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S10.E03: Boyz II Andi

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I painted my nails before the episode aired so needed something to do to occupy my hands.  I also needed something to do to engage my brain because, well, let's face it, there's nothing intellectually challenging about this show.  So, I grabbed a pen and paper and started counting.


Andi said "y'all" 5 times.


I didn't hear a single "sstttaaaaaap" although NicSac heard it (once?) and I can go with that.


"Whhaaaaaat...?" was said a total of 0 times.


Collectively "right now" was said 4 times.


I heard "right reasons" 2 times.


"Falling for" was said once. 


The big winner this week was "yeah."  That's how Andi participates in the conversations with her dudes, agreeing with what they're telling her and encouraging them to tell her more.  It's actually rather endearing, to me.  She said it 14 times.


It's literally like impossible to keep up with like every time someone says like, like.  I'm going to, like, estimate how many times anyone like said "like."  And I come up with like 24,172 times.

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My first post on this site! Wow, this was a strange episode. That old people date was fun, but I don't see any romantic chemistry there.  The singing was horrific, but entertaining nonetheless.


My problem is with the Andrew thing. His getting that waitress's phone number just seemed like contrived drama dreamed up by the producers. It will of course be dragged out all season, long past the point when anyone actually cares. Feh. Although it should be fun tonight, when Andi has her epic meltdown, as advertised ad nauseum in the previews. Bring it on!

I'm a fan of the Kinsey Milhone mystery novels that take place in Santa Barbara. . . so I was thinking, here is the beach front where Kinsey runs, here is the rich housing development overlooking the ocean


Sadly, all I could think about was, er, another recent (tragic) event in SB. Of course it's not the city's fault, and SB is lovely.

While I can admit that Josh is a very attractive guy, he is just way too done up for me. His blindingly white, way-too-perfect teeth to his manscaped brows, I'd bet he spends more time grooming than I do. Big turn off for me, and I bet he doesn't even really need all of that to still be television ready.


I am so with you. All that really turns me off, as well as the huge biceps. Gross. Gym-sculpted male bodies are just not my thing. Give me a guy who surfs or does yoga or some other form of exercise that doesn't create overly sculpted body parts.


I think Nick is adorable. He's the one I'd be interested in if I were Andi, and I agree with those who feel he has a bit of a Jef vibe. Jef was my favorite on Emily's season, but we all know how that turned out.


Andi continues to impress. She's smart, engaging, good-humored, and seems genuinely interested in getting to know the guys.

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Yes, Nick as Ally McBeal guy! I thought the same thing since night one and can't fathom how in the world HE got the first impression rose! I thought he made some interesting points about choosing to love someone, so MAYBE he'll grow on me, but at this point I can't get past his looks--as shallow as that is. (I did go from thinking Ames looked like a fetus to him being my favorite contestant of all time, so there is hope there.)

I loved that Boys II Men segment! They all had such a great time! The best part was B2M heckling from stage right. The second best part was everyone fanboying over their favorite 7th grade ballads. I missed the cocktail party segment of the date. Anything notable happened?

Agreed that JJ had red flags waving him into the friend zone. Nothing much else to say about that. If waitressgate happened on night 2 or 3, I wonder why they waited to say anything until now? I suppose both JJ and Josh see Andi as "their girl" now and want to protect her. Obviously the producers had Andi pick Andrew last, but I was waiting for JJ or Josh to yell out, "Unhand that rose, you cad!" Or like set off the Wrong Reasons alarm. The leads (see Emily) tend to get mad at the other guys for not immediately letting them know about Wrong Reasons afoot. I think we'll have that to look forward to tonight.

Eta: I'm calling Bradley and Sharleen getting together at some future Bachelor mixer. Not just because of the Opera connection, but also because they both had the same stiff awkwardness. Then again, they'd probably both be too awkward to make a move, so Andi would need to orchestrate a double date or something.

Edited by JenE4

Of all the things that disqualify me from being "The Bachelorette" the inability to sign my notes with a heart might be my most grievous.


A producer writes those (it's the same handwriting every season), so you're back in the running.


(JJ) was so bullied in school he had to change schools


I think he was dramatizing that a little.  Families with money often send their kids to public school to have fun and be like everyone else, and then send them to private school (either in 7th or 9th grade) once it's time to think about college admissions.


Re Nick: Any guy watching this show groans at his B.S. gestures.  (Sending flowers when everyone else thinks no outside materials are allowed is not cool.)  This is the same guy who eventually lays out the trail of rose petals.

