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"The View": Week of 1/7/19


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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

If you're referring to Meghan's crack that Joy keeps those 3 million votes under her pillow, I agree.  But, I was pleasantly shocked how well Meghan took Joy's clap back about Paul Ryan.

I was surprised, too. I thought the discussion was about to segue into another screaming fit. And she was already halfway there with how loud she was.* Whoopi (or the producer in her ear) clearly thought the same thing since she sneak-cut the show to a commercial before anything worse could happen.

* She seemed deranged because she clearly hoped the audience would laugh at her "joke." No luck there--and that made me laugh.

  • Love 10
34 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Meghan said something about AOC possibly being the Democratic nominee in 2020.  She can't be the nominee she will only be 31 years old on election day 2020.  A president has to be at least 35 years old.  Since Meghan has been in politics her whole life you would think she would know that.

Meghan sounded like that was what she was saying, but I don't even think she was going there. She started talking about Warren losing her up-and-comer status. I think McCain was trying to discuss whether or not the DNC nominee would be someone in the "Democratic Socialst" vein, or of the DNC-establishment vein. 

The segment was a mess, because Whoopi, for all her usually liberal blather, still has the reaction of some of her generation to the socialism word. AOC (and Bernie, for that matter) would better describe themselves (and would fare better doing so) if they called themselves/the movement "Social Democrats." They're not really any flavor of socialist. They're Dems who favor a strong social safety net.

I think Joy is all wet about the GWB/beer thing with Warren. That is to say, I do think Warren was trying to have a beer to appear relatable. I don't think she was going for a joke or an homage. I also think Sunny was all wet when she said it seemed very authentic to her. I love Warren, but that was damned awkward. She may drink beer all day, but she did that, because someone told her to do something to prove approve to "regular" people. The first thing Warren needs to do is fire whoever told her to do that. And if she thought of it herself, she needs someone young who isn't afraid to say to her, "Um, that's kind of awkward."

Edited by General Days
  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Meghan said something about AOC possibly being the Democratic nominee in 2020.  She can't be the nominee she will only be 31 years old on election day 2020.  A president has to be at least 35 years old.  Since Meghan has been in politics her whole life you would think she would know that.

I think this is why Whoopi asked her, "nominee for what?" before she started rambling about AOC.

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Meghan said something about AOC possibly being the Democratic nominee in 2020.  She can't be the nominee she will only be 31 years old on election day 2020.  A president has to be at least 35 years old.  Since Meghan has been in politics her whole life you would think she would know that.

And Sunny. And Joy. 

  • Love 2

Again, McCain said the AOC "vein." She didn't mean AOC would be nominee. I went back and listened again. Her point was really about the direction of the DNC, and she got so excited that she got to take a swipe at both Warren and Ocasio-Cortez in the same segment that she tried to do it in the same breath, and wasn't clear, but she said "vein." 

  • Love 4

Finally got to hear what Whoopi said, and....well...fucking...done!

My sister and I were just talking about AOC and what seemed to be my problem with her; my sister said pretty much the same thing as Whoopi, but with more expletives as she's a feisty nut when it comes to politics.

AOC is a lovely young woman I'm sure but IMO I find her very cocky....like it was said you just got in so how about zipping it while learning all you can.

Edited by Vixenstud
  • Love 10
43 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Unless AOC said something truly offensive, this "schooling" was way over the top.  The way Whoopi's lip curled with bizarre anger and Meghan clapped and giggled, I thought I was watching Fox News.

I'm curious what whoopi is talking about? I looked up AOC  and recent interviews. The only thing I see is an interview with Anderson Cooper on Sunday.  The title of the article does say "AOC challenges the Democratic establishment " I read the article but AOC never in that interview says the Democratic establishment has done nothing.  

Whoopi is going off on AOC made MMs day. I dont think AOC is perfect. She's young and will certainly learn as she goes but the fact that some have made her out to be the devil is maddening.  MM can't seem to go one show without saying her name. 

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I'm curious what whoopi is talking about? I looked up AOC  and recent interviews. The only thing I see is an interview with Anderson Cooper on Sunday.  The title of the article does say "AOC challenges the Democratic establishment " I read the article but AOC never in that interview says the Democratic establishment has done nothing.  

Whoopi is going off on AOC made MMs day. I dont think AOC is perfect. She's young and will certainly learn as she goes but the fact that some have made her out to be the devil is maddening.  MM can't seem to go one show without saying her name. 

