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S01.E03: Turbulence

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Ben and Michaela investigate a shocking murder in fear that it's connected to Flight 828. Meanwhile, Ben struggles to accept the life Grace led in his absence, while Olive and Cal realize that being twins after five and a half years apart is harder than they thought.


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I can't even follow this show. I have no idea who the characters are and the story lost me. I don't pay close attention to it I suppose, and my mind wanders. I may have to watch last week's and tonight's episode again. But is it even worth it? It seems so silly and who even cares about this nonsense. 

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I have been watching, but I refuse to get sucked into the mystery because I don't believe for a second that the creators know the answers. I think that like Lost, they are making it up along the way and it will end a huge pile of rubbish (I am being kind). 

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I just can't get myself to care about these characters.  Even the kid, who is supposed to by the most sympathetic character is just creepy.  Is this show trying to solve what happened to the plane or is it going to be about the voices?  Is there going to be a crime a week for them to solve while dodging weirdo cult people?  Is it a family drama?  Has anyone see hide or hair of the dad who just showed up in the pilot to announce the mom was dead..and then nothing?  If I had a two dead kids come back I would want to spend time with them. 

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10 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I had work to do so was kind of half-watching this episode, but my impression is that it was the strongest one yet. I like that we're getting movement on the mystery--even if the doctor is the only person who seems all that interested in solving it! And I like that the show is really starting to delve into the fallout of these people missing 5.5 years, as they're starting to feel like people, not just cardboard cutouts. The case was more compelling than last week's, though they can't just keep endangering every person on the flight ever week. ...

Yeah I agree.  It was less soap opera "luuuuv" crap than the other two ... but still too much for my taste.  Still that makes it better than the other two since we at least learned their brains are different now as in something similar to some near death change.  And the government is finally getting serious as in body snatching the dead.  Of course we still don't know who killed Conspiracy Lady since both "suspects" didn't.  Also the first suspect in jail gives Sad Cop some good advice which leads to her saving the woman whose daughter died with Sad Cop at the wheel.  He is part of some "Watchers" (hello, Highlander) group I guess who are watching "The Chosen" maybe?  They seem more fun and interesting then "The Chosen" themselves.

Why does the NSA have field agents all of a sudden?  They are the indoor cyber sleuths nerd herd agency that sit behind desks all day.  They are not in the field a la the FBI, CIA, Military Intelligence or even the FAA.  At least they didn't make them NCIS butting into everyone else's turf but that is just because it is a different network.

Edited by green
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I liked that there was some movement on the BIG mystery front. Saanvi finally has something to work on. Perhaps everyone on the flight was put on cryo sleep, because of which that protein shows up (the one that generally shows up during oxygen deprivation during stroke).

46 minutes ago, green said:

Of course we still don't know who killed Conspiracy Lady since both "suspects" didn't. 

I thought that the housekeeper did.


2 hours ago, stealinghome said:

You can already see the swerve coming, that Michaela is going to end up with the ex-bf while Grace actually eventually chooses the new flame (Dan? Was that the name?) over Ben.

Yep. That was my impression from Episode 2 onwards. Grace actually did move on and is only in love with a memory, cop ex-boyfriend is still in love with Michaela.

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2 hours ago, stealinghome said:

You can already see the swerve coming, that Michaela is going to end up with the ex-bf while Grace actually eventually chooses the new flame (Dan? Was that the name?) over Ben.


9 minutes ago, djinn said:

Yep. That was my impression from Episode 2 onwards. Grace actually did move on and is only in love with a memory, cop ex-boyfriend is still in love with Michaela.

And this illustrates a big factor as to why I am holding off on jumping into this series with both feet and a sense of excitement to watch the mystery and such play out.

Only 3 episodes into this series, and the quoted above is already a big major subplot & talking point.   Got a big mystery to figure out and lots of people to get around to showing and how they're dealing with the fallout, but instead a (too big of a) focus is on romance triangles because heaven forbid any drama not be of the romantic angst variety.

*heaves a long suffering sigh and lets head thunk on desk*

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I don’t find the kid creepy.  Just... uninteresting.  Bland actor maybe?

