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1 hour ago, Honey said:

But they all said that she wasn't really even staying there, she's been staying at her BF's place most of the time, so she's only keeping that room to get under Leida's skin.  Time for her to move on.

Her name is on the lease and she was there first. It is her apartment, technically, so she can come and go as she pleases. Leida hasn’t contributed a dime and has no more of a claim to the place than Eric. I would bet Tasha only stayed with the BF because she had no where else to go. Leida doesn’t work so she’s always there. It’s a toxic environment to be in and I would probably hang out elsewhere, too.

51 minutes ago, misokinesia said:

Leida, is that you?

Haha, no.. but seriously, I can absolutely picture something like that coming out of her mouth. She strikes me as someone who will find any way that she can to claw back that support money, including using Eric's kid as subsidized child care.

Lol, I was being sarcastic. I am sure that’s what Leida thinks though. 

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13 hours ago, Wendy said:

Whether Tasha needs to leave or not is irrelevant. 

That was a conversation that Eric needed to have with Tasha (no cameras around), helped her pack and help her move to wherever else she was going. Leida had no business in there. 

It was not Leida's place to confront Tasha nor ask her to leave. Leida was not even married to Eric when this went down so technically the place wasn't hers.  

I went out last night and only caught the last part of the show, the part where Leida was screaming at Tasha.  Now, I don't know how long Tasha and Eric were living together and who is and who isn't on the lease, but that scene was fowl.  Eric never should have allowed Leida, who wasn't even his wife then, to yell at his daughter.  Even if Leida was his wife at the time, that crossed a line.  I agree that Eric should have talked to Tasha off camera, but I guess none of these folks want to do anything off camera.

What Colt and Debbie don't realize is that by Debbie holding on to Colt, she's hurting HERSELF.  She could join a senior center, do volunteer work at church where she can meet people, have her own friends.  Even if they lived in the same house, if Debbie had her own life, it would be much better for everybody.  

Edited by Neurochick
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11 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Idk, when i was 19 i never even made my bed, or closed cabinets, and did laundry incorrectly. Learned those skills over time. Now as a fully mature adult i know how to clean and have the discipline for it. 

19 is an adult!  How can a child even concentrate to do homework in filth??  You just mix the dirty clothes with the clean clothes???  I don’t know.  It is parenting and the child’s personality. It is the parents job to teach their kids basic life skills. 


If Tasha was my child that room would not be like that.  It takes 5 minutes to make a bed, pick up excess trash and take dishes to the kitchen (if you have some).  5 minutes!!!  We can also agree to disagree, 


The good thing is Leida will clean without housekeepers!  One point for her!  LMAO


Does anyone know why they kept zooming in on Tasha’s suitcase in the back of her truck??  I could not figure out what was shocking about it. (At, least not anymore than her room)

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13 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Coltee is telling Larissa to be nicer and ask John how his day is? Bwahaha!

That's his version of "go shoot some hoops with River".

3 hours ago, millennium said:

Their primary occupation seems to be going to restaurants.   This show seems to think real life consists of patronizing local eateries and bars any time a topic requires discussion.   Like Ashley having her friends meet her at a winery so she can tell them she's eloping.   I'd be like, "This is why I got dressed up and drove out here?   You couldn't have told me over the phone?"

Going to restaurants, and getting pedicures. 

If Coltee's jackass cousin loves Debbie so much, let her move in with him. Or maybe its a little crowded over there, since obviously Jackass and Hippie Pixie's mothers must live with them, right? Since family is so important and all?

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So Leida doesn’t even have a low credit limit emergency credit card from her parents (given to her in the very least for their grandsons welfare in mind just in case?) to bunk one night at the Holiday Inn Express after the breakup scene  ? 

That fact makes the whole rich upbringing suspect and hinky for me. Questionable. 

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16 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

Rushing a teenager into moving in with a boyfriend so you can keep her apartment for yourself. Yeah, that’s a great idea.

If her being there is a problem and she’s on the lease, Eric and his demon bride are welcome to go find their own place.

Hmm... I wonder what’s stopping them (bad credit)?

Right? I'd want to keep my own place too, regardless of where I was spending my time, especially if it were mine to begin with. I'd rather that than find myself in a situation where I might need to find yet another place to live, because 19.

