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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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7 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I enjoyed this and you’re a really good and very entertaining writer. I love all the little details...if you had posted this a few days ago I would have been all about adding to it. But just thinking of the hell Maryssa will be in soon, if not already, makes it impossible to think of anything else but that. 

The system has completely failed the kids and now they probably think there’s nowhere to turn and no one can help them. And it seems they’re right. I keep thinking there’s something huge we’re missing because the sudden turn of events just makes no sense. But I got nothing.

I added additional chapters that I hope will inspire us to come up with a plan. We can’t just keep Link in our hands and hoping that someone else takes care of it. We have to do our part to help these kids if they feel that strong great and we’re all losing sleep over it. Just have to find someone who can lead us in the right direction

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Mkay said:

Someone on twitter posted an article saying David cussed out Barbara when they picked up Ensley. I’ve had an awful migraine all day but I’ll try to go find it.  They are back to their usual selves.

Guess Barbara's post about the party and all of them getting along at last couldn't have been further from the truth...Barbara needs to stop peddling this bullshit about how she's getting along with her psycho daughter and son in law and cut them out for good. Enough is enough.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, badhaggis said:

I am devastated. God help those poor children. This is not going to end well. As many of you have pointed out their behavior has been validated. What the hell was the the judge thinking?! I hope CPS prevails in appeal and nothing happens before they can get the kids out of there. Didn't they have to remove the kids from a different location for their safety?

I honestly feel sick about this...

Likewise...I was stunned...let's see...David beats up a small dog and then shoots it in front of children. No charges, no jail time. Children are taken out of the home and finally in court an accounting of the behavior of Jenelle and David over the past few years is heard and witnesses are brought in to give testimony. While this is going on, David and Jenelle disobey court instructions by badgering and being confrontational towards Barbara and Nathan...judge says and does nothing about it. Finally, after many hearings and testimony, new judge throws the case out and sends all children, except for Jace, back to Jenelle and David...no explanation given for this shocking turnaround. David is incapable of harnessing his anger and sooner or later this will explode. Unfortunately, I fear that one of the kids or several of them (probably Kaiser and Maryssa) will be the targets of his fury. Jenelle now feels empowered by this court decision and will take this a step further and go for full custody of Jace. He'll be ripped out of school and counseling and will be a prisoner of David and Jenelle at the swamp. No school, no friends, no sports or organized activities and no more counseling. The physical and mental abuse that these kids will be subjected to will be horrible. Barbara should NEVER have gone along with a kumbaya type of philosophy of being close to Jenelle. Big mistake. She knows better...Jenelle is loyal only to whatever man she is with at that moment and will throw her mother and other family members under the bus in a New York second. All this bullshit about "getting along" is just a bad joke. I can't stand seeing anymore photos of Jenelle with that smarmy shit eating grin on her face...I just want to punch her. David is just a psychopath...he needs to be held accountable for the death of that poor dog...period.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 13
14 hours ago, druzy said:

There was an update added:

UPDATE: Doris Davidson, mother of Nathan Griffith, Jenelle Evans' ex and father of their son Kaiser, told E! News, "Nathan is an absolute wreck over this. He called me saying, 'Mom, I can not believe this.' Kaiser is so loved, sheltered and protected here, I felt like I was lying to him, when I told him I was going to protect him. I couldn't protect him. My heart is broken, its just broken...We are in shock, absolute shock, at the judge's decision."

FUCK that judge.  

  • Love 5

@kicksave I don’t think Jenelle will ever get Jace back. She hasn’t had custody of him since he was an infant, and he’s almost 10yrs old now. Barb has maintained a consistent environment for him. I don’t see them getting custody but he will have to continue to visit the swap like before. The difference between Jace and the other kids is 1. Jenelle WILLINGLY signed over rights to Barb all those years ago, and 2. Unlike Maryssa’s mom or the other caregivers involved Barb has no criminal record. 

I pray I’m right. 

  • Love 14
58 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

@kicksave I don’t think Jenelle will ever get Jace back. She hasn’t had custody of him since he was an infant, and he’s almost 10yrs old now. Barb has maintained a consistent environment for him. I don’t see them getting custody but he will have to continue to visit the swap like before. The difference between Jace and the other kids is 1. Jenelle WILLINGLY signed over rights to Barb all those years ago, and 2. Unlike Maryssa’s mom or the other caregivers involved Barb has no criminal record. 

I pray I’m right. 