The actress playing Michaela too.  She’s not believable as a cop and she’s got resting bitch face, all the time.  I absolutely do not care about her.  Vaseline tear?

Josh Dallas is quite good.  As is  Parvin Kaur (Dr. Saanvi).  

So much bad casting in this promising show!

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2 hours ago, stealinghome said:

my impression is that it was the strongest one yet.

Yes. I finally thought there was hope for the show beyond being a snark fest.
If only they could squeeze in a smidge of comic relief. I mean, there must be one person from the flight who is at least like me — blurting out inappropriately frank observations and remarking on absurdities in a way that unintentionally makes people laugh. Maybe like The Lone Gunman guys from the X-Files.

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I also thought this episode was a bit better because the human stories feel a little less formulaic when there's more to work with.  Plus there was an actual reason for their participation in this case, unlike the random kidnapped girls in the pilot or the contrived robbery scenario last week.  I still mildly like the characters, so that helps a bit, though I agree with the point that the show needs some humor.  

I think the Michaela actress has done a good job with her trite storyline.  Was the old lady in danger of being hit by the car or something?  What was with her unnecessary but convenient crime-solving car maneuver?  

The actor who plays Ben is charismatic, but the character is not really as likeable.  He insisted on visiting the murder victim's house, jeopardizing his sister's job.  He should have asked Grace last week whether she loved her new man, before he slept with her.  They seemed like a happy couple before the flight, but last week, Grace said she put all her anger on Ben during the 5.5 years, so maybe that's why she can't find her feelings for him anymore.  

I felt badly for Cal when his friend said he was actually looking for his sister.  

You would have to be ridiculously dense to put the jewelery you stole from your victim in the front seat.

The medical angle is intriguing, but I'm still not sure I'm interested in the overarching mystery.

I didn't like all the lingering shots of the dead bodies in this episode.  

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I liked that the husband and housekeeper weren't happy that a loved one returned, because with 191 people odds were going to be that somebody did the Snoopy Dance when they realized X was missing and presumed dead.

I feel for Cal. It's really hitting home that life has moved on without him.

Do you think that maybe the returnees were somehow brainwashed and conditioned to mainly be so ...placid on their return?

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I know its not her fault.. But Grace isn't doing anyone any favors.... That reaction to Ben roughing up the soccer guy was ridiculous... He's already freaking out about security and danger.. And she's like... You were gone( as if it was his fault)  and they helped... Which is fine and good.. But a simple heads up to Ben that these ppl may be around... Or how Bout explaining to the village that Ben is back so call before popping in..  She also downloaded olive sneaking out.  Abd the big one is how she feels about her new love.. When Ben asked her straight up... I'm ready for her to just get on with her new man and Ben to get with cancer doctor... I hope Michaels doesn't go there with the ex.. But it feels like its inevitable that they'll have at least one moment.. Even if its just so they can say no this isn't right.. 

Still.. I'm really enjoying the show.. 

Do Ben and Michaela have any white friends??  This show is like some kind if bizarro stew of super racially diverse and yet still heavy on the white savior... I'm honest to God not complaining.. Just observing.. Michaela's two best friends apparently were a mixed girl and a Latina.. Her ex is Latino... And if the Cop from Long Island ever ahows back up hes a blk guy.. Ben is married to Grace( now on the show I don't know what her background is)  but Athena karkanis is Greek I think.. But racially mixed I believe.. The girl who plays olive is mixed inbreal life so im assuming it was done to drive home grace isn't white..  And his probable love interest down the road  Saanvi is Indian. Last week's guy on the flight was a black guy.. This week the lady was Eurasian.. Next week is the flight attendant who's black. 

Before I forget.. Why were those cars in the street reacting to the old lady like she appeared outta nowhere.. Its night time.. They had lights on and no other cars around.. They had to see her

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6 hours ago, djinn said:

I thought that the housekeeper did.

Oh,  yeah, sure!  Blame it on the staff!  It's always the staff.  If there's no butler or pool boy handy, pin it on the housekeeper. Sheesh!  ?

20 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

.....and Ben to get with cancer doctor... 


