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S06.E14: Sex, Lies & Facials

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Aviva's hair looks like she keeps coloring it that same color blonde as when she was young and with the gray hair it just starts appearing gray and straw-like and well...like a dead person. She needs serious low lights.

And a personality transplant.

Edited by Chicklet
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Sonja slept with Russ In Cali? I can believe it. I'm not sure why Carole thought that was outrageous and not at all possible.


LuAnn should have been mad at the entire table, not just Aviva. The beauty queen was gorgeous and handled Ramona's interrogation well.


Kristin brings nothing.

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I love Heather more than any other HW ever, but I was disappointed that she passed around the text, and don't understand why Lu wasn't at all mad at her. From the shot we saw of Lu looking out at the table, Heather was the one laughing and it and appeared being the loudest. I get that Aviva is the bad guy in most every scenario (cannot stand her), but if you are going to be mad at the display at that table, the blame needs to be shared.

It reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld at the concert with the Pez dispenser.

LuAnn's point was lost in the "I didn't invite that woman!" shoutout.

It was clear that Aviva was seeking attention and that she is proud of her father's alleged sexual conquests, otherwise why tell that story? But, Aviva, it makes you look the fool and certainly makes your father look like a liar. Ain't nobody gon' believe that happened.

Thanks, Ramona, for clearing it up.

Montana looks like fun.
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I don't know why they are attempting to be sly, like we wouldn't recognize that stringy hair & those linebacker shoulders & not know it is cuckoo Kelly.



Did anyone not immediately recognize that mannish drag queen body?  I was expecting Kelly's penis to pop out.  She musta bound it in good for this quickie appearance.


Totally contrived b.s. story from Aviva. I bet George and Cody don't even show up - more proof that Aviva just uses her pervert father as a storyline prop. I hate that family and want them off my tv!



Yeah, well, Veevs knows she's boring as fuck, so she has to fake all this crap.  And she needs the dreadful father to give her some storyline.  Time to go, Veevs & George.  Buh-bye.

Btw, did anyone else notice Heather tugging at herself?  Hmmm, maybe that Yummie Tummy shit ain't so comfy, eh?

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Aviva needs to go.  If not, someone needs to pie her face every time she speaks.

And when are we going to see the lonesome leg?  I'm only hanging in for that.

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Kristin brings nothing.


Except a constant O face & a truly repulsive dickhead.

Aviva's hair looks like she keeps coloring it that same color blonde as when she was young and with the gray hair it just starts appearing gray and straw-like and well...like a dead person.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.  She looks like a ghost -- or more like a zombie.  Her hair color skeers me.

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Yeah, well, Veevs knows she's boring as fuck, so she has to fake all this crap.  And she needs the dreadful father to give her some storyline.  Time to go, Veevs & George.  Buh-bye.

Man, do I have Aviva's number - I called it after the First Look - just like Carole said, as well as your post here, Aviva made up the whole "my father had a threesome with Miss USA" just to create a storyline.  And she's so obvious about it, too ("Uh oh...look who's here....this is going to be interesting."  And then sending Heather the info. via text and insisting she spread it around).


I also thought LuAnn made a good point when she said that Aviva is so accustomed to her father's disgusting ways that she's lost sight that talking about his sexcapades isn't funny or charming to others.  Or how about when Carole told her that she's never backed into George's erection like Sonja, and Aviva replied: "I'm sorry for you," or something like that!  Truly warped.  There's definitely a sickness there.

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It's so easy to edit the scene where Luann looked at the table of Heather laughing from splicing shit together. Though, it could have went that way, but my guess was Luann found out about it after the fact.


Ramona sure as hell made a point of it to have a scene with Miss USA about it, though. Subtle she is not.


I thought the dresses were pretty nice for the charity event. Kristen looked great on "the runway".


I have no idea what to think about the "I will spill everyone's secrets" lady giving facials. Seems bad for business if any of it wasn't a manufactured scene. 

