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The Duggars and Their World: Fashion, Food, Finance, Schoolin’ and Child Rearin'

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On the Duggars' facing ruination if Josh's antics get them extinguished from the TeeVee (which I don't think they will, but it's been argued that that's the risk...) ...

I may be miscounting here, but it seems to me that there are 15 Duggars-and-Duggar-in-laws currently age 18 and over, who at least theoretically could be working for pay. And as far as I know, only one -- Jim Bob -- is certified to be doing so. (Grandma, Jim Bob, Michelle, Josh, Anna, John David, Jana, Derick, Jill, Ben, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy Anna) And while some may be not so eligible for work, I can say that I personally know people who are working for pay (part- or full-time) who are over 70 (heck, even over 80) , mothers of newborns, single mothers of four (and more), and students.

Meanwhile, there remain 10 minor Duggars and six minor Duggars-the-next-generation. So I would think that the 15 potentially eligible workers could cobble together some way to support themselves plus the 16 non-eligibles. If they're actually hard up for money, I'd think that the very nearly half of the clan who are theoretically eligible workers-for-pay would be figuring out how to bring some in. They don't seem to be doing so, however. So I'm not convinced they're really in any financial danger at all -- except the danger of having to work instead of being able to grift, scam, exploit their fame, hand out unsolicited advice and preach, freeload and hang around the house all day.

And I am way too damn obsessed with these sickening people.

I totally agree with you (especially the last line as it applies to me) but I'm willing to give grandma a pass. She's over 70 and has already logged more work hours in that house than the rest, for which Boob and MEchelle have no excuse.

  • Love 2

Isn't Boob starting companies where they get paid to basically do nothing and get paid, i.e. credit card processing?


And if he had real business smarts he would create a good solid business where all his kids could be involved as well as Bin and Derick (hello a real accounting degree going to waste). You guys are right he could have created a nice empire with a good solid business like landscaping, etc. 

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 1

I'm fine with JD, for the most part.  He seems the most independent of all of the kids.  He has more skills too, as far as I can see.  


What is really bothering me is the constant child care the girls do.  Someone mentioned Joy was caring for the party planner's kids while she was having a C-section.  Oh goody.  The kids may like her, and she might like them, but those girls desperately need to do something other than having babies, birthing other people's babies (sort of), and babysitting.  Those girls need to go on strike, go to the movies, work at the candy counter, whatever.  The baby business is boring beyond belief.  And not profitable.

  • Love 5

I think that Gothard's rules are some sort of mish-mash between the Bible and the Victorian age. It was the Victorians who swooned over an exposed ankle -- that doesn't appear in the Bible. It was the Victorians who went a'courtin -- that doesn't appear in the Bible, either. And, I may be wrong, but I don't recall Jesus speaking, even once, about modest clothing.


If Gothard was born @1930, it's likely that the Victorian era was the "good old days" to his grandparents. Maybe he heard a lot about how much better things were in those days when he was growing up, and it stuck.


I'll take it one step further. I think that old Bill did more than hear about the "good old days." I bet he lived them. Something tells me he was raised in a very strict and extremely-repressed Victorian-era way. In every single respect. Women did as the men expected - they married, raised babies, cared for the home. From sun-up to long after sundown. They always wore dresses - and probably a lot more underwear than most other women of their time. They did not go to college, maybe not even high school. They never even considered it a possibility. They were never in the company of men without a male chaperone from their own families either. Sound familiar? Oh yeah, the men were men too, dammit! And PS - the sheep were nervous...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 2

I think it's because pants reminds us that women have legs - and a defrauding area between them.

Actually I think it is due to some cherry-picked Bible verse about men wearing men's garments and women wearing women's. So I dunno, I think everyone should be wearing robes of some type. But the patriarchal authority figures get to define "appropriate" garb however they wish, and the sheep follow blindly.

What's so funny to me about this I'd that at the time this part of the bible was written, "men's garments" essentially were longish robes, far more akin to a dress/skirt than pants. I mean, picture your average 4 thousand year old nomadic sheep herder. I venture to guess he's more likely wearing a long robe and sandals rather than a pair of Dickies work pants and a button down.

