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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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46 minutes ago, kicksave said:

First, she's not the brightest bulb in the socket.  Obviously she isn't being advised well by her attorney to STFU and get off social media. 

Yes times 1000. Her "reps" or lawyer should tell her to stay off of all social media until this custody battle is over. Well, she should probably stay off social media forever but that's another story.

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5 hours ago, queenbee24 said:

My thoughts as an attorney are that maybe he had some kind of proof from them that he thought was real/had a witness they had found, etc and then he found out it was untrue and couldn't present it. But it's possible he's incompetent. I sure wouldn't risk my license presenting something I knew was untrue, it would be better to fall on the sword of "yeah I can't present that evidence now" because you can't disclose your idiot clients lied to you. 

As for the bedroom thing- I used to work in abuse and neglect as well. Jace doesn't have to have his own bedroom. He can share. in fact, he doesn't even have to have his own bed in many states since Jenelle doesn't have custody. He can sleep on a couch for visitations. Now if he were a foster kid, he WOULD have to have a bed and dresser (those are the 2 requirements) and can share a room with a same sex child. 

Lastly, I know it irritates people that Barb "let" Jenelle see Jace. She had no choice. Well, she had no LEGAL choice, she could have run I guess but that would have made it way, way worse on Jace. There were never findings against Jenelle and honestly, even if there were findings she was neglectful due to her drug use, she likely never did anything bad enough to lose all visitation. Barb actually played this right. 

Ok I lied, here's my last comment- the issue with Maryssa and the home schooling is exactly the reason that I think homeschooling should be more regulated. Does anyone think she was getting ANY kind of education in Swamp Elementary? Many parents pull their kids for legitimate reasons, but many others pull their kids and "homeschool" to keep the gub'mint out of their lives or instill ONLY ultra conservative christian values with little regard to actual education. More regulations in this area would protect those kids and I don't understand why legitimate homeschoolers would be against that. 

So, as an attorney if your clients lied to you in this manner, how would you handle that?  I’m just curious?  Because as a human I would be so pissed off, I would be like GTFOH.  I know attorneys can’t exactly do this, per se.  I’m interested to hear how you would react or how an attorney is expected to react to representing a client who is lying to them.

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22 minutes ago, Tatum said:

It's not out the realm of possibility that Jenelle is intentionally sabotaging herself in a way that doesn't get her into trouble with David. I don't think she wants those kids back.

I don't think she wants them back, either. But, I think she knows she needs to pretend to want Enchilada back to keep up the pretense of their happy, little redneck family. There is NO doubt in my mind that he's pissed because she had a tubal and if she could conceive, he'd be insisting they spawn again ASAP. I can see him leaving her because she can't have him no more youngins.

Edited by lovesnark
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16 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

So, as an attorney if your clients lied to you in this manner, how would you handle that?  I’m just curious?  Because as a human I would be so pissed off, I would be like GTFOH.  I know attorneys can’t exactly do this, per se.  I’m interested to hear how you would react or how an attorney is expected to react to representing a client who is lying to them.

I'm not the original poster, but my friend's ex was 'let go' by his attorney after repeatedly lying to him and asking him to request ridiculous things in their divorce. He got him through the initial phases, then was done and the asshole had to find another attorney to represent him down the road.

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E! News really needs to fact check before they publish their bullshit. Jenelle wants Enchilada with her fake friend, Katrina. NOT Barb.  Dumbasses.....you'd think they'd know by now not to trust anything the lying thundercunt says.


The judge ordered Ensley to be placed with Barbara on Jenelle's request during Friday's hearing," the source adds. "Jenelle felt, and the judge agreed, that having Ensley with Barbara and not with David's ex's mother, did not make sense for the girl since she isn't related to Whitney [Johnson]'s family."

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6 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

Is the same judge assigned to Kaiser for temp custody and the child custody modification? 

I believe the custody modification will be heard in South Carolina. That's where Doris lives and that's where Doris/Nathan filed. I may be wrong, but I remember reading something about it when Kaiser had the switch marks and they started the ball rolling. 

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1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

I believe the custody modification will be heard in South Carolina. That's where Doris lives and that's where Doris/Nathan filed. I may be wrong, but I remember reading something about it when Kaiser had the switch marks and they started the ball rolling. 

I wonder if Nathan can offer that (the switch mark photos)as evidence in the current case? It would seem logical, as it clearly shows that Kaiser has been mistreated, but logic doesn't always have a seat at the table in courtrooms.

