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1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

Dear Kennedy, please do not refer to yourself in the third person. Thx. 


West coast viewer here, so I’m not scrolling any further until the show has aired in my time zone. Apologies if someone else beat me to the snark already!

Is it safe to say that JHud has officially rubbed off on Kennedy?

I think it’s super weird that JH does the 3rd person/“We here at JHud productions...” stuff.

The only person who can get away with referring to themself in the 3rd person is The Rock.

Edited by Bridget
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OMG, That was the greatest "business decision" in the history of the Voice. Adam looked up and DeAndre and just said "nope, not going to happen for you".

It's absolutely hilarious when get this exact scenario (two of one coach's artists against each other) where the unwritten rules of the Voice about not picking favorites has to go out the window.

I mean, sure he could tactfully said vote for both of my artists....but what's the fun in that?

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15

Dave just after he was officially picked and was standing up on stage gave a great big eye roll knowing he was cooked. I think it was a joke to move on the way they did. First they got blindsided by this and thrown under the bus by TPTB. Then Adam showed why he is clearly a douchebag favorites-keeper who has checked out since his bro Tyke was voted off. It was a sheer display of classlessness of Adam to use DeAndre's time to pitch for Reagan. Unreal. This is why people are so hard on Adam being a shitty coach and absolutely the worst coach pick ever.

I mean he didn't just throw DeAndre under the bus he drove the bus over him and said "was that something in the road?" and then backed over him said 'Yeah it's in the road" and ran over him a third time to leave the scene. Fucking egregious dude.

When they announced it I thought it would be a landslide for Reagan, maybe it was people voting to save DeAndre from Adam. It was a close vote, thankfully. Some people know how to do the right thing (Kelly) out there. It obviously was something that would effect her vocals (even more than her non-ability to 'sell' a song) so they had her get all prepped in case at the last minute she could give it a shot. I won't blame her for the show's and Adam's wrong-doing but this? Was some bullshit.

They should have let DeAndre or Dave be saved on votes, then next week automatically send Reagan to the save no matter how she does because the fallout from this isn't over as far as affecting the show negatively. Will be interesting to see how the votes turn out for their precious little show pony Reagan next week.

47 minutes ago, Cindyluwho said:

So what would Adam have done if DeAndre had won the twitter save?  It was very close.  How awkward would it have been to work with him again?

The look on DeAndre's face was heartbreaking. He was crushed. 

Oh man, if DeAndre got saved I could only imagine the look on Adam's face. I don't think he would even muster a smile.


West coast viewer here, so I’m not scrolling any further until the show has aired in my time zone. Apologies if someone else beat me to the snark already!

Well now, you'll have to comment on all the hubbub after you've watched Bridget!

Edited by Valny

At the end of the day, Adam's number 1 concern is Adam's ego. No matter what happened, he was going to be the first coach down to 1 artist, and that 1 artist got fewer votes than everyone else left in the competition. We head into the blood baths and Adam will be lucky if Reagan has the opportunity to sing for the save next week.

1 hour ago, Dots And Stripes said:

I'm also soooo curious about what was happening in the room that we didn't see. The way Kelly phrased things made me think DeAndre and maybe Dave were more visibly bothered by what Adam said than was shown on TV. I doubt many places send entertainment reporters to this show anymore, but I would LOVE an on set report to know what went down.

This so much - if anyone sees anything, PLEASE send a girl a link.

I think I've posted on this site a total of about 6 times but Adam's actions tonight were appalling. I was watching on delay because I really don't like anyone this year. I watched all 2 hours of last night in roughly 30 minutes, and it wouldn't have taken that long if my anti-cable carrier had better cloud DVR service. For half a minute, I felt bad that Adam might be without a team so early in the competition, but then he pulled that stunt and if I'd been watching live, I would've voted hard for DeAndre. I mean, Adam made me want Blake's contestant get through and that's really saying something. Gross.

2 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

Wow, Adam threw DeAndre under the bus. Way under the bus.

I usually love Adam, but I agree - Wow!  That was awful.  It really makes me see him in a different light.  

2 hours ago, Valny said:

Right?!  Thank you Kelly for saying what you did about Adam/DeAndre/ and Reagan.

