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S15.E08: Blowin' in the Wind

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1 hour ago, Efzee said:

I was so confused about those terrible winds. All we saw was a cardboard box moving over the ground and Alex & Jo being all like "oh no, we can't leave the house" which was ridiculous. As was HAOG getting blown against the ambulance.

I did laugh at Alex walking outside, seeing a box blow by, and said "nope, gonna stay inside today!" Same with HAOG getting blown away into the ambulance. Also, did they REALLY need to go sit in the ambulance? They could have crawled back to the clinic. 

I THINK we're supposed to like Glasses and HAOG together. I've seen some people online in favour of them. But....I just can't with either of them.

  • Love 16

This was a really weird episode for a Grey's mid-season finale.  I continue to think that the insistence on pairing Greys with Station 19 is dragging Greys even further down.  I expect even!more!disasters! because god forbid we can't shoehorn the new show in any other way.  There were cliffhangers sort of but...not really, other than the baby daddy drama.  

I have never been Maggie's biggest fan, but good god.  Its like they have taken the worst qualities of other characters and shoved them all into one insufferable mess:  Lexie/George/April's stammering dorkiness, Callie's insecurity and now Izzie's self-righteous bitchiness.  Awesome. 


I wonder if this is going to be addressed in the next episode(s). Despite the storm, everyone managed to make it to the hospital, including someone who doesn't even work there, except for the Chief of Surgery Everything. That really doesn't reflect well on him. 

I actually didn't think that this was that big of a deal.  He called in a couple of times, the police were saying stay off the roads and even Bailey said that Alex getting hurt trying to get there was the last thing that they needed.  So, other than the fact that he was late because he slept in, I didn't think it was some kind of dereliction of duty.  I'm in Maryland and we had a huge wind storm a couple of years ago and they were telling people to stay inside, stay away from windows and to definitely stay off the road.  Stuff was flying through the air, trees were falling on cars and it nearly took my car door off - seriously it still doesn't close right.  Quite a few people died as a result.  

Beyond that, though, boy they sure are making Alex and Jo look like complete idiots in every other respect.  They can barely feed themselves, they can't plan a wedding, Jo - WHO WORKED IN A RESTAURANT - doesn't know what a ramekin is, they lock themselves in a shed, Alex's office looks like a teenage boy's high school locker and now they can't remember to send off their marriage certificate.  Good lord, what started out as slightly charming has turned into near unbelievable stupidity, especially because neither character has ever been portrayed as "brilliant but with no common sense."  And if I recall correctly, we sat through 3 seasons of angst about Alex wanting to be a grown up with a real marriage, and angsty proposals and refusals and break ups and secret husbands and Izzie's eggs and blah blah blah.  And now neither cares that they aren't really married.  AWESOME!  I don't think the Izzie mention means anything and I don't think them not being married does either, but I'll be damned if I know what the point of any of their scenes were, beyond showing them happy, cute and barely able function in the real world.

ETA - I forgot about Link's only slightly less terrible hair (seriously he has gone from Melrose Place to 90210 with the sideburns...WHY!)  I was really hoping Glasses was going to tell Nico to fuck right off after his assholery, but I guess not.  I don't mind Mer and DeLuca but I still don't believe that a hot twenty something surgeon would be flipping out over a middle aged mother of three.  I hope she has a sexy fling with him and then sends him on his way to find some hot nurse or something.  

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Efzee said:

I did not get this at all. Are doctors in the US not obligated to tell their patients the risks of procedures and such? I wondered why he was apologizing and then why for fuck's sake Meredith said she was proud of him because not every doctor would be brave (???) enough to say it? Like, what the hell? That should have been the second thing out of her mouth when she told CeCe about the organs.

I was extremely confused about this as well. First of all, shouldn't that be a standard procedure that we've seen about a billion times before? Moreover, that wasn't some brand new approach that hadn't been previously thought of with an entirely new set of risks - waiting for transplant was the reason she was there in the first place and she would have certainly been informed and aware of possible complications. Besides, it was her last chance and wasn't going to last long without it anyway, so really, WTH was that all about? It was just a stupid excuse to create some sort of bond between Meredith and DeLuca. 

1 hour ago, sadie said:

Why are they acting like smart phones don’t tell you who is calling? So Richard calls his wife and Korceak answers without any hesitation or “hey Richard, Catherine is in a meeting and I saw it was you, how ya doing”. No they’re acting like it was a 1980 dial phone where you have noooo idea who is calling and wacky hijinks ensue. Sigh.

The entire episode felt like it was written by someone still stuck in the 80s, between that and not being able to afford a new TV unless you sell stuff. And oh, look at those kids of today with their selfie sticks! Let's do something totally outrageous with that!

14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, did they REALLY need to go sit in the ambulance? They could have crawled back to the clinic. 

Yeah, but sex in the clinic is not as steamy as sex in the ambulance, I guess. 

  • Love 6

Poor Betty. If she'd only stayed away, she would have been spared what is sure to be the triangle of stuttering madness that is Teddy, Owen and Amelia. Run, Betty, run! Run, run, run!

When poor selfie-stick girl was wheeled in, I thought, "Oh! Some comic relief!" (That definitely felt like the tone to me.) How wrong was I? And didn't they do an impalement story before, at least once? Something with a train? But I get it, show. Selfie-stick girl was there to show Amelia she needed to show her love to Betty and not just run tox screens every time she sees her.

The comic relief was actually the "wind storm" itself. Do they name wind storms? They should because this one would be a Cat 5. I worried about someone slipping on all the leaves blowing into the hospital from the ambulance bay.

Bailey and Richard are definitely the heart of the show. Thank god someone finally told Bailey that absence doesn't make you stop worrying about someone. Don't people go off to war? Don't their loved ones worry about them? If Ben were drafted (and if it were 1969), would she send him off and say "Good luck! I won't worry about you! La la la"? I don't think so. That whole thing exists because it's tenuous thread holding Grey's to Station 19.