They are making her more popular with the base. She does not back down and she relates to her followers on social media because she is young like them. The youth is the future.  I like her more and more with each passing day.  She must be doing something right if people are trying to ruin her with falsehoods.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 14
58 minutes ago, General Days said:

Again, McCain said the AOC "vein." She didn't mean AOC would be nominee. I went back and listened again. Her point was really about the direction of the DNC, and she got so excited that she got to take a swipe at both Warren and Ocasio-Cortez in the same segment that she tried to do it in the same breath, and wasn't clear, but she said "vein." 

People hear what they want to hear. Nobody on the panel corrected her because there was nothing to correct. 

Edited by PeterBrady
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, General Days said:

Again, McCain said the AOC "vein." She didn't mean AOC would be nominee. I went back and listened again. Her point was really about the direction of the DNC, and she got so excited that she got to take a swipe at both Warren and Ocasio-Cortez in the same segment that she tried to do it in the same breath, and wasn't clear, but she said "vein." 

I just mentioned that Whoopi asked her what she meant by AOC being a nominee - I didn't hear whether Meghan actually said the word nominee but I guess Whoopi misheard her.

9 minutes ago, PeterBrady said:

eople hear what they want to hear. Nobody on the panel corrected her because there was nothing to correct. 

I heard what Meghan said and I did think she meant someone like AOC but she wasn't clear.  If Meghan wants to be respected as a political pundint, analyst or whatever she needs to be more articulate.

  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

I heard what Meghan said and I did think she meant someone like AOC but she wasn't clear.  If Meghan wants to be respected as a political pundint, analyst or whatever she needs to be more articulate.

Agreed.  But MM knows what she was doing.  She's suffering from AOC derangement syndrome.  She previously said that Elizabeth Warren was trailing in the polls to Beto O'Rourke and Cory Booker who while progressive are not democratic socialists.  But instead of arguing the merits of either of those 2 candidates she chose to sound her socialism dog whistle and switch the conversation AOC.  

  • Love 16
9 minutes ago, General Days said:

The segment was a mess, because Whoopi, for all her usually liberal blather, still has the reaction of some of her generation to the socialism word. AOC (and Bernie, for that matter) would better describe themselves (and would fare better doing so) if they called themselves/the movement "Social Democrats." They're not really any flavor of socialist. They're Dems who favor a strong social safety net.


I don't think either of them correct people enough when they refer to them as socialists because their platform is not that of socialism. It has socialist elements weaved into a capitalist society. When people call them a socialist, they should always clap back and say 'I'm no more of a socialist than the Canadians, Nowegians, Swedes or the British to name a few...try and tell any of those people and their governments that they are a socialist country and they will laugh in your face.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Shut up Megan! you know nothing about the Democratic party.  

Can you somebody explain why Whoopie was blasting Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez?  I am really tired of people trashing the young lady.  Megan doing it is expected, she is a blind follower of her team with no independent  thought of her own, but, I expect better from Whoopie, Joy and Sunny to not be so quick to believe whatever nonsensical defamatory story that Megan's team peddles about AOC.


As an independent moderate, I expect objective call outs for people on both sides of the aisle when they do something out of turn.  I find AOC to be very unlikable and gives off this vibe that she thinks she knows everything when no one knows everything.  I think AOC needs to sit back and observe how things work in Congress from the inside before she opens her mouth and demands change.  I was always taught that in order to change something, you needed to know how it worked first.  That way, you know what to change to avoid causing huge disruptions in the flow of things.  That is a lesson that I wish Trump had learned before he became president because undid everything Obama put into motion (including things that were working).

I liked that Whoopi was the one to call her out because AOC can't claim her usual tactics of defense because Whoopi is an older African American woman and it shows that Whoopi is objective.. something that is missing from both parties right now.  She voiced what I have been feeling about AOC. 

With that said, I can't wait for Kamala to come on tomorrow :)  

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Sunny should look up the definition of "hokey"; it is the opposite of "authentic".

AOC did complain about all the old people in government a few months ago and many assumed she meant Nancy Pelosi and Whoopi made a comment about that when it happened. Whoopi doesn't like ageism (and neither do most people over 30).  AOC probably was thinking of all the old white guys in government, but it was an ignorant thing to say publicly and she has a lot to learn from her elders.  

Edited by deirdra
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 Ocaso-Cortez makes a lot of incorrect sweeping generalizations. Both sides of the aisle have had to fact-check and correct her many times. It's great to be a ball-buster, but, not when you're just blowing hot air. I don't know how it's going to shake out when the enthusiasm dies and she's going to have to deliver. 