Damn, was hoping it would be DeAndre.  He looked a bit pissed...or at least not too happy with his coach

I was so happy when Kelly spoke up.  Apparently she was as horrified as many of us were.  What Adam did was blatantly both unkind and unfair.  He should have had a separate moment to say something about Reagan, but it should have been completely separate and not attached to DeAndre's turn at all.  The whole thing seems wrong to me since Reagan didn't have to sing and might have lost votes if she had.  The other two had to perform, and she didn't.  So she already had an advantage, and Adam just piled another huge advantage on top of that.   At the very least he should have praised DeAndre's performance and said all the normal coach things before talking about Reagan.  But he chose to dismiss DeAndre and toss him away like wet garbage by pretty much saying not to vote for him.  

Not to mention the numerous shots of her wrapped in a bathrobe, looking vulnerable and distraught.  That was complete manipulation.  

I've been a big Kelly fan since she won American Idol, and I'm not at all surprised that she said what she did and that it was important to her.  She knows what it's like to be the one being judged, and she has a kindness in her heart and empathy that Adam clearly lacks.  I hope they don't just let this slide by.  I hope there's a big stink about it.  So much for this being a great experience, win or lose.  If I were either of the other two, I would be furious.

12 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

I usually love Adam, but I agree - Wow!  That was awful.  It really makes me see him in a different light.  

I was so happy when Kelly spoke up.  Apparently she was as horrified as many of us were.  What Adam did was blatantly both unkind and unfair.  He should have had a separate moment to say something about Reagan, but it should have been completely separate and not attached to DeAndre's turn at all.  The whole thing seems wrong to me since Reagan didn't have to sing and might have lost votes if she had.  The other two had to perform, and she didn't.  So she already had an advantage, and Adam just piled another huge advantage on top of that.   At the very least he should have praised DeAndre's performance and said all the normal coach things before talking about Reagan.  But he chose to dismiss DeAndre and toss him away like wet garbage by pretty much saying not to vote for him.  

Not to mention the numerous shots of her wrapped in a bathrobe, looking vulnerable and distraught.  That was complete manipulation.  

I've been a big Kelly fan since she won American Idol, and I'm not at all surprised that she said what she did and that it was important to her.  She knows what it's like to be the one being judged, and she has a kindness in her heart and empathy that Adam clearly lacks.  I hope they don't just let this slide by.  I hope there's a big stink about it.  So much for this being a great experience, win or lose.  If I were either of the other two, I would be furious.

ITA that was the lowest point for Adam (and he's had a couple through the years--like the Christina season).  Didn't he give Deandre a pitch about "taking you all the way"? That is so Adam.  But great for Kelly for having the presence of mind to speak up and say what needed to be said. "I have a special relationship with my girl and she didn't get the chance to sing like you were lucky enough to have" is so messed up.  Then Adam kept glowering after what Kelly said, I guess knowing he would come off so bad. Instead he just went on putting his foot in it.

Oh, and Reagan, honey? If you're well enough to get to the studio and sit in the audience you're well enough to get out of your freakin bathrobe in public and get dressed. Seriously, all that was missing was a cold pack on her forehead and a thermometer hanging from her mouth.

At least the vote was very close. Hopefully she goes home next week. (Psst! Adam! You may love her but she gave a genuinely -terrible- performance last night. Maybe you should have thought about that for a minute, too. She actually doesn't deserve to be there, even if she's actually unable to sing in her bathrobe tonight. She just isn't that good.)


Nothing new in TVLine’s article,  but seeing Adam’s speech from the show in writing is something. What gets me is that he’s worried about breaking Reagan’s heart, but not DeAndre’s. That’s what Kelly understood but Adam missed: all of the artists had their hearts on the line. Every week someone’s heart breaks. TVLine clearly didn’t like how Adam handled things any more than people here did.

4 minutes ago, jls1792 said:

Not only did Adam throw Deandre under the bus, he might have also messed up any chance Reagan had.  I wouldn't be surprised if people are so upset over Adam's actions that they intentionally vote for everyone but Reagan.  

I plan to. Sure, she’s a kid, but she’s chosen to compete like a grown-up. This isn’t about protecting Reagan’s feels, it’s about doing the job.

Adam’s put a bull’s-eye on her, and I intend to respond accordingly.