Edited by Skycatcher
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10 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:


I mean it seems like that's the logical next step.. She's already trying to save his kid.. She's on the scooby gang now investigating whatever happened to all the plane ppl.. And um she's a beautiful genius..and his wife is in love with someone else.. And really how would they even repair that.. Be n would always think she other resented him for leaving.. For coming back.. For stopping what she built... Grace probably would feel guilt for the guy she abandoned.. Confused if she was chasing ghosts or with Ben out of duty somehow   

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I don’t understand why they’re all aghast that the Feds took control of the murder case and Kelly’s body. It’s weirder that all the Flught 828 passenger are out and about instead of still held in isolation than that the government is belatedly asserting its jurisdiction.

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3 hours ago, mertensia said:

Do you think that maybe the returnees were somehow brainwashed and conditioned to mainly be so ...placid on their return?

Maybe they should use that has the explanation or that extra protein blocker is blocking them from feeling any emotion about what happened to them. They were sent 5 1/2 years into the future, found out they have a protein that only appears after a massive stroke and I've seen people more animated when talking about the weather. 

If we go with the 5 people we've seen so far, not one of them freak out about hearing voices? Even the murdered one didn't show much emotion when she was on tv. Most people would react to hearing voices. A great show called Wonderfalls had a girl who didn't care about much but once she started hearing inanimate objects speaking to her, she freaked out and thought she was going crazy. Or you know had a normal reaction. 

What does the killed her friend add to the story besides more drama? Granted Michela actually shows some emotion about that. Was it really needed? Also how did they let her be a cop again if she can't drive a car? She also doesn't seem like a good detective either all her solves were by hearing voices or happening to be there. I haven't seen her do any detecting. Then when she can't investigate she asks her ex fiance like no one would figure it out he's doing it for her. Ben's solved crimes too and he can drive a car maybe they should make him a detective. 

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21 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:


What does the killed her friend add to the story besides more drama? Granted Michela actually shows some emotion about that. Was it really needed? Also how did they let her be a cop again if she can't drive a car? She also doesn't seem like a good detective either all her solves were by hearing voices or happening to be there. I haven't seen her do any detecting. Then when she can't investigate she asks her ex fiance like no one would figure it out he's doing it for her. Ben's solved crimes too and he can drive a car maybe they should make him a detective. 

I don’t think Michaela is/was a detective. I got the impression that she and the ex-fiancée were beat cop partners and he made detective during the 5 1/2 years she was gone.

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13 hours ago, djinn said:

I thought that the housekeeper did.


Nope.  She said she didn't.  Just stole the necklace and wasn't all too sad someone else killed Conspiracy Lady because something about getting close to Conspiracy Lady's Hubby over the 5+ years etc and then Conspiracy Lady comes back and she is thrown back down into just being the lowly servant again.  So she didn't like her.   But she didn't kill her either.  And she certainly wasn't the one in the car in the underground garage last episode who followed her home.  That person is the killer.


13 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

...  Got a big mystery to figure out and lots of people to get around to showing and how they're dealing with the fallout, but instead a (too big of a) focus is on romance triangles because heaven forbid any drama not be of the romantic angst variety.

*heaves a long suffering sigh and lets head thunk on desk*

So totally!

Edited by green
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11 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I have been watching, but I refuse to get sucked into the mystery because I don't believe for a second that the creators know the answers. I think that like Lost, they are making it up along the way and it will end a huge pile of rubbish (I am being kind). 

I don't either. There's so many different angles jumbled together: religious tones, the scientific mystery of what actually happened to the plane, government shenanigans, the passengers seemingly re-born with supernatural powers and crime solving abilities, it's like where the hell are they trying to go with this?

It seems like the writers are keeping their options open in case one theme hits a dead end, there's already precedent established for the others. The only problem is it's a confusing mess for the audience because we can't get a sense of what this show is supposed to be about. 

Edited by BitterApple
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I don’t think Michaela is/was a detective. I got the impression that she and the ex-fiancée were beat cop partners and he made detective during the 5 1/2 years she was gone.

Michaela said in the last episode that she got a post-humous promotion. Because she is being re-instated, she gets the promotion. Her ex-fiancée also got promoted while she was "dead", so they were both beat cops and they are now both detectives.