Also, maybe she's just spending so much time at her boyfriend's place because her dad moved his insta-family and a camera crew into their apartment? That doesn't give them the right to kick her out. I certainly wouldn't want to be around all of that. Maybe it was more like, 'hey just film your show, make some money, and I'll come back occasionally or move if I find a place before it's over'?

Leida wanted to come to America to be the boss and to have freedom from her parents and sister watching over her. Having Tasha there, even when was wasn't, probably seriously killed her vibe.

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40 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Idk, when i was 19 i never even made my bed, or closed cabinets, and did laundry incorrectly. Learned those skills over time. Now as a fully mature adult i know how to clean and have the discipline for it. 

I learned how to make my bed when I was 8 and was working in a hospital, making beds (with the corners and everything) when I was 14.  I learned how to do laundry by watching my mother.

Another thing I learned is that people do things at different times in their lives.  I've met adults in their forties and fifties who don't know how to shop for food, no one ever taught them and they lived on a diet of junk all their lives; I've met adults who don't know how to cook because no one ever taught them.  Maybe that happened with Tasha.

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5 hours ago, renatae said:

Meanwhile, Aless has no bedroom. (Which begs the question, when Leida "slept in a different room," where was she?)

my theory is that Leida and Alless stayed in the bedroom with the mattress and box spring and Eric got to sleep on the inflatable couch in the living room. 

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22 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

The difference between Debbie and Larissa is that Debbie is better at fighting. This is her domain. She's got her tentacles deep into Colt, and she knows how to manipulate the cousins, too. She got them stirred up to do her bidding! That way, she could play innocent and look after the kids while all the noise went down! 

Colt should not have allowed ANYONE to speak to his future wife that way! The man is insulting Larissa to her very core so no, the answer is not to turn around and ask him about his day! Colt has no spine nor does he have any negotiating skills, and I fault Debbie for that. She's preserved him as her little boy, and there he sat, like a 10-year-old child, emotionally stuck, letting Larissa fend for herself against the huge "Christian" bully.

And, I agree with the poster who said that Debbie may well have put her hands on Larissa before. Debbie has serious issues! A woman clinging to her son like a life preserver is not going to be a bastion of self-control.

The family barbecue basically played to Debbie's strengths and Colt and Larissa's weaknesses. Food wasn't the only thing she was cooking up that day.

Larissa isn't good at expressing herself. She came across as petty talking about how Debbie moving objects around the house. That was merely a manifestation of the problem, but not the core problem.

If Debbie were a supportive MIL then things might be different, but she's clearly not. She's fighting for her domain. Eventually, she'll win.

Right!  Of course, they poisoned the cousin and had him tell Larissa off.  How many times did the cousin call Larissa a bitch???  Why is the cousin even saying anything about Larissa’s ring?  It is none of his business.  It is a GIFT from Colt.


Cousin was really going on and on about Debbie not living with them and how it was all Larissa’s fault.  Geeeesh!  I wonder where the cousin got that information from!  Hahahahaha!  Debbie!  


Debbie should move in with the Cousin. It is a great idea! 


What about the wife just sitting there not saying a thing??  If my husband got hot with a woman I would be shocked and not allow it.  Obviously, he talks to her in that tone as well.


hahahahaha!  The Christian sticker on their car!  Hypocrites!  


Yes, you are right.  There is a strength in numbers.  All of them against Larissa.  If it was an American woman  she would leave and go stay somewhere else. 


This is the ugly part of the show when we see how controlling the Americans can be towards their foreign fiances. Most of them are escaping poverty but they still have loving families, friends, jobs, etc back home.  In America, they have nobody.


They were all in on it.  After the cousin left Debbie and Colt continue to act cruel towards Larissa.


Debbie has to go!  

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I think that TLC has completely lost touch in the brainless malarkey we are all hoping for when watching this show and have opened the door to possibly one of the worst characters on tv EVER in Leida. They should have cut bait when they saw how the storyline was playing out. I will say though, that Eric deserves every morsel of torture this Indonesian 4 will impart on his sad little life. Fuck you for picking this trash bag over your kids. 

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4 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha! 


How can Eric have more furniture in his house than Kalani???? Those rooms are straight up EMPTY!  Like, whaaaaaaaaaat?????  

None of these people have any furniture. Olga and Steven are permanently camped out on the floor. Forget green cards. How about chairs and adult sized beds?

