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S06.E13: Win, Place, Or Sonja

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Ok I'm going to defend Ramona regarding her comment to Cody at the party...........to me what she was trying to say, but didn't get a chance, was she doesn't have her parents to protect her and tell her what a big mistake she was making. Also maybe in polite society you wouldn't comment aloud about a 25 year old being engaged to an 80 year old leacherous pervert, but hey this is a RHW show.

  • Love 5

George is gross, but... something about his scene with Ramona was completely cracking me up.  She was going on and on at him about stuff that was none of her business, and he was responding with over the top nasty talk.  And both of them seemed to be secretly enjoying it.  Paired with Aviva trying to play peacemaker between two freaks, the whole scene was just gold to me.  I could watch those two fight all day.   I feel like Ramona was secretly flattered by George speaking to her in a sexually frank way.


Kristin really irritates me.  I was kind of hoping Sonja would snap and throw a glass at her.

  • Love 3

Not that I think she insulted Cody on purpose, but Ramona looked grossed out and uncomfortable from the second she arrived at the Museum of Sex. Seeing how she and Mario beat a hasty retreat the second Cody ran to the bathroom, it just looked very well coordinated.

Ramona always looks uncomfortable when she has done/said something stupid and is about to get confronted for it. This goes all the way back to the first season when she beat a hasty retreat from the dinner party that Alex brought an unwelcome Simon to. Ramona threw a huge fit, made everyone uncomfortable, then fled the scene because she said she had to meet some girlfriends for drinks. Last season Heather hilariously followed her around the room to stop her from avoiding the conversation that was the likely result of something silly that had come from Ramona. She has certainly fled the scene more than once this year. She loves to call herself blunt and wears this descriptor like a prize, but when put in a position to defend her behavior by someone more articulate, her crazy eyes start darting around the room in a desperate attempt to escape. She might possess the most horrific verbal skills of anyone on any franchise.

  • Love 7
And what is with Sonja and Aviva and their sudden close friendship? I found it strange that Sonja was standing at the front of the room with Aviva when she made her toast


.This was incredibly strange. Sonja couldn't get close enough to Aviva.


Loved when Cody came out of the bathroom at the engagement party and told the girls that something happened with Ramona and one or more of them (forget who) asked if she threw a glass at her.


Ramona was certainly wrong in what she said to Cody and when, but I fail to see how it was racist. George is such an ass.

  • Love 3

Ok I'm going to defend Ramona regarding her comment to Cody at the party...........to me what she was trying to say, but didn't get a chance, was she doesn't have her parents to protect her and tell her what a big mistake she was making. Also maybe in polite society you wouldn't comment aloud about a 25 year old being engaged to an 80 year old leacherous pervert, but hey this is a RHW show.

She could have been saying that, but it also seemed like she was implying that Cody was seeking parental figures in her life, since she has none.

Either way, I think it is in bad form to attend someone's engagement party and basically try to talk them out of getting married. It would be one thing if Ramona had a relationship with this gal and was truly concerned about her, but since she doesn't, it is none of her business. I don't care what the rest of the Ho'wives said out loud about these people getting married. They all no doubt think it is beyond dumb and that Cody should run while she still can, but they are not going to verbalize such thoughts to someone they hardly know and have no actual relationship with. They are smart enough to drink the free booze, look like they are above all the gossip and speculation, then no doubt meet at a posh bar down the street away from the cameras and snark on how ridiculous the entire scenario is. And about how Ramona just keeps making the rest of them look so good.

  • Love 1

This ep just proved how far RHONY has sunk in quality. Cannot believe this is what passes for entertainment and that a disgusting, molesting, sexually harassing pig like George is featured. And watching Sonja have a drunk meltdown while Heather berates her isn't funny, either.

I miss the old RHONY. Back then we had fabulous NYC, fun glimpse into the lives of well-to-do women, fashion shows, their everyday lives, their gorgeous houses and apartments, summer in the Hamptons, tennis matches between Ramona and Lulu, etc. Even Simon and Alex and their relentless social-climbing were entertaining. Now we have loads of manufactured drama, stupid Bravo-organized trips, producer-encouraged catfights/alliances, way too much raunchy sex talk and a bunch of grown women acting like junior high brats.