Grace wasn't thinking when she sent her friend into the house to retrieve the shin pads for Olive. Ben is already paranoid with what he is going through and the death of the other survivor. She's lucky he didn't swing that bat at that guy. To Ben, the guy is a total stranger. At least text Ben to tell him that somebody is going into the house.

Ben has a PhD and was an adjunct professor in mathematics. I see that he also has experience with cryptography. I bet that is going to come in handy later in solving the overall mystery...along with the MS he has in Computers. He needs to stop monkeying around solving crimes, because he should have no trouble getting a job. Maybe not as a professor (those jobs tend to be rare), but he can get work in the computing industry. 

Edited by kili
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1 hour ago, Aliconehead said:

I thought the housekeeper admitted to killing her.,  She said she should have been dead and that she ruined everything by coming back.

That's what I thought too. Even though the initial dialogue was a little ambiguous:


[Michaela]:Two nights ago, you went to Patrick and Kelly's residence. She was alone. You went into the house. You had a gun.

[Christine]: She was dead. She died. And who was there for him every day for years? Me.

[Michaela]: You two are a couple?

[Christine]: No, no. It wasn't like that. Didn't need to be. Patrick ate better, looked better, was better, which made me better, made me whole. We had a life together.

[Michaela]: So you shot Kelly Taylor in the head?

[Christine]: She was supposed to be dead. She doesn't get to come back flaunting that necklace like she's the Queen of Sheba and treat me like some kind of servant, like I'm the maid.

[Michaela]: And yet you were.

[Christine]: She was dead. 

Detective Ex-Fiancé's confrontation with Michaela then clarifies: 


[Jared]: Yeah, I have some questions. 

[Michaela]: Honestly, Jared, I was in the right place at the right time. 

[Jared]: You're still going with that, huh? That wasn't a coincidence, Michaela. That's your second one. You're two for two.

He wouldn't say, "You're two for two" if it wasn't considered solved.


But (ETA) re:

4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Oh,  yeah, sure!  Blame it on the staff!  It's always the staff.  If there's no butler or pool boy handy, pin it on the housekeeper. Sheesh!  ?

Yeah, in the writers' hurry to have Michaela solve the case, they came up with a potpourri of tropes and stereotypes: It was The Help. It was the minority/Latina Help. It was the superstitious ("she was dead!") minority/Latina Help.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I want to learn how to type like these people can. The scientist typed Kelly Taylor's name in just three or four strokes and at one point, Ben typed with only his right hand and included a lot of numbers (and maybe F keys) in the process. Yeah, I spent my career on a keyboard so I notice things like that. 

In this episode, I thought the twins looked related.

Swerving in her car and forcing the other car into an accident was just plain silly. 

It seems that others, like me, are wondering how long they'll keep tuning in. This kind of show is generally not my cup of tea ("Lost" lost me early on). The 5-years-later-with-superpowers thing is interesting, and would be so if we weren't trying to figure out the whys. Twilight Zone still tops my list of favorite shows, so I'm okay accepting that "something happened" without explanation. 


 This show is like some kind if bizarro stew of super racially diverse and yet still heavy on the white savior...

Oh, so true. 

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Did anybody else get the impression that Grace’s sekrit lover was Kevin? Just me then? Just the guy at Grace’s work seemed like a dad, of sorts, and it felt like a cover that he’s Olive’s bf. it’s entirely possible that I need to watch the ep more closely.

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14 minutes ago, J0nas3 said:

Did anybody else get the impression that Grace’s sekrit lover was Kevin? Just me then? Just the guy at Grace’s work seemed like a dad, of sorts, and it felt like a cover that he’s Olive’s bf. it’s entirely possible that I need to watch the ep more closely.

I don't know if the show would be willing to go there considering Kevin's a minor.

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Did anybody else get the impression that Grace’s sekrit lover was Kevin? Just me then? Just the guy at Grace’s work seemed like a dad, of sorts, and it felt like a cover that he’s Olive’s bf. it’s entirely possible that I need to watch the ep more closely.

I don't think it is that kind of show. Kevin was her son's best friend for years and is about 15 years old. If my 15 year old son was dating his best friend's mother, I probably would be relieved if her husband suddenly came back to life and put an end to that relationship.

