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S08.E30: Road Rage


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38 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

I will add as a parent if my child had anger issues that last thing I would be doing if I was brake checked was go full pyscho it is situations like this that can be a teaching moment about not getting angry about everything and it is better to let things go as you never know how the other person will react. Janelle was so lucky that it didn't end tragically. While MTV didn't show it Jace said in his phone call to Barb  that Janelle pointed the gun at the guy and the guy responded with you better not shoot and mom finally pulled out so I wonder how long the battle of the half wits was.

I actually wonder if it's somewhat beneficial for Jace to see how badly this stuff can go (since it turned out sort of ok) - maybe he'll get to  learn from his mother's mistakes rather than having to make the same ones himself.  (Since the option of having a normal mother is not on the table). But that's about the only upside I  can see to any of this. 

Lots of other thoughts . . .

As for the trooper leaving Jace in the car with the gun - although that wasn't ideal, I think the top priority was getting Jenelle away from her gun. Jace seemed to be behaving appropriately during the stop, while Jenelle most certainly was not. 

I don't even have kids and I reflexively reach out no matter who or what is in the passenger seat.  It's a human instinct, isn't it? By contrast, it seemed like her first instinct when  she was pulling into that guy's yard was to get out her gun.  Agreed with others above - when David Eason of all people is the voice of reason, you've really screwed up.

I don't brake check, but I do occasionally ease off the gas pedal when someone is following so closely that I feel I have to pay as much attention to what's going on behind me as I do to what's going on in front of me (and if I have to do that, I do need to slow down a little to give myself a little extra reaction time).  People seem to tailgate more than they used to - I attribute this to increased crowding on the road, the decline in drivers' ed classes, which we used to get in school (and they really drilled you on how much space you need to leave to be safe - almost no one does any more), and then just people reasoning from what everybody else is doing - if your parents and everybody else you know tailgate, so will you, because you assume that it's fine. However! - I do not do this when I could instead pull over into the slow lane, for God's sake. That guy had to pass her on the right.  

ETA: I assume he did cut her off when he pulled in front, not just because he's one of those people who doesn't know how close is too close (yikes - the people who do that in front of trucks have no idea that trucks can't stop on a dime!), but because he was pissed.  Well, back off, and talk to your son about what bad driving is and how to stay safe when other people on the road are driving badly. Pro tip: don't follow them home with your gun! Just put a little distance between yourself and the crazy person and get on with your day.

Edited by akr
additional paragraph
  • Love 16
52 minutes ago, Ajb1112 said:

First of all, Jace shouldn't even be in the front seat. 

Second, as a parent, I can tell you that when your child is old enough to sit in the front with you, it's an uncontrollable natural reaction to throw your arm out and try to shield your child and hold them back if you ever have to slam on your breaks. I still do it to my 215 pound 15 year old. Jenelle didn't do that to Jace. She wasn't concerned about him one bit in that instance. That's not a normal reaction.

Wow true ive had to throw my arm out and it was my adult son lol good point good post...

  • Love 9
14 minutes ago, MitaJo said:

Is Jenelle even allowed to have a gun? That smile on her face after she grabbed that gun was creepy. She really is a psycho and I hope she loses all of her children. I can't stand that bitch. Running over that man's mailbox talking about "oops ,my bad". What did she expect that man to do? Acting like a victim when she put herself in that situation. White woman tears, indeed. I hate that Jace is even allowed to spend time with her.

She's one of those people who's just looking for an excuse to shoot someone. She's going to go looking for trouble where there doesn't have to be any, escalate a situation to a crisis point, and then cry "self-defense" once the body hits the ground.

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Kail looks like hell. Wtf was she eating while talking to Boner Killer? 

I love Watson's cute face. 

Cole was right,  it isn't their fault, it is his fault for not getting his shit together. 

Wtf did that Dr do to her ass? And she is going back to this dude? WTF, quit calling people mommy. Dr. Miami is fucking gross. Devoid cracked me up with his headphones on. 

As heartbreaking as losing the aide is, maybe there needs to be another option, like in specialized class or something. I don't know much how elementary schools run now, but couldn't they come up with another solution or have her use her wheelchair and she can put her backpack on that and have just a table for her to pull up to and use? I don't know, just seems like the school isn't thinking of ways to help, but I also don't know what else they could do, if they don't have the funds, they don't have them. Could they hire an aide themselves? Not like Leah doesn't have the money. Just saying. And ok she has it in her plan but maybe they can home school her.

