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S08.E32: Reunion: Behind the Screams

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17 hours ago, Steph J said:

Presumably there aren't two deranged famewhores at your workplace screaming at each other and trying to get into a physical altercation. I don't blame Chelsea for leaving; someone could have gotten hurt because of those idiots and the producers were clearly prioritizing drama over everyone's safety.

Yeah, yeah. But Chelsea should just quit, then, if the behavior is offensive to her. (And it is to me but I'd NEVER agree to be on a reality show.) Seems she and Randy are willing to be associated with this shit show as long as the money rolls in. I mean why bring the whole family if the last time they were all together was so bad? 

If they have such objections, QUIT.

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17 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Significant other??? He was deadbeat who cheated on WITH you a few months ago!


Honestly,  Kail continued to breathe life into a comment that should have been dead and buried. If known it isn't true, then why devote all this energy to it?

Fixed that for you ?

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They all got pregnant at 16 and now some think everyone should act accordingly and adult like... 

chelsea would be dreaming to expect that. 

Hence the name “teen mom”

I love Chelsea but she’s on the wrong show if she thinks everyone is gonna be adultlike in every situation ... sorry Chelsea 

Nobody has mentioned how Kail and Javi were hooking up while he was with Brianna... geez wonder why there’s a cat fight??  Both the girls were jealous of eachother ... both getting fed bullshit by Javi... he plays both sides 

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23 minutes ago, Mainer said:

I wish the producers would read this and let us take a vote to get Brianna off... ugh it literally pisses me off to look at her at this point. She’s that Whiney ass trouble maker you wanna smack. I know Brittany is her sister and has to have loyalty to her but she should let Brianna learn the hard way... if you run your mouth online you will deal with the consequences!! 

What’s funny to think about is if Brianna didn’t start all this I really think Brittany and Kail would be great friends there both stand up bitches that tell it like it is... they’d probably respect that about eachother but they never got that chance. 

I would get satisfaction out of Kail dating one of Brianna’s baby daddy’s and then sitting there with that dumb as look on her face saying “I don’t know what the problem is”.   “Why is she so mad”...?

Brianna started nothing!  If anyone is a  troublemaker, it's Javi because he pursued Briana to remain relevant on the show.  Kail and Javi are  divorced, they owe each other nothing in regards to relationships they engage in after their marriage has ended. Their only obligation to each other is in regards to co-parenting Lincoln. 

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13 hours ago, Bridget said:

What irked me is that Briana (who also used the word “retarded” to describe the situation with Kail to Brittany) stopped to run her mouth right in front of a six months pregnant Chelsea. Then Brittany jumped over the couch, passed Jo and landed directly in front of Chelsea. 

Of ALL of the places to stop on the set? 

Who does that?!?! Not safe!!!

They’re trash bags (Kail, Bri & Brittany) for engaging in the most unprofessional behavior in the world, not just for a studio audience to witness, but for it to be on camera for everyone to see. They should be ashamed of their behavior, but they aren’t smart enough to realize they just acted like teenagers, with their wannabe thug shit & having a fucking entourage with them to “back them up”, but they’re not. Good luck in life. 

Also, if Brittany attacked Kail from behind, and it looked like Kail actually fell/dropped to the ground bc Brittany grabbed her from behind, why didn’t anyone press charges against Brittany? I ? Brittany 90% of the time, but as some of you have said, the Coven keeps her down. Regardless, isn’t that assault?

PS: Kail, your “I Only Make Boys” shirt isn’t correct. The baby daddy’s sperm determines the gender of the baby. 

Totally agree that her use of the "r" word was ignorant AT BEST. Highly offensive in general. WTACTUALFUCK?!

Thank you and @maharincess (I think) for pointing out how the sperm determines the gender.  And I always think "um hmm...girl" when parents with a pothead father have a girl, because I read somewhere that habitual marijuana use by the father causes male sperm to be slower and makes a girl more likely. I think this about one of my brothers in law all the time (3 girls).

Also, the patriarchal ickyness of a t-shirt that could be read as valuing boys above girls. As if boys are harder to come by instead of nearly 50/50 statistically. 

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2 minutes ago, missy jo said:


I would rather have had an additional regular-season episode than this backstage drama. I don't think it's "show material," as low as that bar has become. 


I agree they need to fire the ghetto and get back to the original 4 girls they never had drama and fights like this!!

