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S08.E31: On the Mend


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On 7/27/2018 at 9:00 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Stop it Kailyn. This doesn’t have anything to do with you! Javi can pay attention to whom he wants, he’s your EX husband. You have no claims on him. 

* if we lived in an alternate universe where Kailyn was actually Javi’s friend and wanted to give him constructive advice she STILL wouldn’t be so possessive. 

Exactly. Kailyn fights with Javi, kicks him out of the house when she gets annoyed with him, bad mouths him on TV and on her podcast BUT she still banged him after the Brianna break up (something she would scream about if a guy did that to her) and continues to interfere with his private life by giving her negative opinions on girls he's dating...most particularly Brianna...that one gets under her skin. Kailyn is a big, fat, angry, bitter mess. How about you STFU and do something positive in your life like volunteer somewhere or get a real job instead of wasting time and energy with gossip and high school crap. For someone who brags about all of her great accomplishments (note my sarcasm), you sure spend a lot time hanging around the house bitching and moaning about baby daddies and handing out advice to them like you're some kind of guru or something. If you are so smart you would see how Javi is playing you...big time.

  • Love 18

I just watched a mother use her daughter's underwear to wipe tears off her face.  Obviously, I found this pretty gross.  Then, I watched that mother shove her daughter's underwear up her own nose to collect snot.  I'm not sure how to process this experience.


(Edit: For those who don't watch but only read about the episodes, it was Briana.)

Edited by CDC
  • Love 21
10 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

I’m glad Barb is comfortable enough with at least one of Jenelle’s baby daddies to relay information, but it’s pretty fucking rich that Nathan is clutching his pearls over this road rage incident.  As if he wouldn’t have also completely lost his shit if he’d been in that situation.  As for poor little Jace, I’m so scared for him.  We see how Jenelle lays into him when he doesn’t repeat back her narrative of any given situation.  For the 500th time, this show needs to end.


Seriously, we’re talking to the king of “threaten and scream at cops when you’re being arrested.” 

Why am I a guy?!

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Oh man, I feel for Leah after that episode. Damn. I sort of want to tell her to go ahead and take as many pillsies as she needs to get through this. It makes me sad just to think about it. 

And then Jenelle has the fucking nerve to jump on her ass on twitter today about letting the girlses get their nails done? She's a narcissistic, sociopathic, utter and complete piece of shit. 

I'm not going to lie. I had a moment where I totally understood her pill problem. In reality, no. Because she has two other kids, and I think her addiction was more about HER issues than her daughter's. But, at the same time, I don't know how I would function on a daily basis knowing I'm just watching my daughter count down to her death. 

6 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Seriously, we’re talking to the king of “threaten and scream at cops when you’re being arrested.” 

Why am I a guy?!

Let's not forget Nathan had his OWN road incident, when they were fighting over who had to take Kaiser. And the poor kid was bumping along in the truck, across freeways, through multiple twists and turns, etc. 

  • Love 13

I don’t get Adam’s parents. I’d be humiliated of my kid, not bending over backwards to accommodate them. 

4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not going to lie. I had a moment where I totally understood her pill problem. In reality, no. Because she has two other kids, and I think her addiction was more about HER issues than her daughter's. But, at the same time, I don't know how I would function on a daily basis knowing I'm just watching my daughter count down to her death. 

Let's not forget Nathan had his OWN road incident, when they were fighting over who had to take Kaiser. And the poor kid was bumping along in the truck, across freeways, through multiple twists and turns, etc. 

Yes! And he’s been arrested more times than he can count. I think even more than Jenelle has. He also doesn’t have any custody of his daughter because he was considered too risky for her to be around. Barb is the only one who has a right to speak on this with any credibility. Second to the kids, she’s the victim here. 

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:


So, Ali is essentially terminally ill?  Leah is way better than me because I don't thinknI could have immediately drove home upon hearing such devastating news. 

100% agree, I mean, it's one thing to be disabled- that's pretty common and can be fine, but wow. We all knew about the shortened life expectancy, but that can mean a number of things. I hadn't thought of it so....literally, even though that sounds dumb. And to hear it spelled out like that is just devastating. It's basically like your child has cancer...but more slowly, and a kind that no one *really* understands and there's no specific treatment protocol for. I really felt for her there. :( :(

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 16

So...do we really think that Javi is a fame whore still?