  • Love 9
53 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Betty is the mother of Owen's foster child. She's a teen ex machina: the reason Owen and Amelia began to share a home again, with Owen inviting Betty to stay connected to Leo, and Amelia choosing to sponsor Betty at very close range. She'll play a crucial plot point in the ultimate resolution of the Owen/Amelia/Teddy/(other) baby storyline. 

If Owen chooses Amelia in the end, he's going to have THREE children all of sudden. Given his previous history on the show, that would be crazy hilarious. 

And if he chooses Teddy and Betty and Leo stay with Amelia, I really hope they don't make him going all "Well, I have my own child now, so I don't need the other one". However, remembering how Callie tried to pull a similar stunt on Arizona who inexplicably forgave it almost instantly, I'm a bit apprehensive about that. 

Regarding Bailey and Ben: I really wish the show would be brave enough to admit that Bailey is too much of a snob to be married to some lowly firefighter and simply doesn't love him (as much) anymore since he's changed jobs, because that's totally how I see it. It won't happen, of course. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 9
25 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I actually didn't think that this was that big of a deal.  He called in a couple of times, the police were saying stay off the roads and even Bailey said that Alex getting hurt trying to get there was the last thing that they needed.  So, other than the fact that he was late because he slept in, I didn't think it was some kind of dereliction of duty.  I'm in Maryland and we had a huge wind storm a couple of years ago and they were telling people to stay inside, stay away from windows and to definitely stay off the road.  Stuff was flying through the air, trees were falling on cars and it nearly took my car door off - seriously it still doesn't close right.  Quite a few people died as a result.  

Beyond that, though, boy they sure are making Alex and Jo look like complete idiots in every other respect.  They can barely feed themselves, they can't plan a wedding, Jo - WHO WORKED IN A RESTAURANT - doesn't know what a ramekin is, they lock themselves in a shed, Alex's office looks like a teenage boy's high school locker and now they can't remember to send off their marriage certificate.  Good lord, what started out as slightly charming has turned into near unbelievable stupidity, especially because neither character has ever been portrayed as "brilliant but with no common sense."  And if I recall correctly, we sat through 3 seasons of angst about Alex wanting to be a grown up with a real marriage, and angsty proposals and refusals and break ups and secret husbands and Izzie's eggs and blah blah blah.  And now neither cares that they aren't really married.  AWESOME!  I don't think the Izzie mention means anything and I don't think them not being married does either, but I'll be damned if I know what the point of any of their scenes were, beyond showing them happy, cute and barely able function in the real world.


I didn't think it was that big of a deal either, but I'd be fine if Bailey decides to take her job back after this. Alex as Chief was a storyline I was actually looking forward to but they've mostly just had him be grumpy and when an opportunity comes up where he could show that he can take charge and get things done, Bailey does what Bailey does because Alex is conveniently stuck at home. 

I'm SO annoyed that we sat through three seasons of marriage angst for them not to care that they aren't married.

I've been mostly okay with this season so far but it's not a good sign that my reaction to pretty much everything in this episode was "What's the point?" 

  • Love 5

I find it ironic that Maggie blurted out about Catherine's diagnois to Jackson, because when Jackson treated her mother he specifically said that he couldn't discuss her mother with her, and had her access blocked so she couldn't snoop into her mother's medical file, because of HIPAA.    Maggie had to wait until her mother told her, and Catherine will never have the right to tell about her condition, because of big mouth idiots like Meredith, and Maggie.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 23
2 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

This was a really weird episode for a Grey's mid-season finale.  I continue to think that the insistence on pairing Greys with Station 19 is dragging Greys even further down.  I expect even!more!disasters! because god forbid we can't shoehorn the new show in any other way.  There were cliffhangers sort of but...not really, other than the baby daddy drama.  

I have never been Maggie's biggest fan, but good god.  Its like they have taken the worst qualities of other characters and shoved them all into one insufferable mess:  Lexie/George/April's stammering dorkiness, Callie's insecurity and now Izzie's self-righteous bitchiness.  Awesome. 

I actually didn't think that this was that big of a deal.  He called in a couple of times, the police were saying stay off the roads and even Bailey said that Alex getting hurt trying to get there was the last thing that they needed.  So, other than the fact that he was late because he slept in, I didn't think it was some kind of dereliction of duty.  I'm in Maryland and we had a huge wind storm a couple of years ago and they were telling people to stay inside, stay away from windows and to definitely stay off the road.  Stuff was flying through the air, trees were falling on cars and it nearly took my car door off - seriously it still doesn't close right.  Quite a few people died as a result.  

Beyond that, though, boy they sure are making Alex and Jo look like complete idiots in every other respect.  They can barely feed themselves, they can't plan a wedding, Jo - WHO WORKED IN A RESTAURANT - doesn't know what a ramekin is, they lock themselves in a shed, Alex's office looks like a teenage boy's high school locker and now they can't remember to send off their marriage certificate.  Good lord, what started out as slightly charming has turned into near unbelievable stupidity, especially because neither character has ever been portrayed as "brilliant but with no common sense."  And if I recall correctly, we sat through 3 seasons of angst about Alex wanting to be a grown up with a real marriage, and angsty proposals and refusals and break ups and secret husbands and Izzie's eggs and blah blah blah.  And now neither cares that they aren't really married.  AWESOME!  I don't think the Izzie mention means anything and I don't think them not being married does either, but I'll be damned if I know what the point of any of their scenes were, beyond showing them happy, cute and barely able function in the real world.

ETA - I forgot about Link's only slightly less terrible hair (seriously he has gone from Melrose Place to 90210 with the sideburns...WHY!)  I was really hoping Glasses was going to tell Nico to fuck right off after his assholery, but I guess not.  I don't mind Mer and DeLuca but I still don't believe that a hot twenty something surgeon would be flipping out over a middle aged mother of three.  I hope she has a sexy fling with him and then sends him on his way to find some hot nurse or something.  