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9 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I like the kids with Barbara she's had to be a tough old broad!  She can hire somebody to come in during the day to help with childcare and household chores!

She makes a pretty penny on MTV and the courts can hit Janelle in the pocketbook for child support!  I hope Nathan does too!

Barb lost her MTV money when Jenelle was fired. They have already replaced Jenelle and won't be filming Barb any longer. A lot of people have been saying they'd like Barb to have her own show, something along the lines of Box Wine with Barb, where she'd have a guest, they'd have a glass of wine and talk about things. I'd watch the hell out of that and hope MTV listens to what people are saying. I think it would be a hit!

If the kids aren't given back, they will have to pay support for them. 

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, lovesnark said:

Barb lost her MTV money when Jenelle was fired. They have already replaced Jenelle and won't be filming Barb any longer. A lot of people have been saying they'd like Barb to have her own show, something along the lines of Box Wine with Barb, where she'd have a guest, they'd have a glass of wine and talk about things. I'd watch the hell out of that and hope MTV listens to what people are saying. I think it would be a hit!

If the kids aren't given back, they will have to pay support for them. 

I did not know that.  I thought they would keep Barb on for a while!

1 minute ago, galaxychaser said:

Barb won’t see a penny from J in child support. J will never get a job. 

I don't think she will, either. But, it will keep adding up while she sits on her ass and a warrant will be issued just like it was for dog killer. NC child support rules are different than  here in WA. Here, if you marry or re-marry, your spouse's income can not be considered in child support matters for children from a previous relationship. When dog killer went to court for his back child support, Jenelle's income from MTV was disclosed and was a factor in the judge's decision.

8 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

Unfortunately for Barb, the production crew didn't feel safe filming her in NC due to David's threats. I hope she saved her MTV money, she continued to work at walmart for the majority of seasons so she's not in a terrible position. 

Barb has been smart with her money. She hasn't taken several expensive vacations a year,  bought a new car every year or moved into a giant new home. I'm sure she paid her house off before she retired and has a nice nest egg put away. 

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6 hours ago, geauxaway said:

So, as an attorney if your clients lied to you in this manner, how would you handle that?  I’m just curious?  Because as a human I would be so pissed off, I would be like GTFOH.  I know attorneys can’t exactly do this, per se.  I’m interested to hear how you would react or how an attorney is expected to react to representing a client who is lying to them.

If you're representing a client and don't feel you can adequately represent them, either due to your own biases, the client's own self-sabotage, a personal issue, or any other reason, you are allowed and expected to step down from representation in a way that minimizes harm to the client--meaning, keeping records intact and organized for another attorney to take over, not withdrawing from representation during a crucial time (like during a hearing, trial, etc.). I doubt looking like a goober in front of a judge once is going to meet that criteria, but I also think it won't be long before they do something so heinous that their attorney genuinely feels incapable of representing them adequately.

Sabotaging their trial by intentionally "misplacing" evidence is not an acceptable means of withdrawing from representation, as amusing as that possibility may be. I feel for their attorney. They're probably impossible to deal with.

Full disclosure: I'm an attorney but corporate and not educated in these types of matters, but people in my profession are probably the only ones who would ever say "I feel for their attorney."

Edited by monagatuna
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I am going to assume that the rules are the same  in NC as they are in my state since TANF is a federal program. 

If Barb is awarded permanent  custody of Enslsy, she could receive TANF and medical assistance for her under a child only budget as Ensley and Jace would meet the requirements  for deprevation. Barb's income would  count for the program. The money is much, but it's  something , plus the kids would have medical insurance. 

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6 hours ago, Rebecca said:

He faced felony charges for choking his ex but I don’t know that he was actually charged with a felony, though he sure as hell should’ve been from what is available to read about the incident. 

And in my opinion she’s a sociopath and has no idea how normal people react to things. She’s surrounded herself with other psychos for so long that she has no one “normal” to mimick and therefore doesn’t understand how horrible all this makes her look. She has no grasp on social norms, IMO. Generally sociopaths are smart, that’s usually one of their “advantages,” and they observe other people and mimick their responses to things to appear “normal” but Jenelle is an idiot and has no awareness to even know how to pretend anymore. I literally think she doesn’t even see how this looks to the rest of us.

Yes to both of these!

I read somewhere recently that an abuser who chokes his partner is a certain alarmingly high percentage more likely to kill them in the next year. Choking = killing.