  • Love 7
I find it hard to believe that Cody doesn't care about George's money since they met on a Sugar Daddy site. So she signs up as a Sugar Baby, but it's his intellect and sex that she loves? Yeah right. I don't believe there will ever be a marriage. I wonder how much George is paying her, she obviously has a price.


They met on Sugar Daddy? So that ball waxing story was just George waxing poetic? WTF?!? If I ever deigned to sign up and the best I could attract was George, I'd dump all the sugar out my bowl.


I didn't think anything Ramona said was racially suspect. Ramona was told she had no parents and having no parents has no racial connations to me. However, if Ramona hadn't been told anything about her parents and than assumed she had no daddy then I would look at her sideways. Sonja on the other hand... WTF was that shit about her neighbors thinking Cody would be her dealer? SUSPECT!


Back to Ramona, aside from the no parents crap, I detected no lies. The trouble is one should NOT say everything that they think. Ramona's #1 problem. 


George's funeral comment was one of sickest and strangest things I have ever heard said on this show. I am more mad at Bravo than anything. Not only do they darken my screen with his wretched presence, they go out of their way to encourage his perverse and disgusting antics and I will include some of cast on this one too. Holding his engagement party at a sex shop, come the fuck on! Carol asking if his fiancee squirted - she just lost some shine.


One nice thing I will say about Aviva, she has been very gracious and kind to Cody. Mama Joyce can take a lesson from her about how to treated perspective spouses marrying a monied relative. Actually, it seems all the ladies have been nice and kind with a slip up or two. Ramona was rude, but I did think her intentions were good. Frankly, I thought Sonja was ruder with the dealer comment. I would love to have a more diverse cast but I always fear the ugly head of prejudice rearing its ugly head.


The trip to the races was great fun, but I thought the only woman that looked great from head to toe was Kristin. Luann's dress seemed far too casual for the hat and the other girl's hat/outfit combo just didn't seem right to me. I was suprised by Sonja's outfit. I thought she would bring it to Saratoga.

  • Love 7


And watching Sonja have a drunk meltdown while Heather berates her isn't funny, either.


I was laughing at how ridiculous it was for either Heather or Kristen to be trying to argue with someone who was clearly drunk (and being a "mean drunk," as a couple of them called it).  Always a total waste of time, just like it was in this episode.  I would think these "worldly" adult women would have been aware of that and saved their efforts for when Sonja was sobered up and more receptive.  But then that would have been the logical thing to do and if there's one thing these women usually can be counted on NOT to be, it's logical.  



They met on Sugar Daddy? So that ball waxing story was just George waxing poetic? WTF?!? If I ever deigned to sign up and the best I could attract was George, I'd dump all the sugar out my bowl.


Yup.  The link to her sugardaddyforme.com ad was posted over on TWOP.  Also, she does NOT own a "chain of luxurious" nail salons.  She's apparently the manager of one of the TWO that exist.  Sonja was totally delusional in her description of that entire scenario.  Their website is...interesting.  



Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 2

Oh, and am I the only one or is anyone else getting tired of Heather's holla/baby/bitches/mama/that's-how-we-roll hip-hop/street-talk schtick? She seems to be trying too hard to act "cool."


Wearing my distaste for Heather, loud and proud. Between the hip/hop schtick, her gun moll outfit at Millou's funeral and waving the cigar around at the racetrack, Radzi and Co. should nickname her Bugsy.  And she'd love it.  She so gangsta.


Loved the racetrack. The excitement was palpable. Although I think she's gorgeous, Kristen's hat made her look like Dorothy's Tin Man. 


Sonja is just sad. 



She could have been saying that, but it also seemed like she was implying that Cody was seeking parental figures in her life, since she has none.

