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45 minutes ago, noveltylibrary said:

Anyone else think Gina kind of resembles a young Brianna?

YES!!! WHY is no one pointing this out?! Weird and uncanny! Especially considering her conflict w Icky early on.

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1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

I hate myself for defending that crazy pool noodle loving lunatic, but she knew her pinot grigio. She was even able to pick out her own brand (I think she said the wine was VERY much like hers) when Luann had Jacques try to fool her in a blind taste test. The hair extensions? yes definitely, but I don't think she took the wine thing lightly, and in retrospect, having seen it in my favorite wine store, I'm sorry I never tried it.

You're right.  Ramona does know her pinot and I was impressed when she made it through that taste test without being fooled.  I just don't think Shannon has done as much work in developing the food line as she seems to be getting credit for.    

Edited by Normades
grammar, grammar, grammar
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Shannon obviously has a lot of anger about her divorce and she's in a great deal of pain because she knows good things are happening but she's still not happy. It's dificult to be the one who got dumped and then watch ur ex spouse move on with someone half his age and not suffer at all. Probably feels like David is being rewarded for his lousy behavior.  I think Shannon dislikes Gina because Gina reminds her of David's new joined at the hip girlfriend. She's young and thin and perky and blonde and Shannon automatically dislikes her for those things. 

I think Shannon is exhausting becaise she does seem like a sucky friend. She's always mee mee mee. And when someone else has problems she just does care it has to be all about her. 

Vicki was suprisingly subdued until the twerking. I hate Tamara. She's just an evil person. 

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42 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:


In David's March response to the court, he wanted joint legal custody and 50% physical custody of the kids.  And he pointed out her employment encourages excess drinking and travel.  He complained to the court that when she want on trips she did not inform him or give him the chance to have them stay with him

He did not bring up that she was a crazy bitch.

Obviously David knows that Shannon travels for the show. If he wanted to have his daughters when Shannon was travelling for the show, why would he not ask for a list of dates she would be away, and ensure that they stay with him? Why? Because he doesn't really want them, he just wants to complain and make it look like he is father of the year. My guess would be that the girls didn't want to stay with daddy dearest and his new replacement family, otherwise you would think it would come up during their visits with him that their mom was going to be away. Amazing that he apparently has no idea of how to go about finding out when the howives are going to take a scheduled vacation to film for the show. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard.  I am surprised though that David is complaining about the show (which he didn't have a problem appearing on when he was married) since if Shannon was not on it, he would be paying even more support. 

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4 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I think Shannon dislikes Gina because Gina reminds her of David's new joined at the hip girlfriend. She's young and thin and perky and blonde and Shannon automatically dislikes her for those things. 

This is just like the speculation of Shannon's treatment of Mehgan when she first started on OC. I personally disliked Mehgan because she was an aggressively condescending and pompous know-it-all who had obviously been coached by Tamra (and possibly Heather) on who to pick at to get the biggest reaction and cement her place on the show. Of course, that also fits my speculation about how Tamra gets into the head's of the new hires each season since Shannon started doing the show. 

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21 hours ago, ghoulina said:

ALL of these women are messed up. 

Shannon continues to be sooo rude, with her sarcastic remarks about how riveting the dinner conversation is. Just awful. 

And she's borderline paranoid. She's got a real persecution complex going on.

But the other women don't help, all piling on her at once. Their points are valid, but Shannon isn't going to take you seriously if you all come at her like that. 

Gina is deliberately antagonistic and seems to really get off on causing a bunch of trouble. 

Tamra is a crappy friend. I get her frustration, but now she's just airing every damn issue Shannon has. P. S. If your friend asks for 10 minutes, give her 10 minutes. 


I just really didn't feel comfortable with the way they were all sitting around discussing Shannon. She's being a spoiled brat, no doubt. A downer. A soul suck. But the imbalance just rubs me wrong. I can't help it. 

Last night was very uncomfortable.  I was reminded that I have no use for Gina or Emily and that Tamra is horrific.  I have said it many times, Tamra is a friend to no one.  That is what the desperation for the paycheck looks like.  I had to see if I were in hell and if it had frozen over because Vicki was kind to Shannon and that surprised me.  While her delivery sucks sometimes I also thought Kelly was speaking some truth to her that she needed to hear but maybe in a more quiet space. 

Shannon was hitting a rock bottom and her behavior was off the rails.  But it was sad and I clearly think she was having a breakdown yet there were her coworkers needling her.  Yes Shannon can be a HUGE handful.  She has been protected her entire life by being rich and taken care of.  She is learning life skills that most of us learned right out of high school/college while going through a contentious divorce from a man going through a midlife crisis (evidence the heart finger tattoo, whadda douchebag), while raising her kids, while starting a biz, while being on a show that pays them to drink and fight, while aging and let me tell you, its a mindfuck turning 50 (at least it has been for me).  I think she is really good friends with the vodka bottle but no idea if she has a problem.  She just maybe needs a timeout from that friendship.  When someone tells you they need a few moments, let them take it.  The following and yelling at her was just winding her up more.  She was frustrating me as well and I wasn't even there but she needed to be treated differently.  What they were doing only made them look like insensitive assholes.  I want her to dump Tamra.  After what Tamra was saying about Eddie and his opinions about Shannon I realized that maybe I had been misjudging him and he is as big of an asshole as his wife is.  

