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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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I think Amber is a hosebeast who hasn't changed at all. She ended her special by telling Gary that she went to prison all because of him. Still not taking responsibility for anything. I'm actually shocked that she hasn't been caught with drugs yet. Or egging Gary's girlfriend.

Poor Leah loved all the super sweet mommy attention. It was sad that the camera got her running from Gary and saying she didn't want to see him. I think that was nothing more than "fun mommy" was new for her as opposed to a custodial parent who can't be always fun.

Do we know if she's working? I guess the original gals are coming back (minus Farrah), so that'll keep them all useless and dependent on reality tv fame.

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Amber's book is out. I read it on Labor Day. Don't judge me.

Weirdest thing about it is that she hardly ever (come to think of it, maybe never) refers to Gary by name. She calls him "my ex-fiancé" and "my daughter's father" etc but doesn't really say Gary. It's weird because if you're reading the book, you likely are doing so because you watched Teen Mom and know who Gary is.

I'm just waiting for the TM cameras to bring out the worst in Amber again. I'm willing to bet by the end of this taping she's back into pills and all the crazy rage towards Gary is back full force. Bringing the cameras back into her life is probably the worst thing she could do for herself as a recovering addict/rageaholic. I see nothing good coming of this.

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I'm worried for Amber. I hope the stress of filming again, her dad's death, and now the news that Gary confirmed that his girlfriend is expecting a child with him doesn't push her over the edge & she goes back to using drugs.

Gary's pregnancy confirmation: http://www.wetpaint.com/teen-mom/articles/2015-01-02-gary-shirley-girlfriend-pregnant-dad

Amber does have a serious boyfriend right now. He's a professional poker player (with a criminal record):


And Jenelle claims Amber's boyfriend has been obsessed with her (Jenelle) for years:


Amber was 100% right in that she should not have gone straight from jail to the MTV cameras. Most insightful comment that I've heard her made.


The first (couple) years are not fun and games. It's a lot of hard work and stress without the normal stress reliever that the addict usually turns to. Having Amber filmed straight from gel will not be good for her stress level/sobriety! At least she recognizes this- an unusual insight for Amber.


When Amber told her cousin how much she wanted to get high, it was obvious. Homegirl doesn't have her own car, gained some weight in "gel" is stuck at home with a sick father, and has to deal with the mess she created. She has to go to sleep knowing that she missed out on milestones of her daughter's life. I'm sure that hearing that Gary had a girlfriend from Leah really hurt Amber deeply.


I also agree with Amber, that MTV turned Gary into a conceited "reality star". I'm sure he went from barely noticed by women, to now having small pickens due to his MTV fame.


It was very interesting to see Amber opine on how TM has changed her life and relationships, and not necessarily for the better.


I just want to make it known that in no way am I vilifying Gary. Amber physically abused Gary, and in no way is that acceptable.  I'm just dealing with the issues that came up in this partcular "Being Amber" episode.

Edited by Granimal
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Agree with every word you wrote, Granimal. I had the same reaction when I watched the Being Amber special when it was first shown. It has a lot to do with my decision to not watch the show anymore--that and Farrah's return, but I already felt kind of icky about rubbernecking something that is almost certain to lead to Amber's downfall eventually. And I really want her to get better and stay better. 

Wah, spring break is almost over, so I am depressed and binge watching the marathon. So much I forgot and its interesting to watch now knowing what the next few years will hold for these young women. Amber, oh my gosh. I know you were on drugs back then, you were awful. Yes, Gary was a dumbass at times, but you were always confrontational. I did see Tyler toss a kitten at Catelynn, he's a bully. Farrah was somewhat tolerable early on, at least she had some ambition to work and go to school. Maci was and is a snooze fest. Can't wait for tomorrow night! Hope to come here for tons of snark.

Watching the marathon to compare/contrast my current perceptions of these people with how they were back then. It's currently Nov/Dec 2010 on the show. I just have to say, I forgot what an asshole Amber's mom is. Maybe it's just this episode, but she's being really dense. The older I get, the more I want to like/root for Amber. 

I watched part of the marathon last night and had to laugh at the conversation between Gary and his brother.  Gary was telling his brother about how well the school supply shopping went with Amber and that he was tickling her.  And his brother was like, 'dude.  If you wouldn't do it to a homeless guy on the street, don't do it to Amber', or words to that effect.  I also noticed that Gary has Amber listed as 'Eye Lash Portwood' on his phone.  That's what came up when she texted him.  Ha!

