cause a scene like Jennifer did in the restaurant they would let everyone else know and bitch about it endlessly behind the backs of the "traitors". These weren't even cases of an expected quid pro quo.

Edited by ichbin
  • Love 10

Geez.  I wanted to bleach my eyes after watching Frank do whatever he was doing to Tre's rear end and that competition.  Sorry, I just can't get into it.  And it's so greasy.  Bleh.

Geez.  How old is Jenn's daughter that she has a make up case?  What does that tell us?  And well, dad's gonna pick up some perfume.  WTF.

Geez Jenn.  You agreed with the gift and now you're bitching about not using your brother's jewelry store?  I did love Mel's reactions during that dinner.

And geez.  Isn't it so weird that Danielle's only friend is Tre?  #prostitution whore.

  • Love 14

Jennifer is always going to be that girl with the humble beginnings insecurity.


The thing is ......with this group she hardly has leveled up.


They all have mansions, 50 Chanel bags, plastic surgeries, the lifestyle....whatever!


It doesn’t matter if this group has to beg, borrow, steal or marry It!


They all have the same labels. 


So, Jen, calm the punk down.


Jen looks so bored and unhappy with her life!  I guess Chanel doesn’t keep you warm after all. 


Any chance Jen gets.....she leaves her kids to drink tequila. When she is out......Jen acts like she has not been let out of the dungeon for 20 years.


When Jen called her husband he was out!  Kids at home with nannies.


Jennifer!  Control your child! Is that little girl in school?  Why is she always asking for  the most expensive things?


When I was her age I asked for coloring books and markers because I would color all the pages in one afternoon.


(I think the monkeys ass is because Jennifer has blown up her lips with fillers. They look gross)

  • Love 13

Jennifer and The Count hate each other. There's that whole passive aggressive thing going on with them that we saw with the Deubers on Dallas 2 seasons ago. Where their kid was misbehaving at an adult dinner party but neither of them did anything but exchange hateful glares with one another. The Count deliberately undermines himself to get Jennifer and the spawn out of his office. As soon as he said 'I'll get you a present if you go', that brat would have started hauling on her mother's arm to leave. And then the phone call from Cabo. Not facetime, mind, so we don't know who, if anyone, Dr Creepy has in his car. Neither of them appear to be 'good parents' to me. I wonder if Jennifer is going to give us a whole Shannon Beador arc? The 'he was treating me so badly when we started filming and I thought if he SAW himself, he'd change ' deal. We know how that ended (well probably good for Shannon actually ). 

Danielle's got nothing. Amazing how Dolores' idiotic sense of loyalty allows her to accept Teresa shacking up with Danielle and therefore excluding her from any scenes Teresa films (with Danielle in attendance, and you know Danielle will be clinging to that moneymaker).

Also Teresa suddenly weighing in to Frank about holding Dolores back as an empty nester? We ALL know Teresa is incapable of empathy. This and her comment about feeling 'independent for the first time and liking it' really makes me feel there's something to the rumors that she's got something going with her lawyer or some other man that's not Juicy. 

  • Love 13

I would admit Melissa's mom reaction to the possible "love" child of your late husband surprised me. Maybe she knew (suspected) already or they told her off camera first...

And just how much younger is Melissa from her two sisters ? Wonder what is the age difference b/c her and this allegedly love child ?


Ahhh... Fabio - from Top chef - why did that have to be a flashback?? And the man only made kids pizza ???

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Jennifer and The Count hate each other. There's that whole passive aggressive thing going on with them that we saw with the Deubers on Dallas 2 seasons ago. Where their kid was misbehaving at an adult dinner party but neither of them did anything but exchange hateful glares with one another. The Count deliberately undermines himself to get Jennifer and the spawn out of his office. As soon as he said 'I'll get you a present if you go', that brat would have started hauling on her mother's arm to leave. And then the phone call from Cabo. Not facetime, mind, so we don't know who, if anyone, Dr Creepy has in his car. Neither of them appear to be 'good parents' to me. I wonder if Jennifer is going to give us a whole Shannon Beador arc? The 'he was treating me so badly when we started filming and I thought if he SAW himself, he'd change ' deal. We know how that ended (well probably good for Shannon actually ). 

Danielle's got nothing. Amazing how Dolores' idiotic sense of loyalty allows her to accept Teresa shacking up with Danielle and therefore excluding her from any scenes Teresa films (with Danielle in attendance, and you know Danielle will be clinging to that moneymaker).

