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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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I think Luann looks better today than she did in her youth. Here she is in what looks like her Nursing School graduation photo, or something similar.



Looks like Joannie (Erin Moran) from Happy Days.

Jill and LuAnn are doing promos for the US Open.  Jill has chopped her hair off.




LuAnn's son, Noel, looks just like her in that old picture.

Holly crap, you're right ! Exact same smile.

Luanne has always been my measuring stick for growing old gracefully. She's one of those lucky women who looks her age, just a super human version of her age. Same with her clothes. She looks like a woman in her mid 40s getting dressed, just an exceptionally beautiful woman in her mid 40s with great taste and a lot of money. She like Helen Mirran in that way. Like it never occurred to either of them to purposely try to look younger because who on earth at any age wouldn't want to look that good! I mean, compare her to the aging mall rats over at the OC who spend so much time and money trying to look 10 years younger and end up looking 10 years older. Or if you think that's an unfair comparison, look at Kelly. I always thought for a beautiful woman Kelly ended up looking like shit a lot. She seemed to favor styles that showed off her rather odd body. What are all those lumps?

Edited by FozzyBear
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Holly crap, you're right ! Exact same smile.

Luanne has always been my measuring stick for growing old gracefully. She's one of those lucky women who looks her age, just a super human version of her age. Same with her clothes. She looks like a woman in her mid 40s getting dressed, just an exceptionally beautiful woman in her mid 40s with great taste and a lot of money. She like Helen Mirran in that way. Like it never occurred to either of them to purposely try to look younger because who on earth at any age wouldn't want to look that good! I mean, compare her to the aging mall rats over at the OC who spend so much time and money trying to look 10 years younger and end up looking 10 years older. Or if you think that's an unfair comparison, look at Kelly. I always thought for a beautiful woman Kelly ended up looking like shit a lot. She seemed to favor styles that showed off her rather odd body. What are all those lumps?

I totes agree with the Kelly assessment: to be a former model, she truly looks like shit most of the time.

Of course, I think that's due to simply not dressing to fit her strangely tree-trunk shape((homegirl has no waist!)), and her tendency to wear cheap looking, shapeless sundresses or equally shapeless pantsuits.

Well, it also doesn't help that she has big muscular arms and shoulders, never wears lipstick and lumbers around like a batshit crazy yeti, with big hair flying all over her over-tanned face. She typically wears outfits/accessories that might've looked really cool in her 20's as a model, but just don't work for her anymore as a 40-something.

Kelly is like the hot mess version of LuAnn.

I do agree with the looks/style-assessment of LuAnn though: she owns her age and appropriate style beautifully. Her clothes always fit her cute figure nicely and are tailored well. Some of her necklaces might be a little much for me at times, but she seems to always look on point and never tries too hard. She's got class, dahling.

Plus, I adore that spunky hairdo of hers she rocks so well!!! It's always beyond refreshing to see a RH who isn't weighted down with ten pounds worth of ridiculously pointless long extensions.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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In addition to rocking an easy, carefree hair style LuAnn seems to wear minimal makeup in tasteful, muted tones and that adds to her overall youthful appearance (unlike the OC harpies who spackle it on.)  LuAnn is a few months younger than me and while I look very young for my age, 49, I don't have her sense of style, not even close, so overall I'd say she looks much better than I do. 


She's my current girl crush.

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In addition to rocking an easy, carefree hair style LuAnn seems to wear minimal makeup in tasteful, muted tones and that adds to her overall youthful appearance

Her hair suits her but she keeps pushing those centered parted, heavy 'wings' off her face this season and it's distracting. I wish she'd try a different style but it works for her and she knows it.


Same for her make up.  She knows how to do the no-makeup make up look very well.  Whether she's dressed up or down, her make up pretty much stays the same.  Natural and clean. Again, she knows what works for her. When she strays from what works, this happens: 


For me, Lu's best asset, besides her easy style, are her arms.  I don't like ripped arms.  Hers are perfectly well toned and the skin is so smooth.  No sign of crepey-ness at all. 


I think Money Can Buy You Great Beauty Treatments.  And exercise classes.  But I think Lu has good genes and no amount of money is going to make you look like that unless you use those pricey products and take those Pilates classes religiously.   I'd bet dollars to donuts that Lu doesn't eat donuts.  Or much junk at all.  And though there are rumors that she likes to get her drank on, my guess is she doesn't do it often because here is a woman who is in control of her looks and she's not going to risk empty calories on booze and then scarf that entire economy bag of ships while weakened by the booze.


Persnickity, does she mention on her twitter what kind of exercise she does? 

Loved LuAnn this year.

What do you guys think accounts for how different Carole has acted toward LuAnn this year? Did they really just get started off on the wrong foot last year? Carole's perception of LuAnn appears to be completely different this year.

I think Carole went into her first season with the picture of Lu that most had. Snooty, pretentious all around snob. And reacted to Lu with that in mind.