Right.  And it also wouldn't make sense for a judge to decide that all of the kids go back to Jenelle and David, but then make Jace change custody.  I mean, if you are using the same argument of keeping the kids with who had legal custody, why would Barb have to give up Jace?  That would not make any sense since the court system doesn't seem to care that they returned the other kids to a bad situation--Barb would have to do something pretty awful to lose Jace.  (not that I expect her to, just sayin')

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, blubld43 said:

I've read many times of even every-other-weekend parents getting child support. I have no idea if this could actually happen in NC, just speculating. I would bet big money that they will go for support from everyone they can.

Who exactly would be paying for Jace? Barb doesn’t owe Jenelle money; Jace isn’t Barbs to pay for. Andrew? 

  • Love 4
On ‎7‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 1:10 PM, MargeGunderson said:

I don't know why the quote box popped up.

Is the new judge Breanna DeJesus by chance?

Poor Maryssa. She has obviously been terrified of David, won't look at him, won't speak to him, testified against him and is being ordered back into a hellish environment. I would not be surprised if Maryssa end up killing David in self defense (or maybe Jenelle will just try to pin it on Maryssa). 

  • Love 3

I feel most terrified for Maryssa at this point. 

Imagine being brave enough as an abused 11-year-old girl, whose own mother doesn't have any custody of her because of her own problems, whose stepmother is abusive and cruel, and whose father likely abuses her and subjects her to constant domestic violence against her stepmother and half-/step-siblings. Imagine being isolated and "homeschooled" by that same father, who has a huge arsenal of weaponry and who is even feared by law enforcement.

Then imagine you find the courage to speak out against the abuse you've suffered at their hands. 

Then imagine that all your abusers and a judge call you a liar in court and order you to return to your abusers in an isolated, remote location, surrounded by ample supplies of weapons, alcohol and likely drugs, immediately. You don't get to escape at school because your father traps you at home. You don't get to escape to your other parent, because she's abusive and neglectful herself. You don't even get to escape into the arms of a beloved pet, because your father beat it bloody and killed it while you watched.

  • Love 2

Also, Nathan is an idiot for having them come to the party. Maybe he was trying to do what was best for Kaiser by having his mom there at least, but if he truly believed David was so abusive and switched him regularly, didn't feed him properly, etc. (all of which I believe is true), I'm not sure why he would have him over at all or allow his son to be in his presence. Nathan is either woefully immature and naive or wanted social media attention himself. That, or he doesn't take abuse as seriously as he claims (which seems plausible given his own history of abuse). If I believed someone was beating my kids with a switch, I wouldn't smile and laugh with them at any goddamn birthday party, even if I thought it would be "nice" to do. 

He doesn't have any custody of his other child for a reason. Every adult in these children's lives has failed them, except maybe Barb.

  • Love 11

Barb would never have to pay Jenelle child support. She’s not Jace’s parent or an actual co-parent with Jenelle so she has no legal obligation to pay Jenelle when Jenelle takes care of her own child. Barb should’ve been getting support from Jenelle all along, she would be entitled to it even if she only had partial custody of Jace, because Barb isn’t his parent while Jenelle legally is and is therefore financially responsible for Jace. I’ll never understand why Barb chose to not keep Jenelle on the hook for child support. If Barb didn’t want to use Jenelle’s money to raise Jace she should’ve kept it in a college fund for Jace. Instead that money went into Jenelle’s veins, towards buying David more guns and crap (and other soulmates their “toys” of choice) and toward vacations for Jenelle and her soulmates. Andrew should sure as hell be paying Barb too. I remember hearing that he was at one point but I wonder how consistent that was and if he’s kept up with it?

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I feel most terrified for Maryssa at this point. 

Imagine being brave enough as an abused 11-year-old girl, whose own mother doesn't have any custody of her because of her own problems, whose stepmother is abusive and cruel, and whose father likely abuses her and subjects her to constant domestic violence against her stepmother and half-/step-siblings. Imagine being isolated and "homeschooled" by that same father, who has a huge arsenal of weaponry and who is even feared by law enforcement.

Then imagine you find the courage to speak out against the abuse you've suffered at their hands. 

Then imagine that all your abusers and a judge call you a liar in court and order you to return to your abusers in an isolated, remote location, surrounded by ample supplies of weapons, alcohol and likely drugs, immediately. You don't get to escape at school because your father traps you at home. You don't get to escape to your other parent, because she's abusive and neglectful herself. You don't even get to escape into the arms of a beloved pet, because your father beat it bloody and killed it while you watched.

