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3 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

@Mothra, I know my 90-dayers, but cannot place Seabiscuit. Even with clues that she's immature & weak. Maybe this is a nickname before my PTV time. 

Well, Russ' mom did throw a little shade towards Pao their first morning when she came down to breakfast in a short nighty & knee socks.

Chantel, AKA Ce'Air, AKA Seabiscuit

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

My head is full of useless trivia, but how could I forget the cheese curds in poutine.  Yuck. I much prefer Rice a Roni, “the San Francisco treat.” I can even sing the jingle for you if you’d like. 

You mean to tell me "the flavor can't be beat?"

We're showing our age.

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7 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Wow, that's harsh. So, she's a slut who should just put out for any man who asks because she was a teenage mother? She can't have realized that her lack of caution at the age of 19 caused her heartbreak and the loss of her son, so now she is more cautious? Tariq went to Manila to make sure of her. She doesn't have the right to make sure of him? 


No, she's a woman who sounds pretty hypocritical stating religion as her reason for waiting since she's already a mom.  I never said she was a slut, I never said she needs to have sex with anyone ever.  My issue is with using religion as the excuse, not that she didn't want to immediately have sex with him. 

And bullpahookie on trying to paint Tarik out as a big predator.  Of course he wanted sex the first night.  He thinks he has deep feelings for her and he is physically attracted to her.  But when she said no, there wasn't a whole lot of pressure to make her change her mind.  He's not trying to exploit anyone.  You want exploitation, look at that super old dude who married the girl Nikki a few seasons back.  Tarik likes Asian women.  He had a previous relationship with a woman from Thailand, that he met while travelling.  Hazel happens to be super poor and desperate, which she has told the cameras, but I'm not sure she has fully explained yet to Tarik.  He knows she's not well off, he knows she has a son, but I don't think he knows her desperation to go to the US really with anyone willing to take her.

And by your logic, Rachael is a pig because she expected to have sex with Jon the first night, and he's certainly not well off.

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6 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

No, she's a woman who sounds pretty hypocritical stating religion as her reason for waiting since she's already a mom

It's still possible. Even though she "gave in" earlier, it doesn't mean she can't have resolved to not violate her religion in that manner again. The consequences of her prior actions may have strengthened her resolve. I'm not saying this is definitely her outlook, but it very well may be she has repented of her earlier behavior. 

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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

 I look forward to the new Sunday night episode and even more so to reading and commenting on this forum. It’s almost a letdown by later in the week when the discussion lags. So many of you are people I would love to hang out with in real life! 

Have you learned nothing from this show?  We all pretend to be interesting and fun to hang around with but if you cashed in your 401k to do so or imported us to where you are to attempt to quickly and seamlessly integrate us into your life, TLC would show up and start filming and new forums would pop up.  End this vicious cycle. 

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I feel sorry for Hazel.  She's a woman who is so beaten down by life that she's hoping her escape is with a man she has zero attraction to.  Her motives aren't pure, no question.  But driven by poverty and hopes to get her son back.  I bet she's been slut shamed by her society to the point where sex is probably not even enjoyable to her, so I don't blame her for using whatever it is -- religion, whatever -- to get out of sleeping with a virtual stranger.  All of these 90 dayers -- men and women -- seem to treat their intendeds as though they are their personal love slave just b/c they can dangle the green card carrot.  

On Big Ang, add me to the list of people that would love to have a drink with her.  She is classless, loud, obnoxious, but she makes me laugh.  For some reason, I find Michael adorable.  He has such a sweet face and that accent is adorable.

Rachel...holy cow.  That desperate that for a man that she's trying to see an upside in 50-60 fights, ones bad enough that it sounds like his victim doesn't have eyesight anymore.  How do you have a little baby and whitewash his violent past?  Maybe he doesn't hit women, but that's an awful lot of violence in a short amount of time.  He either has/had a major drinking problem that contributed to the violence and/or he has such a complex that any perceived slight = beat down.  Rachel is a pretty woman.  I bet when she loses her baby weight, she'll be really attractive.  She can do better than a recycling man with a terrible violent past.

Jesse and Darcy.  I'm convinced Jesse is upping the ante just so they'll get more camera time with TLC; he's an asshole for sure but I think he's purposefully baiting her b/c he knows it's good TV.  I believe she's a mental midget and emotional teenager so she just can't help herself.  Nevertheless, I am instantly entertained when they are on and would gladly watch a reality show with just the two of them.