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14 hours ago, Honey said:

Is Eric supporting one child under the age of 18? In NY anyway child support is 18% of wages, so if he is paying $1,000/month, he's making $5,500 /month or $66,000/year.

If he is supporting 2 kids it's 22% of wages, so if he's paying $1,000/month he's making $4,500/month or $54,000/year.

These are what the figures are in NY (the last I knew), I can't imagine they're that much different in WI.

He's making okay money, so where is all of his money going?

In my state the other parent's income, the age of the child and the amount the obligee pays in CS for ALL his (or her) children factors in. But on the CS culculator widget someone posted, those variables are not included. IDK why.


14 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I can see Eric, whose not on the lease, not paying rent at all, waiting till eviction, and then sticking Tasha with the back rent, claiming that she owes him since he paid rent whenever. I hope it doesn't happen, but Eric seems like he'll throw his family under the bus to save some cash.

OMG. I didn't even consider that. I don't think Eric would conceive of such and idea but I can see him being talked into it.


14 hours ago, brillia79 said:

Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. 

I am assuming he is many, many thousands of dollars in arrears. That will happen if the obligee spends any amount of time unemployed.


13 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Leida is pure garbage, but she knows who to try that shit with!  I wish a bitch would have gotten flip with me in my own house. Even at 18, I would have called my mom, and she would have showed up and showed out, and we’re not violent people!  And you would not be talking to my kid like that.  Exactly who the fuck do you think you are?  Where’s you resources? Where’s your Gucci, Chanel and Balenciaga? Your family is so important and wealthy but you’re fighting an 18 year old kid for her dumpy apartment?  Bitch please 😏



13 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I too have noticed Leida's lack of designer labels - shoes, purses, etc. Even if she wasn't super rich, she would still probably have AAA or higher fake LV.

When Darcey was rocking out in the designer duds, she was called superficial, tacky, misguided and was accused of wearing fakes. Damned if you do...on this show apparently. LOL


12 hours ago, Drogo said:

This. I think she's rounding $700 up to $1000. 

They left the $1000/month comment in.. but censored the annual amount.  "It's $@#&$% thousand dollars per year!"  (Probably because it's not $12000.)

I noticed that censored text, too. Were they censoring a dollar amount of the word "fucking" or similar. I don't see why they would censor out a dollar amount since they disclose specific dollar amounts all the time (Michael was accused of stealing Angela's $600, Darcey wore $1000 Louboutins, Anfisa tried on the $10,000 dress...


12 hours ago, liammaam said:

Did anyone else have a visceral reaction to Steven when he coldly said something along the lines of, "I don't care about your K-1 right now, this (pointing at Ritchie's application) is what I care about right now."  Just creepy beyond belief.  

Yep, I called this a couple of weeks ago. He's there for that baby; the coldness/abusiveness he shows Olga is bc she is just human collateral to him at this point but he has not fully realized that.


12 hours ago, Splithair said:

Larissa is horrid, but Coltee's cousin is an ass.  Unless a whole lot was edited out of that scene, he instigated the whole thing.  I was shocked at how calm she actually stayed during it.  And Coltee just sitting there looking stupid the whole time, closing blinds, etc.  Then telling her it's her responsibility to prove she's not a bitch and to ask Cousin Coltee about his day.  Tf?!

That scene was APPALLING to me. And would have/should have been grounds for ending the engagement (in a normal situation). No one should sit idly by and allow relatives to berate and scream at and curse their fiance. That is beyond fucking belief!


11 hours ago, CSS.MD said:

@Toaster Strudel I thought Debbie was cute until she made Larissa pick between the dress and the green card.

I don’t condone fake sham green card marriages or any form of immigration fraud, but that was awful on Debbie’s part. Just cruel. She and her son enjoying calling the shots about having all the power and money in the house. And it’s abusive.


That was really shameful. And I had previously considered Debbie a likeable, sympathetic character. Now I TOTALLY see Larissa's objection with having her around. Assuming that was not a  producer-driven dig, it was awful. 


11 hours ago, kissedbyarose said:

*raises hands* I thought so from the moment Ashley mentioned it and came out of lurking just to post this (but you beat me to it :) ). I know people can be racist assholes for no reason (been on the wrong side of a few incidents myself) but in this particular instance? I turned to my sister and said, “I’m sure whoever is posting these comments is someone she knows.”