  • Love 4

Why does Joy have to take care of Sierra and her herd of kids? Who is Joy to Sierra? Nothing, just a fellow fundy friend. It is said that Sierra and her husband are "new to the fundy beliefs"? So, where is Sierra's parents, family or her in laws? Why can't they take care of her? It's telling to me that most likely when these people join up in the cult, they cut their own blood family loose unless they join too....just like Michelle cut off her own parents and siblings when she "converted". It's so sad that it's "biblically ok" (?) to God to treat your own blood family like dirt if they choose to wear shorts, pants, watch TV and live like normal, nice people? How unjust this way of thining is! Poor Joy, and the other Lonely J girls...why should they be sentenced to live as kitchen maids, babysitters and cooks? They are young WOMEN, and Jana is already almost 26 on Jan 12th to come...there are so many possibilities and healthy outlets, like a real office job or teacher in a real school, etc that these WOMEN can pursue...heck, friends and a healthy social life. What misery and limited options they have. How could a "modern in the '80s teenager like Michelle to this to her own daughters? Selfish close minded people. With the Josh things going on, they truly have failed at it miserably BTW....

  • Love 8

I'm not saying they deserve to be better employed, but blacklisting them from tv isn't constructive, everyone in that family will be worse off. There's a marked difference between the Duggar kids who reached adolescence before the regular TLC series and the relatively good life with the nice house and normal clothes and little luxuries came along, and those who did or we're on track to do so. I think TLC's money and the presence of the crew reined in the worst of JimChelle. The most fucked up is the oldest, the one who lived his entire childhood during the lean years. Taking the cameras and money away probably takes away Jimchelle's incentive and ability to bite their tongue and be indulgent. That there are people supporting families on 20 hours a week at McDonald's is a fucking travesty, and I don't want more of that, and I don't thinks it's egalitarian to have people needlessly in poverty because we've needlessly allowed others to live in poverty. That we permit the creation/existence of an underclass at all is the most unfair thing to the people in it.

I'm a bleeding heart socialist.


In the long run, entitlements are never good for people. The Duggars are solid-proof of that. After having been television "stars" and basically being well-paid for just living their daily lives, they've come to expect big paydays and lots of comfy perks. Permanently. No, I don't think so, Duggars.  I have a few  socialist leanings myself. I like the ideas of Medicare, Social Security etc. Much like European socialist countries, I think everyone should help pay for everyone else's health care, pensions, military etc. But NO ONE is entitled to a permanently-cushy life, just because they've gotten used to it. Work-hard-and-you-reap-the-rewards-of-your-work also needs to remain a big part of the equation.  

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 14

Tabitha Paine, Chad Paine's older sister, has been "a live-in tutor" homeschooling the Duggar kids for the past year. My understanding of Arkansas homeschooling law is that children must be taught by their parent/guardian, so I guess the Duggars have placed themselves above the law once again. 



Edited by Guest

Tabitha Paine, Chad Paine's older sister, has been "a live-in tutor" homeschooling the Duggar kids for the past year. My understanding of Arkansas homeschooling law is that children must be taught by their parent/guardian, so I guess the Duggars have placed themselves above the law once again. 




I don't think it's true any more that a parent or guardian is supposed to do most of the schooling. The law was loosened in 2007. To wit:


'On April 2, 2007, Governor Mike Beebe signed into law House Bill 2394, changing the definition of a “home school” in Arkansas. Prior law defined this term as “a school primarily conducted by parents or legal guardians for their own children.” The new definition for a home school is “a school provided by a parent or legal guardian for his or her own child.” ~ Kay Brooks'


So, basically now anybody can do the actual schooling as long as the parent makes the decision to have the kid not be in an external school. They're in the clear.


Tabitha Paine, Chad Paine's older sister, has been "a live-in tutor" homeschooling the Duggar kids for the past year. My understanding of Arkansas homeschooling law is that children must be taught by their parent/guardian, so I guess the Duggars have placed themselves above the law once again. 