Edited by sasha206
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17 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

she's trying to see an upside in 50-60 fights, ones bad enough that it sounds like his victim doesn't have eyesight anymore.  How do you have a little baby and whitewash his violent past?  Maybe he doesn't hit women, but that's an awful lot of violence in a short amount of time.  He either has/had a major drinking problem that contributed to the violence and/or he has such a complex that any perceived slight = beat down. 

50-60 fights is what he's actually copping to! I would be willing to wager a shiny quarter that its a whole lot more. He certainly seems to have been hit on the head a few times.

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

50-60 fights is what he's actually copping to! I would be willing to wager a shiny quarter that its a whole lot more. He certainly seems to have been hit on the head a few times.

Exactly!  He is so um, stupid.

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11 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

And, my theory on controlling dicks also goes here:  if Herr LifeCouch were to become Fodder to a couple of teenage girls....  How's that gonna play when teenage rebellion kicks in?   He won't even be able to cope when a young girl DARE question his All Seeing, All Knowing self.  He'll implode.

I'd be okay if he IMplodes and hurts no one but himself . . . but I am concerned that he might EXplode and do something that would earn him an episode of "Dateline."  He has an extremely short fuse.  We've only seen him react with anger to Darcey, but I think he could spread that fury onto her girls if they spend much time together.

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On 9/3/2018 at 1:10 PM, Horrified said:

Agreed - Ximena is very attractive and seems to be able to hold a conversation.  Ricky's standard of beauty (and conversation) is defined by porn.

"look, diapers!"said the King of Trolls

I'm sorry, but I have to say something about Karine's look in the talking head interviews.  She has long, lifeless hanks of black hair and there is something on her chin that kind of looks like a wart.  She looks like a witch in those THs...............apologies, apologies, apologies.  I hate myself for commenting on someone's natural look.  Fake physicality (Darcey, Melissa) is totally fair game so I feel like a creep for commenting on Karine.  Its just been eating at me though!!  Sorry Karine!!

YES to all!  Especially Karine.  I didn't think she was cute to begin with, but now she looks really, really bad.  Now Paul is actually the more attractive of the couple!

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2 minutes ago, Mainer said:

Can we get back to what may or may not be in Angela’s purse? 

She could have a whole crock pot of boiled peanuts in there. ?

possibly a pair of handcuffs for when they hit the hay

10-12 Frito pies. 

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:


12 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

And, my theory on controlling dicks also goes here:  if Herr LifeCouch were to become Fodder to a couple of teenage girls....  How's that gonna play when teenage rebellion kicks in?   He won't even be able to cope when a young girl DARE question his All Seeing, All Knowing self.  He'll implode.

I'd be okay if he IMplodes and hurts no one but himself . . . but I am concerned that he might EXplode and do something that would earn him an episode of "Dateline."  He has an extremely short fuse.  We've only seen him react with anger to Darcey, but I think he could spread that fury onto her girls if they spend much time together.


Darci brings Out the worst in any man, she’s that girl that has been in multiple relationships and all were abusive and she has no idea why... but she’s the common denominator... she doesn’t know when to SHUUUUT UPPP

1 minute ago, Gigglepuff said:

Boiled peanuts? Is this a thing? 

Oh yes, it’s a southern thing. She was probably raised on boiled peanuts. Maybe with a side Sauerkraut

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

YES to all!  Especially Karine.  I didn't think she was cute to begin with, but now she looks really, really bad.  Now Paul is actually the more attractive of the couple!

I thought the same thing too. 

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5 hours ago, renatae said:

It's still possible. Even though she "gave in" earlier, it doesn't mean she can't have resolved to not violate her religion in that manner again. The consequences of her prior actions may have strengthened her resolve. I'm not saying this is definitely her outlook, but it very well may be she has repented of her earlier behavior. 

I dont think she has to give any reason at all in not wanting to have sex with a man she had just net physically for the first time. If she wants to say religion to make it less awkward, let her. 

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14 hours ago, Mothra said:

Forgot about the Mormon guy and the Russian Dancing Queen--I think they met while he was on his mission, in ?Berlin?

Prague. I have no life.