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7 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

But would tou call Kail, Jenelle or Amber a hoodrat or or are they just trash? Get what I am saying?

they're all hoodrats. As a Latina, I will say that being a hoodrat isn't about color, its about actions. Kail, Jenelle, Amber and yes Briana are all hoodrats

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4 minutes ago, Mainer said:

I agree they need to fire the ghetto and get back to the original 4 girls they never had drama and fights like this!!

Ooh, that's a troublesome phrase and Kaitlyn is the most ratchet of them all anyway.

This was ridiculous but I don't need a episode of Chelsea doing nothing, the coven doing coven things, Kail acting like she's queen of everyone, Jenelle being co dependent and Leah depressing me.

This is what you get when you keep feeding famewhores money and minor stardom. The whole franchise should have been trashed years ago but money trumps all.

50 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I’m so old - the hell is an internet gangster? 

Leah not moving from the sofa was everything. As was the guy who told her she didn’t even mess up her hair. 

Kail is always funny to me for some reason. She puts on such a hard front, but I think she’s manic and insecure as hell. I wish she’d see a therapist and figure out that her choices are terrible and impulsive. Get some meds and calm the F down. I think she could be a good parent because I see a lot of love for those kids. Very unlike Jenelle who could get all the therapy in the world and still be a serial killer in the making. 

The whole Brianna clan is just hideous. I don’t see how any of them ever get healthy or independent from each other. I feel so bad for those kids with the language and behavior that is normal to them. 

Javi needs to get deployed. I don’t wish him harm, but I don’t want to look at him anymore!

Internet gangsters are people who talk a lot of shit online but can't back it up in person. All talk online no bite in reality.

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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

This...Kail is totally out of control and unstable.  Her entourage of WWE girlfriends are complicit with her bully behavior. Brianna's outburst was weird and she was completely unhinged...wow...she seemed to be very embarrassed and ashamed of what she did, as well as she should be. The whole Brianna/Kail altercation was unfortunate. It put others in danger and it was another new low for this franchise. 

On another point, Kail bragging about her "accomplishments" is a LMFAO moment. What "accomplishments"? Yes, she graduated from college...by the skin of her teeth. She was about to flunk out and would have had to re-enroll and probably would have been on academic probation. But I'll give her credit for that anyway. She wrote a book that was a best seller? Yeah...she's a real Ernest Hemingway that Kail. She had three kids with three different men? That's an accomplishment? She gives no credit to Javi at all for helping her along the way and supporting her and Issac she she had nothing. She is devoid of any gratitude or humility. 

Kail wishes she had classy friends like Becky Lynch & Nattie Neidhart!

Briana didn’t strike me as being ashamed of her actions at all. Brittany & Shirley had to repeatedly remind Briana that her actions made her look crazy. All Briana said was, “I don’t care.” When Briana sat down with Dr. Drew, at Morgan’s request, she walked off as quickly as she sat down. I will be curious to see the actual segment when it airs. I wonder whether or not she was able to verbalize or admit that she played a part in any of it. 

I agree that Kail wouldn’t know humility or gratitude if it smacked her upside the head. It took a damn village to raise Isaac & Lincoln so that she could attend classes, do half ass work on HW assignments and earn buy her diploma...the one that anyone has yet to see. 

Jo was sitting on the damn stage. You remember him Kail? He’s Isaac’s dad...the one who moved from PA to Delaware to be an involved co-parent!  I would have paid big bucks to hear Jo’s 2 cents on the shit show. Instead, we get stuck with the human hemorrhoid, Javi. 

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19 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Briana didn’t strike me as being ashamed of her actions at all. Brittany & Shirley had to repeatedly remind Briana that her actions made her look crazy. All Briana said was, “I don’t care.”

She even said it after Brittany said it made her look bad.  (Though the truth is *Brittany* is the one who made herself look bad but I think the relationship between the 3 of them is so odd and unhealthy that they always think they have to be "ride or die" or they're disloyal. I think that happens when people adopt this "us against the world" mentality.)

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Waa Waa Waa.  You're not a babe in the woods, Kail.  You know how they roll.  If you don't like the producers' tactics, quit.  Until then, continue cashing your ginormous paychecks and STFU.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

Good God, what a shit show. Good on Chelsea for walking out. Good on Shirley and Brittany for yelling at Brianna, they were right. Why do I watch this damn show. We didn't really see Jo's reaction, I'm assuming he walked off stage as well when everything was going down. I laughed when the security was holding Brianna back and she fell and her dress rode up. Again, why do I watch this. 