I think it is weird enough for Cal that his twin sister is dating his best friend when a week ago (in his timeline), they were all ten year olds building Lego with each other.

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So who killed Kelly Taylor?... And did the writers not grow up watching 90210? That's all I can think of when I hear that name.

Seriously!!! My husband and I both laughed quite a bit each time someone said "Kelly Taylor." If there was a Donna Martin on that plane, I'm out! 

Speaking of my husband - he grew up on Long Island, and he was quite annoyed when the Cancer Doctor made mention of the "Long Island morgue," or something like that. As if there is ONE morgue on all of Long Island - really? That was poorly written and sounded nonsensical.

I actually thought this episode was better than the first two. Still plenty to criticize, but...I'm willing to keep going with it. 

Someone above made mention of Ben and Michaela's father - it is indeed odd that we haven't seen him at all since the start of the show. 

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13 hours ago, green said:

Why does the NSA have field agents all of a sudden?

Because Hollywood is run by a bunch of people who think we are all idiots!  The "No Such Agency" has no police powers, can't take over any case, have no power of arrest, and (as far as I know) don't hand out business cards.  At least they weren't working with INTERPOL.......

Edited by Netfoot
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4 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

I thought the housekeeper admitted to killing her.,  She said she should have been dead and that she ruined everything by coming back.

I still don't think she was the one that did it because I want conspiracies, not hard working housekeepers involved.  Yeah the dialogue listed above may indeed point to this woman but I still hold out hope the being in the underground garage is behind it.


3 hours ago, J0nas3 said:

Did anybody else get the impression that Grace’s sekrit lover was Kevin? Just me then? Just the guy at Grace’s work seemed like a dad, of sorts, and it felt like a cover that he’s Olive’s bf. it’s entirely possible that I need to watch the ep more closely.

No way in hell would they do that.  Besides Grace and the guy she was talking to in the beginning both referred to someone named Dan.

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45 minutes ago, green said:

I still don't think she was the one that did it because I want conspiracies, not hard working housekeepers involved.  Yeah the dialogue listed above may indeed point to this woman but I still hold out hope the being in the underground garage is behind it.

The person in the underground garage is probably working for the government.  The NSA guy, or one of those guys, was talking about how the passengers of the plane should be watched.  Thus, we have black SUV's everywhere following them around.

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16 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

I was watching the end of the show, when cop-lady was out driving around, looking for the older woman with dementia.  I said to myself, "If this lady accidently runs over the old woman while madly searching for her, I'll watch this show till the day it goes off the air!" LOL

OMG, why did I laugh so hard at that? Gregg247, you and I must both do penance. 


5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I don't either. There's so many different angles jumbled together: religious tones, the scientific mystery of what actually happened to the plane, government shenanigans, the passengers seemingly re-born with supernatural powers and crime solving abilities, it's like where the hell are they trying to go with this?

It seems like the writers are keeping their options open in case one theme hits a dead end, there's already precedent established for the others. The only problem is it's a confusing mess for the audience because we can't get a sense of what this show is supposed to be about. 

I think they’re leaning towards something supernatural. Remember all of the 828s seen in the pilot? Tonight I saw a clock that read 8:28 when Michaela was chasing the lady in the mall. What the hell was that accent supposed to be anyway? Russian? Ukrainian? 


7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Grace is an asshole.  She shouldn't have slept with her husband if she wasn't sure that she wanted to get back with him. 

Well, she did say she still loved him. And he clearly wanted some. I suppose Grace didn’t feel like she had a good reason to tell him no. 

I don’t like that show is making it seem like Grace actively cheated on her husband—she’s the bad wife. But Javier was just lonely and sad that his girlfriend was dead. He had needs. Lourdes is the bad one for marrying him. 

Still enjoying the show despite its flaws. I’m not sure why, though.  Maybe it’s the mystery of what happened to the plane. 

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11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I’m sorry but Grace and the soccer dad’s reaction to Ben coming home and finding a stranger rummaging through his closets was ridiculous. Like dude text Grace and have her give anyone who might not expect him the head’s up.


5 hours ago, kili said:

Grace wasn't thinking when she sent her friend into the house to retrieve the shin pads for Olive. Ben is already paranoid with what he is going through and the death of the other survivor. She's lucky he didn't swing that bat at that guy. To Ben, the guy is a total stranger. At least text Ben to tell him that somebody is going into the house.

