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5 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Beth can't share the spotlight, her friends can't be friends with anyone else and guys she doesn't like aren't allowed to be interested in anyone she knows. LOL

She may have big bucks but she has no class, manners or regard to anyone else but herself. She feels the need to make everyone feel like crap and then she cries and begs for forgiveness.

She has to tell everyone how fabulous she is and how much she gives away and then plays dumb.

She is horrible and I hope one day she falls hard and wakes up like Ebenezer Scrooge.

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8 hours ago, jaync said:

Were Beth and Carole more than friends at some point? Because Beth is acting like a jealous lover. She also wore a feathered earring in her left ear à la Carole, which seemed a bit SWF-ish.


I’ve been wondering this same thing. Didn’t Carole say - early in their alliance - she’d had a sex dream about Bethenny? And I seem to remember at one point she said B was so tightly wound that she needed a good orgasm.

Nothing wrong with Sapphic love and the two instances I mention (if indeed the one even happened) do not an affair make. But the level of B’s distress seems intense enough to indicate theirs was a multi-faceted relationship. 

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13 hours ago, Jel said:

I think Ramona's obligation to warn  there lies more along moral grounds or just general human decency grounds.  She didn't serve her the fish, try to feed her the fish, and she certainly didn't shove it down her throat, but did she passively allow her eat something she knew would make her sick?

For me, the only possible moral defense Ramona has in that situation would be to have legitimately forgotten that Beth was allergic to fish. I hope that's true. Otherwise Ramona is operating at a very low level of moral reasoning, where, "Well, she was a bitch to me, so let her suffer" would justify her silence. That's a very low level to be operating at, so I hope it's not true.

I absolutely believe that if someone is speaking a sentence that doesn't include the word "Ramona" somewhere in it, then Ramona loses interest, tunes it out, and completely forgets that anything was spoken at all.

Really, though, how long ago was that dinner at the Berkshires when Bethany explained her allergy? It's been a couple of years, right? I don't see any reason not to believe that someone would forget about that if it's never come up again since. I'm allergic to fish and I've had to explain that to certain friends on more than one occasion - not because they weren't listening or are bad friends or anything, but just because those conversations took place years apart and the topic of my allergy literally never came up in between.

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Yeah, no, it wasn't Ro's responsibility to tell Beth that there was fish in the soup.  Sorry, but Ro wasn't responsible to monitor Beth's allergies.  When Beth had the reaction, Ro admitted that oh yeah, Beth's allergic.  If Beth's allergy is that severe then she's gotta ask.

I do think Doris is a shit stirrer but what do you do when something is said to you on camera?  It's awkward because you know it's going to be shown.  Who do you feel more allegiance to?  The person who calls you a drunk or the other person?  Well, heck, I don't think any of us have been in that position.

On another note, Beth just sucks the oxygen out of a room with her problems.  Can't she just be happy that she has a lifestyle that the other 99% doesn't  have?  Can she just sit back and realize how fortunate she is to have a healthy child?  Good health herself...well except for bleeding all over NY?  She's such a Debbie Downer when she doesn't have control.  Poor Beth.  Life is traumatic because she's suing for full custody.  Life sucks because she's moving into a larger apartment and she won't be there to supervise the help that is doing all of this?  She's not welcomed because no one will kowtow to her?  Carole won't be her minion anymore?  She's upset that Tins got more accolades than she did for the room assignments?  Who knows what the full story is with Red Scarf Man.  Everything with her is a freakin contest.

From the other side of the pool.  I'd be happy to never see Rey again.  Just seeing the flashback on the episode.....yuck.  Go away. 

Edited by breezy424
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On 7/19/2018 at 6:33 PM, Coffeewinewater said:

The whole celebs pick Bethany over Carole  to me is odd. Maybe celebs are that diffrent. I remember when Caroline Manzo was still on RHONJ and celebs loved her. I never understood it.