My heart breaks for Maryssa the most. I was telling my Mom about this (she doesn’t watch but she knows I do- Jenelle reminds us of a worst version of my sister’s former caregivers daughter, and Jace her little grandson) and she is scared for Maryssa. Maryssa wanted to live with her grandmother- her wishes weren’t respected. Likely now she won’t even get to visit. I think her life is in danger. David HATES HER for speaking out against him, she’s now the perfect target for his rages- and some here have suggested from photos that he is holding her in a way that’s inappropriate for a father to be holding a girl that’s pubescent (I never experienced anything like that so I will defer to others who know what they are talking about). The world being what it is if Maryssa shoots him in his sleep After all the abuse, or even when he’s awake SHE will be the violent evil one with a record.

That poor poor girl. I wonder is there anyway for her Mom to get court ordered visitation so she can at least get away from the swamp?!!

  • Love 4

Why isn't Whitney going after custody? If she's allegedly clean, married and in a stable environment, what's stopping her? I know lawyers are expensive, but there has to be someone willing to work with her on a sliding scale.

If Jenelle is pulling the "all children belong with their mothers" card to hoodwink a judge, why isn't Whitney doing the same? Or is she? I'm confused.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 14
21 hours ago, Neko said:

I'm actually not surprised, at all.  Believe it or not, I've seen bigger dirtbags than UBT and Jenelle keep their kids.  I am sad for Maryssa, because I don't think she was lying, and every adult in her life is a complete fuck-up, who has failed her.  Sorry to say, she is likely going to have major issues.  I hope they don't continue to homeschool her, but she will probably be on lockdown, now.  So incredibly sad, but not surprising.  This sort of thing happens, everywhere, every day.

Sad but oh so true.

Years ago I worked at a children's hospital and at some point my department was handed off dealing with the maintenance of the social workers' documentation, which meant sorting it (pictures and typewritten reports), scanning it, and typing new reports.  I saw pictures of and heard things that I will never be able to wipe from my mind.

And in 90% of the official reports (including one in particular where a toddler boy had been beaten by mom's boyfriend on three separate occasions requiring extended hospitalization and bowel repair, etc)?   "Ultimately the goal is for reunification with mother."  Holy fucking christ.  Good thing I'm not a social worker because I can safely say a lot of parents would have their children snatched from them in the blink of an eye.  

I ended up quitting about 6 weeks into it.  I couldn't deal with it.  I also wanted to throttle those fucking social workers who were hell bent on reunifying those poor defenseless children with their dangerous/neglectful parent.  Ugh.  

Adults can (and do) commit horrible acts on one another, and I can deal with that.

If children or animals are involved, I'm out.  I can't deal with that shit.  

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Why isn't Whitney going after custody? If she's allegedly clean, married and in a stable environment, what's stopping her? I know lawyers are expensive, but there has to be someone willing to work with her on a sliding scale.

If Jenelle is pulling the "all children belong with their mothers" card to hoodwink a judge, why isn't Whitney doing the same? Or is she? I'm confused.

I don’t think Whitney wants Maryssa back. She’s got a “new husband” now, with a new family and one baby in utero. She was probably happy to let her mother deal with Maryssa and “move on” with her life. Damn sad. These children didn’t ask to be here!!!!

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Sad but oh so true.

Years ago I worked at a children's hospital and at some point my department was handed off dealing with the maintenance of the social workers' documentation, which meant sorting it (pictures and typewritten reports), scanning it, and typing new reports.  I saw pictures of and heard things that I will never be able to wipe from my mind.

And in 90% of the official reports (including one in particular where a toddler boy had been beaten by mom's boyfriend on three separate occasions requiring extended hospitalization and bowel repair, etc)?   "Ultimately the goal is for reunification with mother."  Holy fucking christ.  Good thing I'm not a social worker because I can safely say a lot of parents would have their children snatched from them in the blink of an eye.  

I ended up quitting about 6 weeks into it.  I couldn't deal with it.  I also wanted to throttle those fucking social workers who were hell bent on reunifying those poor defenseless children with their dangerous/neglectful parent.  Ugh.  

Adults can (and do) commit horrible acts on one another, and I can deal with that.

If children or animals are involved, I'm out.  I can't deal with that shit.  

I am a social worker. I have to say, first, I never worked in any family services settings, I knew I couldn't take it. 