I actually respect Angela more after this episode, because she showed some self-awareness. She knows that she is an assertive person, that she does not want to change, and that a partner who expects her to be deferential is not going to get what he wants. 


Darcey will never make Jesse as happy as a single-serve carrot cake. 


To be fair, there aren't many things in life that can compete with carrot cake.

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On 9/3/2018 at 7:31 PM, Neurochick said:

I don’t get the hate for Dean when Hazel admitted she only wants Tarik to come to the US.  Hazel is a vampire.  She marries Tarik, first she brings her son over, then her parents, then maybe other relatives and Tarik will be the fool sponsoring all of them.  All this does is take away from his daughter.  I do not see Hazel as this poor innocent woman.  Just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve an interrogation, especially when we all know she’s disgusted by Tarik.

No one would be hating on Dean if his interrogation and comments were focused on "How can you be in love with someone you just met in real life and only chatted with online for a few weeks, you're interested in him because he's American, right?"   That's a reasonable Margarita Bev-type line of attack on a foreign gold digger to protect your sibling from making a stupid mistake. 

But Dean was way out of line commenting that Hazel not living with her son was a "character flaw."

And absurdly, Dean then kept saying that his treatment of Hazel was respectful.

To be honest though, if I met an American woman who had a child but didn't live with the child, I'd think it was pretty weird and she must be a drug addict or bad parent.  But in poor Asian countries, it's very common for children to be raised by whatever member of the extended family is best suited to raise them (whoever has free time and money). I meet a lot of single mothers in Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, etc. who work in restaurants or um, sleazy bars, and very often their kids are living in the countryside with the grandparents while the young mother is working in the city and sending money home for the kids and grandparents.

I also know white guys who live in these countries and are married to local women and they very often end up with the wife's nieces and nephews living with them, because the white guy and wife are wealthier than the rest of the wife's family.  There just isn't the same focus on the "nuclear family" in some of these poorer Southeast Asian countries like we are used to in the USA.

Now to Ricky and Ximena. Why is she so fucking desperate? I guess because she's 27 and she may live hours from a major city and speaks no English. She was online fishing for an American husband, but her options would be limited if she doesn't speak English.

Someone suggested above that she's a hooker, I didn't get that vibe, but why go on a TV show and tell the guy you just met you want him to sleep with you? Colombia isn't Venezuela, parts of it are nice, she shouldn't be that desperate to sleep with and marry the first American putz she meets.

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When Darci said to Jesse in the store “ I love how your throwing things in the cart it shows me that your involved” (however she said it) I was thinking that sounds like a therapist or how a mother talks to there child. It must feel aggravating to him, she could word things differently to not sound that way but she does it in way to get under his skin... and it does. It’s kinda like she’s narrating things idk I’m not sure how to explain but does anyone catch that. Some things she’s says aren’t necessarily bad just worded wrong so it’s aggravating 

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1 hour ago, Lily247 said:

I dont think she has to give any reason at all in not wanting to have sex with a man she had just net physically for the first time. If she wants to say religion to make it less awkward, let her. 

She must have made it clear to him that she wasn’t going to have sex with him, because he told her he “thought” there were two beds in the room and offered to sleep on the couch. 

44 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

Prague. I have no life.

I actually respect Angela more after this episode, because she showed some self-awareness. She knows that she is an assertive person, that she does not want to change, and that a partner who expects her to be deferential is not going to get what he wants. 

To be fair, there aren't many things in life that can compete with carrot cake.

With cream cheese frosting and carrot decorations.... yum yum.

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19 hours ago, Mothra said:

Men, especially big men, don't have to make threatening gestures to be threatening, even if they don't want to be.  I sometimes send my husband, who is gentle as a lamb but big, to meetings with women I'm in disagreement with (think teachers), not to threaten them, but to be threatened by his presence--the way a cloudy day threatens a thunderstorm.  It's a terrible thing, and I'm betraying the sisterhood every time I do this, but by god it's effective.  Women (and some men) who've given me a hard time fold almost as soon as he walks in the door.

I can't imagine that tiny little Hazel didn't feel threatened, not of bodily harm, but just generally ill at ease and weak, in the physical presence of someone so big who clearly wasn't on her side.


You're admitting to using your husband to intimidate women?! Sorry but that is really disturbing and I can't believe any self-respecting man would agree to that!