Well that is really disturbing. The only hope is that the kids are at least learning to read and write and do numbers. They must be limited in their curriculum.

  • Love 1

Well that is really disturbing. The only hope is that the kids are at least learning to read and write and do numbers. They must be limited in their curriculum.


It begs the question what Michelle does all day, because we know for certain now that it's not homeschooling. 

Edited by Guest

Live-in tutor. How about that. Well, I guess now we know who filled Jessa's big shoes.


I wonder where this live-in is taking place; is she staying in Bin's old quarters or in the girls' dorm? For her sake I hope she got a room of her own but I wouldn't be surprised if they put her in the dorm. Can't have the womenfolk getting ideas about livin' on their own without the umbrella of patriarchal protection.

  • Love 4

I don't think it's true any more that a parent or guardian is supposed to do most of the schooling. The law was loosened in 2007. To wit:


'On April 2, 2007, Governor Mike Beebe signed into law House Bill 2394, changing the definition of a “home school” in Arkansas. Prior law defined this term as “a school primarily conducted by parents or legal guardians for their own children.” The new definition for a home school is “a school provided by a parent or legal guardian for his or her own child.” ~ Kay Brooks'


So, basically now anybody can do the actual schooling as long as the parent makes the decision to have the kid not be in an external school. They're in the clear.


Thanks for posting this. You know that Mechelle rejoiced when this law was enacted, although it appears that Jessa only really took over once she "graduated" herself, when she was around 17 (likely ceasing when she started courting Ben, when her appearance was now of utmost importance). She DEFINITELY did no teaching while engaged; that's when the selfie barrage began. 


eta: I also wonder if Tabitha is getting paid. Somehow, I think she's supposed to be grateful for room (whereever they put her...the pool house has extra room!) and for the neat experiences that the Duggars expose her to, like watching Ben graduate from community college (yes, she was in pictures that surfaced from that event). WOOT! 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3

Thanks for posting this. You know that Mechelle rejoiced when this law was enacted,


Michelle and Mike Farris may have met somewhere between Arkansas and Virginia for a high five.


And I'll bet you're right about Tabitha Paine not getting paid. JB and M probably figure she's on a perpetual vacation at the Duggar Kid Farm. Just like Jana.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

My favorite answer over there to the question of what it is, exactly, that Michelle does all day long?


Does she spend all of her time in prayer, begging God to throw her a fetus fastball? I'm still laughing out loud over her desire to "catch another baby". God better have a powerful pitcher's arm


  • Love 7

It boggles my mind, why, when they have so many adults living in that home, that they need to borrow another to homeschool their children.


You've, ummm, heard talking heads from the adults living in that home, right?


Maybe somebody threatened to charge them with educational malpractice if they went with DIY homeschool. : -)


Homeschool regs are lax, though. So it's probably just what you're thinking. Pure laziness.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Well, they're loading out Joy to babysit for Sierra. Because none of these idiots can seem to take care of their own, further proving the unsustainability of the Quiverfull lifestyle. I'm sure it's cloaked in the veil of "fellowship," but let's call a spade a spade. 

  • Love 8

It's also really sad that Tabitha is pretty much resigned to this being her fate in life. What happens in 10 years when they deem Josie educated and she's had a ceremony to lick her "diploma?" Do they just send her off to nanny Chad's kids, or maybe another sibling who will probably be more likely to produce a quiverfull than Erin? 


I imagine this is also Jana's fate. She turns 26 in January, right? Anna was cooking her 4th kid at that age, and Mechelle was between the Jill and Jessa pregnancies on her 26th birthday, Damn, Sierra is putting them ALL to shame. I wonder how that one makes Jana and Tabitha (and other "older" single girls like them) feel? I really don't hold out much hope for Jana to find a decent guy anymore. As for JD, I guess he's actually considered "eligible" in their circles, but...eeeew. He may have some autonomy, but I don't think he'll ever be truly free of JB. He's best off single. 