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I absolutely believe that Aviva wants to have George as part of her storyline. I also believe that Gorge told her he had a threesome with Miss USA, because he is a disgusting  old coot for whom the line between fantasy and reality is blurred. He wishes he had a threesome, so he tells Aviva, who thinks it's part of her "my dad the perv" storyline. And I believe Aviva arranged through the Bravo producers to have Miss USA there. Ramona has the dirt, I'm waiting for her to use it. Props to Luann for calling Aviva on her shit and boos to Aviva for the passive aggressive dig about Lu's daughter's art.  All the women should have been reprimanded for their behavior at the lunch. 


Sonja is a hot mess and I just can't with her. 

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I don't have any trouble believing that Russ would have fucked Sonja.  Men, especially those who consider themselves rock stars, are hardly discriminating when it comes to sex, and I'm sure Sonja made sure he knew that she was ready and willing.


When did she become so slutty?  Doing the walk of shame when you know cameras will be at your house?

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I am seriously bummed out if Sonja had sex with Russ (especially if he was still with Carol).  I wouldn't put a thing past Sonja.  I like Sonja but she does seem to be making poor choice after poor choice.

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Gaaaah!  That yellow wallpaper --- please no more, please.  My eyes are burning!

Or how about when Carole told her that she's never backed into George's erection like Sonja, and Aviva replied: "I'm sorry for you," or something like that!  Truly warped.  There's definitely a sickness there.


Yeah, it's pretty much like her saying, "Gee I'm sorry you haven't been sexually molested and/or raped."  What a vile woman.  And what was the deal her comment about Victoria making art about sex?  WTF?  


So Veevs was spreading this bullshit story about that woman having a threesome with George & Cody, which she completely denied.  So Veevs was viciously maligning the woman.  Well, at least she's consistent.  Consistently awful & horrible.  Be gone, Veevs.  Be gone.

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I am seriously bummed out if Sonja had sex with Russ (especially if he was still with Carol).  I wouldn't put a thing past Sonja.  I like Sonja but she does seem to be making poor choice after poor choice.


It's only upsetting in the sense that Sonja is friends (or just acquaintances) with Carole. Carole and Russ had an open relationship right? All those long periods apart, him on the road touring, her clear across the country, no doubt he was probably getting some at least occasionally and hopefully Carole was too. Carole didn't seem upset by this tale (true or false..I think it's false)...just incredulous that Russ would sleep with Sonja of all people. I'd think he would have better options.

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Why would any daughter tell their "friends" on camera that:

1.  her 80 year old dad had a three way with his 25 year old fiancé

2.  in her house

3.  in her son's room (the bed did have clean sheets)

4.  the guest star in said threesome is a former Miss USA

5.  this ex Miss USA  just walked into the room


6.  texted about it to ensure EVERYONE would keep talking about it throughout the event's host's speech.


Aviva and George are dreadful.   She needs to be institutionalize and he needs to be incarcerated.

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It makes me so sad that all of the vile behavior in this episode took away from something really fantastic-Victoria's art piece!  I thought it was incredible!


Yes, totally agree. I thought Victoria showed talent the last time we got a glimpse of her work in a previous season. Is she in college yet? I wonder if she has any formal education/training.

Edited by jvr
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Ugh.  Can this show move on from Aviva's father (and Aviva).


Was that Luanne's daughter in the background in some of the scenes of the art party?  It kinda of reminded me of her.


Open relationship or not, you don't sleep with friend or coworker's boyfriend.  I do kind of think that it never happened - maybe just in Sonya's mind.  The trainwreck known as Sonja just keeps continuing.  She needs 30 days in a facility to dry out.  She's just too painful to watch anymore.

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A $500 throw pillow?  I've seen similar-looking pillows at Target.


Didn't Target have the same designer do a temporary product line, too?


I hate admitting that this was really entertaining for me, all the way around.  It had just the right amount of yelling, and all the yelling was about things I thought were pretty ridiculous so it was fun. 


I'm loving Luann.  She seems to be the only one other than Ramona who doesn't laugh off George.  I still enjoy Kristen, too, but I took a couple weeks off from her.  I thought she looked gorgeous walking into Aviva's house for the whatever that was event.  She's a decent pot-stirrer, imho.