JJ seems to be using the show to showcase his crazy pants.  They get more ridiculous all the time.  JJ definitely got the friend date.  In fact I think Andi might have been trying to figure out a way to not give him the rose.  But he kept going on about their connection that he guilted her into giving it to him.


Josh please don't use the phrase about being a grown ass man.  That is just a big No No.  But he is definitely her fave one to kiss.  He seems to be the only one that she uses tongue to kiss.  She is really sexually attracted to him.


I kept thinking that Wes (Jillian's season) would have loved the BtoM date.  Any reason for him to sing. 


I really don't think a lot of the guys have any interest in Andi.  And she does not seem that interested in several of them either.

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I just happened to stumble across this amazing fact:  apparently the oldest municipally operated rose garden in the country is located in exotic Hartford -- I certainly hope they pay appropriate homage during the rose ceremony


Uncasville, where they are going,and Hartford are almost an hour apart by car so I doubt we'll see any references to that. 


Here, here to whoever mentioned Josh's teeth. I knew something looked off about his face but I couldn't pinpoint it. Not that he's not a gorgeous guy but he could have gone down a few shades. I also see the Nick - Peter MacNicol resemblance although I don't think that comparison flatters him because I think he is much better looking than Peter MacNicol.  

Edited by PetuniaP

Yeah Peter McNichol is not a hottie but I don't think the comparison is that unflattering to Nick. It depends on what one finds attractive. If you go for the buff, athletic, manly type, like a Josh, then yeah it may not seem like the most flattering. But if you like slightly awkward, even a little dorky guys, it works. I definitely agree he's better looking than Peter but I see the comparison in the somewhat awkward, similar nerd like qualities. I personally actually am attracted to those types so I think he's super adorable. Of course I thought Jef was more interesting than Arie during Emily's season too. In any case, Andi's opinion is what counts and girl is clearly gone over Josh.


eta: Boyz II Men were fun. They had a great attitude about the whole thing and the mini-concert actually looked like a lot of fun and they sounded great. I loved Wanye saying Andi sounded like shit when they were rehearsing together.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Eta: I'm calling Bradley and Sharleen getting together at some future Bachelor mixer. Not just because of the Opera connection, but also because they both had the same stiff awkwardness. Then again, they'd probably both be too awkward to make a move, so Andi would need to orchestrate a double date or something.


Sharleen is actually recapping the eps on her own blog, and she wasn't too impressed with Bradley from eps 1 and 2.

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I thought the little outtakes at the end with Tasos and Josh snuggling on the couch was hilarious....Obviously enough of the guys get along to keep some humor in their down time....


I can't get those stupid songs out of my head now.  And I was almost 30 when they hit big, so it's even more annoying...I didn't make out with anybody then, cause I was already married....*LOL*

Not finding Nick attractive at all but he seems nice enough. Eric still seems robotic to me and he and Andi have zero chemistry. Josh is handsome and seems sweet but damn his teeth could glow in the dark!

Did Andi really say she looked like she was 50 after her "old" makeup was put on? Sorry Andi but I'm 50 and I'm not stooped and wrinkled.

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I wasn't a big fan of the "old people" date. I think the biggest problem I had with it is I've got a physical disability that has made me feel 'old' since I was about 10, and yet they were running around playing... stuff I can't even do, and I'm younger than they were pretending to be. It seemed a little like a slap in the face to people who are older as well as people with disabilities (oh and smokers). "haha look at us we're so cute, we're 80 and have smoked for 60 years but we can run around like kids."  Really? I did kind of enjoy the "WTF?" looks some people were giving them, though.


I have a little bit of a soft spot for Eric because he lived not far from me (I didn't know him, but he was local to me) and I think "Explorer" is a pretty amazing job title... way better than "Pantsapreneur." I don't see much of a love connection between him and Andi though. 


I'm curious to see what tonight's meltdown is about.

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I'm sorry I just don't buy any woman would give Andrew their number unsolicited. Especially if they had heard him speak.


I didn't get why Andi was so convinced that JJ was so fun and funny. Every time I look at him I now think Liver Spots. Bald Head. She did not want to kiss him.


Marcus, pretty as he is, creeps me out


Agreed! He seems really needy and desperate "No one has what we have" Ahhhh. He prob already carved Andi 4 EVA on his chest like Mark Wahlberg in Fear.


My wife thinks he looks like a Leprechaun.  She thinks his ears are too big for his head.