Really! No one other than some disgruntled, butt hurt, ex-friend or jilted lover would even give half a damn needed to log on with a fake account and type that. 


11 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I said weeks ago that Steven would try to steal the baby away from Olga. He's a narcissist and that's obvious at this point. He cares only about possessions and looks and his own desires. He only wanted Olga in the first place because she was "the prettiest girl on the beach." Once that child has an American passport there won't be much that Olga can do to stop him from boarding a plane and disappearing. That abusive scum will think nothing of couch-surfing and otherwise being homeless with a baby. 

Yep, I said it, too! Olga is just an obstacle now. 

Edited by eatsleep
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2 minutes ago, loki310 said:

None of these people have any furniture. Olga and Steven are permanently camped out on the floor. Forget green cards. How about chairs and adult sized beds?

It looked like the inflatable couch was gone.   Leida moved the table where it once was.

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2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

She is Eric’s other daughter. The one he’s paying child support for...Jenika has to earn her keep somehow!

also the one who overheard and witnessed the whole profanity laced Leida kicking Tasha out debacle (while providing free babysitting for her soon to be stepbrother, Alless) 

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12 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Can we talk about Colt-ie’s redneck cousin?!   Umm, bro.  Clean up your own house first before you start throwing stones b/c the look of fear and shame in headbands’ eyes while redneck was yelling was very telling.   It was also very revealing that redneck and Larissa were screaming at each other and the kids were sitting with Aunt Debbie like nothing was going down.  They are clearly used to dad flipping the fuck out and screaming “bitch” and other choice words at a woman. But, it’s all good b/c they got Jesus stickers on the car, right?!  Larissa may not be handling this well, but I don’t disagree that it is her vs. Colt’s entire family, while Colt sits there and says nothing.

Even for reality trash tv, I found it startling. More so even bc no one checked him, not Colt or Lea or Debbie. Who the hell did that grimy bum bitch think he was, screaming at his cousin's partner??

Edited by eatsleep
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Eric may  have told Leida that he was paying $1,000 in child support when he’s got a different payment.  This way he doesn’t need to explain what happens to his money.

Although Tasha is “staying” with her boyfriend, she may not be in any kind of situation wherein she can actually live with him.  He may have his own roommates (who may or may not be sick of having her around) or he may live with his family (who could just be sympathetic to her 90 Day privacy invasion, but not be interested in a permanent situation) or they could simply not have space to live together (efficiency apartment, boarding house...)  This idea that Tasha crashing elsewhere during this rather difficult time means that she should just “take her stuff and go” could be impractical.  It’s quite possible that she is the interloper elsewhere and her boyfriend’s place has neither room for her nor her stuff. 

If Eric wanted more room for Ledia’s child, the burden is on him to move out.  

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1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

Yes!  I saw that scene today.  A bottled water that SHE  was drinking!

Not as gross as Bridesmaid handing Jay that half drunk Slushee! 

1 hour ago, JunkFoodTV said:

There is "something" about Debbie that makes me think she has an unpleasant odor. I don't know why....just like unclean and greasy. 

and she probably stores everything in moth balls! 

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16 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

Even for reality trash tv, I found it startling. More so even bc no one checked him, not Colt or Lea or Debbie. Who the hell did that grimy bum bitch think he was screaming at his cousin's partner??

It came off as jealousy, too!  


Like if I can’t have a Brazilian Bombshell neither can Colt! 


Nobody is even kicking Debbie out or cutting her off financially. Larissa has just expressed her opinion that she wants to live alone with her husband. I believe Colt agrees with her from other scenes.


And, even though  Colt prefers this, of course, will allow Larissa to take the fall since he is such a mommy’s boy. 


No  wonder this dork is still single.  All he can offer a woman is a green card for sex!


Did y’all catch Debbie threatening Larissa’s green card?  Bitch, please! 


Go get a job, Debbie.  There are places that hire disabled older people.  Walmart Greeters and Goodwill. No reason why she can’t work, at least part-time!

Edited by Dance4Life
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50 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Does anyone know why they kept zooming in on Tasha’s suitcase in the back of her truck??

Maybe because it wasn't put in PROPER? 

48 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

So Leida doesn’t even have a low credit limit emergency credit card from her parents (given to her in the very least for their grandsons welfare in mind just in case?) to bunk one night at the Holiday Inn Express after the breakup scene  ? 