Killing family pets is also part of the Standard Abuser Playbook.

David is one scary piece of dog shit on the bottom of society's shoe.

And DeluJenelle being a sociopath who no longer has a "normal" anchor to observe makes perfect sense as well. We've seen how she changes with every partner, and with Poo-on-Shoe she's spiraled into the truest version of herself, which is approximately equal to free floating chaotic evil looking for a place to land for a while before oozing off to damage something else.

She's never been able to have any successful, long-term relationship, platonic or romantic, at any time. She loves drama and destruction more than any other thing and certainly more than any other person.

If David wasn't abusing her, she would still be abusing and neglecting her kids, and probably whatever partner she had...has she ever broken up with anyone aside from Barbara? They always leave her ass, right? No one can take the black hole that she is.  

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4 minutes ago, druzy said:

She seems to not have a care in the world.


But, she's showing what a great mom she is because she doesn't want the youngins to get sick! She's showing her stupidity again, though. Locally grown meat can have E.coli just like factory farmed meat. If you're going to buy locally, you need to find out who is doing the butcher, cut and wrap and check their operation out. Trust me on this one. I've raised my own beef and now I purchase it from a friend who raises cattle. I know who takes it from cow to table,  I know what their shop looks like and I see their USDA inspection reports.

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7 hours ago, kicksave said:

First, she's not the brightest bulb in the socket. She has no impulse control and lacks any common sense. We've seen that play out many times on the show...the gun incident while driving, fist fighting with other girls, the drug using, posing for pornographic selfies, her own violent behavior towards Nathan's dogs...the list is endless of her poor decision making. Having said all this, I believe that Jenelle thinks that posting all this stuff on IM and elsewhere is showing people and maybe even the court, that she is a loving mother that misses her kids and that David is a loving father who cares about the kids too. The fact that she went back to this guy after what he did and would want to expose her children to more trauma, violence and dysfunction should disqualify her from ever having custody of these kids again. It just proves she hasn't the critical thinking skills that would be crucial to protecting the kids from David or anyone else that could cause physical or emotional harm to them. Obviously she isn't being advised well by her attorney to STFU and get off social media. 

Oh, I'm sure he's told her to stay off social media and keep her mouth shut. But, when has she ever listened to her attorney (or anyone)? We have the epic footage of "That's why I got all these feathers in my hair" from her telling Dustin the Miracle Lawyer that she didn't care if her probation officer violated her. She had to go to that concert, dude. She already, like, paid for, like hotel rooms, dude.

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2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Yes to both of these!

I read somewhere recently that an abuser who chokes his partner is a certain alarmingly high percentage more likely to kill them in the next year. Choking = killing.

Killing family pets is also part of the Standard Abuser Playbook.

David is one scary piece of dog shit on the bottom of society's shoe.

And DeluJenelle being a sociopath who no longer has a "normal" anchor to observe makes perfect sense as well. We've seen how she changes with every partner, and with Poo-on-Shoe she's spiraled into the truest version of herself, which is approximately equal to free floating chaotic evil looking for a place to land for a while before oozing off to damage something else.

She's never been able to have any successful, long-term relationship, platonic or romantic, at any time. She loves drama and destruction more than any other thing and certainly more than any other person.

If David wasn't abusing her, she would still be abusing and neglecting her kids, and probably whatever partner she had...has she ever broken up with anyone aside from Barbara? They always leave her ass, right? No one can take the black hole that she is.  

Let's take a stroll down memory lane..............

Keiffer dumped her because he couldn't stand the crazy anymore. Remember her chasing the car down the road screaming at him to talk to her?

Gary dumped her after she beat him up, then called the cops and had him arrested for domestic violence. It ended his military career.

Courtland didn't really dump her. They got arrested for heroin possession and he didn't have MTV money to keep his ass out of jail. She was able to plead down to misdemeanors and he did time. While he was in jail, she sold a bunch of stories to tabloids saying he forced her to do dope, caused her to have a miscarriage (which she faked by putting food coloring in the shower) and beat her on the regular.

Nathan dumped her ass because he couldn't take the crazy anymore.

In between all these guys, she was best friends with Tori, then she hated her, then they were best friends, then she hated her. Tori was her bestie again for a short while since she's been with the bearded leech. They went out on the boat and posted a drunken video on Instagram. The leech didn't like her, so Jenelle accused her of something and hates her again.

