nodorothyparker January 16, 2019 Share January 16, 2019 Airdate 2019.01.16 Quote Hvitserk is severely tested as Floki makes an amazing discovery. Freydis gives Ivar a surprise. Ubbe negotiates with the three Danish kings who have massed their armies in Reading, but the negotiations may have a perilous outcome. Expand Link to comment
LittleIggy January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 That episode was literally all over the map. Poor Thora. Hvitserk should never have left her there. Guess Baldur had a cleft lip/palate since the midwife said he couldn’t nurse. Poor thing. 8 Link to comment
mcjen January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 I was surprised at the Danish king referring to Ubbe as Ubbe Lothbrok. Wouldn't he be known as Ubbe Ragnarsson? 6 Link to comment
Straycat80 January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 A lot happened in this episode (finally)! Poor Lagertha lost her hair extensions, had a nervous breakdown, Judith helped her get over it. Judith has breast cancer apparently. Poor Thora and those other people, I hate Ivar. Ivar’s baby had a cleft palate, left to die in the elements. Poor baby. I was surprised Gunnhild married Bjorn, I thought she was going to marry King Harald. He sure is not lucky in the love department. Poor Hvitserk can’t catch a break. I don’t understand why the Buddha king told him he would not attack Ivar, was going to sauna Hvitserk to death, and then changed his mind. still don’t care about Floki who is still wandering around Iceland talking to the gods. 4 Link to comment
WatchrTina January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 (edited) On 1/17/2019 at 4:00 AM, Straycat80 said: I don’t understand why the Buddha king told him he would not attack Ivar, was going to sauna Hvitserk to death, and then changed his mind. Expand The only thing I can figure is that he thought Hvitserk was laying a trap for him -- pretending to want to attack Ivar but secretly working for Ivar, testing his allies. Hvitserk didn't change his story despite being half sauna'ed to death so now the Buddha King believes Hvitserk. Man, this series has gone dark. I was glad to see Ragnar again but naturally it had to be his death sequence. And of course Lagertha has gone cray-cray. And of course Judith has breast cancer. And of course Ivar's baby is deformed. And of course Ivar kills Hvitserk's lady-friend and her whole family in a most gruesome way. And of course Iceland continues to be awash in a miasma of misery. I need a drink. Torvi continues to be awesome, as does Ubbe. But that Danish King that Ubbe now has to fight? That was one weirdly shaped man. Was it my imagination or was he freakishly tall with a tiny head? I really hate Ivar. I hope someone kills him a lot. Edited January 17, 2019 by WatchrTina 15 Link to comment
magdalene January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 (edited) I am waiting for Ivar to make his horse a general. Snickers. Feeling nothing but Schadenfreude about the calamities that befell both Ivar and Judith.....karma will get you eventually when you are an evil fuck. I am going to be so upset if Ubbe dies next episode. He is the one son of Ragnar who I love. Well, I am watching this show to the bitter end - what are the chances that Ivars miserable death is going to be my reward? Edited January 17, 2019 by magdalene 15 Link to comment
LittleIggy January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 Being a Tolkien fan, I had to laugh at “King Frodo.” He’s tall for a Hobbit. 😆 And, yes, I know that Norse mythology was one of Tolkien’s inspirations. 11 Link to comment
LennieBriscoe January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 Why do the men (excepting Ivar and Alfred) all speak in guttural tones? Man, that mass immolation scene was tough to take. Amazing that Ivar didn't also order the deaths of the midwives. Floki is a persistent uninteresting bugger, ain't he? 5 Link to comment
tennisgurl January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 When does Ivar rename his whole territory "Ivarland" or something? Maybe he will set the whole place on fire while he plays a jaunty tune on the fiddle? That went so dark, poor little baby. And poor Thora and her family. That was freaking brutal, even for this show. I hope that before this show ends, Ivar will die a slow and painful death. I dont want to say blood eagle, but...its out there... Considering what happened to Baldur in Norse mythology, its not surprising that things went badly for poor baby Baldur. This seemed like an episode that is leading to an ending for most of our characters, in one way or another. Floki might have found the gods at last, Lagertha is having visions of Ragnars death and him talking about going to Valhalla, Judith has breast cancer, and it