Similarly Tarik needs to muster up the testosterone to address his concerns directly w/ his own fiance instead of using his more assertive brother to bully her. Really disgraceful. So if they get married, any time there is an issue, Tarik's punk ass will call a friend or relative or neighbor to handle the problem so Hazel can channel her frustration onto someone else and not him?  Wow, Tarik is a sniveling, little weakling of a man and I now see exactly why he can't/won't engage with American women of equal standing. 

On 9/3/2018 at 9:20 AM, Drogo said:

Not defending Jon- but being in 50-60 fights doesn't make you a terrible person, and certainly doesn't mean you would ever attack your wife/ children/anyone who isn't trying to hit you.  I spent 2 nights in the UK in the early aughts and was involved in no less than 3 fights. Bars there do a lot less "cutting people off" than they do stateside. 

It seems Jon's fighting career peaked in mid-college. So roughly age 20? That means a lot of the fighting happened when he was in high school and an older teenager. Who cares? Isnt he about 35 years old now? If he doesn't have a drinking problem, I would not be too concerned about this.

Edited by eatsleep
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The harsh comments about Hazel's appearance disturb me, especially the ones about her nose. A lot of Filipino women have flatter, wider noses. Sorry. I didn't know that having a pointy nose was somehow better.

Angela, you can't blame Michael for the way you act. Excluding those with a severe mental illness/disability, we are all in control of our own behavior. You're old enough to know this. Also, you were in Africa and had a chance to view some really interesting wildlife, but instead you chose to squawk about having to walk across a bridge. 

I'm cringing at every second Darcey and Jesse are shown. The steak looked gray and rubbery to me, and Darcey massacred that thing when she was trying to slice it. I was getting ready to kick a hole through my screen if I heard "on the bias" one more time. Something about Jesse unnerves me.

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On 9/4/2018 at 11:46 AM, Drogo said:

Rice is good with everything.  Rice-A-Roni even has a cilantro lime variety that would've been delicious with a heavily seasoned steak.  But Darcey and Jesse do the minimum required for any possible task. 

cilantro lime AND herb butter !?!?!? oh my goodness, i'm adding these to my grocery list NOW. (rice pilaf is already in my cupboard)

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On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 9:54 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

That above close-up of Angela? Let me be serious for a sec: Pretty eyes,  well-formed nose, blonde,  and we know she has big bazooms. I'm thinking that Young Angie might well have been quite the looker. 

Funny how memory can sustain us. 

She favored Tanya Tucker back in the day. Now not so much.

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20 minutes ago, kewpiedolls said:

The harsh comments about Hazel's appearance disturb me, especially the ones about her nose. A lot of Filipino women have flatter, wider noses. Sorry. I didn't know that having a pointy nose was somehow better.

Angela, you can't blame Michael for the way you act. Excluding those with a severe mental illness/disability, we are all in control of our own behavior. You're old enough to know this. Also, you were in Africa and had a chance to view some really interesting wildlife, but instead you chose to squawk about having to walk across a bridge. 

I'm cringing at every second Darcey and Jesse are shown. The steak looked gray and rubbery to me, and Darcey massacred that thing when she was trying to slice it. I was getting ready to kick a hole through my screen if I heard "on the bias" one more time. Something about Jesse unnerves me.

That's an Pinoy thing. The pointy nose, most think from Spanish colonization, is the ideal. Also in their humor they are more blunt about physical appearance, thus Daya from the mothership 90 Day being called fat by her friends and relatives . Hazel's darker skin will also be a target. Black people going in with cultural awareness mostly know that they would be the physical last choice as potential mothers all dream of a light skin toned pointy nosed child, as he starts with local beauty advantages.

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11 hours ago, Mothra said:

You mean to tell me "the flavor can't be beat?"

We're showing our age.

I agree.  I think the last time I had Rice-A-Roni was around 1975, and let's just say I was in Senior High........

This leads me to marvel at the very interesting demographic that must be watching 90 Day Fiance.  