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5 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Full disclosure: I'm an attorney but corporate and not educated in these types of matters, but people in my profession are probably the only ones who would ever say "I feel for their attorney."

I had a pal in Miami who was a federal prosecutor on some high-profile(!!) cases.  I asked if she didn't worry about someone killing her.  She said that criminals tend to take it out on their defense attorneys, not the prosecutors.  I thought that was interesting.

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4 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Let's take a stroll down memory lane..............

Keiffer dumped her because he couldn't stand the crazy anymore. Remember her chasing the car down the road screaming at him to talk to her?

Gary dumped her after she beat him up, then called the cops and had him arrested for domestic violence. It ended his military career.

Courtland didn't really dump her. They got arrested for heroin possession and he didn't have MTV money to keep his ass out of jail. She was able to plead down to misdemeanors and he did time. While he was in jail, she sold a bunch of stories to tabloids saying he forced her to do dope, caused her to have a miscarriage (which she faked by putting food coloring in the shower) and beat her on the regular.

Nathan dumped her ass because he couldn't take the crazy anymore.

In between all these guys, she was best friends with Tori, then she hated her, then they were best friends, then she hated her. Tori was her bestie again for a short while since she's been with the bearded leech. They went out on the boat and posted a drunken video on Instagram. The leech didn't like her, so Jenelle accused her of something and hates her again.

I thought Jenelle had an abortion when she was pregnant with Courtland’s baby...I remember her talking about it to Barbara on the show.

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Double Post. Skip.

Nathan’s charges for the strangulation were dropped and the case closed. I think I remember reading somewhere that his ex had exaggerated the fight, it was mutual, and there was no sustained injuries. The case was closed so legally, nothing to that case is pending on his record. He does have history of a few DUIs but that was years ago.

I think he is trying his best to clean up his act and his current girlfriend seems to be a good fit for him. He is stable, has income, responsible, and capable of being a normal person. Also seems like he got his post military-PTSD issues under control. I think he should still work on his anger and selfishness, so be in therapy if he’s not already. If he wants to look better to the judge, he should also take parenting classes. I don’t think he can be Kaiser’s full time caregiver alone by himself, but as long as his mom or his chick are in the picture, Kai will be well taken care of. All Nathan was filing for initially was joint custody, so it will be a huge win for Kai if he gets full custody due to all the issues coming out in court. 

The Nugget incident might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, RIP Nugget, your death was not in vain. His death is what is going to save at least half of those kids’ childhoods. Janelle may have been lucky in the past with her classy courtroom heels, getting out of trouble like she has, but this is new territory for her. She was on the stand for hours on Wednesday, she probably perjured herself a few times if not the entire time.

However there is enough external non-MTV evidence to support temporary and permanent guardianship for the kids. Ensley needs medical treatment for her head and legs, and is behind in many of her age milestones, Kai has terror/stress in his posture all the time when he’s with them, Maryssa being ‘homeschooled’ is another strike, she looks like a haggard housewife with 17 kids, and Jace can vocalize what he sees when he goes for his fortnightly visits.

The flood gates are open, and Janelle doesn’t have deep pockets to use to wriggle out of trouble forever. They have already used up almost all the goodwill in the community, and the car-towing case comes up in a few weeks as well. Lurch is going to ruin any potential good favor she does have in the judge’s eyes, just by being Lurch. He has no self control and poor impulse control. Can’t even control himself for a few hours in court. He was ranting angrily within earshot of the judge that day he visited with Maryssa prior to court. That is a small court house, I’m sure the judge heard those antics (or his/her clerk brought the tea).

I wish we had more details but I’m sure as the days progress more will leak. I’m relishing the fact that these two scumbags are being forced to eat crow, do what they don’t want to do to get their kids back, and even then, they won’t get them back for a long, long time. Each non-custodial parent can also use this CPS situation as a reason to re-file for full physical custody. So it’s not something that will easily and quickly end...this is going to be months, if not years of court dates. 

The most juicy part is that these two idiots brought it on themselves....😂🤣🤣and they probably still won’t learn to share less on social media. 