I mean I love everything in your post, but mostly I agree with the WTF about Link's terrible sideburns. I didn't like the shaggy "too cool for a real haircut" style from before, but I would take it over those weirdass tapered horizontal sideburns!!

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Pallas said:

Betty is the mother of Owen's foster child. She's a teen ex machina: the reason Owen and Amelia began to share a home again, with Owen inviting Betty to stay connected to Leo, and Amelia choosing to sponsor Betty at very close range. She'll play a crucial plot point in the ultimate resolution of the Owen/Amelia/Teddy/(other) baby storyline. 

thank you!!!!!

On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 10:45 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Fucking seriously, Maggie? You couldn't give Catherine the chance to tell Jackson about her illness? Sure, Meredith made a huge mistake in telling Maggie, but Maggie couldn't wait a day. Hell, she couldn't wait a couple of hours! I do genuinely try to like Maggie but....the show makes it really hard. This wasn't her secret to tell.

Why does anyone tell any secrets to Maggie?  She shares them with Meredith every time.

On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 11:25 PM, Pepper the Cat said:

And of course the time to tell someone you are pregnant is in the middle of surgery.

It reminds of Cristina's sojourn at the Mayo Clinic, when she got told that they actually didn't talk about extraneous bull shit during surgeries there.  Made me decide I'd much rather have them doing my surgery than anyone at Seattle Grace Mercy Death where they pay attention to everything EXCEPT the surgery.

On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 11:25 PM, Pepper the Cat said:

Winds so strong that the Chief of Staff of a huge hospital makes no attempt to go into work?

I assumed they knew that there were trees down between them and the hospital, but I'm probably giving the show too much credit.

17 hours ago, skermac said:

did Meredith violate HIppa by telling Jaggie about Catherine? and why would big mouth jaggie tell Jackson about his mom?

mredith and DeLuca or Linc? well DeLuca has been there longer and I think his feelings are more genuine and I think he would be better for her


  • Love 9
5 hours ago, dmc said:

I don't want to stick up for Maggie but I feel you guys are not calling out Avery enough here.  Yes Maggie is annoying and selfish but Avery is sort of mess.  He's not over April and I don't think he thought she would get married to someone so quickly.  Also Maggie is right, texting random girls while you are in relationship is sketchy.  He could be talking to a therapist about the same issues.  

Yes, Jackson probably should be talking to a therapist, but he's not texting random girls either.  He was texting his ex-wife, with whom he shares a child, and someone he met at a retreat who has had similar experiences regarding losing a child.

But I think they both suck as characters.

5 hours ago, Efzee said:

did not get this at all. Are doctors in the US not obligated to tell their patients the risks of procedures and such?

They are, but they're also obligated not to reveal confidential medical information about their patients to third parties, and you see how well Grey's does with HIPAA regulations.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

I don't mind Mer and DeLuca but I still don't believe that a hot twenty something surgeon would be flipping out over a middle aged mother of three.  I hope she has a sexy fling with him and then sends him on his way to find some hot nurse or something.  

I'm not buying it either but I hope it's a fling, too, and they go their separate ways.   It's not just the age difference, but Meredith just has a world weariness about her that I just don't see would attract many guys, much less a young one.   In contrast, Macron's wife is 24 years older than he is but there's kind of a youthful sexiness about her even though she clearly looks older.  (Yeah, he was hot for teacher.)   Meredith is not that person. 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Joana said:

Regarding Bailey and Ben: I really wish the show would be brave enough to admit that Bailey is too much of a snob to be married to some lowly firefighter and simply doesn't love him (as much) anymore since he's changed jobs, because that's totally how I see it. It won't happen, of course.

I agree.  I think Bailey feels embarrassed among her colleagues now that she's married to a firefighter instead of a doctor.  I watch Station 19 and Ben seems happy there and I don't see him quitting his job now.  At least I hope he doesn't quit just for her. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, dmc said:

I actually thought this episode was good.  

I don't want to stick up for Maggie but I feel you guys are not calling out Avery enough here.  Yes Maggie is annoying and selfish but Avery is sort of mess.  He's not over April and I don't think he thought she would get married to someone so quickly.  Also Maggie is right, texting random girls while you are in relationship is sketchy.  He could be talking to a therapist about the same issues.  

Meredith and Delucca:  I am into it...I know...

Jo and Alex:  They still bore me.  I am not excited by them as a couple and have never been. 

Someone explain to me who Betty is...yes I know she lives with Owen and Amelia but at first I thought she was their nanny...also I can we get rid of her...because all these Bettycentric plots are annoying.

I am glad Teddy told Owen but Owen isn't into Teddy romantically, he only uses her as an emotional security blanket when he can't have the person he actually wants.  I feel bad for her because she generally loves him but she is his back burner girl.  

I mean Richard, I love Richard he's the only Grey's character that when he's hurt, I actually feel my normally cold heart melting for...

I know right? Mere and Deluca's scene together was kind of cute-- and I can't believe I'm saying that! She is his superior and it's kind of inappropriate and of course there was that whole fucking Maggie thing---- but Deluca brought all that up when defending his attraction to Mere. So hell. I am interested to see where the show will go with this.

Yeah. Jo ruins Alex. Sigh.

Betty is the mother of the little baby Owen is fostering. And there's some issue with her ... but I can't remember and I admit I zone out when Owen/Amelia are on so who knows?

7 hours ago, krankydoodle said:

Did I miss some Nico scenes in previous episodes? Because I don't know anything about him except that he showed up at the same time as Linc and is strangely attracted to Glasses.

I kept thinking -- who ARE these people? WTF? Why are they getting so many scenes? I don't even know their names? WHO are they?????

  • Love 6

Avery, if you still had feelings for your ex-wife, why finalize the divorce?  If you aren't ready for a new relationship, why take a risk with your "step-sister" when you know if it doesn't work, all hell will come down on you and you can only be the bad guy with everyone in your family. At least have a few non-serious relationships until you do know where your head is.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, taanja said:

I know right? Mere and Deluca's scene together was kind of cute-- and I can't believe I'm saying that! She is his superior and it's kind of inappropriate and of course there was that whole fucking Maggie thing---- but Deluca brought all that up when defending his attraction to Mere. So hell. I am interested to see where the show will go with this.