But most of them who do are not "hell bent on reunifying defenseless children...." . Most of them are sickened by the sights, same as you and me. It's the law, they are powerless to defy the current thinking that yes, most kids are better off with their mom. 

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2 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I am a social worker. I have to say, first, I never worked in any family services settings, I knew I couldn't take it. 

But most of them who do are not "hell bent on reunifying defenseless children...." . Most of them are sickened by the sights, same as you and me. It's the law, they are powerless to defy the current thinking that yes, most kids are better off with their mom. 

It's definitely not for the faint of heart, I'm sure.  I'd be fired in no time for removing kids from abusive households.  

That one particular child had been through three separate reunification attempts with mom, and each time she had allowed her boyfriend back into the house and that little boy was beaten to the point of hospitalization and surgery each time.  It was if they were going to keep up "reunification attempts" until the boyfriend actually succeeded in killing that poor little boy.

I think the fact anyone would consider mom the best option for a child in cases like the one above must speak volumes about just how atrocious our country's foster care system must be, and how sorely lacking our judicial system is, since that boyfriend never served any time for beating that poor boy and instead was referred to anger management classes, therapy, etc.  Bastard should have been in prison and not able to hurt that child after the first incident.  Ugh.  

3 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

It's definitely not for the faint of heart, I'm sure.  I'd be fired in no time for removing kids from abusive households.  

That one particular child had been through three separate reunification attempts with mom, and each time she had allowed her boyfriend back into the house and that little boy was beaten to the point of hospitalization and surgery each time.  It was if they were going to keep up "reunification attempts" until the boyfriend actually succeeded in killing that poor little boy.

I think the fact anyone would consider mom the best option for a child in cases like the one above must speak volumes about just how atrocious our country's foster care system must be, and how sorely lacking our judicial system is, since that boyfriend never served any time for beating that poor boy and instead was referred to anger management classes, therapy, etc.  Bastard should have been in prison and not able to hurt that child after the first incident.  Ugh.  

Our society claims to value children but it doesn’t. Children extremely vulnerable (physically and mentally) and they have no earning potential. Many will protect the adult- their livelihood and “rights” over the physical and emotional wellbeing of a child.

Jenelle and David’s “rights” as parents come before Nugget’s life AND Maryssa’s wishes. She asked to stay with her grandmother! If children are biologically wired to love their primary caregiver, and a child is BEGGING to live somewhere else- that should let you know their caregiver isn’t worth shit. It’s a damn shame. 

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4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Maryssa is eleven, isn't she? That should have been close enough to the age range where courts are supposed to take her wishes into consideration. 

How long until she starts trying to run away?

Soon. Very soon. I can see her running away and turning to drugs for comfort and sex work to survive. 

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

@ghoulina, I don't think we will learn the real reasons for the case being dropped. It does seem unusual that the judge would go against the guardian ad lidiums reccomendations. He may have felt the state over reached. I hope the judges name gets released

Why do you hope the judge's name gets released?

And how do we know what the guardians at litem recommended?

I get the impression that most of the information about the court proceedings is coming from The Ashley--that's what's been quoted most in this thread.  I'm a little leery of that site after dissecting the recent story about Gary, and realizing that there's no actual information in the story other than what people post on social media sites.  And worse, there's carefully worded conjecture that people read as facts, when they're not facts at all.

So I went back and read several of The Ashley reports on the court hearings, and there's almost nothing there.  There's content and volume, but it's not particularly substantive.  For example, there will be a list of people who were not in attendance.  And there will be a paragraph quoting someone, followed by a screenshot of the social media post it came from. 

The Ashley says there was a source in the hearings, but the source doesn't really say anything about the testimony.  Here's an example:  "As for what has been revealed so far in the courtroom, The Ashley hears that at least one of the older kids has been able to speak to the court (most likely through their court-provided guardian ad litem) so far."

Most likely through their court-provided guardian ad litem?  Why the "most likely"?  It's an ascertainable fact whether the child or the ad litem spoke. 

There's nothing in The Ashley posts about what was presented as evidence, which is what judges base their decisions on, in accordance with the rules they're bound by.  From what I can tell, nobody commenting on the decision has any idea what was said in court, never mind everything that was said in court.  Yet there's a lot of certainty that the judge was wrong.  Not to mention bribed.  With calls for the judge's name to be released.  What the hell is going on?

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8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Soon. Very soon. I can see her running away and turning to drugs for comfort and sex work to survive. 

I hate how all of our minds are going to worst-case scenario immediately. 