Not sure when he walked off the stage, but he kept walking.  All the way off the series (and took Isaac with him).  Smart move.

"Jo fled the set during last month’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 8B Reunion taping after just one day, due to the physical fight that broke out on stage and the backstage drama. He refused to return for the second day of filming and went home instead."


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1 minute ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Not sure when he walked off the stage, but he kept walking.  All the way off the series (and took Isaac with him).  Smart move.

"Jo fled the set during last month’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 8B Reunion taping after just one day, due to the physical fight that broke out on stage and the backstage drama. He refused to return for the second day of filming and went home instead."


I wish Javi would take some lessons from Jo. His bitching about what his involvement with the DeJesus clan does to his personal brand is a bunch of bullshit. He loves that attention. It's almost compulsive. Or maybe he's super susceptible to the producers' manipulations and they feed him lines and situations and affirmation. He just looks sad and desperate. I feel bad for his new girlfriend. That has to be embarrassing for her to watch. 

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10 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

  Also, Bristol Palin is reportesly being being paid 250,000 for her first season, why pay her so much and only pay Brianna peanuts? 

Because Bristol Palin is a known name, her mom was on a Presidential ticket as VP and her trashy ass has been in the tabloids, that's why. Briana had no media following as does Bristol or the original Teen Mom 2 girls. She's gotta EARN the big bucks, they're not just going to hand it to her. I think this is why she's acting the way she does, she's trying to "bring it" and create a buzz, get media coverage, develop a social media following so they'll pay her more. I hope backfired and they dump her. 

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2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Yeah, yeah. But Chelsea should just quit, then, if the behavior is offensive to her. (And it is to me but I'd NEVER agree to be on a reality show.) Seems she and Randy are willing to be associated with this shit show as long as the money rolls in. I mean why bring the whole family if the last time they were all together was so bad? 

If they have such objections, QUIT.

Why should anyone have to walk away from a lucrative paycheck because other people can't/won't behave themselves? 

Physical violence/assault is not normal nor should it be expected in the workplace. 95% of this job involves no interaction with fellow castmates. If they are unable to ensure a safe environment for the obligatory Dr. Drew check-ins, then they can film them separately, like they've done with Janelle. 

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10 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

How is what Briana did any different from what Amber did to Farrah at the reunion a few seasons ago? 

If ya’ll wanna watch classy ppl, I say you’re watching the wrong show! Lol 

I don’t see the difference.  They are both trash.  Any adult their age regardless of mental health issues should be capable of being in the presence of co workers for a few hours without resorting to threats of physical violence.  MTV won’t fire them because this is more entertaining for viewers.

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31 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

How is what Briana did any different from what Amber did to Farrah at the reunion a few seasons ago? 

Briana was light on her feet when she entered stage left as opposed to Amber whose footsteps created loud traumatic sounds and cracks in the floor's foundation. 

Briana- sneak attack

Amber- hurricane warning  


Edited by druzy
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I used to watch Jerry Springer as a kid and still the level of trashiness displayed here was shocking. This show never ceases to amaze me with how farrrrrr, faaaaaarrrr away it has become from its original theme and purpose. 

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Congratulations, MTV!  You've been successful in nurturing outsized egos in young people, most of very humble beginnings, whose only accomplishment was getting knocked up at 16.  What that the desired outcome when you started this whole mess?  It's like Frankenstein's monster...you've created it, now deal with it in a humane way.  Not by feeding into these young womens' narcissism but by holding them accountable.  Is it okay for anyone to become so enraged by some harmless but effectively provoking words that you literally destroy property?  Not in the real world, it's not.  I really wonder what would have become of all of these young people had MTV not come into their lives.  They'd be a lot poorer, for sure, but their psychological development may not have been arrested in the ways we see in Briana, Kail, Farrah, Caitlyn and Amber.  I'm giving you a pass on Jenelle because she was destined to become who she is no matter what happened.  Now is the time to say, "Experiment's over!  We're not going to continue to exploit the lives of the sad, and sometimes abused, children that have resulted from the bad judgement of their moms.".  

Just So Over It

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

Why should anyone have to walk away from a lucrative paycheck because other people can't/won't behave themselves? 