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7 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Obviously David knows that Shannon travels for the show. If he wanted to have his daughters when Shannon was travelling for the show, why would he not ask for a list of dates she would be away, and ensure that they stay with him? Why? Because he doesn't really want them, he just wants to complain and make it look like he is father of the year. My guess would be that the girls didn't want to stay with daddy dearest and his new replacement family, otherwise you would think it would come up during their visits with him that their mom was going to be away. Amazing that he apparently has no idea of how to go about finding out when the howives are going to take a scheduled vacation to film for the show. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard.  I am surprised though that David is complaining about the show (which he didn't have a problem appearing on when he was married) since if Shannon was not on it, he would be paying even more support. 

I didn't take his complaint as being upset over the show.  It sounds like frustration about not being involved in planning for the girls' care when Shannon is away for work.  I wouldn't expect a spouse to have to ask their ex's job for their work schedule so they can make plans.  Shannon is the one going away, so to me, the burden is on her to discuss where the girls will stay and who will care for them.  I haven't seen any evidence that David doesn't want to be with his kids, in fact, asking for joint custody would state otherwise.  I'm sure the girls are having a hard time with the changes, especially with the new girlfriend and her kids.  I've lived that and I know how hard it is.  It's too bad both of their parents seem to be too self involved to work together cordially and do what is best for those girls.  They need both parents.

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22 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I call dibs on Jimbo.  He will pay for dinner, and bring you some bling from the pawn shop.

crooks will stick you with the check, and probably clone your credit card when you’re in the bathroom. 

Yeah but he will rent you a beaver coat like he did Vicki??  Burning questions.  

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:
2 hours ago, langford peel said:

I have no doubt he would get custody even if his new girlfriend was Lizzie Borden.

What makes you think David wants custody of his daughters?

I don't know the details of their divorce but Major Nelson tells us he asked for joint legal custody and 50% physical custody. He must have a crappy lawyer because even with the customary prejudice against fathers the behavior exhibited by Shannon in the Real Housewives should have been used to get custody. At the least he should have followed the lead of other concerned fathers like Simon or Jason and refused permission for his children to appear on this crap-fest.

I blame him for having an affair. That was a horrible mistake and a betrayal of his vows. I don't blame him for checking out of his marriage with this insane harpy and running for the hills.   I remember when his daughter was in the band and Shannon made it all about her and attacked his family. When she trashed his mother on national TV. I remember how she mocked him for being a Midwestern guy who liked meat and potatoes instead of tofu and crystals. I have seen her tear him down in front of their  kids again and again. Didn't they say on this episode that she couldn't get her ass out of bed to take her kids to school? That he had to take the kids to school before he went to work and before  she woke up and spent the day drinking vodka and counting how many lemons were in the bowl.

It is pretty instructive that he married a woman with children and not a young chippy that he could have picked up with his money. Maybe he wanted a real family since Shannon poisoned the one he had with her. 

Team David all the way.

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9 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Obviously David knows that Shannon travels for the show. If he wanted to have his daughters when Shannon was travelling for the show, why would he not ask for a list of dates she would be away, and ensure that they stay with him? Why? Because he doesn't really want them, he just wants to complain and make it look like he is father of the year. My guess would be that the girls didn't want to stay with daddy dearest and his new replacement family, otherwise you would think it would come up during their visits with him that their mom was going to be away. Amazing that he apparently has no idea of how to go about finding out when the howives are going to take a scheduled vacation to film for the show. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard.  I am surprised though that David is complaining about the show (which he didn't have a problem appearing on when he was married) since if Shannon was not on it, he would be paying even more support. 

I kind of agree and disagree with this. I think that David doesn't want to be saddled with child support. But, I also think the reason David stayed in the marriage as long as he did was for his daughters. 

I am not in anyway defending David. Him giving his wedding ring to his daughter to give to Shannon was fucked up. Especially, since he then came back into the home after that to film another season (and WTF with that season). But, David was the one who did all of the activities with the girls. He was their basketball coach, he was also the one who went on the school trips with them. He never missed any of their sports or other events (wasn't there a whole short storyline about David being late to one of Heather's events because he was coaching the twins' basketball game?). Aside from being a shitty husband and doing that shitty ring thing, there hasn't been anything to make me think that David doesn't want his kids around. He just wanted an out from Shannon.

I think that David and Shannon signed up for the show for similar reasons. Each of them wanted to prove that they were in the right with being unhappy in the marriage. Shannon wanted to be able to say to David, "See, it's not just me being oversensitive or neurotic about your eating habits or the fact that we don't spend enough time together or my spending money to see Dr. Moon." She had a wake-up moment when she watched the season and started getting feedback. She even said it was like a lightbulb going off and she realized that she could simply go to bed at David's bedtime, or she could just not complain about what David ate.

David, on the other hand, wanted to show Shannon that he had justification for being unhappy in his marriage to her. He let her berate him in front of their kids about inconsequential shit like eating chips and going to cotillions. He wanted her to show all of her neuroses to the camera so that he would have a chance to tell her on camera that he just wanted to be happy. 

I think that David had been planning to leave Shannon for a long time, but that he didn't want to leave his children in the process. I'm pretty sure that's why he sent her that email about wanting to move out while they were filming. He probably figured it would be easier to leave her during filming since he felt she had shown enough of her negativity that the backlash wouldn't be as bad and he could still have access to his kids without having to deal with Shannon. I don't think he expected Shannon to hold on as tight as she did. I mean she took him back AFTER he had moved out of the home in such an atrocious way (I personally think that his mistress at the time dumped him to work on her own marriage). Plus, it was easier for David to be with Shannon when they could blame all of their problems on Vicki. 