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I watched part of the marathon last night and had to laugh at the conversation between Gary and his brother. Gary was telling his brother about how well the school supply shopping went with Amber and that he was tickling her. And his brother was like, 'dude. If you wouldn't do it to a homeless guy on the street, don't do it to Amber', or words to that effect. I also noticed that Gary has Amber listed as 'Eye Lash Portwood' on his phone. That's what came up when she texted him. Ha!

That was actually some of the best damn advise I've heard on this show. All these idiots play the flirt,flirt,who me? game. Pretend your ex is an old homeless guy and then have exactly that much contact. And who tickles someone in the middle of a store? Amber and Gary are so fucked up.

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I still haven't gotten to watch this season but I have a question. Is Amber seeing anyone during the time this is being filmed? Iask because this article say she's currently engaged: https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/teen-mom-stars-farrah-abraham-catelynn-lowell-amber-163000162-us-weekly.html

Amber is engaged? Dear Lord, these people literally have to be sent to jail to be single for any length of time. Have any of the cast members (including the dads) been single for more than a few months at a time? Well Farrah. So crazy Farrah is the only one who can be alone for 5 minutes.

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March 3rd: "We know it’s gonna be within the year,” she said. “We just moved in together a couple months ago, so we really want to learn everything about each other and live this life right now and just make sure everything’s straight before we jump the gun on something because obviously, we didn’t know each other that long before we got engaged, but we do know we love each other so much."


"My life now with my new fiancé is amazing and our relationship is completely different than what mine and Gary’s was,” Amber said. “There’s not really fighting or anything like that. It’s not perfect, but we’re so happy together. I never thought I could find another man that could make me feel love again, honestly. I feel more love for him than I ever have for anybody."


morning of April 16th: Every man I give my heart to uses me and cheats on me @mattbEPT

afternoon of April 16th: We're going to try to work it out..@mattbEPT

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I don't like Gary much, but I completely understand why he's questioning Amber's ability to jump into motherhood. By her own admission she hasn't actually done it. She was high for most of the baby stuff and then in jail. She has a quick temper, few life skills, and has been sober (if she actually is) for only a few months. I'm siding with Gary, she is NOT ready to get Leah dressed and to school by 8AM! Not by a long shot. Getting a kid that age out the door could make Mother Teresa go postal. It is such a frustrating process. I only have to do it once in a blue moon for my niece and nephew when their parents both draw an early shift. I always feel like I deserve a beach vacation after. I cannot imagine Amber doing it. At best she would just give up and call Gary. At worst she might hit or shake Leah. She's just not ready.

Edited by FozzyBear
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I don't like Gary much, but I completely understand why he's questioning Amber's ability to jump into motherhood. By her own admission she hasn't actually done it. She was high for most of the baby stuff and then in jail. She has a quick temper, few life skills, and has been sober (if she actually is) for only a few months. I'm siding with Gary, she is NOT ready to get Leah dressed and to school by 8AM! Not by a long shot. Getting a kid that age out the door could make Mother Teresa go postal. It is such a frustrating process. I only have to do it once in a blue moon for my niece and nephew when their parents both draw an early shift. I always feel like I deserve a beach vacation after. I cannot imagine Amber doing it. At best she would just give up and call Gary. At worst she might hit or shake Leah. She's just not ready.


Exactly. He mentioned something about Amber keeping Leah up late at night and she falls asleep in school the next day. What decent parent -or- responsible adult doesn't give their child a bed time (and enforces it) on a school night? Amber is just waiting for Leah to get older so she can have a BFF other than Crystal. She will be the type of parent who friends their kids, not parents them. If she's having these emotional outbursts over seeing Gary's girlfriend at school and can't go in to see her daughter off, she's not ready to parent. Who puts their own feelings about something so stupid and small over your childs? She missed out on an experience she'll never get to see again (first day of kinder) because she saw (or heard her name? Never got why she was freaking) her ex-bf's girlfriend and put her feelings of freaking out over being their for her child. Very sad.


Still....STILL wondering how GarBear gets the chicks. He had another pretty girlfriend between Amber & Kristina. Boggles the mind. 