looks like Ivars reign of terror is about to come to an end. I do hope that Ubbe isnt at his end though, with his one on one fight with weirdly small head guy. I love Ubbe and he and Torvi deserve to have a quiet life on the farm that they have worked so hard to get for their people. It would be great if at least one of Ragnars kids could live his dream. Ubbe and Torvi are my favorite characters now, and I want to see them have a happy ending. Hvitserk has taken his years of being his crazy brothers whipping boy, and applied that to have a pretty high pain tolerance. Such a high pain tolerance, that he impressed that Buddha king! I think that the king wanted to see how serious he was about taking down Ivar, or to see if this was a trap, and when he stuck with his plan no matter what, he went with it. 10 Link to comment
thuganomics85 January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 Again, why wasn't Hvitserk able to just bring Thora with him? Her death could have been avoided if she just left? Did Ivar not allow it for some reason? Either way, she's dead, so I'm sure he is not going to be happy once he comes back. And now he's got this Buddha king on his side too! Lagertha is back, and hallucinating being at Ragnar's death, which was a great scene, even though it reminded me how much I miss him and Travis Fimmel. But she gets to hang with Judith now and learn that she is dying of breast cancer after-all. Fun times for everyone! Ivar's son has his own deformity, so Ivar's leaving him out in the woods to die. Like father, like son, huh? Ubbe and Torvi are still awesome, even if their negotiations with the Danes didn't fully work, and now Ubbe is going to fight one of them. Fun trivia: apparently one of the kings is played by Markjan Winnick, who is Katheryn's older brother. It's a family affair! Gunnhild ends up marrying Bjorn, which makes Harald sad. This is likely going to lead to the two of them fighting and maybe even killing each other. If only this was modern times, than Harald can cope with it like most do: by getting drunk and wistfully looking at Gunnhild's Facebook page! Finally, Floki basically tells Viking Edge to stuff it and goes off on his own. Cool, I guess. 5 Link to comment
mwell345 January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/16/2019 at 5:42 PM, nodorothyparker said: Hvitserk is severely tested as Floki makes an amazing discovery. Freydis gives Ivar a surprise. Ubbe negotiates with the three Danish kings who have massed their armies in Reading, but the negotiations may have a perilous outcome. Expand What was Floki's amazing discovery? I tend to zone out during Floki scenes. Link to comment
mcjen January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 11:28 AM, mwell345 said: What was Floki's amazing discovery? I tend to zone out during Floki scenes. Expand It was a hole in the ground. You didn't miss much. 1 13 Link to comment
benteen January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 (edited) Good episode tonight with a lot of stuff happening. First, the complaints... Hvitserk bizarrely leaves Thora back at Kattegat and "shockingly" Ivar kills her. Who didn't see this coming?! Show, do NOT try to marry Judith's fate to Lagertha. You could do it with Ecbert because he was Ragnar's equal but Judith is NOT Lagertha's. That being said, it was very nice to see Lagertha back and her returning to her normal state of mind. I did love returning to Ragnar, even if it was old footage. It definitely worked for me and they did a great job of editing it. Speaking of visually beautiful, that was Bjorn's wedding scene. Really terrific job there. Highlight continues to be Ubbe (looking more like young Travis Fimmel every episode) and Torvi dealing with the Danes. This is a great storyline for them and I hope Hirst doesn't screw it up. I liked the Buddha King and I liked the establishing shot of his snow-covered mountainous territory. That poor kid. But of course Ivar would leaves him to the wolves. Floki, well, at least his threat to Edge was pretty cool.. Edited January 17, 2019 by benteen 7 Link to comment