Physical violence/assault is not normal nor should it be expected in the workplace. 95% of this job involves no interaction with fellow castmates. If they are unable to ensure a safe environment for the obligatory Dr. Drew check-ins, then they can film them separately, like they've done with Janelle. 


6 hours ago, Mkay said:

Kail posted an article (and interviewed with Dr Drew) that Chris hit her while she was holding Lux.  

Ahhh, I didn't know that! Then why is Kail bitching about Briana posting it on social media? Wait, why am I even asking - because she's a shit stirring drama seeking bitch!

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2 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Not sure when he walked off the stage, but he kept walking.  All the way off the series (and took Isaac with him).  Smart move.

"Jo fled the set during last month’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 8B Reunion taping after just one day, due to the physical fight that broke out on stage and the backstage drama. He refused to return for the second day of filming and went home instead."


If you watch it in slow motion you can see him exit the stage before it got to the hair pulling. 

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21 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I was expecting everyone to come out with white socks after the hair went up. Gypsy Sister Style!

I used to think Mellie was the epitome of insane and trashy, then I saw Briana’s...I don’t even know what to call it...display...on this episode. I don’t think even Mellie could get that insane. Briana was acting like a rabid animal and screeching like a feral ghoul.

Briana is such a fucking trashy little baby. Learn the damn English language, you psychotic loser. And, yeah, it’s just super badass to instead call Kailyn out on stage, where there are bodyguards present...she’s so tough. Briana is insane! Literally. I want her and her trash bag family gone from the show so badly.  The fact that she wasn’t fired after that...display...is, to overuse the word, INSANE. I think she deserved a 5150 psychiatric hold, personally. She wasn’t even drunk or on drugs! That was all just her! I couldn’t get that worked up and psychotic for a $10M paycheck and an Academy Award! Most people probably couldn’t act like Briana on this episode even if they took bath salts! ? 

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I couldn’t agree more Rebecca!! Well said!! Please MTV I’m begging you to take the trash out!!  She’s complete scum! Literally can’t even come up with a response to Kail!! Hahah literally lacks intelligence!

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I would think MTV would have more loyalty to Kail, she’s been literally  assaulted at this point like isn’t that reason enough to fire her ??? 

Edited by Mainer
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What a cluster.  So, the producers totally told each of them that the other one wanted to talk before they went on stage, right? They’ve all done this rodeo before, they should know better than to believe that.

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Why is Jenelle able to not show up to her job just because her husband can't come and why can kailyn fire a producer ? What is wrong with these show runners that they let this trash take over and boss the entire crew around ? 

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4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:


If they have such objections, QUIT.

Now, now, you're sounding like Javi. Don't let Kail hear you or she'll kick you out of her room and call you a "huggie" as you walk out....whatever that means.


4 hours ago, Mainer said:

I wish the producers would read this and let us take a vote to get Brianna off... ugh it literally pisses me off to look at her at this point. She’s that Whiney ass trouble maker you wanna smack. I know Brittany is her sister and has to have loyalty to her but she should let Brianna learn the hard way... if you run your mouth online you will deal with the consequences!! 

What’s funny to think about is if Brianna didn’t start all this I really think Brittany and Kail would be great friends there both stand up bitches that tell it like it is... they’d probably respect that about eachother but they never got that chance. 

I would get satisfaction out of Kail dating one of Brianna’s baby daddy’s and then sitting there with that dumb as look on her face saying “I don’t know what the problem is”.   “Why is she so mad”...?


I agree with every single word you typed.

I'm all for Team Brail. Here's to Briana getting fired and MTV keeping Britney as part of Kail's squad. She'll fit right in.


4 hours ago, Mainer said:

Both the girls were jealous of eachother ... both getting fed bullshit by Javi... he plays both sides 

Ultimately, he'd side with Kail. (Geez what a prize.) The boy's got it bad for her.

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When Jenelle refused to come to the reunion (which I think was an attempt at a power play to get David on the show) the producers should have said, "That's fine, we've got Barb and she's a big fan favorite" and not offered to film her remotely. Also should have told her her pay would be docked. As soon as Jenelle realized Barb would be filmed, get to tell her side of the story and Jenelle wouldn't get to have her say I bet her ass would have been on a plane to New York. If Jenelle is, as she said after the traffic altercation, "Always protected. Always." why is she so afraid to go anywhere without David? My take is she thinks this is punishing TBTB for booting his ass off the show.