But back to my point, I don't think that there has been anything to suggest that David wants to shut his daughters out of his life. If anything, and I am loathed to say this, I think David just wants to see his daughters without having to deal with Shannon at all. I still think that David is a douche who screwed over his wife and kids. I also think he is if not downright abusive towards Shannon, he at least has some major gaslighting tendencies. I think his new girlfriend should probably be on her guard because of that. But, I just don't buy that he wants nothing to do with raising his kids. He's just the asshole who wants to be in his kids lives without having to pay any money to take care of them - or at least not pay the money to take care of them in the way that Shannon expects. 

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David is another prime example of why no husband should ever agree to appear on a Housewives show and should refuse to allow their children to be pawns in the self aggrandizement of these fame whores. Of course many of them are fame whores as well some more so then their wives. Miss Terry and Slade spring to mind. A normal guy should never agree to be on one of these shows. There is not one man whose reputation remained intact after exposure to the Housewives milieu. It is kyptonite to a good marriage and a stable relationship. Really the only reason that you would encourage your wife to be on this show is to do a Kelsey Grammer and give her a Golden Parachute to ease the transition when you are moving on down the highway.

Gina baby take notes please.

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10 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

She doesn't seem like she comes from a wealthy family to me. She seems like she's someone who's hung up on ditzy, ignorant, shallow stuff, and I think she's a little bit afraid of being found out. IMHO, she has a lot of low-rent characteristics. I don't think her family was ever close to reaching the financial success of David.


10 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I believe it was stated in a past season that Shannon grew up wealthy . Horses, law school , etc. She stated David came from a blue collar family and was raised on meat and potatoes and would be fine eating that every day.  That's how my memory serves me but I'm open to corrections if wrong. 

I'm pretty sure that Shannon explained that her family was very wealthy.  I think her grandfather owned the upscale department store B.Altman (?).  Several dresses that Shannon wears were her grandmother's, and were Paris couture, I believe.  

I somehow remember Shannon saying all of this - I can't remember if it was in a talking head, at a reunion or during an appearance on WWHL.  

Edited by njbchlover
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22 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Good grief people you are in Jamaica have some fun and take a load off!

When Mr. Mbay and I were there (eloped) here was our daily non- plan each day:

Sleep until about 9am then go to the awesome breakfast buffet, go back to room change into beach wear and lounge at the beach and swim in the ocean until about noon then either eat lunch from the beach snack shack or go back to the room to shower and go to the lunch buffet.

A few offsite excursions such as Dunn's river falls, secure shopping at several shopping malls (nice merchandise and prices with no pressure to buy since they were "associated" with the resort ) as well as delicious food from some jerk shacks. We wanted to do the river rafts but the river was too blown out at the time.

Back for dinner at the resort at one of the many wonderful restaurants with usually some resort entertainment or night life and then...well we were newlyweds what else can I say.

Sounds perfect to me!   What a waste of time these vacations are with most of the housewives. Rarely do they get into the culture of a country, unless it involved drinking.   I think my favorite trip of the franchise was going to Holland on Beverly Hills.   Very interesting to see the countryside, despite the hostess.  I hated Iceland, at least where they were.   A friend sent me pictures and videos of an Iceland trip and it was gorgeous.  I cannot imagine the place the HW stayed at, so dull and boring.  Except for the fights, if you are into that sort if thing

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7 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

It's is (was) a house, 3260 sqft, 5 Br.   She's already moved out of it, but it was only in a "middle class" area of Newport.  Her house had no ocean view, though others in her neighborhood did.

I don't know what is up with her desire for stability and yet arranging things the way she did, renting a home on the market.

Maybe she was trying to stay in the same general area, due to the girls' school districts, proximity to their friends, their sports, etc., and that rental was the best house available at the time?  

I get why Shannon was upset about having to move - I think it was more for the girls' sake than hers.  

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21 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

It was and Jamaica and the wonderful people there will always hold a special place in my heart.

It was paradise on earth and two days from now is our 17th anniversary.

I will never forget that we got married and not "weddinged".

It was just the two of us and I also will will remember Mr. Mbay wiping my tears of total joy from my eyes as we said our vows to each other. 

I am wiping my eyes too, just reading this.    I lost my hubby of 40 years about 4 years ago and we often talked about our small Church wedding and the garden/home reception at our dearest friend's home.   It was so simple and people who loved us both were there.  Not 700 of our "dearest friends"

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2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

What makes you think David wants custody of his daughters? There certainly has been no indication that he has even asked for custody. All he has done is complain about the amount of child support he has to pay. So one would think that if he wanted to decrease his child support he could ask for custody and let Shannon pay him support. But he hasn't. He isn't interested in having his daughters full time. 

His live in girlfriend already has two kids. I doubt very much that David wants 5 kids around. And IIRC when he was married to Shannon he was barely around. He was busy training for this or that (some of which appears to be a cover for his affair) and wasn't interested in spending time with his daughters. In addition I doubt very much that his daughters, who are 17 and 14 years of age, want to live with their father's new girlfriend and her two kids. They seem to be very supportive of their mother, and from what I can see are pretty happy where they are. David certainly did a number on them when he had an affair (which was discovered by one of his daughters), appeared to reconcile with their mother complete with vow renewal, then continued to ignore her, and finally left her (quite likely for the woman he is with now). I doubt they are interested in living full time with their father and his replacement family. 