Also Teresa suddenly weighing in to Frank about holding Dolores back as an empty nester? We ALL know Teresa is incapable of empathy. This and her comment about feeling 'independent for the first time and liking it' really makes me feel there's something to the rumors that she's got something going with her lawyer or some other man that's not Juicy. 

Well, if you caught Tres comment....like someone else posted. Teresa was not at Le Blanc with her children on New Years.

I got married at Le Blanc.  It is adults only.  


So,.........ummmmmmmmm!  2 hotels..?????  Lol!


(Right!  She should have asked if Dolores wanted to bunk with her or have her own room. Dolores and Frank are the ones that supported her throughout her entire body sculpting comp prep, etc). Danielle is a blood sucker!

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, sATL said:

I think it was one of those lollipop candy rings ... and she doesn't need any more sugar..


I missed that scene.  Even if it was a candy pacifier it is another expression of her being a baby, coddle like one, etc.


Jennifer cannot give her a real pacifier anymore....so, she gives her these candy ones. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:


Jennifer's daughter is the fucking worst. I try hard not to go in on the kids, but damn. She's so obnoxious. And Bill can have a seat. He spoils them too. "Go home and I'll get it for you." Asshole.


I had a little different take on Dr. Evil's comment -

  • He said it to get rid of the daughter - probably hoping she would forget or have moved onto something else by the time he gets home (I gotta say I probably played that card a couple of times myself)
  • He said it to look good for a minute in front of Jennifer - "..yeah my husband said he gets things that our children want ... "
  • It gives him yet another excuse to run around, taking forever to come home".. yeah I was in the city looking for xyz for our daughter.." knowing damn well he was just waiting for Amazon Prime to deliver...
Edited by sATL
  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Jennifer drops by her husband's office so that her demon, pacifier sucking spawn can see her father?  Then sends before mentioned spawn out of his office to go annoy everyone else working there.  Then the kid returns to her Count Dracula looking father's office and he says something like, " now go home."  All the signs of a close happy family.

So spot on!  Jennifer's husband gives me the vibe that he is cheating on her ass.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but it wouldn't necessarily break my heart if it were true.  She is a self important harpy to the nth degree.  She puts me in a rage everytime she opens that monkey's asshole (thanks Margerat) of a mouth of hers.

Teresa's body is sick...butterface!

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Holy mother of crap, I found this to be one of the most shocking things I've seen her weirdo brats do.  I bet she wears diapers too lol.


They probably pee in a corner.

26 minutes ago, swankie said:

So spot on!  Jennifer's husband gives me the vibe that he is cheating on her ass.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but it wouldn't necessarily break my heart if it were true.  She is a self important harpy to the nth degree.  She puts me in a rage everytime she opens that monkey's asshole (thanks Margerat) of a mouth of hers.

Teresa's body is sick...butterface!

The Neanderthal is starting to show. We could only suspect at first with the low hairline.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Ya know, on a normal kid I’d assume it was a ring pop. But with that over indulged child, I’d say it could be either. 

Or maybe they give her Ring Pops AS a pacifier. 


9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Not only that, but it is revealed that Jennifer never did chip in for Teresa's gift!  She gives some really stupid, lame-ass excuse as to why she was so upset that they didn't use her brother's jewelry place, which is actually somewhere in Long Island - as opposed to Margaret's jeweler, who was very close to home. 

Even if his shop was right next door - is Margaret obligated to use Jennifer's brother just because they're on the show together? It's not like they're close friends. They have already had beef with each other. And Margaret seemed to have a long standing relationship with her jeweler. So fuck that. 


8 hours ago, sATL said:

Jennifer "likes" to pop in in Dr. Evils office at least once a week...

I immediately pictured Scarlett Johannson hiding in the closet. (Ala He's Just Not That Into You)


7 hours ago, sATL said:

I had a little different take on Dr. Evil's comment -

  • He said it to get rid of the daughter - probably hoping she would forget or have moved onto something else by the time he gets home (I gotta say I probably played that card a couple of times myself)
  • He said it to look good for a minute in front of Jennifer - "..yeah my husband said he gets things that our children want ... "
  • It gives him yet another excuse to run around, taking forever to come home".. yeah I was in the city looking for xyz for our daughter.." knowing damn well he was just waiting for Amazon Prime to deliver...

I thought his comment could have gone many ways. But in any of those cases, I still thought of him as an asshole. It DID sound more like an excuse to shut her up and get her out of his office. I found that asshole-ish of him. You helped raise this child. Now you just want to push her away with empty promises when her obnoxious presence is annoying you? Fuck you, dude. 