18 minutes ago, Padma said:

ITA that was the lowest point for Adam (and he's had a couple through the years--like the Christina season).  Didn't he give Deandre a pitch about "taking you all the way"? That is so Adam.  But great for Kelly for having the presence of mind to speak up and say what needed to be said. "I have a special relationship with my girl and she didn't get the chance to sing like you were lucky enough to have" is so messed up.  Then Adam kept glowering after what Kelly said, I guess knowing he would come off so bad. Instead he just went on putting his foot in it.

Oh, and Reagan, honey? If you're well enough to get to the studio and sit in the audience you're well enough to get out of your freakin bathrobe in public and get dressed. Seriously, all that was missing was a cold pack on her forehead and a thermometer hanging from her mouth.

At least the vote was very close. Hopefully she goes home next week. (Psst! Adam! You may love her but she gave a genuinely -terrible- performance last night. Maybe you should have thought about that for a minute, too. She actually doesn't deserve to be there, even if she's actually unable to sing in her bathrobe tonight. She just isn't that good.)

I was happy to see the vote so close, too.   Reagan should not have been allowed to move forward tonight without singing.  Even if Adam had behaved appropriately, I still would have thought it was unfair.  If she wasn't feeling well, she shouldn't have been on camera at all, and overall the whole thing should have been handled differently.  (And Adam shouldn't have been so horrid!)

And I agree that Reagan doesn't deserve to be there.  She's a pretty, very photogenic girl, but not all that talented as a singer.  Adam's affection for her should be completely beside the point.  The whole initial point of this show is that looks don't matter, age doesn't matter, size doesn't matter - It's supposed to be about the VOICE.  And she most definitely falls short in that area.

5 minutes ago, jmonique said:

I plan to. Sure, she’s a kid, but she’s chosen to compete like a grown-up. This isn’t about protecting Reagan’s feels, it’s about doing the job.

Adam’s put a bull’s-eye on her, and I intend to respond accordingly.

Exactly.  She and other young people who want to do shows like these need to realize that it's a competition: you may win or you may lose.  And if you are unable to do your job and perform, it's not fair that you get special advantages while other people who did their job get cast aside.  But hey, I suppose another life lesson is sometimes life isn't fair :P

And did Adam seriously say he needed Reagan to continue because of his daughters?  Isn't the oldest like 2 years old?  I seriously doubt she understands anything going on with this show.  If anything, they should teach her that what her dad did was stupid and you shouldn't treat people the way he treated Deandre. 

I can't believe they brought Reagan in her bathrobe.  If she was well enough to show up tonight, she should have been wearing actual clothes, not a bathrobe.  Or she shouldn't have shown up at all.

5 minutes ago, jmonique said:

I plan to. Sure, she’s a kid, but she’s chosen to compete like a grown-up. This isn’t about protecting Reagan’s feels, it’s about doing the job.

Adam’s put a bull’s-eye on her, and I intend to respond accordingly.

Exactly.  She and other young people who want to do shows like these need to realize that it's a competition: you may win or you may lose.  And if you are unable to do your job and perform, it's not fair that you get special advantages while other people who did their job get cast aside.  But hey, I suppose another life lesson is sometimes life isn't fair :P

And did Adam seriously say he needed Reagan to continue because of his daughters?  Isn't the oldest like 2 years old?  I seriously doubt she understands anything going on with this show.  If anything, they should teach her that what her dad did was stupid and you shouldn't treat people the way he treated Deandre. 

I can't believe they brought Reagan in her bathrobe.  If she was well enough to show up tonight, she should have been wearing actual clothes, not a bathrobe.  Or she shouldn't have shown up at all.

2 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

I was happy to see the vote so close, too.   Reagan should not have been allowed to move forward tonight without singing.  Even if Adam had behaved appropriately, I still would have thought it was unfair.  If she wasn't feeling well, she shouldn't have been on camera at all, and overall the whole thing should have been handled differently.  (And Adam shouldn't have been so horrid!)

And I agree that Reagan doesn't deserve to be there.  She's a pretty, very photogenic girl, but not all that talented as a singer.  Adam's affection for her should be completely beside the point.  The whole initial point of this show is that looks don't matter, age doesn't matter, size doesn't matter - It's supposed to be about the VOICE.  And she most definitely falls short in that area.

Thinking about it, I don't know why they thought she should move on without competing. They were saving two of three. Why not just save one of the two this week and put Reagan automatically in the "save" category next week?

