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Season 2 Discussion

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Darcy and Jesse act like they're auditioning for roles on a soap opera.

How do we know Jon isn't Lucy's bio dad?

I am convinced he is Lucy’s bio dad based on the photos of himself as a baby on his instagram.  He is a real

 user and abuser type from what he shows us, being in debt, quitting his job at this point and his past criminal record.  He has never grown up and never will.

  • Love 1

Jon is a non-skilled worker NOT a real blue collar. Big Difference! A blue collar worker such as Electrician, Carpenter or Plumber who have learned a trade and took years of experience to perform the job well cannot be placed in the same category as Jon's. Sorry.  A true blue collar trademan worker makes more money than average "white collar" type of workers or any of these non-skilled workers. 

  • Love 20
21 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

 what's the biggie? If you don't feel committed to each other to that degree, might be worth rethinking the union.

I don't know, if a mate can't commit to something as simple as a ring, I agree the union should be rethought. Musicians wear rings all the time, often more than one. My dad was an electrician and never took off his unless he was on the transformer towers. Mom only took hers off when pregnant. 

  • Love 4

If John doesn't want to wear a wedding ring, he shouldn't have to.

He is not demanding that Rachel wear a ring.   It's her choice.

The problem is, she's inflicting her choice upon him and trying to justify it with all kinds of teen romance notions: "You should want to wear it," etc.

The truth is, Rachel wants to brand him.   She'd stamp a big scarlet M on his forehead if she could.

But she's an idiot if she thinks a wedding ring will take him off the market or neuter him in the eyes of the hordes of women she fancies are lusting after him.  It's a fairly well-known phenomenon that a wedding ring can draw women to a guy.   It's like a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval that tells the world "This fellow must have something to offer."  In a world of men who fear commitment, it marks him as one who doesn't.   There are even women who view a wedding ring as a challenge.

Jeez, Rachel,  if he's fixing to cheat, all he has to do is TAKE IT OFF.   Duh.

Rachel's underlying problem is that she knows she's married a womanizer.   And that it's only a matter of time.  

  • Love 11
19 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

 The ring is just a way to mark her territory and a socially acceptable alternative to her presumable preference, trailing 18 inches behind him at all times while holding a flashing neon sign that says "THIS IS MY MAN!"

Do you really think so? I just got a fake sense from Rachel for tv drama - and she's a horrible actor. Concern about Jon's acceptance of an open relationship - don't buy it. Concern over Jon's debt - don't buy it. Jon pretending to dislike a wedding ring - don't buy it. I seriously believe Jon's Lucy's real dad, and they are content being married, and he's happy wearing a ring. I just don't see him getting that many women, but maybe? He's nice enough looking, but most women have issues re: competent employment, intelligence, money, height (he does have his hair going for him, lol). I just think Jon doesn't check off enough boxes to attract that many women.

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, Mainer said:

I think Rachel must be very immature to think there gonna somehow live on love? If she met Jon in America then found out he’s slept with the whole town, been in a bunch of bad fights, is a felon, and lives with momma because he never paid his bills(wherever they come from, loans/cars etc)

 does anyone think she’d even show up for a second date?? 

I don’t. I think it’s a matter of proving her mother wrong, friends family, Dad whoever And its a little of you always want what you can’t have

jon is a fixer upper at best and she knows it... 

i think he didn’t wanna buy a ring for himself because he had quit/got fired and he’s broke as a joke... GREAT FIND RACHEL!! I bet the girls are lining up to take him from you!! Not!!

He is 34. What is she going to fix? It will take her years to pay off his debts and  he may not ever be welcome in the US. He’ll forever have a record in the UK so he’ll never get a decent job.  Cut your losses and dump him. He’s no fixer upper, he’s a money pit!!