Or Maryssa will ultimately stay to protect Kaiser and Ensley. Kaiser is getting older and because he is a boy he will be getting stronger. Fighting might become a thing, which is horrible when there are guns throughout the property.

7 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Why do you hope the judge's name gets released?

And how do we know what the guardians at litem recommended?

I get the impression that most of the information about the court proceedings is coming from The Ashley--that's what's been quoted most in this thread.  I'm a little leery of that site after dissecting the recent story about Gary, and realizing that there's no actual information in the story other than what people post on social media sites.  And worse, there's carefully worded conjecture that people read as facts, when they're not facts at all.

So I went back and read several of The Ashley reports on the court hearings, and there's almost nothing there.  There's content and volume, but it's not particularly substantive.  For example, there will be a list of people who were not in attendance.  And there will be a paragraph quoting someone, followed by a screenshot of the social media post it came from. 

The Ashley says there was a source in the hearings, but the source doesn't really say anything about the testimony.  Here's an example:  "As for what has been revealed so far in the courtroom, The Ashley hears that at least one of the older kids has been able to speak to the court (most likely through their court-provided guardian ad litem) so far."

Most likely through their court-provided guardian ad litem?  Why the "most likely"?  It's an ascertainable fact whether the child or the ad litem spoke. 

There's nothing in The Ashley posts about what was presented as evidence, which is what judges base their decisions on, in accordance with the rules they're bound by.  From what I can tell, nobody commenting on the decision has any idea what was said in court, never mind everything that was said in court.  Yet there's a lot of certainty that the judge was wrong.  Not to mention bribed.  With calls for the judge's name to be released.  What the hell is going on?

The judge and lawyers names have been released and on Twitter. I won’t put it here because I don’t want to get in trouble. But the judge has let Jenelle go before when she was charged with having heroin. She is a female judge.  Another lawyer in NC dropped Jenelle and David’s lawyers names on Facebook.  😆

Edited by Mkay
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58 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Maryssa is eleven, isn't she? That should have been close enough to the age range where courts are supposed to take her wishes into consideration. 

I was twelve when I told the court I wanted to live with my dad, but they didn't listen to me.  Or, if they did, they didn't care.  I don't believe that the courts really, truly care about a child's wishes, just going by my own experience. 

HOWEVER...aren't we jumping the gun with Maryssa's future, just a little?  I don't doubt she is going to have issues and will most definitely need counseling, but speculating that she will shoot her father in his sleep, or turn to hard drugs and sex work, in order to survive?  That's a bit much, isn't it?  She's eleven.

Edited by Neko
  • Love 16
3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Also, Nathan is an idiot for having them come to the party. Maybe he was trying to do what was best for Kaiser by having his mom there at least, but if he truly believed David was so abusive and switched him regularly, didn't feed him properly, etc. (all of which I believe is true), I'm not sure why he would have him over at all or allow his son to be in his presence. Nathan is either woefully immature and naive or wanted social media attention himself. That, or he doesn't take abuse as seriously as he claims (which seems plausible given his own history of abuse). If I believed someone was beating my kids with a switch, I wouldn't smile and laugh with them at any goddamn birthday party, even if I thought it would be "nice" to do. 

He doesn't have any custody of his other child for a reason. Every adult in these children's lives has failed them, except maybe Barb.

This! Yes, yes and yes! Nathan should have just had Jenelle at that party and if she said she wouldn't come without David then too bad. All this stuff for social media is just ridiculous. How about doing the right thing for your child and keep it private and not on social media at all...I have a problem with Nathan not living closer to Kaiser. He should be in the same state at least. This didn't help his case.

As for Barbara...she spent this last season of TM 2 cozying up to Jenelle and David and even going on girls trip with Jenelle where she got drunk with her and said some stupid stuff about Kailyn Lowry on Instagram live...not a good look for a Grandma. She threw Nathan and his mother under the bus for the sole purpose of being in Jenelle's good graces. Her strategy of befriending Jenelle and David and deliberately ignoring all the bad shit that was going down on the swamp was ill advised and dumb. Her approach should have been to keep a business like relationship with them and journal everything that she sees, hear, observes. etc...also...she should keep off of social media. No more posting pictures of Jace. Jenelle will use anything she posts about Jace or with his photo to her advantage. Get smart Barbara...this is war now. Stop trying to be  "nice"...your daughter is a monster and will do whatever she has to do now to get Jace. Make sure you don't give her a reason for the judge to rule in her favor. The battle lines have been drawn...think strategically and focus on keeping Jace safe and out of the spotlight. And for God's sake don't communicate at all with Jenelle. Have your lawyer do it. Cut her and her psycho husband off. Do your job!