Right? They act like he is overreacting when who wouldn't be freaked out by a strange person rummaging around in their house? And that's before you consider they were just talking about how one of the 828 passengers was just killed and they aren't sure if someone is targeting the passengers and their families. They both have phones. Why didn't she shoot Ben a text? It would take less then a moment. Just seemed like contrived drama.

I really did like how we are starting to unravel they mystery and see what actually physically happened to them. I was wondering however what tests were done on them before they were released after the flight and why that protein wasn't picked up then.

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Finally a decent episode. I somehow fooled myself into thinking the Kelly Taylor (lol!!!) case was part of a bigger mystery and not a cop MOTW so that was the only disappointing thing but even then, this one was a little creepier and more interesting than the previous cases.

I'm finding myself liking Michaela more, liking Ben less, and plain old hating Grace. Her reaction to Olive sneaking out and her giving Ben a lecture when he had a normal reaction to finding a stranger in their home was so annoying. If Ben drops her and gets with the Indian doctor, who I'd like to see more of, I wouldn't be mad at all.

Also not a fan of Cal, whatever his name is. I don't find him creepy at all, I find him boring which is even worse. I think he's SUPPOSED to be a weird creepy kid but all I'm getting is bland. I usually love sibling/familial type stuff and bonding but even his scenes with Olive were like...eh, next scene please.

So they need kill Cal off (I can wish for that, he's fictional!), make Grace reoccurring only, and also get rid of Lourdes, for the simply reason that Michaela is much more interesting when she's not involved in that silly love triangle. I can deal with her scenes with her ex, but every time I remember he's married to her best friend I get annoyed. It's so Lifetime movie. Making him married to a stranger would have made that whole storyline much more bearable. 

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17 hours ago, Autumn said:

 Has anyone see hide or hair of the dad who just showed up in the pilot to announce the mom was dead..and then nothing?  If I had a two dead kids come back I would want to spend time with them. 

Not to mention a grandson with a supposedly terminal illness.

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I agree with the above comments about Grace. I understand it's a confusing time for everyone, but Ben shouldn't have had to find out from his teenage daughter that his wife has a boyfriend. As for Grace's "I dumped the other guy, let's pick up where we left off," wtf? Who does that? It's one thing to break it off cold turkey with someone you've only had a few dates with, but another to do that to someone who's been around for years. Hurt feelings are unavoidable no matter which one she chooses, but that seems kind of harsh.

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16 hours ago, djinn said:

I liked that there was some movement on the BIG mystery front. Saanvi finally has something to work on. Perhaps everyone on the flight was put on cryo sleep, because of which that protein shows up (the one that generally shows up during oxygen deprivation during stroke).

In addition to both my parents having had strokes, I have worked extensively with people who have had anoxic brain injuries. There is no such protein.

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I'm still watching, but I'm not gripped by it. Maybe it's because, as others have stated, I've been there before with other shows. I remember with LOST, I stopped trying to figure anything out, and tried to enjoy the mystery. Others were all over the numbers, and any "easter eggs" in scenes, only for it to all lead up to nothing. 

I'm not annoyed by the little boy. I am annoyed that adults aren't acting like adults. The man who told his sister not to act suspicious, is now playing detective. His wife won't talk about the other person she fell in love with after his disappearance and they should be in some kind of therapy, shouldn't they? This guy was in his right to attack a stranger in his home. 

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2 hours ago, topanga said:

Well, she did say she still loved him. And he clearly wanted some. I suppose Grace didn’t feel like she had a good reason to tell him no. 

I don’t like that show is making it seem like Grace actively cheated on her husband—she’s the bad wife. But Javier was just lonely and sad that his girlfriend was dead. He had needs. Lourdes is the bad one for marrying him. 


1 hour ago, izabella said:

Neither of them are bad for getting involved with other people.  Lourdes isn't bad for marrying Javier.  However, Grace was not honest with Ben, kept hiding her relationship despite pleas from her daughter to tell the truth, and never actually quite told Ben but allowed him to figure it out.  They never even had a real conversation about it.  And now she is still lying to Ben by not being honest about her actual feelings for the other guy and whatever her feelings are for Ben at this point.  Grace is getting flak because she is being dishonest.