On 7/19/2018 at 1:41 PM, QuinnM said:

I think that’s what is making Bethenny crazy.  She thought they were friends.  The condescending way Carole speaks to her now is so scarey.  I really thought we were going to find out Bethenny slept with Adam or something.  But now I think Carole got tired of it and moved on.  I wonder what Carole thinks about WWHL.  Andy, the shit stirrer that hates women, asks every single celebrity guest if they are team Bethenny or team Carole.  Every single celebrity guest says Bethenny.  Poor Kristin Chenowith actually apologized to Tinsley before she declared herself team Bethenny.

I think celebs who are friends with Andy (that's why they're on wwhl,) side with who he's trying to push on his audience. He wanted the Manzos to make it big. Thank God they didn't and that crud has left the building.  He loves his Bethenny, and he loves a divided audience on a Housewives Feud.  He wishes this was Teresa vs Melissa level, but I don't think that lightning will strike twice. 

I am always astounded at how everyone doesn't see it as I do in these divisive diva disagreements.

On 7/19/2018 at 3:07 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Thank you for your research but...I might have figured it was a pricey dress, like Beth would wear something from a store I could shop in without taking out a loan:( 

Seriously fantastic sleuthing!  I did not even realize that I wanted Tinsley's red and white skirt. 

I think I might have to sell a kidney to dress like a NYC HW.

I appreciate the shopping sleuths on this forum, too!  I probably can't afford it, but it's so much fun to look! 

On 7/19/2018 at 6:33 PM, Coffeewinewater said:

The whole celebs pick Bethany over Carole  to me is odd. Maybe celebs are that diffrent. I remember when Caroline Manzo was still on RHONJ and celebs loved her. I never understood it.

Sorry double post there.

23 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

...Has Carole looked in the mirror.  She’s so ugly that she’s painful to look at.  She so desperately tries to be cool and it comes across as ridiculous! Just like that stupid earring she was wearing!  

The best part was when Carole said “oh we went out to dinner for 3 hours the next night” lol. Like that was a long date or something? Also, she never mentioned that they went out again after that and Carole would have definitely said “oh we went out on a 2nd date or had sex or whatever.  She just keeps hanging on to this one 3 hour date they went on.  Can you say pathetic??  Meanwhile, he’s constantly texting Bethenny all this time! So Carole, you look very desperate and I guess  that he didn’t want to date you either!!! Sound familiar???

Bethenny was 100% spot on...Carole got the consolation prize! Did you see when Carole said to Bethenny “ Enough” because B was exposing Brian as a player!  Carole wanted it to seem he was head over heels for her and Bethenny blew her out of the water! I loved every minute of it! 

I'm not picking on you specifically, Kaia, your post is similar to so many on the NYC Housewives forum here. 1st Half: What is so satisfying about ripping on a woman's looks. It's usually something she has little control over, like bone structure, which would involve surgery to correct, or ageism, and the alternative to aging is not better. 

The 2nd Half: Carole had a good time on a date. They talked for 3 hours.  That's a good conversation!  She's moving on from Adam and she's excited. I think getting Bethenny to stop by squarely telling her, "Enough," was a good way of telling her, "You've made your point and you're dangerously close to not being able to put the words back in your mouth."

Lastly, the rip on their fashion choices: While it's fun to play Joan Rangers, isn't it equally fun to see women with money making bad choices, like the rest of us?  And they wear something inappropriate for the occasion, like we all have?  I'm going on record to say that I think, like pizza, even when it's bad, fashion is good.  Carry on Joan Rangers! #TeamCarole #LittleEdieLivesOn 

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I'm surprised by how much I felt for Beth in the last 10 minutes of this episode. A year ago, I "broke up" with my best friend. We reconciled six months later. If I had to go on a vacation with him and everyone else in our group when everyone knew that we were on the outs, I would have been right there sobbing in the kitchen in full on panic attack mode as well. 

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17 hours ago, kicksave said:

I thought it looked more like an arrangement for a racehorse who won a big race.