I feel like Bravo should do a spin-off called The Help centered on the facialist (I didn't know that was a thing) who somehow knew everything about everyone.  That was a totally absurd scene right down to the bizarre stuff about placenta and how Sonja got that all over her body the night before.  I loved every second of it.


Other notes: I hope Ramona points out at the reunion how Heather just stirred the pot, the way she accuses Ramona of doing.  Aviva likes to block people in while arguing with them, which is just...unnecessary.  Victoria's artwork was pretty fantastic.

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Does RaMOANa just have cases and cases of Pinot lying around?  She had one in her hand walking in and there were four more on the bar.  I guess that's one way to guarantee her not running out.

Edited by urusai
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"This is why I'm always drinking around you bitches!" -Sonja Morgan for the win.

"Some women just have an insatiable need for attention." -Carol, without irony

Tonight was good for one liners.

Of course we also had Carol "having fun" with someone again. Blech.

Edited by FozzyBear
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Victoria struck me as a rather pensive, very intelligent, sweet girl.  I always liked her.  I don't know much about art, but I do know about the New York art scene & it's not easy for a beginning artist to crack.  I liked Victoria's piece.  What I didn't understand was what the hell Veevs was doing with it.  So will having her piece shown here help Victoria in the long run?  Possibly.  All she needs is one of the "right people" (possibly a gallery owner or worker) to see it & wanna try to sell it & she can get a start.  It's a long shot, but it's possible.  If we noticed that it's good, I bet someone who knows art will too.


OK, so now that Lu doesn't wanna deal with Veevs, who's left?  Nobody wants to talk to her.  Like I said before, time to go, hun.

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My first thought was that the mystery guest was going to be Molly Sims and she would have spilled dirt on Ramona leaving the Berkshires to go to her party in the Hamptons.

Kelly did look different though.

Edited by Rottiemommie
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I liked LuAnn's huffy "How dare you?!" at Aviva's remark about Victoria's artwork being sexual.  Unintentionally funny.


I didn't like watching Sonja kissing her dog on the mouth and letting him lick her mouth throughout the conversation with the facialist and Kristen.  It got even worse when she suddenly applied lip gloss and then she and the dog kiss/licked again.  Sonja's just really gross to watch much of the time.

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OK, so now that Lu doesn't wanna deal with Veevs, who's left?  Nobody wants to talk to her.  Like I said before, time to go, hun.

Apparently she cancels out on the trip to Montana starting next week, and the rest of the gals are rolling their eyes at her excuses.  And I bet the producers are, too.  I think that's why they took her out of the opening montage during the Saratoga episodes as well.  I think she's not only such a diva, but one that refuses to film.  The two most potent HW ingredients to get fired.

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Aviva is such a fake and liar.  If she told me it was raining outside, I'd have to walk outside and check it out just to be sure.  I wouldn't trust her at all.  The whole Miss USA crap was just that - crap.  It was just her way to have some sort of storyline.   You'd also have to believe that George and Cody were a real couple who really had sex.  Sorry, I don't buy that at all, let alone that they would have a threesome with a gorgeous woman who could have her pick of anyone.


Heather shouldn't have passed the phone around, but after she laughed at the absurd text message, then of course everyone wanted to know.  Aviva absolutely planned when to send that text.  


Sonja's daughter has or will see these episodes at some point, but Sonja obviously can't see or doesn't want to see how embarrassing this will be to her, seeing her mother's walk of shame (or victory lap), plus being falling down drunk.  Not just once but several times now.


I saw on the preview for next week, Aviva cannot go to Montana due to her asthma.   I have mild asthma but  I have an inhaler and medicine, too.  I went to Bravo's site just to watch how Aviva used her inhaler.  Not at all how I was instructed by a doctor to use mine. She sucked on the inhaler quickly.  You have to exhale completely, then start inhaling before you press down on the inhaler and then hold your breath for as long as you can before exhaling again.   Every asthmatic has different triggers.  I would like to ask her what her triggers are.  I call BS on the whole asthma crap, but whatever if it makes another Aviva-less episode.