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22 hours ago, Emmierose said:

Brianna is the trashiest trash that ever trashed.  Kail isn’t much better but at least she’s a bit more articulate when she’s yelling her shit.  Brianna is just all, “SCHREECH, SCHREECH, RAAAR,RAAAR, YOUWL,SCHREECH, RAAAR.” Bitch just what the what?

Yeah, I hate them both, but Briana really embarrassed herself with her complete inability to make any kind of rational point, along with her super screechiness. She sounded like an emotionally disturbed middle schooler, while Kail at least managed to come off like a high school mean girl.

This episode was a new low of ridiculousness. I'm honestly a little surprised that Kail went there. She has always been obnoxious and sometimes violent (when the cameras weren't there or when she got so wound up that she forgot they were there), but it seems like she's been working on this "I'm a college graduate and best-selling author. I'm too classy and accomplished for this nonsense..." persona. Surely, even she understands that the behavior she displayed will not be attractive to prospective employers as she launches her media career <<snerk>>. And it's not like Briana did or said something unexpected or particularly egregious to set her off and Kail lost her cool; she completely premeditated this fight/fake attempt at a fight because she knew security would be there.

I feel like, again, this is about Chris. He was probably pissed that Bri accused him of being a baby/baby mama abuser on SM and probably laid into Kail for it. I think Kail felt like she had to do something big to "prove" that she was 100% on Chris's side and willing to defend him (against charges that she originally leveled). So the big display of defending Chris's honor, even if she had to (fake) fight to do so. I imagine that the fact that KAIL is the one who originally put the "Chris hit me while I was holding Lux" story out there (whether it's true, false, or kind of true) was a major topic in the fight(s) she had with Chris about Bri putting him on blast, so she was under that much more pressure to "correct the record" and make it up to Chris for publicly maligning him and opening the door for others to do so.

19 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Just watched the clips posted up above.  Where is the MTV who wouldn't tolerate any violence?  I remember when Brynn threw a fork on the Real World or the guy who threw Irene's bunny in the canal and slapped her both got booted off of their shows (I think Brynn did or had to go to counseling).

Neither Brynn nor David Stephen (the RW Seattle slapper) were kicked off the show.

Edited by TheRealT
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Everyone notice how Brianna is that girl that gathers her team up, her mom her sister those are her Rottweilers... but that’s not enough she calls janelle all bummed she won’t be there to back her... like HELLO!! You made the comment online you deal with it or shut up...! It’s such a simple concept... oh Kail sent some texts to Javi... big deal itwasnt Brianna’s business it wasn’t put online!! 

Brianna doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together! 

Get out of 8 th grade this isn’t the school dance where you and your girls are against another group of girls! Grow up!! 

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22 hours ago, toodywoody said:

How can she fire someone?

I don’t know but the idea of her being able to fire someone pisses me off. She probably means that she got him fired, not that she is literally the one who did the firing. What a douche thing to say and to imply that she holds that power. ? 

22 hours ago, druzy said:

There’s no way Briana is a good enough actress for that though! If that was faked she needs an agent immediately because she’s the actress of the century. I believe MTV did what they could to enable a fight though, if that’s just what he means. 

22 hours ago, Stusan said:

There's also a difference between being a child and being an adult and just letting it roll off your shoulders. 

Will they ever grow up?

Not as long as MTV is enabling and empowering them not to.

22 hours ago, JAndy said:

Here’s Javi with the cameras. He’s so thirsty! 

I was enjoying a Javi-free episode and then...ruined. He also always inspires Kailyn act like an even bigger asshole on top of being annoying himself.

22 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I was like oh shit get Babs outta there!

Barb looked so tiny when Kailyn hugged her! I know Kailyn is a larger American (?) but damn!

22 hours ago, what said:

Briana seems is slow. 


11 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

But would you call Kail, Jenelle or Amber a hoodrat or or are they just trash? Get what I am saying?

I definitely would call them all that. And trash and more. Amber is probably the one who is the most hoodrat, actually. She’s the one who’s been in prison. And, according to her she comes from “the hood” of Anderson, Indiana! I’ve personally never associated it with any race or ethnicity.

9 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I am very disappointed in so-called “Dr.” Drew continuing to associate himself with this show. 

He’s a famewhore, always has been and he even admits that. Outside of Javi (?) he’s probably the biggest famewhore associated with the show!