Yeah. Jo ruins Alex. Sigh.

Betty is the mother of the little baby Owen is fostering. And there's some issue with her ... but I can't remember and I admit I zone out when Owen/Amelia are on so who knows?

I kept thinking -- who ARE these people? WTF? Why are they getting so many scenes? I don't even know their names? WHO are they?????

Agreed this show me a finally sold me on Meredith and Delucca :) 

  • Love 5

First time since the beginning of last season I watched an entire episode of greys. Here we go!

- I can’t believe teddy is only now finally telling Owen about being pregnant and of course she does that annoying thing of prefacing it with “i need to talk to you but not now” so I have no problem with Owen trying to figure it out during surgery. Crying out loud you waited this long what’s another few hours. And I know she’s tall but how far along is she? I feel like she should be showing a little by now. 

- did anyone see the nurse who told teddy the OR was calling her? The SHADE in her eyes made me freaking roll! Haha. 

- I’ve seen some say Levi’s speech was akin to hahns leaves speech and I didn’t get that sense. Unlike Hahn, he knew he was attracted to men but much like with girls, sex just wasn’t happening for him. I wasn’t down with his attitude even though I got where he wasn’t coming from. But they really had intern Levi talk to attending Nico like that, telling him “take this patient to Peds”. This is the problem with grey’s now a days. There is not even a little respect for actual positions like there used to be. Derek and burke and Addison never would have stood for that crap. So that took me out a bit but man I laughed way too hard at Nico being flown across the way when he stepped outside, lol. 

- plus the symbolism of their first time and the winds picking up astronomically with live wires shooting electricity (chemistry!) everywhere made me roll my eyes HARD! Subtle this show is not. 

- this might be the first time I was truly charmed and warmed by jolex. The way we started with them in bed and how they both sleep like toddlers and the way he tuned over and nuzzled into her. Maybe losing japril has made me vulnerable but it was super freaking cute. I didn’t mind that he didn’t go in, he tried but there were alerts telling people to stay in and bailey told him to stay home cause coming in wasn’t worth the danger since you know...THE ACTUAL CHEIF OF SURGERY WAS THERE! 

- I do wish this show would stop trying to act like these people are only middle class. Alex wants a new tv, then buy a new tv with your hot shot chief salary. 

- I have never liked how meredith coddled maggie so when mer told maggie “he should do more surgery with you” i loved it. That’s the snarky mer I knew! Maggie’s whining about her fight with Jackson is annoying, her insistence that Meredith drop everything to listen to her whine is annoying, her childish middle school attitude about “you’re my sister your supposed to side with me” and how she actually means that makes me wants to beat my head against a wall. This is a character that they want us to love so damn hard but none of this crap would fly with anyone else. 

I’m already tired with HIPPA being treated as more of a suggestion than actual law. But honestly, there IS a difference between what mer did and what maggie has done twice now! Meredith told maggie to get her off her back and establish a support system for Jackson. Both times maggie did it (while not technically the second time, she had no business revealing it seconds after being told) was cause SHE couldn’t stand having a secret and to relieve herself of the “torture”. Maggie didn’t tell Jackson for Jackson or for Catherine, she told him for herself. Cause she relates to this in the worst most selfish way and she thinks it’s the correct thing to do. She wants to establish and prove herself to be able to be there. The problem is maggie supports people in the way she *thinks* they need instead of what they actually need. 

I know what they are trying to do with jaggie and they are so off base its mind blowing. 

And Maggie’s attitude with teddy? Girl take all the steps back! This reminds me of how judgmental izzie used to be when she was an INTERN! and she wasn’t allowed to carry that holier than thou attitude and I wish teddy would have told her to mind her own business but nope, another character being sacrificed at the alter of maggie so she can have the high ground. It makes me rage. 

I resent this show trying to trivialize what went down last week with jaggie. Nothing got resolved and Jackson was already ready to sweep it under the rug before he found out about Catherine and now it def will be. But they tried to compare them to that old couple fighting and nope! There’s fighting over trivial things like decorations and then theres Jackson revealing how april is the one that got away. I know krista and Kelly vehemently say it’s just reflection but the writing and the acting portrayed something totally different. it’s not the same and just showing up doesn’t mean they are better or healthy. Heck if this was japril they would have used this to point out how band aids don’t fix a problem. 

Lastly, i got the sense that link is who mer “should” be with and Deluca is who she “wants” to be with. 

  • Love 10

Since the police were telling people to stay off the roads for safety (not only for the citizens but also for the safety of the first responders who would have to save them if they got into trouble), Alex staying put was the responsible thing to do. But of course Bailey berides him for not being in the hospital. Ever since Bailey stepped down and gave the position to Alex, she's tried to undermine him starting with not explaining how things work. It's typical Bailey that she wants it both ways; her marriage to her first husband broke up because they had agreed that after her residency she would take an attending position so they would have more money/he could do something and then without telling him she takes a fellowship with Arizona. (Strangely this is the same reason Mark Greene's marriage broke up on ER.)

11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Even though it's been established that the nurses at GS are just background characters, I would love to have a scene where the nurses are all sitting around gossiping about all the personal shit that the doctors discuss/fight about in the middle of surgeries.

I'd like a whole episode of that, the nurses talking about the lack of boundaries of the surgeons and the problems it causes. It would make a good bottle episode.

7 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I hated Owen acting like he's thinking of dumping Amelia the minute Teddy is pregnant. Not a big Amelia fan but they were becoming a cute family unit; I understand Owen being shocked but no reason to react like he did.

I hated that as soon as the lights went out, he immediately reached for Teddy's hand as if he wanted to protect her. I have the feeling that I'm going to dislike Owen in the upcoming story.