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Hey, wait a minute, I have a theory on that facialist.  I think she was a former TWOP'er.  I really do.  Is she on here?  C'mon now, hun.  Fess up.  We're all buds here.  Don't be shy.

Wow, anyone notice Lu's jewelry in this ep?  It was all fucking gigantic.  Even bigger than she usually wears.  Who wants to wear such big heavy pieces when it's so hot & sticky & icky & humid?  Ugh.  Have to admit tho, it all looked good on her.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I am beyond annoyed and disappointed that former Miss USA agreed to appear on this show.  Even more, I'm disappointed that she agreed to appear as part of the demented storyline for sexual predator George and his humorless batshit crazy daughter Aviva.  It's almost like the way I felt when I was excited to hear that former Miss USA Kenya Moore would be part of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and it turned out that she was crazy as a loon.  To me, winning Miss USA was an honorable feat for a young black woman to be proud of.  Boy was my bubble burst!  It turns out it's just a way to perpetuate the famewhorish narcissism of the contestants.  Nothing honorable about it at all.  Thanks Kenya and now Miss USA 2012, whatever your name is.  Thanks for ruining a lifetime of pride that I felt every time a young black girl won that contest. :-(


ETA - Finding out that Donald Trump owns the Miss USA organization takes it down a peg or 2 trillion also. :-(

Edited by swankie
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Yeah, it's pretty much like her saying, "Gee I'm sorry you haven't been sexually molested and/or raped."  What a vile woman.  And what was the deal her comment about Victoria making art about sex?  WTF?  

Way out of line for Aviva to associate Victoria's artwork with her vile father's perverseness.  Big improvement from Victoria from her 'kush' work we saw last season or 2 ago.

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Regarding Miss USA, it tends to attract more blonde, model, less smart types as there is no talent portion, unlike Miss America, which is a scholarship pageant. So, I'm not surprised if Miss USA really was with George nor am shocked by Kenya. For what it's worth, though, Mike Fleiss recently married a former Miss America. The age gap isn't as big.


As far as the facialist revealing info, I don't think the confidentiality law applies to those in the skincare business as it does in the medical field.


Victoria could probably be successful if they can find the right people at the right gallery to take a look at that piece. She is certainly very pretty.

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Regarding Miss USA, it tends to attract more blonde, model, less smart types as there is no talent portion, unlike Miss America, which is a scholarship pageant. So, I'm not surprised if Miss USA really was with George nor am shocked by Kenya.



Well, this Miss USA wasn't actually chosen as a winner, but runner up.  She became Miss USA when the real winner went on to win Miss Universe in 2012.  Why that means a hill of beans to me is a mystery. LOL

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I think this was the most scandalous episode of RHoNY ever:


* Sonja being sloppy drunk, exposing her crotch to the cameras TWICE, trying to make out with LuAnn, letting it be assumed she slept with Carole's boyfriend, the walk of shame, and talking about getting a facial from her sex buddy


* The facialist talking bout LuAnn's business and Sonja chiming in


* Ramona telling a former Miss USA on national television in front of a group of people that there are accusations she had a threesome with an old man and his fiancee


Pure craziness.  Sonja is PATHETIC.  She is embarrassing herself and her family -- but she's entertaining, lol.

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Everyone here seems pretty cool, so I just want to ask a question that's been bugging me since I watched this ep (twice now, shame on me).  The dress that Sonja came home (to Kristen & the facial giving lady) seemed to me to be very similar to the one she wore to Aviva's "art party".  That doesn't really match up with the time line, were the dress destroyed by her man of the night.  Maybe she has several?  Was it a different dress?


Aviva needs to just go.  It is a sad day when Kelly seems like a breath of fresh air compared to Aviva and George's antics.

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The scene with the facialist reminded me of a scene from the 1939 film The Women. I wouldn't be surprised if the gossip about Sonja is true.