This take is belied by years of footage in which David served as a chaperone for Sophie’s class on a week-long trip to Europe and coached the twins’ basketball and soccer teams. He and Shannon were by all documentary evidence both extremely supportive and involved parents. 

Just because *Shannon* groused that David worked out too much to spend time with the family doesn’t make her complaint any more true than her sleeping in until noon/not driving the kids to school discounts her participation as Room Mom and collaboration with the girls on their ventures into music and cotillion. 

Edited by lunastartron
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1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

Maybe she was trying to stay in the same general area, due to the girls' school districts, proximity to their friends, their sports, etc., and that rental was the best house available at the time?  

I get why Shannon was upset about having to move - I think it was more for the girls' sake than hers.  

I think that Shannon was simply short-sighted. I get that she was probably upset about having to move again (I don't know a single person who likes moving). I get that she probably hated disrupting her daughters' lives again. But, I also think that Shannon complained so much about the rental, that she had no real plan to stay there long term anyway. That's where I think she was shortsighted. If she were thinking longterm, she most likely would have started looking for a more permanent residence once she saw that the house she was renting was also on the market. Of course, Shannon has issues seeing the bigger picture in a lot of things. So, it's entirely possible that I misread her complaints about the house and she was just being her normal negative self. 

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We got a lot of good information this episode.

Shannon never paid bills and didn't know you had to pay for water.

Shannon would sleep it off in the morning and her husband had to bring the kids to school before she rolled out of bed to start her cocktail regimen.

Shannon would call other housewives to inundate them about her troubles and would keep calling desperate for someone to pick up.

Shannon's response to an argument with co-workers was to drink a big stiff vodka. Alone.

Shannon's attention span is devoted to three things.. Me....Myself and I. Other housewives, sick husbands or marital troubles need not apply. Pay attention to me dammit.

What a peach. I can't imagine why David ran for the hills.

My only question is why did he wait so long.

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22 minutes ago, oceanview said:

I am wiping my eyes too, just reading this.    I lost my hubby of 40 years about 4 years ago and we often talked about our small Church wedding and the garden/home reception at our dearest friend's home.   It was so simple and people who loved us both were there.  Not 700 of our "dearest friends"

Just wanted to send you a hug. I lost my husband four years ago also. There are so many things that bring back memories from songs to places and food. I still miss him. ????

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20 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Shannon deserved the pile on. Sitting at the table smirking and making comments under her breath, acting like she's above it all because the conversation didn't suit her and wasn't about her.  

Ohhhhhh you just don't know what I go through every day! Really Shannon, I think Tamra and Kelly do. Especially since you frequently call them crying (and no doubt drunk) at 2am to remind them. 

She alternates between acting superior and playing victim.  Making those comments under her breath was incredibly rude.  For sure if it had been anyone else doing that, she would have complained and criticized.  I'm sick of her playing up the victim bit, but I actually detest it more when she gets up on her high horse and acts as though someone else is beneath her.   She is nowhere near as intelligent, worldly, or classy as she thinks she is.

13 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

She is that person who will cry to you about her hangnail and not even notice the cast on your broken arm.

That's exactly who she is.  She is completely unwilling to be compassionate toward anyone else.  Friendship is give and take, and Shannon is extremely heavy on the taking side.

11 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I think Shannon crossed a big line with me when she acted the way she did at her birthday dinner with her husband and children. They were so nervous around her. And hopeful. They so wanted her to be happy and joyful and the way she behaved around them, full of disappointment about the restaurant, the gift, everything, was absolutely dis-gus-ting. I never forgave her for that and it told me everything I needed to know about Shannon. She wants everyone to always feel sorry for her, even her children! She wanted them to comfort her! To placate her. She wanted her husband to grovel and plead and beg. That’s probably one of the reasons the kids staged that cute dinner for her and David and cooked and served them, I bet those kids are used to jumping through hoops for her, to keep her happy. Ugh. I think she is horrible. And I really don’t think she is capable of empathy. All she cares about is herself and her feelings and her troubles. 

Me too.  And it clearly wasn't a fluke because we've seen how she is both before and after that dinner.  She has very high expectations and she expects people to be mind-readers and cater to her every need.  If a big, fancy dinner was so important to her, she should have asked for it.   I'm sure David thought a night out with him and their girls would be a perfect way to celebrate a birthday, so I can't fault him for that.   She couldn't even pretend to be grateful in front of their girls.  Far too often she reacts as though "The Queen is not amused!"  Her need to be the center of everyone's world has been shown to us over and over.   She sets the bar high, is often disappointed, gets upset, lather, rinse, repeat.

There have certainly been HW's on several franchises who I've loved to hate because of their entertainment value.  Shannon isn't the slightest bit entertaining to me, though.  She's either screeching drunk or complaining about her life and what she's "going through".  I'm tired of her.  And I agree with you - All she cares about is herself.  It's boring.

Edited by DebbieM4
left out a comma
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1 hour ago, MatildaMoody said:

I think that David had been planning to leave Shannon for a long time, but that he didn't want to leave his children in the process. I'm pretty sure that's why he sent her that email about wanting to move out while they were filming. He probably figured it would be easier to leave her during filming since he felt she had shown enough of her negativity that the backlash wouldn't be as bad and he could still have access to his kids without having to deal with Shannon. I don't think he expected Shannon to hold on as tight as she did. I mean she took him back AFTER he had moved out of the home in such an atrocious way (I personally think that his mistress at the time dumped him to work on her own marriage). Plus, it was easier for David to be with Shannon when they could blame all of their problems on Vicki. 