6 hours ago, Joana said:

Regarding Bailey and Ben: I really wish the show would be brave enough to admit that Bailey is too much of a snob to be married to some lowly firefighter and simply doesn't love him (as much) anymore since he's changed jobs, because that's totally how I see it.

Me too.

1 hour ago, taanja said:

Betty is the mother of the little baby Owen is fostering. And there's some issue with her ... but I can't remember and I admit I zone out when Owen/Amelia are on so who knows?

When Owen took Leo in for his Well-Baby exam, Betty showed up to see him. Amelia recognized that she was an addict living on the street  and decided to be her sponsor to help.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Efzee said:

When we first saw that exterior shot of their house I thought it was some abandoned place where Betty was hiding/drugging.

It's not a house, it's a cheap studio/loft Jo bought in an up-and-coming (i.e. sketchy) neighborhood when she was a resident because she never felt at home living with Alex at Meredith's house. You'd think now that she's a fellow and he's an interim chief they could upgrade to something nicer, but apparently they can't even afford a TV. *eyeroll*

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

It's not a house, it's a cheap studio/loft Jo bought in an up-and-coming (i.e. sketchy) neighborhood when she was a resident because she never felt at home living with Alex at Meredith's house. You'd think now that she's a fellow and he's an interim chief they could upgrade to something nicer, but apparently they can't even afford a TV. *eyeroll*

I kind of get this though. They bought the loft together and completely rehabbed it from a scary space into the homey loft. I understand why they like it and why they don’t want to upgrade. Not only is that a really difficult process but it’s expensive too.  Considering how busy they are and the fact that the don’t have kids, I can understand why they keep it.

  • Love 8
52 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

- I can’t believe teddy is only now finally telling Owen about being pregnant and of course she does that annoying thing of prefacing it with “i need to talk to you but not now” so I have no problem with Owen trying to figure it out during surgery. Crying out loud you waited this long what’s another few hours. And I know she’s tall but how far along is she? I feel like she should be showing a little by now. 


I absolutely loathe it when someone goes "I have something super important to tell you but I'm not going to do it now" on me. Either tell me now or do it when you're ready! Still, the solution is not to keep badgering the other person over and over and over again until they give in, like Owen was doing, especially if you have to focus on something really delicate, like I dunno, operating on a living human being. And if Teddy wanted to talk about in private, there was probably a reason why, like he'd eventually find out. Of course, it doesn't mean she HAD to tell him right there and then in front of all those people, so they were both being idiots.

Actually I was thinking how disturbing it is that Amelia of all people is the most reasonable one in that mess of a storyline. Of course, she then goes on to decide she wants to adopt Betty on a whim, so I'm no longer sure about that either. If anything, hopefully it leads to more creative storytelling than "Amelia is freaking out that Betty might be doing drugs - oh noes, Betty IS doing drugs!" ad infinitum.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, Jillybean said:

Jo and Alex will probably have to get re-married, depending on how long it's been since their wedding. Marriage licenses do expire, and I'm sure there was a reason it was mentioned.

I've completely blocked out who married them... but this drives me NUTS. It's the person who officiates who sends in the legal documents. NOT the couple. Unless US law or some states' laws are completely different from Canada, it's NEVER the couple that's responsible for sending in the signed docs. Believe me, we as officiants know how easily it would get forgotten. That's why it's part of our job. Ugh. 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, JTM said:

I've completely blocked out who married them... but this drives me NUTS. It's the person who officiates who sends in the legal documents. NOT the couple. Unless US law or some states' laws are completely different from Canada, it's NEVER the couple that's responsible for sending in the signed docs. Believe me, we as officiants know how easily it would get forgotten. That's why it's part of our job. Ugh. 

This. I'm a Justice of the Peace (in Vermont) and the officiant signs and mails in the certificate. Maybe Shondaland has different laws?

Edited by WendyM
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, WendyM said:

This. I'm a Justice of the Peace (in Vermont) and the officiant signs and mails in the certificate. Maybe Shondaland has different laws?

Apparently, because when my wife and I got married, we didn't need to worry about that. In fact, the certificate was sent off the following Monday. Yeah, Alex and Jo have absolutely NOTHING to do with sending anything in. What crap! Same with Bailey being so mad at Alex not coming in when it was dangerous to go out. I am finally happy that it was Richard who called Bailey on her bullshit with Ben and everything else. He has known her longer than anyone and was her mentor. Richard needed to tell Bailey her reasons for telling Ben to leave and the way she is handling everything at the hospital isn't the root of her problems, it's her sense to control everything.

 The rest of the episode, just pissed me off, it's so badly written from Maggie to Teddy. 

  • Love 5
On 11/15/2018 at 3:15 PM, DEL901 said:

In an earlier episode, didn't they show that Catherine and Koracick knew each other from before and implied at least a fling?  That would explain the immediate conclusion jumping.

And I did like Delucca telling it straight up to the matchmaker that there was a good chance the transplant wouldn't work but she wanted to go ahead anyway and go out fighting.  I understood her POV, but it bothered me that she was taking a chance to live away from someone with a fighting chance.  Especially when they also explained that she was way down the transplant list because she was high risk but with the storm, or something, she could have the organs.

I don't think she was really taking the chance away from anyone else though. They said they couldn't send the organ to other locations, so it really would have just gone to waste. Unless there was someone else at Grey-Sloane waiting for a liver with the exact same match. I liked Delucca telling her about the risk, but she really should have already known that.  The message should really have been how lucky she was to even have a chance. 

21 hours ago, LexieLily said:

How is Betty even able to be fostered by Amelia? She does have parents. They washed their hands of her when she got into drugs and got pregnant, but I presume they still technically have their rights.

From a legal perspective, isn't it child neglect to just wash your hands with your 15-year-old kid?  She's still a minor. I know if your teenager runs away there's not necessarily much you can do, but it seems like a weird situation.  And I get that she must have spiraled pretty terribly with drugs, and we've only seen one side, but it seems kind of messed up to me.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, Starscream said:

I was actually more irritated with Maggie for her attitude towards Teddy than blabbing about Catherine.  She should be begging Teddy not to report her, not badgering her about telling Hunt.