Yeah, I’ve actually been somewhat impressed (given the subpar writing overall) with how even-handed I have found the writing with regards to the two triangles. IMO the writers haven’t taken “sides” in either triangle...you can feel for and understand both Ben and Grace, and you can feel for and understand Michaela/her ex/the best friend. I do think the show is suggesting that Grace is acting poorly, but that’s because she didn’t come clean to Ben from the start and is now in deep denial about her feelings. (She really needs a bachelorette moment: “I pick me!...at least for a few weeks while I figure everything out.”) OTOH, Ben struggled this episode with out-and-out talking about it so he’s not totally above reproach either. In that sense, as annoying as it is, the behavior of everyone in the other triangle has been far more mature so far. Michaela told her ex and bestie that she is happy for them and just needs time and space to move on (and as obvious as it is that she is stuck on the ex, we have no sense that she’s not trying). The ex (I can never remember his name) is trying to be a friend and help her out at work but we haven’t seen him do anything inappropriate either. He’s trying to respect her space but also be there for her.

It seems to me that the writers are trying to position Ben and Grace as a couple that was glossing over some real problems in their marriage even before 828, so what we see now is just a continuation of earlier patterns in many ways. The question is whether it’s sustainable....

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3 hours ago, izabella said:

Neither of them are bad for getting involved with other people.  Lourdes isn't bad for marrying Javier.  However, Grace was not honest with Ben, kept hiding her relationship despite pleas from her daughter to tell the truth, and never actually quite told Ben but allowed him to figure it out.  They never even had a real conversation about it.  And now she is still lying to Ben by not being honest about her actual feelings for the other guy and whatever her feelings are for Ben at this point.  Grace is getting flak because she is being dishonest.


Javier? Jared. I think lol. I’m still learning the names too! 

Edited by srpturtle80
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5 hours ago, eel2178 said:

In addition to both my parents having had strokes, I have worked extensively with people who have had anoxic brain injuries. There is no such protein.

Perhaps my earlier post wasn't clear. I wasn't saying that the protein shows up in REAL LIFE after brain injuries. Just that, according to Dr. Saanvi Bal (?), it does, in the show.

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I don't understand Grace's attitude towards Ben when he found  a STRANGER in his house - I would have acted the same way if I came home from a weekend away plus had called 911!!

How was he supposed to know that someone was in his house looking for something for his daughter?? No one told him!

After this episode I think that the shadow that Cal drew last week was Grace's boyfriend.  And why doesn't she take a step back and tell Ben that she is confused and needs time to think??  Instead she continues to lie to him (and I think herself!)

I think this episode drew me in - I was ready to throw in the towel after last week.  

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6 hours ago, eel2178 said:

In addition to both my parents having had strokes, I have worked extensively with people who have had anoxic brain injuries. There is no such protein.

I think they were conflating stroke lesions with Alzheimer's proteins in order to come up with fictional handwavium proteins of the brain.


Maybe it's because all of my extended family has similarly screwed up relationships, but I am not bothered by any of the failures of the related characters to disclose feelings and realities. Well, at least none of it surprises me. 

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My main takeaway from this episode was that Kelly Taylor has had a lot of plastic surgery and some major lifestyle changes since she left Beverly Hills.

I rolled my eyes at Cancer Doctor saying that she was going to sneak in and give herself an MRI. You can't push the buttons in the control room AND be in the magnet at the same time.

I couldn't believe that Grace was apologizing so much so the guy who came to pick up Olive's shin guards. What Ben did (see that his door was ajar, grab a baseball bat, and then shove a stranger who was rifling through his stuff against a wall) was a pretty tame reaction for a normal person who thought someone had broken into his house, let alone for someone who think that the government is spying on him.

For a cop, Michaela didn't seem to be asking Isaiah any useful questions.

At least we finally got confirmation that the person Grace was seeing while Ben was gone is a man! When her friend Rob referred to the person as Danny, I thought it could still go either way (male or female) so I was relieved when Grace finally used an actual pronoun for the mystery person.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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