  • Love 6

It begs the question what Michelle does all day, because we know for certain now that it's not homeschooling. 

And both filming and speaking engagements are down to a trickle.

It's also really sad that Tabitha is pretty much resigned to this being her fate in life. What happens in 10 years when they deem Josie educated and she's had a ceremony to lick her "diploma?" Do they just send her off to nanny Chad's kids, or maybe another sibling who will probably be more likely to produce a quiverfull than Erin? 


I imagine this is also Jana's fate. She turns 26 in January, right? Anna was cooking her 4th kid at that age, and Mechelle was between the Jill and Jessa pregnancies on her 26th birthday, Damn, Sierra is putting them ALL to shame. I wonder how that one makes Jana and Tabitha (and other "older" single girls like them) feel? I really don't hold out much hope for Jana to find a decent guy anymore. As for JD, I guess he's actually considered "eligible" in their circles, but...eeeew. He may have some autonomy, but I don't think he'll ever be truly free of JB. He's best off single. 

Maybe they plan on her marrying one of their unmarketable sons. Then they get to keep her. 


Edited to say Josie licking her diploma is a good one!

Edited by Purpose to defraud
  • Love 4

Did anyone else notice when Josh comes through to the dining room there is one of those family rule signs in the background which includes the phrase "hug often"?

It should really say "side hug often but not too often - - we wouldn't want to conjure up any desires that couldn't be righteously fulfilled"

The little reminders are everywhere in that video. This was my favourite:


I also noticed Jenny rushing by crouched over, behind Josh and Michelle, she didn't want to be on camera.


The "Ugly Kitchen" has one of those to die for Family Ties stoves, they just store bowls and surplus slogan plaques on it. Jason was washing a (Christ)mas travel mug, which could only be Michelle's.

  • Love 1

It begs the question what Michelle does all day, because we know for certain now that it's not homeschooling. 


Didn't she once say something about being the family's Scheduler-in-Chief or something along those lines? She must have a LOT more time for other things now, because the phone and the Inbox can't possibly be bringing in new offers like it once did. More of their calls these days must be "Thanks but no thanks, Duggars. We're un-inviting you to our event..." type. I can't imagine how she spends her days now. I can imagine what she's NOT doing however. It's very clear what she's NOT doing. Just about anything that an unmedicated, engaged and "normal" American mom would be doing

  • Love 2

This is from the Jill and Derick topic, responding to a comment about a big religious family (not the Duggars) that seemed to have all the adult kids involved in the same family business:



Excellent post!


Another problem with JB's plan, is that not only do his two sons-in-law want nothing to do with it, he has three daughters aged 18 and older whom he hasn't been able to find husbands for. No husbands at all for Joy-Anna (18), Jinger (21), or Jana (25). Not even a possible warm body to work in his businesses - house flipping, car dealing, real estate, or whatever. And it's totally out of the question for any Duggar daughter to actually *work* at a business outside the home, though JB may not be above having them help with some rehab tasks in a flip house. JB really needs three more sons-in-law who can and will pitch in. I think his chances of finding them are slim. Very slim.


Do we know what, if anything, Joseph and Josiah do in connection with JB's business(es)? They're 20 and 19 years old, respectively, which are ages at which IMO people should be engaged in work or education of some sort. 


I remember Josh and the infamous Duggar car lot. I assume that JB's "giving" Josh the car lot to run, was Step One in JB's  then version of his long-term economic Duggar family plan. And we saw how well that went - or didn't. IMO Josh hated that effing car lot. He appeared to spend as little time and energy as possible there. Given what we know now, I think he mainly went to the car lot to look at porn on the office computer. 


Unless Josh grows a pair and leaves to make his own way in the world, I assume JB will slot him into the Duggar enterprises somewhere. I can't see pudgy lazy-ass Josh working up a sweat to rehab flip houses. Maybe he'll work on the buying/selling end of things. Or, maybe he'll end up at the car lot, if JB still has it, or working at whatever JB now does in terms of buying/selling vehicles.