Either way, I think it is in bad form to attend someone's engagement party and basically try to talk them out of getting married. It would be one thing if Ramona had a relationship with this gal and was truly concerned about her, but since she doesn't, it is none of her business. I don't care what the rest of the Ho'wives said out loud about these people getting married. They all no doubt think it is beyond dumb and that Cody should run while she still can, but they are not going to verbalize such thoughts to someone they hardly know and have no actual relationship with. They are smart enough to drink the free booze, look like they are above all the gossip and speculation, then no doubt meet at a posh bar down the street away from the cameras and snark on how ridiculous the entire scenario is. And about how Ramona just keeps making the rest of them look so good.

I would agree if I didn't think the whole thing (engagement) was scripted bullshit.

Please Bravo, since you like scripted crap..........kill off George. You can make it look like an accident and if Aviva's there too it would be a win/win for all.

  • Love 7
Sonya said she was worried her neighbors would think "her dealer" was at her house.


That was indeed strange. Sonja's neighbourhood is nice, but it's not 83rd and 5th. Her neighbours wouldn't give a flying fig who was in the garden.


It also tells me that Sonja must have shady people stopping by her ramshackle townhouse, on the regular.

Edited by Lakewood27
  • Love 2

Ramona always looks uncomfortable when she has done/said something stupid and is about to get confronted for it. This goes all the way back to the first season when she beat a hasty retreat from the dinner party that Alex brought an unwelcome Simon to. Ramona threw a huge fit, made everyone uncomfortable, then fled the scene because she said she had to meet some girlfriends for drinks. Last season Heather hilariously followed her around the room to stop her from avoiding the conversation that was the likely result of something silly that had come from Ramona. She has certainly fled the scene more than once this year. She loves to call herself blunt and wears this descriptor like a prize, but when put in a position to defend her behavior by someone more articulate, her crazy eyes start darting around the room in a desperate attempt to escape. She might possess the most horrific verbal skills of anyone on any franchise.

I don't think Ramona makes her retreats because of what she says although she makes it worse. I'm pretty sure some situations give her anxiety and that is what she reacts to. She needs to remove herself from the situation before she starts the verbal diatribes that relieve her anxiety. I can see it happening because I'm the same way. I can get so worked up about something that may not seem to be a big deal and just have to say something about in much the same disastrous way.

  • Love 3

Yes, I think Ramona has spent a lifetime not understanding why sometimes she says something perfectly logical (inside her brain) and suddenly everybody around her gets "that look" and what follows is a lecture or a fight.  She may not know exactly what she said triggered it, but she can recognize from the expressions around her that she's blown it yet again and there's about to be hell to pay.  So she blusters, and then she runs.  She can't really defend herself because she doesn't really understand what went wrong - it's like we're all an alien race and our ways are incomprehensible to her.


That doesn't excuse her, by the way, but I think that's what's happening.  One on one she can often mend fences right away, but in a group she panics. 


George is a walking billboard for everything "#yesallwomen" is about.  And Carole and Kristen's reactions to him are everything we need to knock off doing in reaction to it.

  • Love 8

I don't like Ramona HOWEVER - George called his fiance "african" and Sonya said she was worried her neighbors would think "her dealer" was at her house. We could spend every episode Cody appears in playing "HEY THAT'S RACIST"

I think she IS African, so that descriptor would be appropriate. But the Sonja comment? Absolutely. Sonja is a freakin idiot.

what is wrong with BRAVO for having that disgusting PIG George on this show?  He's horrible.  Ramona is just bat shit crazy and mean, Kristen, Carol, and Aviva need to go.  Love LuAnn and Heather.  Sorry Sonja but you are making a giant @ss of yourself, between the drunkenness, going commando, chasing after the young guys who look like they want nothing to do with you. Been a fan of RHoNY since day on but now I'm done!'

  • Love 2

So, Sonja has "the nicest garden in New York City".  Maybe, if you like concrete and dog shit.


I also think Ramona was trying to say to Cody that she might be looking for a father figure, but because she's crazy/Asperger's/drunk it all started out on the wrong foot.