I read that Carole said she got to know Luann after filming and liked her.

Heather has said, that she and Carole and Luann get along great and have fun together.

Loved LuAnn this year.


What do you guys think accounts for how different Carole has acted toward LuAnn this year?  Did they really just get started off on the wrong foot last year?  Carole's perception of LuAnn appears to be completely different this year.

Heather really liked LuAnn and challenged Carole to take a second look. Carole did and has said she now likes her. It was either on the show or blogged somewhere.

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Loved LuAnn this year.

What do you guys think accounts for how different Carole has acted toward LuAnn this year? Did they really just get started off on the wrong foot last year? Carole's perception of LuAnn appears to be completely different this year.

I think Carol can be shallow about people and Luanne didn't strike her as her type of people so she picked on her. I think she slowly got to know Luanne from exposure and got to like her better. I also think Heather may have been more on Carol's side about things until she saw the footage and realized how mean and petty Carol was being. Basically I think Carol is still immature enough to have imagined some sort of Greaser V Soc conflict with Luanne, but backed off eventually.

I highly doubt that Heather watched last season and thought or realized "Oh, my! Carole is being mean to LuAnn! *gasp*"


Loved LuAnn this year.


What do you guys think accounts for how different Carole has acted toward LuAnn this year?  Did they really just get started off on the wrong foot last year?  Carole's perception of LuAnn appears to be completely different this year.


Carole says that Heather was the reason why she came around on LuAnn. Heather really likes LuAnn. The two completed filming last season on good terms. Heather and Carole completed filming on great terms as well, and I take it that even after filming Heather and LuAnn still saw each other socially. Given that Heather became good friends with Carole, I think Carole took a second look at LuAnn. I also suspect that Carole got to see LuAnn out of "I'm the Countess, dahling!" and "These people are in my circle, dahling" mode and liked the LuAnn that's laid back.


Seriously. This season is the most I've heard LuAnn curse at anyone or curse in general. The woman has finally let her hair down, and I think that's what Heather (and eventually Carole) liked. 

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Carole says that Heather was the reason why she came around on LuAnn. Heather really likes LuAnn. The two completed filming last season on good terms. Heather and Carole completed filming on great terms as well, and I take it that even after filming Heather and LuAnn still saw each other socially. Given that Heather became good friends with Carole, I think Carole took a second look at LuAnn. I also suspect that Carole got to see LuAnn out of "I'm the Countess, dahling!" and "These people are in my circle, dahling" mode and liked the LuAnn that's laid back.


Seriously. This season is the most I've heard LuAnn curse at anyone or curse in general. The woman has finally let her hair down, and I think that's what Heather (and eventually Carole) liked. 

Imo, Carole would do just about anything Heather told her to.  I don't know why.  Seems to me, a lot of them would.  Luann, should have thrown Heather out of her house when she was screaming at Whatzername, (I think Heather called her Mother Fucker) to g'head and hit her. But Lu didn't ask her to leave.  I know we disagree on what Heather meant when she yelled at Carole at Le Cirque.  Also at Le Cirque, she told Kristen "You're done" in the context of stop talking to Aviva, you're done.  And Kristen stopped, just like the good lil follower, that Heather somehow feels entitled to make decisions for, should.


Luanne cursing is a good example of how each and every one of these women have made up personas in the past for this show.  She was the Countess with Class during Seasons 1 - 5 who would've politely asked Heather to leave, never cursed and would never drink beer from a bottle. I dunno.  Maybe it's Heather's influence (insistence) that brought Carole and Luann back together. Or maybe it was that Luann has been playing a role and decided to change it this season like they all do.  Either by their own hand or because production says so. 


Or maybe it's like you say:  Carole saw Luann as playing the fake, snobby, copy cat Countess role to the hilt but realized that that really wasn't the 'real'  Lu and now likes her.  Hmm. Maybe there's hope for Carole and Aviva yet.  So much kidding, there, kids.

Edited by ryebread

As for the Carol V Luanne debate, well I have to be honest. I love me some Countess, always have. She cracks me up. I guess I could see thinking she's pretentious or something (although glass houses ladies, glass houses), but I've never really understood the hoopla over the phony accusation with any Housewife. If you were going to be on TV wouldn't it be natural to be on your best behavior? I know if I had a camera crew following me around I'd try to keep the boozing, swearing, general bad behavior under wraps. Isn't that natural? I mean, I enjoy all manner of disreputable behavior but I don't really indulge at work or in front of my grandparents or whatever. It just seems like the strangest non-accusation. She like to get drunk and swear like a sailor, but tries not to do it on camera! Well, duh! That seems pretty normal to me.