Having worked with girls her age I just can't help being skeptical that maybe it was the pressure that was getting to her. Personally, I don't know how even the older singers hold up under the pressure of this kind of competition, but that's part of succeeding or failing on the show. Others who were older than Reagan have cracked under the pressure and dropped out. That's a better choice than advancing over someone else who deserves it more. 

I just got a "babied" vibe from her tonight that was super-irritating when someone else had to take the consequences for her illness/nerves.  The bathrobe really did it for me, I think.  I've been out in public in my bathrobe exactly once in my life, and it was on the way to the ER with 105 degree fever and a serious illness. I didn't hear what was wrong with her, but she didn't need to be sitting there in her bathrobe. If she was that ill, she should have been home...or in the hospital...and at a minimum not exposing other people to her malady, whatever it was (nerves, of course, aren't contagious so they'll probably all be fine.)

I remember last season when contestants from other teams were talking about how everyone loved Kelly, whether she was their coach or not because she was so kind and caring and nice to everyone. She certainly cemented that image tonight--and I'm impressed she had the presence of mind to do it right then and there, because you know that she also didn't want to offend Adam. But she weighed it, and as a former tv show competitor herself, she knew exactly how Deandre was feeling and that that was a lot more important than Adam's ego.  I'm glad for him that a coach praised him like that, even if he couldn't count on his own.

I don't hate Adam, but he's thrown so many singers under the bus after giving them big "you'll be there with me at F1" pitches. I hope people will be less taken in by him in the future--a lot of times, the sweet talk is just because he wants to be chosen over another coach. Tonight he showed his colors and it was pretty bad.  

It'll be interesting to see how they address it next week. It's too controversial to just ignore it. 

I was pretty horrified watching the results tonight. Adam always has obvious favorites, but to use a contestant’s post-song time to tell people to vote for another contestant (and to act like he was some bigger, moral man for doing it) is so far beyond. I appreciate Kelly so much more for her comments and would love to know what was said during the break. 

I never vote on the save for this show, because I’m on the west coast and I don’t care enough to spoil myself, but I really wish I had been able to vote for DeAndre. 

Edited by dlyn
38 minutes ago, JeanneH said:

Holy crap! I have to read some of those! Good to see reviewers write about their disapproval about with what Adam did. I'm thinking it's at least 50/50 that he addresses it next show.

Extra Hot Great podcast- I nominate Adam to be your Loser of the Week.

Edited by Valny

All I'm gonna say, is that Kelly Clarkson performed "I Surrender" on American Idol Season 1 when she had laryngitis - and did a damn good job. Bo Bice and Carrie Underwood also famously performed even though they were very ill (Bo was vomiting seconds before he took the stage). I remember watching some documentary about Christina Aguilera when she was much younger, and she had the flu and could barely stand. A doctor came up to her hotel room, gave her a shot, she rested for an hour or two, and then got up and performed an entire 3-4 hour concert, because she didn't want to disappoint fans. Freddie Mercury recorded an entire album while he was literally dying - and had to prop himself up on a desk while he sang. 


I know Raegan is young, but she's old enough to compete in a national talent competition. Being "sick" is not an excuse at this level - the show must always go on.


Also, she was atrocious last night. I think it may be the worst performance in Voice history (at least tied for first place). I can't help but don my tinfoil hat and think that the producers had something to do with the whole "she's sick" angle, to a) explain why she sucked so bad last night and b) garner sympathy and therefore votes. Then again, I'm not so sure what a set up like this would accomplish :/


Fuck Adam.

It was so unprofessional.  He should have just said they are both great.  America vote who you think should move on.  Say if the same thing had happened between Chevelle and Sarah.  Would Kelly have said, chevelle is my girl. Nice knowing you Sarah see ya.  I don't even think Blake or Jennifer would have pulled the Adam move.  


The whole thing was beyond weird. 

16 hours ago, Cindyluwho said:

So what would Adam have done if DeAndre had won the twitter save?  It was very close.  How awkward would it have been to work with him again?

The look on DeAndre's face was heartbreaking. He was crushed. 

Right after JHud complimented him, Adam screws him over. I’d love to know what the final Twitter totals were. The graphic listed DeAndre at 37% and Reagan at 38% when it was removed. Is there a way to find out? 