I also think that making this work woule give him some prestige in Gothard-land, and may make it easier to marry off his kids. Being able to provide for all of these people would show that he is a capable "headship" and that he has control of his family. Obviously, this isn't working out to well since he clearly lacks the requisite complete and total control over his children, and he still has three mariageable daughters and three mariageable sons sitting at home.

  • Love 4

I have a feeling Boob would love to get some of the older kids married off, there just aren't any takers. If the best "hot daughter" Jessa could do was Bin, that's a pretty strong indication there isn't the level of interest we would expect.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11

I have a feeling Boob would love to get some of the older kids married off, there just aren't any takers. If the best "hot daughter" Jessa could do was Bin, that's a pretty strong indication there isn't the level of interest we would expect.

I think part of the problem is JB expects to be wooed by a head bowing beta boy who is no threat to JB's authority. These non threatening guys aren't exactly head of household material.

I have a feeling Boob would love to get some of the older kids married off, there just aren't any takers. If the best "hot daughter" Jessa could do was Bin, that's a pretty strong indication there isn't the level of interest we would expect.

I think part of the problem is JB expects to be wooed by a head bowing beta boy who is no threat to JB's authority. These non threatening guys aren't exactly head of household material.

  • Love 8

'Being able to provide for all of these people would show that he is a capable "headship" and that he has control of his family. Obviously, this isn't working out to well since he clearly lacks the requisite complete and total control over his children, and he still has three mariageable daughters and three mariageable sons sitting at home."


Well this sounds like a good thing to me.  From where I sit his whole family looks too beaten down to do anything.  JD alone seems to have non-inspired Duggar jobs.  Well, maybe not.  Perhaps his love of flying in a maximum 4 seat plane may have been a way to get away from the stink bus.  But if his kids are less brain washed than others with huge families including in-laws and grandchildren, then that's a fine deal.

  • Love 4

I also think that making this work woule give him some prestige in Gothard-land, and may make it easier to marry off his kids. Being able to provide for all of these people would show that he is a capable "headship" and that he has control of his family. Obviously, this isn't working out to well since he clearly lacks the requisite complete and total control over his children, and he still has three mariageable daughters and three mariageable sons sitting at home.


I wonder whether part of the problem may also be that Jim Bob himself much prefers "jobs" and "businesses" where you try to profit through speculation, hopefully big returns with little investment, conning-type sales tactics, personality-based sales and so on, rather than jobs and businesses where success actually comes from hard work and excellent planning. I gather that his real-estate investments tend to be of the speculative type and it's also quite possible to go into the used-car business thinking you'll be able to buy cheap, add a little spit and polish, and gladhand your way to selling crap vehicles to unsuspecting suckers. He seems to have encouraged some of the boys to pick up likely half-assed "electrical" and "plumbing" skills so that they can half-ass their way to poorly renovated buildings to sell. It's all the same way he went about his political "career" -- thinking he could succeed just by showing up for high-profile votes on an extremely limited slate of issues and telling his constituents how wonderful he and his family were rather than, you know, addressing constituent concerns. His attempt to leverage that into a lasting career didn't work either.


I don't see any evidence that he's actually committed himself to developing businesses or family-member employees with a strong component of know-how, work, attention to what customers might actually want (as opposed to what you can foist off on them because they don't know how shoddy it is) and so on. And unless you're extremely lucky, that kind of speculative approach to work isn't likely to give you real long-term steady returns and success. Especially when you train up all your employees in the same mindset and try to support a whole mob of people on your proceeds, with most of those people not working.