I rolled my eyes hard when Aviva told Luann to "be a friend" . She can leave anytime. I can't even deal with the George situation right now. Unbelievable that Aviva doesn't seem to understand that it isn't cute. I hope he's never been inappropriate with her.

Looking forward to next week's episode.

Luann is coming off really well. I'm still shaking my head that they dumped her when she's giving exactly what each episode needs IMO. Not saying she's the only lady doing this I just think it's funny that they dumped Luann and now she's getting all of this positive feedback. I hope they bring her back full time and admit that they made a mistake. That could be pretty satisfying for her.

Edited by Avaleigh
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To me, winning Miss USA was an honorable feat for a young black woman to be proud of.  Boy was my bubble burst!  It turns out it's just a way to perpetuate the famewhorish narcissism of the contestants.  Nothing honorable about it at all.  Thanks Kenya and now Miss USA 2012, whatever your name is.  Thanks for ruining a lifetime of pride that I felt every time a young black girl won that contest. :-(


I don't really understand this conclusion based on what we saw of Miss USA tonight.  From my perspective, she didn't seem to be angling for camera time (though she surely could have gotten more if she wanted), and she didn't even appear all that interested in chatting with Ramona.  So I think it's entirely possible that she simply agreed to attend a charity event for women with cancer, and doing so required her to sign a release and agree to be filmed.


Kenya- different story.  But this woman...I think her motives may well have been noble and she just got caught up in some random bullshit.

Edited by phoenix780
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The scene with the facialist reminded me of a scene from the 1939 film The Women. I wouldn't be surprised if the gossip about Sonja is true.



I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking this same thing and watches old movies!  I love that old movie with Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer.  The gossipy manicurist in that movie talked nonstop just like the facialist in this segment. LOL


I can't even deal with the George situation right now. Unbelievable that Aviva doesn't seem to understand that it isn't cute. I hope he's never been inappropriate with her.


In Aviva's and George's first season on the show George made a very inappropriate joke, "Incest is best", or something like that.  It was beyond gross to being almost vomit inducing to me.  That man needs to be investigated as a sexual predator for real!


Kenya- different story.  But this woman...I think her motives may well have been noble and she just got caught up in some random bullshit.



I hope this is true.  But if it was me, I wouldn't sign any release unless they assured me they weren't going to do anything to slander my name.  She did seem to know Aviva and George also.  It just seems like a storyline she agreed to participate in to me though.

Edited by swankie
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The scene with the facialist reminded me of a scene from the 1939 film The Women. I wouldn't be surprised if the gossip about Sonja is true.

I rolled my eyes hard when Aviva told Luann to "be a friend" . She can leave anytime. I can't even deal with the George situation right now. Unbelievable that Aviva doesn't seem to understand that it isn't cute. I hope he's never been inappropriate with her.

Looking forward to next week's episode.

Luann is coming off really well. I'm still shaking my head that they dumped her when she's giving exactly what each episode needs IMO. Not saying she's the only lady doig this I just think it's funny that they dumped Luann and now she's getting all of this positive feedback. I hope they bring her back full time and admit that they made a mistake. That could be pretty satisfying for her.

I think Luann is only coming off well because she's here in small doses. I think if we got to see everything Luann said or did, many of us would be rolling our eyes at her pretensions. This season she's not unlike Bethenny in Season 1....like the greek chorus and voice of reason. 

If Luann were to have a main role again, she would definitely need to film with her kids since she hasn't got anyone else or another story as of now. I think viewers would go back to picking apart her parenting as well as her kids and I don't think she wants to expose them to the show again, especially after Ramona's retweeting Victoria's unfortunate Youtube video. 

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Wow, anyone notice Lu's jewelry in this ep?  It was all fucking gigantic.  Even bigger than she usually wears.  Who wants to wear such big heavy pieces when it's so hot & sticky & icky & humid?  Ugh.  Have to admit tho, it all looked good on her.


Gigantic or not I loved every single piece she wore.  My idea of accessorizing is earrings and a watch so I'm in awe of any woman who can pull a look together like LuAnn can.