Yes! WTF, you don't get to act all superior and be all am I going to like the reason you're here? She was a bitch to Teddy.

  • Love 9

Yeah.. I don’t understand the Maggie character. Do the writers want us to hate her? In the Jackson and her thing, yes Jackson is being terrible but Maggie’s first instinct is always to walk away rather then deal with a hard  Conversation. Her reactions to Teddy and being all snarkly “right...”about teddy not telling Owen  about being pregnant because Betty has been missing was rude as all hell. It really is kind of a redux of how Izzie just started being written as annoying. 

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah.. I don’t understand the Maggie character. Do the writers want us to hate her? In the Jackson and her thing, yes Jackson is being terrible but Maggie’s first instinct is always to walk away rather then deal with a hard  Conversation. Her reactions to Teddy and being all snarkly “right...”about teddy not telling Owen  about being pregnant because Betty has been missing was rude as all hell. It really is kind of a redux of how Izzie just started being written as annoying. 

I thought of izzie too watching maggie. I’m trying to remember if izzie went unchecked like maggie is though. I’m not sure what they want to us to think about maggie. The issue I have is they keep throwing her in these complex situations but maggie is not complex or deep so when she acts like a brat, that’s really all there is.

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

I thought of izzie too watching maggie. I’m trying to remember if izzie went unchecked like maggie is though. I’m not sure what they want to us to think about maggie. The issue I have is they keep throwing her in these complex situations but maggie is not complex or deep so when she acts like a brat, that’s really all there is.

Or she just refuses to act like a grown up. Even last week, had she not hurt her foot, Jackson and she would have never had a conversation, she was on her way to leave! It’s getting ridiculous.

  • Love 6
On 11/16/2018 at 12:25 AM, NUguy514 said:


The morons who write this show clearly have no idea how strong wind needs to be to accomplish some of those injuries, and frankly, until Seattle is capable of being hit by a Category 5 hurricane or an EFC 4 or 5 tornado (which will be loooooooooong after we're all dead), those injuries will remain completely unrealistic.


Thank you! As someone whose family lived in AL though the super outbreak in 2011, I was completely distracted by the injuries. Like, no. NO. Even straight line winds don’t do that. It definitely took me out of the episode because I know what can cause that kind of trauma, and that doesn’t happen in Seattle.

Edited by PepSinger
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah.. I don’t understand the Maggie character. Do the writers want us to hate her? In the Jackson and her thing, yes Jackson is being terrible but Maggie’s first instinct is always to walk away rather then deal with a hard  Conversation. Her reactions to Teddy and being all snarkly “right...”about teddy not telling Owen  about being pregnant because Betty has been missing was rude as all hell. It really is kind of a redux of how Izzie just started being written as annoying. 

I think they intend that she is socially awkward with awkward and somewhat immature interpersonal skills because of her child prodigy genius-ness.

That's the best I can come up with. 

  • Love 2

I am completely on board the Meredith/DeLuca train. I think they have plenty of chemistry and I like that, while hesitant to go there, Meredith is at least (for now) not being rude or playing hard-to-get like she was with Riggs and even Linc to an extent. (Also, with his hot factor, charisma, and sincerity...it's DeLuca over Linc for me, hands-down, no contest.)

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I agree.  I think Bailey feels embarrassed among her colleagues now that she's married to a firefighter instead of a doctor.  I watch Station 19 and Ben seems happy there and I don't see him quitting his job now.  At least I hope he doesn't quit just for her. 

I was glad about what Richard told to Miranda. It was quite hilarious because he's a mess right now too, but on the other hand I think he was the only one who colud set her straight. She's the problem and not Ben. I don't know what exactly her problem is. I think it's part of Ben's job as a firefighter but apart of that maybe she just prefers to be alone. She used to be marry before Ben and her first husband was also NOT a doctor.  It fell apart when she was finishing her residency so about the time she became a full grown doctor. I always felt like she thinks of herself as better than anyone else and that nobody else can do as good job as her. I will never forgive the show for putting Bailey on the board instead of Alex.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

I actually didn't think that this was that big of a deal.  He called in a couple of times, the police were saying stay off the roads and even Bailey said that Alex getting hurt trying to get there was the last thing that they needed.  So, other than the fact that he was late because he slept in, I didn't think it was some kind of dereliction of duty.  I'm in Maryland and we had a huge wind storm a couple of years ago and they were telling people to stay inside, stay away from windows and to definitely stay off the road.  Stuff was flying through the air, trees were falling on cars and it nearly took my car door off - seriously it still doesn't close right.  Quite a few people died as a result. 

I didn't it was a big deal either. The only thing that is actually Alex's fault was oversleeping (and to be fair, even if he had woken up on time, it might have already been too windy for him to get to work). But the fact that he didn't ignore the warnings to stay inside is not a bad thing. As someone (Bailey) said, only a third of the hospital staff was at work so Alex isn't the only one who was stuck at home. There's no need to be reckless and go out in very dangerous conditions.

19 hours ago, Joana said:

I was extremely confused about this as well. First of all, shouldn't that be a standard procedure that we've seen about a billion times before? Moreover, that wasn't some brand new approach that hadn't been previously thought of with an entirely new set of risks - waiting for transplant was the reason she was there in the first place and she would have certainly been informed and aware of possible complications. Besides, it was her last chance and wasn't going to last long without it anyway, so really, WTH was that all about? It was just a stupid excuse to create some sort of bond between Meredith and DeLuca.

Yes, it IS standard procedure. Informed consent is the law here. You can't just do a procedure on a patient without telling them all of the possible risks.

18 hours ago, WendyM said:

When poor selfie-stick girl was wheeled in, I thought, "Oh! Some comic relief!" (That definitely felt like the tone to me.) How wrong was I? And didn't they do an impalement story before, at least once?