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, kicksave said:

This! Yes, yes and yes! Nathan should have just had Jenelle at that party and if she said she wouldn't come without David then too bad. All this stuff for social media is just ridiculous. How about doing the right thing for your child and keep it private and not on social media at all...I have a problem with Nathan not living closer to Kaiser. He should be in the same state at least. This didn't help his case.

As for Barbara...she spent this last season of TM 2 cozying up to Jenelle and David and even going on girls trip with Jenelle where she got drunk with her and said some stupid stuff about Kailyn Lowry on Instagram live...not a good look for a Grandma. She threw Nathan and his mother under the bus for the sole purpose of being in Jenelle's good graces. Her strategy of befriending Jenelle and David and deliberately ignoring all the bad shit that was going down on the swamp was ill advised and dumb. Her approach should have been to keep a business like relationship with them and journal everything that she sees, hear, observes. etc...also...she should keep off of social media. No more posting pictures of Jace. Jenelle will use anything she posts about Jace or with his photo to her advantage. Get smart Barbara...this is war now. Stop trying to be  "nice"...your daughter is a monster and will do whatever she has to do now to get Jace. Make sure you don't give her a reason for the judge to rule in her favor. The battle lines have been drawn...think strategically and focus on keeping Jace safe and out of the spotlight. And for God's sake don't communicate at all with Jenelle. Have your lawyer do it. Cut her and her psycho husband off. Do your job!

Nathan was all over social media defending the party to random strangers. Like...you are literally trying to defend your kid from a monster who beat a dog to death in front of him. Why are you worried about social media clout?!

I like social media myself, but you can bet that if I was having freaking LEGAL TROUBLE regarding my KIDS and worried they were being horrifically abused, I wouldn't say a f*cking word about it to strangers or post public pics!

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Nathan was all over social media defending the party to random strangers. Like...you are literally trying to defend your kid from a monster who beat a dog to death in front of him. Why are you worried about social media clout?!

I like social media myself, but you can bet that if I was having freaking LEGAL TROUBLE regarding my KIDS and worried they were being horrifically abused, I wouldn't say a f*cking word about it to strangers or post public pics!

Exactly! Zip it! As my dad use to say. I'm sure Nathan's lawyer and Barbara's lawyer has warned them about using social media in regards to the kids but apparently they don't listen to their lawyers.

  • Love 2

I am not surprised they got the kids back. They were always going to get them back. It takes a lot to have your kids permanently removed and Janelle and David, no matter how bad they are, haven’t met that level. If anything, I think this will continue to happen. Someone will call 911, there will be a fight, CPS will be called, the kids will be taken away and then given back again.

I don’t think MTV will take Janelle back. I say that because there will be nothing to film. David likely will still not allow her to be filmed at home or basically with anyone other than a producer. Is she going to talk about the custody hearing to a fake friend/producer for ten episodes? She isn’t worth the money and can’t bring increased ratings to be worth the money. 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Our society claims to value children but it doesn’t. Children extremely vulnerable (physically and mentally) and they have no earning potential. Many will protect the adult- their livelihood and “rights” over the physical and emotional wellbeing of a child.

Jenelle and David’s “rights” as parents come before Nugget’s life AND Maryssa’s wishes. She asked to stay with her grandmother! If children are biologically wired to love their primary caregiver, and a child is BEGGING to live somewhere else- that should let you know their caregiver isn’t worth shit. It’s a damn shame. 

Bingo. I bet Kaiser is also in a state of horror as he realizes he isn't going back to Nathan.

I figured out early that the life of a child services social worker wasn't for me. There are bad apples, I guess, in every work setting, but most of them are hard working and dedicated to child safety. They certainly aren't doing it for the pay.

  • Love 9

Teen Mom 2 fans were shocked on Wednesday when news broke that a judge had unexpectedly dismissed the case against Jenelle Evans and David Eason, and ordered their children be returned to them immediately, following a nearly two-month battle in court. David’s daughter Maryssa— who testified against Jenelle and David in court— was also ordered returned to David’s care, as he currently has full custody of the 11-year-old.

Maryssa, as well as Jenelle’s son Kaiser and the couple’s daughter Ensley, are all back on The Land as of Thursday, and many fans expressed their fear for Maryssa on social media.