BUT ... I think the 'crying' was edited in after the event by Bravo. Cody asks where the restroom is, and she's not crying at that point. Aviva escorts her away and there's this 'sobbing' on the soundtrack. I think the 'crying' is as much a fake as the sound of smashing glass when Ramona threw a plastic glass at Kristen.


I also think Ramona looked awful at the party. That dress was all wrong on her (now stocky) body. I'm sticking to my opinion (aired on TWoP) that the bloat she's showing could be down to a swollen liver.


George is a revolting piece of dirt. If a man said to me what he said to Ramona, I'd have slapped those choppers out of his face. There was also nothing racist whatsoever in what Ramona said. It was utterly tactless, but not racist.


Clearly Sonja doesn't have a pot to piss in, and a $50 bet would've wiped out all her available cash. She's never been 'old money'. She married old money and once the marriage ended she lost her spot in that world. She gets more Grey Gardens every week. Very sad. She needs meds, therapy and to lay off the booze. Then she might be able to focus on just one thing to earn her an income.

  • Love 2


Clearly Sonja doesn't have a pot to piss in, and a $50 bet would've wiped out all her available cash.


I would have loved for her to just own it in that moment and say, "Hey, I'm a brokeass, this is all I can afford to lose, ladies!" and laughed it off in her own special delusional sort of way.  It would have been more endearing than that pretentious bullshit cover story she was trying to feed everyone.  

  • Love 3
Sonya said she was worried her neighbors would think "her dealer" was at her house.


Damn, that made me cringe.  Sonja sure is playing up the lovable bigot routine, eh?


That was indeed strange. Sonja's neighbourhood is nice, but it's not 83rd and 5th. Her neighbours wouldn't give a flying fig who was in the garden.


Just passed by there the other day.  It's on 63rd near Third.  Man, it's busy as hell over there.  There are probably drug deals goin' on all the time -- right in front of her crumbling dump -- & they just hop over to Bloomies to spend their profits.  Who would even notice?  Between the massive, busy traffic from the cars zooming along that street & non-stop bustling from the garage she's right on top of, how can she get any peace in that place?  No wonder she can't sell it.

Was the Moaner wearing yet another blue satin dress that showed off her immense pooch?  I swear the woman is Supergirl & must have a closet full of those ridiciulous ugly blue satin dresses.  If she likes the truth so much, maybe someone should tell her she looks like a penguin in those stupid fuckin' dresses.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

It's bad enough to listen to Aviva engage her father in sexual conversations, but tonight we watched her attend his engagement party at a raunchy sex museum where she also seemed quite comfortable, even giving a tearful toast. This father-daughter relationship is one for the books.

Indeed, Miss February! (Great name btw)

A loving, tearful toast, that she felt necessary capped off with a disturbing addendum, that hey, she needed to clarify her Dad's member just gets backed into sometimes, while Sonja plastered a smile on her face next to Aviva (I'd been wondering why she was standing beside her) and then twirled around slowly, to show us ... what? That her butt causes such accidents? So then, did George's hands ALSO accidentally get in the way when Kristen walked her boobs into them or whatever, on that very same night George was trying to a vow his life to his love Cody? Give me a break, Bravo. No, give me a long vacation.

Ramona has been all kinds of awful this season, but I admit I was rooting for her when she called George lecherous, and in his defense he not only proved her point but went beyond the pale, (how fitting) trying to extrapolate some kind of racist undertone in what she was talking about. Now THAT is quite interesting to me. Sounds like he has her lovely skin color in the forefront of his own mind, not Ramona. Aviva enables her daddy completely though, as he does her- she seemed to play nice diplomat until Ramona left and she could placate her Dad and immediately jump to his side.

Cody seems just lovely, so. What. The. Hell. I'm sorry, but I find so much of their relationship suspect. It was not Ramona's place to butt in though imo, as much as she said she was concerned; her daughter, blah blah, I think she came over with the intent to just lay into him and needed a more pleasant m.o. to wrap it in. I can't deny enjoying it though.