The impalement story I always remember is Cristina and the Icicle of Doom.

9 hours ago, JTM said:

I've completely blocked out who married them... but this drives me NUTS. It's the person who officiates who sends in the legal documents. NOT the couple. Unless US law or some states' laws are completely different from Canada, it's NEVER the couple that's responsible for sending in the signed docs. Believe me, we as officiants know how easily it would get forgotten. That's why it's part of our job. Ugh. 


8 hours ago, readster said:

Apparently, because when my wife and I got married, we didn't need to worry about that. In fact, the certificate was sent off the following Monday. Yeah, Alex and Jo have absolutely NOTHING to do with sending anything in. What crap!

My best friend from college got ordained on the internet so he could officiate at my wedding. He had us sign all the paperwork and then he gave it to us because we told him we were going to mail it in.

20 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I hated Owen acting like he's thinking of dumping Amelia the minute Teddy is pregnant. Not a big Amelia fan but they were becoming a cute family unit

Same here. Just because Teddy is knocked up is no reason for Owen to drop everything and pledge undying love/propose marriage to her. I know we haven't actually heard him say what he plans to do but let's be real. It's baby crazy Owen who nagged Cristina for what felt like YEARS to have a baby. There's no way that he's going to say, "That's cool, Teddy. Let's keep in touch and maybe you can bring the baby to come visit for Christmas." I bet he's going to tell her to move to Seattle. I really hope he doesn't suggest that they get married though. It drives me insane (on tv and in real life) when people act like having a baby is a reason to get married. If you weren't ready to get married before you knew there was a baby on the way, you aren't any more ready to get married now. The most disappointing scenario I can imagine is Owen telling Amelia that he's moving to Germany and that he find a way to make sure that she can foster Betty and Leo together.

11 hours ago, Joana said:

Actually I was thinking how disturbing it is that Amelia of all people is the most reasonable one in that mess of a storyline. Of course, she then goes on to decide she wants to adopt Betty on a whim, so I'm no longer sure about that either.

Amelia isn't adopting Betty. She said that she decided to apply to be Betty's official foster parent.

  • Love 3

As much as I love Chris (Linc) from watching him on Nashville, Mere has more chemistry with DeLuca. Don’t get me started on Maggie. She infuriating and frustrating to watch. Toss in Teddy while you’re at it. Before hooking up with a Jackson, she was more mature and tolerable...wtf are the writers doing to her? 

Sure Teddy hang around forever....then blurt out your pregnant over an OT. Just in time for Fall finale.  I swear if Owen leaves Amelia for her flakey ass, I’m done with him. 

So first we have Jolex trapped on their wedding day...now they’re trapped in their home? 

Edited by WonderWuman73
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Since the police were telling people to stay off the roads for safety (not only for the citizens but also for the safety of the first responders who would have to save them if they got into trouble), Alex staying put was the responsible thing to do. But of course Bailey berides him for not being in the hospital. Ever since Bailey stepped down and gave the position to Alex, she's tried to undermine him starting with not explaining how things work. It's typical Bailey that she wants it both ways

To be fair, Bailey was only bitching about Alex at the beginning of the episode before he called. She complained about how messy his office was to Richard and then asked where the hell he was. But once he called and told her he was stuck at home, she told him that it was fine and to stay safe. She did not utter a negative thing about him after that.

  • Love 6
On 11/15/2018 at 8:13 PM, Ohwell said:

I'm only 10 minutes in and I"m already pissed.  What's with all the excitement and glee coming from the doctors and fucking interns, seeing injured, impaled patients coming into the ER?  Bailey was downright ecstatic--"we're gonna love this."  Fucking butterball.  

That's always been one of my issues with the show. The glee at other people's suffering. It was one of the reasons I never warmed up to Cristina.

  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, marceline said:

That's always been one of my issues with the show. The glee at other people's suffering. It was one of the reasons I never warmed up to Cristina.

It's like the weather forecaster who jumps up and down when there is a blizzard or sever thunderstorms. You want to smack them. There is being passionate about your job, and then there is being an asshole who just revels in it. How about all the doctors during the series that were jumping for joy when they could see or be part of a "special surgery" then screw it up. It's horrible, you never see everyone at Station 19 going: "All right! House is burning to the ground and people might be dead! Can't wait." They are more: "Crap, let's save these people!" Grey's they celebrate disasters and people dying. 

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, marceline said:

That's always been one of my issues with the show. The glee at other people's suffering. It was one of the reasons I never warmed up to Cristina.

I hope to never need medical attention with the likes of the GS docs in charge. No sense of professionalism or decorum. They seem like children on Christmas Day—not what I want when in a life or death situation. 

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, Evie said:

I'm SO annoyed that we sat through three seasons of marriage angst for them not to care that they aren't married.

I felt like that at first, but then when it turned out they just needed to send the form in, it was more like, "Oops, it's just temporary, how funny!" Not like they have to break up housekeeping or send back all the gifts, lol.

9 minutes ago, OpalNightstream said:

I hope to never need medical attention with the likes of the GS docs in charge. No sense of professionalism or decorum. They seem like children on Christmas Day—not what I want when in a life or death situation. 

Same here. As a nurse, that glee in the face of others' suffering has always appalled me, and I really disliked Cristina for elevating it to an art form.

  • Love 8
On 11/16/2018 at 8:30 AM, RedbirdNelly said:

I was so annoyed when that came up--I was really hoping we could continue the trend of no living in my car references. And are we supposed to believe she cooked meals in her car using a Bunsen (sp) burner? hooked up to what? I may have mis-seen that part.

I was really hoping Glasses would get electrocuted when that line came down; I was so disappointed it didn't happen.

The scene with Ben coming over to board up the windows was bizarre for so many reasons (a) you're going to do that in the middle of the storm? it was already there. and where did you get all those boards right quick? (b) Bailey worrying about waking up Tuck--is he aging down? he's a teenager; not a baby; who the heck cares if he wakes up while someone boards up the windows; and (c) no one else on the show was bothering with that.