  • Love 14

Y'all are very funny this morning. 

I'm so lacking because I do not have a jeweler.  Frankly I do not want the agency I work for to handle the insurance for relatives or friends.  

Tre was not in a fitness competition.  She was in a bikini competition and could not compete in a bonafide fitness or body building competition.  She would need a full year.  Maybe that is why the 1st trainer suddenly became too far to train for the one month training schedule.

You know the employees at the Count's office had a rock paper scissors contest on who had to deal with the spawn.  Maybe seniority was thrown in.  You could tell this was a routine.  I hate when bosses/spouses do that.

  • Love 16

I've never been a fan of the darkish lipliner/nude lip color look .  As you said, it didn't look so bad, but it's just a weird look to me.  Fill those lips in with a matching color to the lipliner - a much more finished look, imo! 

Oh, I'm not a fan of that either, but I didn't even actually notice a stark, dark line, only the nude-matteness, before laughing at Margaret!

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

If you listen to the ladies in this clip from Bravotv.com, Margaret explains the lipliner remark (and will make you laugh):


Not only that, but it is revealed that Jennifer never did chip in for Teresa's gift!  She gives some really stupid, lame-ass excuse as to why she was so upset that they didn't use her brother's jewelry place, which is actually somewhere in Long Island - as opposed to Margaret's jeweler, who was very close to home. 

It's also pretty interesting in how the interviews are set up - could be a hint into how the ladies will be seated for the reunion.

Can we talk about Danielle's look in this clip? I really do not need to see her ever again in any capacity. 

As for Jennifer's justification on all of this, if her brother's jewelry store doesn't well, why can't she help take care of her parents? Or is it a Turkish thing for only the male children to take care of the parents? She has 16 bathrooms, i'm sure also has an extra bedroom her parents could live in if things got really bad.  It's not on the other women to make sure Jennifer's family is rolling in it cash. 

Edited by esco1822
I forgot something.
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Well, if you caught Tres comment....like someone else posted. Teresa was not at Le Blanc with her children on New Years.

I got married at Le Blanc.  It is adults only.  


So,.........ummmmmmmmm!  2 hotels..?????  Lol!


(Right!  She should have asked if Dolores wanted to bunk with her or have her own room. Dolores and Frank are the ones that supported her throughout her entire body sculpting comp prep, etc). Danielle is a blood sucker!

Lucky you to get married at Le Blanc (The one in Cancun is also stunning!!)!  I did some googling after Teresa made that comment about NYE - it turns out that she and the girls (and her father) were at Moon Palace in Jamaica, which is another resort owned/managed by the same company as LeBlanc.  Moon Palace is family friendly, and also a very nice property.  I wonder if Teresa got a discounted rate or free trip for her family, because Moon Palace usually is pretty expensive, especially during the holidays.  

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I just re-watched the scene with Jennifer and her daughter getting out of the car - it was not a pacifier - it was a Ring Pop.  So, at least there's that!!  Still doesn't undo the fact that the child is a spoiled brat.  

LoL!  Yeah I saw that but I don't understand why she had to carry the heavy make up case with her.  Honestly I can't stand the sound of her daughter's voice--it's so whiny so every time her kids are on I just FF thru their parts, I really can't stand that F'ing family!

  • Love 11

YEAH, A MONKEY'S ASSHOLE THAT YOU FUCKING SUCKED, OKAY? THAT YOU FUCKING SUCKED! Probably."   .... what the fuck does that even mean? maybe you shouldn't drink so much Jennifer ... and nobody wanted your shitty creepy brother doing their jewelry ......You didn't think it would be real jewelry? why the fuck would she ask each lady to chip in if it was going to be fake? 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 18
12 hours ago, ichbin said:


Agreed!  I've been one of those office workers forced to pretend a boss's child is both charming and welcome at my desk when all I wanted to do is tell them to bugger off and let me do my work.

I once worked at a small, family owned bank.  The president would fucking walk around, office to office with his asshole kids to hand out the yearly bonuses.  Why do that?  To make the kids feel superior to the "workers?"  The best was when one of the kids said to one of the IT guys, "are you supposed to be wearing JEANS?"  Oh my god that guy was ready to throttle that brat!



9 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I'll say it. Jen's whole fucking family is creepy including the troglodyte kids. 

Get off my screen!

HAHAHA!  This is awesome!

The little girl looks slovenly, and what a BRAT!

  • Love 12

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