Edited by Souvlaki
  • Love 2

I'm new to this website. I don't know how to copy and paste links. But there is a website called Stoopidhousewives.com that has proof that the engagement and so called relationship between Cody and Pervy George is all fabricated by Bravo.

Seems Cody's real name is Dana Cody and she's on the show to promote her nail business . She also has a Twitter account. @tippietoediva, which is interesting to read. She doesn't even mention Pervy or being engaged.

So if this is all true, and I believe it, shame on a Bravo for thinking us viewers are all Stoopid.

  • Love 3

I don't think Ramona makes her retreats because of what she says although she makes it worse. I'm pretty sure some situations give her anxiety and that is what she reacts to. She needs to remove herself from the situation before she starts the verbal diatribes that relieve her anxiety. I can see it happening because I'm the same way. I can get so worked up about something that may not seem to be a big deal and just have to say something about in much the same disastrous way.

I could agree if the reason she needs to remove herself from the situation didn't usually involve something that she herself has started with her verbal diatribes. It would be different if her anxiety got to her before she started spewing her dumb stuff, or whenever the heat was on someone else and she was afraid she might jump in and make matters worse.  It always comes after, when she realizes she is going to be called out on whatever she just said.  She is the ultimate example of someone who likes to start a fight, but never wants to finish it.


She is not new to the show; she has been watching herself for 8 years. She is a 57 year old woman. Isn't it time for her to examine why folks react to her in the way that they do, and have since pretty much the very first show? There are professionals - coaches who work with folks on improving their communication style, etc. I know it is too much to ask because she has so little ability to self-reflect, but if I had been watching myself on TV for as long as she has, I would think about making some changes. I cannot imagine she likes what she sees. 

  • Love 1
proof that the engagement and so called relationship between Cody and Pervy George is all fabricated by Bravo.


Oh shockers!   I figured everyone believed Cody when she spoke so convincingly about how sex with an 85 year old man was so much better than with anyone her age -- or about having children with him.  Yeah, this is reality.  Look, Veevs is so desperate to keep herself on the show, she's using her father.  Is it gonna work?  Hope not.

  • Love 3


Seems Cody's real name is Dana Cody and she's on the show to promote her nail business . She also has a Twitter account. @tippietoediva, which is interesting to read. She doesn't even mention Pervy or being engaged.


I remember her Twitter account being glaringly absent of any comments or references to those things, too.


I also find it curious that Bravo, known for focusing in on any bling within a mile radius of the camera, has yet to show a close-up of what is probably a bauble from Claire's or HSN on Dana's finger.  


Hell, even Alexis Bellino's paste jewels on RHOC got plenty of camera time.  Cody's ring must look like the cheap prop that it is and even the low-life powers that be at Bravo are embarrassed to show it up close.  

  • Love 2

I think she IS African, so that descriptor would be appropriate. But the Sonja comment? Absolutely. Sonja is a freakin idiot.

I thought she said she was from the islands not Africa.


Oh shockers!   I figured everyone believed Cody when she spoke so convincingly about how sex with an 85 year old man was so much better than with anyone her age -- or about having children with him.  Yeah, this is reality.  Look, Veevs is so desperate to keep herself on the show, she's using her father.  Is it gonna work?  Hope not


Ramona only says exactly what most of us are thinking.

Edited by psychnurse
  • Love 2

Well, this episode was a whole ton of uncomfortable. 


Aviva can take a seat with her pretense about how she really doesn't want to know about her father's sex life. SHE was the first one to ask Cody a question. And if it bothered you that badly, you could always get up and leave. I know I would. If you want to get to know your father's fiance there are a dozen other lines of questioning that could go on. The kid one, for instance. Although, I don't buy for one minute that George told Cody to wait until she's 35 with her best interest in mind. It's more likely he hopes he'll croak by then and won't have to deal with a baby - financially or otherwise. If he really has a high sex drive, he's also not going to want to deal with a pregnant wife/woman who just gave birth. It wouldn't be all about him and his pecker anymore. 