Because there are no "five star hotels" in Baraboo? 

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17 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

When Darcey was rocking out in the designer duds, she was called superficial, tacky, misguided and was accused of wearing fakes. Damned if you do...on this show apparently. LOL

But Darcey was superficial, tacky and misguided (I don’t know about the fakes). For someone who talks about her wealth, class and good taste, you’d think we’d see Leida wear something other than a grandma house dress and with accessories other than a broom.

Leida is also superficial, tacky and misguided. With or without designer labels.

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Just now, Dance4Life said:
13 minutes ago, magemaud said:

My guess is that is the "thick mattress pad" Eric put on his bed's box spring leaving Tasha to sleep on the metal futon frame. 

I missed that scene.  

It was last week when they were in the furniture store and Eric said that Alless was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and he and Leida were sleeping on a box spring with a "thick mattress pad" but he couldn't afford the $7K mattress set Leida had picked out. 

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I thought Debbie was cute until she made Larissa pick between the dress and the green card.

I didn't have a problem with this - that's the reality. Larissa has no idea at all what a budget is or how to live within one. Colt gave her a budget for the dress - she turned around and said that "you can't put a price on a dream" and that she should have a $100,000 dress if she wants one. Any time someone gives her a budget, she wants to ignore it. The only thing that will get through to her is telling her what her concrete choices are - kind of like telling a small child she can choose between peas or carrots but chocolate is not a vegetable.


Did y’all catch Debbie threatening Larissa’s green card? 

I didn't think she was "threatening" the green card. Right now they have $1000. The dress is $1000. The green card is $1000. So they have enough money for one of those things. Larissa can choose which one. If she chooses the dress now, she will have to wait six months until Colt can save another $1000. That's not a threat - that's just math.


he couldn't afford the $7K mattress set Leida had picked out.

I thought it was a furniture set, which might not even include the mattress!

Edited by Elizzikra
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I can't help but think that if Tasha's room was a dorm room, there wouldn't be much thought about it.  19 year olds, even when they've been taught better, can be slobs who are happy, content, and productive living in their slobbery.  That doesn't mean others should tolerate it if it affects them, but I don't think it necessarily means they're condemmed to a life of slobbery or horrible people.

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32 minutes ago, magemaud said:

My guess is that is the "thick mattress pad" Eric put on his bed's box spring leaving Tasha to sleep on the metal futon frame. 

Fucker can’t even buy a proper bed, but he’s gonna pay rent alone. I guess that’s gonna be one of those bills he chooses whether or not to pay any given month.

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16 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I didn't think she was "threatening" the green card. Right now they have $1000. The dress is $1000. The green card is $1000. So they have enough money for one of those things. Larissa can choose which one. If she chooses the dress now, she will have to wait six months until Colt can save another $1000. That's not a threat - that's just math.


Except that's not how applying for green cards in this situation works. The $1000 need to be from separate pots of money. Or there would be $0 for dress. This whole "you can wait on the green card until he can save more money" thing isn't an option. They have 90 days to get married. Once they get married (90 days up) they must immediately apply for an adjustment of status along with the green card application, or else they are on an expired visa and might not ever be approved. Comments like Debbie's show the level to which the American cast members exploit the lack of bureaucratic knowledge of the foreigners. 

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I failed to mention that Ashley’s friends need to ask her to pony up for the cost of the dresses. The one friend rationalized that they could use the dress for a vow renewal. Um, nope. You bought the dress for a wedding you planned to attend in two weeks, not a vow renewal. I know from experience that bridesmaid dresses can either be really cheap or really expensive. Either way, it’s not fun to shell out for a fancy dress you can’t even sell after it’s likely been altered.

Edited by trimthatfat
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5 minutes ago, readheaded said:

I can't help but think that if Tasha's room was a dorm room, there wouldn't be much thought about it.  19 year olds, even when they've been taught better, can be slobs who are happy, content, and productive living in their slobbery.  That doesn't mean others should tolerate it if it affects them, but I don't think it necessarily means they're condemmed to a life of slobbery or horrible people.

First you have to find another slob to live with!  University dorms allowed people to live in filth????


When I was in college I lived in the barracks.


THANK GOD for apartment inspections every single Friday and I skipped all the slobby 19 year olds.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I learned how to make my bed when I was 8 and was working in a hospital, making beds (with the corners and everything) when I was 14.  I learned how to do laundry by watching my mother.