green January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 (edited) On 1/17/2019 at 8:54 AM, thuganomics85 said: Again, why wasn't Hvitserk able to just bring Thora with him? Her death could have been avoided if she just left? Did Ivar not allow it for some reason? ... Gunnhild ends up marrying Bjorn, which makes Harald sad. This is likely going to lead to the two of them fighting and maybe even killing each other. If only this was modern times, than Harald can cope with it like most do: by getting drunk and wistfully looking at Gunnhild's Facebook page! Expand Why would Ivar allow Thora to go with Hvitserk? The whole point was to hold her hostage as leverage to get Hvitserk to do what he wanted him to do. Of course that didn't work out on either end but it was a logical move by any tyrant to do. Ivar would never allow someone he doesn't trust to ride away into the sunset with his beloved at his side. No Hvitserk, Gautama Siddhartha aka "the Buddha" never looked like your wacky little statue so just no. The real Buddha practiced a form of raja yoga, not gluttony, and was Indian, not east Asian. So no, King Olaf is not the Buddha just because he has a fat belly like that silly statue. Poor Hvitserk is never ever going to get the hang of Buddhism, is he. Got to hand it to King Olaf threatening to sauna someone to death. That at least is different and looked downright pleasant compared to Thora and her family's fate. Love the Gunnhild's Facebook page line. Now I am going to imagine all the characters on the show having Facebook pages even when I refuse to ever be on Facebook myself. On 1/17/2019 at 11:28 AM, mwell345 said: What was Floki's amazing discovery? I tend to zone out during Floki scenes. Expand He thinks he has found the cave entrance to Hel, the Vikings' underworld where he can meet up with a few gods there and get his failing faith restored. Of course Hel is where our modern word of "hell" is derived from so maybe not the best place to hang out there, Floki. On the other hand, given how they have made Iceland so ugly on this show maybe it will be a bit nicer in Hel after all. Edited January 18, 2019 by green 6 Link to comment
nowornever January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 (edited) Considering that Bjorn and Gunnhild need King Harald in the fight against Ivar, they really shouldn't be baiting him like that. Dummies. Watching Ivar give that speech, then leave the crying baby in the woods was just heartbreaking. When I realized that he wasn't going to turn around, I was hoping that Freydis would swoop in behind him, like Aslaug did, and save Baldur. No such luck apparently. And no glorious death for Judith- she will decline, then die of cancer. It's interesting that only she and Athelwulf are the ones to be done in by ordinary things. With a few exceptions, most of the main characters have died in battle or by execution. And speaking of execution, I nearly couldn't watch Hvitsirk's significant other and her family being burned alive. That was brutal. I think that Green was right in that Ivar wouldn't let Hvitsirk take her with him on this trip, but they should have left long ago. Edited January 17, 2019 by nowornever 1 Link to comment
Athelstan January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 6:33 AM, LennieBriscoe said: Amazing that Ivar didn't also order the deaths of the midwives. Expand Their faces were telling, they sure expected it. The last one that handed him the baby left like she just forgot an urgent appointment. On 1/17/2019 at 8:30 AM, tennisgurl said: I do hope that Ubbe isnt at his end though, with his one on one fight with weirdly small head guy. Expand I would hiss very aggressively if Ubbe was to die at the hands of King Peanut Head. It can't be. On 1/17/2019 at 2:42 PM, nowornever said: I think that Green was right in that Ivar wouldn't let Hvitsirk take her with him, but they should have left long ago. Expand I thought the baby scene was even more brutal, but maybe that's just me being desensitized watching this show. I had clung on the hope that perhaps Ivar would change his mind, after all he does know what it is to live with such a burden and he still made it to King! Why couldn't the little one do it too? 5 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 I think Ivar was believing his own schtick about being divine so the birth of an imperfect child proves he’s only human. He couldn’t let the villagers see the baby because they would realize he’s been trolling them. Poor little we’en was sacrificed to keep Ivar in power. A tragedy in many ways as Ragnar left him to the wolves, except he was saved by his mother. I don’t see crazy Freydis getting up to search for her child. She’s in danger now herself. 4 Link to comment
wlk68 January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 The Danish king may have had a peanut head but I did love his deep voice. Add me to the list of people who are worried about Ubbe's upcoming duel. The dude looks like he has several inches a couple dozen pounds on Ubbe. 1 Link to comment
Ohwell January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 The actor who plays Harald gives such a great jealous, green-eyed monster face. Poor guy, just can't keep a woman, heh. 5 Link to comment