Edited by Spiderella2
Double posted, original prior to edits
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A few folks upthread were wondering why Janelle was posting on social media during this week and the court case. I’m sure her lawyers told her to lay off SM, and there is a gag order in place that no one wants to violate. But Janelle is a narcissist. She likes being the center of attention at all times. She needs the fawning mob just as she needs air, food, and her drugs. She can’t live without SM and even though she’s in court, she is still on there, scrolling and reading everything. She can’t post anything really about her life, but she can read and sees what’s being said about her. She can’t defend herself, but is too addicted to just turn her phone off. So she posts passive-aggressive memes, most of which make very little sense to us but gives her fans something to like. The Memes are targeting whoever is drawing her ire in that moment. Additionally, in her mind, getting likes from random strangers online (without context or comments) fills that empty black hole she calls a heart where love for her children should be. She is posting because she needs the adoration and adulation of her sycophants. Even if it’s just someone liking or sharing what she posts, it’s giving her an emotional high. 

A sociopath narcissist addicted to social media and drugs, married to a dog-killing gun-toting trigger-happy, psychotic psychopathic murderer, aka the most dangerous man in 3 counties. It’s a pressure cooker waiting to blow.  I just hope the judge keeps those kids off the Land for as long as possible so they aren’t caught in the fallout.. 

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1 hour ago, Spiderella2 said:

Double Post. Skip.

Nathan’s charges for the strangulation were dropped and the case closed. I think I remember reading somewhere that his ex had exaggerated the fight, it was mutual, and there was no sustained injuries. The case was closed so legally, nothing to that case is pending on his record...

Not disputing this, but where did you find this information? The original account I read was that he broke into his girlfriend's apartment while she was sleeping, she woke up and he was on top of her, choking her, and her roommate came in the room to help her before calling the police.

I couldn't find any updates to this online, and as of 2018, per The Ashley, this investigation was still ongoing (believe it occurred in 2016).

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21 hours ago, geauxaway said:

So, as an attorney if your clients lied to you in this manner, how would you handle that?  I’m just curious?  Because as a human I would be so pissed off, I would be like GTFOH.  I know attorneys can’t exactly do this, per se.  I’m interested to hear how you would react or how an attorney is expected to react to representing a client who is lying to them.

Well, let me first say that clients do and will lie to you, all the time, both intentionally and unintentionally ("Oh, I didn't think that mattered so I didn't tell you"). In the immediate moment, you can't just drop them like a hot potato nor can you punch them, however much you'd like to (and believe me, the urge has hit me more than once). If the lie is egregious enough, you can fire them in most cases. However, you cannot fire them right in that moment as that's too prejudicial to their case. So in this particular case, their attorney couldn't just walk out of court no matter how bad it was. If you're in the middle of litigation, like they are, you have to move for the court's permission to be relieved of your duties as counsel. The reasoning is that a change in counsel will cause delays. It's harder to bail if you're appointed counsel like David has- reason being is those attorneys are paid  very little and if you could just bail when it got hard everyone would keep bailing and the system would shut down. 

So, if this attorney feels that the situation with Jenelle is untenable, they would first have to try to have a come to Jesus with her and see if there's any way they can get to the same page. After that, they have to move (make a motion) before the court to be relieved as counsel. Sometimes the court will have a closed session to determine if it's bad enough to let the person out but it's hard because you can't divulge anything that is privileged communication. I could say, if pressed, that my client and I cannot come to a consensus on how to proceed and our attorney client relationship has broken down to the point that I can no longer advocate for her as is necessary. I can't say "the stupid bitch lied to me about x y and z." The judge sometimes will make an attorney stay on til the client finds another attorney, or for the duration because it would cause too big a delay. So unless the situation is really, really bad, the attorney will be stuck for a while. 

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1 hour ago, queenbee24 said:

Well, let me first say that clients do and will lie to you, all the time, both intentionally and unintentionally ("Oh, I didn't think that mattered so I didn't tell you"). In the immediate moment, you can't just drop them like a hot potato nor can you punch them, however much you'd like to (and believe me, the urge has hit me more than once). If the lie is egregious enough, you can fire them in most cases. However, you cannot fire them right in that moment as that's too prejudicial to their case. So in this particular case, their attorney couldn't just walk out of court no matter how bad it was. If you're in the middle of litigation, like they are, you have to move for the court's permission to be relieved of your duties as counsel. The reasoning is that a change in counsel will cause delays. It's harder to bail if you're appointed counsel like David has- reason being is those attorneys are paid  very little and if you could just bail when it got hard everyone would keep bailing and the system would shut down. 