Another thing I learned is that people do things at different times in their lives.  I've met adults in their forties and fifties who don't know how to shop for food, no one ever taught them and they lived on a diet of junk all their lives; I've met adults who don't know how to cook because no one ever taught them.  Maybe that happened with Tasha.

I’m one if those who never or rarely make my bed. I just flip the comforter up over the sheets. Too rushed in the morning. Weekends, I may or may not depends on my  plans. Once a week I change the sheets and make it  nice.

If I have guests, sometimes I make it, but mostly I just close the door. 

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2 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Idk, when i was 19 i never even made my bed, or closed cabinets, and did laundry incorrectly. Learned those skills over time. Now as a fully mature adult i know how to clean and have the discipline for it. 

ditto.  Slob at 19....tidy as a full-on adult.

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12 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Debbee needs to have her scheming ass shipped off to Speedy Hearse Retirement Community like, right now. She goes over to Cousin Colt go cry about how much she's hurtin' (in the immortal words of Livia Soprano, "poor you") and trash talks her future daughter-in-law, in addition to ganging up against Larissa with Coltee. OH BUT WAIT - Debbee had the nerve to deny she talked to Cousin Colt! Well you conniving old biddy, he spilled the beans on you. 

Aw, come on. Can Debs at least get Shady Pines???

Others already pointed out what I was going to say - that Eric’s child support is high because he owes back-payments. I’m really bothered by why they don’t get an air mattress and lets Aless sleep in the living room. Air mattresses are like $50.

Speaking of, every time Eric tries to lore Leida back into a relationship with him, he couches it by saying they’re gonna have to work really hard, go without basic needs sometimes, choose which bills to pay... Who in their right mind is signing up for that? Then when Leida balks and says “I’ll just go home then,” Eric gets all indignant and yells, so what really is the problem. Dude, you’re poor! Not even just poor - broke. No cash. Beggarly. Steven-level-homeless. He needs to stop acting like if he didn’t have to pay child support he’d be putting on the ritz.

When Larissa tried to reason with Debbie that she needed the expensive wedding dress because you only marry once, my spider senses tingled.


I thought I read here that Larissa had been married before. Maybe she just had a family before without marriage?

The old guy and the teen bride storyline is sooo fake. Why do they cry every episode? They have nothing going on. Yawn.

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think Steven would be kidnapping, non custodial parent trying to leave the country with the baby...I could see Steven ignoring the laws because they do not suit him.  

But is he the noncustodial parent? In many US states, both parents have custody until decided otherwise.


6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Have ever had the fiancés break up and call off the relationship?  

The one Black couple, where the guy was from Nigeria and lied to her about having a son and she was really heavy, a nurse, I think and had a son about 13 y/o. She caught him in a lie and threw a drink on him. I can't recall their names. And them last season the Latina stripper and the Muslim guy from the Arab country. Forgot their names, too. And of course Darcey and Jesse. But I think they were all "Before the 90 Days."


6 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Maybe it’s because in my culture, parents love to have their kids in the home for as long as possible, but I found the treatment of Tasha appalling. She’s 19! She doesn’t have the education or means to comfortably afford an apartment easily. Leida is just a cold hearted bitch. She not only kicked Tasha out, but she did it in front of 2 kids. Eric is just as bad...the tone he took when he told Tasha to get out was terrible and cruel. He needed her to help make ends meet and that’s what he does to her. Tasha is better off.


She's apparently in college. I don't see why Eric wouldn't be more supportive of his 19 y/o college student.


6 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

Fairy tales about a parent siding with a new abusive spouse against his/her child?  Off to look up the meaning of "fairy tale," because that situation is the antithesis of a fairy tale, as I've always understood the term, at least.


Also Cinderella and Rapunzel.


5 hours ago, millennium said:

I wonder if Debbie has gotten physical with Larissa in the past, because Larissa went straight to "If you put your hands on me I call the police" even though Debbie wasn't within striking distance.

Right! I was wondering about that!


2 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Steven isn't exactly Jason Bourne, he's not getting out of Russia with the baby unless Olga signs off on it.  She just has to decide whether she'd rather raise her baby in shitty corrupt Russia, where she has all the power over Steven, or move to the baby to the USA, and then, if Steven turns out to be a psycho, she won't be able to take the baby back to Russia without his permission.