In general, I'd like to comment more on many of the topics on this forum, but, as I don't watch the show, I don't want to blather on (à la Whoopie) about topics out of context. I don't want to ramble on, which, ironically, is exactly what I'm doing here.   :)

Edited by AdeleDazeem
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, ari333 said:

bachelor.... snore

I find The Bachelor to be a fascinating show from a sociological/psychological perspective.  

Take one man, introduce him to a dozen or two women, and tell the women they have to compete with each other to win the "prize"  of getting him to propose.  Some kind of weird Stockholm syndrome happens, and you end up with a bunch of women believing that this one man is the key to their happiness.   They are all able to ignore the reality of the situation, which is that if there were a few more men around, most of them wouldn't give the "prize"  a second glance.   In the "real world", if you go to a party, and a cute guy you just met is making out with someone else, you look around and see who else is at the party.  You certainly don't stand around and wait for your turn to kiss him!  

Now, if The View would discuss The Bachelor on this level, to really explore what it says about women, men,  and relationships,  it could be interesting.  

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, General Days said:

I think Joy is all wet about the GWB/beer thing with Warren. That is to say, I do think Warren was trying to have a beer to appear relatable. I don't think she was going for a joke or an homage. I also think Sunny was all wet when she said it seemed very authentic to her. I love Warren, but that was damned awkward. She may drink beer all day, but she did that, because someone told her to do something to prove approve to "regular" people. The first thing Warren needs to do is fire whoever told her to do that. And if she thought of it herself, she needs someone young who isn't afraid to say to her, "Um, that's kind of awkward

Just reminded me of Dukakis riding in the desert tank with his pith helmet on.  Someone needs to tell these candidates "If it doesn't feel natural to you, don't use it!"

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, General Days said:

She seemed to be saying that Ocasio-Cortez (from here on out, when I remember, I'm going with her new internet abbreviation, "AOC," because it's easier) that Cortez has said the Democratic establishment has done nothing. So she was trying to "school" her on some of the party's stars like John Lewis and Dianne Feinstein. 

The thing is, has AOC ever said that? It's one thing to say, "I don't think the DNC is going far enough."

I think Whoopi is almost as frightened of the word "Socialist" in AOC et al's "Democratic Socialist" as Meghan. She can't hear what these people are about, because of the scary, scary "S" word. Joy keeps trying to differentiate between socialism and Democratic Socialism, but she never seems fully prepared, nor does she get the chance. Sometimes, I wish Joy were more of a blowhard. 

No, she's never said that.  In the 60 minute interview, AOC was talking about how she feels the democrats compromise more than she likes.  Whoopi is so uniformed in this area.  She bashed Justice Democrats, saying they were ageist.  Justice Democrats weren't trying to primary elderly democrats, they wanted to primary democrats who take way too much corporate and lobbyist money.

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11 hours ago, AdeleDazeem said:

I hate when this happens. They get someone I'm interested in hearing (Kamala Harris), but I won't watch the clusterfuck that The View is. 

I assume Harris is testing the Presidental-run waters and will be making the rounds. I'll catch her on Face the Nation, Meet the Press, Colbert instead. 

Malala deserves better than The View.

Just do like I do and watch it on YouTube. The only day I give them real ratings is Fridays when Ana is there. I figure if they see spikes on Fridays they'll get a clue and replace RBM with Ana. 

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17 hours ago, WonderWuman73 said:

I didn’t watch today’s show or taped it. Glad I didn’t. I have no info on the guests for next week but my ticket is for next Wednesday’s show.  

The ticket site says the guests for next Wednesday's shows are Judd Apatow in the morning then they are taping a 2nd show that's a MLK Day Special.  

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10 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Unfortunatel Ana does not want to move to NYC.....and is getting married in May (iir) to her Florida fiance. Not going to happen.

I'm pretty sure that the man she was seeing who lived in Florida, she broke up with; her fiance lives in New York, no? Don't quote me, since I don't keep up with these things. All I recall is that she's no longer with the man that was her long standing significant other who also lived in Florida.

I've met Senator Kamala Harris. It's been a year. And it was quite by accident-at the Starbucks near the place where I was working. She is Absolutely KEWL and AWESOME and she looks at you when she talks to you. She was everything that is Patience and Graciousness as I fangurrrled all over her. And she's not even MY Senator.

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6 minutes ago, rickhurst3186 said:

Get ready to hear some McCain ass kissing. 

I find she's a lot more subdued when a strong woman of color is at the table. So far she hasn't really said much of anything. After watching Kamala owning Jeff Sessions, I'm sure Meghan thought twice about being a smart ass today. =P

Edited by Alexis2291
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