What in the seven hells was Ramona wearing to that "engagement party"?  It looked like she got tangled in the bed sheets. And her behavior was even worse than her outfit. Look, I got where she was coming from. Beyond the gold digger assumption, she was thinking "here's a young woman who just lost her parents, no father figure in her life, and an older man is taking advantage". I could see that. The problem is - it's simply none of your business. Quit bringing Avery up, as if the fact that YOU have a young daughter is an excuse for everything. Cody ISN'T your daughter! You only just met her. So save your speculation and assumptions for later, because it's simply tacky to start hounding someone at a party like that. And she totally knew about the parents being dead, then wants to act all innocent and run out the door. Typical Ramona. 


I really don't think she was genuinely concerned about Cody anyhow. I seriously think Ramona is in a very low place in her own marriage and is either consciously or subconsciously trying to sabotage anyone else's happiness - just like her calling to check up on Sonja's boy toy. 


All that being said, nothing she did was an excuse for George and his lecherous behavior. That's right, Aviva,  I said "lecherous". Aw, it's not a nice word? Well, grabbing people's butts and shoving your erection into them isn't nice either. So maybe when he's stops sexually assaulting people we can quit calling it like it is. Although, I did not see him grab Kristen's boob, as she claimed in her TH. I only saw his hand down low, on her behind. Did he grab her twice? Did I miss something? Either way, he is absolutely vile and I hate the way the other women just laugh it off. I couldn't believe the disgusting things he was saying to Ramona at Aviva's. He loves making women uncomfortable - period. He will do it out of fun, and also out of anger. He makes my fucking skin crawl. 


Sonja's escapades out at Saratoga were also very uncomfortable, and getting worse by the minute. I would hate having to deal with that drunken mess. It was clear as day that Sonja abandoned their little group after the other ladies won, and when they were getting ready to leave they attempted to contact her, but couldn't get in touch. So what are they to do? That place looked insanely crowded. Should they have traipsed around all afternoon until they found her. And then what if her drunken ass was all, "I'm having fun! I don't want to go!" She's a mess. I didn't feel a bit badly for her when the girls won that money and she got nothing. She is a grown woman. No one is going to hold your hand. She chose to not bet with them, she chose to go off and "talk to her contacts" (BAH!) - so reap the consequences of your actions. By now she should have figured life out a little better than that. 

  • Love 4

As hit or miss as this season has been, I'm finding it somewhat enjoyable. However, it took George the Crypt Keeper to get me to join the site so I can vent. Last season I felt slightly bad about trash-talking him, because as others have mentioned, I thought he was just senile, but when I learned about how he met Aviva's mother, it was obvious he is just white trash, quite frankly.


I don't know who I am more furious at: George, the women of NYC who just giggle and enable his behavior, or the men who just stand by and laugh and enable his behavior. Normally I wouldn't blame victims in any way, but these women are fully grown and should know better than to allow or feel they have to allow someone to molest them, much less make light of the situation when it happens. I could understand this from younger, naïve women, but this crowd has been around long enough to know better. Kristen should have kneed him hard enough to make his balls cower and hide, making him go the rest of his lecherous life with undescended testicles.  


I sure hope this is it for George because he truly is disgusting. Time to take out the trash, Bravo.

  • Love 6
George. There are just no words. He actually made me want Ramona to throw something at him; like a brick; to the skull.



Yes.  Instead of throwing a glass at Kristen, Ramona should have hurled it at George.


Seriously, Bravo.  I don't want to watch this disgusting old man molest people.  I don't care that he's ancient, I don't care that he lost his wife or has that one-legged bitch as a daughter.  No excuse.  He's vile and he should have charges pressed against him.


And an engagement party at the Museum of Sex?  Way to keep it klassy, Aviva!  As if George isn't enough of a red flag, that shit should make Cody take her crazy nails and run for the hills (or at least back to Miami). 