Reality tv and "preaching" your personal "ministry" to suckers are some of the few venues in which you actually can grift, speculate,, lie and half-ass your way to bucks. .... Now with those "career fields" dwindling, it's no wonder that he'd have trouble placing his gang in some other profitable enterprise. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 15

I wonder whether part of the problem may also be that Jim Bob himself much prefers "jobs" and "businesses" where you try to profit through speculation, hopefully big returns with little investment, conning-type sales tactics, personality-based sales and so on, rather than jobs and businesses where success actually comes from hard work and excellent planning. I gather that his real-estate investments tend to be of the speculative type and it's also quite possible to go into the used-car business thinking you'll be able to buy cheap, add a little spit and polish, and gladhand your way to selling crap vehicles to unsuspecting suckers. He seems to have encouraged some of the boys to pick up likely half-assed "electrical" and "plumbing" skills so that they can half-ass their way to poorly renovated buildings to sell. It's all the same way he went about his political "career" -- thinking he could succeed just by showing up for high-profile votes on an extremely limited slate of issues and telling his constituents how wonderful he and his family were rather than, you know, addressing constituent concerns. His attempt to leverage that into a lasting career didn't work either.


I don't see any evidence that he's actually committed himself to developing businesses or family-member employees with a strong component of know-how, work, attention to what customers might actually want (as opposed to what you can foist off on them because they don't know how shoddy it is) and so on. And unless you're extremely lucky, that kind of speculative approach to work isn't likely to give you real long-term steady returns and success. Especially when you train up all your employees in the same mindset and try to support a whole mob of people on your proceeds, with most of those people not working.


Reality tv and "preaching" your personal "ministry" to suckers are some of the few venues in which you actually can grift, speculate,, lie and half-ass your way to bucks. .... Now with those "career fields" dwindling, it's no wonder that he'd have trouble placing his gang in some other profitable enterprise. 


I agree. I don't know what "business" other than reality tv would actually work for this bunch, but house flipping seems like a bad choice. JB has spent 20+ years boasting to the world that he is a cheap-skate. Being a humper is one thing, but spending hard earned money on a house that you know was whacked together by children with the cheapest possible materials and no professional plumbers or electricians in sight is a whole different ball game.


JB has to walk a fine line here. He wants his children to have enough skill to be able to do something, but not enough skill -- and certainly no certification -- that they could go out into the world and work for others.

  • Love 8

Jim Bob has lucked into things his whole life. Finding a cheerleader wife, finding a religion to suppress her, and a TV show to pay the bills. I think JB's luck is running out. It's going to suck for him and his offspring when all of these hobby businesses that they dabble in, suck the money dry, rather than produce a profit. I hope Grandma is ready to live long and support them all.


My Thanksgiving wish for the Duggar 19 is to take a good look at the logistics of life.

  • Love 11

Jim Bob has lucked into things his whole life. Finding a cheerleader wife, finding a religion to suppress her, and a TV show to pay the bills. I think JB's luck is running out. It's going to suck for him and his offspring when all of these hobby businesses that they dabble in, suck the money dry, rather than produce a profit. I hope Grandma is ready to live long and support them all.




I'd call this a definitive statement of the case.

  • Love 5

I agree. I don't know what "business" other than reality tv would actually work for this bunch, but house flipping seems like a bad choice. JB has spent 20+ years boasting to the world that he is a cheap-skate. Being a humper is one thing, but spending hard earned money on a house that you know was whacked together by children with the cheapest possible materials and no professional plumbers or electricians in sight is a whole different ball game.


JB has to walk a fine line here. He wants his children to have enough skill to be able to do something, but not enough skill -- and certainly no certification -- that they could go out into the world and work for others.

Applauding your post, cmr2014, especially the bolded part !  Seems like his ultimate goal is the make the kids jackasses of all trades but masters of none. 


Sometimes I think it's JB and Michelle's intention to have some of the kids just never, ever marry or leave, and they'll all just live together until death. For those who do make it out, they're almost guaranteed to remain dependent on, and beholden to, JB for their lives and livelihoods. 


As for the houses they flip that have been rehabbed, essentially, by children - at what point can this catch up with them ? Doesn't their town, county, state, whatever, have some laws regarding home repair and construction ? Isn't there some entity that gives a green light for a safe, habitable structure, or a red one for the cheap, shitty work of the Duggarlings ? 