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, Chalby said:

Do you really think so? I just got a fake sense from Rachel for tv drama - and she's a horrible actor. Concern about Jon's acceptance of an open relationship - don't buy it. Concern over Jon's debt - don't buy it. Jon pretending to dislike a wedding ring - don't buy it. I seriously believe Jon's Lucy's real dad, and they are content being married, and he's happy wearing a ring. I just don't see him getting that many women, but maybe? He's nice enough looking, but most women have issues re: competent employment, intelligence, money, height (he does have his hair going for him, lol). I just think Jon doesn't check off enough boxes to attract that many women.

I don’t think he’s had that many women, not unless they were as drunk as he was at the end of the night. I don’t find him attractive physically or personality wise. Maybe on the internet to a lonely insecure Rachel, he was able to  come across as her dream man, I just find him weird. That googly eyed stare, the open mouth breathing, the feeling that he’s on the edge of a freak out every time something stresses him?  Ugh me no like.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I agree but in Jon’s pea brain logic, not working is better because most of his wages were garnished.  I could see after taxes that he brought home a quarter of his pay.  Not worth it for him.  I’m not saying it’s right.  It says a lot about his character.   

If Jon goes on Unemployment/ dole whatever it's called, he won't have any of it garnished. (Or however its spelled). If he's getting TLC money and work money, of course debtors will chase him. He's a fool, but probably hates his $$ being taken even more. I don't really see Jon as wanting to come to the USA, he loves his home. Rachel wants him to come.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Chalby said:

Jesse's full of shit, though. The so-called trauma and shoe attacks. He's full-on bat-shit crazy and Darcy is delusional and masochistic

I agree... he found her on the floor, door was unlocked, right! Next it’ll be he could hear her whaling and crying threw the wall of his room 4 doors down, he has to make her sound like she’s half dead in order to react, because he doesn’t want anyone to know he actually went knocking and wanted to see her, wanted to fuck her.. he always does his best to make himself the hero and her the damsel in distress... she’s an idiot and knew he’d come back eventually if she stayed in the hotel room, she did that on purpose, they both wanted one last night together.. the difference is she admits he lies to save his face, but we all see threw it.

  • Love 7

Although Jon says that he is $50,000 in debt, he may actually be more in debt than that.  I would pretty much bet that he owes restitution to the person (or multiple persons) he severely injured.  Add to that his student loans, car debt, etc., it could really be quite high.  And, the fact that he would pay for Lucy's daycare instead of paying towards his debts really bothers me.  It seems that he thinks that he shouldn't have to pay for what he's done and the decisions he had made.  But, he will pay for a child that isn't his (according to their story on the show).  I certainly hope that there is a way that he is forced to pay any reparations he owes to those he has hurt.  I think that he believes that if he comes to the U.S. that he can escape his debts.  However, hopefully whoever reviews his upcoming application for a spousal visa has seen this show and  realizes that Jon should not be allowed into the country.  And yet Rachel thinks it's so unfair that they can't be together.  I wonder if there will come a time when she is really happy that the U.S. has denied entry to him.

I was over Jessie and Darcey during their original season.  Just make them stop.

Although Tarik may see himself as a player, he is the one who got played.

I cringe every time I remember that in the first episode of the season I thought Ricky was a good guy and I felt a bit sorry for him.  When I'm wrong I'm wrong.

  • Love 7

Ummm dickhead Jessie... PTSD does not stand for post traumatic shoe disorder...god is he a weasel, making me side more and more with Delusional Darcey.  Tarik, could be the poster boy for hairclub for men, I wonder how much cash he left behind for Hazel the homeless. Still want to know did Ricky dump Ximena and get back with his wife ? I want the troof....