But aren't those shaped like a horseshoe and put around their neck? I've done a gozillion of those type of heart arrangements for funerals. They are actually a pain in the ass to make. ;) They are also big, bulky and heavy to deliver.


Really not a big deal. Scott's "heart" was in the right place. :)

Edited by Sharonana
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12 hours ago, AnnA said:

Dorinda did it because she's a serial shit stirrer.   It's not as if Bethenny is too shy to speak for herself.   

Maybe, but, I get how if you're going to talk about someone, it might be better to do it behind their back.  I mean, if you say stuff in front of them, they get in your face, call you out, address you in a negative way and it's rather uncomfortable.  If it's behind their back, it's more relaxed, no stress and you can discuss the content with the listener in a more thoughtful and non-confrontational manner.  LOL  I know it sounds funny, but, it's really true.  People in general, but, especially on reality shows, always attack people for talking about them behind their backs, as if that's a bizarre thing to do, but, it's actually quite rational and much more comfortable than doing it otherwise. :) 

So, while I think Dorinda might be somewhat of a stirrer, I can't dislike her.  There's just something about her that appeals to me. Plus, what else would they do on a girl's trip to Columbia, except witch it out? 

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7 hours ago, HadleyFields said:


I think celebs who are friends with Andy (that's why they're on wwhl,) side with who he's trying to push on his audience. He wanted the Manzos to make it big. Thank God they didn't and that crud has left the building.  He loves his Bethenny, and he loves a divided audience on a Housewives Feud.  He wishes this was Teresa vs Melissa level, but I don't think that lightning will strike twice. 

I am always astounded at how everyone doesn't see it as I do in these divisive diva disagreements.

I appreciate the shopping sleuths on this forum, too!  I probably can't afford it, but it's so much fun to look! 

Sorry double post there.

I'm not picking on you specifically, Kaia, your post is similar to so many on the NYC Housewives forum here. 1st Half: What is so satisfying about ripping on a woman's looks. It's usually something she has little control over, like bone structure, which would involve surgery to correct, or ageism, and the alternative to aging is not better. 

The 2nd Half: Carole had a good time on a date. They talked for 3 hours.  That's a good conversation!  She's moving on from Adam and she's excited. I think getting Bethenny to stop by squarely telling her, "Enough," was a good way of telling her, "You've made your point and you're dangerously close to not being able to put the words back in your mouth."

Lastly, the rip on their fashion choices: While it's fun to play Joan Rangers, isn't it equally fun to see women with money making bad choices, like the rest of us?  And they wear something inappropriate for the occasion, like we all have?  I'm going on record to say that I think, like pizza, even when it's bad, fashion is good.  Carry on Joan Rangers! #TeamCarole #LittleEdieLivesOn 

Yuk .. Caroline Manzo, the Mother of all Mothers.  Andy liked her because she always sent him her Fabulous meatballs. Kiss Ass.  From the looks of what she puts in them, mine are better.  LMAO.

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14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Well, to be honest, Bethenny did mention her allergy her first season back, at Dorinda's Berkshire's home at an all cast/SO dinner. But, that was the only time she talked about and what chef doesn't let the house chef/kitchen staff know about her allergy or at the very least, ask if they are being served anything with fish in it before eating an unknown dish? LOL

Okay, I didn't know about the time she discussed it.  I stand corrected, but I still stand by my other points.

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23 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I did too!  Especially since she was the only one.  She's just off on this trip.

You could see she had her head up her ass this whole trip.  She just didn’t want to be there, but she had to.  The reunion should be a gas as everyone will be in the hot seat this time.  So much going on.  I’ll have to have more than popcorn .. maybe a whole buffet, lol.

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I think it was fine the gals didn’t attend to Bethany’s allergic reaction as she was being filmed and if she needed medical assistance it would have been called.  It doesn’t seem she has serious anaphylaxis or else she would have given herself an epi injection.  Those with life threatening allergies know that Benadryl is a no go as the pass over the brain/ blood barrier can make you woozy and you might not assess your symptoms correctly and get in real trouble. The reaction was still probably annoying for Bethany as the congestion and hives can linger but usually if you can vomit it out if your stomach you get better sooner.  

