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LMAO!: Hilarious Movie Moments

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I can't believe it's taken me this long to post my absolute favorite part of Ferris Bueller's Day Off (in my top 5 favorite movies of all time):



"Pardon my French, but you're an asshole!"

"Call me sir goddammit!"

"Rooney!" "Ooooooooooh, oooooooh" "Rooney, calm down"



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This bit of dialogue is golden as well:


Ed Rooney: Yeah I heard, and man, I'm all broken up, boy, what a blow.

Cameron: [disguised] Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, it's been a tough morning and we got a lot of family business to take care of, so if you wouldn't mind excusing Sloane, I'd appreciate it.

Ed Rooney: Uh, yeah, sure, no I'd be happy to, yeah you, uh, you you just produce a corpse, and uh, I'll release Sloane. I wanna see this dead grandmother first hand.

Grace: Ed?

Ed Rooney: It's alright, Grace, it's Ferris Bueller the little twerp. I'm gonna set a trap and let him fall right in it.

Grace: Ooh!

Cameron: [disguised] I'm sorry, Ed, did you say you wanted to see a body?

Ed Rooney: Yeah, that's right, just, uh, roll her old bones on over here, and I'll dig up your daughter. You know that's school policy.

  • Love 6

Speaking of Men in Tights....


I don't know why it's in black and white, either.

I love that clip!


Speaking of innuendo, found some while re-watching Aladdin.


Those little stinkers snuck some past the censors :P.



Here's the clip. Aladdin lands in this one lady's lap and she says that he's "quite tasty"...


Didn't notice that one when I was younger XD. It's funny to find them when I'm older though.



God bless you, Robin :P. There are some in here too.


Same goes with the "Animaniacs"... they got away with a lot.

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Unfortunately, I can't find a youtube clip for this, but my very favorite part of To Wong Foo: Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar is right after Vida beats up Virgil, and Chi Chi is trying to explain why she's so strong:


Chi Chi: There's something you need to know about Vida.  She....

Noxeema: Vida works out.  Yeah, Vida works out.

Chi Chi: A lot.


The entire movie is hysterical, but that is my favorite part, hands down. 

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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The moment that I realized that I was attracted to Parker Posey in Best in Show is the moment I realized there's something unhealthy about my taste in women.


This scene in Royal Tenenbaums cracked me up, particularly the part with the shoes/sock. I just thought of how absurd it would be if this happened in real tennis and lost it.

Edited by jellysalmon
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Unfortunately, I can't find a youtube clip for this, but my very favorite part of To Wong Foo: Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar is right after Vida beats up Virgil, and Chi Chi is trying to explain why she's so strong:


Chi Chi: There's something you need to know about Vida.  She....

Noxeema: Vida works out.  Yeah, Vida works out.

Chi Chi: A lot.


The entire movie is hysterical, but that is my favorite part, hands down. 


I love that movie! :) They're all pretty good as women too ;).

The moment that I realized that I was attracted to Parker Posey in Best in Show is the moment I realized there's something unhealthy about my taste in women.


I'll go you one better than that, I was attracted to her in Josie and the Pussycats.




"Isn't she fabulous?"


Yes. Yes, she is.

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Best in Show always a favorite. When he is yelling at the dog "Don't look at the fat ass losers or freaks, you look at meeee!" And the pet store scene "That's a bear in a bee costume".




Something is very, very wrong with me, because I want to bring her a bottle of Xanax as a courtship present.




"Listen to your filthy mouth, ya fuckin' whore!"

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Some recent-ish examples of scenes that make me laugh way too hard:


Wanderlust: The scene where Paul Rudd psyches himself up in front of the mirror. "Do you like my erection selection?" The movie itself was just alright IMO but this scene seriously makes me cry laughing so hard everytime. I make people watch it on Youtube on like a weekly basis.


We're the Millers: The scene where Jennifer Aniston and Emma Roberts are teaching the guy who's pretending to be their son/brother (respectively) how to kiss, and then the girl he's interested in (and thinks this is a mom, sister, and brother kissing) walks in.