wlk68 January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 3:53 PM, PatsyandEddie said: I think Ivar was believing his own schtick about being divine so the birth of an imperfect child proves he’s only human. He couldn’t let the villagers see the baby because they would realize he’s been trolling them. Poor little we’en was sacrificed to keep Ivar in power. A tragedy in many ways as Ragnar left him to the wolves, except he was saved by his mother. I don’t see crazy Freydis getting up to search for her child. She’s in danger now herself. Expand Freydis kept pushing the idea that Ivar's deformity meant he was favored by the gods, or was even one of them. She seemed pleased that the baby was born that way as well. Said it was proof. She is seriously whack-a-doodle. 3 Link to comment
Pogojoco January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 Guys! Ubbe gets killed by Uhtred, son of Uhtred from The Last Kingdom. It was nice seeing Fimmell again. He's such an interesting presence and I'm not sure the show has ever really recovered. 8 Link to comment
Lady Iris January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 3:06 PM, Athelstan said: I would hiss very aggressively if Ubbe was to die at the hands of King Peanut Head. It can't be. I thought the baby scene was even more brutal, but maybe that's just me being desensitized watching this show. I had clung on the hope that perhaps Ivar would change his mind, after all he does know what it is to live with such a burden and he still made it to King! Why couldn't the little one do it too? Expand I'm a few eps behind but now I'll have to get caught up to bear witness to this King Peanut Head dude. Ivar does not have one ounce of mercy or sympathy in him. He would toss out his own baby even though he had been spared that same fate. What a turd. 3 Link to comment
watcher1006 January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 4:20 AM, magdalene said: I am waiting for Ivar to make his horse a general. Snickers. Feeling nothing but Schadenfreude about the calamities that befell both Ivar and Judith.....karma will get you eventually when you are an evil fuck. I am going to be so upset if Ubbe dies next episode. He is the one son of Ragnar who I love. Well, I am watching this show to the bitter end - what are the chances that Ivars miserable death is going to be my reward? Expand Really, what was Ivar expecting Hvitserk to do - actually carry out the diplomatic mission assigned to him? Not likely. This show is getting - just ugly. It becomes ever harder to be emotionally invested in the current suite of main characters. I've seen this show from the beginning and I'll watch through the current run of ten episodes and that may be enough. 2 Link to comment
mcjen January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 8:43 PM, watcher1006 said: This show is getting - just ugly. It becomes ever harder to be emotionally invested in the current suite of main characters. I've seen this show from the beginning and I'll watch through the current run of ten episodes and that may be enough. Expand I feel ya. My attention wanders so much now during episodes, turning the channel during commercials and "forgetting" to turn back, mostly because I care so little now. Can't even count how many times I've nodded off halfway through. Like you, I've watched from the beginning. And I expect I'll stay through the end, if with little enthusiasm. Which pains me, remembering how intrigued I was in the early years. 2 Link to comment
magdalene January 17, 2019 Share January 17, 2019 My disgust for Ivar tends to drown everything else out but there were two very exciting sequences in this episode: The editing during the Lagertha visions of Ragnar was superb and the visions quite touching. I may have teared up. And I got chills when those black Danes were chanting "Ubba, Ubba, Ubba" - your father would be so proud, Ubbe... 7 Link to comment
raven January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 10:30 PM, magdalene said: And I got chills when those black Danes were chanting "Ubba, Ubba, Ubba" - your father would be so proud, Ubbe... Expand I laughed at Ubbe's facial expression/eyeroll when he's standing in front of everyone and they're chanting, heh. I like seeing Ubbe and Torvi teaming up with a POV rather than seemingly be moved around for the plot. Ivar had so many "I think, I feel, I,I,I" in his speech to poor little baby Baldur. Sorry not sorry to leave you to die but it's all about MEEEE. I still think Alex Hogh is doing a good job with the character though. I was kind of bored with everything else, though the wedding and Iceland both looked great on film. 3 Link to comment