The gals should just take all of B’s comments at face value.  Her asking to be left alone “sure no problem, we are going shopping”, etc.  

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2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Beth says she hates taking pills, but in her case she needs something to calm her down before she has a heart attack from all her stress.  This court thing has to stop if she knows what’s good for her.  Court is the base of all her problems.  She’s never at rest.  Anybody can see that.  She’s got to come to an understanding with Jason once and for all.

Honestly. I wonder what Beth’s blood pressure is. Her stressing out constantly can’t be good for her health. 

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Anyone notice that when Ramona announces, “Previously on the Real ...,” she says Housewifes?

I do think Ramona genuinely forgot about Beth’s fish allergy, but once everyone saw that Beth lived through this incredibly horrible ordeal, it highly amused Ramona.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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On 7/18/2018 at 11:43 PM, njbchlover said:

When Bethenny said that she wanted to be Tinsley, sitting on the back of a boat, traveling, and without a care in the world, I yelled at the TV - "You can!!!"  Bethenny's got more money than most, if not all, of these women, and probably more than two or three of them put together!  She can do whatever she wants - but, what she will never do whatever she wants because I don't think Bethenny knows what she wants out of life.  I think she's really a big fraud - she's not as tough as she wants everyone to think she is, with her brash language and tough girl talk.  I think she is really an insecure bundle of exposed nerve endings, and is often very close to a breakdown of some sort.  I also think that this is all self-made, because she doesn't know how to let things go, or accept that others can do things just as well as she can (planning trips, etc.).

Financially yes. But she will have to deal with Jason forever. Although any of those women thinking the grass is greener in any of their lives is a fool. The very fact that they are on a reality show for us to judge them for eternity is it's own form of hell.

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The whole celebs pick Bethany over Carole  to me is odd.

Not to me.  I pick Bethenny over Carole every single day of the week.  I attribute it to the acknowledgement that this is a show meant to entertain us and B entertains me.  Ramona?  Not so much.

I saw on an earlier WWHL episode Dorinda said she quit drinking.  Say what you want, Dorinda hearing "You're a drunk" needed to be heard.  

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On 7/18/2018 at 9:08 PM, AnnA said:

And did you see LuAnn's feet? They were black which means the floors were filthy.

She is.  She should have skipped this trip.  She was fighting a custody battle with Jason but Bravo insists all the HWs go on the big trip. 

Well, part of the House is really outdoors because there seemed to be no roof over the courtyard (which isn’t unusual).  Impossible to mop enough to stop all dirt.  But jeez, pretty easy to wear flip flops or wash your feet.  And you are on a completely free foreign vacation at an exclusive home with staff, get over yourself with “this isn’t up to my standards.”

Finally watched the episode last night.  Ramona was totally faking the sprained ankle, if it was really sprained, she would have been wincing with every step and on crutches.  Shocked she didn’t demand the ground floor bedroom.

that said, she was right about B and the allergy.  If you are that severely allergic, it’s up to you to ask ALL THE TIME about the food.  I hate to sound mean, but I don’t buy the seriousness of the allergy.  If it was that bad, she would have immediately left the table to get medication.  Heck, she would have brought medication!  Instead, she stays at the table, complaining all the while.....

B can also get over herself with the discussion about red-scarf guy.  Carole repeating his statement that he and B were friends is NOT “believing him over a friend.”  And B, you certainly seemed to be into him while you two were talking, so STFU.  I’d also demand evidence of the “many” texts he supposedly sent.

Carole’s clothing and jewelry choices are becoming tragic.

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Thanks to Bethenny's reaction to fish I'm seeing allergy related sponsored links at the bottom of the page. It happens all the time when we get on a topic.   The last time it happened was wedding dresses after Tinsley's play date with her mother.   