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In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Maryssa’s stepdad, Shane Rich, stated that he, as well as his wife (and David’s ex) Whitney Johnson Rich, are afraid for Maryssa to be back in the care of Jenelle and David.

“We are very upset and Maryssa is traumatized,” Shane told The Ashley. “She was very brave and honest and the justice system failed her. We just told her to protect herself…and do what she has to do to peacefully survive there. It’s a sad thing for a child to have to do, but it’s the only option in this situation, for now.

“My wife feels helpless and we both have a very bad feeling about this,” he added.

“We are very upset and Maryssa is traumatized,” Shane told The Ashley. “She was very brave and honest and the justice system failed her. We just told her to protect herself…and do what she has to do to peacefully survive there. It’s a sad thing for a child to have to do, but it’s the only option in this situation, for now.

“My wife feels helpless and we both have a very bad feeling about this,” he added.

As The Ashley previously reported, Maryssa was the star witness in the case against Jenelle and David. The judge dismissed the case on Wednesday, declaring that she saw no evidence of neglect. The Ashley’s sources stated that an old recording was played in court that helped the Easons’ case, and Shane provided more info about it.

“The recording they tried to use was supposedly from 3+ years ago,” he said, adding that it was allegedly provided by Whitney’s old boyfriend. According to Shane, the recording was of Whitney stating that Maryssa was “loyal to her.”

Shane stated that Whitney’s ex got on the stand at the custody hearing and helped the Easons’ case. 

“We’re unsure of how much weight that carried,” Shane, who attended the hearings with Whitney, said. “My wife and her lawyer fought a good fight. And people will say they’d do this and that, but they don’t know unless they’re in that situation. What you think you can do might not be what you can get done.”

The Ashley’s sources told her that all of the caretakers’ lawyers, as well as those on the case for CPS, are planning on appealing the judge’s decision. However, Shane stated that he and his family feel helpless right now. 

“My wife’s lawyer and CPS said there’s nothing anyone can do. CPS had strong evidence, but there’s no justice system,” he said. “There’s no redemption for a woman whose had a previous substance abuse problem. My wife already knew how she was going to be looked at, she’s been through it time and time again. We hope [the judge] slept real good last night. We surely didn’t! Our hearts are broken!”

Jenelle posted photos of her and David celebrating with the kids on Thursday, which was also the 4th of July holiday. Maryssa, as well as Kaiser, Jace and Ensley, can all be clearly seen in the Instagram videos.

“We are not okay with the decision, but unless a suitcase full of money fell out of the sky we wouldn’t even stand a chance, going up against lawyers who are paid six figures and linger things out to try and flush the average person out by draining their pockets,” Shane said.

Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, (who was the temporary caretaker of Ensley through the custody battle, and has full custody of Jace), has also expressed her outrage about the judge allowing the kids to be returned to Jenelle and David. 

“It was an injustice to the children,” she told Radar Online after the judge’s decision went public. “We are all sick to our stomachs.”

Before the custody case, Jenelle was allowed unsupervised visits with Jace. After the case was dismissed, Barbara had to allow the 10-year-old to go with Jenelle, as the custody status reverted back to where it was before the CPS case. Jenelle and David picked up daughter Ensley at Barbara’s house on July 3.

“David came over my house, and started a fight all over again. Jace was very upset, and he didn’t want to go with [David and Jenelle],” Barbara said. “[David] just is the same person he normally is. He’s not going to change. He is an evil f**king person.”

Barbara has vowed to continue to fight to have the children removed from Jenelle and David’s care. 

As for Shane, he says he’s worried for his stepdaughter Maryssa’s safety.

“We’ve all seen what sometimes happens next,” he told The Ashley. “[Maryssa] will have to act happy and suck her feelings up, if she can, but a child shouldn’t have to do that.”

Maryssa will still be allowed to visit her mother and maternal family members every other weekend, just as she was doing before she was removed from The Land by CPS.

Edited by druzy
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How much do you want to bet Whitney's ex contacted David and said he had evidence to help his case...for the right price.  I can't see how the recording came into their possession otherwise.

I also want to add I'm not too impressed with either Whitney or Shane. It doesn't sound like they really want Maryssa at all. 

Edited by BitterApple
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16 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

How much do you want to bet Whitney's ex contacted David and said he had evidence to help his case...for the right price.  I can't see how the recording came into their possession otherwise.