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1 hour ago, Mainer said:

When Darci said to Jesse in the store “ I love how your throwing things in the cart it shows me that your involved” (however she said it) I was thinking that sounds like a therapist or how a mother talks to there child. It must feel aggravating to him, she could word things differently to not sound that way but she does it in way to get under his skin... and it does. It’s kinda like she’s narrating things idk I’m not sure how to explain but does anyone catch that. Some things she’s says aren’t necessarily bad just worded wrong so it’s aggravating 

I do get what you're saying,  but for me EVERYTHING she says is annoying.   At the store she said they needed 2 bags of salad because they are a "big family".   Ugh...   Then let's take off the backpacks girls when they arrived at the Air B&B. . They aren't 3!   Actually I find both of them cringe worthy.  The Babe is way overused too.  

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1 hour ago, Mainer said:

When Darci said to Jesse in the store “ I love how your throwing things in the cart it shows me that your involved” (however she said it) I was thinking that sounds like a therapist or how a mother talks to there child. It must feel aggravating to him, she could word things differently to not sound that way but she does it in way to get under his skin... and it does. It’s kinda like she’s narrating things idk I’m not sure how to explain but does anyone catch that. Some things she’s says aren’t necessarily bad just worded wrong so it’s aggravating 

I think she also says these things because she wants to believe they are true.  Saying "i love the way you are with the kids" or "diapers!  he keeps hinting at kids" is a way for her to reinforce her delusional fantasies.

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48 minutes ago, gunderda said:

cilantro lime AND herb butter !?!?!? oh my goodness, i'm adding these to my grocery list NOW. (rice pilaf is already in my cupboard)

I made that kind of rice but I don't think it was rice-a-roni, I think it was Zatarans. It didn't go well over at my house. I'll have to try the rice-a-roni brand. 

7 minutes ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

I do get what you're saying,  but for me EVERYTHING she says is annoying.   At the store she said they needed 2 bags of salad because they are a "big family".   Ugh...   Then let's take off the backpacks girls when they arrived at the Air B&B. . They aren't 3!   Actually I find both of them cringe worthy.  The Babe is way overused too.  

They aren't that big of a family plus they NEVER eat a meal! 

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18 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Lol!  And a ginormous one at that.  What the hell does she have in that thing if not her cell phone and boy toy money?  A carton of Marlboros?  A spare pair of cowboy boots?  Back-up hair extensions? 16 more cold shoulder tops? 

Ha, although I would not mind Mai-kils friend tucked up in there  haha 

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22 minutes ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

I do get what you're saying,  but for me EVERYTHING she says is annoying.   At the store she said they needed 2 bags of salad because they are a "big family".   Ugh...   Then let's take off the backpacks girls when they arrived at the Air B&B. . They aren't 3!   Actually I find both of them cringe worthy.  The Babe is way overused too.  

“Babe” is this season’s “Mi Amore”

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17 hours ago, charmed1 said:
18 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Does anyone know if Darcey ever worked in a restaurant?

I think I may have heard that, babe.

I'm trying to talk here and you keep....nevermind....thank you.

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2 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Now to Ricky and Ximena. Why is she so fucking desperate? I guess because she's 27 and she may live hours from a major city and speaks no English. She was online fishing for an American husband, but her options would be limited if she doesn't speak English.

Someone suggested above that she's a hooker, I didn't get that vibe, but why go on a TV show and tell the guy you just met you want him to sleep with you? Colombia isn't Venezuela, parts of it are nice, she shouldn't be that desperate to sleep with and marry the first American putz she meets.

Gavin, my grandmother in law used to say similar things about Venezuelan women, but in much more colorful language. And also in Spanish. So...thanks for the humorous memory.

Maybe she's pretty into Ricky. I can envision a producer driven wrench where Melissa was a red herring (which is why he didn't kiss her) and Ximena was the goal all along.


Further, I am firmly in the "love boiled peanuts" camp. They're so delicious. I do not live in the south, but happened upon them once on a road trip. I now attempt them every now and then in a crock pot. I've discovered it's alarmingly easy to add too much salt and there's no way to fix it after you've done so. Also, the best places to find raw peanuts in the shell are Asian markets. 

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2 hours ago, gavinmac said:

No one would be hating on Dean if his interrogation and comments were focused on "How can you be in love with someone you just met in real life and only chatted with online for a few weeks, you're interested in him because he's American, right?"   That's a reasonable Margarita Bev-type line of attack on a foreign gold digger to protect your sibling from making a stupid mistake. 

But Dean was way out of line commenting that Hazel not living with her son was a "character flaw."