Pole & Karinee -a disgusting mess these two are - At 21 and asking for stuffed animals ? I really doubt she grew up in such poverty

  • Love 9
30 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Although Jon says that he is $50,000 in debt, he may actually be more in debt than that.  I would pretty much bet that he owes restitution to the person (or multiple persons) he severely injured.  Add to that his student loans, car debt, etc., it could really be quite high.  And, the fact that he would pay for Lucy's daycare instead of paying towards his debts really bothers me.  It seems that he thinks that he shouldn't have to pay for what he's done and the decisions he had made.  But, he will pay for a child that isn't his (according to their story on the show).  I certainly hope that there is a way that he is forced to pay any reparations he owes to those he has hurt.  I think that he believes that if he comes to the U.S. that he can escape his debts.  However, hopefully whoever reviews his upcoming application for a spousal visa has seen this show and  realizes that Jon should not be allowed into the country.  And yet Rachel thinks it's so unfair that they can't be together.  I wonder if there will come a time when she is really happy that the U.S. has denied entry to him.

I was over Jessie and Darcey during their original season.  Just make them stop.

Although Tarik may see himself as a player, he is the one who got played.

I cringe every time I remember that in the first episode of the season I thought Ricky was a good guy and I felt a bit sorry for him.  When I'm wrong I'm wrong.

I'm also wondering if the "student loan debt" also includes debts he has from hiring lawyers for his court cases. 

  • Love 3

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the addition of the horribly cheesy music courtesy of the "Reality TV Band," which seems to be more and more common on these shows lately.  Married at First Sight has it too... lame music with lyrics that "fit" the situation.  My dear husband tolerates this Sunday nights although he doesn't pay much attention (with the rare exception of gaping at Angela's brash, lewd comments or looking at Jon on the screen and saying, "oh, he's the criminal") and the other night he blurted out, "this music is so stupid!!"

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Mainer said:

I agree... he found her on the floor, door was unlocked, right! Next it’ll be he could hear her whaling and crying threw the wall of his room 4 doors down, he has to make her sound like she’s half dead in order to react, because he doesn’t want anyone to know he actually went knocking and wanted to see her, wanted to fuck her.. 

This sounds like a premise for Law & Order.   I'm picturing Jerry Orbach interrogating Jesse.   

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, Eric said:

Now that Hazelnut has the keys to a new apartment , she will be able to invite ex-boyfriend and her kid over. (laugh). Tarik is being taken for a ride. I'm assuming he is sending her a "girlfriend allowance" as well to feed herself.(it's very common in the Philippines  for a girl to ask an allowance from a foreign boyfriend).

Absolutely.  Of course Hazel would need money for food, etc...Tarik is the perfect mark, he is desparate for love  and needs to feel like a hero rescuing a fair maiden and all Hazel had to say was that she loves him and jackpot!

I am quite sure when Hazel told Tarik that her ex boyfriend said she could buy back her belongings she gave the puppy dog eyes as in Tarik should open his wallet and give her the money.

Hazel has a roof over her head, money and freedom to reunite with the ex boyfriend if the mood strikes and she didn't even have sex with Tarik, King of the Tank Tops.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Eric said:

Jon is a non-skilled worker NOT a real blue collar. Big Difference! A blue collar worker such as Electrician, Carpenter or Plumber who have learned a trade and took years of experience to perform the job well cannot be placed in the same category as Jon's. Sorry.  A true blue collar trademan worker makes more money than average "white collar" type of workers or any of these non-skilled workers. 

Yes they do. The jobs you mentioned above require a high level of skill, and many of those indivials have lucrative careers/small businesses. None of these things apply to Jon. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Mainer said:

I think Rachel must be very immature to think there gonna somehow live on love? If she met Jon in America then found out he’s slept with the whole town, been in a bunch of bad fights, is a felon, and lives with momma because he never paid his bills(wherever they come from, loans/cars etc)

 does anyone think she’d even show up for a second date?? 

I don’t. I think it’s a matter of proving her mother wrong, friends family, Dad whoever And its a little of you always want what you can’t have

jon is a fixer upper at best and she knows it... 

i think he didn’t wanna buy a ring for himself because he had quit/got fired and he’s broke as a joke... GREAT FIND RACHEL!! I bet the girls are lining up to take him from you!! Not!!

You forgot how good they sound together on the auto tune karaoke app.  You don’t sound very romantic.  It’s not fair.