So, if this attorney feels that the situation with Jenelle is untenable, they would first have to try to have a come to Jesus with her and see if there's any way they can get to the same page. After that, they have to move (make a motion) before the court to be relieved as counsel. Sometimes the court will have a closed session to determine if it's bad enough to let the person out but it's hard because you can't divulge anything that is privileged communication. I could say, if pressed, that my client and I cannot come to a consensus on how to proceed and our attorney client relationship has broken down to the point that I can no longer advocate for her as is necessary. I can't say "the stupid bitch lied to me about x y and z." The judge sometimes will make an attorney stay on til the client finds another attorney, or for the duration because it would cause too big a delay. So unless the situation is really, really bad, the attorney will be stuck for a while. 

But he could have avoided all this by not taking her case from the get go, correct?

What a cluster fuck.  But I really don’t expect anything less from these 2.  I just want the judge to reign down on their asses so bad!!! 

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8 hours ago, kicksave said:

I thought Jenelle had an abortion when she was pregnant with Courtland’s baby...I remember her talking about it to Barbara on the show.

She did. I'd forgotten about that. She staged the fake miscarriage when they were still together, but fighting. After they were popped for heroin possession and he went to jail, she ran back to Barb (as usual) and Barb took her to have the abortion and took care of her afterward. This is shortly after she'd started seeing Nathan and they came up with the great idea to have a kid so they wouldn't have time to argue as much. It's where we got another of the horribly unbelievable moments from her. She's having lunch with someone, Tori???, and says she took a pregnancy test and it was positive. But, she doesn't know if she's pregnant or if it's leftover hormones from the recent abortion.

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13 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

She did. I'd forgotten about that. She staged the fake miscarriage when they were still together, but fighting. After they were popped for heroin possession and he went to jail, she ran back to Barb (as usual) and Barb took her to have the abortion and took care of her afterward. This is shortly after she'd started seeing Nathan and they came up with the great idea to have a kid so they wouldn't have time to argue as much. It's where we got another of the horribly unbelievable moments from her. She's having lunch with someone, Tori???, and says she took a pregnancy test and it was positive. But, she doesn't know if she's pregnant or if it's leftover hormones from the recent abortion.

HAHAHAHA remember Tori's face when she said, "you could go to JAIL!!! You can't be a mom!"

and remember all the lying when she was pregnant with ensley? She kept looking bigger, and would mock people who said she was pregnant. She also kept posting old flat stomach photos. Then there was that picture in Target where she was obviously pregnant. Eventually, she said she was pregnant, and had had a miscarriage. It made no sense, because the dates when she looked pregnant didn't line up with the dates she supposedly was. 

I will believe until my dying day that she really had an abortion. She wanted a girl, and had no use for another boy. I would bet a billion dollars that she aborted baby #1, and David may or may not have known. 

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3 minutes ago, druzy said:

Each of the children were appointed a guardian ad litem. Does Jenelle pay the guardian ad litem cost and fees for her kids?

no. The state will pay for a guardian for each child. They don't make much but they are invaluable when they do their job properly (and most do). The guardians generally will speak to the child's teachers/daycare providers, and others in their lives, and sometimes the child depending on the age and situation. The guardians will then give a report to the Court. 

And yes the attorney could have not taken their case. People always want to say that, until it is them or a family member who needs an attorney  Everyone has a right to counsel in certain situations, which is why David's is appointed. Many attorneys feel strongly that everyone has the right to representation and thus will take "unwanted" cases. Again, easy for those who follow her closely to say "what an idiot for taking this" but not everyone knows who she even IS, and even if they do, they may feel like she still deserves to have an attorney represent her in what is clearly a very important case. That being said, I would have asked for a very large retainer up front as this case will take a lot of work.

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1 minute ago, queenbee24 said:

no. The state will pay for a guardian for each child. They don't make much but they are invaluable when they do their job properly (and most do). The guardians generally will speak to the child's teachers/daycare providers, and others in their lives, and sometimes the child depending on the age and situation. The guardians will then give a report to the Court. 

And yes the attorney could have not taken their case. People always want to say that, until it is them or a family member who needs an attorney  Everyone has a right to counsel in certain situations, which is why David's is appointed. Many attorneys feel strongly that everyone has the right to representation and thus will take "unwanted" cases. Again, easy for those who follow her closely to say "what an idiot for taking this" but not everyone knows who she even IS, and even if they do, they may feel like she still deserves to have an attorney represent her in what is clearly a very important case. That being said, I would have asked for a very large retainer up front as this case will take a lot of work.

Thanks @queenbee24 for answering. Your knowledge and insight is much appreciated 🙂

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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