On HIPAA--(a) Catherine can't sue; there is no right to sue under HIPAA; she can complain to OCR---she might have a complaint under state law; (b) Maggie didn't violate HIPAA; she was not a treating physician/didn't receive the info in that role. Meredith on the other hand. . . (c) but this is normal for this show. We've seen worse.

Re: Bunsen, boarding and breaking confidentiality, your problem is that you are using rational thinking. That just doesn't exist in Shondaland. Else we would not have had to endure that nonsensical sabbatical.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The most disappointing scenario I can imagine is Owen telling Amelia that he's moving to Germany and that he find a way to make sure that she can foster Betty and Leo together.

Yes, please let Owen move to Germany with Teddy!!! He can probably get Maggie and possibly Jackson jobs there as well.

  • Love 10
On 11/15/2018 at 8:13 PM, Ohwell said:

I'm only 10 minutes in and I"m already pissed.  What's with all the excitement and glee coming from the doctors and fucking interns, seeing injured, impaled patients coming into the ER?  Bailey was downright ecstatic--"we're gonna love this."  Fucking butterball.  

Was this the first time you've ever watched this show? The surgeons have always been excited about carnage. "It's like candy, but with blood - which is so much better!" is one of the most iconic lines of the entire series, and that's from season 1.

  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Was this the first time you've ever watched this show? The surgeons have always been excited about carnage. "It's like candy, but with blood - which is so much better!" is one of the most iconic lines of the entire series, and that's from season 1.

And it wasn't cute back then either. However, it was said by an intern, and it's at least somewhat understandble why they would treat every patient as a new learning opportunity. The problem is that they've kept it up over the years even though they really should know better by now. I mean, if you're a seasoned doctor like Bailey who's seen and treated every medical condition imaginable under the sun and you still get a genuine kick out of seeing people with horrifying injuries, you might have an issue or two.

But IMO it's a part of a bigger problem with the show generally forgetting these people are not 20-somethings fresh out med school anymore. So you get Meredith chased by hot young studs, Alex still living in that gross building that looks like a junkie nest and not being able to afford a new TV, people screaming about their sex lives in the middle of the hallway and so on.

Edited by Joana
  • Love 12

Did I hear correctly? This hospital does, in fact, employ orderlies? What a concept.


And yes, Jo, even if you return the gifts to the store for cash, you still have to thank the people who gave them to you. (Never mind that most stores don't give cash unless you have a receipt that shows you paid cash. They'll most likely just get store credit so I hope the store they were registered at also sells TVs.)


Please no to Mere and DeLuca. Mere and Link (his nickname is dumb but his real name is worse) are slightly more palatable, but they should get her together with Koracik and then let them have a healthy relationship mostly off-screen (since I doubt he'll become a regular). Neither one seems to be the type who needs to be with their SO 24/7 and they can obviously travel easily enough to see each other so that could work for them.


On 11/16/2018 at 12:51 AM, renatae said:

I'm aggravated at yet another cliffhanger, and what the heck is "Grey's Anatomy will be back sooner than you think" supposed to mean? I guess maybe they will be back before May.

They think we're pining for them while they're on hiatus. Meanwhile, I just check TV Guide each weekend to see what's on in the coming week and make a list of what I want to watch so I don't turn on the TV, find out there's no new episode of whatever is normally on at that time, and end up channel surfing. If I know there's a new episode then yay but otherwise I might actually do something more productive with my time.


On 11/16/2018 at 8:30 AM, krankydoodle said:

Did I miss some Nico scenes in previous episodes? Because I don't know anything about him except that he showed up at the same time as Linc and is strangely attracted to Glasses.

Nope, that's pretty much all we know about him.


On 11/16/2018 at 8:50 AM, sadie said:

Why are they acting like smart phones don’t tell you who is calling? So Richard calls his wife and Korceak answers without any hesitation or “hey Richard, Catherine is in a meeting and I saw it was you, how ya doing”. No they’re acting like it was a 1980 dial phone where you have noooo idea who is calling and wacky hijinks ensue. Sigh.

I had the same thought. If they were trying to hide an affair, why would he answer her phone when it's her husband calling?


12 hours ago, PepSinger said:

Thank you! As someone whose family lived in AL though the super outbreak in 2011, I was completely distracted by the injuries. Like, no. NO. Even straight line winds don’t do that. It definitely took me out of the episode because I know what can cause that kind of trauma, and that doesn’t happen in Seattle.

The only one that seemed realistic was the broken window glass in the abdomen.

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, Joana said:

And it wasn't cute back then either. However, it was said by an intern, and it's at least somewhat understandble why they would treat every patient as a new learning opportunity. The problem is that they've kept it up over the years even though they really should know better by now. I mean, if you're a seasoned doctor like Bailey who's seen and treated every medical condition imaginable under the sun and you still get a genuine kick out of seeing people with horrifying injuries, you might have an issue or two.


Not just a "seasoned doctor" but she's the Chief of Surgery well, Everything. Can you imagine that getting out? I'm sure people would start avoiding the hospital if they knew that's how they viewed injured patients.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Joana said:

And it wasn't cute back then either. However, it was said by an intern, and it's at least somewhat understandble why they would treat every patient as a new learning opportunity. The problem is that they've kept it up over the years even though they really should know better by now. I mean, if you're a seasoned doctor like Bailey who's seen and treated every medical condition imaginable under the sun and you still get a genuine kick out of seeing people with horrifying injuries, you might have an issue or two.

Oddly enough that didn't bother me. Maybe I'm weird but if I'm the patient I'm not going mind a doctor being enthusiastic about treating me or seeing my injuries as a challenge to tackle. I'd rather have that than someone getting emotionality involved and making my treatment decisions with their heart instead of their head. To me it comes across as confident in their abilities and not easily rattled by a challenge. 

But I'm weird.

  • Love 2

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