Scarey but true:  I noticed that when I'm using my phone the same thing happens with a verbal conversation.   I think Siri is listening and providing links.    big brother?????

Edited by AnnA
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18 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:


She is horrible and I hope one day she falls hard and wakes up like Ebenezer Scrooge.

Given her instability in this ep I think she reaps her hell on earth, misery and her karma daily she is falling in the now there's no wait. 

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17 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Yeah, no, it wasn't Ro's responsibility to tell Beth that there was fish in the soup.  Sorry, but Ro wasn't responsible to monitor Beth's allergies.  When Beth had the reaction, Ro admitted that oh yeah, Beth's allergic.  If Beth's allergy is that severe then she's gotta ask.

I do think Doris is a shit stirrer but what do you do when something is said to you on camera?  It's awkward because you know it's going to be shown.  Who do you feel more allegiance to?  The person who calls you a drunk or the other person?  Well, heck, I don't think any of us have been in that position.

On another note, Beth just sucks the oxygen out of a room with her problems.  Can't she just be happy that she has a lifestyle that the other 99% doesn't  have?  Can she just sit back and realize how fortunate she is to have a healthy child?  Good health herself...well except for bleeding all over NY?  She's such a Debbie Downer when she doesn't have control.  Poor Beth.  Life is traumatic because she's suing for full custody.  Life sucks because she's moving into a larger apartment and she won't be there to supervise the help that is doing all of this?  She's not welcomed because no one will kowtow to her?  Carole won't be her minion anymore?  She's upset that Tins got more accolades than she did for the room assignments?  Who knows what the full story is with Red Scarf Man.  Everything with her is a freakin contest.

From the other side of the pool.  I'd be happy to never see Rey again.  Just seeing the flashback on the episode.....yuck.  Go away. 


You are right, it isn't. Though if Ramona wasn't such a POS, she would have done so because it is the right thing to do. .... That's assuming it even registered with Ramona, she can be pretty self involved.

Onto Bethany's responsibility, I can see her thinking that since she's told many people, and this dinner is essentially a Bravo function, that allergies would have been taken into consideration and not thought to mention it. Where it gets fishy (heh) is that she didn't smell the fish before eating. That makes me wonder if she ate it for attention.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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7 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

 Where it gets fishy (heh) is that she didn't smell the fish before eating. That makes me wonder if she ate it for attention.

Bingo! We have a winner! LOL

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50 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bingo! We have a winner! LOL

That's not true.   Fish doesn't have to smell fishy.  It depends on what kind of fish it was and how much of it was in the soup.   Google it.   You'll see that really fresh fish shouldn't smell.  It should have a slight odor of salt water or cucumbers.  

ETA:   We have lots of fishermen here on Long Island.   More than a few times I've been told that if I go to a restaurant and smell fish I shouldn't order it because it's not fresh.

Edited by AnnA
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6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

You could see she had her head up her ass this whole trip.  She just didn’t want to be there, but she had to.  The reunion should be a gas as everyone will be in the hot seat this time.  So much going on.  I’ll have to have more than popcorn .. maybe a whole buffet, lol.

I agree. I don’t think anyone really came off well this season. Bethany seemed very manic and wound up. Luanne’s life is in a huge amount of shit, Tinsely seems like a Stage 5 Clinger, Carole came off cold and full of herself, Ramona looks like she might be a serial killer, and Sonjia just seems sad and desperate not to have everyone hate her. I don’t think there are any winner this time

Edited by FozzyBear
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1 minute ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

This might be my favorite comment ever.

Mine too!    

4 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

I agree. I don’t think anyone really came off well this season. Bethany seemed very manic and wound up. Luanne’s life is in a huge amount of shit, Tinsel seems like a Stage 5 Clinger, Carole came off cold and full of herself, Ramona looks like she might be a serial killer, and Sonjia just seems sad and desperate not to have everyone hate her. I don’t think there are any winner this time

Please tell me about Dorinda.

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9 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

This might be my favorite comment ever.