Hannah94 January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 8:49 PM, mcjen said: I feel ya. My attention wanders so much now during episodes, turning the channel during commercials and "forgetting" to turn back, mostly because I care so little now. Can't even count how many times I've nodded off halfway through. Like you, I've watched from the beginning. And I expect I'll stay through the end, if with little enthusiasm. Which pains me, remembering how intrigued I was in the early years. Expand I agree. I was highly addicted to this show in the earlier seasons. Now I find myself looking for stuff to do while the show is on because it so rarely has interesting scenes anymore. Makes me sad. :( 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/18/2019 at 12:59 AM, raven said: I laughed at Ubbe's facial expression/eyeroll when he's standing in front of everyone and they're chanting, heh. I like seeing Ubbe and Torvi teaming up with a POV rather than seemingly be moved around for the plot. Expand That whole sequence was great! Loved the chanting, and Ubbe raising one eyebrow at all the theatrics, and kind of eye rolling as he walks in. Ubbe was also seriously channeling his dad throughout that scene, he really looked like a younger Ragnar! I also loved when Torvi was telling the other leaders that they should take a good deal instead of fighting, and one guy said something like "Who is this woman?!" and Ubbe was basically "She is Torvi, she is a shield-maiden, and my wife, so listen to her if you know whats good for you!" 8 Link to comment
LittleIggy January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 10:30 PM, magdalene said: My disgust for Ivar tends to drown everything else out but there were two very exciting sequences in this episode: The editing during the Lagertha visions of Ragnar was superb and the visions quite touching. I may have teared up. Expand I did tear up when they showed the two of them together when they were young. Did anyone else notice that the old woman (cc called her a “witch”) was leading Judith through guided meditation, having her visualize her tumor getting smaller and smaller? 2 Link to comment
Hannah94 January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 Why did Gunnhild look so tall and huge next to Harald? Is she really about a foot taller than him or was that a weird camera angle or something? 2 Link to comment
Stallion12 January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 I got to agree about this show losing quality. The first season was fantastic, but now I get the spinoff vibe in comparison or an epilogue. 1 Link to comment
Haleth January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 Ok, I'm confused about Lagertha. Sometime during the last battle she suddenly went crazy and had to be locked up by the healer woman? What brought that on? Bishop Bad Actor's death? Yet Lagertha's visions are of Ragnar (great sequence, btw, RIP Ragnar) with no thought at all of Bad Actor. And all it took was a good night's sleep in a comfy bed at the palace for her to be right as rain again? Ok. On 1/17/2019 at 3:53 PM, PatsyandEddie said: I think Ivar was believing his own schtick about being divine so the birth of an imperfect child proves he’s only human. He couldn’t let the villagers see the baby because they would realize he’s been trolling them. Poor little we’en was sacrificed to keep Ivar in power. A tragedy in many ways as Ragnar left him to the wolves, except he was saved by his mother. I don’t see crazy Freydis getting up to search for her child. She’s in danger now herself. Expand The midwives better decide to take a vacation since they were witnesses. On 1/17/2019 at 5:52 PM, Pogojoco said: Guys! Ubbe gets killed by Uhtred, son of Uhtred from The Last Kingdom. Expand I think Ubbe has become Uhtred. On 1/17/2019 at 8:43 PM, watcher1006 said: This show is getting - just ugly. It becomes ever harder to be emotionally invested in the current suite of main characters. I've seen this show from the beginning and I'll watch through the current run of ten episodes and that may be enough. Expand Especially if Ubbe and Torvi die. They are the only ones I care about now. And to think I used to tell everyone that this was the best show on tv. 6 Link to comment
TV Anonymous January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 2:25 PM, green said: No Hvitserk, Gautama Siddhartha aka "the Buddha" never looked like your wacky little statue so just no. The real Buddha practiced a form of raja yoga, not gluttony, and was Indian, not east Asian. So no, King Olaf is not the Buddha just because he has a fat belly like that silly statue. Poor Hvitserk is never ever going to get the hang of Buddhism, is he. Expand To be fair to Hvitserk, he got the information about Buddha from a Chinese man with his 'Laughing Buddha' idol - which actually did not represent Siddharta Gautama. It is the same case as people in some less-developed places that got converted by to Christianity charismatic missionaries. Their idea of Christianity is the more 'modern' one instead of the more classical like the Catholic Church. 1 Link to comment