When I bought my first house I negotiated a full 40% off the asking price because the deceased owner had been a DIY nightmare, and "fixed" the plumbing and knob and tube wiring with about a thousand rolls of duct tape, had rigged the furnace with a "permanent" filter made out of an old window screen that was just begging for an explosion to happen, and had installed a new outdoor sprinkler line directly over the outside electrical outlet ! 


So when the Duggar children do essentially the same things isn't there someone to answer to ? Banks and mortgage lenders have inspections and appraisals, so how are they getting away with this ? Am I crazy here ? Perhaps because it's in a rural area there aren't as many rules and regulations, but I can't imagine that there isn't something regulating the installation of a junction box by a 12 year old...

  • Love 8

Applauding your post, cmr2014, especially the bolded part !  Seems like his ultimate goal is the make the kids jackasses of all trades but masters of none. 


Sometimes I think it's JB and Michelle's intention to have some of the kids just never, ever marry or leave, and they'll all just live together until death. For those who do make it out, they're almost guaranteed to remain dependent on, and beholden to, JB for their lives and livelihoods. 


As for the houses they flip that have been rehabbed, essentially, by children - at what point can this catch up with them ? Doesn't their town, county, state, whatever, have some laws regarding home repair and construction ? Isn't there some entity that gives a green light for a safe, habitable structure, or a red one for the cheap, shitty work of the Duggarlings ? 


When I bought my first house I negotiated a full 40% off the asking price because the deceased owner had been a DIY nightmare, and "fixed" the plumbing and knob and tube wiring with about a thousand rolls of duct tape, had rigged the furnace with a "permanent" filter made out of an old window screen that was just begging for an explosion to happen, and had installed a new outdoor sprinkler line directly over the outside electrical outlet ! 


So when the Duggar children do essentially the same things isn't there someone to answer to ? Banks and mortgage lenders have inspections and appraisals, so how are they getting away with this ? Am I crazy here ? Perhaps because it's in a rural area there aren't as many rules and regulations, but I can't imagine that there isn't something regulating the installation of a junction box by a 12 year old...


I think it depends. If someone tries to get a mortgage, there will have to be an inspection and I don't think "Josiah picked up a little electrical experience" or "JD knows a bit about plumbing" will have been enough and the problems might be caught (depending on the inspector). On the other hand, if they sell to another Gothardite who doesn't believe in credit, I doubt there will be an inspection. Still, I don't think that anyone who knows the Duggars is going to be willing to plonk down a couple hundred thousand dollars based on their reputation for quality workmanship since they very specifically do not have that reputation.

  • Love 5

I don't know the rules in Bumfuck, Arkansas but when we redid our kitchen last year, there were inspections throughout the construction. It is hard for me to believe Boob would be able to slide through without permits and associated inspections but maybe Arkansas is completely lax? I just cannot imagine having so little drive, imagination, and interest in anything as all those kids. I know the whole point of their cult is to remove all that but surely there will be one with a little spark?

  • Love 2

Is it true, as mentioned above, that JB won't speak to female servers in reataurants!???? I could loathe him for that alone.

If that is his way, did he deign to speak to any female medical professionals who helped to save Josie's and Michelle's lives? Argh!!!

  • Love 3

Is it true, as mentioned above, that JB won't speak to female servers in reataurants!???? I could loathe him for that alone.

If that is his way, did he deign to speak to any female medical professionals who helped to save Josie's and Michelle's lives? Argh!!!


I assume that part of the not speaking thing is to avoid having mutual defrauding take place. I mean, if women are out working then they're clearly sluts. So they might defraud JB. And, of course, he's so extremely attractive that he's likely to totally defraud any woman he goes near. So he shouldn't talk to them either, for their sake. After all, they're sluts but they have the misfortune of working for a living rather than being wholly under some guy's umbrella. So they have enough problems without being defrauded by Jim Bob. 


The refusal to talk is a safety measure really.    (ETA: DId I forget tho turn on the sarcasm beacon for this last line?)

Edited by Churchhoney
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