But back to my point, I don't think that there has been anything to suggest that David wants to shut his daughters out of his life. If anything, and I am loathed to say this, I think David just wants to see his daughters without having to deal with Shannon at all. I still think that David is a douche who screwed over his wife and kids. I also think he is if not downright abusive towards Shannon, he at least has some major gaslighting tendencies. I think his new girlfriend should probably be on her guard because of that. But, I just don't buy that he wants nothing to do with raising his kids. He's just the asshole who wants to be in his kids lives without having to pay any money to take care of them - or at least not pay the money to take care of them in the way that Shannon expects. 

I think you're spot on with most of what you said.  Especially being on tv to show each of them are "right."  I also think David was trying to get out of the marriage and Shannon probably acted out and refused to hear him.  He might have considered divorcing her while on the show like breaking up with a crazy partner in a public place so they don't make a huge scene.  I guess that plan blew up in his face!!  He's a douche, but I don't think he's any more abusive than she is.  She has screamed at him and banged herself up while she was drunk trying to get to him through a locked door.  Each gave as good as they got and neither is right.  I don't think his girlfriend needs to worry, tho.  I also don't think he doesn't want to pay for his kids.  From what I've read, he wants to ensure her income is considered when support is being calculated.  That seems fair to me.  He needs to stop being an idiot and get himself a real attorney.  I think he has this attitude that the only people who benefit from a divorce is the attorneys.  That's just stupid.  He has a large income and needs to ensure his interests and the interests of his children are being protected. He needs to realize that the reason divorce is expensive is because it's worth it.

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Y'know Shannon, there's no fucking shame in taking medication. I don't think your acupuncture homeopathic doctor voodoo crap works very well. 

1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:

Speaking of rough, did anyone else notice the back of Tamra's head during the argument scene?  It looked like a knotted mess - cheap extensions or an attempt to cover hair loss?

It just looked to me like straightened hair that lost its straightness because of humidity (like my own hair does if I travel anywhere outside of CA and experience humidity + awkward cowlicks). 

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4 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I kind of agree and disagree with this. I think that David doesn't want to be saddled with child support. But, I also think the reason David stayed in the marriage as long as he did was for his daughters. 

I am not in anyway defending David. Him giving his wedding ring to his daughter to give to Shannon was fucked up. Especially, since he then came back into the home after that to film another season (and WTF with that season). But, David was the one who did all of the activities with the girls. He was their basketball coach, he was also the one who went on the school trips with them. He never missed any of their sports or other events (wasn't there a whole short storyline about David being late to one of Heather's events because he was coaching the twins' basketball game?). Aside from being a shitty husband and doing that shitty ring thing, there hasn't been anything to make me think that David doesn't want his kids around. He just wanted an out from Shannon.


But back to my point, I don't think that there has been anything to suggest that David wants to shut his daughters out of his life. If anything, and I am loathed to say this, I think David just wants to see his daughters without having to deal with Shannon at all. I still think that David is a douche who screwed over his wife and kids. I also think he is if not downright abusive towards Shannon, he at least has some major gaslighting tendencies. I think his new girlfriend should probably be on her guard because of that. But, I just don't buy that he wants nothing to do with raising his kids. He's just the asshole who wants to be in his kids lives without having to pay any money to take care of them - or at least not pay the money to take care of them in the way that Shannon expects. 


4 hours ago, njbchlover said:


I'm pretty sure that Shannon explained that her family was very wealthy.  I think her grandfather owned the upscale department store B.Altman (?).  Several dresses that Shannon wears were her grandmother's, and were Paris couture, I believe.  

I somehow remember Shannon saying all of this - I can't remember if it was in a talking head, at a reunion or during an appearance on WWHL.  


Thanks to both of you for the background details.

David is running a fairly large construction company and for him to take the time be the twins' coach, as well as other activities signifies a lot to me that he was strongly in the parent business,

As to Shannon, I can only grieve that her upbringing did not prepare her for life, and that is the #1 thing a family is to provide.

Edit: also thanks to @lunastartron for "This take is belied by years of footage in which David served as a chaperone for Sophie’s class on a week-long trip to Europe and coached the twins’ basketball and soccer teams. He and Shannon were by all documentary evidence both extremely supportive and involved parents. "

....This was all before my watching 

Edited by MajorNelson
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2 hours ago, langford peel said:

I don't know the details of their divorce but Major Nelson tells us he asked for joint legal custody and 50% physical custody. He must have a crappy lawyer because even with the customary prejudice against fathers the behavior exhibited by Shannon in the Real Housewives should have been used to get custody. At the least he should have followed the lead of other concerned fathers like Simon or Jason and refused permission for his children to appear on this crap-fest.

I blame him for having an affair. That was a horrible mistake and a betrayal of his vows. I don't blame him for checking out of his marriage with this insane harpy and running for the hills.   I remember when his daughter was in the band and Shannon made it all about her and attacked his family. When she trashed his mother on national TV. I remember how she mocked him for being a Midwestern guy who liked meat and potatoes instead of tofu and crystals. I have seen her tear him down in front of their  kids again and again. Didn't they say on this episode that she couldn't get her ass out of bed to take her kids to school? That he had to take the kids to school before he went to work and before  she woke up and spent the day drinking vodka and counting how many lemons were in the bowl.