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I think Luann is only coming off well because she's here in small doses. I think if we got to see everything Luann said or did, many of us would be rolling our eyes at her pretensions. This season she's not unlike Bethenny in Season 1....like the greek chorus and voice of reason. 

If Luann were to have a main role again, she would definitely need to film with her kids since she hasn't got anyone else or another story as of now. I think viewers would go back to picking apart her parenting as well as her kids and I don't think she wants to expose them to the show again, especially after Ramona's retweeting Victoria's unfortunate Youtube video. 

I agree with this, despite the fact that I have always loved Lu. For me, she brings that "Nanny Diaries" quality to the show that my lack of knowledge of actual NY women brings to mind. I do think, however, that had we seen all the stuff that was apparently left on the cutting room floor that she would come across much differently. Folks always found a lot to criticize with Lu the mommy, and seeing her interact (or not) with her kids might have brought that to mind. 


I wonder if this will prove to be a learning episode to Bravo. Here we have a gal that always faced her share of criticism, yet is coming across great without really showing us much of her personal life at all. Except for the episode last night, a new person watching this franchise would have no idea that Lu even had kids - I don't think it has been mentioned one single time. You wouldn't know that she had once been married to a Count, or that she had to handle her divorce very publicly on the show. With the exception of seeing her with Jacques, we have little idea what is going on in her life. Yet she shines in the role of the gal who comes to all the parties and still takes part in the drama.  We need more players like this to come in and bring the show to life. 

My favorite line of the night came from Avery when she was trying to get dumb ass Ramona to buckle her seat belt.  "That is like the first rule of....everything". 


Despite all the odds, it looks like Ramona and Mario have raised a smart, insightful, lovely young woman.  

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LuAnn isdefinitely my favorite this season.  She's calm, rational and she isn't coming across so holier than thou like in the past.  I agree that Heather should've gotten a little reprimand from Lu as well for being part of the distraction during that charity lady's speech.  Rude!  Those dresses were...OK.  I didn't see anything fabulous that I haven't seen in Marshalls.  I guess $150 for charity is reasonable.  I was giggling at Carole's mind games w/ Aviva.  I wish Carole outbid her then turned to Heather and said "I bought it for you!"


Aviva is a liar.  She's made herself look foolish for the sake of being relevant.  Her lies, inappropriate behavior, attempts at shit-stirring etc have bounced back on her.  She is worse than Kelly in the cray-cray department.  Kelly was a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but Aviva seems more like an egotistical sociopath. Her "art party" was pathetic.  Looks like she continues making herself look like an idiot next week with all her phobia/illness excuses. 


Sonja...I just can't anymore.  How far does the spiral downward go?


I have liked Kristin but I was a little put off by her 3rd grade mentality rushing to tell her "friends" the gossip that's going around town.  Why put Lu & Carole on the spot and humiliate them (I know, I know, more producer antics)?  Since Carole & Russ broke up, there's no reason to tell her (the lie) about Sonja.  And she should have just told LuAnn that there's a facialist gossiping about her, so warn her & her friends not to use that lady anymore.  No need for spilling the details!


And Romona continues to be Queen of the Shit Stir!  Wow, how uncomfortable was that confrontation w/ Miss USA?  Why couldn't the cameras have stayed behind to film that table's follow up reaction after Romona left??  Does anyone know where Avery is going for school?  The way Romona is acting I'm guessing the college is in some remote desolate place half way around the world that has no internet or cellular service and can only be accessed once a year by a single engine airplane.  Why is it some of these Housewives (looking at you, Kim Richards) act like sending a kid to college is a life sentence without parole?

Edited by BusyOctober
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And Romona continues to be Queen of the Shit Stir!  Wow, how uncomfortable was that confrontation w/ Miss USA?  Why couldn't the cameras have stayed behind to film that table's follow up reaction after Romona left??  Does anyone know where Avery is going for school?  The way Romona is acting I'm guessing the college is in some remote desolate place half way around the world that has no internet or cellular service and can only be accessed once a year by a single engine airplane.  Why is it some of these Housewives (looking at you, Kim Richards) act like sending a kid to college is a life sentence without parole?