And why doesn't Jenelle just turn off or slow the fuck down. And why call David? Wtf and why pull up in front of his house. And why follow this dude and act all bad ass. Anyone fucking following me to my house would get the cops called on them. People drive like shit every day and Jenelle was egging it on by saying on camera she was going to drive all slow on purpose, but then she keeps driving fast and follows the dude, wtf is she thinking, Jace could have gotten harmed. Then when she gets out the gun, Jace didn't even seem surprised. This bitch is going to harm someone with her I think I am a badass attitude.

I love that David was saying you can't follow people.  Ha her ass got pulled over.

Now she swerved into the grass. This bitch.

They cannot just take the aide away if it is in her IEP. Doesn’t matter if they don’t have the funds. They have to find them. If they don’t, Corey and Leah can make a formal complaint. (These are federal protections, btw, under IDEA.) 

I honestly cannot imagine a principal shrugging her shoulders, as Leah said she did, after informing Leah that they were pulling her aide. I am not sure I am buying Leah’s version of the story. (This is all based on Corey stating the one-on-one aide is part of the IEP.) Any teacher or administrator knows that following that IEP is a huge deal. 

26 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm sorry but Janelle has mastered the art of White Woman Tears. 

What does that mean?

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, Steph J said:

It means she's playing on her privilege. Being white means she's going to get the benefit of the doubt that most people of color would be denied. Being a white woman who's crying means that she's going to get the benefit of the doubt that she was the vulnerable party, even as she admits to the cop that she followed the guy, which is in and of itself an aggressive act even before she brought out the gun.


  • Love 3
1 hour ago, akr said:

when David Eason of all people is the voice of reason, you've really screwed up.

I could not believe it either.

1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:


Translation?  what the fuckity fuck fuck?


  • Love 11

As soon as Jenelle pulled off the main road she lost all credibility for being scared. She wanted revenge with her kid and a gun in the car. Also, when she got out to look at the damage to her car with the cop did she leave Jace alone in the car with the gun? Shouldn't she (or the cop) have put it in the trunk? From the footage on the show she really shouldn't be unsupervised with him. What we see is bad enough.

Hard to remember what the other segments were.

  • Love 13
18 minutes ago, Soobs said:

As soon as Jenelle pulled off the main road she lost all credibility for being scared. She wanted revenge with her kid and a gun in the car. Also, when she got out to look at the damage to her car with the cop did she leave Jace alone in the car with the gun? Shouldn't she (or the cop) have put it in the trunk? From the footage on the show she really shouldn't be unsupervised with him. What we see is bad enough.

Hard to remember what the other segments were.

The cop should have taken it and secured it until the roadside investigation was over. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 21

No way a principal shrugged their shoulders regarding the removal of a 1:1 aide for a student with an IEP. It just doesnt happen because it’s against the damn law. 

The hinky part is that Leah said the aide’s name was on some paperwork that said “transferred”, so if the aide was transferred to a different site/school, Ali’s school would still have to find a sub aide for Ali (just like when a teacher will be out & they need a sub) until a permanent aide is hired. 

We only heard 50% of the truth re: the 1:1 situation for Ali at school.

At least Corey knew the term IEP and what would happen if they kept Ali home from school. I get that Leah was upset (rightfully so), but she neglected to mention the basic legal safeguards that are in place for every student with an IEP. Instead of leaving school, she should’ve demanded a meeting with the principal or gone to the district office to get down to the bottom of it. 

I cannot with Jenelle. 

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 20

Long time public school teacher here. Agree we only know part of the story re Ali and her aide. An IEP is it legal document and must be enforced. It is renewed yearly after consultation with the team including the parents, educators, school psychologists, etc., but it also can be modified with parent consent before the year is up. That being said, I want to tell you that there is no one in my public school that works harder than our aides and paraprofessionals. Of course most public schools are in financial difficulties, please know that these people who work in special needs classes in public schools are doing it for love of the children. I need a lot more of the story before I'm willing to criticize Ali's school.

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