At this point he's just kind of looking like a desperate ho to me?

I mean, I think he's both, but it seems like his issues go deeper than just wanting to be famous.

1 minute ago, druzy said:


I mean, honestly, I think they'd be fired in seconds.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 9
11 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

First thing Dr. Tsao asks Leah is if Ali is using the power wheelchair at school and at home. Leah says “yes” unhesitatingly. LIAR!

I feel for her, I do, but Leah does not do everything in her power to make Ali comfortable and potentially prolong her life. That infuriates me.

Kail: "Javi is coming over tonight to fill me in". WTF?? He has to report to you now?

I've said it before, I'll say it again, Kail must be a tiger in the sack,  because the power her magic vag holds over these feebs is astonishing. I guess everyone should have a special talent. But one day she's going to be 40, with five kids, and the quality of the men she'll be able to attract will decline exponentially. I'd love to see where she is in 10 years. (not really. I know).

Jenelle is unspeakable. That is all.

  • Love 16
10 hours ago, Linny said:

It was also good to see that Cole unequivocally has her back when it comes to Aubree, and that even though Chelsea is capable of handling her business by herself, she always has Cole's support.

Chelsea handles her business...except for when Cole's taking a poo and Grandma Donna's at the door LOL

Edited by nikita
  • Love 18
6 hours ago, CDC said:

I just watched a mother use her daughter's underwear to wipe tears off her face.  Obviously, I found this pretty gross.  Then, I watched that mother shove her daughter's underwear up her own nose to collect snot.  I'm not sure how to process this experience.


(Edit: For those who don't watch but only read about the episodes, it was Briana.)

I was annoyed enough when she was pulling up her T-shirt to wipe her face.  does she not know she's on TV?

guys, I know, I'm sorry, but am I the only one who thought that was actually a decent pic of Adam?  (mind you, I would be horrified if I were Chelsea and someone sent me that pic.  I'm talking only about the way he LOOKED in the pic)

Barb's makeup was way too light in the phone scene...

I think I"m concentrating on the shallow shit b/c this episode was quite disturbing, actually. 

So...season finale.  We all know this reunion was a SHIT SHOW, I wonder what we'll see

when's OG start? can't wait to see the random adventures of Bristol Palin, some chick from the challenge, Kousin Krystal, Sister AmberCrystalMeth, my neighbor, your best friend from first grade, and whoever else they're gonna show us

(hate that Farrah's absence is so felt.)

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I feel for her, I do, but Leah does not do everything in her power to make Ali comfortable and potentially prolong her life. That infuriates me.

Kail: "Javi is coming over tonight to fill me in". WTF?? He has to report to you now?

I've said it before, I'll say it again, Kail must be a tiger in the sack,  because the power her magic vag holds over these feebs is astonishing. I guess everyone should have a special talent. But one day she's going to be 40, with five kids, and the quality of the men she'll be able to attract will decline exponentially. I'd love to see where she is in 10 years. (not really. I know).

Jenelle is unspeakable. That is all.

I doubt it had anything to do with Kail possessing some sort of vaginal voodoo and more to do with Javi's thirst for airtime. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:


Leah breaking down after their appointment was so sad to me. I'm just really terrified that we'll see Ali truly deteriorate and I feel so attached to that little girl. How cute was she, being excited about her breathing machine because it's like a robot? 




Does Leah understand what is going on?  I don't think she does.  She said that if anything happens with her daughter, she will freak out.  What???  Something is going to happen... does she understand this? 

I feel like she only looks at Ali's disease as a physical limitation that will get worse over time, and will make it harder for her to walk.  But does she know that the heart is a muscle, and if breathing is an issue NOW, it will only get worse?  And she may die very young?  I guess if that was me, I may live in denial too.  I would not cope well with that.