Step Brothers: The scene with douchey brother (Adam Scott)'s family singing "Sweet Child O Mine"

I have two scenes, both involving vehicles, and whenever I see them in re-runs of their movies, I laugh out loud.  The first one was in Easy Money (the Rodney Dangerfield movie) when Rodney and his pals (including Joe Pesci) are driving to the racetrack, are maneuvering to get Joe's plumbing van into a small parking spot and a sports car, filled with young frat type guys, steals the spot. The young jerks turn around and make an obscene gesture and laugh at the older guys in the plumbing van.  So Joe guns the engine and pushes the sports car and its occupants over an embankment.  The other favorite scene is in Fried Green Tomatoes when, once again, a parking spot was stolen.  This time, Kathy Bates (love her) was maneuvering her big sedan into a space when it was stolen by two teenage girls in a little car.  I can't remember the lines except after they sass her and start walking away, she tells them she may be old but she's got more insurance and she then plows her big ol' car into their little puddle jumper.  Truly wonderful. Vehicular kismet or somethin' like that.

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It's one of those "all in the delivery/context" funny moments, but the scene in Warm Bodies where the rest of the corpses from the airport catch up with R under the bridge always gets me. M's sympathetic sigh of "Bitches, man" when he hears that Julie left R behind, coming out with the labored difficulty that characterizes all the corpses' dialogue, is so incongruous yet perfect that I can't help busting up every time.

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Recently watched The Internship with IMO, understandably low expectations. I did not expect to have to pause the movie at one point while I laughed so hard that tears were streaming down my face.


The two main characters are adults in an internship with a much younger, hipper generation so they are hopelessly out of touch anyway. During one of the competitions in the internship, a replica of a Quidditch match is played out. The adults are totally lost (I had to suspend my disbelief that these two had no fucking clue about Harry Potter). Someone layman's termed it for them and they played along. After a hard won fight, they think it's over. Then, some dude dressed in gold lame with a golden sock dangling off his crotch with a tennis ball in it runs onto the field (it's the golden snitch). Exhausted, one of the adults huffs out "who in the fuck is this now?" There was just so much DONE in his tone. It killed me.

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I watched part of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby on TV this weekend (even though I own the DVD). Unfortunately I turned it on after my favourite part, the dinner scene. It has Ricky Bobby's sons totally verbally destroying their grandfather and then Ricky himself is trying to say grace (or a meal of food from all his nascar sponsors) and talking about how he always pictures Jesus as a little baby.

  • Love 3

I watched part of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby on TV this weekend (even though I own the DVD). Unfortunately I turned it on after my favourite part, the dinner scene. It has Ricky Bobby's sons totally verbally destroying their grandfather and then Ricky himself is trying to say grace (or a meal of food from all his nascar sponsors) and talking about how he always pictures Jesus as a little baby.

The kids really are funny as hell. I cracked up when they threatened to turn off their neighbor's oxygen lmao


My favorite overall moment in the movie though belongs to Michael Clarke Duncan (may he RIP):

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I watched part of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby on TV this weekend (even though I own the DVD). Unfortunately I turned it on after my favourite part, the dinner scene. It has Ricky Bobby's sons totally verbally destroying their grandfather and then Ricky himself is trying to say grace (or a meal of food from all his nascar sponsors) and talking about how he always pictures Jesus as a little baby.


I was hoping I could find the clip where Jane Lynch shows up and takes hold of those little hellions and puts the fear into them, because that is just hilarious.

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Waiting for Guffman is great (as well as all the movies with the Christopher Guest clan. This is Spinal Tape, Best In Show, A Mighty Wind, and For Your Consideration). So many hilarious lines/scenes. "Well I just hate you and I hate your ass face!" The auditions, Corky asking for 150K. When Parker Posey is talking about going to Broadway. "I want to meet some guys. some Italian guys, and watch TV and stuff".

I just did a rewatch of Nine to Five this weekend and forgot how much I love that movie.  The entire part at the hospital and the ensuing car ride are hilarious, but there are just so many great lines over the whole movie:


The entire runner of Frank Hart being a "sexist egotistical lying hypocritical bigot."