Ohwell January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/18/2019 at 1:03 PM, Haleth said: And to think I used to tell everyone that this was the best show on tv. Expand For me, it still is! : ) 2 Link to comment
nowornever January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 Maybe I missed this somewhere before, but I just found out that Raggna Ragnars is the actress who plays Gunnhild. She was born Ragnheiður Ragnarsdóttir, and must have changed it somewhere along the line. So does this mean that Ragnar's son just married Ragnar's daughter? 4 Link to comment
green January 18, 2019 Share January 18, 2019 On 1/18/2019 at 3:27 PM, TV Anonymous said: To be fair to Hvitserk, he got the information about Buddha from a Chinese man with his 'Laughing Buddha' idol - which actually did not represent Siddharta Gautama. It is the same case as people in some less-developed places that got converted by to Christianity charismatic missionaries. Their idea of Christianity is the more 'modern' one instead of the more classical like the Catholic Church. Expand Ah that was the whole point of my post, hah. Guess my humor didn't come through, sigh. 1 Link to comment
Auntie Anxiety January 19, 2019 Share January 19, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 1:24 PM, mcjen said: On 1/17/2019 at 11:28 AM, mwell345 said: What was Floki's amazing discovery? I tend to zone out during Floki scenes. Expand It was a hole in the ground. You didn't miss much. Expand Floki enters the hole in the ground and ends up in Westworld. 1 7 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie January 19, 2019 Share January 19, 2019 This is the lat season for me.I'll finish it but I wont buy it. too depresing. And Flakey? Jump offacliff . I'm enjoying The LastKingdom.. Reveal spoiler But 'Im getting confused abut all the Ragners and Ragnersons ,Ubbe and Ivar. 1 Link to comment
Steph J January 19, 2019 Share January 19, 2019 On 1/18/2019 at 1:03 PM, Haleth said: Ok, I'm confused about Lagertha. Sometime during the last battle she suddenly went crazy and had to be locked up by the healer woman? What brought that on? Bishop Bad Actor's death? Yet Lagertha's visions are of Ragnar (great sequence, btw, RIP Ragnar) with no thought at all of Bad Actor. And all it took was a good night's sleep in a comfy bed at the palace for her to be right as rain again? Ok. Expand I assume that the Bishop's death was just the straw that broke the camel's back and made Lagertha's sanity go "You know what? Fuck this shit" and peace out for a while. I mean, in the last couple of years alone she's lost two lovers in battle (the Bishop and Astrid, the latter of whom at her own hand), the love of her life (Ragnar), the rule of Kattegat (the taking of which divided Ragnar's sons against each other, which she might feel some guilt about), and she's had to flee her homeland and resettle in Wessex, where people like her aren't exactly trusted/wanted - that's a lot of stress in a relatively short period of time. But, yeah, that was a pretty quick turn around from crazy to fine. 4 Link to comment
Stallion12 January 19, 2019 Share January 19, 2019 On 1/19/2019 at 1:27 AM, One Tough Cookie said: This is the lat season for me.I'll finish it but I wont buy it. too depresing. And Flakey? Jump offacliff . I'm enjoying The LastKingdom.. Reveal spoiler But 'Im getting confused abut all the Ragners and Ragnersons ,Ubbe and Ivar. Expand I probably would too if there wasn't one more season and that's it. I might skip the spinoff. Link to comment
PatsyandEddie January 19, 2019 Share January 19, 2019 On 1/19/2019 at 1:54 AM, Steph J said: I assume that the Bishop's death was just the straw that broke the camel's back and made Lagertha's sanity go "You know what? Fuck this shit" and peace out for a while. I mean, in the last couple of years alone she's lost two lovers in battle (the Bishop and Astrid, the latter of whom at her own hand), the love of her life (Ragnar), the rule of Kattegat (the taking of which divided Ragnar's sons against each other, which she might feel some guilt about), and she's had to flee her homeland and resettle in Wessex, where people like her aren't exactly trusted/wanted - that's a lot of stress in a relatively short period of time. But, yeah, that was a pretty quick turn around from crazy to fine. Expand Don’t forget hottie Kalf who betrayed her to become earl so she had to stab him on their wedding day. Then she lost her child. What a powerful scene that was, watching her grieve with Bjørn and Ragnar sitting silently behind her in the tent. I’m assuming there was some passage of time during her mental collapse and healing. Judith didn’t look too bad at the witch’s hut but she was looking quite haggard when she was painting the Holy Mother. I also want to add my voice to those who enjoyed the scenes with Ragnar. Those were the days! sigh 7 Link to comment