It is pretty instructive that he married a woman with children and not a young chippy that he could have picked up with his money. Maybe he wanted a real family since Shannon poisoned the one he had with her. 

Team David all the way.

I have been saying this all along.  We never saw his side of the story.  The guy was unhappy with many things.  Shannon always wanted her way and he complied.  But there comes a time when a person just can’t take it anymore.  They are not the first to get divorced, so why the big fuss about him?  I do remember that she disliked his family and let them know it.  I’m sure he felt terrible about that.  He was always soft spoken .. never saw him screaming and yelling.

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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Maybe she was trying to stay in the same general area, due to the girls' school districts, proximity to their friends, their sports, etc., and that rental was the best house available at the time?  

I get why Shannon was upset about having to move - I think it was more for the girls' sake than hers.  

True enough perhaps, I don't know what choices she had.  I am not even sure about her whole housing path, where she sold her custom home that she loved, then they rented this great home overlooking the NB harbor.  But how long was that lease?  Did David time his escape to match the lease, and then Shannon had to scramble?

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6 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Y'know Shannon, there's no fucking shame in taking medication. I don't think your acupuncture homeopathic doctor voodoo crap works very well. 

It just looked to me like straightened hair that lost its straightness because of humidity (like my own hair does if I travel anywhere outside of CA and experience humidity + awkward cowlicks). 

Yes.  What the hell is Dr.Moon doing for Shannon besides taking her money.  He has a cure for everything.  That’s why she is a mess.

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2 hours ago, langford peel said:

We got a lot of good information this episode.

Shannon never paid bills and didn't know you had to pay for water.

Shannon would sleep it off in the morning and her husband had to bring the kids to school before she rolled out of bed to start her cocktail regimen.

Shannon would call other housewives to inundate them about her troubles and would keep calling desperate for someone to pick up.

Shannon's response to an argument with co-workers was to drink a big stiff vodka. Alone.

Shannon's attention span is devoted to three things.. Me....Myself and I. Other housewives, sick husbands or marital troubles need not apply. Pay attention to me dammit.

What a peach. I can't imagine why David ran for the hills.

My only question is why did he wait so long.

So, what did she do all day?  Probably had a cleaning woman, etc. So she cooked.  Big deal.  What I want to know is, why is it that everyone blames the husband?  Is the wife always the good one?  David probably worked out to get away from her.  Maybe she was a pain in the ass and a Princess.  I want to hear his side.  It’s only fair.

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Does Kelly REALLY use the pickup line, “is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I see me in your pants.”??! Um...wow. 

I go back and forth on Shannon but after this episode, nope. She is just unhinged, no way around it. 

I feel badly that her marriage ended but that said, we all know she was hell for David to live with. Remember her berating him while they decorated the Christmas tree one year?

She also asked him to pull an enema tip out of her ass once-not exactly a way to keep the marital fires burning hot, lol. Her meltdowns and personality are extremely off-putting sadly. 

Edited by Sage47
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On 10/23/2018 at 2:04 PM, Talktolaura said:

RIGHT??!! I can't believe they have been such good sports about the no air-conditioning situation!!! My hair has been frizzing just watching them! WTF?? I would have been out of that suite or hotel in 15 minutes if they hadn't addressed situation. AND they would have moved my stuff! (But I wouldn't make them hang it up for me like Ramona?)

Here's my theory from a computer that's not allowing me to participate as much as I normally would (so forgive me if this has already been said): This season has not delivered. Until now. What do you do? You put 6 women, 3 of whom at least are in menopause or fast approaching, fly them to a tropical paradise (!), put them up in 2 rooms AND TURN THE AIR OFF. 

Seriously production? If this was NYC, Ramona and Sonja would have bailed to the nearest Hilton and home. It would not have happened. This was way too hinky. They are in the Presidential suites ffs. No air? 

As a fellow sufferer, the heat and humidity (which i live in permanently) will guarantee The Crazy in a menopausal woman. Add some alcohol, jet lag, light fractures in the group and bingo. This is why it's Vicki and Shannon affected the most. They are also carrying a little more weight than the dessicated Tamra and that stuff is even HEAVIER and sweatier and more crazy making in the tropics. 

I think last episode and this episode, where Vicki's face literally melted, will go down in Housewife history. I also think that cutting off the air, or corralling these women into physically heated situations will become a device we see more often. 

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5 hours ago, langford peel said:

Shannon's response to an argument with co-workers was to drink a big stiff vodka. Alone

In Shannon's defence here, I think she DOES like a drink or 3 and she'd said earlier that this was her last night of drinking prior to surgery next week. So I get her downing a big nasty vodka before bed, if that's where she's coming from. I don't think she has a 'drinking problem' per se. I think she's drinking because she's miserable and going through menopause and learning to deal with being alone. She howls a lot about everything and now the others think she is crazy too. It must be very frustrating for Shannon. I say that from the heart, i know it's 'first world problems', but she's really NOT where she wants to be or expected to be in life and she's mad. And hurt and scared. 

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12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

When Shannon, Tamra, and Vicki went away at the beginning of the season, Vicki was very restrained (by her standards). She even mentioned Steve not liking it when she gets too wild. I wonder what changed? Or if she's only able to hold her nastiness in for so long?