Ha! Yes Nick has either a big head or big hair.


Loved the Boys II Men guys, they were hilarious. I liked when Eric said he touched his first butt to their music. 


Marquel "What's your favorite color?"  Andi: "Is black a color?"  

PetuniaP OMG "Fire Marshall Bill mouth"!!!! So true although it's not all the time or maybe Farmer McConaghey is just growing on me. Between Boys II Men & In Living Color & JJ as Bill Nye the Science Guy it's I Love the 90s around here!


I think the black as fave color was definitely an attempt at flirting, although weak. But I guess we can give her a pass bc I think she was hammered.


Speaking of which, I'm not seeing any of these guys as next Bachelor material, except possibly Marquel.  But, I'll believe they cast an African American man as the Bachelor when I see it.

I'm not holding my breath either, Alapaki. I figure Hhhwan Pablo was ABC'S way of saying "LOOK HOW RACIALLY DIVERSE WE ARE, EVERYBODY!!!"


Also, I'm calling Josh as the next Bachelor.


Was Andi seriously all, "this date is showing me what it would be like to be married to JJ for fifty years!"?  I mean - what?!?!


These dates were just PAINFUL.  The Boys II Men date -- I can't even.


Bye Brett! You were some of my eye candy and I liked your lamp schtick. And those dimples!

Opera singer guy just did NOT get it. First of all, the whole point was not who could sing the best, but to observe how people react when they are put into a situation that is unfamiliar or uncomfortable for them. The guys that come across the best are ones who give it a decent effort and have fun with it, in spite of the fact that they know they aren't knocking it out of the park. Even the most beautiful solo would not have redeemed him here. And second, this song was not opera-y or likely to sound right/good sung as such. So you just end up looking and sounding like a major douche with your aggressive PROFESSIONAL OPERA singing. And 2B: I don't even think your opera voice is all that great in and of itself.


Good riddance, opera guy!

  • Love 4


I like Marquel a lot but my bet at this point would be Farmer Chris.  He's a farmer!  That's made for TV.  And he seems like a good dude.



I cannot take a whole season of staring at that Fire Marshal Bill mouth...i seriously can't.

I was completely turned off by his squint-eyed look during the rose ceremony.  What was that?  I'm thinking he did that for all of ten seconds, and the producers just put it on a loop during the dramatic pauses. At least, I hope so....


I think Andi was trying to be clever with her "black which might be a color" response.  Isn't black the absence of color?  (Giving her the benefit of the doubt.)



And I thought I was the only one who had "I'll Make Love to You" stuck in his head today!

Nope.  Between last night and catching Pitch Perfect a few days ago, it's been stuck ALL DAY LONG.  Good thing I'm working from home by myself today.  Only the dog has looked oddly at me if I start humming as tunelessly as the boys last night.


Agreed on the Good Riddance to Opera Guy!

It's like, You do realize that begin the best singer at a spontaneous karaoke-like performance is not going to make her instantly fall in love with you, right? Especially when your best singing is opera & not fitting to the song at all…can we all just take a minute to remember the little girl with her hands over her ears?


Edited by krispadget
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Hi All, another TWOP refugee here with my first post.  Before we watched the rose ceremony, Mr.Anniemax muted the TV and dubbed in 'O Fortuna' from Carmina Burana, which I recommend that everyone do from now on.  It really takes things to a new level, and works beautifully with all the cuts to the guys' various worried, frustrated, smug, dyspeptic faces.  Seriously, if you don't already have this, it's worth downloading just for Monday nights.

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My wife thinks he looks like a Leprechaun.  She thinks his ears are too big for his head.


I was thinking Nick looks like John Lithgow, but Peter MacnNicol is pretty good, too.   He appears to have some mild speech impediment, which causes me to stare at his mouth when he speaks.  A couple of times he's said "feels" or "feelings", but he doesn't quite pronounce the "l", so it sounds slightly like he saying "feews"


I am not feewing him at all.

Edited by Boo

I didn't get why Andi was so convinced that JJ was so fun and funny. Every time I look at him I now think Liver Spots. Bald Head. She did not want to kiss him


I had the advantage of having already seen her meltdown with Eric, but I really thought that was all about her being a good actress and feeling pressure to stay positive. I thought he was overdoing it and that she'd stopped being into it long before he was.