Add me to the posters who thought the light pink hat Kristen had on in the hat store was phenomenal.  Why did no one buy that?  Like others, I was NOT impressed with any of the hats the ladies wore.  Fail.


I seriously loved LuAnn's bike ride through the park and picnic.  Scenes like that make me want to move to NY.  And be LuAnn.  She seems so much classier than anyone else on this show.

  • Love 6

They met on Sugar Daddy? So that ball waxing story was just George waxing poetic? WTF?!?

Ah, I missed the whole sugar daddy story! I thought "suspect!" as well. NOW everything makes more sense, yet ironically still stays completely in the absurd.

Also many thanks to others who've chimed in on the tea about Dana/Cody. New phone, can't figure out how to c&p yet, apologies!

*Agreed as well, those women should know better than to reason with a childish acting drunk. I don't know what they were thinking, or if production prompted anyone to try and speak to Sonja.

Edited by Souvlaki

A note on Kristen. I found it interesting that she stopped Heather from approaching Sonja, claiming she wanted to rescue her from a mean drunk.  But she continued to argue with Sonja knowing she wouldn't get anywhere. She seems to enjoy confrontation. Much like the scene earlier this episode with the other girls, she continued to bring up the glass throwing incident to prolong that plotline. Not sure about her...

  • Love 2

Count me as another that is sick of the Kristin "O" face. I was so grossed out watching George pawing her. I would love to see one of the ladies knee him hard in the groin. Or maybe one of the husbands could just shoot him and then he would go away.

I find it hard to believe that Cody doesn't care about George's money since they met on a Sugar Daddy site. So she signs up as a Sugar Baby, but it's his intellect and sex that she loves? Yeah right. I don't believe there will ever be a marriage. I wonder how much George is paying her, she obviously has a price.

Cody is earning every penny of it.  I can't imagine how much it would take.


Ok I'm going to defend Ramona regarding her comment to Cody at the party...........to me what she was trying to say, but didn't get a chance, was she doesn't have her parents to protect her and tell her what a big mistake she was making. Also maybe in polite society you wouldn't comment aloud about a 25 year old being engaged to an 80 year old leacherous pervert, but hey this is a RHW show.

I thought Ramona was going to say that George was a parental substitute.


I'm new to this website. I don't know how to copy and paste links. But there is a website called Stoopidhousewives.com that has proof that the engagement and so called relationship between Cody and Pervy George is all fabricated by Bravo.

Seems Cody's real name is Dana Cody and she's on the show to promote her nail business . She also has a Twitter account. @tippietoediva, which is interesting to read. She doesn't even mention Pervy or being engaged.

So if this is all true, and I believe it, shame on a Bravo for thinking us viewers are all Stoopid.

I believe it's a plot line that Cody is being paid for but I don't think it's Bravo engineered.  More like thought up by Aviva and George.  I checked out Cody's twitter when she first appeared on the show and there were some George posts.  I hope she's being well compensated for this.  I know I feel like I should be compensated for watching it!

  • Love 3

So, Sonja has "the nicest garden in New York City".  Maybe, if you like concrete and dog shit.

Thank heavens I had not just taken a sip of tea when I read this! Totally LOL perfect! 


Carol asking if his fiancee squirted - she just lost some shine.

Anthony Radziwill must be spinning in his grave. UGH! Did she talk that like when she and her husband were hanging out together? He certainly was raised better. I don't see why Carole thinks it's cute to laugh off or along with George's despicable behavior. She's done it before this and it's one of the reasons I don't like her.

  • Love 4

I really wish Bravo could see how disgusting and uncomfortable George makes people.  All they care about is ratings, so if they think viewers are enjoying him, they'll keep bringing him back and having him amp up his shenanigans, not caring one bit how uncomfortable he makes the women on the show.  I looked at the comments on Aviva's blog last week and the vast majority of them find her father hilarious, it was really depressing.  Obviously Bravo finds nothing at all wrong with his foul and over the line comment about desecrating Ramona's corpse, or else they wouldn't have aired it.   I shudder to think where the line actually is with them.

  • Love 5

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