Did you catch that Vicki made some kind of statement about Steve 'not liking' the way she behaves, or being bothered by his potential judgement in the last episode when she was having a pity party at the bar with the only person that would listen to her, the bar girl? I think Vicki is SCARED of everything he is going to say and therefore losing him. I think she's worried about her macrame get up and the twerking. I think Vicki is bored shitless with Steve and does not know what to do. So I dont think anything has changed. I think it's constantly on her mind and she's torn between being herself and ensuring that Bravo income stream and marrying Steve the fake Latino ex cop wannabe politician. 

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11 hours ago, langford peel said:

Shannon should be smart enough to realize that. The only reason she is on the show is because she is a circus float of crazy from Day One. In fact I think you would be hard pressed to find a Housewives in any of the Franchises who are as big a mess as her. 

Bethenny Frankel. She's just more successful.

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2 hours ago, MajorNelson said:


Thanks to both of you for the background details.

David is running a fairly large construction company and for him to take the time be the twins' coach, as well as other activities signifies a lot to me that he was strongly in the parent business,

As to Shannon, I can only grieve that her upbringing did not prepare her for life, and that is the #1 thing a family is to provide.

Edit: also thanks to @lunastartron for "This take is belied by years of footage in which David served as a chaperone for Sophie’s class on a week-long trip to Europe and coached the twins’ basketball and soccer teams. He and Shannon were by all documentary evidence both extremely supportive and involved parents. "

....This was all before my watching 

Not to discount the effort, but I think it is actually easier to do things like coach a kids sports team when you own your own company in that type of industry.  You start really early and are done earlier in the day than a normal 9-5 and when you own the company your schedule can be a little more flexible.  My dad's not a bad dad, but he's also probably not the world's best.  He tries.  He owns a construction company.  He was very involved in my brothers' sports teams and boy scouts because he could schedule his afternoons around it.  He also would go to the office at 5 and get the crews out, come home and make breakfast for my brothers and take them to school, and then go back to work. 

5 hours ago, njbchlover said:


I'm pretty sure that Shannon explained that her family was very wealthy.  I think her grandfather owned the upscale department store B.Altman (?).  Several dresses that Shannon wears were her grandmother's, and were Paris couture, I believe.  

I somehow remember Shannon saying all of this - I can't remember if it was in a talking head, at a reunion or during an appearance on WWHL.  

I believe it was I. Magnin and is just a boards rumor.  I think it has been posted that the real story is they were just upper middle class and the grandfather was high up in the company or on the board.

10 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Bethenny Frankel. She's just more successful.

Bethenny might also be the only housewife that is more miserable than Shannon.  I haven't put a lot of thought into that though, so I might be forgetting one.

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Bethenny might also be the only housewife that is more miserable than Shannon.  I haven't put a lot of thought into that though, so I might be forgetting one.

Also, possibly Lisa Vanderpump, if the rumours of her not filming with the cast for the last 6 weeks are true. But no, apart from Taylor Armstrong earlier on BH, I've gone through the franchises mentally and I can't think of anyone. New Jersey is a swamp to me, so there could be Shannon level misery there in the past...maybe Mad Jack Laurito at times? But no, nothing I think like Shannon Beador/Bethenny Frankel levels of misery and a genuine inability to understand why the are never happy and what's wrong with the world?!!!!

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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Not to discount the effort, but I think it is actually easier to do things like coach a kids sports team when you own your own company in that type of industry.  You start really early and are done earlier in the day than a normal 9-5 and when you own the company your schedule can be a little more flexible.  My dad's not a bad dad, but he's also probably not the world's best.  He tries.  He owns a construction company.  He was very involved in my brothers' sports teams and boy scouts because he could schedule his afternoons around it.  He also would go to the office at 5 and get the crews out, come home and make breakfast for my brothers and take them to school, and then go back to work. 

I believe it was I. Magnin and is just a boards rumor.  I think it has been posted that the real story is they were just upper middle class and the grandfather was high up in the company or on the board.

Bethenny might also be the only housewife that is more miserable than Shannon.  I haven't put a lot of thought into that though, so I might be forgetting one.

It was definitely I. Magnin, and I distinctly remember first season (maybe even first episode) Shannon saying her grandfather started it.  That's all I got!  ...

Except Shannon seems rather spoiled to me. I think she's basically a nice lady, loves her friends, loves her kids, but has very high expectations which frequently go met.  She does seem to be in a lot of pain right now, and she's trying to make things better, so good for her on that, but I think she'd be a lot happier overall if she would just lower, or have more reasonable expectations of others. The main problem, practically speaking, is that thinking of yourself as a princess makes the people around you your subjects and servants. I get the self-esteem boosting appeal of it, but overall I think it's the wrong attitude to have.

I wish she'd been more welcoming to Gina. Yes, Shannon has a lot going on in her life, but she could have shown more welcoming kindness to the new ladies. That wouldn't have cost her anything. 

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I've kind of forgotten the beginning of the season already, but.....

I thought Shannon was fine, not overly warm, but pleasant with Gina and Emily until the abuse accusation went out.

Then I think we saw her hardcore withdrawing from initiating any interaction with the newbies.

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On 10/23/2018 at 2:11 AM, DebbieM4 said:

I completely agree with all of this.  Shannon is rude and self-centered on a continual basis.  She's so intent on being the victim that she can't acknowledge that other people have problems too. 

She's also extremely manipulative with her use of hysterics.  Did you see how fast she got calm when she was accused of crying every night?  She's like a bratty child throwing an instant tantrum to get what she wants (attention).  She reminds me of Nellie Olson lmao.