Ohwell January 19, 2019 Share January 19, 2019 On 1/19/2019 at 3:05 PM, PatsyandEddie said: Then she lost her child. What a powerful scene that was, watching her grieve with Bjørn and Ragnar sitting silently behind her in the tent. Expand I still remember that scene. *sniff* 2 Link to comment
Lady Iris January 22, 2019 Share January 22, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 1:24 PM, mcjen said: It was a hole in the ground. You didn't miss much. Expand Not just any hole, but a hel hole! Are Ubbe and Torvi married? Did I miss a wedding somewhere? I like them together which means they're likely doomed. I have never gotten any of the characters on Floki's Island of Misfit Vikings straight in my head so all I know is that people have been killing each other since they landed on that godforsaken rock. Is there anybody else left there? Ivar needs to meet a very long and painful drawn out ending to his life. There is not one redeemable quality about him. If I were his wife I'd bug out asap. She's an idiot if she thinks he'll treat her any better than he has his brothers. Can manslut Bjorn figure out that the ladies just aren't his strong suit? I'm not convinced Gunhilde isn't in cahoots with King Harald. 5 Link to comment
Ohwell January 22, 2019 Share January 22, 2019 On 1/22/2019 at 6:20 PM, Lady Iris said: Can manslut Bjorn figure out that the ladies just aren't his strong suit? I'm not convinced Gunhilde isn't in cahoots with King Harald. Expand Yeah, I'm not convinced either. I just don't trust her. 2 Link to comment
Liberty January 24, 2019 Share January 24, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 6:33 AM, LennieBriscoe said: Man, that mass immolation scene was tough to take. Expand Certainly was. Link to comment
Kite January 24, 2019 Share January 24, 2019 Ehhhh I'm a week behind with this episode, I discovered The Last Kingdom, though I wandered back after I got annoyed at that main character being all kind of modern self-inserty. Anyway, this season of Vikings is still sucking, and I rolled my eyes a lot. Yep, I'm nearly into hate-watch territory. (My sis enthusiastically told me this week that it's her favourite show.) I guess it's not terrible, it's just... not what it used to be. I'm really pissed off at Lagertha's story, it's ticking so many boxes for a sexist handling of a "strong female character". Floki made a really cool not-threat. That was about the most interesting thing that's happened in Iceland for me. Not saying much. Actually, showing how Norse men routinely raped their male captives (plus, heaps of consensual or semi-consensual homosex) would have been an interesting window into pre-Christian Norse culture, but it's been relentlessly heterosexual except for the tedious "I killed my lesbian lover" trope. The birth scene was handled quite well I thought. Although maybe I'm projecting cos I had a birth that went wrong. The scenes with Hvitserk were just weird. He's unrealistically goofy. Still, at least something interesting plot-wise is happening with that. Why would Bjorn and his new wife bait Harald? Is the script just putting in some good put-downs and ignoring the apparent lack of wisdom in it? Hmm. I closed my eyes through the burning the family thing. NOPE. It was interesting seeing some Saxon witchcraft. Oh well, bye Judith. Really super uninterested by the conversation between the three women at the end, felt like some dude's idea of how women talk to each other about women things. For some reason I really don't care about Ubbe's story, though the actor is great. Perhaps something unexpected will happen next week. Link to comment
mrspidey January 27, 2019 Share January 27, 2019 I'm sorry but Floki's modern day spade completely took me out of the narrative. Don't ever do that again, Vikings! 2 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie January 28, 2019 Share January 28, 2019 (edited) Ha! I was watching that epi last night and thought the same thing. Holy Home Depot there prop department. Ivar is going off the rails. Poor Baldur 😓 Edited January 30, 2019 by PatsyandEddie Link to comment
Haleth January 30, 2019 Share January 30, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 5:56 AM, LittleIggy said: Being a Tolkien fan, I had to laugh at “King Frodo.” He’s tall for a Hobbit. 😆 And, yes, I know that Norse mythology was one of Tolkien’s inspirations. Expand And the Rohirric culture was based on 9th c Saxon England, so Eowyn and her family would feel right at home in Alfred's kingdom. They even speak the same language. 1 Link to comment
Captanne January 30, 2019 Share January 30, 2019 I think Stephen Colbert should be encouraged to drop by here. He'd fit right in with the uber-nerddom (of which I am a most unworthy member). 1 Link to comment
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