9 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I can't decide if Nathan really is that stupid, or if he self-sabotaged because he knows this campaign against Jenelle is all bluster. 

I think he’s really that stupid. What the hell was he talking about when he was all, “even a homeless person would know this is not how you raise a child” in regard to Jenelle and her gun toting “badassery” in front of Jace. Um, random? How about even someone as stupid and ignorant as Nathan “even knows this is not how you raise a child” instead, since nothing about being homeless inherently means not knowing the difference between appropriate parenting or not...idiot. He also has a history of using words wrong. ”Dramastic” actually comes from him.

8 hours ago, Mainer said:

janelle is a bit of an exception, I actually think she has a good heart she just follows and becomes whoever she’s with and then makes bad choices

I agree she becomes a follower of whoever she’s dating but I think it’s because she’s an empty shell sociopath. I’m genuinely wondering what about her or any of her actions show she has a good heart. I frequently wonder if she has a heart at all.

4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

To me, Kail is angry because she thinks that the world owes her something because she had a fucked up childhood. To her, she can do whatever she wants because of all that she has endured. It's like she is giving the finger to the universe. The problem is, the people she is treating poorly are not responsible for her upbringing so she gains no satisfaction in treating them like garbage because she's not "getting back at them" because they never did anything to her.  A lot of people had fucked up childhoods. She is nothing special in that regard. She had a golden opportunity to be America’s sweetheart when the show began: girl from fucked up family does well, is a role model for young girls, etc. She could have had a talk show at some point a la Ricki Lake had she played her cards right. Instead, she turned into an obnoxious hosebeast when she got paid and wonders why the world hates her.

You nailed it, imo.

3 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Not sure when he walked off the stage, but he kept walking.  All the way off the series (and took Isaac with him).  Smart move.

"Jo fled the set during last month’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 8B Reunion taping after just one day, due to the physical fight that broke out on stage and the backstage drama. He refused to return for the second day of filming and went home instead."


I’ve never respected Jo more!!!

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8 hours ago, Mkay said:

Kail posted an article (and interviewed with Dr Drew) that Chris hit her while she was holding Lux.  

He hit her?  I never read that.  My guess is if he hit her once it wasn't the first or last time.  Men that hit women are animals.

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33 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

Neither Brynn nor David (the RW Seattle slapper) were kicked off the show.

It was Stephen, not David. David dated a producer (you’re killin’ me, Kira!) that season. Stephen slapped Irene because she basically outed him as gay as Irene was leaving the house. He came out years later. But you’re right, he wasn’t kicked off, the cast got to see the footage and decide and they chose to let him stay. Irene was already leaving for other reasons so I guess they felt the danger was over. I think the LV cast also got to decide and Brynn got to stay. I think there have been other seasons where cast members have been kicked off, like David on the LA season when he pulled off Tammie’s blanket or whatever.

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I don't think Briana storming the stage was an MTV set-up either. The producers certainly didn't do anything to douse the flames, but I don't think they explicitly told her to go out there and act like a psycho. The way Shirley and Britney were laying into her about playing into Kail's hands sounded real and unscripted.

I also don't think MTV wanted a lawsuit if God forbid security didn't grab her fast enough and Chelsea or Barb got injured.

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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I used to watch Jerry Springer as a kid and still the level of trashiness displayed here was shocking. This show never ceases to amaze me with how farrrrrr, faaaaaarrrr away it has become from its original theme and purpose. 

Yeah so true.   I've only watched this show sporadically since the first few seasons and am in disbelief at what a twisted monstrosity it is now.  The cast of thousands of producers, security guards, glam squads frantically putting on this shitshow is BANANAAS

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5 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

It was Stephen, not David. David dated a producer (you’re killin’ me, Kira!) that season. Stephen slapped Irene because she basically outed him as gay as Irene was leaving the house. He came out years later. But you’re right, he wasn’t kicked off, the cast got to see the footage and decide and they chose to let him stay. Irene was already leaving for other reasons so I guess they felt the danger was over. I think the LV cast also got to decide and Brynn got to stay. I think there have been other seasons where cast members have been kicked off, like David on the LA season when he pulled off Tammie’s blanket or whatever.

Yes, you're right, Stephen.

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8 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Javi is 100 percent the instigator in all of this.  It was probably an unintended consequence of his pursuit of Briana in his effort to stay in front of the cameras, but he should have known there would be fallout from his actions.