I was hoping Miss Whoever She Is would go all Vicki Gunvalson and start screaming "I have never been with a woman" at the top of her lungs. Major let down.


I believe that Avery is going to school in Georgia.  

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I don't have any trouble believing that Russ would have fucked Sonja.  Men, especially those who consider themselves rock stars, are hardly discriminating when it comes to sex, and I'm sure Sonja made sure he knew that she was ready and willing. <snip>

And juicy. Mustn't forget juicy.

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Avery is a nice girl with a head on her shoulders.  I once posted this on TWOP.  I saw Mario, Avery, and a school friend eating lunch in a Southampton restaurant about 4 years ago.  Avery and her friend were assiduously preparing for a social studies test!  They were very serious about their homework.  I think it has been said she goes to Emory (in Atlanta).


As for Kristin, she looked good in the dress at the fashion show, but what was up with the boob droppage in that other dress she was wearing when she met Carole and LuAnn?  Countess Lu glanced at her and said "er, you look all . . . summery."  The camera was too close to Kristin and her big teeth and pointy jaw, and she looked like the Wicked Witch of the West to me. 

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I absolutely LOVE that not a one of those girls ran outside to plead with Sonja to stay, but she did so anyway. Whoever said she wants the attention pegged her perfectly. She wasn't really going to leave. I also loved the expression on Luanna's limo driver's face when Sonja was blathering on about the drama they were having. Zero fucks were given by that man. 


The mask on the "special guest" was completely pointless. I'd recognize Kelly's linebacker shoulders any day. 


Personally, I think ALL of the girls were out of line at the charity lunch. Aviva most of all, because she "started it" with her text about George and Miss USA. But the other girls were begging to see it and passing it around and the whole thing was incredibly tacky. I really don't know what to think about Luann's assertion that Aviva invited the woman in the first place. Her points made sense. But couldn't someone have just asked her who invited her? Maybe Luann didn't think of it until after the fact and had no way to get in touch? Either way, Miss Prim and Proper Aviva is far from prim and proper....as usual. She LOVES her father's scandalous escapades (or pretense of) because they at least have people talking about her. 


Ramona! So meddlesome! But at least we got the other woman's version of the story. I think I'll choose to believe her over George. 


I think they need to give Sonja's facialist an apple. That broad knows ALL the dirt! Luann likes short French men? Hilarious!


Sonja is just so sad and pathetic, I feel embarrassed watching her. It just gets worse and worse. Look, personally I don't do casual sex/sex outside of relationships - but I also won't project MY moral standards onto others. So to each their own. Be safe and be happy! However, I get the impression that Sonja is not happy. I don't see her as just this sexual creature who is out having the time of her life. I see her as a very injured, insecure woman, who is doing anything and everything to boost her self esteem by getting attention from men. And I don't really see her being particularly safe either - if she's drinking to the point of falling over and just staying over at random men's homes, when no one knows where she is. It's all very disconcerting. 


Heather's get-up at the art party made her look like Obi Wan Kenobi. Aaaaaand I'm out. 

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I don't know what point Aviva was trying to make about Victoria's art in relation to George.  Though talented, the art I've seen of hers does strike me as dark and/or sexual. If that's Aviva's point, I tend to agree.  Bravo used to have a gallery up of several of her pieces but it's 'not available' now.  This is the only one left up. Courtesy of Bravo. 


Edited by ryebread
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I don't think Sonja was "commando" in her tiny shirt dress.  For a brief moment the pixelating got messed up & I saw white underwear.  Anyone else?  I think Bravo took an opportunity to make us wonder, besides, it fits with Sonja's tagline.


I saw the white panties as well. But it's quite possible the underwear shifted for a minute and there really was a need to pixelate. 

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I have liked Kristin but I was a little put off by her 3rd grade mentality rushing to tell her "friends" the gossip that's going around town. Why put Lu & Carole on the spot and humiliate them (I know, I know, more producer antics)? Since Carole & Russ broke up, there's no reason to tell her (the lie) about Sonja. And she should have just told LuAnn that there's a facialist gossiping about her, so warn her & her friends not to use that lady anymore. No need for spilling the details!