But what if Olga comes to the US and they break off the engagement!?? Then Richie is already a US citizen and on US soil w/ his biological father. Olga might never see that child again!


2 hours ago, JunkFoodTV said:

There is "something" about Debbie that makes me think she has an unpleasant odor. I don't know why....just like unclean and greasy. 

Old ppl smell! LOL


1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

If Tasha was my child that room would not be like that.  It takes 5 minutes to make a bed, pick up excess trash and take dishes to the kitchen (if you have some).  5 minutes!!!  We can also agree to disagree, 

But that's the thing; she's Eric child. And he allowed that for 19 yrs. How can he suddenly expect her to become someone else in a matter of days? My best friend and I were horribly messy as teenagers. (We were just talking about this.) But as soon as we had kids of our own, we changed completely. Some kids will be this way if their parents allow it.


54 minutes ago, CousinOliver said:

If Eric wanted more room for Ledia’s child, the burden is on him to move out.  

And it's too risky to move out when your name is on the lease.


38 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I didn't have a problem with this - that's the reality. Larissa has no idea at all what a budget is or how to live within one. Colt gave her a budget for the dress - she turned around and said that "you can't put a price on a dream" and that she should have a $100,000 dress if she wants one. Any time someone gives her a budget, she wants to ignore it. The only thing that will get through to her is telling her what her concrete choices are - kind of like telling a small child she can choose between peas or carrots but chocolate is not a vegetable.

I didn't think she was "threatening" the green card. Right now they have $1000. The dress is $1000. The green card is $1000. So they have enough money for one of those things. Larissa can choose which one. If she chooses the dress now, she will have to wait six months until Colt can save another $1000. That's not a threat - that's just math.


I think that's Larissa's issue. She doesn't want to be told. She wants to have some say so in the decision making. She's only fiance now. But she will be wife in a week. And she doesn't want to be bossed around. Job or no job. When you marry someone (or agree to) you are supposed to be partners and both should have a say. Things should be open to negotiation. Clearly, she has an idea of how much Colt makes. In most parts of the developed world, childless, college-educated 33 year old men who program computers make decent salaries and can afford to splurge on things to please their gfs/wives. She's not dumb. She knows he is being stingy and also being influenced by Debbie, who has her own agenda.


15 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I failed to mention that Ashley’s friends need to ask her to pony up for the cost of the dresses. 


Why?? Whether they wear their dresses to the wedding or the dresses hang in the closet, the money has been spent. it doesn't cost the bridesmaids extra bc the wedding was cancelled. They did their part regardless.

Edited by eatsleep
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11 hours ago, Honey said:

When Debbie was hounding Larissa about the brides's family paying for the wedding because it's "tradition", I wished Larissa would have said "It's also tradition that a man move out of his Mother's home before he's 33".

Shut up ya old bat!

I thought the same thing, too.   Then she snarked with the cousin’s wife that she will not find a dress at this shop under $1000.  Then why take her there?   Both her and Coltie are sadistic POS who get off dangling that carrot in front of Larissa and taking it away.  They love that they are holding all the cards.   It’s obvious Debbie is a manipulative bitch.  Played John like a fiddle.  And on some level Colt hates his mother for what she has done to him.   Colt’s lack of respect for Larissa is evidence of that.  Thank you, Larissa for clarifying that Colt made you promises to get you here and he’s not following through.   Get that green card, leave Colt and then get that Jaguar.  

If Tasha is on the lease, she has every right to be there.  It’s irrelevant that she is staying at her boyfriend’s. Eric has no right to throw her out even if she hasn’t paid rent for a few months.  Since Eric told her not to, that’s on him.   Tasha needs to get her name off that lease if she really is moving out to protect herself. 

Leida and Eric really do deserve each other.  Alessi deserves better.

Ashley may say she is a bartender but she comes off as a stripper to me.  Also, why do you need a camera inside and outside your front door?   That’s kind of redundant.  I don’t see them lasting.  I give Jay six months before he cheats on her.

I would like to see Steve try to leave Russia with Ritchie.  He won’t get very far.

Fernanda has more common sense of all.   But that’s not saying much.   I hope if Jonathan marries her, he’s good to her.   

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3 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

And them last season the Latina stripper and the Muslim guy from the Arab country. Firgot their names, too. But I think they were all "Before the 90 Days." And of course Darcey and Jesse.