I know Javi loves the cameras, so I'm sure that was part of it. But I do think a big part of him got with Brianna to fuck with Kail. 


7 hours ago, Jessritt said:

Coming out of lurkdom to mention one thing that I don't think has been addressed yet-

During Javi and Kail's talk (oh yes, did I want to smack that smirk off Javi's labia lips!), Javi was like, "So what are you gonna do- quit?" Kail got into such a huff and kicked him out after that. I think she was trying to cover up and keep from truly answering! As Javi was leaving, he said, "You're not going to quit."  I was laughing out loud so hard because as annoying as Javi is, at least he has his number on Kail!  Kail likes to act high, mighty and proper, but she isn't anything without MTV.  She's not going anywhere until MTV tells her to kick rocks.  Even then she'll be on her knees begging!

Thank you. I did notice this, but forgot about it. I can totally see Kail threatening to quit all the time, but she never will. This is how she stays relevant.

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10 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I am very disappointed in so-called “Dr.” Drew continuing to associate himself with this show. At one time, it was billed as a show that would promote safe sex and responsibility by showing how difficult it is to be a teenager mother, and hopefully to show these girls maturing because of this and ultimately becoming sadder but wiser adults.  At least, that’s what I always THOUGHT it was about. Instead it became ( as Roseanne once said) what happens when “ trailer trash get money”.  And fame.  Shame on MTV and Dr. Drew.

But these girls aren’t teens anymore, they are now grown women in their mid-20’s. So the show has evolved and besides, it’s impossible for this show to try to portray life as a normal teen mom with the level of fame and money these girls now have. And how many ppl in this thread are teens? Doubt many of us are. But we watch. 

I actually like this show better now that it’s more real and the 4th wall is broken.

9 hours ago, Mainer said:

Ya it’s all pretty much been summed up... but if you’ve been watching since day 1 which I have... 

all of the original girls have grown up a lot, janelle is a bit of an exception, I actually think she has a good heart she just follows and becomes whoever she’s with and then makes bad choices, I wish she was confident enough to stand in her own power. 

Leah has grown up and come such a long way!

chelsea learned fast and grew up and is doing great

kail learned everything the hard way and has made some dumb mistakes but she also doesn’t have a mother figure or any family really from what I’ve seen, so I tend to throw her some compassion.

but all the original girls at least learned to be civil with eachother and there wasn’t all this crazy low class jerry springer type stuff till they added the trouble maker Brianna. If they got rid of her everything would smooth back out and we could actually watch the girls grow and learn. 


Juat my opinion.

Yet Kail took Briana to the back room, off-camera and wanted to fight her! She openly admitted to this! But Kail is civil? If Briana should be fired, Kail’s ass should go right along with her. 

Briana is also about 4-5 years younger than Kail, so there’s also that. 

8 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Why isn’t Bri and Kailyn not fired? And why is brittany still allowed to be at the studio?? Why is Amber still filming from her right with Farrah??? So many questions and no answers.

If I were Kailyn I would have pressed charges, and had Kailyn hit Briana earlier “off-camera” I would hope Briana would have pressed charges. This is nuts. If Kailyn wanted to stick it to Briana and Brittany for all of that, pressing charges and having Brittany arrested would have been some sort of victory so I’m confused why that didn’t happen. 

Did it stipulate in their contracts that they can’t call the police on each other?

I feel sick watching that mess. I felt badly for Chelsea who made it PERFECTLY clear that she didn’t want to be in that situation. This show is so low. MTV you suck!! I’ve seen you send home players on the challenge for LESS yet these women get paid a ton of money to act like this.

I’m not siding with anyone but It’s funny how Briana doesn’t move a fist when it’s just Kailyn and Briana but when her sister is around she gets gutsy. It was funny hearing Briana yell “why you running behind th couch?” And Kailyn was all “im trying to get her to you so sit still!!” ? I added the sit still part. Nice to see Brittany makes her moves behind someone’s back.

Also, Javi is an instigator. He knows perfectly well what he was doing with Kailyn “you’d think you’d win the fight?” bitch, you would know more than anyone that Kailyn can hold her own as she kicked YOUR Labia looking ass on multiple occasions Briana can’t fight it’s her sister that has the moves albeit behind the back of her victim.