"I am a doctor!  So what am I talking to you for?  Piss off!"

"That's just great! We just waltz into the hospital and say, 'We're sorry, we made a mistake.' Well, maybe they'll give us Hart's body in exchange!"

"Well why wouldn't he? He's got you for poisoning him, and me for roping him, and YOU for acting like he was first prize at a turkey shoot!"


"Hey, Vera. We've got another stiff in the john."


And it's terrible, but Dabney Coleman's line reading of "The old lush?" sends me into a fit of hysterics every time.  I really hope he's a nice man in real life, because in everything I've ever seen him in, he plays such a jerk.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Pretty much the entirety of Noises off is hilarious for me (and with a cast like Michael Caine, Christopher Reeve, Carol Burnett and John Ritter in it maybe it's not surprising). But every single time I've watched it, by the time they get to the part in the third act where all 3 of the 'burglars' are going around repeating Selzdon's dialogue, my stomach and sternum are hurting from the laughter. Every single time, and I've watched it at least 8 times now. 

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"Look, I've got a gun out there in my purse. Up until now I've been forgivin' and forgettin' because of the way I was brought up, but I'll tell you one thing. If you ever say another word about me or make another indecent proposal, I'm gonna get that gun of mine, and I'm gonna change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot! And don't think I can't do it."

  • Love 5



Best in Show has so many great moments.

My favorite is : "We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks....but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other. "

The sad thing is, there is (or at least was at the time that movie came out) a Starbucks in Manhattan near Cooper Union...and another Starbucks right across the street from it. When I heard that line in the movie, I knew that they had to be referring to that-I would always do double takes every time I walked around there and saw two packed Starbucks facing each other.

The sad thing is, there is (or at least was at the time that movie came out) a Starbucks in Manhattan near Cooper Union...and another Starbucks right across the street from it. When I heard that line in the movie, I knew that they had to be referring to that-I would always do double takes every time I walked around there and saw two packed Starbucks facing each other.

There were also 2 in downtown Vancouver, kitty corner to each other across the intersection.  I think it was Burrard and Robson, but I could be wrong.

The SNL 40th anniversary special made me nostalgic for The Blues Brothers.  So much of that movie was hilarious, but my favorite moment had to be Jake and Elwood making spectacles of themselves in the fancy restaurant.  The two of them throwing food at each other, harassing the customers ("How much for the women?") and finally Jake's deadpan threat to Mr. Fabulous: "If you say no, Elwood and I will come here for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week" and Elwood stuffing the bread in his mouth at just the right moment.  It was all priceless.  I could definitely imagine Dan and John messing with people like that in real life.


Plus that whole scene with Carrie Fisher and Jake taking off his sunglasses to give her the Belushi look....and him dropping her in the mud afterwards.  Never.  Gets.  Old.

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I love The Blues Brothers. Absolutely love it. It's so quotable and hilarious.


For me, I always crack up when the singing and dancing starts in earnest at the Triple Rock... but especially when they've got the guys just sailing above the crowd doing back-flips or twists. The Spirit really moved them!! It's so ludicrous but still so funny to me.


Then of course... "Hi, this is car... what number are we?" "Five. Five." "Car fifty-five. We're in a truck!" (The John Candy chuckle is what sells it.) Actually, anything John Candy does is great. "Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips!"

  • Love 4

Quite a few in Kingsman.  I'll spoiler them for those that haven't seen the movie, because well, they do give away plot points.


- The conversation about Eggsy's pug not being a bulldog.

- "I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon madam."

- Valentine saying that killing Harry felt awful.

- Pomp and Circumstance, nothing else needs to be said.

Edited by Jediknight
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Jediknight, that line has replaced my long time favorite from Con Air: Define irony-here we are on a plane with a bunch of convicts who are singing a song made famous by a band whose lead singer died in a plane crash. (It's been a long time since I've seen it, so that might not be an exact quote.

Edited by Shannon L.
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