  • Love 21
On 10/8/2018 at 12:31 AM, iwasish said:

I wonder when he quit his job. I think it was a while ago from his bs about not bringing it up when there’s already stress from being long distance. 

He will never work at an on the books job because they will take half for the loans.

so she’s stuck paying all the expenses for the spousal visa and tickets to visit him. They will have to live his mothers house amongst the lodgers, because he can’t afford anything better. Does he expect her to pay off his loans also? 

If he did get a visa would the UK try to get his debts from any money  he earned in the US?

Lots of people have student loans of $50k or greater.  I wonder if he was expelled/dropped out of school so didn’t even get a degree in exchange.  That may be a factor in addition to his criminal record that prevents him from getting a better paying job than trash sorter.

4 minutes ago, Spike said:

Lots of people have student loans of $50k or greater.  I wonder if he was expelled/dropped out of school so didn’t even get a degree in exchange.  That may be a factor in addition to his criminal record that prevents him from getting a better paying job than trash sorter.

He was kicked out of school for that fight that seriously injured somebody in uni. He didn't say which year he was in when he was expelled.

  • Love 1
On 10/8/2018 at 7:36 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Did John ever say why he quit his job? It wouldn’t surprise me if he had a habit of quitting jobs if he is upset by something. 


On 10/9/2018 at 6:50 AM, poeticlicensed said:

The insanity of Jon quitting his job was incredible. If you can't get the week off then don't get married, or get married but do it on a day that you aren't working and take a week off later.

So he said to Rachel that to get THE WEEK off he had to quit his job.  Which it wouldn't surprise me if Rachel threw a fit that he might possibly have to work while she's there and if you aren't a long standing employee with vacation saved up then yea, a job probably isn't going to give you an entire week off and I'm sure Rachel already had her flights purchased.  And Jon probably didn't try to get the week off until the very last minute so then no, they can't just change the day they want to get married because then Rachel would have to spend money to change her flights and whatever plans she had in place where she works and for her older daughter to stay with her dad. 

That or they didn't want to give him time off for filming so that's the reason he had to quit (or he's just an idiot and quit for no reason)

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, gunderda said:


So he said to Rachel that to get THE WEEK off he had to quit his job.  Which it wouldn't surprise me if Rachel threw a fit that he might possibly have to work while she's there and if you aren't a long standing employee with vacation saved up then yea, a job probably isn't going to give you an entire week off and I'm sure Rachel already had her flights purchased.  And Jon probably didn't try to get the week off until the very last minute so then no, they can't just change the day they want to get married because then Rachel would have to spend money to change her flights and whatever plans she had in place where she works and for her older daughter to stay with her dad. 

That or they didn't want to give him time off for filming so that's the reason he had to quit (or he's just an idiot and quit for no reason)

I’m going with “he’s an idiot and quit for no reason”

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, Chalby said:

I am confused. I thought Dean and Tarik had experiences going to Thailand, etc. for 'excursions'. So were they teaming up sexually in America? Either way, they both disgust me.

I had not heard that Dean went to Thailand. I think the sex parties were in the US. And Dean had recently been dating a Nigerian woman. Either way, some people find it offensive to hear another race being glorified and preferred to the exclusion of their own.


17 hours ago, endure said:

I am convinced he is Lucy’s bio dad based on the photos of himself as a baby on his instagram.  He is a real

 user and abuser type from what he shows us, being in debt, quitting his job at this point and his past criminal record.  He has never grown up and never will.

Right, what an inopportune time to decide to be jobless! I hope the wedding events had already been paid for and the spousal visa process is not terribly expensive. (Does anyone know about how much it would cost in a best case scenario?) And then he might not have any money to bring over with him to tide him over while he awaits the OK to begin working in the US.