More on another gem of a man she picked cheating on her.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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Amber has only been with this guy for a few months, she can't be that emotionally invested in him -- dump him, Amber! This is why men treat women like you like crap. You put up with their nonsense and keep taking them back! You are telling this loser and every other guy that you don't think much of yourself, Amber. I would drop that guy so fast and put him on the next Greyhound bus back to Beantown. Girl, start respecting yourself, get your butt into therapy and start attending 12 step meetings. And do something physical to work off some of your anger and help manage your depression better like cross fit training. The discipline, camaraderie, support and hard core work out that cross fit training provides would transform your world!! Put your time and energy into being a happy and healthy Amber for you and your daughter. Like attracts like. When you are in the right head space you will attract someone positive and good and honest -- they'll be drawn to you. But Amber, you aren't there yet! The men that are looking your way don't have the right intentions and you shouldn't trust them. Work on yourself and when the time is right you'll attract the right guys. The first clue will be that they're nothing like the guys you normally date and they'll have either established a good career or have maintained steady employment making a decent wage. They'll be healthy emotionally, physically and spiritually. They'll have positive people in their life. And no offense, but they won't have criminal records. And it goes without saying, they should be alcohol and drug free, and support you in maintaining your sobriety. But you aren't gonna meet this kind of man until you work on yourself first. You've been through a lot and you have a long life ahead of you to live, don't be dumb and waste it on another man who'll become another ex among a string of losers. Get smart.

Edited by msblossom
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Does anyone know what Amber will be going to school for? She is starting school, right?

I thought she wanted to be a rehab counselor. Someone upthread said she was enrolled at the University of Phoenix. I'm not sure if she's just doing online classes or if she's attending somewhere. I would love to know who is advising her. I hope she has a solid adult in her life that is helping her manage her money and advising her with major life decisions. She would be better off going to school in Indianapolis. There are several good colleges there that are a heck of a lot better than University of Phoenix. Amber lives less than a one hour drive from Indy, she could take classes there 2-3 times a week, get a good education, meet new and interesting people, get out of that negative small town and have new experiences. I have no idea why she wants to tie herself down to a man who is 20 years older than herself, has no job, is clearly using her, and wants to profit from her Teen Mom fame!!! She cannot or refuses to see the trainwreck that is before her.

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I thought she wanted to be a rehab counselor. Someone upthread said she was enrolled at the University of Phoenix. I'm not sure if she's just doing online classes or if she's attending somewhere. I would love to know who is advising her. I hope she has a solid adult in her life that is helping her manage her money and advising her with major life decisions. She would be better off going to school in Indianapolis. There are several good colleges there that are a heck of a lot better than University of Phoenix. Amber lives less than a one hour drive from Indy, she could take classes there 2-3 times a week, get a good education, meet new and interesting people, get out of that negative small town and have new experiences. I have no idea why she wants to tie herself down to a man who is 20 years older than herself, has no job, is clearly using her, and wants to profit from her Teen Mom fame!!! She cannot or refuses to see the trainwreck that is before her.

Bwahahaha! Oh Amber is NEVER going to graduate from an online program. I'm doing my Masters that way and it is hard. It requires a lot of discipline and independence. Amber has neither. She needs a traditional program with a large support system. It drives me crazy that online programs are promoted to people who have had trouble as a student before. For the vast majority, an online program is just going to exacerbate the problems they have with school, not solve them.

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I always thought most addictions counselors are hired because they are a large part of a program...participating and doing really well, like role model well. Or they have legit education and degrees. I can't see Amber having the discipline to complete a program through an online school, because she has no discipline whatsoever. I think the only reason she stays clean is because she basically is glued to her couch. Her only excuse is that she's "famous" (like, Z list) and that people will recognize her if she did rehab or NA or any kind of regular college. 


Her only excuse is that she's "famous" (like, Z list) and that people will recognize her if she did rehab or NA or any kind of regular college.


Ha, good one Amber. If I recall, a fair amount of actual celebrities (like Jessica Biel and Claire Danes come to mind) went to a traditional 4 year university at the height of their popularity, so shut up, Amber. I think I read in Seventeen or something similar that Jessica Biel actually lived in the dorms.


Her rehab argument makes no sense either. Yeah, I could understand if like, Taylor Swift felt uncomfortable going to regular AA sessions, but people already know ALL of Amber's business as it is. 


Amber, Cate, and Maci all seem like they just want to get married and stay at home with their kids (with plenty of childcare help for when they need their me-time, which they appear to need much more than the average mom). I've never seen any of them express much interest in any school subject or career. I do think Maci would have eventually graduated from college if she did not get pregnant in high school, but I can see her quitting to be a stay at home wife or mom as soon as she got married. Amber or Cate probably wouldn't have graduated college or had a career (a job maybe, not a career) with or without a baby.

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