Look, I’m not saying Ramona definitely is The Zodiac. I’m just asking, if she ends up in America’s Most Wanted someday are any of going to be that surprised?

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Bingo! We have a winner! LOL

She didn't smell it, she didn't ask. She could not have been too concerned. No one else was concerned either.

It really wasn't that big a deal, just another reason for some attention seeking histrionics to draw attention away from others. 


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34 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Oh I forgot to add Dorinda! Dorinda seemed bitter and nosey to me.

Dorinda looks like she knows everyone has her number, meaning a phoney and nosey.  She’s being a kiss ass hoping each one of them still likes her.  She’s heavy on the compliments and keeps telling all of them how proud she is of them.  Who asked her.

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As for the allergy dinner, I’m honestly not too shocked or bothered by anyone’s behavior. I was expecting much worse. Yes, Bethanny should have asked more specific questions, but fish isn’t as common a cooking ingredient as nuts or dairy so she dropped the ball, but it happens. My sister in law is very allergic to nuts and asks if there are nuts in everything, but on a recent trip had something that she didn’t expect to contain nuts, but did, and she forgot to ask and had a horrible reaction. Sometimes it does happen.

As far as anyone going with her to the bathroom. I didn’t actually feel like Bethany made a particularly big deal out of it. She sort of said she was having a reaction and got up from the table to go to the bathroom. I didn’t think she was over the top about it personally. Allergic reactions vary in severity and in this day and age everybody claims to be allergic to something. I think it’s possible everyone thought it wasn’t that serious. Plus they all hate her and didn’t care.

the only one I’m side eyeing is Ramona because WHAT THE FUCK! It never occurred to me she might try to poison Bethany with fish because this isn’t an Agatha Christie novel, but after her talking head interview? Damn. That is one crazy bitch.

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56 minutes ago, AnnA said:

That's not true.   Fish doesn't have to smell fishy.  It depends on what kind of fish it was and how much of it was in the soup.   Google it.   You'll see that really fresh fish shouldn't smell.  It should have a slight odor of salt water or cucumbers.  

ETA:   We have lots of fishermen here on Long Island.   More than a few times I've been told that if I go to a restaurant and smell fish I shouldn't order it because it's not fresh.

Bethenny is a trained chef and she/they were in a city by the sea that is know for it's seafood, at the very least, she knew enough to ask the staff if there was fish in anything before she ate it. IMO, this was nothing more than an a grab at extra camera/sympathy time. And since neither of us will agree, we will once again have to agree to disagree. (but I respect that you go to bat for her even though we do disagree)

2 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

As for the allergy dinner, I’m honestly not too shocked or bothered by anyone’s behavior. I was expecting much worse. Yes, Bethanny should have asked more specific questions, but fish isn’t as common a cooking ingredient as nuts or dairy so she dropped the ball, but it happens. My sister in law is very allergic to nuts and asks if there are nuts in everything, but on a recent trip had something that she didn’t expect to contain nuts, but did, and she forgot to ask and had a horrible reaction. Sometimes it does happen.

As far as anyone going with her to the bathroom. I didn’t actually feel like Bethany made a particularly big deal out of it. She sort of said she was having a reaction and got up from the table to go to the bathroom. I didn’t think she was over the top about it personally. Allergic reactions vary in severity and in this day and age everybody claims to be allergic to something. I think it’s possible everyone thought it wasn’t that serious. Plus they all hate her and didn’t care.

the only one I’m side eyeing is Ramona because WHAT THE FUCK! It never occurred to me she might try to poison Bethany with fish because this isn’t an Agatha Christie novel, but after her talking head interview? Damn. That is one crazy bitch.

Fish IS a common ingredient in sea side towns/cities though and Bethenny, as a trained chef, knows to ask before tasting.

I honestly don't think Ramona remembered that Bethenny is allergic to fish at that moment (THs are filmed days/weeks/months after each scene/event/trip is filmed), the woman lives in her own little world filled with Ramonaism's that make sense to her (no one else, just her). LOL

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Yes Bethenny should have asked questions about the ingredients in the dinner.   That was a mistake.