17 hours ago, Eric said:

Jon is a non-skilled worker NOT a real blue collar. Big Difference! A blue collar worker such as Electrician, Carpenter or Plumber who have learned a trade and took years of experience to perform the job well cannot be placed in the same category as Jon's. Sorry.  A true blue collar trademan worker makes more money than average "white collar" type of workers or any of these non-skilled workers. 

He's 34 and presumably left university around 20, I'd guess. So in 14 yrs he wouldn't have reapplied to another university or developed some kind of skilled trade? I wonder why not. And I wonder how long he's been living w/ Mum.


1 hour ago, Mainer said:

There’s a good chance somebody threw some plastic in where the medal goes at his place of work... and he throttled them! (With good reason of course) and he’s leaving that part out

Laughed out loud. Good news he'll only be Skyped in to the tell all so no face-to-face confrontations w/ Jesse or Angela. I'd really like to see how tall he is compared to other people tho. Anyone know his height?

  • Love 2

I have no idea what Angela and Rachel are going to fight about at the Tell All. But considering Angela gave her debit card (and presumably her PIN number) to an almost complete stranger in Nigeria and let him use it, Angela should probably shut up. Whatever stupidity Rachel is guilty of (and there's a lot), she can't beat Angela in the Dumber and Dumber contest. Hands down, Angela wins the award. Not to mention, Rachel married a loser who might actually love her even if he is going to turn out to be a huge mistake, while Angela just got engaged to a guy who is almost definitely a scammer, has no apparent attraction to her, and is using her to get to America. 

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, Mainer said:

I wish I knew how tall jon was

When he was cooking eggs for Rachel, the stove top was parallel with his waist/bottom of his ribs.  I'm 5'7" with shortish legs, and my stove top is parallel with my (mid) hip bones, which are about 5" below my waist.  That would make Jon closer in height to Darcey than to me.......

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Horrified said:

When he was cooking eggs for Rachel, the stove top was parallel with his waist/bottom of his ribs.  I'm 5'7" with shortish legs, and my stove top is parallel with my (mid) hip bones, which are about 5" below my waist.  That would make Jon closer in height to Darcey than to me.......

Gahhhh! What??? I'm also 5'7"ish but w/ long legs. I'll be sidling up to my stove tonight to check this out. 

Edited by eatsleep
  • Love 1
17 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I cringe every time I remember that in the first episode of the season I thought Ricky was a good guy and I felt a bit sorry for him.  When I'm wrong I'm wrong.

You are so not alone. He's the lying wolf in sheeps clothing.

57 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I have no idea what Angela and Rachel are going to fight about at the Tell All. But considering Angela gave her debit card (and presumably her PIN number) to an almost complete stranger in Nigeria and let him use it, Angela should probably shut up. Whatever stupidity Rachel is guilty of (and there's a lot), she can't beat Angela in the Dumber and Dumber contest. Hands down, Angela wins the award. Not to mention, Rachel married a loser who might actually love her even if he is going to turn out to be a huge mistake, while Angela just got engaged to a guy who is almost definitely a scammer, has no apparent attraction to her, and is using her to get to America. 

Nuh uh!!! Mah-kull said he loved Angela over and over and even brushed her hair like.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

He's 34 and presumably left university around 20, I'd guess. So in 14 yrs he wouldn't have reapplied to another university or developed some kind of skilled trade? I wonder why not. And I wonder how long he's been living w/ Mum.

I wonder if he served time for that assault and is waiting to drop that bomb on Rachel.

i don’t think he is going to put one penny out of his pocket for the visa expenses or anything else, with the exception of Lucy’s daycare and once Rachel is back in the US, I can easily see him saying that the lodging has slowed down and he can’t pay the daycare anymore.  He is totally playing into Rachel’s fantasy of star crossed lovers and using it to his advantage. 

After his latest bombshells to Rachel, he’s moved up into probably 2nd place of most disliked men of this group.

3 hours ago, eatsleep said:

I had not heard that Dean went to Thailand. I think the sex parties were in the US. And Dean had recently been dating a Nigerian woman. Either way, some people find it offensive to hear another race being glorified and preferred to the exclusion of their own.