I also felt sorry for him because the makeup people really did a great job making him look old and unattractive (he didn't make that style of bald look attractive at all, his skin was so bad, too). That was just NOT romantic and if he wasn't in the friend zone already, that date surely would have done it, imo.


On the other hand, I'm not sure what age the makeup people were going for with Andi. Other than the gray hair she didn't look as old as he did.


On Demand still isn't showing Part 1 with B2M!  Darn! Because that seems like the fun part, much better than the "old people" and "Andrew's a cad" (well insecure and trying to show off to other guys esp. since Andi doesn't seem terribly interested).


ITA that Josh is handsome and seemingly "perfect", but he's so not what I would be looking for. (Can't say that about Andi though--she seems hooked already).  I was liking Nick, but not so much after having flowers delivered during another guy's date. Kind of tacky, that.

  • Love 1
I was liking Nick, but not so much after having flowers delivered during another guy's date. Kind of tacky, that.



I sincerely doubt that Nick actually controlled when those flowers were delivered to Andi. My guess is he went to the producers and said he wanted to buy her flowers because far as I know they don't get to have cell phones, etc. with them. The producers liked the idea, maybe they gave him a phone to order them himself. And after that, they were the ones who likely decided it was a great idea to have it brought to her during her 1 on 1 time with another guy because they figured it would make for nice drama. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

JJ seems to be using the show to showcase his crazy pants. They get more ridiculous all the time.

I still don't know all these guys well enough to make all the connections yet so thank you! That's why he had those things on. The pants at the rose ceremony made me laugh out loud. There's no way I could take him seriously as a grown ass man in those pants.

Thank goodness opera guy is gone! My ears are grateful. I thought he was a smug dude as well as not sounding so hot. And then he cried. What? The emotional attachment by some of these guys when they appear to have spent almost no real time with Andi is both fascinating & repellant.

I actively hated the old age date. Hated with clenched teeth. First of all they didn't touch Andi's neck. My mom taught me early in life that women usually care for their face but often forget their hands &/or neck. That's all superficial though, I hated the date due to the sheer stupidity. Hardee har har let's dress up & act old. They were hunched over like 90 year olds. My parents are the ages they were purporting to be & don't act like the dottering fools they were pretending to be. Then to play football & do cartwheels just yuck. I'm not sure why I despised this as much as I did but I seriously wanted to throat punch both of them.

Now, OTOH, I thought the Boyz II Men date was hysterically funny & fun. The guys seemed to enjoy it & have a good time. I thought Brah (the trainer) was a lot of fun too. He rolled with her stupid prank with more grace than I would've wanted to.

Finally I could watch a show of just the guys & their stupid, silly interaction like what they show in the end credits. It's my favorite part usually.

  • Love 2

I actively hated the old age date. Hated with clenched teeth. First of all they didn't touch Andi's neck. My mom taught me early in life that women usually care for their face but often forget their hands &/or neck. That's all superficial though, I hated the date due to the sheer stupidity. Hardee har har let's dress up & act old. They were hunched over like 90 year olds. My parents are the ages they were purporting to be & don't act like the dottering fools they were pretending to be. Then to play football & do cartwheels just yuck. I'm not sure why I despised this as much as I did but I seriously wanted to throat punch both of them.


What's next? A ministrel show? That was ridiculously insulting. (And they left Andi pretty unwrinkled, including as you say her neck, while making JJ look so convincingly "unattractively old" that she didn't even want to touch him).


I guess what I found insulting a younger person was expected to find "cute", as in, "We're young and hot, but look how bad we'd look if we were old but...woo-hoo! we're not, we're young and hot just pretending to be old coots! Look! Cartwheels! No old geezer could do that!"


the idea that that would be "fun" or "funny" to prank people with is just...so juvenile.  (I did feel sorry for JJ though because he had no say in it and that was the least sexy date ever. You knew she'd never look at him again without seeing, "Grandpa" and hearing that voice.).

  • Love 2
I actively hated the old age date. Hated with clenched teeth. First of all they didn't touch Andi's neck. My mom taught me early in life that women usually care for their face but often forget their hands &/or neck. That's all superficial though, I hated the date due to the sheer stupidity. Hardee har har let's dress up & act old.


I apologize because I can't remember if it was here or TWOP that I ranted about this, so I'm sorry if this is a repeat for anyone, but I'm so with you on this date actively pissing me off. As someone who grew up with a disability and can't even do half of the physical activities they did, haven't been able to since I was a little kid, it infuriates me to think someone would 'fake' being elderly or otherwise disabled. It's just a slap in the face. 