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As for the Carol V Luanne debate, well I have to be honest. I love me some Countess, always have. She cracks me up. I guess I could see thinking she's pretentious or something (although glass houses ladies, glass houses), but I've never really understood the hoopla over the phony accusation with any Housewife. If you were going to be on TV wouldn't it be natural to be on your best behavior? I know if I had a camera crew following me around I'd try to keep the boozing, swearing, general bad behavior under wraps. Isn't that natural? I mean, I enjoy all manner of disreputable behavior but I don't really indulge at work or in front of my grandparents or whatever. It just seems like the strangest non-accusation. She like to get drunk and swear like a sailor, but tries not to do it on camera! Well, duh! That seems pretty normal to me.


Except she's been doing it (cursing, drinking beer out of a bottle) this season, so...

Imo, Carole would do just about anything Heather told her to.  I don't know why.



It could be as simple as Carole decided to give LuAnn a second chance, and okay, maybe after Heather saying "LuAnn's pretty cool and I wish you didn't get off on the wrong foot," rather than "you need to be friends with LuAnn. Non-negotiable." Carole is quieter and more laid-back than her cast members, but I don't equate that with "pushover." Maybe after seeing herself onscreen she realized that some of her comments were petty and undeserved. Who knows.


I wasn't thrilled with LuAnn's salad plate earrings last night, but her dress was gorgeous, and how awesome that it was something from her own collection. Sonja's prattlings about her employees, her numerous businesses etc. even sound more pathetic when you realize that LuAnn quietly set out to do something and did it. 

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I loved watching her methodically take down the loony tunes couch.


It was awesome. I laughed when Ramona said to Sonja "Don't answer, she's just jealous you're on the show and she's not". 


- Sonja humiliated herself further, alienated people (like me) remembering fondly her first season, who still found her funny after all this years of delusions and felt sorry for what she was going through even when it was made obvious that she tried to scam some people (and failed at that too !).

- The Countess was still on all episodes (I think ?), managed to gain a lot of new fans et rally a lot of her lost fans in the process. She's the winner this year (except for the paycheck) of all the women.


But yeah... right... LuAnn's jealous. Of Sonja. Are Ramona and Sonja living on Earth in 2014 or on Bizarro World 1990's ?

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It was awesome. I laughed when Ramona said to Sonja "Don't answer, she's just jealous you're on the show and she's not".  


Especially because, yeah, Lu didn't make the credits (or the paycheck), but she was ever-present on the show this season and she got a spot on the couch for the whole reunion apparently, which "friends of" don't usually get. She's obviously there because she had a hell of a season.

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LuAnn may be just a friend BUT she has a HSN deal that is featured now during the higher ratings reunion so it was timed well and her melamine (? whatever trendy plastic)line was featured at the designer house episode and probably other stuff I missed. She's also gotten a great edit considering "word on the street" was she pissed off production by signing late. LuAnn should consider this season a win because she's set-up to be in a good bargaining position for next season.

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I have a theory about LuAnn's behavior towards Sonja by the end of the season. LuAnn seemed almost desperate to remain friends with Sonja from the very beginning of Sonja joining the show and let a lot of nasty stuff slide. I think that her friendship with Heather is real and she experienced something she isn't used to on the show, a friend who has your back and will tell you the truth when necessary. It emboldened her to be true to herself and to stick up for herself, like she did in Montana. I'm not saying specifically Heather changed LuAnn, it's just that having a true friend empowers a person. At least that has been my experience with my friends.

LuAnn may be just a friend BUT she has a HSN deal that is featured now during the higher ratings reunion so it was timed well and her melamine (? whatever trendy plastic)line was featured at the designer house episode and probably other stuff I missed. She's also gotten a great edit considering "word on the street" was she pissed off production by signing late. LuAnn should consider this season a win because she's set-up to be in a good bargaining position for next season.

LuAnn has to bring  a storyline.  She can't go through the whole season hoping something will organically develop and push her center stage.  So far we know LuAnn bought a new house in Sag Harbor because big houses are so last year.  Especially ones that aren't fully staffed.  Maybe in the next six weeks she can find a serious boyfriend or hire someone to play a serious love interest.  Her storyline cannot be that she called Ramona out on Mario's cheating.


LuAnn has to bring  a storyline.  She can't go through the whole season hoping something will organically develop and push her center stage.

This is probably true, but it is also the thing that I hate about how all of the franchises have gone. In the first seasons it wasn't about bringing a story line to the table, it was about watching the women in their real lives and having drama or fun organically happen because of the lives they lead and the friends they interact with. 


In the first season of this show and the OC, the women interacted with each other, but we also saw a lot of their actual lives, how they lived, the people they knew, the events they attended. I'm not sure if the push for each woman to have  season long story line came before or after women's real life friends started avoiding the cameras. It's a chicken and egg thing. But I really miss the organic feel these shows used to have. 

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It is hard to watch when the women bring a "storyline".

Maybe it is better when the ladies interact with out a fake "storyline".

Sonja and Harry and Ramona's ring.

Lu and Jacques and the baby last season.

On the other RH shows it is the same when the women try to make a story, it comes off horrible.

Edited by imjagain
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