Right, what an inopportune time to decide to be jobless! I hope the wedding events had already been paid for and the spousal visa process is not terribly expensive. (Does anyone know about how much it would cost in a best case scenario?) And then he might not have any money to bring over with him to tide him over while he awaits the OK to begin working in the US.


He's 34 and presumably left university around 20, I'd guess. So in 14 yrs he wouldn't have reapplied to another university or developed some kind of skilled trade? I wonder why not. And I wonder how long he's been living w/ Mum.


Laughed out loud. Good news he'll only be Skyped in to the tell all so no face-to-face confrontations w/ Jesse or Angela. I'd really like to see how tall he is compared to other people tho. Anyone know his height?

If Jon left university in his twenties I wonder if he has paid any of his student loan off.  I read online in the UK student loans do not require payments if your income is below a certain level and they they are forgiven after 30 years, guess that is no doubt his debt repayment plan.  I've said he's a user and probably believes the world owes him a living too.

Pathetic Darcey, yammering on and on in the car about learning something from this and moving on. I highly doubt Darcey has learned anything from any of her relationships. If she had, she wouldn’t be acting less mature than her tween daughters, all the while ugly crying and repeating the phrase “for love.”

She also keeps on saying that she wants her girls to see her happy. Well Darcey, why don’t you show your girls that women CAN be happy without a man, that her girls alone make her happy, and that finding a nice, decent guy might be icing on the tiny carrot cake (just hide the cake from Big Ang.) 

Edited by hookedontv
Being silly
  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Horrified said:

When he was cooking eggs for Rachel, the stove top was parallel with his waist/bottom of his ribs.  I'm 5'7" with shortish legs, and my stove top is parallel with my (mid) hip bones, which are about 5" below my waist.  That would make Jon closer in height to Darcey than to me.......

I noticed the same thing! I’m only 5’2” and I don’t need to stand on my tippy toes to scramble eggs. Based on the stove height, I also guessed he’s 5’ even or maybe 5’1” tops...unless they have a different standard stove size in the UK.

  • Love 1

I don’t know why any of these people don’t do online background checks. It would solve a LOT of questions right off the bat. On both sides of the pond.

I once knew a Brit who wanted to come live with me. Didn’t have a job, had no desire to get one, was living off whatever free was offered. Rachel is in for a rude awakening.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

I don’t know why any of these people don’t do online background checks. It would solve a LOT of questions right off the bat. On both sides of the pond.

I once knew a Brit who wanted to come live with me. Didn’t have a job, had no desire to get one, was living off whatever free was offered. Rachel is in for a rude awakening.

I doubt that Jon ever steps on US soil.  He will never gets his visa.  Even if he kept his job, he and Rachel, could not save up enough money for the legal fees.  Jon knows it. Rachel is in lala land. 

Just waiting for their GoFundMe for the lawyer.  

  • Love 8
On 8/5/2018 at 10:45 PM, PityFree said:

 Rachel said she didn’t tell her father everything about John’s worst crime.  Did they say on the show? did he kill someone in that bar fight?

Looking back to earlier episodes. I wonder if Jon has told Rachel about his “worst crime”

My guess is now that they are married, there’s going to be a few more “Rachel, I need to tell you something”  conversations.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 5
On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 5:54 PM, LGGirl said:

  But I think he knows he’s not coming to the USA because of his record and to do so would cost a small fortune that he will never have.  Rachel isn’t. Wouldn’t be surprised that he brought up the girlfriend, ring and job, hoping she would call off the wedding.  

....And he's probably realizing that Rachel is on her way the weigh about 250 lbs within a few years. I can tell by just seeing her body type (We have all noticed the huge flabby arms at the wedding). There's nothing wrong about being a fat person but I doubt that's the kind of women Jon wants in his life.

Now we know the reason of all the long sleeves shirts and tight jeans.

Edited by Eric
  • Love 2

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