I did not care for Dean's delivery! And moreover, I think all of the questioning should be coming from Tarik!

However, Hazel lives with both of her parents! That's three able-bodied adults in the same household. And Tarik's daughter has an autism diagnosis (we don't know how highly functioning she is). I think Hazel's ability to parent is fair game. 

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On 9/4/2018 at 11:44 AM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Yesssss!!! Hazel cannot use poverty as a reason to use someone (even if they set themselves up to be used) any more than a poor person in the US could use their poverty as a reason to not work, or steal everything out of your house, or scheme so they gain access to your bank information.  I doubt if Hazel were from the US, but in the same set of circumstances, would people feel for her? I find her to be a horrible person, and while I have sympathy that she doesn’t have custody of her son, she may not be 100% honest about why she doesn’t have him.  She’s just as likely to lie as anyone else on the show.  

Right. The Philippines is a poor country! Most people there are poor (by Western standards). That, alone, should never be considered as a justification to grant someone citizenship in another country. She's not a political or war refugee; her standard of living appears to be just about the same as the thousands of others who live in her community. It's rough for single mothers the world over!

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5 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

I did not care for Dean's delivery! And moreover, I think all of the questioning should be coming from Tarik!

However, Hazel lives with both of her parents! That's three able-bodied adults in the same household. And Tarik's daughter has an autism diagnosis (we don't know how highly functioning she is). I think Hazel's ability to parent is fair game. 

Any single person you meet in the Philippines is probably living with a parent, grandparents, aunt... 18 or finished school whichever comes first and be put out of the nest is America's culture, it is not the Filipino way.

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6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Jesse and Darcy.  I'm convinced Jesse is upping the ante just so they'll get more camera time with TLC; he's an asshole for sure but I think he's purposefully baiting her b/c he knows it's good TV.  I believe she's a mental midget and emotional teenager so she just can't help herself.  Nevertheless, I am instantly entertained when they are on and would gladly watch a reality show with just the two of them.

I think you're right, that Jesse is looking for the main chance and that he picks at Darcey to keep the drama rolling, but I think he is also such an asshole that he believes that he is right, that he is more mature than she is (close call there), that she really ought to mold her personality according to his guidelines and oh-so-helpful advice, like "work on yourself."

Darcey's self-delusion is astounding.  We've seen nothing but nasty little fights--maybe the sex is so hot it outbalances the fights, but my god that sex would have to be olympian-god-type sex imo--and then she pops up in a TH, twinkling about "I'm expecting a proposal!"  OTOH, Jesse is so thirsty that it's possible, I guess, that he would marry her, if only to harvest American dollars.  I think he has an inflated and unrealistic idea of how successful he'd be telling his American clients to "work on yourself."

And what's with that tiny fringe of hair, right at the top of his forehead?  You can see it when he has his headband on, with the longer hair pulled back.  Did he trim little bangs?  Does underhair grow like that?  Mine doesn't.  I guess I need to work on myself and get back to you on that.

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1 minute ago, Raja said:

Any single person you meet in the Philippines is probably living with a parent, grandparents, aunt... 18 or finished school whichever comes first and be put out of the nest is America's culture, it is not the Filipino way.

Right. And an extended family can be helpful in raising a child. It's more support than what tarik seems to have in raising his child. But even still, Hazel's child lives elsewhere. Bc she works 10 hrs a day and is poor? Is her child's father independently wealthy? We all have to work; it looks hella strange to have the grandparents right there, under the same roof, and still, and she is still not raising her child. Not saying there might not be a legitimate reason. But figuring out that reason should be a top priority when tarik also has a child in the home (and no other adults).

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1 hour ago, Horrified said:

think she also says these things because she wants to believe they are true.  Saying "i love the way you are with the kids" or "diapers!  he keeps hinting at kids" is a way for her to reinforce her delusional fantasies.

Yes that’s what it is, she’s trying to throw thoughts and feeling in his head... that’s why he always has that look like “wtf is she talking about” he literally doesn’t get why she’s sayin she loves how he is with the kids when he’s barely talked to them lol she’s re-dick!! 

13 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Hazel's willing to marry Tarik to get her son back, so she's 6 inches from sainthood as far as I'm concerned. 

6? Well aren’t you being nice... mite only be 4

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