I also want to add I'm not too impressed with either Whitney or Shane. It doesn't sound like they really want Maryssa at all. 

I can see it. Shane likely wants Whitney focusing on HIS babies and doing his laundry. He doesn’t want some one else’s preteen girl underfoot. Whitney is glad to pretend like Maryssa doesn’t exist and those years of her life were just a bad dream. 

My heart breaks for her.

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1 hour ago, alexa said:

As high profile as this is, I am surprised there isn’t some lawyer willing to come in and save the day..  Although it sounds like everyone involved did all they could and the judge was just a mean idiot.  

I’m really hoping there’s something happening we’re not aware of. There has to be! I’d donate to a GoFundMe to help with Nathan’s/Doris’ court expenses. Hopefully he also has some TM money and his girlfriend has an actual career she can support them on. He should sell some stories, do whatever has to be done to get the funds to hire the best attorney possible. I hope Maryssa’s grandma will fight for her. I don’t necessarily trust Whitney but they’re her only hope. It’s just so fucked up because most kids don’t get the chance or have the guts to testify like Maryssa did and now she’s being punished for being so strong and trying to help herself. 

  • Love 11

This is sickening. Poor Maryssa will never trust the system again. I’m sure she was told by everyone (family and court staff) that if she just told the truth, it would be ok. Her bravery was all for nothing. My heart breaks for her going back to the swamp where she can’t even escape by going to school and having friends. 

I pray that Kaiser stays safe and that Nathan continues his battle for custody. I also hope Nathan learns that trying to play Mr. Kumbaya on social media can backfire when you’re inviting abusive monsters to see their targets of abuse. 

Fuck Jenelle and her smug ass posting on social media like it’s all one big joke. When David kills again, I hope it’s her and not one of those poor children. 

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On 7/5/2019 at 8:55 AM, alexa said:

Right.  And it also wouldn't make sense for a judge to decide that all of the kids go back to Jenelle and David, but then make Jace change custody.  I mean, if you are using the same argument of keeping the kids with who had legal custody, why would Barb have to give up Jace?  That would not make any sense since the court system doesn't seem to care that they returned the other kids to a bad situation--Barb would have to do something pretty awful to lose Jace.  (not that I expect her to, just sayin')

I pray Barb stays alive & healthy  till Jace is old enough to be on his own.  The stress of Lurch/Juhnelle/custody battle cannot be good for her health 

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2 hours ago, DNR said:

I pray Barb stays alive & healthy  till Jace is old enough to be on his own.  The stress of Lurch/Juhnelle/custody battle cannot be good for her health 

I agree but Barbara has to stop trying to be "friends" with them and start taking a more hardened approach. She should never have done this...her strategy of keeping them close was a failure. I'm sorry, Barbara makes me mad...the drunken weekend with Jenelle and the Instagram live mess about "killing Kail" was really inappropriate for a woman her age. She above everyone else knows Jenelle well enough to realize that her daughter will always back up and be loyal to whatever the swamp beast wants her to do. And Jenelle will continue to fight Barbara and pull dirty tricks to get Jace back just like she did with Ensley. I'm afraid she's burned a few bridges with Nathan and Doris when she threw them under the bus after she tattled to Nathan that Kaiser was being mistreated by David. 

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19 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I agree but Barbara has to stop trying to be "friends" with them and start taking a more hardened approach. She should never have done this...her strategy of keeping them close was a failure. I'm sorry, Barbara makes me mad...the drunken weekend with Jenelle and the Instagram live mess about "killing Kail" was really inappropriate for a woman her age. She above everyone else knows Jenelle well enough to realize that her daughter will always back up and be loyal to whatever the swamp beast wants her to do. And Jenelle will continue to fight Barbara and pull dirty tricks to get Jace back just like she did with Ensley. I'm afraid she's burned a few bridges with Nathan and Doris when she threw them under the bus after she tattled to Nathan that Kaiser was being mistreated by David. 

100%. I can't decide if it's guilt, co-dependency, addiction to drama or a combination of the three, but Barb needs to wake up and realize a normal relationship with Jenelle is never going to happen. As you noted, Jenelle's #1 priority will always be whichever loser she's with at the moment. Barb and Jace are just pawns in their sick little games. Similar to Kaiser's birthday party, any concessions Barb makes to her daughter only gives Jenelle ammo to go to the judge and say "Seeeeee, I'm not dangerous! My own mother hangs out with me all the time!." Cut her loose and move on.

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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