They were never a couple...well, they were a couple of idiots but not a romantic couple, lol.

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When Darcey was rocking out in the designer duds, she was called superficial, tacky, misguided

But was she called BROKE? No. Darcey was obviously supporting herself and put a ton of effort into every look. I didn't love the aesthetic, but she matched who she claimed to be. Not like Leida, who talks a big game about Daddy's money and her life of luxury but doesn't appear to have a single possession worth noting.

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2 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

I thought the same thing, too.   Then she snarked with the cousin’s wife that she will not find a dress at this shop under $1000.  Then why take her there?   Both her and Coltie are sadistic POS who get off dangling that carrot in front of Larissa and taking it away.  They love that they are holding all the cards.   It’s obvious Debbie is a manipulative bitch.  Played John like a fiddle.  And on some level Colt hates his mother for what she has done to him.   Colt’s lack of respect for Larissa is evidence of that.  Thank you, Larissa for clarifying that Colt made you promises to get you here and he’s not following through.   Get that green card, leave Colt and then get that Jaguar.  

Not sure what you mean by that. And he refers to his mother by name, "Debbie." Not saying that is evidence of hating her; I refer to my parents the same way, also an only child. But it is odd. I wonder how that started.


1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

They were never a couple...well, they were a couple of idiots but not a romantic couple, lol.

I meant "couple." lol

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56 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:


Go get a job, Debbie.  There are places that hire disabled older people.  Walmart Greeters and Goodwill. No reason why she can’t work, at least part-time!

Maybe she is getting a disability check, can you work if you are getting that check?

6 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

 I don’t see them lasting.  I give Jay six months before he cheats on her.

My, you are generous...I give him 6 weeks.  

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2 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

But was she called BROKE? No. Darcey was obviously supporting herself and put a ton of effort into every look. I didn't love the aesthetic, but she matched who she claimed to be. Not like Leida, who talks a big game about Daddy's money and her life of luxury but doesn't appear to have a single possession worth noting.

Yes, I quite a few ppl called her broke. Said she couldn't afford her own spot so she rooms w/ her sister. lost custody of her kid. sponges off of her dad, etc. I think the jury was still out of that one, esp as House of 11 seems to have gone under. 

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2 hours ago, emjohnson03 said:

I am always amazed (and I know it's for drama) that NONE of these people have serious conversations until AFTER they come over and spend all this money.

I know you get engaged quickly but you would think that if you were settling down and being serious about a forever, they would ask questions about the very BASIC foundations of what matters to each, what they value and what the expectations are.

Heck, on dating websites I don't look at men who smoke, agnostic or who are short. I know I could be limiting myself but those are deal breakers for me. I think it's funny that these people don't know the basics of what matters (other than looks I guess) and hope to find a sustaining relationship. It blows my mind. 


Oh, I think most of them do have that conversation, and it goes as follows:

"What matters to you?"  Dude answers "sex."  Chick answers "Anything green" (cash, card, etc).

"What do you value?"  Dude answers "sex."  Chick answers "Anything green" (cash, card, etc).

"What are your expectations?"  Dude answers "sex."  Chick answers "Anything green" (cash, card, etc).

***There are notable exceptions to this, of course, such as Kirylam, for example  who I think is the kindest, most sincere, genuine, and cutest person to have ever been on this show. (I know, my ability to remain objective and impartial amazes me, too, haha). So, take the above as a sweeping generalization mixed with a healthy dose of snark, please!  (-:

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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7 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

But was she called BROKE? No. Darcey was obviously supporting herself and put a ton of effort into every look. I didn't love the aesthetic, but she matched who she claimed to be. Not like Leida, who talks a big game about Daddy's money and her life of luxury but doesn't appear to have a single possession worth noting.

Someone who is that 'wealthy' may not have bags and shoes with large, flashy logos. She may have some understated items that don't scream 'look at me'! She just doesn't seem to have much of anything that evidences her wealth other than her parents being rich and her having a $300,000 first wedding. She can easily sell a bag on Kjiji or eBay to get some cash to help out with some of Eric's expenses.

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I am late watching this season's train-wreck, we stream so it was hard to find, but these people TERRIFY and ENRAGE me more than any other season!!!!!! This can't be real. 

Thanks for listening.

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