11 hours ago, Linny said:


Chelsea impressed me by assessing the situation with Adam's parents and immediately lawyering up, putting pressure on them so it would be clear that they can't allow Adam to visit Aubree outside of the visitation center. She stood her ground and put her daughter first, even though she risked pissing off Aubree's grandparents. It was also good to see that Cole unequivocally has her back when it comes to Aubree, and that even though Chelsea is capable of handling her business by herself, she always has Cole's support.


I am very much not impressed with a grown woman hiding in her home when her daughter's grandmother is at the door.  GROW the FUCK UP!  She can't handle her business.  Seriously, I know she is immature, but this was beyond.  Also, she said that Aubree was "confused" about Adam being there.  Aubree loves her dad, and she was probably happy to see him.  Not that the grandparents are right, but I am sure Aubree wasn't upset to see her dad.  

  • Love 14

I know exactly why Netflix might be interested in Jenelle.  Have we yet seen a documentary on the long-term effects of a child being raised by a sociopathic mother on reality tv where that child is allowed to be terrified...on camera...and no help or comfort is given to him?  Can't you see it now?  Jace getting expelled from school after school for "bad" behavior.  Jace getting hooked on drugs at a very young age to escape his emotional pain.  Jace lashing out and hurting someone...or himself...physically due to his emotional pain.  Thank for that, Jenelle.  Just what we've all been waiting for...documentation of the psychological destruction of a fragile child.  Please, Child Protective Services, intervene before it's too late!!!

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

So...do we really think that Javi is a fame whore still?

At this point he's just kind of looking like a desperate ho to me?

I mean, I think he's both, but it seems like his issues go deeper than just wanting to be famous.

I agree he has deeper issues, but I absolutely think he is more of a fame whore than I ever thought possible...he got shown the door to Bri's storyline, so what is the FIRST thing he does? Goes to Kail's house (where there are cameras) to fill her in on what happened...of ALL the people in his life, KAIL is the one he needed to update? WTF? Then when he does show up over there, he kicks his shoes off & flops on the couch as if he lives there. He is SO fame whoringly desperate for the cameras, that he is now angling himself to be the next Bone. It's pathetic, and he disgusts me.

  • Love 20
15 minutes ago, teapot said:

maybe they're just regular job offers, like customer service

you are now online with Jenelle.  how can I help you?

CUSTOMER:  I seem to have gotten locked out of my account


CUSTOMER: But I just need some help with my account.



  • Love 21
1 minute ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

I agree to the rest of your post but that is the same place that they always stay when the go to see Dr. Tsao. I think it is a Ronald Mcdonald house or an equivalent to that. 

Ohhhh, okay. I didn't realize that. I thought it was an AirBnB. 

Still, that seems weird.....that a Ronald McDonald house wouldn't have options for those who need to use wheelchairs. That was a shit ton of stairs Leah's friend had to carry Ali down. 

  • Love 13

Omg can MTV please finally take one of these entitled brats up on their offer and say ta ta to them after they threaten to leave the show for the 5647th time ?? Just because I have a job doesn't mean my husband is automatically employed too. Why does Jenelle think hers should be ? They don't have any other income if not for the show unless it's something illegal so it was pretty funny hearing Jenelle say she'll leave if David can't be filmed anymore . If your husband so badly needs to be on the show , then maybe he shouldn't have said unnecessarily inappropriate things about gay people on such a public forum . That's his fault , not anyone else's so she really needs to just accept them firing him and shut up already . And didn't she at one point claim he wasn't fired , he quit ? Hahaha okay . 

I hope jace beats the shit out of him one day when he's bigger . David really needs a GOOD beating . 

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, druzy said:

Jenelle is evil. 

Jenelle is a pathological liar. To hear her side of the story, she did nothing wrong. Following a road rager to his home? No problem...pulling out a gun? Didn't happen...wink wink. "I'm protected all the time..." Jenelle is the last person that should be driving around with a gun. OMG! She will use it some point on an innocent person or one of the kids will get ahold of it since both she and David are careless with their firearms and way too casual about using them. And to boot...she hands over some "play gun" for Jace to play with at home. Barb has reason to not want it in her home if Jace, a child with some emotional issues and anger issues might use it for "play" target practice on a dog or cat. Maybe as she and David can get a gig over at NRA tv.

  • Love 12

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