I think I’m done with this show. Do we know if they’re filming Briana still? Everyone but Leah and Chelsea should be FIRED for than antics.

I disagree about firing them but I love and respect the fact that you are at least fair in your thoughts about it, bc Kail tried to do the same shit to Briana off-camera that Bri tried to do on camera. It’s no different. And as usual, KAIL STARTED IT (not that that excuses Briana’s behavior but I don’t see how what Kail did is any different). 

4 minutes ago, Mainer said:

It’s not the color of Brianna’s skin that brings out the name “hood rat “  it’s her nasty ass trashy ass ratchet ass  diarrhea of the mouth ... I think of someone with such a potty mouth hood rat.      

Although I did apologize if someone took offense and have refrained from using that term.  

Once again... any girl that tells another girl to suck her dick is not really a girl. Maybe I should refer to her as a dude... maybe that’s even more insulting idk... 

I didn’t use that term with Kail because I think she doesn’t go to as low of a level as Brianna. (The dude)  

There’s an article about how Kail filed a TPO against Chris and someone from Kail’s camp said that he hit her! Whether it’s true or not, who knows, Kail likes to twist shit, but this was public info, Briana didn’t just make that shit up out of thin air. 

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22 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I know Javi loves the cameras, so I'm sure that was part of it. But I do think a big part of him got with Brianna to fuck with Kail. 


Thank you. I did notice this, but forgot about it. I can totally see Kail threatening to quit all the time, but she never will. This is how she stays relevant.

And this is how she makes her MONEY

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@Christina87 I had no idea being a middle school teacher could be so dangerous! Omg I would consider that a “Safe job”. 

I admit I am a fragile flower who’s never been in a fight, or seen a fight IRL etc but I just don’t do violence. In WHAT WORLD do people act like this?!! You don’t FIGHT people cause of the things they say. If I wanted to fight every time I heard someone call my sister the R word or us the N word or both together I’d be in prison. 

And what does it say about JAVI that he’s figuratively masturbating to two women he’s had sex with fighting. 

I am on no ones side. They are both inappropriate and there was no excuse for any of this. 

I’m team JO who left and didn’t come back!

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3 hours ago, smhjess said:

I don’t see the difference.  They are both trash.  Any adult their age regardless of mental health issues should be capable of being in the presence of co workers for a few hours without resorting to threats of physical violence.  MTV won’t fire them because this is more entertaining for viewers.

Agreed, this show is full of trashy ppl. It is what it is. 

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19 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Just watched the clips posted up above.  Where is the MTV who wouldn't tolerate any violence?  I remember when Brynn threw a fork on the Real World or the guy who threw Irene's bunny in the canal and slapped her both got booted off of their shows (I think Brynn did or had to go to counseling).  Briana came out guns blazing, who knows what she said other than bitch you wanna talk about me, bitch, bitch, bitch, let me at that bitch...……...

Not sure what Kail did or said beforehand.  She was meandering her way over closer to Briana.  She's all bark and no bite, too.  And wow, she did not look good in that top and jeans.  She's got a bunch of yes people who tell her she looks good rather than real friends who'd say no, don't wear that outfit.   Briana needs to go.  Zero tolerance and all.  Kail, maybe make her recurring and see if that adjusts her attitude.


Or when David (?) got kicked out of the house in season two after trying to pull a comforter off of a naked Tami (Tammy?). 

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One thing I forgot to add earlier, did you guys notice the way Kail screamed "LET'S GO, WE'RE LEAVING!" at her entourage? I know Becky and the other chick are paid sycophants willingly selling their dignity, but who the fuck does Kail think she is talking to people like that? 

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8 hours ago, Mkay said:

Read from the bottom up. I hate to say this BUT we don’t know what all Kail text to Javi about Brianna.  Kail is just as guilty, but kept hers off of social media. (Somewhat)

Oh I 100% believe it that Kail went all sorts of low. Kail called Bri an “internet thug” but that’s exactly what Kail is, maybe not on the internet but hey texts and behind the scenes, Kail did a lot of shit. Kail intentionally asked Bri to come to the room in the back, off-camera, to try to fight her bc she didn’t wanna look crazy and trashy in front of the cameras, that’s all. Whereas Bri, upon seeing Kail act all innocent and civilized on stage after what had just happened, didn’t give a fuck anymore, she lost it. Bri acted crazy but I get it, she’s been dealing with Kail’s bullshit for a loooong time now. 

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