It probably made me overly mad due to personal experience, but I couldn't help but thinking what the F were the producers thinking? What's next?  "In sickness and in health.. I know! Let's prove they can do it and send one of them to an oncology center and pretend another one has muscular dystrophy!"  Or better yet, send them to a Hospice for "until death do us part."  Then they can jump up out of their beds/chairs and run off into the sunset. 


I mostly like Andi and I think JJ is in a difficult position, but I really hope that neither of them would even consider this in normal life. It bothers me they did it even in this heavily producer driven environment, but I can understand how they'd cave. I still hope that they at least considered it might be wrong to go through with the date.

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When they first just walked around the park and talked to people, it was ok but it got too much when they started jumping, cartwheeling and throwing football at each other. It lost the purpose of the date fast. And I couldn't stand the way Andi kept expressing her disdain for JJ's old man face. I understand for first half hour but she's still going at it well into the date. And when they finally went for dinner as regular Andi & JJ, Andi gave a sigh of relief like it's the worst thing ever when she seemed thrilled to do it in the beginning. JJ is also annoying because he didn't know when to stop. I could see it getting on Andi's nerves too.

Edited by waving feather

The nerve of them airing 2 episodes while I was away on vacation -- so much to catch up on!


I normally hate to see people make fools of themselves, and I particularly dislike it when this show edits people to look foolish even when they've done nothing wrong, so I was really cringing when I saw that they were going to make all of the men sing. To my pleasant surprise, I thought the "Boyz" date turned out really great. I think it was the combination of the really fun atmosphere that the band created and the fact that  everyone except Bradley was terrible that made it so enjoyable for the men and for me. I think if some of the men were good it would have been embarrassing for the others, but they were all so awful that it was a big basket of fun. I laughed (with them, not at them) until I cried. I think that really fun group dates are the best part of this show.


Unfortunately, it was followed by the date with JJ, that I found to be really tasteless and thoughtless, for all the reasons already discussed by a few of you.

I don't get why Andi likes Nick. He seems weird and awkward (not in the good, genuine way but in the creepy way) and not terribly interesting or charismatic. Also, he has chicken legs. And yes, this is a stupid reality dating show but I want you to at least pretend to be into it. Acting like a skeptic doesn't make me like you because you already signed up for this. Why would you want someone who is a project and who doesn't totally seem to be into you? This is The Bachelorette. Andi shouldn't have to be doing all this work to draw a guy out. And he talks funny. OK, I'm going to stop now. I think my general dislike is making me irrational.


There seemed to be a lot of pretty views on the bikes and the hike but I don't think it was a great date. You don't really have the opportunity to talk and they aren't really "togetherness" activities.


Ah! This show. If anyone is watching this to learn how to date they are going to go out into the dating world a hot mess. Andi asks the worst most invasive questions and then she keeps prodding in the rudest way. I know it's for the sake of the show and a lot of the time the producers probably have a specific story they want her to prompt from the guys but it's so awkward. I think it's different experience to watch this show as a single person who is dating as opposed to someone in a relationship or someone who isn't looking for a relationship.


Lolz. It's always hilarious when the cast has to act like whoever shows up is the biggest deal ever. The only way that would have been funnier is if this was on NBC and they were forced to do some kind of awkward Sing Off tie-in. Still not impressed with Bradley's voice. Even as a opera singer in the wrong genre. I didn't think he sounded all that great when he was singing operatic songs. Hey, here's a thought... why not lower the key? I'm not really sure why but when you get a big crowd of people together (like a stadium) they always seem to be able to carry a tune. But for some reason in a group the size of a small choir you hear all those bum notes.


The song Boys II Men were actually performing was kind of bad. It was like some kind of generic version of Coldplay or The Fray. Real, this is popular on the radio kind of shite. Not that I have anything against Top 40 just because it's top 40 but this was derivative without any edge.

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Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one bugged by the "dress up as old people"  date.  My parents are in their 80's.  They have trouble getting around, have grey hair, age spots, posture problems, etc.  It's not something to laugh about.  Yes, old people walk a little slower, stoop a little, are a bit shaky -  because they're in PAIN, or they've had a stroke, have had heart surgery, whatever.   To "prank"  people by faking old age, and then turning cartwheels is not funny, it's demeaning and disrespectful. 


Dressing "old"  with someone you hardly know does not give you even a glimmer of what it would be like to be married for 50 years.   It's just a game of dress-up. 

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