And Romona continues to be Queen of the Shit Stir! Wow, how uncomfortable was that confrontation w/ Miss USA? Why couldn't the cameras have stayed behind to film that table's follow up reaction after Romona left?? Does anyone know where Avery is going for school? The way Romona is acting I'm guessing the college is in some remote desolate place half way around the world that has no internet or cellular service and can only be accessed once a year by a single engine airplane. Why is it some of these Housewives (looking at you, Kim Richards) act like sending a kid to college is a life sentence without parole?

These shows always need a person or two who fulfills the messenger role. Kandi and Cynthia have been those folks on Atlanta. Jacqueline used to do it New Jersey. Sonja and to a lesser extent LuAnn used to do a ton of it in the past. I'm fine with Kristen because she's mostly inoffensive and her ire was rightly with the indiscrete fascialist.

Ramona is such a shit-stirrer. There is a way to get information from Miss USA to prove that Aviva and George are lying liars who lie, but that would have taken time and subtlety. Ramona doesn't have the patience or constitution for that. Look at how LuAnn did it. She had to toddler over to her to Miss USA and lead her in an exercise of a 5 year old's I've got a secret.

Listen up Housewives, children grow-up and move on. Change is hard and you can be sad that you won't get to see them everyday, but stop acting like it's a death. Your primary feeling should be pride that you've raised smart together children.

Sonja is a damn disaster. She must have been getting calls from production about her call time for filming. Was she just ignoring those morning calls? Or does production only call the interns because of how flaky Sonja is?

Aviva is using George as a storyline. It was never more clear than it was tonight. This coupled with her refusal/inability to go on trips means she's functionally worthless in this cast. Hopefully, this season will get her cut from next season.

Victoria's piece was fantastic. I'm sure any young artists who had their pieces against the eye searing yellow wallpaper her suitably horrified. Also what was up with Heather's hideous brown schmatta. I can't believe she left the house in that.

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LuAnn isdefinitely my favorite this season.  She's calm, rational and she isn't coming across so holier than thou like in the past.  I agree that Heather should've gotten a little reprimand from Lu as well for being part of the distraction during that charity lady's speech.  Rude!  Those dresses were...OK.  I didn't see anything fabulous that I haven't seen in Marshalls.  I guess $150 for charity is reasonable.  I was giggling at Carole's mind games w/ Aviva.  I wish Carole outbid her then turned to Heather and said "I bought it for you!"


Aviva is a liar.  She's made herself look foolish for the sake of being relevant.  Her lies, inappropriate behavior, attempts at shit-stirring etc have bounced back on her.  She is worse than Kelly in the cray-cray department.  Kelly was a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but Aviva seems more like an egotistical sociopath. Her "art party" was pathetic.  Looks like she continues making herself look like an idiot next week with all her phobia/illness excuses. 


Sonja...I just can't anymore.  How far does the spiral downward go?


I have liked Kristin but I was a little put off by her 3rd grade mentality rushing to tell her "friends" the gossip that's going around town.  Why put Lu & Carole on the spot and humiliate them (I know, I know, more producer antics)?  Since Carole & Russ broke up, there's no reason to tell her (the lie) about Sonja.  And she should have just told LuAnn that there's a facialist gossiping about her, so warn her & her friends not to use that lady anymore.  No need for spilling the details!


And Romona continues to be Queen of the Shit Stir!  Wow, how uncomfortable was that confrontation w/ Miss USA?  Why couldn't the cameras have stayed behind to film that table's follow up reaction after Romona left??  Does anyone know where Avery is going for school?  The way Romona is acting I'm guessing the college is in some remote desolate place half way around the world that has no internet or cellular service and can only be accessed once a year by a single engine airplane.  Why is it some of these Housewives (looking at you, Kim Richards) act like sending a kid to college is a life sentence without parole?

Reported to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

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