DeAndre had tears in his eyes (rightfully so!) and wouldn’t even look at freakin Adam, which was understandable. If it were me, I wouldn’t even be able to speak due to a large lump in my throat, but I give Dave & DeAndre major props for taking the high road so that some awful teenager moved into the Semi-Finals. Reagan isn’t even in the same league as the other tweens, except for Chevel perhaps - and that’s not a compliment!”

Carson’s face was priceless after Adam said “...because she didn’t have a chance to use her voice tonight, so I am going to use it for her as well as I possibly can to make sure she can make it.” I rewound that part at least 5 times!

During the end of the show, I wondered how awkward Adam’s “final words” would be, along with the farewell hug. Yup. Super awkward.

Adam’s daughters are only 2 yrs old and 9 months old. Screw the whole “I have daughters at home” crap he spews. 

Adam doesn’t deserve to come back if that’s how he treated a team member on camera during crunch time. I don’t even want to think about what an asshole he is 1:1 without any cameras rolling.

Other options I’d love to see for next season include:

-I hope that he ends up with a team full of females only. NOT that I’m saying that it’s a bad thing, but we know how much he loves the guys (except for DeAndre) on his team. Karma is a bitch!

-Those of us who watch will not vote for a single member of Team Adam unless it’s to screw with him as he goes into the Live Rounds. Let’s shut him out ASAP!

-I want to see everyone with a full team by day 4 of the Blinds and Adam is stuck with zero people and it takes him forever to fill his team.

I still cannot believe he did that. For real. I was a Maroon 5 fan, even though Adam has a huge ego. They are good live, but I am going to boycott his band and anything he does in the future based on the huge asshole move he made. I’m still in shock.

Allow me to preface the folllowing with this: I love Kelly Clarkson. I know for a fact she’s just as rad in person as she appears to be on TV. She’s the real deal. 

That said, maybe I was still in shock over Adam being such a ruthless and uncaring asshole (not that it’s new, I know), but I’m confused about what Kelly said tonight because I thought she added fuel to the fire. I heard her (even had the closed captions on to make sure I wasn’t missing a word), but I still didn’t understand her intent and why she spoke up. 

The way I heard her say it, I thought her 2 cents about Adam “speaking for Reagan” made it look like she was defending Adam. She mentioned his heart, blah, blah, blah. I really don’t understand why she was a voice of reason. Per the comments here, I clearly missed her point. Unlike Adam, I’m dropping my ego and asking for help. 

Would someone be kind enough to explain what Kelly’s intent or message really was all about? Thank you in advance!

I’m looking forward to reading all of the shit he will undoubtedly get this week. Also, is it too soon to predict that Reagan will be kicking rocks next week?

Edited by Bridget

Well, pretty much everything has been said. Here. On Twitter. And on Adam's Instagram where people are venting their frustrations. He really screwed the pooch. And btw, on Twitter, it showed #VoiceSaveDeAndre trending higher than she who shall not be named.  Many people from different areas posted screenshots. And how convenient, that it was 1%. How in the world could they be completely accurate in such a short time when it should have been analyzed more closely.

Adam's move was a total dick move. No way around it. Not to mention, Reagan's horrendous performance last night. DeAndre's face said it all.

Also, I just want to add that this ambiguous 'sick' nonsense is bs.  Either say, she strained her vocal chords, she has the flu (in which case wtf is she doing there), she has laryngitis or whatever. Instead, it was this vague 'sick' with Carson seeming to not know where she even was half the time or what was going on. If you ask me, I'm sure she knew that she was in the Bottom 3. If she wasn't, I bet she would have been dressed and on the stage and would move through (mute or not). I think this was planned because of the poor performance and low number of votes. To be standing there in that oversized bathrobe with full hair & makeup and tweeting and retweeting everyone's tweets to save her was messed up. She wasn't too sick for that apparently. 

And, yes, as has been mentioned before, many contestants have been at the doctor's day of performances or saves and Philip Phillips on AI performed with kidney stones more than once so gmafb. 

Edited by InfiniteMystery

1. If Reagan was healthy enough to sit in the audience in a fluffy bathrobe with PERFECT makeup, how damn sick was she? If she’s that sick she shouldn’t have been there at all. And don’t shove the bathrobe down our throats. If she was healthy enough to get her makeup done, she could have managed to get dressed.