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6 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I believe it was I. Magnin and is just a boards rumor.  I think it has been posted that the real story is they were just upper middle class and the grandfather was high up in the company or on the board.

This has a ring of truth to me.  Shannon's mother doesn't seem like some society matron at all.  She seemed very warm and down to earth.  I think they just spoiled Shannon rotten.

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23 hours ago, albarino said:

Me too. I don't watch the NJ or ATL franchises because I don't like the women.  OC is rapidly approaching this list for me.

I stopped watching Jersey - I find nothing about those women appealing, and frankly the convicted felon being treated as some sort of victim by everyone is nauseating.   And Joe Gorga is the nastiest piece of work on any franchise.   I'm also over Atlanta.  I might give it a chance now that Sheree and Kim have been permanently evicted.  I still like New York and I am fond of Beth and Lu.  Frankly, I'd like to see Jill come back.  And I do love my Lisa VP and Kyle on Beverly Hills.  

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I'm not getting some of the board hatred for Gina.  She doesn't bother me.  In fact, I'm totally on her side and Emily's with regard to Shannon.

Normally I find Shannon pretty funny but she's absolutely humorless on this trip.  I would NEVER travel with her based on this.  And while it may not have been the place of anyone to mention medication to her, she does seem to be suffering with depression and anxiety.  That said, for Tamra to tell ANYONE to stop screaming and listen is fucking hilarious.  Has this bitch EVER shut up long enough to listen to anyone?  Shit, she's taken at least 2 vacations while her husband is recovering from heart surgery.  She has to be the most un-Christian Christian I know of, outside my former uncle who will claim to be a good Christian while calling me a bitch and loaded to the gills.  

Shannon should just pack her bags and go home.  She's doing nothing but bringing everyone else down.  By comparison, Kelly, Emily and Gina seem to be having a good time.  I would travel with them. 

Vicki says she's Switzerland but I think she's really just relieved that she's not being yelled at and/or having a medical crisis.  Yet. 

If Tamra's going to go full banshee on Shannon, she should just go ahead and admit that she feels Shannon is a shit friend to her.  Funny how she had zero problem saying that to everyone else on the trip but as soon as that was brought up to Shannon, Tamra clammed up like Ramona Singer during the LuAnn-Dorinda meltdown in Cartagena.  

Shannon may not think she needs meds but she definitely needs a good therapist and she needs to stop drinking.  Being around these hos doesn't help.  Are they ever NOT drinking? 

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:23 PM, whydoievencare said:

Shannon always seems to be operating at a nine - it doesn't take very much for things to escalate to ten or, god forbid, higher.  Even when she IS having a good time, it's at a fevered pitch.  She acts like she's the only one who is having a difficult time and she isn't.  Gina (who is a bitch) is going through a divorce, Kelly's just gone through a divorce, Tamra is dealing with Eddie's health issues.  Shannon's getting to be pretty tiresome.

Silly girl.  Don't you know it's all about princess Shannon and all of the woes that befall her?  I was LOVING Kelly bringing her and her rich girl problems back down to reality last ep.   I'm totally over Princess Shannon and her Tales of Woe.

On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:33 PM, dosodog said:

I learned a lot about divorce and tbe feelings it stirs up from RHONY.

It is different for everyone.  Some deal with it differently.

A true friend, who is sincerely concerned, doesn't gossip about you or whine about you or stir people up about you.

They also don't publicly berate you over depression. They don't expect you to "flip a switch".  They support you and gently direct you and talk to you about behavior that doesn't help you. 

Everyone reaches their breaking point when it comes to being a supportive friend (it sounds like Shannon is REALLY taking advantage of Tamra and Kelly and treating them like her personal 24/7 on call therapists) and it doesn't sound like Shannon is at all receptive to receiving any professional help.   I completely get Tamra and Kelly's frustration, especially when it comes to Shannon's complete lack of empathy about other people's problems.

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13 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Yeah but he will rent you a beaver coat like he did Vicki??  Burning questions.  

He will!  One properly stored.  Just have to have it back to him late Sunday night.

crooks will not only get you an improperly stored and moth eaten coat with dry rot, he will slip you the bill for the rental and be in Alabama when the time comes to return it.  

Jimbo is a real mensch.

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13 hours ago, langford peel said:

We got a lot of good information this episode.

Shannon never paid bills and didn't know you had to pay for water.

Shannon would sleep it off in the morning and her husband had to bring the kids to school before she rolled out of bed to start her cocktail regimen.

Shannon would call other housewives to inundate them about her troubles and would keep calling desperate for someone to pick up.

Shannon's response to an argument with co-workers was to drink a big stiff vodka. Alone.

Shannon's attention span is devoted to three things.. Me....Myself and I. Other housewives, sick husbands or marital troubles need not apply. Pay attention to me dammit.

What a peach. I can't imagine why David ran for the hills.

My only question is why did he wait so long.

But you got your information from the architect of Naked Wasted and the woman caught on tape IRL shouting how she doesn’t like black men.  Both are vipers.  Both are liars.  Both have had their own psychotic breaks on TV. Tamra is an impressive Machiavelli.  Kelly is a follower who will double down on whoever the alpha is attacking.

Shannon was an asshole.  David was an asshole.  I’d probably give David more benefit of the doubt.  I’d love hanging with Shannon, but live with her?  Hell to the no Bobby Brown. 

The messengers are pure shit, so I’ll take anything these hyenas say with a grain of salt.  I’m not a doctor, but I’d be surprised if Tamra was not a straight up sociopath. 

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