I don't think anyone has mentioned how odd it is that the chef/cook/kitchen staff/servers/whoever would serve a meal to these women without telling them what it was.  I think that's extremely unusual, unprofessional and another strike against the resort.   

Ramona had to identify the "chicken" in the wraps which could have been pigeon for all we know.    

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1 minute ago, AnnA said:

don't think anyone has mentioned how odd it is that the chef/cook/kitchen staff/servers/whoever would serve a meal to these women without telling them what it was.  I think that's extremely unusual, unprofessional and another strike against the resort.  

They did tell Ramona at least and the women were all coming in at different times and the food had all been laid out. I would find it annoying to have one of them hover I’d theh werent actually serving.

Bethenny should have either told the “host” or the staff since she knew they were going to be eating meals there: 

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11 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

They did tell Ramona at least and the women were all coming in at different times and the food had all been laid out. I would find it annoying to have one of them hover I’d theh werent actually serving.

Bethenny should have either told the “host” or the staff since she knew they were going to be eating meals there: 

How could I forget about Ramona in the kitchen?  

She just had to let the staff know she's "ageless" or was it "brainless?"   LOL

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Sorry, I have watched way too many really well trained James Beard nominees chefs fuck up the blind taste test on Top Chef to put any credence on "she's a trained chef so she should have discerned it was fish with her chef training". 

She should have asked is totally fair. But sniffing it or whatever? Everyone makes mistakes and I am actually rather surprised Bethenny is being deemed such an expert anyway, when her claims of being a chef are routinely dismissed with how little training she had and how little actual chef work she's done.

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4 minutes ago, Rap541 said:


Sorry, I have watched way too many really well trained James Beard nominees chefs fuck up the blind taste test on Top Chef to put any credence on "she's a trained chef so she should have discerned it was fish with her chef training". 


But she did discern it was fish which is why she only took one bite, right after she took it she said there is fish in there isn’t there to Ramona and that cause Ramona to remember.

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5 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Sorry, I have watched way too many really well trained James Beard nominees chefs fuck up the blind taste test on Top Chef to put any credence on "she's a trained chef so she should have discerned it was fish with her chef training". 

She should have asked is totally fair. But sniffing it or whatever? Everyone makes mistakes and I am actually rather surprised Bethenny is being deemed such an expert anyway, when her claims of being a chef are routinely dismissed with how little training she had and how little actual chef work she's done.

I can dismiss the "should have known" or the "should have told" before I can forgive the "should carry an Epi-pen".  Especially in a foreign land, any foreign land, when trying to access medical care is complicated at best.

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Like any thirsty dude in the RHONY universe, Red Scarf dude dude shared his texts with Bethenny!  Shockingly it does not match up to the one sided pursuit that B implied and he also says B lied in his blog about setting up the date with Carole.

He's sooooo thirstayyy! Good lordt. Latching his lasso onto Carole in hopes to get more reality stardom no doubt. Where are the texts B spoke of - he left those out. Somewhere btwn the two reports of the "text messages" is the truth I suppose... He was def. putting the make on B at the event. He's saving face. She's saving face. Meh. I hope he's no longer discussed come next season. Not worthy of being fought over that's for sure. 

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1 minute ago, BodhiGurl said:

Where are the texts B spoke of - he left those out. Somewhere btwn the two reports of the "text messages" is the truth I suppose.

Perhaps they don’t exist, who knows.

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32 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Perhaps they don’t exist, who knows.

I don't find Rico Scarf-ay to be a reliable source - ha ha.... perhaps we'll find out at the reunion... or not. He's just so thirsty. Blah.

Edited by BodhiGurl
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9 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

I don't find Rico Scarv-ay to be a reliable source - ha ha.... perhaps we'll find out at the reunion... or not. He's just so thirst. Blah.

I don't find Bethenny reliable either! Both of them are untrustworthy IMO. LOL

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