2. Due to Reagan’s streaming success, (And why is that? She’s always, always ALWAYS OFF-KEY!) Adam assumed she was his best chance to win, so he completely sold DeAndre under the bus. It was painful and embarrassing to watch.


3. And then poor DeAndre had to deal with Carson asking “any final words for your coach? Kudos to him for not completely going off on Adam. I sure wanted him to.

Edited by Cramps

I also am in the camp that believes that the pressure is getting/got to Reagan.  She got slammed last week online for smiling through her serious song.  She fixed the smiling this week (so she was cognizant of it), didn't sing all that well, and got slammed this week online for not sounding great. 

She didn't sound sick to me on Monday night.  And yet, last night, she couldn't perform because she was sick.  Sure, she might have been sick.  It happens to everyone.  It happened to Kelly; who still sang last night and slayed the best she could.  But I think Reagan could've been sickened by online hate and worked herself up into not being "well".  I think she is too young to withstand sudden online negativity.  Poor girl.

As for Adam, yes, I think he's ruined Reagan's chances now, anyway.  Not a cool move to do what he did.  I thought it was royally messed-up when he did it.  I loved that Kelly said what she said.  And I thought that might've tipped the vote in DeAndre's favor after that -- must've been super close.  Glad to have jumped on here and social media to see that most everybody also thought it was as messed-up as it is.  In any case, I don't blame DeAndre one bit for looking upset and, Adam deserved the cold shoulder, big time.

you guys are spot on.  I mentioned previously that AI would give the younger contestants a heads up about being in the bottom (so I read) .   I'm sure Reagan knew and beyond belief being in a bathrobe in full makeup yet too sick to sing. If  larangytis then get dressed if the flu go home.  I don't have twitter but wish I had last night.

Edited by Diana Berry
9 hours ago, Padma said:

Seriously, all that was missing was a cold pack on her forehead and a thermometer hanging from her mouth.

Lol, I said this EXACT thing to my husband. He added he was surprised she didn't have a little crutch like Tiny Tim. God bless us, everyone! 

I'm so curious to see how they handle this next week. I'm sure all the coaches have favorites from their team but it's their JOB to keep that to themselves and support all of their team members. Buried somewhere under all his stupid comments I think I can see what Adam's intent was...to try to represent for Reagan since she couldn't sing for herself. But to do it as DeAndre was standing on the stage was awful. They should've given him time to remark/encourage DeAndre, take a commercial break and get the guys off stage, then let Adam remark on Reagan. It was just handled really poorly. If DeAndre had won the save I doubt he would've even wanted to continue with Adam as his coach!

Edited by desertflower
1 hour ago, Cramps said:

3. And then poor DeAndre had to deal with Carson asking “any final words for your coach? Kudos to him for not completely going off on Adam. I sure wanted him to.

Yeah, DeAndre kept his "last words for your coach" very brief.  His "thanks for your support" amounted to nicely-understated sarcasm directed at Adam.

I haven't had a chance to watch it yet but this may be the proverbial straw that causes me to break up with this show. Unless Adam is replaced because that is such a dick move.

DeAndre hasn't always been stellar but Reagan shouldn't have even made the lives and should have gone home after her caterwauling of Faith Hill, yet another example of (1) why they should raise the age to at least 18 (I'd prefer 21) and (2) to quote the Dallas Cowboys' Cheerleaders trainer Kitty Carter "Don't do shit you can't do." For the Voice, that means don't do Mariah, Whitney, Celine, Faith etc. unless you can hang with them and almost no one can. It's embarrassing to watch them try. I'm looking at you, too, Chevel and OMFG that she did country icon Loretta Lynn. That is some kind of music blasphemy right there.

I appreciate what Sarah Grace tried to do but she should have done either AG or HOTRS, not the mishmash she was doing because Amazing Grace isn't supposed to be "dirty." Sorry, Kelly. Also, AI's Hailey Reinhart did it one million times better.

13 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

Yes, you guys said it all!  The bus, Kelly thank you ( did Adam look steamed or what?  Love it).   Boy was that Strange.   

 Not to be rude but she can come out for the last 5 minutes in a bathrobe in full makeup?  Honestly , it would have been more  fair to keep  her offstage.

Wonder if Adam didn't like D'Andre admitting he wasn't thrilled with his song choice so in comes the bus?

WTF?  First of all Reagan should have been disqualified for moving on if she couldn't sing.  Not to mention the song she sang the night before was the worst performance she gave so far....so screetchy and hard to listen to.  D'Andre was a class act with the way he handled Adam throwing him under the bus.  That was a terrible thing for Adam to do.  Plus, what was the reason that Regan couldn't perform...if it was larengitus. Others have had issues and still sang.  Wonder if it was nerves?  Has this ever happened before? D'Andre was robbed.

In fairness to Raegan, not all illnesses are the same. We just don’t know enough to say definitively whether sitting out was the right call for her health. I think it’s possible that she was legitimately too sick to perform and it’s possible that nerves or other issues are being obscured. The show was too vague for me to reach any real conclusion about that.

Here's the text of what Kelly said (can't find it, but I think someone asked about it upthread... or maybe that was on FB. Anyway...)  This is from an article at Goldderby.com titled  Kelly Clarkson just proved why she’s the best ‘The Voice’ coach ever: ‘DeAndre, you sang the hell out of that song!’

“You know what, guys? I have been these contestants before, I know Adam and his heart and I know he loves his team. He feels really bad for Reagan. But I just want to say, DeAndre, you sang the hell out of that song!”  [audience goes wild, Kelly finishes most of the rest trying to talk over them] "I know it’s so horrible that Reagan is not able to present herself, and I know that’s where he is coming from, so please know that. He’s bummed for her. Everybody did a fantastic job tonight. A really great job.”


After Kelly said she'd been on "these contests before" she made reference to JHud having been there too. Obviously, that's not in this quote.

4 hours ago, Booklady1017 said:

I didn’t get to see the show (I was at work) but heard what Adam did and I’m disappointed. I definitely would have voted for DeAndre. What did exactly Adam and Kelly say?

Wash Post had some of them, though at least KC's are incomplete.

From Adam: "“It’s really, really hard for me not to just — As much as I urge you all to vote for this man, because he should never have been in the bottom — I don’t know if I have the heart to not tell everyone right now —I have a very special relationship with Reagan. And I have two little girls at home. The thought of breaking her heart by not urging everyone to give this girl a shot to go and redeem herself next week would be too far beneath me.”

He then told Deandre, “I want you to know I love you. I appreciate what you’ve done here tonight, and honestly, I think you should both be there. But I gotta fight for my girl.  And I gotta make sure that I represent her properly in this moment, because she didn’t have a chance to use her voice tonight. So I’m going to use it for her as well as I possibly can to make sure she can make it next week. That’s all I can say. It’s weird.”

Oddly, the Post took Kelly's comments that followed as standing up for Adam not Deandre, as we did here. Then again, they shortened her comments to make it seem -really- like that was her point, which is an annoying bit of journalism.

".... Clarkson... quickly jumped in to defend her fellow coach.

“I know Adam and his heart, and I know he loves his team. He feels really bad for Reagan,” she said, adding that Nico “sang the hell” out of his song. “I just wanted to say I know it’s so horrible that Reagan is not able to present herself . . . so please know, that’s where it’s coming from, he’s bummed for her. Everybody did a fantastic job tonight, a really great job.”


Even if they wanted to keep Regan in for the save votes -- unfair -- but be that as it may, showing her sitting around in her bathrobe was absolutely uncalled for.  If you can actually be in the studio, you can get dressed.  Or at least keep her off camera completely.  I certainly wouldn't fall for it, but there's a lot of saps out there that would and clearly did. And it wasn't just unfair to DeAndre, it was unfair to Dave as well.  People voted for Regan because they felt sorry for her and people voted for DeAndre to negate the Regan vote.  Who knows if Dave might have fared better if the votes were about what they did and not for other reasons.

If I were in any way related to Reagan Strange, or had money invested in her, I would advise her to withdraw from the competition immediately and “give” her spot to last night’s runner up, DeAndre.

Lets face it, she had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning this competition. In the midst of this controversy here’s the universe presenting her the chance of some amazing PR.

1 hour ago, atlantaloves said:

if she has time for full makeup including false eye lashes, she can friggin get dressed.

I would bet money that she was dressed, under the robe.

The way Carson was so tentative, I think someone on set was trying to convince her she could go on until the very last minute. I firmly believe that her “under the weather” was a panic attack, not something that compromised her singing voice. Otherwise they would have invoked a doctor’s recommendation that she not perform.

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